The game is a training for parents to get to know each other. Methodical recommendations for trainers-teachers on interaction with parents of students. Best Childhood Memory Exercise

Educator-psychologist MBDOU CRR- kindergarten No. 42 "Rodnichok", Vidnoye, Moscow Region

Training on the work of interaction with parents "Dreams Come True"

Block 1. Greetings

Exercise "My name is ... I love ..." (meeting the participants of the training)

purpose: creating a positive emotional background

The educational psychologist invites each participant to give their name and continue the phrase "I love ..." (for example, "My name is Tatiana, I love listening to music.")

Exercise "Swap places" (harmonization of emotional mood)

purpose: rallying a group, looking for similarities and differences between each other

The participants stand in a circle, each of them names a sign, after which all those who have the named sign change places (for example, “Switch places those who woke up today with good mood».)

Block 2. Main part

Exercise "Picture of the world" (recreating inner desires)

purpose: promoting a fuller awareness of their desires and capabilities, setting personal and professional goals, increasing self-esteem.

Equipment: sheets of paper, newspapers, pictures, magazines, scissors, glue, pencils, felt-tip pens, etc.

Educator-psychologist: “Today our training will not focus on parent-child relationships. We will work exclusively for ourselves. Many roles and masks develop in each of us. When we find ourselves in any situation, we "put on" different masks and play different roles. In psychology, there are concepts such as "I am a parent", "I am an adult" and "I am a child." If we draw a parallel between the current situations and this theory, then it turns out that we either behave like an adult when necessary; or, as a parent, when possible; either as a child whenever I want. That is why I suggest you act today as a child and want what you want. Before you are sheets of paper, prepared magazines and newspapers, tools. The task is for you to recreate with the help of all this a picture of your desires, what you want to achieve. Please proceed with the implementation! "


Exercise "Creative Life" (transfer of consideration of the problems of creativity from the plane of specially modeled situations into the field of everyday, everyday life realities)

Participants, having united in subgroups of 5-6 people, are given the task: to formulate a list of recommendations that will allow "to make life more creative", and write them down. The formulated recommendations should be realistic for all participants, or at least for most of them (i.e. not imply the presence of any rare abilities that are too large material costs etc.).


Note: at the end of the training, each participant is given booklets with recommendations prepared by specialists in the psychology of creativity.

Block 3. Relaxation

Exercise "7 candles"

Note: the lights go out and the tree lights come on.

Participants are seated where and how, where and how they feel comfortable and comfortable.

Municipal autonomous institution

additional education

"Children's and Youth Sports School No. 4"

for trainers-teachers

on interaction with parents of students


The main task of a sports school on the problem of educating young athletes is to organize a system of work of a coach with parents.

The purpose of this work is to help the child become a confident mature person who can find his place in modern society, understand and accept universal values. The children's and youth sports school is designed to help the family in raising children and the main role is assigned to the coach-teacher. Therefore efficiency educational work depends on the teacher's relationship with parents, his ability to cooperate with the family, rely on her help and support.

This is a painstaking daily work of the form and its methods are varied. These are parent-teacher meetings, group and individual conversations, the promotion of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, consultations, pedagogical workshops, “round tables”, home visits, involvement in direct work with children. However, the trainer must understand that the variety of forms and methods does not always ensure the success of the work. The main and main task of the teacher is to make the family his ally, like-minded person, to create a democratic style of relations; he must have great patience and tact. Sometimes it is much more difficult to work with parents than with children.

Self-respect is demanded not only by adults, but also by modern children. Sometimes we take the child's desire to defend his own opinion for insolence and bad manners. Over time, misunderstanding, dislike, resentment, injustice (in a child's mind) make it “difficult”. Respect and sincere love, combined with the pedagogical skill of a teacher, is the key to the upbringing and development of a personality! Both the trainer and the parents need to approach each pupil with an optimistic belief in the positive that he has, that can be developed, help the child to believe in himself, to reveal his individuality.

This difficult task can be accomplished only with a relationship of complete trust and sincerity between the coach and the parents. Such relationships lay the foundation for correct upbringing, form self-confident children who love themselves and the world.

    Why cooperation between

MAU DO "DYUSSH № 4" and parents?

Cooperation is necessary:

To control the child;

For communication and understanding;

To act in one direction;

To help your child acquire additional skills;

To support children with an unstable character;

Helped the child to open up and believe in himself;

To find out what the child is like, whether the character is changing.

Expected results: - strengthening relationships in the family; - development of a model of successful family education; - increasing the pedagogical culture of parents; - active participation of parents in school-wide activities; - parent meetings with up to 90% of parents present; - observance of the unity of the requirements of teachers and parents in the upbringing of the younger generation; - reducing the number of disadvantaged families from among the parents of pupils of the sports school; - safety of the contingent.

Joint activities of children, parents and teachers can be successful if:

Children, parents, coaches are positively disposed towards teamwork, want to work together, understand its goals and find personal meaning in it;

Joint planning, organization and implementation of the results of activities is carried out, taking into account the desires and capabilities of the participants in the work, roles, functions, areas of activity are distributed;

Situations of free choice by participants of various types, methods, forms and their position in joint work are created;

There is no imposition, pressure on children and parents, actions, the style of the trainer-teacher contribute to self-realization and self-expression of the participants in the activity.

