Brief information about the bullfinch. What does a bullfinch look like

A. Ignatova

In the summer, to be honest,
It is difficult to find a bullfinch.
And in winter - grace! -
To see him a mile away!

I. Skorodumova

Like the reflections of the dawn -
Bullfinches on the trees.
The apples are ruddy
But rather strange.
Lisa is surprised:
The apples are flying !?

M. Borina

Oh what bullfinches
The colors of the dawn
They sat on the trees
Bright watercolor.
Black hats
Thin legs
Round fluffs
Pink cheeks.
They whistled like a flute
Wow, you flew eeeeee ..

E. Kokhan

Bullfinches, bullfinches,
Like shards of dawn
They are jumping on the track.
You frost
don't take them -
Burn your palms.

T. Propisnova

Bullfinches asked
Scarlet paint at Dawn.
- I'm not sorry, -
Dawn said
I painted the breasts for them,
I only took the wings ...
A flock of times - and rose.
Now it's clear to everyone -
Why do bullfinches
Only the breasts are red.

A. Prokopyeva

Run out quickly
Look at the bullfinches ...
Arrived, Arrived!
The flock was met by blizzards
A Frost Red Nose
I brought them a mountain ash,
Well treated
Sweetened well
On a late winter evening
Bright red clusters.

A. Govorov

Look, mom, look
Bullfinches outside the window.
Blue, red,
The wings are satin.
It's cold without the sun.
so that they are not bored,
So that they are not sad
It is possible with crumbs in the feeders
Put toys down.

I. Matulenko

What kind of birds on a clear morning
They flew to our yard
And on the table - the feeder
Are they pecking food with appetite?
Sly cat looks sharp
From the window to the street.
Can't get close to them,
He grumbles, he frowns.
I'm running faster into the cold
Throwing my feet into felt boots -
Has it blossomed on the birch
Is that scarlet flower?
What a beauty these birds are!
Scarlet breasts are burning
Well, on my cheeks
Two ruddy bullfinches.

I. Baty

Look, a light flock of bullfinches
They fly to our wastelands in winter.
Black and white winter boring light
Birds paint a warm scarlet color.
No, they are not at all rebels,
They want to fix the calendars!
In the cold from dawn to dawn
Bullfinches shine instead of the sun.
On the mountain ash they have a feast up the mountain.
Everyone in the uniform is red, like a hero.
It has happened in Russia since ancient times, -
All daring, heroes.

O. Drozdova

On a branch of rowan
like a red light
a cheerful bullfinch is sitting,
straightening the crest.
He looks at the path
where the girl is lucky
on a sled his doll,
and pecks berries.

N. Zhelezkova

Look, look!
Bullfinches have arrived -
On a snowy birch
Are burning with a scarlet glow ...
Pavlusha says to the cat:
-Don't touch the bullfinch!
Bends the back of Murka,
Sly yellow eye squints:
- I am a similar picture
This is not the first time I see ...
I don't need bullfinches ...
Better door open me -
Boring at the window
I'll walk a little ...

A. Galushko

On the bushes, Andrey, look -
a friendly flock of bullfinches.
Bullfinches are forest birds
come to us in winter,
very difficult to feed
off to the side of the deaf forest
Their sad whistle, barely audible,
don't get scared of people
every slow, fluffy,
as if he were more important than all the birds.
The seeds peck beautifully
They are waiting for the spring to come.
He is a handsome man, with a red breast,
she is gray-smoky.
Quietly, softly hum
and they don't fly away from us.

I. Zigzag

I'm before everyone else today
I got up and ate the honey-nut yogurt
Licked a spoon to a shine
And he sat down at the window.
It's already light outside.
The whole garden was covered with snow.
And at the very window
What? Here are the ones on!
Mama! Dad! What a miracle?
In the middle of winter, out of nowhere
On a rowan tree outside the window
Red apples are full!
Mom and Dad are already awake
They came up and smiled:
"You take a closer look
Well these are birds - bullfinches!
Red-breasted handsome men
They love to come to us in the winter.
Scattered through the gardens
Decorate the winter for us! "

The bullfinch is a red-breasted handsome man, an adornment of the endless Russian snow-white expanses. However, handsome men are only males. The top of the head, wings and tail are black. The back of the neck and back are light gray. Uppertail and undertail are pure white. The lower part of the body is cinnabar red. In the female, the red color is replaced by brownish-gray.

