It is considered to be a modern marketing concept. Modern marketing concepts. The essence of the marketing concept


3.1. Marketing development

The term "marketing" first appeared in the early 1900s. in USA. The need for marketing has arisen in different industries at different times in the following sequence:

  1. in companies producing prepackaged consumer goods;
  2. in firms that produce consumer durables;
  3. in industries producing industrial equipment;
  4. in industries producing goods for industrial purposes - steel, chemical, pulp and paper;
  5. in the service sector - auto companies and banks.

Marketing concepts in development

There are five main concepts that have developed in the market, where the interests of enterprises, consumers and society collide.

  1. The concept of improving production is one of the oldest, which was guided by sellers (late 19th century). This concept includes:
      a) an increase in production volumes by expanding the production base, increasing labor productivity;
      6) cost reduction by increasing the degree of mechanization and automation or reducing production costs.
    This period was characterized by a market for "sellers" when demand exceeds supply.
  2. The concept of product improvement (1905-1933) is another approach where demand exceeds supply. It is characterized by an improvement in the quality of the product, its performance and properties.
  3. The concept of commercial effort (1933-1950) emerged from competition at a time when a "buyer and seller market" began to exist (supply balances demand) and significant sales and promotion efforts were required. Many companies use this concept during periods of overproduction and overstocking. However, aggressive marketing focuses more on temporary tasks than long-term customer relationships.
  4. The concept of marketing is a relatively new approach (1950-1970). It is distinguished by its focus on offering the consumer what he needs, and not on selling only what the seller has. The main difference of this concept is its focus on satisfying the needs of the customer.
  5. The concept of social marketing originated in the 1970s. It appeared due to the lack of natural resources, environmental pollution, rapid population growth and an unfavorable situation in the social sphere. The concept requires a balance of three factors within the framework of marketing policy: the interests of society, customer needs and the company's profits.

Ways of using the world experience of marketing development in Russia

The uniqueness of the current state of the Russian economy influences the strategy chosen by enterprises and organizations. One or another marketing concept can be used depending, on the one hand, on the saturation of a particular market segment and, on the other, on the intensity of the competition.

Thus, the entrepreneur must obtain relevant information and choose the appropriate marketing concept.

In principle, all five marketing concepts are suitable for Russian conditions. Serious management should improve production from time to time so that outdated equipment and technologies do not hinder productivity growth and business development.

You should always remember about improving goods and services in order to maintain and develop competitiveness. However, all other things being equal, the winner is the one who improves efforts to promote and push their goods and services to market as needed.

For large companies that have already established themselves in the domestic market, a social marketing strategy is needed to develop and maintain an image of corporate social responsibility. Society should see that the company cares not only about its profits, but also about improving the well-being of the country's population, about improving the ecology of the environment and about meeting the interests of consumers.

As one or another market becomes saturated, the emphasis in the marketing policy of the enterprise should also change.

3.2. Sales and marketing. Mapping concepts

Characteristics of a traditional marketing concept

The traditional marketing concept is characterized by the following features.

  1. A narrow focus solely on the sale of finished, existing products by the sales department of the manufacturer or reseller.
  2. The sales department does not have the ability to influence the type of products or services, their quality and characteristics.
  3. The staff of the sales department is not focused on the mandatory establishment of informational feedback with the consumer.
  4. If we take the sales department of Soviet enterprises, then its functions were more to keep documentation on the released products, and not to look for new consumers or sales channels.

In the modern system of enterprise orientation to the market, the sales division is an integral part of the marketing service. But in this case, sales becomes a living organism, sensitively interacting with the entire business system. The sales team is involved in the development of the product concept, as they are charged with the responsibility of establishing and maintaining customer feedback. Sellers and agents who directly work with buyers collect their feedback not only about their own, but also about competing products and services. Therefore, they have the most valuable information that developers and employees of the production department should receive from them if the case is properly organized. In this way, salespeople actively influence the entire cycle, from product design to after-sales service.

Characteristics of modern marketing

One of the distinctive features of the modern period is the transition of developed countries from the so-called industrial economy to a service economy.

The main differences between them are as follows.

  1. In the service economy, enterprises are primarily aimed at increasing the effect of utility, more complete satisfaction of specific customer requests. In the industrial sector, manufacturers strive to maximize the output of marketable products.
  2. The style of management is changing in the service economy. Its distinctive features are flexibility, speed of decision-making, networked management, freedom of maneuver and openness. In an industrial economy, the management mechanism is devoid of flexible maneuver, which is determined by the hierarchy of vertical structures and their excessive orderliness and sluggishness. Modern partners strive to create organizational structures that would be distinguished by more developed horizontal ties to the detriment of vertical ones that press the initiative.
  3. The role of intangible attributes - comfort, benevolence and attention - is sharply increasing. The seller establishes an interactive relationship with his clients and becomes a consultant for them.
  4. Success in implementing a modern customer-centered service strategy depends critically on the experience and ability of the employees. To stimulate their more attentive attitude towards the customer, the emphasis is on staff motivation and training.

