If you dream of a letter from a guy. A letter from a dream book. letter on the Islamic dream book on the Koran and Suna

The likelihood of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 28th day of the month... Dreams dreamed on the night of today promise some difficulties and come true within 30 days.

Today is the 26th lunar day... Dreams dreamed on the night of today come true at 24 days.

Today is Sunday... Sun Day. Sunday, talks about what can warm our heart, bring happiness, make life more joyful. The sun is the planet of love, inspiration and boundless creativity. Solar dreams will show situations or people that illuminate our life, saturate it with interesting activities or, conversely, obscure joyful moments.

If Sunday's dream is beautiful, it means that soon you will have new ideas, interesting familiar with unusual abilities. Perhaps, with a colorful sunny dream, strong love will come to you, or you will reveal a talent in yourself that you did not know about. A beautiful dream calls for vigorous creative activity. But Sunday's miserly dream warns of the approach of a bleak, empty period and calls for the search for positive sides in any troubles. A miserly Sunday dream can also speak of a waste of energy as a result of pity for someone or nervous tension.

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LETTER - Miller's dream book

The appearance of a registered letter in your dream means that soon you will have financial problems and, as a result, old connections will be destroyed.

If a young woman dreams that she received a certified letter - this is a sign that she will be offered material support, but neither law nor morality will be the basis for this proposal, people can condemn her.

For a lover, such a dream will bring heavy premonitions of an unhappy marriage. His beloved will seek tokens of appreciation from others, not from him.

Seeing an anonymous letter means that you will be insulted by an unknown person. Writing such a letter is a sign that you are jealous of an opponent you deem worthy.

To dream of a letter with unpleasant news means impending difficulties or illness.

If in a dream the news received in the letter is joyful - many events will happen to you for which you will thank fate. If the letter is affectionate, but written on green or colored paper, you will experience disdain in love and failure in business. Despair will take over you. Blue ink is a sign of constancy, love and brilliant luck.

Red in a letter portends separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can reconcile you.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is hiding a letter received from her lover close to her heart, this promises her worries about her rival. Loyalty is often rewarded with jealousy.

Writing almost always brings sadness. If your letter is intercepted, in reality jealous ill-wishers will try to slander you. Seeing in a dream that you are trying to steal a letter addressed to your lover or wife is a sign that you will have unworthy interests.

Seeing a letter with a mourning frame in a dream foreshadows the illness or death of a relative.

To receive a letter written on black paper in white ink is to the despondency that will soon take over you, but friends will help you with their participation.

If a husband and wife pass a letter to one another, this means a divorce with sensational accusations, and for lovers, a quarrel.

Seeing that you are writing a letter means that you will hastily condemn someone for suspicion, which you will repent of very soon.

The torn letter warns that hopeless mistakes can ruin your reputation.

Taking a letter in your hands means that you are unfair to your loved ones.

Often in a dream that you receive a letter from a friend, portends his appearance or news from him.

LETTER - Modern Dream Interpretation

You see a letter in a dream - you will actually spend some time in sorrow.

It is as if you received a certified letter - due to financial problems you will not be able to realize your plans, you may not be able to keep your promise. Your old connections will be broken.

A young woman dreams that she received a registered letter - an elderly influential gentleman will offer this woman content.

It is as if you received a letter from a friend - you will receive a letter from a friend in reality, there is a possibility that he himself will come or call.

You have received an anonymous letter - a person you do not know will offend you. Another interpretation of sleep: if you want to avoid trouble, watch your every word.

It is as if you are preparing an anonymous letter - your rival in love seems to you more successful, the torments of jealousy will torment you.

You write a letter to someone - you will show haste in evaluations, your condemnation of someone will be unfair, and you will regret your words.

LETTER - Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

Sealing a written letter is good luck in business.

LETTER - Indian Dream Interpretation

Writing letters to friends in a dream or receiving letters from them is good news.

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paper to write

Dream interpretation Letter To receive a letter from a friend in a dream - to his unexpected appearance or news from him. Receiving a certified letter means breaking old ties due to financial difficulties. If a young woman dreams that she received a registered letter, she will be offered to become a kept woman. For a lover, such a dream will bring heavy premonitions of an unhappy marriage. To receive an anonymous letter is to insult. Writing it yourself is a sign of jealousy for a more worthy rival. A letter with unpleasant news portends impending difficulties or illness. The joyful news received in the letter foreshadows many events for which you will thank fate. Modern dream book

Dream interpretation Letter Dream about letters: almost always brings grief. If you dream of a registered letter: in real life, money issues will destroy long-established ties. A dream like a young woman A dream about an anonymous letter: predicts that you will be offended by those from whom you least expected it. If you dream that you are writing an anonymous letter: in real life you will be jealous of your opponent, considering him more worthy. Receive a letter in a dream: with unpleasant news to difficulties in life and disease. If the news is of a pleasant nature: you will have something to thank fate for. If the letter is gentle and written on colored paper: You will be neglected, both in love and in business. Your soul will be filled with despair. Blue ink: a sign of constancy and love, as well as bright luck. Red in writing: implies estrangement and coldness caused by jealousy. This conflict can be resolved by intelligent action by one of the parties. If a young woman sees in a dream that she receives a letter from her lover and keeps it in her heart: she will be greatly upset by the appearance of a beautiful rival. Trust often goes hand in hand with jealousy. If in a dream you cannot read the letter: expect losses in business or social life. If you dream that your letter was intercepted: your rivals and enemies will use all their strength to discredit you. To dream that you are trying to hide a letter from your beloved or wife: means that you will be interested in trifling matters. See a letter with a black border: portends troubles and misfortunes with someone close. Receive a letter written on black paper with white ink: means that darkness and disappointment will fill your soul, but friendly participation will give you a little relief. If the correspondence takes place between a husband and wife: in reality they will be separated due to scandalous accusations. If a lover had a similar dream: they should be wary of quarrels and threats of suicide. Business people have a similar dream Write: a harbinger of the fact that in reality you will hurry with hasty accusations, but soon you will regret it. Torn: A sign of a hopeless mistake that could ruin your reputation. Taking the received letter in hand: means that you will not be generous to your loved one and companions, and you will not conduct business honestly. If you often dream that you receive a letter from a friend: a dream predicts his imminent arrival, or receiving a letter from him, one way or another, you will hear about him. Modern dream book

Dream Letter, message Seeing a letter in a dream is always a good sign, no matter if it is received or sent. Such a dream may portend receiving news from distant friends, or meeting with them, or another unexpected pleasant event. If a letter comes in a dream and there is good news in it, then this is a sign of a successful outcome that the dreamer hides or is given wealth, or children, or a wife. Islamic dream book