Bullfinch is distributed almost throughout Europe, except for the northernmost and most southern regions, and in Asia, north from the Himalayas to Japan. In areas of temperate climate, bullfinches live in one place or fly near nesting places. Northern bullfinches move far to the south for the winter. Bullfinches prefer to settle among mixed species with rich thickets of bushes, in the mountains and in coniferous forests. Often, a bullfinch is quite enough dense vegetation and shrubs along the streams.

This bird is always with us. Bullfinches usually keep in small flocks of 7-10 birds each. The stronger the frost, the calmer the flock sits, occasionally moving around to pick a berry, break off a kidney, and then sit down motionless again for a while. And so the whole day. As darkness approaches, the whole flock flies into the bushes or trees, where they spend the night, hidden in the branches.

The bullfinch is a gullible and sociable bird. If someone from the pack falls into a trap, the rest rush to help.

In April, bullfinches begin to build a nest, which is placed on tree branches not high above the ground. The female twigs it from branches of deciduous and coniferous trees, then lining it with a layer of thin roots, lichens and wool. Soon the first chicks will hatch in the new nest. Thrifty parents feed them alternately with seeds and insects.

With a thick beak, he gnaws seeds of berries or small nuts. The bullfinch feeds on the buds and seeds of trees and shrubs, berries, from which he selects seeds, and discards the pulp. Having tasted rowan, the bullfinch cleans its beak: rowan seeds stick to it. During the cleaning of the beak, they fall to the ground, and germinate in the spring.

This ugly little bird, constantly singing "ju-ju-ju", can be recognized by its characteristic singing.

Bullfinches: male and female

But the bullfinch is not only the beauty and pride of our forests - it is also a gallant cavalier from whom many birds can learn.

The best clusters of mountain ash bullfinches, be he three times hungry, will still yield to the female. These birds will stick around a tree, then fly to another, then migrate to the south. And only with the first snow will they appear in the city again, not without reason “snow” and “bullfinch” are the same root words.

Bullfinch's voice:

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Text used:
A. Gorkanova. "Migratory and wintering birds of Russia. Thematic dictionary in pictures"
Artist: Ekaterina Reznichenko

Riddles about the bullfinch are small poems that will tell the kid about why this bird was called that way. Here we have selected the 25 best riddles for toddlers.

Bullfinch riddles for children

Scarlet bottom and black tail
Bigger sparrow
A thick beak sounded in breadth -
How beautiful ...

The breast is brighter than the dawn. Who?

At the bullfinch

We arrived for the winter
Birds that are clever in cold weather
They jump on trees, branches
In red-fiery vests.
We cannot fail to recognize them -
We love the bird ...

Handsome red-breasted man in the garden
Tumbling in fluffy snow
And then he sat down on a branch,
He whistled and began to sing softly.
- Who sings in frosty winter,
Buds, berries, cones biting?

Red-breasted, black-winged,
Loves to peck grains
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again.

On branches decorated
snow fringed,
Apples ruddy
grown in winter.
Apples over apple tree
scurrying merrily,
Ice cream caterpillars,
apples peck.

Amazing bird
Knocking on our window in winter!
Not afraid of evil frosts,
On the chest - a caftan of roses.

The birds sat on a birch.
And on white they glowed
Like drops of dawn
Miracle - birds ...

Who sits in a shady park
On the mountain ash branches?
Red-breasted, in a black hat,
The wings on the back are shiny.
All pompous and important
As a vizier from distant lands.
Everyone knows, and everyone knows
What is his name ...

Having finished the rowan brush,
The red lights came on.
Each has wings!
Who can name her?

I walked in a blizzard yesterday,
I saw a twig in the snow
And on the branch is a red ball.
Who is he, a living flashlight?

In winter, there are apples on the branches!
Hurry up to collect them!
And suddenly the apples flew up,
After all, this ...

Sits in the snow, shining,
A flock of red-breasted birds.
Let's throw the crumbs quickly
For handsome men ...


Where are you from, where are you from
Came to us, red-breasted?
- I flew all over Siberia.
- What is your name? ...