The concept of modern service marketing in Russian conditions

For modern market conditions, even in our country, the consolidation of production and commercial structures is characteristic. This is confirmed by the creation of financial and industrial groups, holding companies and other corporate associations. In this case, the demand for services, as well as for systems that include both services and material items, grows even with stagnation of material production.

The service sector is becoming the main sector of the economy in a state of growing attractiveness for foreign investment. Studies have shown that the attractiveness of Russian infrastructure spheres for foreign investors is much higher than that of material production sectors.

Marketing intermediaries. Marketing firms and agencies

Marketing intermediaries are companies that promote, sell, and distribute products to end consumers.

Distribution companies provide distribution channels for the firm. They help her find customers and sell them a product. Distribution companies include wholesalers and retailers who buy goods from a company and resell them. Distribution companies help stock and move goods from production to destination. When choosing intermediary firms, the company must evaluate the storage and transportation method, taking into account factors such as price, volume and speed of delivery, as well as safety. Manufacturers today are forced to deal with large and growing intermediary organizations that are strong enough to dictate their terms to the manufacturer and even push him out of the market.

Marketing agencies are marketing research firms, advertising agencies, intermediaries, and consulting companies. All of them help the company in choosing the right market and promoting products to it. The choice of such companies should be approached with caution, since the creativity, price and quality of services and the level of service for each of them are different.

Differences in the activities of enterprises and organizations with a sales and marketing orientation

The differences between sales and marketing orientations are reflected in the strategy and structure of the respective enterprise. In principle, sales orientation even in our immature market conditions becomes an anachronism. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of enterprises where work is being built in the old fashioned way. The leaders of such enterprises, most likely, do not represent and therefore cannot assess all the possibilities of modern information technologies. Yes, they have a department looking for buyers, but decisions on product launches are made behind the scenes. Of course, an experienced leader, based on pure intuition and luck, can guess the current market demands. But is such luck really so frequent? With this approach, all the advantages in planning and developing a business disappear. If there is an element of marketing in such an organization, then in the form of using methods of sales promotion, pushing and promoting products or services that are planned without much regard for the opinions of consumers.

Marketing-oriented companies are distinguished primarily by the presence of a marketing department with clearly defined functions. It must necessarily have those responsible for market research (at least one person), for drawing up and implementing marketing plans, for advertising policy, for promoting and stimulating sales. The analytical department or at least one employee engaged in the analysis and search for marketing patterns is of great benefit.

3.3. Functions and subfunctions of modern marketing as an interconnected complex of actions of Russian enterprises

Marketing functions

Marketing functions are in principle determined by the goals of the company.

  1. Socio-social, external goals:
    • achieving the highest possible level of consumption;
    • achieving maximum customer satisfaction;
    • providing consumers with the widest possible choice;
    • improving the quality of life;
    • strengthening the country's economy;
    • concern for the preservation and improvement of the ecology;
    • helping the weak and disabled;
    • contribution to the cultural heritage of the people;
    • concern for the well-being of our own employees.
  2. Internal goals:
    • maintaining and expanding their market share;
    • strengthening of competitive positions;
    • providing guaranteed profit in the long term.

Four blocks of complex functions can be distinguished with a number of sub-functions.

  1. Analytical function:
    • market research as such;
    • consumer research;
    • study of the corporate structure;
    • examination of goods;
    • analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise.
  2. Production function:
    • organization of production of new goods, development of new technologies;
    • organization of material and technical supply;
    • management of quality and competitiveness of finished products.
  3. Sales function (sales function):
    • organization of the distribution system;
    • service organization;
    • organization of a demand generation and sales promotion system;
    • pursuing a targeted product policy;
    • pursuing a targeted pricing policy.
  4. Control and monitoring function:
    • organization of strategic and operational planning at the enterprise;
    • information support of marketing management;
    • the communicative function of marketing (organization of the communication system at the enterprise);
    • organization of marketing control (feedback, situational analysis).

3.4. Marketing planning system

Goals and objectives of planning in marketing

The goals of planning in marketing are as follows:

  1. choice of marketing strategy and tactics. This allows:
      a) avoid erroneous decisions in the construction of the entire commercial activity of the organization;
      b) outline more effective ways for the further development of the organization;
  2. thoughtfulness and validity of each stage of the organization's marketing;
  3. development of marketing steps in case of external and internal risks.