Dream Letter Letter: this is a message from the past, it can symbolize some stereotypical actions, often of a negative nature for "in syo", reflects a kind of command that the subject must fulfill. Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Letter If you dreamed of a postman personally delivering a letter to you, then you will soon receive unpleasant news. Receiving a certified letter warns you of the imminent danger of an accident on the road. A dream where you receive a letter addressed to another person, although your address is indicated on the envelope, portends that you will be shown the mistakes made with good intentions, but you will take this as an insult. Good news in a letter means wonderful hours that you will soon spend alone with your loved one, bad - you will have to endure the resentment, restraining your feelings. Reading other people's letters in a dream - to the loss of independence in business matters. A letter on official letterhead received from an organization means that your reputation is in danger of being discredited. A dream in which you lost a valuable letter means that in reality you will break off relations with a man who, until recently, was revered almost as a deity. Burning a letter in a dream - you will have to give up a profitable opportunity due to the fact that you consider it your duty to take care of your family and stay in the house all the time. Trying to read a letter torn into small pieces, folding them - in reality you will lose the favor of friends or sponsors. If a love letter that compromises you has been stolen and they are trying to blackmail them - in reality you will be disappointed in loved ones due to financial disagreements. To receive an anonymous letter in which you are vilified and vilified in every possible way - therefore, some woeful incident in reality will erase all your joyful expectations. To receive threats in a letter - in reality you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation. To receive a letter from close relatives - you will have to sweat great over the solution of the problem, which, besides you, there will be simply no one to figure out. A letter from distant friends foreshadows a quick meeting or a conversation with them on the phone. Rewriting a letter in a dream or reproducing it in another way is a harbinger of useless work and a waste of time. If in a dream you cannot wait for an answer to your letter, this warns that in real life you may be struck by an unexpected blow from around the corner at any time and place. A dream in which you yourself write a letter to relatives portends significant acquisitions and enrichment. A letter to a loved one in the distance is a sign of irreparable mistakes, disappointment and depression. Sending a letter in a dream is a harbinger of good luck and luck in everything. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream interpretation Letter LETTER to receive - news (sad or joyful - depends on the color of the letter), joy and joy; writing a letter - benefit, good news, surprise, conduct // an unpleasant conversation; a letter to his wife is a danger; a letter to a friend is good news; send - meeting with a friend; read - benefit, happiness; to lose is a quarrel. Small Velesov dream book

Dream interpretation Letter If a girl dreamed that she received a letter, this means that she will receive an offer from an influential person, but her friends will not approve of such a connection. For a man in love, such a dream promises doubts in his chosen one. Perhaps he will suspect her of insincerity. If you dreamed that the letter was written on colored paper, it means that you will face problems in love, your chosen one will treat you with disdain. If the message is written in blue ink, this promises you constancy in love. If the letter contains red, it means that separation awaits you due to the jealousy of your lover, however, you can make up, as your reasonable behavior will save the situation. If a girl dreamed that she was hiding a letter from a loved one, this promises her worries about a rival, to whom she will be jealous of her betrothed. A dream in which they are trying to intercept your letter means that your enemies will try to slander you in front of your chosen one. If in a dream a man tries to take away a letter addressed to his wife or chosen one, this means that he will have unworthy hobbies that can discredit him in the eyes of his beloved. If you dream that you are giving a letter to your wife or husband, and she or he is to you, this portends a divorce for spouses, and quarrels and separation for lovers. The dream in which you write a letter means that you will accuse your loved one of unworthy acts that he did not commit. Dream interpretation for lovers

Dream interpretation Letter Letter. In a dream, receiving a certified letter means that the arisen monetary problem will destroy old ties. If a young woman dreams that she received a certified letter, this is a sign that she will be offered material security, but neither law nor morality will be the basis for this proposal; people can judge her. Seeing an anonymous letter means that you will be insulted by an unknown person. Writing such a letter is a sign that you are jealous of an opponent you deem worthy. To see a letter with unpleasant news in a dream means impending difficulties or illness. If in a dream the news received in the letter is joyful, many events will happen to you, for which you will thank fate. If the letter is affectionate, but written on green or colored paper, you will experience disdain in love and failure in business. Despair will take over you. Blue ink is a sign of constancy, love and brilliant luck. Red color in a letter portends separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can reconcile you. If a young woman sees in a dream that she is hiding a letter from her lover to her heart, this promises her worries about her rival. Loyalty is often rewarded with jealousy. If in a dream you were unable to read the letter you received, you will lose something in business or public opinion. Writing almost always brings sadness. If your letter is intercepted - in reality, jealous ill-wishers will try to slander you. Seeing in a dream that you are trying to steal a letter addressed to your beloved or wife is a sign that you will have unworthy interests. Seeing a letter with a mourning frame in a dream portends you the illness or death of a relative. To receive a letter written on black paper in white ink is to the despondency that will take possession of you, but friends will help you with their participation. If a husband and wife pass a letter to one another, this means a divorce with sensational accusations, and for lovers, a quarrel. Seeing that you are writing a letter means that you will hastily condemn someone for suspicion, which you will repent of very soon. The torn letter warns that hopeless mistakes can ruin your reputation. To take a letter in hand means that you are unfair in relation to your loved ones. Often in a dream to see that you receive a letter from a friend, portends his appearance or news from him. Big dream book

Dream interpretation Letter If in a dream you received a certified letter, you may have a money problem. A young woman who has such a dream will be offered material support. She can accept him if she is not afraid of the condemnation of others. For a lover, such a dream can bring a heavy premonition of an unhappy marriage. Anonymous letter means that you will be insulted by an unknown person. If you yourself wrote an anonymous letter, then, apparently, you are jealous of an opponent whom you consider more worthy. We saw a letter in a dream with unpleasant news - get ready for difficulties. Good news in the letter will bring you many pleasant experiences. If the letter is affectionate, but not written on white, but on colored paper, you will experience disdain in love and failure in business. The red color in the letter portends separation due to suspicion and jealousy. Show prudence and you will avoid this trouble. A young woman who hid a love letter in her heart in a dream may experience worries about her rival. If in a dream you did not manage to read the letter you received, you will lose something in business or in public opinion. If your letter is intercepted, in reality jealous rivals will try to slander you. We tried to steal a letter addressed to your beloved or wife - lest you have unworthy interests. Received a letter written in white ink on black paper - you will visit despondency, from which your friends will lead you. A torn letter warns of the possibility of fatal mistakes that can ruin your reputation. A letter from a friend portends real news from him or his appearance. Large universal dream book

Dream interpretation Letter You see a letter in a dream - you will actually spend some time in sorrow. You seem to have received a certified letter - due to financial problems, you will not be able to realize your plans, you may not be able to keep your promise; old connections will be broken. A young woman dreams that she received a registered letter - an elderly influential gentleman will offer this woman content. You seem to have received a letter from a friend - you will receive a letter from a friend in reality; there is a possibility that he himself will come or call. You received an anonymous letter - a person you do not know will offend you; another interpretation of sleep: if you want to avoid trouble, watch your every word. It is as if you are preparing an anonymous letter - your rival in love seems more successful to you; the pangs of jealousy will plague you. You write a letter to someone - you will show haste in assessing; your condemnation of someone will be unfair and you will regret your words. Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dream interpretation Letter Receiving a letter in a dream is a dream foreshadowing gifts or, at least, unexpected pleasant news from someone you have not heard of for many years. Seeing that you are sending a letter means that in the near future you will have a reason to commit a noble, generous act, which you can then be proud of. Old English dream book

