All-Russian classifier of professions in production. Let's decipher what okpdtr is. Is it necessary to use okpdtr

OKPDTR stands for the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations of Workers, Positions of Employees and tariff categories.

It is part of unified system classification and coding (ESKK) RF information.

The classifier was accepted for use on 01/01/1996 in accordance with the resolution of the State Standard Russian Federation.

Purpose and structure of codes according to OKPDTR

The classifier serves to solve the following problems:

  • Structuring information about specialties and professions that exist in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Evaluation and accounting of the number of workers involved in certain positions.
  • Control over working conditions, qualifications of employees, their salary and other components of the workflow.
  • Statistics and data analysis to provide an overall picture of employment in a region or country.

The classifier is a table with the names of professions or specialties and their corresponding codes.

The codes include five types of values, each of which corresponds to one separate column:

OKPDTR (classifier)

The all-Russian classifier of professions for workers, positions of employees and wage categories OK 016-94 (OKPDTR) was approved by the Decree of the State Standard of December 26, 1994 No. 367 and entered into force on January 1, 1996. The purpose of the development of the classifier is to ensure the transition of Russia to the system of accounting and statistics accepted in international practice.

The classifier is guided by the correct names of professions and positions, especially in cases where the law establishes benefits, guarantees or restrictions for these professions and positions.

Let's talk about the name and coding of accountants and economists according to OKPDTR.

Occupation code of the position according to OKPDTR

OKPDTR contains 2 main sections:

  • professions of workers;
  • employee positions.

Naturally, accountants and economists can only be found in the last of them.

We are the procedure for the formation of codes for OKPDTR.

OKPDTR: accountant

The position of an accountant corresponds to the code 20336922411.

OKPDTR: economist

The position of an economist corresponds to the code 27728822441.

Positions in the accounting department according to the classifier

Below we present the encoding of accountants and economists according to OK 016-94:

Job title The code
Accountant (medium qualification) 20337323433
Accountant-auditor 20339222411
Accountant expert 20342422411
Chief Accountant 20656411231
Head economist 21032411231
Economist of the computing (information and computing) center 27732422139
Economist-demographer 27736222122
Economist for accounting and analysis economic activity 27740922411
Economist for contract and claims work 27743222413
Economist for material
technical supply
Planning Economist 27745122441
Sales Economist 27746622413
Scheduling Economist aircraft 27750222413
labor economist 27755522412
Economist for financial work 27759322411

In addition, codes of derived positions or qualification categories (classes) can be used to code the positions of accountants and economists. In OKPDTR, in particular, the following job codes are given:

And the following categories (classes) of qualification are named among others:

These codes are given at the end of the main job coding. So, for example, a senior accountant-expert will have an encoding according to OKPDTR 2034242241106 (where 06 is the code of a derivative position), and a labor economist of the 2nd category will be 277555224122 (where the last value "2" is the category code).

Adoption history

OKPDTR was adopted by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 26, No. 367) and entered into force on January 1.

Changes were repeatedly made to OKPDTR (December 23, June 10, December 29).


The classifier is designed to solve problems related to estimating the number of workers and employees, accounting for the composition and distribution of personnel by categories of personnel, skill level, degree of mechanization and working conditions, employment issues, organizing wages for workers and employees, accruing pensions, determining the additional need for personnel and others at all levels of management of the national economy in the conditions automated processing information .

The objects of classification in OKPDTR are the professions of workers and the positions of employees.


OKPDTR consists of two sections:

  • professions of workers;
  • employee positions.

The first section - the professions of workers - includes the professions of workers in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), as well as the professions of workers, the rights and obligations of which are provided for in the charters, special provisions and relevant resolutions regulating the composition of professions in sectors of the economy .

The second section - positions of employees - was developed on the basis of the Unified nomenclature of positions of employees, Qualification Handbook positions of managers, specialists and employees, current regulations and other normative documents on issues of remuneration, taking into account the names of positions used in the economy. The titles of positions of civil servants are given in accordance with Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation "On public positions of the Russian Federation" No. 32 and "On the register of public positions of federal civil servants" No. 33 dated January 11, 1995.

Each classifier position consists of three blocks:

  • identification block;
  • block of the name of the object of classification;
  • information block.

The identification block is built using a serial-order coding system for classification objects. The identification block of the classification object includes five numeric decimal places and a check number.

The control number is calculated in accordance with the current Methodology for the calculation and application of control numbers.