The planning tasks in marketing are:

  1. coordination of the marketing plan with the ultimate goals of the organization and with the target dates for their implementation;
  2. concretization of any stages of the marketing plan down to the most detailed steps and activities;
  3. selection, appointment of performers and timing of marketing activities;
  4. optimization of the distribution of the marketing budget in its directions;
  5. establishment of types of reporting by performers and control over the implementation of marketing activities.

Marketing planning principles

Any planning begins with strategic planning, which consists of the following blocks:

  1. development of the enterprise program;
  2. formulation of tasks and goals;
  3. business portfolio analysis;
  4. long-term planning of the organization's development.

Each unit of the enterprise must make a conclusion about the advisability of expanding, maintaining, terminating or using the achievements of its activities.

The planning process should cover:

  • analysis of the situation;
  • planning itself;
  • implementation of plans;
  • control over the implementation of the plan.

The marketing strategy consists in the formation and implementation of the goals and objectives of the manufacturing enterprise for each separate market segment and each product for a certain period of time.

Marketing plans can be called differently: "business plan", "marketing plan", "operational plan".

Most of them are designed for one year, less often for several years. Usually companies make annual, medium-term (2-5 years), long-term (5-15 years) plans. The strategic plan is the starting point.

Who makes the plans?

  • Bottom-up development method. Such plans are realistic. They are thought out by the performers themselves and rely on operational information. Their disadvantage is that they may not be coordinated with the plans of other units.
  • Top-down development method. Such plans can be more coordinated and cohesive throughout the enterprise. However, being "lowered" from above, they cause a critical attitude, like everything that is imposed on a person. It is clear that this does not add enthusiasm to the performers of such plans.

These two approaches are combined if the top management sets only general goals and directions, and the executors develop plans for the implementation of the tasks set. As a rule, the terms and finances requested "from below" are overestimated, taking into account the fact that "from above" they will be cut anyway.

Business plan

The business plan consists of the following main blocks.

  1. Business and its strategy.
  2. Market.
  3. Marketing strategy.
  4. Production and operation.
  5. Management and decision-making process.
  6. Finance.
  7. Risk factors.
  1. Business and its strategy:
      business organization, forms of participation in it, board of directors, management schemes and highly professional personnel; business goals; business strategy (what stage is it currently at, what stages of growth can be predicted for the next 3-5 years); basic characteristics of products and services (price and quality, cost in comparison with competitors, negative characteristics and ways to eliminate them); management strategy and marketing strategy; general description of the market.
  2. Market:
    • industry sector analysis;
    • analysis of consumer needs;
    • analysis of competitors;
    • analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the business.
  3. Marketing strategy:
    • products;
    • location and distribution channels;
    • promotion mix;
    • price.
  4. Production and operation:
    • requirements for local infrastructure (transport routes, energy and water supply, environment, waste water, labor force, local political situation, taxation system);
    • purchase (reconstruction) of a manufacturing enterprise;
    • physical capital investment;
    • production plan and calculation of output.
  5. Management and decision-making process:
    • organizational chart of management;
    • description of the functional responsibilities of specialists and the board of directors;
    • results and experience of the responsible specialists;
    • selection of external consultants;
    • personnel training plan.
  6. Finance:
    • calculation of the cost of a unit of products or services;
    • sales assumptions;
    • overhead assumptions;
    • assumptions about cash flow;
    • assumptions about funding sources.
  7. Risk factors:
    • political risks;
    • conjuncture market risks;
    • force majeure circumstances;
    • climatic risks;
    • technical risks;
    • financial risks.


The Russian economy of construction, industrial market organizations is a contradictory and complex process. Economic reform is in our country a decisive condition for the renewal and transformation of industrial relations. There is a review of all old views in the process of social development. Cardinal changes in the development of the country's economy and in the system of the economic mechanism.

The policy functioning in the development of the national economy before the economic reform did not arouse much interest in the study of the forms, methods of production, economic and commercial activities used in world economic processes.

Methods and principles, as well as forms of marketing, play a very important role in economic processes. In situations of strengthening market self-supporting relations and the independence of enterprises, organizations and companies, the preference for expedient forms and their development is directly called upon to contribute to an increase in economic efficiency and the environment and social and environmental security of collectives.

When solving these problems, marketing should be considered as an effective concept of production-quality activity, and as a management function, and as an economic process.

Market research of its products and provision of resources, changing needs of consumers, study of new types of products, technologies and equipment, organization of production and forms of management, price and product service policy.

The approach in marketing for the formation of goals in the economy, production activity sets before the manufacturer, at the beginning of this activity, the initial questions:

question: for whom to produce products?

question: what consumer properties should the product have?

the question is: how much of a given product is needed?

question: when will the consumer need such products?

question: at what prices can it be sold?

The productive application of the marketing approach in the production, economic, commercial and sales activities of an enterprise depends on how quickly and flexibly it reacts to the slightest changes in the market, responds to new consumer needs through the development of technologies and new products. Its ability to adjust to the uncertainty of consumer demand development. To create an appropriate economic and legal environment that would ensure a genuine economic independence of the company in any relationship on the market.