Dream interpretation Letter Letters: You will make a discovery that will benefit you. Receive an email with good news: You will have the opportunity to make even more money. Receive an email with bad news: you are being rumored. Write a letter: You will do something that you will later regret. Receive a love letter: You will meet a very interesting person. If you are writing a love letter: you will soon have a short but pleasant romance. Gypsy dream book

Dream interpretation Letter Wait for the letter. For a woman - A dream that dreamed on Monday night means waiting for an important decision; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to hesitation and inaction; a dream on the night of Saturday or Sunday is a joyful event. For a man - A dream on Monday night means that you are wasting your time on some useless activity; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday says that you need to consult with knowledgeable people before making a decision; having a dream on Saturday or Sunday night, this dream says that it is better to wait a little and not make any important decisions in the coming days. Lose a recently received and unread email. For a woman - A dream that dreamed on Monday night - to resentment, quarrel, refusal to communicate. Seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that you will avoid communicating with one of your acquaintances and you yourself will not be able to explain the reasons for this; On Saturday or Sunday night - this dream is to forgive resentment. For a man - A dream, dreamed on Monday night, says that it is necessary to act more decisively. Seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - luckily; dreamed on Saturday or Sunday night, this dream says that you need to act on your own, not trying to shift responsibility for your actions to another person. Writing a letter - to an unpleasant conversation Get an unpleasant letter and tear it up. For a woman - A dream that dreamed on Monday night means that you will be able to safely get out of a difficult situation; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this is a dream to a threat that will not be fulfilled; dreamed on Saturday or Sunday night, it means that you will not pay attention to a reasonable warning in time. For a man - A dream that you dreamed on Monday night says that you need to act on your own, without trying to shift responsibility for your actions to another person; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream advises that it is necessary to act more decisively; on Saturday or Sunday night, it means that the coming days are an unfavorable time for you. Jewish dream book

Dream interpretation Letter Letter: new information awaits you. Follow the mail! Look at the other signs to see what the news will be. The letter can also mean: indirect communication with some person. Dream interpretation Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream interpretation Letter Receive a letter: news (sad or joyful, depending on the color of the letter), joy and joy to write a letter: benefit, good news, surprise, conduct / unpleasant conversation letter to wife: danger letter to a friend: send good news: meeting with a friend read: benefit, happiness to lose: quarrel. Small dream book

Dream interpretation Letter LETTER - news; telepathic connection with the one from whom the letter is. To write is a necessity. Many letters - there will be no news or the need to receive a certain message; alienation.

A letter, if you receive it, is unexpected news; if you send - to a meeting with friends.

1 a letter from the Dream Interpretation of Azar

Seeing a letter in a dream means:

Send letter - meeting with friends.

1 letter on Ladies' dream book

News. Send a letter - dreams of a meeting; desire to speak.

The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper meaning it has.

Sigmund Freud

1 letter on Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

A dream with a letter means:

To write a letter in a dream is to file a complaint against someone.

1 letter on Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

Meaning of sleep letter:

You see a letter in a dream - you will actually spend some time in sorrow. As if you received a certified letter - due to financial problems you will not be able to realize your plans, you may not be able to keep your promise old connections will be broken. A young woman dreams that she received a registered letter - an elderly influential gentleman will offer this woman content. You seem to have received a letter from a friend - you will receive a letter from a friend in reality; there is a possibility that he himself will come or call. You received an anonymous letter - a person you don't know will offend you; another interpretation of sleep: if you want to avoid trouble, watch your every word. It's like you are preparing an anonymous letter - your rival in love seems more successful to you; the pangs of jealousy will plague you. You write a letter to someone - you will show haste in assessing; your condemnation of someone will be unfair and you will regret your words.

1 letter on Dream interpretation of the seeker

News; telepathic connection with the one from whom the letter is.

To write is a necessity.

Many letters - there will be no news or the need to receive a certain message; alienation.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, an uncontrollable wild beast slumbers, which wakes up when we sleep ...


1 letter on Rick Dillon's dream book


1 letter on Chinese Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

A letter in a dream means:

You write hieroglyphs, letters, writing poetry, text, writing. - Great happiness, good luck. Seal the written letter. - Foreshadows good luck in business.

1 letter on the Online dream book

The dream interpretation interprets the letter as a warning about something very bad for you.

If it is unsigned, be prepared to betray those to whom you had great sympathy.

She dreams that you have received a letter that upset you - you will face problems, both in business and with health.

Your message did not reach the right addressee - do not lose your vigilance for a minute, otherwise your enemies will put a pig on you.

You see that it is torn apart - make a very serious mistake, because of which you will incur a huge number of problems.

If it has a black frame, something bad will happen to a person from your immediate environment.

You received a letter and you want no one to know about it - what you are worried about and what you pay attention to has no value.

View correspondence that is not addressed to you - your business will depend on others.

A dream in which you saw a myriad of letters - you will wait a long time for very important information, but you will not wait, you will feel abandoned and lonely.

If in a dream you received a letter from someone with whom you are now in a relationship, in reality you run the risk of ruining these very relationships, therefore, if you value them, be extremely careful.

If it came from someone with whom you parted in reality

I dreamed that you received a letter of a personal nature - in the near future you will have a pleasant acquaintance, which can develop into a very serious and long-term relationship.

The dream interpretation interprets the letter as a message from the past, it can symbolize some stereotypical actions, more often a negative one, reflects a kind of command that the subject must fulfill.

You get it

1 letter on Dream interpretation of lovers

If a girl dreamed that she received a letter, this means that she will receive an offer from an influential person, but her friends will not approve of such a connection. For a man in love, such a dream promises doubts in his chosen one. Perhaps he will suspect her of insincerity.

If you dreamed that the letter was written on colored paper, this means that you will face problems in love, your chosen one will treat you with disdain.

If the message is written in blue ink, this promises you constancy in love.

If there is a red color in the letter, this means that separation awaits you due to the jealousy of your beloved, however, you can make up, as your reasonable behavior will save the situation.

If a girl dreamed that she was hiding a letter from a loved one, this promises her worries about a rival, to whom she will be jealous of her betrothed.

A dream in which they are trying to intercept your letter means that your enemies will try to slander you in front of your chosen one.

If in a dream a man tries to take away a letter addressed to his wife or chosen one, this means that he will have unworthy hobbies that can discredit him in the eyes of his beloved.