2. Forms of work with family

2.1. Forms of cooperation:

A meeting where problems are discussed that reflect the common interests of parents and children. The meeting can take the form of a conference, a collective creative work.

2.2. Forms of cognitive activity:

Open Day;

A holiday of knowledge (improvisation with parents);

Tournaments, etc.

Parents participate in the design, preparation of incentive prizes, evaluation of results; children compete in tournaments and parents are active participants I provide psychological support to children (especially applicable for groups of initial training)

2.3. Forms labor activity:

Decoration (posters)

Material and financial assistance to a sports school (repairs, technical equipment; charity, sponsorship)

2.4. Leisure activities:

Joint wellness work families and schools (Health Days, sporting events, holidays);

Excursions, hikes

2.5. Meeting with the administration, specialists (psychologists, doctor)

2.6. Q&A evening (after interviewing parents)

2.7. Working with the parent committee, individual conversations, group consultations, practical exercises (mastering skills)

Based on the problem-oriented analysis of the pedagogical situation, it was revealed that trainers-teachers have difficulties in interacting with the parents of their pupils. And parents themselves are not always competent in raising their children.

The child came to study at school: 1. At the first parent-teacher meeting, you can analyze the following questions: - What is meant by the cooperation of people? What are its main manifestations? - Why is the cooperation of trainers-teachers and parents necessary? - In what ways can a sports school help parents, and can parents help a sports school? - What prevents trainers-teachers and parents from successfully cooperating? - What is necessary for the interaction of trainers-teachers and parents to be fruitful? - What forms of joint activities can bring together, make friends of adults and children in our team? 2. Determine the joint requirements for the child, without prejudice to his rights and freedoms. 3. To develop an optimal mode of life and work at home for the child. 4. Constantly inform parents about the upbringing process (how the sports school lives) and the success, progress in the development of the child. 5. To identify the reasons for the child's maladjustment to school and to eliminate them together with the parents. 6. To involve parents in joint activities both in the sports school and outside it. 7. Analyze relationships with parents in order to increase the educational potential of the family. Individual work with parents can be carried out in the form of direct and indirect interaction. As an indirect interaction with the sports school, memos, information booklets for parents are being developed, which contains information on the rights and obligations of UIA DO "Youth Sports School No. 4", parents and children; hours and days of consultations for parents by the coach and administration; main events for the year, etc. Information brochures perform another important function - they support parents' confidence that they are part of the educational community, equal participants in the process of raising and educating children. Another form of indirect communication is calendars, where the dates of the main competitions are marked, events in which parents can and should participate. Direct interaction - meetings and conversations that have a developing and supporting function. From successful development interactions benefit all parties. A positive result for teachers is an increase in respect from parents and society as a whole, an improvement in interpersonal relationships with them, an increase in authority, and satisfaction with their work. For parents the result is a better knowledge of their children and educational programs, the confidence that their opinions and wishes are taken into account in learning, an increase in parental competence, a stronger family and better communication with children. For kids the payoff is obvious. It manifests itself in the best attitude to MAU DO "Youth Sports School No. 4", to training sessions, in the development of their knowledge and skills, successful social formation. 3. The main forms of communication between parents and coaches - organizing parent-teacher meetings, individual meetings, interesting and useful meetings with specialists; - operation of a telephone line, through which parents contact the trainers-teachers or receive advice; - holding informal meetings of parents, children and coaches (holidays, sport games etc.); - respectful communication, taking into account the cultural, religious, national and ethnic origin of the parents;

Individual work of a coach-teacher with parents is also necessary because the family is a deeply intimate team. Discussion of individual educational situations and questions that have arisen among parents becomes possible only in the course of personal communication and cannot be successfully implemented even in a small group. Individual work with a family allows you to outline a specific program for raising a child, choose an individual educational trajectory, and prevent possible deviations in his behavior.

4. Principles in working with the family - consistency, - respect, - the unity of social and family education, - the optimal combination of individual, group and collective forms of improving the pedagogical culture of parents. The activities of the school's coaching staff in organizing work with parents realizes the following goals: - educational - to promote parental vision and understanding of the changes taking place with children; - advisory - joint psychological and pedagogical search for methods of effective influence on the child in the process of acquiring social and educational skills; - communicative - enriching family life with emotional impressions, experience of the culture of interaction between the child and the parents.

5. Questionnaires and tests for parents and students

Questionnaire 1


At the very first meeting of the coach with the parents, you can ask them to answer the following questions:

    What is your opinion of our CYSS and the team in which your child will study?

    How do you see the leader of this team?

    How would you like to see the children's team in which your child will be engaged?

    What traditions and customs, in your opinion, should be developed in the children's team?

    How could you help the head of the CYSS in creating a children's team?

    What parenting issues cause you serious concern and concern?

Questionnaire 2


    With what feeling does your son or daughter cross the threshold of the Youth Sports School?

    How does your child feel in the team?

    Do you know your child's friends and acquaintances from the CYSS team? Name them.

    How is your child's relationship with the coach developing?