The structure of the code designation of the profession of a worker (position of an employee) in the classifier:

Х ХХХХ Х ▲ ▲ ▲ │ │ └──────control number (CC) │ │ │ └───── serial number of the object of classification │ │ profession (1) └───────── ──────────────────────── position (2)

The block of the name of the object of classification is a unified record of the name of a particular profession of a worker or position of an employee.

In each section, the names of the objects of classification are arranged in alphabetical order.

The information block of workers' professions includes facet codes characterizing the compliance of the worker's profession with the ETKS issue number (two characters) and certain positions of the All-Russian Classification of Occupations (OKZ) OK 010-93. The last facet indicates the basic group of OKZ occupations and includes four characters.

In addition, the OKPDTR information block includes seven facets that characterize the professions of workers according to the following features:

  1. types of production and work in accordance with the issues of ETKS - two characters, facet 01;
  2. tariff categories - one character, facet 02;
  3. classes (categories) of qualification - one character, facet 03;
  4. forms and systems of remuneration - two characters, facet 04;
  5. working conditions - one character, facet 05;
  6. degree of labor mechanization - one sign, facet 06;
  7. derived professions - one character, facet 07.

An example of coding according to the OKPDTR profession of a turner:

19149 6 02 7223 5 12 1 2, where 1 is a sign of profession; 9149 turner; 6 check number; 02 2nd issue of ETKS; 7223 base group according to OKZ (Machine operators on metalworking machines, adjusters of machine tools and equipment); 5 5th tariff category; 12 piece-bonus wage system; 1 normal working conditions; 2 worker performing work with the help of machines and mechanisms.

Facet 07, which characterizes the degree of qualification of workers (senior, assistant), is used for various professions in accordance with current regulations.

The information block of positions of employees includes facet codes corresponding to the category of the position (one character) and also certain positions of the OKZ (four characters). Three facets characterize positions according to the following features:

  1. job categories - one character, facet 10;
  2. derived positions - two characters, facet 11;
  3. categories (classes) of qualification - one character, facet 12.

A feature of facets 11 and 12 is the alternative of their application for various positions, since qualification categories are not provided for in derived positions. Thus, depending on the position, facet 11 or 12 is chosen.

An example of coding according to OKPDTR for the position of deputy head of the financial and economic department:

24695 1 1 1231 03, where 2 is a sign of a position; 4695 head of department (financial, economic and administrative); 1 check number; 1 category of managers; 1231 basic groups for OKZ (Heads of financial, economic and administrative divisions and services); 03 derivative position - deputy.

Relationships have been established between the objects of the classification of OKPDTR and OKZ, allowing each object of OKPDTR to be attributed to the corresponding grouping of OKZ. AT general case each profession of a worker or position of an employee can be unambiguously assigned to a certain group of occupations. However, due to the fact that the concepts of "occupation", "profession", "position" are different, in some cases, in order to establish an unambiguous relationship between OKPDTR and OKZ, it is necessary to use explanations for the OKZ groupings. These explanations should also be used when coding derived occupations of workers and positions of employees.

The composition and sequence of the facets of the information block are determined by the specifics of specific tasks solved with the help of the classifier.

In the information block, codes and names of other all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information can also be used as additional features.

The OKPDTR adopted the following form of material arrangement: in the section "Professions of workers"

─────┬──┬──────────────────────────────────────── ───┬────────┬─────┬──── │ │ │Range│Code │Code Code │КЧ│ Name of profession │tariff│you─ │by │ │ │discharge│start │OKZ │ │ │ │ETKS │ ─────┴──┴───────────────────────────────── ───────────┴──────────┴──────┴─────

in the section "Positions of employees"

All-Russian classifier of occupations of workers, positions of employees and wage categories (abbr.) - an integral part of the Unified System for Classification and Coding of Information (ESKK) of the Russian Federation was prepared as part of the implementation State program the transition of the Russian Federation to the system of accounting and statistics accepted in international practice.

The history of the adoption of OKPDTR

OKPDTR was adopted by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 26, 1994 No. 367) and entered into force on January 1, 1996.

The OKPDTR has been repeatedly amended (December 23, 1996, June 10, 1999, December 29, 2003).


The classifier is designed to solve problems related to assessing the number of workers and employees, accounting for the composition and distribution of personnel by personnel categories, skill level, degree of mechanization and working conditions, issues of employment, organization wages workers and employees, calculating pensions, determining the additional need for personnel and others at all levels of economic management in the context of automated information processing.

The objects of classification in OKPDTR are the professions of workers and the positions of employees.


OKPDTR consists of two sections:

  • professions of workers;
  • employee positions.

The first section - the professions of workers - includes the professions of workers in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), as well as the professions of workers, the rights and obligations of which are provided for in the charters, special provisions and relevant resolutions regulating the composition of professions in sectors of the economy .