If you dream that you are giving a letter to your wife or husband, and she or he is to you, this portends a divorce for spouses, and quarrels and separation for lovers.

The dream in which you are writing a letter means that you will accuse your loved one of unworthy acts that he did not commit.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - it is one of the deceased relatives calling you to him.

1 letter on Danilova's children's dream book

Why is a woman dreaming of a letter:

1 letter on Family dream book

Seeing a letter in a dream means:

If in a dream you received a certified letter, you may have a money problem.

A young woman who has such a dream will be offered material support. She can accept him if she is not afraid of the condemnation of others. For a lover, such a dream can bring a heavy premonition of an unhappy marriage.

Anonymous letter means that you will be offended by an unknown person.

If you yourself wrote an anonymous letter, you are probably jealous of an opponent whom you consider more worthy.

We saw a letter in a dream with unpleasant news - get ready for difficulties.

Good news in a letter - will bring you many pleasant events.

If the letter is affectionate, but written not on white, but on Colored paper, you will experience disdain in love and failure in business.

Red in the letter - portends separation due to suspicion and jealousy. Show prudence and you will avoid this trouble.

A young woman who in a dream hid a love letter in her heart may experience worries about a rival.

If your letter was intercepted - in reality, jealous rivals will try to slander you.

Tried to steal a letter addressed to your beloved or wife - lest you have unworthy interests.

Received a letter written in white ink on black paper - despondency will visit you, from which your friends will lead you out.

Torn letter - warns of the possibility of fatal mistakes that can destroy your reputation.

A letter from a friend - portends real news from him or his appearance.

1 letter on Dream interpretation of the healer Fedorovskaya

A dream with a letter in the dream book is interpreted as:

In a dream, you write a letter - you will be visiting an unfamiliar house.

Receive a letter - for the visit of a rare guest.

If you dreamed that you were typing a letter, you will be invited to visit.

Sending a letter is important news.

In a dream, one of your loved ones received a letter - to unpleasant news.

1 letter on Modern dream book

A dream with a letter means:

A dream about letters almost always brings grief.

If you dream of a registered letter - in real life, money issues will destroy long-established ties. A similar dream for a young woman predicts that she will be offered a job that will turn out to be illegal and will not be distinguished by a commitment to high morality. Perhaps others will judge her for this. Such a dream for a lover promises heavy forebodings of an unsuccessful union. His chosen one will prefer the attention and gifts of others.

A dream about an anonymous letter - predicts that you will be offended by those from whom you least expected it.

If you dream that you are writing an anonymous letter, in real life you will be jealous of your opponent, considering him more worthy.

To receive a letter in a dream - with unpleasant news to difficulties in life and illness.

If the news is of a pleasant nature - you will have something to thank fate for.

If the letter is gentle and written on colored paper, you will be neglected, both in love and in commercial matters. Your soul will be filled with despair.

Blue ink is a sign of constancy and love, as well as bright luck.

Red in writing - implies alienation and coldness caused by jealousy. This conflict can be resolved by intelligent action by one of the parties.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she receives a letter from her lover and keeps it in her heart, she will be greatly upset by the appearance of a beautiful rival. Trust often goes hand in hand with jealousy.

If in a dream you fail to read the letter, expect losses in business or social life.

If you dream that your letter was intercepted, your rivals and enemies will use all their strength to discredit you.

To dream that you are trying to hide a letter from your beloved or wife means that you will be interested in trifling matters.

To see a letter with a black border - portends troubles and misfortunes with someone close.

To receive a letter written on black paper with white ink means that darkness and disappointment will fill your soul, but friendly participation will give you a little relief.

If the correspondence occurs between a husband and wife, in reality they will be separated due to scandalous accusations.

If a lover had such a dream, they should be wary of quarrels and threats of suicide. For business people, such a dream portends envy and greed.

To write is a harbinger of the fact that in reality you will rush to make hasty accusations, but soon you will regret it.

Torn is a sign of a hopeless mistake that can ruin your reputation.

Taking the received letter in hand means that you will not be generous to your loved one and companions, and you will not conduct business honestly.

If you often dream that you receive a letter from a friend - the dream predicts his imminent arrival, or receiving a letter from him, one way or another, you will hear about him.

1 letter on Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Meaning of sleep letter:

To receive a letter from a friend in a dream - to his unexpected appearance or news from him.

Receiving a certified letter means the destruction of old ties due to financial difficulties.

If a young woman dreams that she has received a certified letter, she will be offered to become a kept woman. For a lover, such a dream will bring heavy premonitions of an unhappy marriage.

To receive an anonymous letter is to insult.

Writing it yourself is a sign of jealousy for a more worthy rival.

A letter with unpleasant news - foreshadows upcoming difficulties or illness.

The good news received in the letter foreshadows many events for which you will thank fate.

1 letter on Dream interpretation Shuvalova

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a letter:

If someone shudders in a dream, then this person is growing.

1 letter on Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

What a letter may dream of:

1 letter on Russian dream book

A letter in a dream means:

To write a letter is to haste; getting - expensive or bad news about your loved ones.

1 letter on Dream Interpretation Shereminskaya

If a girl dreams of a letter, then this means:

Receiving letters is a warning sign not to rush to make decisions.

If the postman hands over a letter, it is possible that your secret will be divulged.

1 mayan Dream Interpretation letter

Why does a woman dream of a letter:

Good value If you dreamed that you received a letter, you will offer the best solution to the problem. Put some salt in the envelope and send the letter to another country, when the letter crosses the border, you will find the best solution.

Bad value If you dreamed that you sent someone a letter, your ideas will not be in demand now. Just wait a little while the time changes, because there is nothing you can do right now.

1 letter on Dream Interpretation Krydy Veles

To see a letter in a dream means:

Receive a letter - news (sad or joyful, depending on the color of the letter), joy and joy; writing a letter - benefit, good news, surprise, lead / unpleasant conversation; a letter to his wife is a danger; a letter to a friend is good news; send - meeting with a friend; read - benefit, happiness; to lose is a quarrel.

1 letter on Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Interpretation of a dream about writing:

Writing a letter is a vain expectation of something.

1 letter on Dream interpretation of Cleopatra

Interpretation of a dream about writing:

If you dream that you have received a letter, such a dream promises a very long romance with a person who is burdened with the bonds of marriage and who cannot break them even with great love for you.

If in a dream you rejoice when you read a letter, in real life you will not regret at all that you are only assigned the role of a mistress (s), because your relationship will be simply wonderful. If you cry when you read the letter, this novel should be completed, because you are too carried away by a person who is not worthy of your love.

1 letter on Dream interpretation horoscope

A letter in a dream predicts:

Someone close to you do not understand your words.

Writing a letter by e-mail is groundless hopes.

1 letter based on Freud's dream book

What is the dream of the Letter:

It is a symbol of a woman or female genital organs.

Receiving or sending a letter - symbolizes sexual intercourse.