    In your opinion, does the CYSS create conditions for your child's self-realization?

    What kind of help does your child need to be more productive?

Questionnaire 3


In order to study the character of the pupils, their relationships in the family, the following questions can be used in the survey:

    What positive character traits of your child can you name?

    What negative character traits of your child prevent him from feeling comfortable in the team?

    How does your child behave at home?

    Does your child share with you his impressions about the events taking place in the CYSS, about the life of the team he attends?

    Does your child invite you to events held in the CYSS, does he want to demonstrate his achievements?

    What do you think the future of your child will be?



This technique is used to diagnose the relationship between pupils and their parents. Both children and parents give answers to the same questions, which makes it possible to determine the causes of conflicts in their relationship. It's no secret that the discrepancy between the points of view, attitudes, beliefs, opinions of parents and children can lead to conflict situations and problems in raising a child.

After analyzing the answers of pupils and their parents, you can use their results to prepare and conduct various educational activities, both with parents and with children.

Student Suggestions:

A youth sports school for me is ...

The team in which I work is ...

A coach for me is a person who ...

My teammates are ...

For me classes are ...

The activity that I enjoy is ...

The activity that I don't like is ...

Suggestions for parents:

The youth sports school where my child is engaged is ...

The team in which my child is studying is ...

My child's teammates are ...

The activity that my child enjoys is ...

An activity that my child does not like is ...

In order to study the traditions and customs of the families of pupils, their moral values, you can use the following unfinished sentences :

For pupils:

I am glad when ...

I get upset when ...

I cry when ...

I get angry when ...

I like when…

I don't like it when….

I believe when ...

If I have good news, then I ...

If I have bad news, then I ...

If something doesn't work out for me, then I ...

For parents:

I am glad when my child….

I am upset when my child….

I cry when my child….

I get angry when a child ...

I like it when my child ...

I don't like it when my child ...

I do not believe when my child ...

I believe when they say that my child ...

If my child has good news, then ...

If my child has bad news, then….

If something doesn't work out for my child, then….


Such diagnostics is possible where the coach-teacher and parents are like-minded people, united by a common goal - to make life in the Children's and Youth Sports School, and in the family better, kinder. Reflection topics can be very diverse. The main thing is that parents and children should be sincere in them.

Subject similar essays for children and parents may be as follows:

"To be a father (mother) of an adult daughter (son) is ...",

"My home is my castle?!",

"My future family ... What will it be like?"

"Why do I love my parents",

"The joys of my home"

"Holidays and everyday life of my family",

"Stories and traditions of my kind",

"The saddest day in my family's life"

"Tips for parents on raising children",

"Laws of family life", etc.

Such essays-reflections force parents to take a fresh look at their children, their attitude to life, to their family, and suggest what problems their children may face in the future.



The questions of this test are asked to answer parents .

    You are watching a movie on TV, but your child demands to switch to another program: rock musicians perform there. What will you do?

A) complete the request and watch the program together;

B) ask to wait, as the film will end soon;

C) do not pay attention to the child's request;

D) be angry with the child for making such a request.

    You see in your children:

A) people equal to themselves;

B) people who copy you in your youth;

B) small adults;

D) grateful listeners.

    What hairstyle do you prefer?

A) which suits you best;

B) which meets the latest fashion;

C) which copies someone's hairstyle;

D) which copies the style of the child.

    A little about the age of the parents:

A) do the children know your age;

C) you emphasize the age line between yourself and the children;

C) you do not pay attention to the age difference between yourself and children;

D) constantly demand recognition from children of the understanding that you are older.

    What style of dress do you wear?

A) try to keep up with the youth style in clothes;

B) try to dress as your child advises;

C) try to wear the clothes that suit you;

D) follow your understanding of style;

    Imagine your teenage son has an earring in his ear or your daughter gets a piercing. What will you do?

A) consider this a personal matter of the child;

B) you will make fun of his (her) act;

C) acknowledge that it is stylish;

D) do the same.

    If music is played at full volume in the house:

A) you plug your ears with cotton;

B) turn down the volume;

C) put up with your child's passion;

D) turn it on even louder.

    If you argue with your child, then:

A) try to argue with him;

B) admit he is right;

C) argue until complete victory;

D) get away from the argument.

    Your child is celebrating a birthday:

A) you are sitting with him at the same table;

B) serve children at the table;

C) leave the house.

    The child goes to the disco:

A) you go with him;

B) you don't let him go;

C) you find out who your child is going with;

D) you limit it in time.

    When communicating with your children, you:

A) are frank;

B) closed;

C) restrained;

D) open.

    In relationships with your children, you:

A) behave like a friend;

B) as a strict judge;

C) as a friend;

D) as a parent.

Parents evaluate the test results independently, as it clearly reveals possible problems relationships with adolescent children.

On the basis of this diagnosis, it is possible to conduct an evening of questions and answers with the pupils' parents, during which each position of this test, its pros and cons, can be discussed. Such a test makes many adults look differently at the results of their upbringing, see themselves through the eyes of other parents, determine character traits positive and negative behaviors.

During a meeting with parents, it is necessary not only to talk with them about their child, to discuss the problems of the children, but also to offer them constructive solutions to the problems that have arisen.