The purpose of this course work is to study the features of modern marketing concepts. In accordance with this goal, the following tasks were set and solved:

· study the theoretical aspects of marketing;

· explore existing marketing concepts;

· analyze the content of marketing planning;

As a theoretical basis for writing this course work, the works of foreign and domestic scientists were used, both in the field of marketing and marketing communications, and in the field of product promotion: P. Drucker, F. Kotler, K. Howard, S. Lavrov, J. Lamben, G.L. Bagiev, M.V. Gundarin, F.N. Gurov, E.V. Popov, S.N. Romanenko and others.

concept marketing social international

1. Theoretical aspects of marketing

1.1 The essence and principles of marketing

Marketing is the result of many years of evolution of managers' beliefs on tasks and goals, methods of forming trade and industry. Scientific and technological progress has shown great importance in the development of the marketing concept, which has provided a wide variety of goods, significant rates of their renewal, and effective production management.

Marketing translated from English means "action on the market" or activity in the field of sales markets. In the modern sense, marketing is an entrepreneurial activity associated with the promotion of services and goods from manufacturer to consumer. Marketing as the basis of a market economy is a "philosophy" of production, entirely dependent on the conditions and requirements of the market, which are in constant dynamics of development under the influence of a wide range of economic, political, social factors and scientific and technical. In his book, the American economist Philip Kotler, "Fundamentals of Marketing," defines marketing: "Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at meeting needs and wants through exchange." This definition is accompanied by the most important marketing motto: "Find a need and satisfy it", which formulates the main goal of marketing efforts. Marketing as an economic category has a very capacious content: to improve its assortment and goods, research buyers, competition and competitors, ensure pricing policy, generate demand, stimulate sales and advertising, organize and technical service, increase the range of recommended services, optimize distribution channels and sales organization.

The development of production management in the formation of marketing, in its development there were several stages. The changes that took place in society became a reflection of political, social and economic changes. In countries in which the stage of formation and development of marketing took place, there was a development trend in which the emphasis was on the consumer or consumer groups, on meeting his or their needs and needs, and not on production.

The methodological method of marketing helps to research and analyze market activities for industrial enterprises and allows you to completely subordinate the work of all structures of the enterprise to constantly changing market conditions and requirements. From R&D to sales and service. At the enterprise, marketing consists of a system of judgments, practical actions related to the study and study of consumer needs, production and exchange potentials for their provision with the least use of all types of resources while achieving the greatest consumer effect. Combining some elements of entrepreneurial, industrial, economic, sales and financial activities into a single technological process is the main task of marketing. The use of marketing helps an enterprise to solve specific problems in each enterprise in a position to solve specific problems in each market with maximum efficiency. The practical ability of the manufacturer to control its production and sales, scientific and technical plans in accordance with the modifications of the market situation, to maneuver the available economic resources in order to provide the necessary strategy in solving tactical and strategic tasks. Observing all these conditions, marketing becomes an original type of management, the basis for operational and long-term planning of technological, production, investment, scientific, technical, financial and sales activities of the enterprise, and marketing management becomes the main element of the enterprise management system.

The essence of marketing says that only that which will find a real sale should be produced, and not try to impose on the buyer a product that is “inconsistent” with the market in advance.

The basic principles arising from the essence of marketing include:

· well-established production and sale of goods must meet the needs of buyers, as well as the market situation and the company's capabilities;

· absolute satisfaction of customer needs and compliance with all modern art and technical standards;

· mandatory availability of a product on the market at the time of the greatest and most effective demand and sale of this product;

· constant renewal of all manufactured or sold products;

· the cohesion of strategies and tactical approach to quickly respond to the slightest changes in consumer demand.

To establish certain current and long-term strategic goals, the possibilities of achieving them, the true sources of resources of economic activity, as well as the ability to determine the quality of products and the desired range, the best structure for production, the most profitable profit for production or a company, for this purpose the marketing activities of a production or company are directed ...