If you received a letter from a member of the opposite sex, you are striving for acute sexual experiences and sensations.

If a man received a letter from a man, this speaks of your desire to expand your sexual sensations and make, for example, threesome love.

If this is just some kind of letter, you are overcome by the desire to immediately have sexual contact with someone.

If a woman receives the letter, she dreams of lesbian love.

If you write a letter to a representative of the opposite sex on good paper, you are happy with your sex life and your sexual partner.

If you write the same letter to a representative of your gender, this indicates a predisposition to homosexual (or lesbian) contacts.

If you write a letter on a piece of paper, casually or in a hurry, you feel dissatisfied with your sex life.

Tearing a letter means violent sexual contact. If a woman is expecting a letter, she strives for lesbian love.

If a man is expecting a letter, he seeks sexual contact with his beloved woman.

1 letter on Dream interpretation Meneghetti

It symbolizes the execution of an order or order in a non-functional, stereotyped or negative sense. It is also a sign indicating the transmission of a certain code that appears as the reincarnation of some form of the past.

1 letter on Islamic dream book on the Koran and Suna

A letter, a message - if a letter comes in a dream and there is good news in it, then this is a sign of a successful outcome in what he keeps secretly, or he is given wealth, or children, or a wife. Seeing a letter in a dream is always a good sign, whether it was received or sent anyway. Such a dream may portend the receipt of news from distant friends, or a meeting with them, or another unexpected pleasant event.

1 letter on Christian dream book

Receive - for news, write - convey good news. Imagine that the letter contains the good news you've been waiting for.

1 letter on Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Writing a letter in a dream - to hope for something.

1 letter on tsvetkov's dream book

What is the dream of the Letter:

To receive a lot of letters - news from afar; with a messenger - disagreements in love; custom - jealousy, trouble in the family; the good news in the letter is delays.

1 letter on Universal dream book

There is little that excites you like a full inbox. Do you receive a letter in your dream? From whom? - this person, being in the distance, needs communication? Perhaps he is somewhere abroad, perhaps a dream suggests that you want to receive news from him.

In a dream, are you writing a letter yourself? - to whom is it addressed? What do you want to communicate to this person?

The letter can also symbolize - the desire to more accurately express your thought. Perhaps you are choosing the right words to communicate an important event in your life.

A dream can also say that you should not believe in everything that is written on paper, or take something to heart.

1 letter from the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

To write a letter in a dream - to an unpleasant conversation, to a wife - to danger, to a husband - to an early arrival; writing business papers in a dream is a nuisance; writing poetry and other compositions - to a lack of free time.

1 letter on Esoteric dream book

To receive a letter is to hear from afar.

To write a letter to yourself - distant friends remember you.

1 letter on The newest dream book by G. Ivanov

Your romantic hopes will most likely not come true.

Receive a letter - to a possible head disease; writing a letter is getting rid of an illness.

1 letter on Dream interpretation of health

What is the dream of the Letter:

Seeing an envelope with a letter - you are facing problems of communicating with people; to seal a letter - to the desire to hide some information that is unpleasant for a person; tearing - to a nervous breakdown and psychological conflict.

1 letter on Dream interpretation of health

News from the past.

The undiscovered is virginity.

Open - defloration.

An unread letter is ignored.

1 letter on Gypsy dream book

Letters - you will make a discovery that will benefit you.

Receive a letter with good news - you will have the opportunity to earn even more money.

Get a letter with bad news - people talk about you.

Write a letter - you will do something that you will later regret.

Receive a love letter - you will meet a very interesting person.

If you are writing a love letter, you will soon have a short but pleasant romance.

1 a letter from Hasse's dream book

get - big money
write - get news of interest
seal - you have a secret
find - get promoted
read - write a warning
with black outline - sadness
to lose is bad news
print out - beware of thieves
breaking up is an evil conversation. Emergency - danger awaits you
urgent - must correct the untruth you have done
to receive or write a postcard - laziness will bring you losses.

1 a letter from Hasse's dream book

See Postman.

1 letter on English dream book

What is the dream of the Letter:

Receiving a letter in a dream is a dream foreshadowing gifts or, at least, unexpected pleasant news from someone about whom you have not heard anything for many years. Seeing that you are sending a letter means that in the near future you will have a reason to commit a noble, generous act, which you can then be proud of.

1 letter on To the interpreter of 1829

To write to a friend or receive from him means good news; to lose a letter means to quarrel with someone; a letter to read - portends happiness and prosperity.

1 letter on Dream interpretation for a bitch

Unexpected news or meeting with a friend.

A letter with happy, good news - happy events.

To write a letter - do not rush to blame someone for a mistake, you could be in his place.

Tear or throw away the letter - caution and discretion are never superfluous.

1 letter on Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

New information awaits you. Follow the mail! Look at the other signs to see what the news will be.

The letter can also mean - indirect communication with some person.

1 letter from Miller's dream book

In a dream, receiving a certified letter means that the arisen monetary problem will destroy old ties.

If a young woman dreams that she received a certified letter, this is a sign that she will be offered material security, but neither law nor morality will be the basis for this proposal; people can judge her.

For a lover, such a dream will bring heavy premonitions of an unhappy marriage. His beloved will seek signs of appreciation from others, not from him.

Seeing an anonymous letter means that you will be insulted by an unknown person. Writing such a letter is a sign that you are jealous of an opponent you deem worthy.

To see a letter with unpleasant news in a dream means impending difficulties or illness.

If in a dream the news received in the letter is joyful, many events will happen to you, for which you will thank fate.

If the letter is affectionate, but written on green or colored paper, you will experience disdain for love and failure in business. Despair will take over you.

Blue ink is a sign of constancy, love and brilliant luck.

Red color in a letter portends separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can reconcile you.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is hiding a letter from her lover to her heart, this promises her worries about her rival. Loyalty is often rewarded with jealousy.

Writing almost always brings sadness.

If your letter is intercepted - in reality, jealous ill-wishers will try to slander you.

To dream that you are trying to steal a letter addressed to your lover or wife is a sign that you will have unworthy interests.

Seeing a letter with a mourning frame in a dream portends you the illness or death of a relative.

To receive a letter written on black paper in white ink is to the despondency that will overwhelm you, but friends will help you with their participation.

If a husband and wife pass a letter to one another, this means a divorce with sensational accusations, and for lovers, a quarrel.

Seeing that you are writing a letter means that you will hastily condemn someone for suspicion, which you will repent of very soon.

The torn letter warns that hopeless mistakes can ruin your reputation.

Taking a letter in hand means that you are unfair to your loved ones.

Often in a dream to see that you receive a letter from a friend, portends his appearance or news from him.

1 letter from Miller's dream book

What is the dream of the Letter:

Sealing a written letter is good luck in business.

1 letter on Indian dream book

Writing letters to friends in a dream or receiving letters from them is good news.

1 letter on Ukrainian dream book

To write a letter is a surprise, to receive is joy and joy.