Determining the independence of the child

You can invite parents to complete the following task: using the table to determine the degree of independence of their own child.

Parents are offered a list of the child's actions. They distribute these actions in two columns of the table on their own.

List of actions:

Going to school;

Chooses clothes for the training process and for the holiday;

Does his homework;

Determines with whom to be friends;

Chooses the direction for training in the CYSS;

Prepares food if needed;

Cleans the apartment by own initiative;

Goes to the store to shop;

Helps around the house and in the country;

Invites friends to his home;

Determines the time to return home after school evening and disco;

Makes decisions in various situations of daily life;

Orders in cashthat you give him;

Objectively evaluates himself and his actions;

Restrains his negative emotions in communication with other people;

He is tolerant of younger brothers and sisters;

Helps in the education of the younger.

Working with a checklist and a table helps parents to look at their family from the outside, to see the effectiveness of their parenting system. Many, working with the table, begin to realize that a child is growing up in the family, who is not given the opportunity to be independent, prevent all his desires, actions and deeds, restrain his manifestation of any independence.

Revealing the emotional atmosphere in the family

Another table that it is appropriate for parents to fill out is an indicator of the verbal manifestation of positive emotions in the family in relation to the child. Such diagnostics are useful when preparing for a thematic consultation. It allows you to determine the cause of the high anxiety of pupils. It is generally accepted that a high level of anxiety is associated with the problem of adaptation. However, it's not just about adaptation. This is also due to the change in the position of the child in the family. “You used to be small, but now you are big! I will not lisp with you like I used to! " - such statements demonstrate changes in the emotional perception of the child in the family, which is expressed in gestures, facial expressions, looks and, of course, in words.

Table for parents

Words and phrases with which I

I support the child

Scold him

If there are difficult children in the team, which means there are problems with their upbringing, then it is necessary to invite the pupils to fill out a similar table, and then conduct a comparative analysis of the tables of parents and children.

Table for children

Words and phrases that my parents used to me


How often

How often


Parental participation in school life becomes more meaningful and more active in an institution with a higher level of education, because confidence in receiving a quality education increases the level of parents' trust in educational institution, gives them hope that their further education requirements will be met.

List of references

  1. Feldshtein D.I. Psychology of human development as a personality / D.I. Feldstein. - Fav. tr. in 2 volumes - M .; Voronezh: MPSI NGO 2005.

Participants: parent group preschool age 8-12 people.

Equipment:badges (according to the number of participants), magnetic board, projector, tape recorder, music records, paper f. A4, pencils (markers).

Time: 2-2.5 hours.

Location: music hall.

Training progress

Light music sounds. Parents sit in a circle. The presenter approaches each of the parents, gets to know each other, draws up a "common business card" - writes the parents' name on a large sheet (in the form of a flower).

Leading. Good evening, dear parents. I thank you for coming to the training. Today we will talk to you in a close, family circle.

Psychological training is a training of the soul, mind, body. A person assimilates 10% of what he hears, 50% of what he sees, 90% of what he does.

In the course of work, we will have to communicate with each other, so please, all participants: sign and attach business cards-badgesso everyone knows how to contact you.

Topic of today's training: "The Path of Parental Love".


Exercise "Kind warmth" (10 min.)

Purpose: promoting cohesion in the group, creating a friendly atmosphere.

Now I invite you to get to know each other.

Stand in a circle and hold hands. "Warmth" will go from me to the right (left), that is, I lightly touch my shoulder to the shoulder of my neighbor , calling my name written on a business card-badge, and remembering how they affectionately called me in childhood, my neighbor also - to the next, and so on in a circle. Let's try.

And now the same thing, but with closed eyes. Let's see how the group works together.

Was it difficult to complete the task? Why? How do you feel after completing the assignment?

Let's continue our acquaintance:

Find a pair. (2 minutes.)

Let's fantasize: Warm autumn, foliage is falling, colorful leaves are lying on the ground. You are walking in the forest, foliage rustling under your feet. There is a beautiful lake in front of you, the water is glistening, and you want to sail on a boat and enjoy the smell of the forest, water and this beauty. Hoops are boats. To the music, you will walk along the shore of a wonderful lake, around which there is an autumn colorful forest, when the melody stops sounding, you need to choose a boat, their number is limited. No one should stay on the shore.

Questions: How did you feel playing this game? What mood are you in?

Main part


It is in such a kind and warm atmosphere, perhaps, that we should talk about the most important thing in the life of every person - about parental love. Everyone considers themselves to be loving parents, and this is quite natural. We really adore our children, and the best confirmation of this is that we feel constant love in our souls. But one more thing is important for children - how we show this feeling.

Parenting is probably the deepest responsibility an adult can take on.

Most importantly, the special role of parenting is to love and nurture their children and to foster feelings of high self-esteem and self-confidence in them.

Communication and relationships with other people arise and develop in childhood... For a child, adults are an example in everything. Children learn well what is presented visually, they want to learn everything from their own experience. He is especially attracted to those activities that adults try to hide from him. The kid remembers not everything, but only what struck him. They always try to imitate adults, which is sometimes dangerous. Not knowing how to distinguish good from bad, they strive to do what adults forbid them, but allow themselves. In this regard, in the presence of children, one should refrain from such actions and deeds that cannot serve as a good example for them.