The second section - positions of employees - was developed on the basis of the Unified nomenclature of positions of employees, the Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees, current regulations and other regulatory documents on wages, taking into account the names of positions used in the economy. The titles of positions of civil servants are given in accordance with Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation "On public positions of the Russian Federation" No. 32 and "On the register of public positions of federal civil servants" No. 33 dated January 11, 1995.

Each classifier position consists of three blocks:

  • identification block;
  • block of the name of the object of classification;
  • information block.

The identification block is built using a serial-order coding system for classification objects. The identification block of the classification object includes five numeric decimal places and a check number.

The control number is calculated in accordance with the current Methodology for the calculation and application of control numbers.

The structure of the code designation of the profession of a worker (position of an employee) in the classifier:

The block of the name of the object of classification is a unified record of the name of a particular profession of a worker or position of an employee.

In each section, the names of the objects of classification are arranged in alphabetical order.

The information block of workers' professions includes facet codes characterizing the compliance of the worker's profession with the ETKS issue number (two characters) and certain positions of the All-Russian Classification of Occupations (OKZ) OK 010-93. The last facet indicates the basic group of OKZ occupations and includes four characters.

In addition, the OKPDTR information block includes seven facets that characterize the professions of workers according to the following features:

types of production and work in accordance with the issues of ETKS - two characters, facet 01;

tariff categories - one character, facet 02;

forms and systems of remuneration - two characters, facet 04;

working conditions - one character, facet 05;

degree of labor mechanization - one sign, facet 06;

derived professions - one character, facet 07.

An example of coding according to the OKPDTR profession of a turner:

19149 6 02 7223 5 12 1 2,

where: 1 - profession;

9149 - turner;

6 - control number;

02 - 2nd issue of ETKS;

7223 - basic group for OKZ (Machine operators on metalworking machines, adjusters of machine tools and equipment);

5 - 5th tariff category;

12 - piece-bonus wage system;

1 - normal working conditions;

2 - a worker doing work with the help of machines and mechanisms.

Facet 07, which characterizes the degree of qualification of workers (senior, assistant), is used for various professions in accordance with current regulations.

The information block of positions of employees includes facet codes corresponding to the category of the position (one character) and also certain positions of the OKZ (four characters). Three facets characterize positions according to the following features:

derived positions - two characters, facet 11;

A feature of facets 11 and 12 is the alternative of their application for various positions, since qualification categories are not provided for in derived positions. Thus, depending on the position, facet 11 or 12 is chosen.

An example of coding according to OKPDTR for the position of deputy head of the financial and economic department:

24695 1 1 1231 03,

where: 2 - position;

4695 - head of department (financial, economic and administrative);

1 - control number;

1231 - basic group for OKZ (Heads of financial, economic and administrative divisions and services);

03 - derivative position - deputy.

Relationships have been established between the objects of the classification of OKPDTR and OKZ, allowing each object of OKPDTR to be attributed to the corresponding grouping of OKZ. In the general case, each profession of a worker or position of an employee can be unambiguously assigned to a certain group of occupations. However, due to the fact that the concepts of “occupation”, “profession”, “position” are different, in some cases, in order to establish an unambiguous relationship between OKPDTR and OKZ, it is necessary to use explanations for the OKZ groupings. These explanations should also be used when coding derived occupations of workers and positions of employees.

The composition and sequence of the facets of the information block are determined by the specifics of specific tasks solved with the help of the classifier.

In the information block, codes and names of other all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information can also be used as additional features.

The OKPDTR adopted the following form of material arrangement: in the section "Professions of workers"

in the section "Positions of employees"

Changes were repeatedly made to OKPDTR (December 23, June 10, December 29, May 2004, June).


The classifier is designed to solve problems related to estimating the number of workers and employees, accounting for the composition and distribution of personnel by categories of personnel, skill level, degree of mechanization and working conditions, employment issues, organizing wages for workers and employees, calculating pensions, determining the additional need for personnel and others at all levels of management of the national economy in the conditions of automated information processing.

The objects of classification in OKPDTR are the professions of workers and the positions of employees.


OKPDTR consists of two sections:

  • professions of workers;
  • employee positions.

The first section - the professions of workers - includes the professions of workers in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), as well as the professions of workers, the rights and obligations of which are provided for in the charters, special provisions and relevant resolutions regulating the composition of professions in sectors of the economy .