1 letter on Dream interpretation alphabetically

If you dreamed of a postman personally delivering a letter to you, then you will soon receive unpleasant news. Receiving a certified letter warns you of the imminent danger of an accident on the road. A dream where you receive a letter addressed to another person, although your address is indicated on the envelope, portends that you will be pointed out to mistakes made with good intentions, but you will take it as an insult. Good news in a letter means wonderful hours that you will soon spend alone with your loved one, bad - you will have to endure the resentment, restraining your feelings. Reading other people's letters in a dream - to the loss of independence in business matters.

A letter on official letterhead received from an organization means that your reputation is in danger of being discredited.

A dream in which you lost a valuable letter means that in reality you will break off your relationship with a man who, until recently, was revered almost as a deity. Burning a letter in a dream - you will have to give up a profitable opportunity due to the fact that you consider it your duty to take care of your family and stay in the house all the time.

Trying to read a letter torn into small pieces, folding them - in reality you will lose the favor of friends or sponsors. If a love letter that compromises you has been stolen and they are trying to blackmail it, in reality you will be disappointed in loved ones due to financial disagreements.

To receive an anonymous letter in which you are vilified and vilified in every possible way - therefore, some woeful incident in reality will cancel out all your joyful expectations. To receive threats in a letter - in reality you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

To receive a letter from close relatives - you will have to sweat great over the solution of the problem, which, besides you, there will be simply no one to figure out. A letter from distant friends foreshadows a quick meeting or a conversation with them on the phone.

To rewrite a certain letter in a dream or reproduce it in another way is a harbinger of useless work and a waste of time. If in a dream you cannot wait for an answer to your letter, this warns that in real life you may be hit by an unexpected blow from around the corner at any time and place.

A dream in which you yourself write a letter to relatives portends significant acquisitions and enrichment. A letter to a loved one in the distance is a sign of irreparable mistakes, disappointment and depression. Sending a letter in a dream is a harbinger of good luck and luck in everything.

1 letter on Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

If you dreamed that you received a letter, in reality you will receive news from afar. If the letter was handed to you personally: an unmarried girl - a marriage proposal, a woman - the appearance of a fan, a man - your beloved will answer the courtship with consent. Receive a certified letter - a reward awaits you. If at the same time you paid for the shipment, sleep means financial difficulties.

If you dreamed of a registered letter for which you yourself have to pay, imagine that you do not pay for the letter, but simply tip the postman.

If you write the letter yourself, you will have new hopes. Send a letter - to start a new business. If you dreamed that your letter was answered, the dream promises success in any endeavor. Read the letter out loud - you will learn about your friends what they carefully hide from you. Seeing a lot of letters in your mailbox is a new long-term romance that can lead to a happy marriage.

Imagine that the letters contain good news that you have been waiting for.

1 letter on Dream interpretation of the 20th century

The mourning color of such a letter: it says that separation will sadden you.

A letter from a loved one or beloved who is near you in reality: usually a foreshadowing of a cooling of feelings.

If in reality you are already in separation: such a dream may portend the receipt of unexpected news.

Receive a letter from a stranger: Indicates that someone might try to drag you into an unwanted story that will confuse your plans.

1 letter on Dream interpretation for girls

To receive a letter in a dream is news, good news.

Writing a letter in a dream - you will need something (maybe even someone's help).

Tearing a letter - you are waiting for something, but so far in vain.

Burning a letter is a quarrel.

Do you write letters? And you get the answers? How good! After all, a telephone conversation is like a soap bubble: you will immediately forget it. And a letter, if it is warm and interesting, is always re-read.

In a dream, receiving a certified letter means that the arisen monetary problem will destroy old ties. If a young woman dreams that she received a certified letter, this is a sign that she will be offered material security, but neither law nor morality will be the basis for this proposal: people can condemn her. For a lover, such a dream will bring heavy premonitions of an unhappy marriage. His beloved will seek tokens of appreciation from others, not from him. Seeing an anonymous letter means that you will be insulted by an unknown person. Writing such a letter is a sign that you are jealous of the opponent you consider worthy. To see a letter with unpleasant news in a dream means impending difficulties or illness. If in a dream the news received in the letter is joyful, many events will happen to you, for which you will thank fate. If the letter is affectionate, but written on green or colored paper, you will experience disdain for love and failure in business. Despair will take over you. Blue ink is a sign of constancy, love and brilliant luck. Red color in a letter portends separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can reconcile you. If a young woman sees in a dream that she is hiding a letter from her lover close to her heart, this promises her worries about her rival. Loyalty is often rewarded with jealousy. If in a dream you could not read the letter you received, you will lose something in business or public opinion. Writing almost always brings sadness. If your letter is intercepted - in reality, jealous ill-wishers will try to slander you. To dream that you are trying to steal a letter addressed to your beloved or wife is a sign that you will have unworthy interests. Seeing a letter with a mourning frame in a dream portends you the illness or death of a relative. To receive a letter written on black paper in white ink is to the despondency that will take possession of you, but friends will help you with their participation. If a husband and wife pass a letter to one another, this means a divorce with sensational accusations, and for lovers, a quarrel. Seeing that you are writing a letter means that you will hastily condemn someone for suspicion, which you will repent of very soon. The torn letter warns that hopeless mistakes can ruin your reputation. Taking a letter in hand means that you are unfair to your loved ones. Often in a dream to see that you receive a letter from a friend, portends his appearance or news from him.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse Letter

Receive - big money: write - receive news of interest: seal - have a secret: find - get a promotion: read - write a warning: with a black outline - sadness: lose - bad news: print out - beware of thieves: break up - an evil conversation. Emergency - danger awaits you: urgent - must correct the untruth you made: receive or write a postcard - laziness will bring you losses

Freud's Dream Interpretation Letter

The letter is a symbol of a woman or female genital organs. Receiving or sending a letter symbolizes sexual intercourse. If you receive a letter from a member of the opposite sex, then you are striving for acute sexual experiences and sensations. If a man received a letter from a man, then this indicates your desire to expand your sexual sensations and make, for example, threesome love. If this is just some kind of letter, then you are overwhelmed by the desire to immediately have sexual contact with someone. If a woman receives the letter, then she dreams of lesbian love. If you write a letter to a member of the opposite sex on good paper, then you are happy with your sex life and your sexual partner. If you write the same letter to a representative of your gender, then this indicates a predisposition to homosexual (or lesbian) contacts. If you write a letter on a piece of paper, casually or in a hurry, then you are experiencing a feeling of dissatisfaction with your sex life. Tearing a letter means violent sexual contact. If a woman is expecting a letter, then she is striving for lesbian love. If a man expects a letter, then he seeks sexual contact with his beloved woman.