The speech of children develops better in an atmosphere of love, calmness, when adults listen carefully to them, communicate with children, read fairy tales to them and discuss what they have read.

If a child does not feel sensitivity and love from others, then he has a distrustful attitude towards the world, and possibly a feeling of fear, which can persist for a lifetime. In the process of developing a child's communication skills, great attention must be paid to the formation personal qualities baby, his feelings, emotions. When people are happy and at peace with themselves, they transfer these feelings to relationships with others.

Today you and I must understand that parental love will bring a child much more happiness if he constantly sees that it manifests itself in the relationship of parents not only to him, but also to each other, and the child should feel love.

“Happiness is when you are loved and understood,” and this understanding does not come by itself, it needs to be learned.

So, let's walk with you on the path of parental love.

The aim of the training is: contributing to the improvement of parent-child relations and the formation of effective interaction skills.

Our task - to show parents the degree of understanding of their child, to help them more deeply understand their relationship with children and emotionally enrich them.

Group work rules.

Purpose: emphasizing the participants on the observance of the rules of work in the group and the regulation of work.

Leading.The training participants do everything themselves. For our meeting to be productive, you need to adhere to certain rules.

We will not assess each other, we will not discuss anyone. We will create an atmosphere of security, trust and openness. This will allow you to experiment without embarrassing mistakes.

The rules are printed on sheets (can be written on the board), let's discuss and choose those that are suitable for us for effective interaction:

  • Address by name, and to you.
  • Do not give each other estimates, do not discuss anyone.
  • Listen, don't interrupt.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Participation rule - I participate in the games.
  • Lifebuoy rule - if it is difficult for me during the training, I can take a break (__ times).
  • Good mood rule.
  • ________ (training participants can add their own rules).

So, we have defined the rules of conduct at the training. Perhaps someone wants to make adjustments?

Exercise "My expectations"

Purpose: defining the expectations of participants from group work.

Leading. Dear Parents! Here are stickers cut in the shape of a heart. Draw a symbol that characterizes your family and write down on them your hopes and expectations from our meeting. Then they should be voiced and attached to the poster "The path of parental love", which depicts the path that stretches upward from the house of "Parental love" Stickers must be attached at the beginning of the path, near the house.

Picture 1.

Childhood Immersion Exercise

Quiet, light music sounds.

Leading. Sit comfortably, put your feet on the floor so that they feel good support, rest your back on the back of a chair. Close your eyes, listen to your breathing: it is even and calm. Feel the heaviness in your arms, legs. The flow of time takes you back to childhood - at the time when you were little. Imagine a warm spring day, you are three to four years old. Imagine yourself at the age at which you remember yourself best. You are walking down the street. See what you are wearing, what shoes, what clothes. You are having fun, you are walking down the street, and next to you is a loved one. See who it is. You take his hand and feel its warmth and reliability. Then you let go of your hand and run cheerfully forward, but not far away, wait for your loved one and again take his hand. Suddenly you hear laughter, look up and see that you are holding the hand of a completely different person, a stranger to you. You turn around and see your loved one standing behind and smiling. You run to him, take his hand again, move on and laugh with him at what happened.

Now it's time to go back to this room. When you're ready, you open your eyes.


- Did you manage to plunge into childhood?

- Did you feel the reliable shoulder accompanying you in childhood?

- What does “reliable shoulder” mean to you?

- What feelings did you have when you lost support?

- What did you want to do?

Exercise Role Play

Task for group №1. (Execution time - 5 minutes).

On behalf of the child, tell us how you managed to wet everything that was possible from your clothes in a single spring puddle, at the moment when mom got into conversation with a friend who suddenly came up. Hint: Speak on behalf of the child, vocalizing the possible course of his thoughts.

And mom's reaction when she saw a wet baby ...

Summary. I think a reminder of this opportunity for adults - to penetrate into the world of children, will help to organize the upbringing process more competently, to build interaction in the family more fruitfully.

Task for group №2. (Preparation time - 5 minutes)

Parent and child are selected.

Dear Parents! You are in a hurry, you ran to kindergarten for your child. A car is waiting for you on the street, and your daughter (son) is capricious, does not want to dress.

Your reaction, actions, etc.?

Summary. These role-playing games not only illustrate possible situations, but also allow everyone to think about how I would react to the behavior of my child, what I could teach him.

Exercise to lift your mood, relieve fatigue.

Music sounds. Parents together with the presenter perform "Dance of the Little Ducklings".

Exercise "Associations" (3-5 minutes)

Our goal is to raise a happy child. Who can raise a happy child. Who is a happy child? What is an effective parent? We will answer these questions by working in groups.

Instruction: the group is divided into 2 teams.

1 command: Write your associations when you hear the word "happy child".

Team 2: Write your associations when you hear the word "effective parent"


The most important teachers for children are parents. The parental home is the first school for a child. The family has a huge impact on what the baby will consider important in life, on the formation of his system of values. No matter how long a person lives, he turns from time to time to the experience from childhood, to life in the family: “what my father and mother taught me”.