The second section - positions of employees - was developed on the basis of the Unified nomenclature of positions of employees, the Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees, current regulations and other regulatory documents on wages, taking into account the names of positions used in the economy. The titles of positions of civil servants are given in accordance with Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation "On public positions of the Russian Federation" No. 32 and "On the register of public positions of federal civil servants" No. 33 dated January 11, 1995.

Each classifier position consists of three blocks:

  • identification block;
  • block of the name of the object of classification;
  • information block.

The identification block is built using a serial-order coding system for classification objects. The identification block of the classification object includes five numeric decimal places and a check number.

The control number is calculated in accordance with the current Methodology for the calculation and application of control numbers.

The structure of the code designation of the profession of a worker (position of an employee) in the classifier:

Х ХХХХ Х ▲ ▲ ▲ │ │ └──────control number (CC) │ │ │ └───── serial number of the object of classification │ │ profession (1) └───────── ──────────────────────── position (2)

The block of the name of the object of classification is a unified record of the name of a particular profession of a worker or position of an employee.

In each section, the names of the objects of classification are arranged in alphabetical order.

The information block of workers' professions includes facet codes characterizing the compliance of the worker's profession with the ETKS issue number (two characters) and certain positions of the All-Russian Classification of Occupations (OKZ) OK 010-93. The last facet indicates the basic group of OKZ occupations and includes four characters.

In addition, the OKPDTR information block includes seven facets that characterize the professions of workers according to the following features:

  1. types of production and work in accordance with the issues of ETKS - two characters, facet 01;
  2. tariff categories - one character, facet 02;
  3. classes (categories) of qualification - one character, facet 03;
  4. forms and systems of remuneration - two characters, facet 04;
  5. working conditions - one character, facet 05;
  6. degree of labor mechanization - one sign, facet 06;
  7. derived professions - one character, facet 07.

An example of coding according to the OKPDTR profession of a turner:

19149 6 02 7223 5 12 1 2, where 1 is a sign of profession; 9149 turner; 6 check number; 02 2nd issue of ETKS; 7223 basic group for OKZ (Machine operators on metalworking machines, adjusters of machine tools and equipment); 5 5th tariff category; 12 piece-bonus wage system; 1 normal working conditions; 2 worker performing work with the help of machines and mechanisms.

Facet 07, which characterizes the degree of qualification of workers (senior, assistant), is used for various professions in accordance with current regulations.

The information block of positions of employees includes facet codes corresponding to the category of the position (one character) and also certain positions of the OKZ (four characters). Three facets characterize positions according to the following features:

  1. job categories - one character, facet 10;
  2. derived positions - two characters, facet 11;
  3. categories (classes) of qualification - one character, facet 12.

A feature of facets 11 and 12 is the alternative of their application for various positions, since qualification categories are not provided for in derived positions. Thus, depending on the position, facet 11 or 12 is chosen.

An example of coding according to OKPDTR for the position of deputy head of the financial and economic department:

24695 1 1 1231 03, where 2 is a sign of a position; 4695 head of department (financial, economic and administrative); 1 check number; 1 category of managers; 1231 basic groups for OKZ (Heads of financial, economic and administrative divisions and services); 03 derivative position - deputy.

Relationships have been established between the objects of the classification of OKPDTR and OKZ, allowing each object of OKPDTR to be attributed to the corresponding grouping of OKZ. In the general case, each profession of a worker or position of an employee can be unambiguously assigned to a certain group of occupations. However, due to the fact that the concepts of "occupation", "profession", "position" are different, in some cases, in order to establish an unambiguous relationship between OKPDTR and OKZ, it is necessary to use explanations for the OKZ groupings. These explanations should also be used when coding derived occupations of workers and positions of employees.

The composition and sequence of the facets of the information block are determined by the specifics of specific tasks solved with the help of the classifier.

In the information block, codes and names of other all-Russian classifiers of technical and economic information can also be used as additional features.

The OKPDTR adopted the following form of material arrangement: in the section "Professions of workers"

─────┬──┬──────────────────────────────────────── ───┬────────┬─────┬──── │ │ │Range│Code │Code Code │КЧ│ Name of profession │tariff│you─ │by │ │ │discharge│start │OKZ │ │ │ │ETKS │ ─────┴──┴───────────────────────────────── ───────────┴──────────┴──────┴─────

in the section "Positions of employees"

─────┬──┬──────────────────────────────────────── ────────────┬─────┬─────│ │ │ Code ─┴──┴──────────────────────────────────────────── ────────┴─────┴─────

When developing unified forms of documents that use classifier codes, a mandatory reference to OKPDTR should be provided. The classifier maintenance system provides for the interaction of the Research Institute of Labor (Research Institute of Labor and social insurance) and


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