The most important methods of marketing activities in production are as follows:

) in relation to the enterprise, it is important to analyze the external environment, which enters not only the market, but also social, political, cultural and other conditions. The entire analysis identifies factors that promote or hinder commercial success, as a result of this analysis, the necessary data bank is created to assess the environment and its potentials;

) consumer analysis or analysis of real and potential consumers is very important. The study of this analysis includes the study of the economic, demographic, social, geographical and other characteristics of people, about the purchasing power, as well as their needs and wants and the purchasing power of both ours and competing goods;

) the following analysis is aimed at studying and planning the existence of goods in the future or developing concepts for creating new goods or modernizing old ones, including the range of these goods and parametric series, as well as packaging and more. Goods that have outlived themselves and do not bring estimated profit are removed from production and the market. Planning product distribution and sales, creating, if necessary, appropriate own sales networks with stores and warehouses or agent networks;

) to provide and generate demand and sales promotion (FOSSTIS) by the method of combinations of non-commercial prestigious events, advertising, personal sales and various types of material incentives addressed to buyers, agents and sellers directly;

) provide a pricing policy that includes the planning of the system itself and the price level for all supplied products and defining technologies as applied to prices, discounts and credits. Compliance with social and technical standards of the region where the products are sold. Compliance with the norms of moral and ethical rules is an indispensable level of the consumer value of the product;

) marketing management as a system consisting of planning and implementation, control of the marketing program and the personal responsibilities of all participants involved in the work of the enterprise, as well as assessing the risk and profit, and, of course, the effectiveness of marketing decisions.

1.2 Functions and purposes of marketing

Marketing touches a lot of people in all sorts of different ways, it inevitably causes controversy. Not everyone is satisfied with the activities of modern marketing, accusing it of destroying the environment, intensified by the attack of stupid advertising, in the formation of unnecessary needs, in the development of a sense of gluttony and other faults in young people. The rest angrily intercede for marketing.

What is the main idea and goal in the marketing system? Four alternative answers are suggested:

Analytical function.

Product and production function.

Sales function.

Management, communication and control function.

The first goal is to maximize consumption or maximize profits. All commercial organizations have a similar goal. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis goal is to increase the consumption of goods as much as possible in all possible ways, which would lead to an expansion of production, and as a result, to increase profits. For this, the consumer is convinced that "The more consumption, the better the result."

The second goal is not much different from the third and fourth goals. It consists of taking care of consumers. Increased customer satisfaction with the purchased product. Consumers, having received great satisfaction from the purchase, will come for this product more than once and will probably buy it in larger quantities, and they can also advertise it to their relatives and friends, thereby bringing considerable benefits to producers.

There is also a third goal in marketing, which provides maximum and varied choices for consumers. One side of this goal helps to fully satisfy the needs of buyers in choosing a quality product, and the other side warns that an increase in production may not lead to an increase in demand, and the price of the product will increase due to significant costs. A rise in the price of a product will create anger among consumers. It turns out a kind of closed circuit. This goal is only suitable for those companies that are convinced that all of their products will be in maximum demand.

Raising the standard of living, as many believe, is the most important thing in life. This is what we will consider the fourth goal, and it consists of three principles. In my opinion, the first principle of improving or improving the standard of living includes improving the quality and increasing the quantity and expanding the range, as well as the acceptable price of goods. Increasing the positive impact of marketing on the physical and environmental, cultural and spiritual environment is all the second principle. In this case, the purpose of the firm should determine the formation of environmental improvement and general cultural values. It's fair to say that measuring quality of life is difficult, as is the pleasure of buying a great product.

For excellent and productive work, any firm must set these four goals of maximization before itself, although this does not always work, as a result of this, a new name for the goal has appeared - alternative.

The analytical function is also present in the analysis of marketing and it consists of research :) markets:

It is very important for any manufacturer to choose a more priority and suitable one from a huge mass of markets. The choice of a sales market is influenced by many factors: import and export policies of countries, geographic location and volume of market consumption, competition - producer and consumer countries, as well as the constancy of the economy of these countries, forecasting market development. The volumes of market consumption are also very significant, since it is invariably better when the sale of goods on the market is maximum. The presence of a huge number of competitors in the market creates a very competitive struggle. The strongest competitor with extensive experience wins. Import-export policy has a significant impact on the sale of goods of the producing country and consumer countries, because the size of customs duties and customs legislation is of great importance.) Market consumers:

All markets are saturated with a considerable number of buyers, and they differ from each other according to different criteria. The analytic function will help us here too. Here's the salvation - segmentation. Market segmentation that allows you to divide all consumers into groups according to needs and place of residence, age and gender, and more. Orientation of manufacturers to one or more groups of consumers found and orient their production to them.) Goods:

First, before presenting its products to the market, the manufacturer carefully studies the commodity structure of the market. It is formed from the names of goods - analogs and goods - substitutes offered in this market by competitors, services of competitors, their quality and their technical level, special requirements for the goods.

The production function of marketing consists of:

a) creating a competitive quality product in a market environment. The production of products is organized in such a way that the manufactured product is a product that satisfies buyers and their needs in terms of technical characteristics and quality that determine the competitiveness of the product. During development, the product must be formed as a universal product for the specified market segments.) Creation of a material and technical supply base.

The task of this base is the supply of materials and raw materials, various components from the found channels at fixed prices and without interruptions. A correctly built system of material and technical supply excludes failures in this chain.

The sales function consists of :) organizing a system for delivering products to the consumer.