Modern dream book Letter

A dream about letters almost always brings grief. If you dream of a registered letter, then in real life money issues will destroy long-established ties. For a young woman, such a dream predicts that she will be offered a job that will turn out to be illegal and will not be distinguished by a commitment to high morality. Perhaps others will judge her for this. For a lover, such a dream promises heavy premonitions of an unsuccessful union. His chosen one will prefer the attention and gifts of others. A dream about an anonymous letter predicts that you will be offended by those from whom you least expected it. If you dream that you are writing an anonymous letter, then in real life you will be jealous of your opponent, considering him more worthy. Receive a letter in a dream with unpleasant news about difficulties in life and diseases. If the news is of a pleasant nature, then you will have something to thank fate for. If the letter is gentle and written on colored paper, then you will be neglected, both in love and in business. Your soul will be filled with despair. Blue ink is a sign of constancy and love, as well as bright luck. Red in writing implies estrangement and coldness caused by jealousy. This conflict can be resolved by intelligent action by one of the parties. If a young woman sees in a dream that she receives a letter from her lover and keeps it in her heart, then she will be greatly upset by the appearance of a beautiful rival. Trust often goes hand in hand with jealousy. If in a dream you cannot read the letter, then expect losses in business or public life. If you dream that your letter was intercepted, then your rivals and enemies will use all their forces to discredit you. To dream that you are trying to hide a letter from your beloved or wife means that you will be interested in trifling matters. To see a letter with a black border - portends troubles and misfortunes with someone close. To receive a letter written on black paper with white ink means that darkness and disappointment will fill your soul, but friendly participation will give you a little relief. If the correspondence takes place between a husband and wife, then in reality they will be separated due to scandalous accusations. If a lover had such a dream, they should be wary of quarrels and threats of suicide. For business people, such a dream portends envy and greed. Writing a letter is a harbinger of the fact that in reality you will hurry up with hasty accusations, but soon you will regret it. A torn letter is a sign of a hopeless mistake that could ruin your reputation. Taking the received letter in hand means that you will not be generous to your loved one and companions, and you will not conduct business honestly. If you often dream that you receive a letter from a friend, then the dream predicts his imminent arrival, or receiving a letter from him - one way or another, you will hear about him.

Esoteric dream book Letter

Receive - news from afar. To write a letter to yourself - distant friends remember you.

Your personal dream book Letter

To see a letter in a dream is to chagrin. A certified letter promises a breakdown of a good relationship about financial interests. Having seen such a dream, a young woman may become a victim of an indecent offer related to any work. After such a dream, a young man in love can be sure of justifying his heavy forebodings, and his chosen one will receive attention and gifts from others. Seeing an anonymous letter in a dream is an insult from a person who, in your opinion, could not do it in any way. If you yourself write an anonymous letter, then in reality you will experience the persecution of jealousy. If from the letter you learned about some troubles, then expect difficulties in illness. When you receive good news, you should expect joy. Seeing a written letter on colored paper - to fears of being deprived and deceived. A letter written in blue ink is a good sign, as it prophesies good luck in business and constancy in love. Red ink foreshadows aloofness that is directly related to jealousy. If a young woman sees in a dream how she receives a letter from her lover and presses it to her heart, then in reality a serious rival may stand in her way. If you dreamed about a letter that is hard to read, then you should expect losses in public and business life. If in a dream you are trying to hide a letter from your beloved, then in reality you are wasting your energy in vain. If the letter has a black border, then some of your loved ones will experience troubles and misfortunes. If the letter is written in white ink on black paper, then your bitter disappointments will go away only with the support of friends. Seeing a letter received from a wife or husband in a dream means the need to be more tolerant of each other, because recriminations can lead to divorce. Writing a letter in a dream - to a tendency to make hasty conclusions in the current situation, which you may soon regret. If you tore a letter in a dream, then in reality you have a risk of making a mistake, because of which your reputation may suffer. If you pick up the received letter, then you will experience difficulties in honest behavior in front of colleagues and household members. With the regularity of dreams about receiving a letter from a friend, you should expect his visit or some other news about him.

Muslim dream book Letter

Seeing a letter in a dream is always a good sign, no matter if it is received or sent. Such a dream may portend the receipt of news from distant friends, or a meeting with them, or another unexpected pleasant event. If a letter comes in a dream and there is good news in it, then this is a sign of a successful outcome that the dreamer hides or is given wealth, or children, or a wife.

Ukrainian dream book Letter

To write a letter is a surprise, to receive is joy and joy.

If you dreamed that you received a letter, in reality you will receive news from afar. If the letter was handed to you personally: an unmarried girl - a marriage proposal, a woman - the appearance of a fan, a man - your beloved will answer the courtship with consent. Receive a certified letter - a reward awaits you. If at the same time you paid for the shipment, sleep means financial difficulties.

If you dreamed of a registered letter for which you yourself have to pay, imagine that you do not pay for the letter, but simply tip the postman.

If you write the letter yourself, you will have new hopes. Send a letter - to start a new business. If you dreamed that your letter was answered, the dream promises success in any endeavor. Read the letter out loud - you will learn about your friends what they carefully hide from you. Seeing a lot of letters in your mailbox is a new long-term romance that can lead to a happy marriage.

Imagine that the letters contain good news that you have been waiting for.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What Dreams Mean Letter

News; telepathic connection with the one from whom the letter is. Need to write. There will be no many letters of news or the need to receive some communication; alienation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

The meaning of dreams Letter

To receive - news (sad or joyful - depends on the color of the letter), joy and joy; writing a letter - benefit, good news, surprise, conduct // an unpleasant conversation; a letter to his wife is a danger; a letter to a friend is good news; send - meeting with a friend; read - benefit, happiness; to lose is a quarrel.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation Veles

What does a letter mean in a dream

Get it - big money; write - get news of interest; to seal - you have a secret; find - you get a promotion; read - write a warning; with a black outline - sadness; to lose is bad news; print out - beware of thieves; breaking up is an evil conversation. Emergency - danger awaits you; urgent - must correct the untruth you have done; to receive or write a postcard - laziness will bring you losses

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation Hasse

Meaning of Sleep Letter

To receive a letter in a dream is news, good news.

Writing a letter in a dream - you will need something (maybe even someone's help).

Tearing a letter - you are waiting for something, but so far in vain.

Burning a letter is a quarrel.

Do you write letters? And you get the answers? How good! After all, a telephone conversation is like a soap bubble: you will immediately forget it. And a letter, if it is warm and interesting, is always re-read.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation for girls

Dream Interpretation Letter

If a girl dreamed that she received a letter, this means that she will receive an offer from an influential person, but her friends will not approve of such a connection.

For a man in love, such a dream promises doubts in his chosen one. Perhaps he will suspect her of insincerity.

If you dreamed that the letter was written on colored paper, it means that you will face problems in love, your chosen one will treat you with disdain. If the message is written in blue ink, it promises you constancy in love.

If the letter contains red, it means that separation awaits you due to the jealousy of your lover, but you can make up, as your reasonable behavior will save the situation.