Every year I fly to you,
I want to spend the winter with you.
And even redder in winter
The bright red tie is mine.

Have arrived in a flock of echoing
Birds with bright red breasts.
Look out the window -
There on the branches ...

He weaves nests in the thick of coniferous trees,
And sings loudly, cheerfully.
In winter he flies in a flock,
Rowan is looking for food.
You can see it in the nearby park.
It is red-breasted, very bright.
In the spring, he will fly to Siberia ...
You know the bird, right? ...

Look at which birds:
No - not jackdaws, not titmouses,
Came to us today
Right on New Year's holiday!
Brighter than the morning dawn
Krasnogrudki ...

These birds are coming
from the cold regions to us,
if there is food at home
suddenly ends its own.
Our rowan berries,
the seeds they eat.
And as if tangerines,
guests are sitting on the branches!

Irina Rovenskaya
Summary of the lesson "Bullfinch" ( middle group)

Lesson summary

Theme « Bullfinch»

Children's age - middle group 4-5 years old.

Rovenskaya Irina Aleksandrovna, educator, MBDOU d / s No. 161, Tver.

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Integration with others areas: "Social and communicative development", « Speech development» , "Physical development", "Cognitive development"

Software content:

1. Learning tasks:

To form the ability to create an expressive image (imitation of the texture of fluffy plumage);

Practice the ability to hold the brush vertically and rhythmically strike the silhouette bullfinch;

Consolidate knowledge about characteristic features bullfinch.

2. Developmental tasks:

Develop aesthetic perception, creative attitude to work;

Develop creative thinking, imagery and imagination;

Develop a cognitive interest in wildlife objects;

Develop fine motor skills;

Develop the ability to find hidden meaning in the text of riddles.

3. Educational tasks:

To cultivate a love of nature;

Form a positive emotional attitude towards drawing lessons;

To educate accuracy and independence.

4. Speech tasks:

Develop the basics of dialogical communication and coherent monologue speech;

Enriching passive vocabulary - chirping.

Equipment: 4 easels, a screen for a projector, a projector, a stereo system, a disc with a recording of calm music, a laptop, a disc with a video, the voices of birds.

Demo material: A1 sheet with the image of a winter tree, drawings with the image of a den, a hare under a bush, a squirrel on a branch, slides with a picture of birds and a winter forest.

Handout: silhouettes bullfinch, napkins, hard brushes, white, black and red gouache, cups for tassels, oilcloths.

Preliminary work: watching birds arriving at the site, viewing bird images in illustrations, photographs, pictures, reading poems about birds, talking about bird life in winter, listening to recordings with the voices of birds.


1. Organizing time, game motivation (2 minutes)

2. Main part (13 minutes)

3. Conclusion (total) (5 minutes)

Total time: 20 minutes

Standby time: (1-3 minutes)

Control over the assimilation of software by children content:

Part 2 - observing work

Part 3 - conversation

Organization of children: group

Part 1 - standing on the carpet

Part 2 - free movement while sitting at tables

Part 3 - standing at the easel

Vocabulary work:

1 part: Game motivation

The teacher gathers the children around him. Children are free to stand.

Educator: Hello my dears! In our the group is light and fun! And it's fun from our bright smiles, because every smile is a little sun, from which it becomes warm and good. Therefore, I suggest you smile at each other more often and give others a good mood!

Educator: Guys, remind me what time of year it is?

Children: Winter.

Educator: Yes guys, it's winter now. Have you been to the winter forest?

Children: Yes.

Educator: And now we will go to the winter forest.

Educator: And to get into the forest, I will say magic words and we will find ourselves in the forest.

Educator: One, two, three, whirl around, find yourself on the edge of the forest!

Part 2: Main part

Educator with children (to the sounds of the forest) walks around winter forest by considering and commenting on plot pictures winters .

The teacher with the children examines them and comments (den, hare under a bush, squirrel on a branch)

Educator: Guys, let's sit on the stumps.

Singing of birds sounds.

Children: Birds.

Educator: Guys, do you know what the birdsong is called? The birdsong is chirping. Children in chorus repeat - chirping.

Educator: And to find out which birds sing for us in winter, guess riddles:


Jump to the grains!