This function consists of a system of measures that stand between the production and sale of goods. A systematic approach to product delivery should be flexible and streamlined, primarily for food products, since most of them are quickly perishable products. The manufacturer must take into account the costs of a certain amount for the delivery of goods to the consumer, which include packaging, transportation and storage of products.) Service or maintenance of an organization consists in a set of services for the sale and movement of goods. This function is in addition to the first subfunction of the sales function. Service offerings for an organization is a stable delivery of products to a customer using a variety of services. The management function is based on planning and controlling the production of goods. Perfectly planned activities, supported by calculations and research, analysis and forecasts of the development of this type of production, allows the possibility of being confident in a positive result. In this case, the degree of risk is reduced.

There are three types of planning:

) long-term or strategic:

Long-term planning is used to determine the scenario, the development of the company as a whole for 10 - 20 years.

) medium-term:

Medium-term plans are developed for the implementation of specific projects, drawn up mainly for 3-5 years.

) short-term (operational):

Short-term planning is used to organize production for a year, to solve specific tasks and to analyze financial results.

The management function, which consists of a subfunction of monitoring the feedback between real results and planned ones, for which all kinds of reports on the work of the enterprise and their comparative analysis are used. Control helps to detect not only the strengths of production, but also weaknesses and identify errors, prevent shortcomings and deviations, as well as find new solutions and opportunities.

2. Evolution of marketing concepts

Marketing concept is understood as a certain philosophy of doing business in a market environment, aimed at making a profit by satisfying the needs of the consumer.

Definition 1

Marketing concept - a system of principles, regulations and marketing tools used to achieve such organizational goals as profit and customer satisfaction.

Companies use different marketing concepts depending on market conditions. There are five main marketing concepts:

  • Production Improvement Concept (production);
  • Product improvement concept (grocery);
  • The concept of intensifying commercial efforts (marketing);
  • Traditional marketing concept;
  • Social and ethical marketing concept.

Manufacturing improvement concept

The concept of production improvement was one of the first to be applied in marketing management. The essence of this concept is to reduce costs by using economies of scale (economies of scale of production).

Definition 2

Economies of scale - a decrease in average production costs, and, as a consequence, the cost per unit of production with an increase in production.

The application of the production concept of marketing is rational when the demand for a product significantly exceeds supply, and the cost of the product is too high. The main disadvantage of this concept is a decrease in attention to the interests of consumers in the search for ways to increase labor productivity in order to reduce the cost and the final price of the product.

Example 1

The most famous example of the application of the production concept of marketing is the assembly line production of Henry Ford, whose goal was to make the car affordable for a wide range of consumers.

Product improvement concept

The concept of product improvement is based on the idea that the consumer will make a choice in favor of the product with the best characteristics and quality. Thus, the implementation of the product concept is to concentrate the company's efforts on the continuous improvement of its products.

In practice, the application of this concept can turn into a "marketing myopia" of the company.

Definition 3

Marketing myopia is an organization's inability to see what is happening outside of its own market.

In an effort to improve their products as much as possible, companies may miss out on the real needs of consumers, leading to the existence of a technically “perfect product” that does not meet the needs of customers.

Example 2

An example of such a situation can be excessive functionality of a product with its external unattractiveness.

Business intensification concept

The sales concept is most popular among companies selling consumer goods and passive goods.

Definition 4

Consumer goods (consumer goods) - household goods intended for sale to the population for the purpose of home use (food, clothing, household appliances, etc.).

Definition 5

Passive demand goods are goods that the consumer does not think about or even does not know about purchasing (various repair, construction, funeral services, etc.).

A key belief in the concept of intensifying commercial efforts is that buyers will not purchase a product without specific promotional measures. Companies using the sales concept of marketing activities identify their target audience and direct their efforts to communicate the benefits of their product. Such aggressive marketing policy can worsen the relationship with the buyer, as it does not take into account the degree of satisfaction with the purchase made and is designed to close a deal, and not to build a long-term relationship.

Traditional Marketing Concept

The traditional marketing concept expresses the basic idea of \u200b\u200bmarketing in the modern sense, which is that making a profit by a company is impossible without identifying the needs of the target audience and satisfying consumers in accordance with their needs.

At first glance, the concept of traditional marketing resembles sales marketing, but their key difference lies in the focus of the firm's interests. The sales concept is based on the interests of production, in accordance with which the company promotes manufactured goods, not focusing on the needs of buyers. In accordance with the concept of traditional marketing, the firm starts from the interests of its customers, producing and promoting what they need.

The application of the concept of traditional marketing is complicated by the fact that consumers themselves are not always aware of their needs. In such a situation, manufacturing companies need to make efforts to identify latent needs for better customer satisfaction.

Definition 6

Latent needs - insufficiently clear understanding by the consumer of their problems or methods of solving them.