I invite you to watch the video "Happiness is easy"(Appendix 1). The author of the video is Alisa Pashkova.


  • How do you feel now?
  • How did you feel while watching the video?
  • Would you like to do something?
  • Have you changed your mind about your relationship with your child?

Leading: Often, parents and caregivers use the wrong tactics when making comments to babies in life-threatening situations. Instead of telling the child what to do, the parents tell him what not to do.

As a result, the child does not receive necessary information, and the words of an adult provoke him to do the opposite (For example. What the child will do in response to the words: “Do not come to the TV!”).

The message to the child should be positive, i.e. suggest a response, not inaction.

Exercise "Non-childish prohibitions"

One participant is selected and sits on a chair in the center of the circle. Everyone else comes up to him one at a time and says that they forbid him to do, - what the participants most often tell their child. At the same time, the part of the body to which the ban was concerned is tied with a ribbon. For example: "Don't shout!" - the mouth is tied, "Don't run" - the legs are tied, etc.

After all the participants have expressed their opinion, the person sitting is invited to stand up. Since he will not be able to stand up, he must be untied. To do this, each participant comes to the tape that he tied up and removes the ban, that is, he says what can be done. Thus, the essence of the prohibition remains. For example: "Don't shout - speak calmly."


Reflection of the participant who played the role of a child:

- How did you feel when the "parents" fettered, limited your freedom?

- Restriction of movement of which part of the body did you feel the most acutely?

- What feelings did you have when you were asked to stand up?

- What did you want to untie in the first place?

- How do you feel now?

Reflection of the participants who played the role of an adult:

- How did you feel when you saw the immobilized child?

- What did you want to do?

- Is it easy to find words to reformulate the prohibition?

- What feelings are you experiencing now?

Leading: It is known that there are no ready-made recipes for education. How an adult should act in a given situation is up to him alone. However, you can play, as in the theater, difficult situations, discuss them and try to understand what the child is experiencing in this or that case.

The child's ideas about the world have not yet been formed, and life experience is negligible. Our task is task of adultssurrounding the child - to help navigate the world that is still incomprehensible to him, to explain what is dangerous and impermissible, and what is permissible and even necessary for the baby. Who, if not an adult, will protect the child, warn against dangers and at the same time teach to understand the endless “no's” and “no's”! To teach this to children, parents themselves need to be very good at it.

Exercise "Forbid - Allow"

Three colored sheets are attached to the board, corresponding to the prohibited zones.

  • green symbolizes the zone "Complete freedom";
  • yellow - zone "Relative freedom";
  • red - "Forbidden" zone.

The participants of the training are invited to make a list of possible actions of children, distributing them into three main zones. The resulting options are analyzed: parents, together with the leader (psychologist, teacher), predict possible situations and mistakes.

Leading: How much warmth of the heart is ruined due to the inability to understand the other and oneself. How many dramas, large and small, would not have happened if their participants and those around them had the ability to sympathize, forgive, love. You also need to know how to love, and this skill is not given by mother nature.

The biggest deficit our children have is lack of affection... Parents sometimes do not find time, forget, or maybe even hesitate to caress the child just like that, obeying some kind of inner impulse. The fear of spoiling children makes the parents overly harsh with them.

This task will allow each of us to show a little more affection, attention, love.

Exercise "Sun of Love"

Each participant draws a sun on a piece of paper with the child's name in the center. On every ray of the sun, you must list all the wonderful qualities of your children.

Then all participants demonstrate their "sun of love" and read out what they have written.

I suggest you take this Sunny home. Let its warm rays warm the atmosphere of your home today. Tell your child how you appreciated his qualities - give your child warmth, affection and attention.


Leading.Our meeting is coming to an end, so let's determine if our expectations have come true. If yes, it is necessary to rearrange the stickers on the road of Parental love. The path along the path of parental love does not end, walk with your children with love, care and hope. Bon Voyage!

At the end of the training, the parents with the host are drinking tea at a round table!

Training of acquaintance with the parents of first graders.

1 Leading (teacher).Hello dear parents!

2 Leading (psychologist). Hello!

1 Leading (teacher).We are glad to see you at our pen parent meeting

Today we will try to get to know each other better, talk about our feelings, and also touch on the main points of an organizational nature.

2 Leading. The meeting will be held, your first teacher ...

1 Leading (teacher): and a teacher - psychologist of the school Vagin Yu.D.

We are very pleased to meet you. The moment of our meeting is also characteristic of the fact that not only you are worried, but also we. Will we like each other? Will we find mutual understanding and friendship? Will you be able to hear, understand and accept our requirements and help our little first graders? The success of ours with you depends on this. working together... We meet with some parents for the first time, we already know others. We are glad to all of you.

2 Leading (psychologist).

Let's start our meeting with a small positive note, greet each other ... Take each other's hands, feel the warmth of your hands, look at each other, smile ... Let your smile bring a good mood to everyone present ... now we are one big family ...