Peck, don't be shy!


To our feeding trough in winter

A bird arrives

With a yellow downy breast -

Nimble (Tit)

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains

With the first snow on mountain ash

He will appear again.

(Bullfinch) Video

Educator: Let's consider bullfinch.

What kind of breast does bullfinch?

Children: red, fluffy.

Educator: What kind of head does bullfinch?

Children: small, black.

Educator: What ponytail?

Children: Black.

Educator: What eyes?

Children: small, gray.

Educator: What beak?

Children: Small, gray.

Educator: What color are the wings bullfinch?

Children: Gray.

Educator: What is the body covered with bullfinch?

Children: Feathers.

Educator: Yes guys, look at what bullfinch fluffy.


We looked at this bird so well, so let's stay on our own. bullfinches. « Bullfinches»

Look at the branches, (Hands clap on the sides)

In red t-shirts bullfinches. (Showing breasts)

Dismissed the feathers (Hands slightly to the sides)

They bask in the sun. (Wiggle fingers)

They turn their heads, turn them, (Turns the head to the right, to the left)

They want to fly away. (Run in circles, waving their arms)

Shoo! Shoo! Flew away!

Singing sounds bullfinch.

Educator: what a beautiful song - it chirps bullfinch.

Educator: you know what I heard from this song. It turns out that the snow queen flew over the forest and enchanted bullfinches on a branch... This bullfinch asks to disenchant others.

Educator: To disenchant them, I need magic brushes. See what they are. And they are magical because they paint without water.

Educator: I will now utter the magic words, and we will again find ourselves in our group and we will disenchant bullfinch.

Educator: One, two, three, spin, back into find yourself in the group!

Educator: We sit down in our places.


Our magic brushes will help us convey which bullfinch fluffy what a beautiful plumage he has.

Educator: Silhouettes in front of you bullfinch.

Let's remember again with what color we will draw the breast. bullfinch.

Children: Red.

Educator: What color will we paint the head, ponytail?

Children: Black.

Educator: What color will we paint the wings, eye and beak?

Children: Gray.

Educator: Since we don't have a gray color, we first paint them black, and then add a little white on top.

Exercise - warm-up with brush:

Let's take a brush here So: (hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part).

It's difficult? No, it's a trifle.

Up-down, right-left (perform movements with the hand)

Proudly like a queen

The brush went jabbing

Knocked "Heel".

We're drawing: time, time ... (put the brush vertically, make a few pokes without paint)

Everything will work out with us!

Productive activity.

We begin our work. In the process of work, observe to provide assistance if necessary. Pay attention to the posture of children. After completing the work, the children carry bullfinch on a tree.

Part 3: Conclusion

Educator: Guys, where were we today? What did you hear in the forest? What is the name of the birdsong? What did you like.

Educator: And now we will do the main magic. Take your bullfinch, and we will plant them on a twig.

At this time, the teacher reads a poem about a flock bullfinch.

Run out quickly

Look at bullfinch.

Arrived, Arrived!

The flock was met by blizzards

A Frost Red Nose

I brought them a mountain ash,

Well treated

Sweetened well

On a late winter evening

Bright red clusters.

The song is playing bullfinch

Educator: guys bullfinch says thank you, you helped and disenchanted his friends.

Assessment of children's work.

Educator: Well done! Amazing you got bullfinches! Like festive lanterns glow on the branches. And so that our bullfinches not left hungry, we are on the next occupations let's draw rowan branches for them.

Bullfinches are forest birds that are slightly larger than a sparrow, but stand out noticeably with their scarlet chest. And this becomes especially noticeable when everything around is covered with a blanket of snow.

Solving riddles about the bullfinch, the baby will get acquainted with some of its features and find out what it belongs to.