Social ethical marketing concept

The concept of socially ethical marketing is a logical continuation of the traditional marketing approach. The main difference between social and ethical marketing and traditional marketing is that the company seeks not only to maximize the satisfaction of consumers' needs through the production and sale of appropriate products, but also to improve the welfare of society as a whole.

Example 3

Fast food restaurants cater to the current needs of customers by providing delicious food quickly and at a low cost (in line with the concept of traditional marketing). However, unhealthy food in such restaurants is detrimental to the well-being of consumers in the long term, that is, this way of meeting the current needs of consumers poses a threat to their health.

The concept of socially ethical marketing forces the company to find a balance between three marketing objectives:

  • Receiving a profit;
  • Customer satisfaction;
  • Improving the welfare of society as a whole.

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Marketing management is based on a number of conceptual approaches. Marketing concepts are the starting points that characterize the active orientation of the market activity of an enterprise at various stages of its development.

The modern concept of marketing is that all activities of the enterprise (scientific and technical, production, sales, etc.) are based on knowledge of consumer demand and its changes in the future. Moreover, one of the tasks of marketing is to identify unsatisfied customer requests in order to orient production towards meeting those needs. Marketing means developing, manufacturing and marketing what there is really consumer demand for. When implementing the marketing concept, the focus of making economic decisions is shifted from the production units of the enterprise to the units that feel the pulse of the market. The marketing service is a think tank, a source of information and recommendations not only for the market, but also for the production, scientific, technical and financial policy of the enterprise. Here, on the basis of a thorough analysis of the state and dynamics of demand and the business environment, the question of the need, prospects, profitability of the production of a particular product is resolved.

The concept of improving production is based on the fact that they will be sympathetic to products that are widespread and affordable. Consequently, the organization must focus on improving production, increasing its economic efficiency, reducing the price of products and distribution systems. The leading means of achieving the goal were to increase the scale of production and reduce the cost of production. Henry Ford, for example, sought to perfect the production of the Model T so that the cost of the car would go down and it would be available to the maximum number of consumers. Ford joked that he could offer customers any color, as long as it was black. In practice, this concept still thrives in the field of budgetary, social services, shifting to a place where marketing was previously not at all - in the field of non-profit relations. Negative features and consequences of using this concept are indifference to consumer demands, depersonalization of consumers, goods, firms.

The concept of product improvement is based on the opinion that some consumers are interested in products that meet the highest quality and have the best performance. The main object of attention was the product, according to the principle: the main thing is a mousetrap (and not the problem of getting rid of mice). Marketing efforts focused on improving the quality of goods, with the modernization of manufactured goods being declared the leading means of achieving the goal. The sphere of marketing has shifted somewhat to a place where not a purely production, but an entirely technocratic approach dominated. The negative features and consequences of the implementation of such a strategy can be considered marketing myopia, overlooking the problems and needs of the client, design possibilities, packaging, prices. For example, Coca-Cola, by focusing entirely on its soft drinks, has lost sight of the growing popularity of coffee shops and bars that sell fresh juices, i.e. those markets that ultimately encroach on the "soda" market. The managers of these organizations too often look in the mirror instead of looking out the window. Many company managers believe that product orientation provides continuous technology innovation, because it is technological excellence that lies at the heart of business success.

The concept of intensification of business efforts argues that consumers will not buy enough of a firm's products if it does not make significant sales and promotion efforts. The most worthy end goal of a firm and its marketing is to make a profit through increased sales. The main focus is on the selling process. The main content of marketing is taking care of the seller's needs in converting his product into cash. Leading means to an end are sales efforts and sales incentives, "hard" sales to get people to buy immediately, on the spot. Most often, this concept is applied to the so-called passive demand goods, those that the buyer hardly thinks about buying (for example, an encyclopedia or insurance). According to this concept, consumers must be persuaded to make a purchase, and therefore each company must have at its disposal an arsenal of tools for marketing and promoting goods and stimulating purchases.

The concept of intensifying commercial efforts is also practiced in the non-commercial sphere. A political party, for example, vigorously "sells" its candidate to voters as the professional who is the best in dealing with existing problems. Many companies resort to the concept of intensifying business efforts during periods of overproduction. Their goal is to sell what they have, not produce what is required in the market. Naturally, marketing based on an aggressive selling strategy carries a lot of risk. It focuses solely on the act of selling itself, rather than building long-term, profitable customer relationships. It assumes that buyers who agree to purchase a product will be happy with it. Most studies show that a customer will not buy again an item they are not satisfied with. To make matters worse, a satisfied customer shares an average of three acquaintances with a product they liked, while a dissatisfied customer shares his disappointment with an average of ten.