If a girl dreamed that she was hiding a letter from a loved one, this promises her worries about a rival, to whom she will be jealous of her betrothed.

A dream in which they are trying to intercept your letter means that your enemies will try to slander you in front of your chosen one.

If in a dream a man tries to take away a letter addressed to his wife or chosen one, this means that he will have unworthy hobbies that can discredit him in the eyes of his beloved.

If you dream that you are giving a letter to your wife or husband, and she or he is to you, this portends a divorce for spouses, and quarrels and separation for lovers.

The dream in which you are writing a letter means that you will accuse your loved one of unworthy acts that he did not commit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love dream book

What the Letter predicts in a dream

If you dream that you have received a letter, such a dream promises a very long romance with a person who is burdened with the bonds of marriage and who cannot break them even with great love for you.

If in a dream you rejoice when you read a letter, in real life you will not regret at all that you are only assigned the role of a mistress (s), because your relationship will be simply wonderful. If you cry when you read the letter, this novel should be completed, because you are too carried away by a person who is not worthy of your love.

Interpretation of dreams from an intimate dream book

Dream meaning Letter

The mourning color of such a letter: it says that separation will sadden you.

A letter from a loved one or beloved who is near you in reality: usually a foreshadowing of a cooling of feelings.

If in reality you are already in separation: such a dream may portend the receipt of unexpected news.

Receive a letter from a stranger: Indicates that someone might try to drag you into an unwanted story that will confuse your plans.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream book of the twentieth century

Dreaming a Letter

Writing a letter is an unpleasant conversation.

Wife writing business papers is a nuisance.

Writing poetry and other compositions is a lack of free time.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

What does dream mean Letter

New information awaits you.

Follow the mail! Look at the other signs to see what the news will be.

The letter can also mean: indirect communication with some person.

Interpretation of dreams from the American dream book

What Dreams Mean Letter

If in a dream you received a certified letter, you may have a money problem.

A young woman who has such a dream will be offered material support. She can accept him if she is not afraid of the condemnation of others.

For a lover, such a dream can bring a heavy premonition of an unhappy marriage.

Anonymous letter means that you will be insulted by an unknown person.

If you yourself wrote an anonymous letter, then, apparently, you are jealous of an opponent whom you consider more worthy.

We saw a letter in a dream with unpleasant news - get ready for difficulties.

Good news in the letter will bring you many pleasant experiences.

If the letter is affectionate, but not written on white paper, but on colored paper, you will experience disdain in love and failure in business.

The red color in the letter portends separation due to suspicion and jealousy. Show prudence and you will avoid this trouble.

A young woman who hid a love letter in her heart in a dream may experience worries about her rival.

If your letter is intercepted, in reality jealous rivals will try to slander you.

We tried to steal a letter addressed to your beloved or wife, lest you have unworthy interests.

Received a letter written in white ink on black paper - you will visit despondency, from which your friends will lead you.

A torn letter warns of the possibility of fatal mistakes that can ruin your reputation.

A letter from a friend portends real news from him or his appearance.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

Dream about Letter

If you dreamed of a postman personally delivering a letter to you, then you will soon receive unpleasant news. Receiving a certified letter warns you of the imminent danger of an accident on the road. A dream where you receive a letter addressed to another person, although your address is indicated on the envelope, portends that you will be pointed out to mistakes made with good intentions, but you will take it as an insult. Good news in a letter means wonderful hours that you will soon spend alone with your loved one, bad - you will have to endure the resentment, restraining your feelings. Reading other people's letters in a dream - to the loss of independence in business matters.

A letter on official letterhead received from an organization means that your reputation is in danger of being discredited.

A dream in which you lost a valuable letter means that in reality you will break off your relationship with a man who, until recently, was revered almost as a deity. Burning a letter in a dream - you will have to give up a profitable opportunity due to the fact that you consider it your duty to take care of your family and stay in the house all the time.

Trying to read a letter torn into small pieces, folding them - in reality you will lose the favor of friends or sponsors. If a love letter that compromises you has been stolen and they are trying to blackmail it, in reality you will be disappointed in loved ones due to financial disagreements.

To receive an anonymous letter in which you are vilified and vilified in every possible way - therefore, some woeful incident in reality will cancel out all your joyful expectations. To receive threats in a letter - in reality you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

To receive a letter from close relatives - you will have to sweat great over the solution of the problem, which, besides you, there will be simply no one to figure out. A letter from distant friends foreshadows a quick meeting or a conversation with them on the phone.

To rewrite a certain letter in a dream or reproduce it in another way is a harbinger of useless work and a waste of time. If in a dream you cannot wait for an answer to your letter, this warns that in real life you may be hit by an unexpected blow from around the corner at any time and place.

A dream in which you yourself write a letter to relatives portends significant acquisitions and enrichment. A letter to a loved one in the distance is a sign of irreparable mistakes, disappointment and depression. Sending a letter in a dream is a harbinger of good luck and luck in everything.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does the letter mean in a dream

Sealing a written letter is good luck in business.

You write hieroglyphs, letters, writing poetry, text, writing - great happiness, good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from a Chinese dream book

The meaning of dreams Letter

To receive a letter from a friend in a dream - to his unexpected appearance or news from him. Receiving a certified letter means breaking old ties due to financial difficulties. If a young woman dreams that she received a registered letter, she will be offered to become a kept woman. For a lover, such a dream will bring heavy premonitions of an unhappy marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from
For a lover, such a dream will bring heavy premonitions of an unhappy marriage. His beloved will seek tokens of appreciation from others, not from him. Seeing an anonymous letter means that you will be insulted by an unknown person. Writing such a letter is a sign that you are jealous of the opponent you deem worthy.

To see a letter with unpleasant news in a dream means impending difficulties or illness.

If in a dream the news received in the letter is joyful, many events will happen to you, for which you will thank fate. If the letter is affectionate, but written on green or colored paper, you will experience disdain for love and failure in business. Despair will take over you. Blue ink is a sign of constancy, love and brilliant luck.

Red color in a letter portends separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can reconcile you.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is hiding a letter from her lover close to her heart, this promises her worries about her rival. Loyalty is often rewarded with jealousy.

Writing almost always brings sadness.

If your letter is intercepted - in reality, jealous ill-wishers will try to slander you.

To dream that you are trying to steal a letter addressed to your beloved or wife is a sign that you will have unworthy interests.

Seeing a letter with a mourning frame in a dream portends you the illness or death of a relative.

To receive a letter written on black paper in white ink is to the despondency that will take possession of you, but friends will help you with their participation.

If a husband and wife pass a letter to one another, this means a divorce with sensational accusations, and for lovers, a quarrel.

Seeing that you are writing a letter means that you will hastily condemn someone for suspicion, which you will repent of very soon.

The torn letter warns that hopeless mistakes can ruin your reputation.
Interpretation of dreams from


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