The little man who crosses the threshold of the school needs good friend and a mentor! Someone who will help him overcome the fear of the unknown that awaits the baby, beyond the school threshold! Someone who will help make a very important discovery, whose name is KNOWLEDGE. Among the many wonderful teachers who work with children at school, a special place is given to her - the first teacher. Children remember their first teacher all their lives ...

We have prepared a short presentation for you that will introduce you to your first teacher ...

Show presentation ...

1 Leading (teacher). A few words about myself ...Thanks for your attention…

2 Leading.You met your first teacher, and now let's get to know each other ... Exercise: “mini-presentation of yourself”.

We will pass the balloon to the queue, the one at whom he will have to introduce himself, tell about himself and his child.

Inscriptions on the ball: state your name; - a few words about yourself (where you work, your hobbies, strengths, merits, life principles). I ask you to pay attention to positive personal characteristics that could interest all those present.

Thank you for your interesting acquaintance.

1 Leading (teacher). Now let's do the exercise "Basket of feelings"

“Dear mums and dads! I have a basket in my hands, at the bottom of which are a wide variety of feelings, positive and negative, that a person can experience.

After your child crossed the school threshold, feelings and emotions firmly settled in your heart, which filled your entire existence.

Now we will pass on this basket, and I will ask you to tell us about your impressions of your child's education at school ”, what worries you, what worries you, your feelings ...

Thank you for your presentation ...

2 Leading.

From September 1, everything will be different for your children: lessons, teacher, schoolmates. It is very important that you, as loving parents, are with your children.

1 presenter... Now we are one big team. We have to rejoice together and overcome difficulties, grow up and learn.

2 presenter... Learning is teaching ourselves. As a rule, their mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers study together with the children. She studies with her students and a teacher.

1 presenter. I hope that all four years our team will be friendly and close-knit.

Tell me, can I make a clap with one palm? We need a second hand. Cotton is the result of the action of two palms. The teacher is only one palm. And no matter how strong, creative and wise she is, without the second palm (and it is in your face, dear parents) the teacher is powerless.

From here you can deduce first rule:

- only together, all together, we will overcome all difficulties in raising children at school.

2 presenter You have cut out silhouettes of flowers, paints and crayons on your tables. Take everything by flower. Color them in.

Show what you did ...

Now compare your flower with the flowers of your neighbors. All flowers were the same in size, color and shape.

Tell me, after you have painted a flower, can you find two exactly the same flowers? (Not.)

We are adults UNDER THE SAME CONDITIONS we do everything differently. Hence our second rule:

- never compare your child with another! There is no someone or something better or worse. There is ANOTHER!

We will compare, but only these will be the results of the same child yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is called MONITORING. We will do this in order to KNOW HOW AND WHAT TO DO WITH IT TOMORROW.

We will do this in order to grow every day. And not only in studies, but also in actions.

Color tells about your emotional state and the perception of the people around you.

Blue color indicates that you see yourself or another person as conscientious, calm, but somewhat cold;

red - friendly, sociable, energetic, confident, but irritable; pink gentle, sensitive, vulnerable;

orange flexible, kind, sympathetic, artistically gifted, with a good mood, but superficial, with unstable interests and a tendency to get carried away; yellow very active, open, sociable, cheerful;

violet restless, emotionally stressed, in need of emotional contact;

brown addicted, sensitive, relaxed;

the black taciturn, selfish, hostile, rejected.

1 presenter - And now I offer you the well-known fairy tale "Kolobok"

in a psychological way, and I ask you to take an active part in its analysis.

So here we go. (Parents help in retelling the fairy tale from pictures.)

Once upon a time there was a grandfather with an old woman. They had no children. It was lonely for them, and they decided to bake a bun. What did they do? Right. Swept along the bottom of the barrel, scraped the box, and they got a bun.

The first commandment : A child born in a family should always be desired.

They scratched the bottom of the barrel, swept it along the box, and they got a bun. They put it on the windowsill to cool.

Second commandment: Do not leave small children unattended.

The bun rolled along the path and met there first a bunny, then a bear, then a wolf.

Third commandment: Teach your child to communicate with the outside world.

An affectionate, cunning fox met him.

The fourth commandment: Teach your child to recognize good and evil, the true intentions of people.

The fox ate the kolobok.

The fifth commandment: Teach your child independently with honor and dignity, without prejudice to life, to get out of difficult life situations.

That's what everyone is famous fairy tale we have succeeded with five important commandments for your child.

2 Leading.Now let's imagine our child as a flower ...

Flower - this is your child, our student.

Flower roots - preschool maturity. If the child attended kindergarten, it is easier for him to adapt to the conditions at school, because your child already knows how to play, communicate with children. Children at home are more constrained, pinched, often lost, experience heightened anxiety and fear of school.

Leaves - general psychological development and self-regulation.

It is they who contribute to the quality development of the flower, i.e. your child. Look, in this figure, writing, reading, and counting skills are not indicated anywhere. If a child has well developed higher mental functions, then these skills will be successfully formed and developed. Thus, your baby develops and grows - the flower of your life.

For a more successful adaptation, the development of your child and help the teacher in the learning process, systematic psychological work is needed.

According to the order No. 636 of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 22.10.1999. (Appendix: "Regulations on the Service of Practical Psychology in the System of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation") in MBOU NOSH №3 psychological support of the educational process is carried out.