The concept of pure marketing requires a consumer orientation: to produce only what can be realized. A company's achievement of its goals depends on identifying the needs and demands of target markets, as well as on more efficient customer satisfaction compared to competing companies. Oddly enough, but this approach has only recently begun to be used in business practice.

Many thriving and well-known companies operate on the concept of pure marketing. For example, such as Procter & Gamble, Marriott, Nordstrom, McDonald's.

McDonald's Corporation, a hamburger-based food service chain, is a true marketing pro, with 18,000 locations in 90 countries, with a total of $ 23 billion in annual sales every three hours Somewhere in the world, McDonald's is opening a new restaurant. The reasons for this state of affairs lie in a clear focus on marketing: McDonald's know how to serve customers and how to respond to changing consumer needs. Ray Kroca - 52-year-old seller of milkshake machines - is expressed in the motto of McDonald's corporation, which sounds like QSC & V. - quality, service, purity and value. Visitors enter an impeccably clean room, they are greeted by friendly service staff, they quickly get tasty food, which they eat right there or in a pretty package they take with them. McDonald's premises do not have jukeboxes or payphones, so there are no teenagers hanging out there. There are also no cigarette vending machines and newspaper counters. McDonald's are family-style restaurants and are especially popular with children. In addition to these efforts, each McDonald's restaurant takes part in various social events.

The concept of general marketing, which turns into the concept of marketing mix, the achievement of the ultimate goal - making a profit - is directly linked to the main condition: effective satisfaction of consumers' needs. The main content of marketing activities is to take care of satisfying the needs of the consumer through the product and a number of factors associated with the creation, supply and consumption of this product. Means of achieving the goal - integrated marketing efforts (marketing mix). This kind of marketing still dominates in such areas where there is work with mass-market goods produced by large companies.

The concept of strategic marketing focuses marketing efforts on a long-term perspective and, in essence, is a constant and systematic analysis of market needs, leading to the development of effective products intended for specific groups of buyers and possessing special properties that distinguish them from competing products and thus create a sustainable competitive advantage.

The concept of socially ethical marketing envisages satisfying healthy and reasonable needs, protecting the environment, enhancing the role of public interests, maintaining a balance of interests along the entire technological chain from the use of natural resources to the consumption of final products. The campaign first identifies the needs and interests of the target markets, and then provides consumers with the highest customer value in ways that support (or even improve) the well-being of the client and society. The concept of ethical marketing is the most advanced of all.

This concept is based on three fundamental ideas:

satisfying the healthy and reasonable needs of consumers;

achieving the main goal of manufacturers, taking into account the interests of society as a whole;

ensuring environmental protection.

As an example, the Coca-Cola Company is a corporation that makes soft drinks that consumers love and has won everyone's trust. However, some consumer groups and members of the environmental society have expressed concern that the company's drinks are low in nutritional value, may damage teeth, contain caffeine, and the cans and glass bottles in which these drinks are sold pose an environmental problem. ...

This kind of criticism led the company to embrace the concept of socially ethical marketing. This concept encourages marketers to strike a balance between three marketing goals: campaign revenue, consumer needs, and public interest. Previously, most companies made marketing decisions based mainly on the company's immediate profits. Gradually, however, the campaigns began to recognize the importance of long-term customer satisfaction, and thus moved on to the concept of marketing. Today more and more campaigns think about the public interest when making marketing decisions.

The concept of holistic (holistic) marketing is based on the planning, development and implementation of marketing programs, processes and activities, taking into account their breadth and interdependence.

Holistic marketing recognizes that everything is important in the marketing business and that, often, an extended, integrated approach is needed.

The concept of holistic marketing includes four marketing categories: internal, integrated, socially responsible, and relationship marketing. Holistic marketing delivers results, not the illusion of understanding and control.

Thus, holistic marketing is an approach that attempts to recognize and balance the different competencies and complexities of marketing activities.

On the communication spectrum, holistic marketing is at the highest levels. Holistic marketing does not limit the content of communications, either to individual details and characteristics of a product or service, or even to any set of ideas. The entire world in which the business lives, including the personalities of managers and employees, becomes the content of communications. Holistic marketing communicates this world to customers in its complexity, richness and diversity. On the other hand, in holistic marketing, we turn our communications not to individual human needs or even to some generalized values, but to the client's single personality in its complexity, wealth and individuality. We do not try to look for points of control over the consumer, we do not seek to find his "button", but we create conditions for cooperation and co-creation with him.

Holistic marketing is primarily a special, holistic way of thinking, and not a set of specific recipes and technologies. Any business can take advantage of its powerful and so far little explored potential, but for this you need to learn to act without trying to understand and control everything around. It's not easy, but don't be intimidated.

It is important to emphasize that marketing specialists choose the most appropriate approach for the organization, based on the specifics of the proposed product, market characteristics, consumers, etc. ...


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