  1. A ringing flock on a mountain ash
    Arrives in January
    Cute red-breasted birds
    We are waiting for a visit in the winter.
  2. Scarlet bottom and black tail
    Bigger sparrow
    A thick beak sounded in breadth -
    How beautiful ...
    (P. Smolin)
  3. The breast is brighter than the dawn. Who?
  4. Look at which birds:
    No - not jackdaws, not titmouses,
    Came to us today
    Right on New Year's holiday!
    Brighter than the morning dawn
    Krasnogrudki ...
  5. Having finished the rowan brush,
    The red lights came on.
    Each has wings!
    Who can name her?
  6. In winter, there are apples on the branches!
    Hurry up to collect them!
    And suddenly the apples flew up,
    After all, this ...
  7. He weaves nests in the thick of coniferous trees,
    And sings loudly, cheerfully.
    In winter he flies in a flock,
    Rowan is looking for food.
    You can see it in the nearby park.
    It is red-breasted, very bright.
    In the spring, he will fly to Siberia ...
    You know the bird, right?
  8. Every year I fly to you,
    I want to spend the winter with you.
    And even redder in winter
    The bright red tie is mine.
  9. These birds are coming
    From the cold to us edges,
    If there is food at home
    Suddenly it will end its own.
    Our rowan berries,
    They eat the seeds.
    And as if tangerines,
    The guests are sitting on the branches!
  10. Handsome red-breasted man in the garden
    Tumbling in fluffy snow
    And then he sat down on a branch,
    He whistled and began to sing softly.
    - Who sings in frosty winter,
    Buds, berries, cones biting?
    E. Telushkina
  11. Red-breasted, black-winged,
    Loves to peck grains
    With the first snow on the mountain ash
    He will appear again.
  12. Who sits in a shady park
    On the mountain ash branches?
    Red-breasted, in a black hat,
    The wings on the back are shiny.
    All pompous and important
    As a vizier from distant lands.
    Everyone knows, and everyone knows
    What is his name ...
    I. Zakharova
  13. Anything expensive to look at
    The bird is a red chest!
    Her native home is Siberia,
    What is her name?
  14. The birds sat on a birch.
    And on white they glowed
    Like drops of dawn
    Miracle - birds ...!
  15. On branches adorned with snow fringes

    Ruddy apples grew in winter.
    Apples scurry around the apple tree merrily,
    Caterpillars of ice cream, pecking apples.

  16. Sits in the snow, shining,
    A flock of red-breasted birds.
    Let's throw the crumbs quickly
    For handsome men - ...
  17. Despite the frost,
    In red birch apples.
    Came closer ... Ay !!
    The harvest scattered!
  18. Paws freeze in the cold
    Pine and spruce.
    What a miracle? - On a birch
    The apples are ripe.
  19. He is red-breasted
    And in winter, everywhere will find salvation
    Will not be afraid of a cold -
    And with the first snow it will be here.
  20. Let me be a non-wilderness bird
    I, friends, have a habit -
    How the cold begins
    I am arriving here.
  21. We arrived for the winter
    Birds that are clever in cold weather
    They jump on trees, branches
    In red-fiery vests.
    We cannot fail to recognize them -
    We love the bird - ...
  22. Brightly colored breast,
    The beak is colored black!
    Favorite delicacy sunflower seeds,
    Rowan fruits, dry tree seeds.
    Blizzards are not afraid of him,
    And I'm used to frost!
  23. The birds sat on the trees,
    Count it up: one, two, three ...
    We arrived for the winter
    With red breast ...
    (Yu. Svetlova)
  24. Let me be a small bird
    I, friends, have a habit -
    How the cold begins
    Straight from the north here.
  25. Winter has come to visit us -
    Little light and heat
    But then, like lanterns,
    On the trees..
  26. Where are you from, where are you from
    Came to us, red-breasted?
    - I flew all over Siberia.
    - What is your name?

    Amazing bird
    Knocking on our window in winter!
    Not afraid of evil frosts,
    On the chest - a caftan of roses.
    V. Struchkov

  27. Who sits on a branch
    In the winter in a pink vest?
  28. Black-winged, red-breasted
    And in the winter will find shelter:
    He is not afraid of a cold
    - With the first snow right there!
  29. What kind of birds? Not tits.
    The scarlet breast is on fire.
    Birds perched in the snow
    These birds ...
    A. Izmailov
  30. The first snowball is spinning above the ground
    White lays down on a gray wasteland.
    The snow was brought by a red-breasted bird
    From the far north, a bird ...
  31. I walked in a blizzard yesterday,
    I saw a twig in the snow
    And on the branch is a red ball.
    Who is he, a living flashlight?


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