The main goal of the psychological support of the educational process is personal development students, their socio-psychological adaptation in combination with self-realization.

As part of the psychological support of the learning process, the following are carried out:

Correctional and developmental work;

Consultative and educational activities;

Preventive work.

There are application forms on your tables that you must sign because I can work with children within the framework of psychological support only with parental consent.

Thank you very much for your trust, I will try to justify it ...

1 presenter: main points of organization ...

    Parents' committee selection ...

To make our communication more fruitful, to make our bond stronger, we need to choose a parent committee, the first and main assistant in the class ...

Your suggestions…

    Other organizational issues ...

Reflection.At the end of our meeting, please leave a few lines on the sheets regarding our meeting. Your impressions: what you liked and what didn't, your recommendations, wishes to the presenter ...

Training exercises for working with parents and students

Parental training takes a special place in my teaching activities. The training is conducted with a group of parents at a parent meeting. Trainings will be effective if all parents become actively involved in them and attend regularly. For the training to have a final positive result, it must include 5-8 sessions. During the training sessions, with great interest, parents perform tasks such as "children's grimaces", "favorite toy", "my fairy-tale image", "children's games", "childhood memories", "a film about my family". Such tasks allow you to take a fresh look at the relationship in your family, at your own authority in the eyes of the child.

I would like to bring to your attention several play exercises that are aimed at forming a parenting team. They can be used at the first parent meeting, or at several meetings with parents.


All participants greet each other in a circle in different ways:

    Say hello to each other;

    Bumping fists;

    Rub your backs;

    We hug.

The exercise helps the participants to get to know each other and quickly remember each other's names. Training participants sit in a common circle. The first participant introduces himself and names something he likes. This noun must begin with the same letter as this participant's name. For example, a participant named Anton might say, “My name is Anton, and I love oranges.” The second participant repeats what the first said and adds information about himself. For example: "This is Anton, who loves oranges, and I am Tatiana and I love dancing."

Paper napkins

The exercise helps the training participants to get to know each other, and also creates a cheerful and positive atmosphere in the group. Training participants are given a pack of paper napkins with the words: "In case you need it, please take yourself some napkins." After all the participants have taken napkins, they are invited to tell as many of the happiest events in the life of their family as there are napkins in their hands.

How alike we are!

The exercise helps the participants get to know each other better. You need to split into two groups. Let each group make a list of what unites its members. In this list, you can write, for example: “Each of us has a sister ...”, “Each of us has soft toy… ”,“ The favorite color of each of us is red… ”. You cannot write general human information such as "I have two legs." You can specify, for example, year of birth, place of study, hobby, marital status etc. You have 8 minutes. The group that finds and records the most common features wins.

"It seems to me that as a child you were ..."

Participants throw the ball to each other with the words: "It seems to me that in childhood you were ...". In response, everyone can agree or deny the statement. The second option: "I think in childhood you dreamed (a) ...". Here the training participants can talk about themselves, what they dreamed about in childhood or what they were then. This exercise encourages group members to enter a childish ego state.

Drawing the family coat of arms "

Participants must create their family's coat of arms. The coat of arms must be beautifully decorated. For a hint, I used a fragment of a previously filmed film "My family - through the eyes of a child" (see video attachment)

The game "Wonderful bag"

I have a bag in my hands, at the bottom of which there are a wide variety of positive and negative feelings that a person can experience. After your child crossed the school threshold, feelings and emotions firmly settled in your soul, in your heart, which filled your entire existence. Put your hand in the bag and take the "feeling" that overwhelms you most for a long period of time, name it. Parents name the feelings that they are painfully experiencing. This activity allows you to identify problems and difficulties that arise in the family, and discuss these problems during the discussion of the topic of the meeting.

Spider web game

Who wants to be a child? (preferably dad) Here is our child. One of the forms of parental attention, care and love are restrictions and prohibitions. Today, every prohibition imposed, we will translate into a physical one and show it on our child. We will literally bind him with obligations and prohibitions. I have prepared red ribbons. Let's call what is usually forbidden for the child (parents call the prohibitions, and the teacher ties the "child" with ribbons)

Exercise "Fertile Garden".

On the blackboard is a poster on which a tree is drawn. The participants are given apples (green - positive emotions and red - negative emotions), on which everyone writes the answer to the question: What do you think about our past meeting?

Then apples are hung on a tree with a commentary on what the participants liked or did not like and wishes for the future.

Thank you for your attention and participation in our meeting today.


    Beskorovainaya L.S., Perekatieva O. V. "Handbook of primary school teachers." Ed. 3rd - Rostov n / a: publishing house "Phoenix", 2004. - 352s. (Series "School of Joy".)

    Derekleeva N. I. " Parent meetings in grades 1-11 ". - M .: Verbum-M, 2001 .-- 80s.

    Derekleeva N. I. "Directory class teacher. elementary School... 1-4 grades ". M .: Vako, 2003 .-- 240p.

    Salyakhova L. I. “Parents' meetings. Scenarios, recommendations, materials for carrying out. 1-4 grades ". - M .: Globus, 2007 .-- 315s. - (Classroom guide).


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