Oils of 3 groups. What are base oils? Base oil groups

As you know, automobile oils are classified not only by viscosity, presence and level of various additives, but also by chemical composition. According to this classification, mineral, semi-synthetic and synthetic oils are distinguished.

The base oils on the basis of which the final product is made are divided into several groups:

First group- regular mineral oil obtained from heavy oil fractions using various solvents.

Second group- refined mineral oils that have undergone the processing procedure, due to this, the stability of the base oil has been increased, it becomes less harmful impurities... Mineral oils of this group are used for old engines. passenger cars, for trucks, large industrial and marine engines, when an inexpensive lubricant is needed.

Third group- oils obtained using the hydrocracking process. Hydrocracking- this is the name of the technology by which the mineral base is cleaned of impurities and driven to break long hydrocarbon chains and saturated with hydrogen molecules. With this method, the oil base is modified at the molecular level in such a way that the composition becomes something between natural and synthesized. This relatively recently appeared type of oil has its own positive traits: firstly, its cost will be lower than that of PAO synthetics, and secondly, its quality will be incomparably better than that of mineral compositions. Initially, these oils were classified as highly refined mineral oils or semi-synthetics (according to some manufacturers). But in 1999 there was a precedent when Exxon Mobil went to court with a lawsuit against Castrol, whose canisters of hydrocracking oil were labeled "Synthetic". The decision of the court was unexpected for many - the court decided that the inscription "Synthetic" is marketing ploy, but not technical description goods. After this decision, many manufacturers began to write on their canisters with Synthetic hydrocracking oil. Since the technology for the production of Group 3 oils is much cheaper than the production of classical synthetics at PJSC, these oils have gained immense popularity, especially in the light of the decision of the American court.

Fourth group- fully synthetic oils based on polyalphaolefins (PAO). These oils are obtained by synthesis petroleum gases butylene and ethylene. This technology makes it possible to obtain an almost ideal composition of hydrocarbon molecules, therefore, oils based on PAO have unique properties - they are able to withstand huge loads, high speeds, high temperatures, fuel ingress, without harm to quality, while they are more durable and stable. Hydrocracked oils can approach PAO in many ways, but retain these advanced characteristics for long term, they can not.

The main disadvantages of PAO oils are the high price, inability to dissolve additives and non-polarity, i.e. PAO compounds do not remain on the surface. For dissolving additives in PAO oils add a mineral base, and to eliminate non-polarity - Esters - oils of group 5.

It is often difficult to distinguish between PAO oils and hydrocracking, since one can see the inscription “Synthetics” on either canister. Only for oils sold in Germany, manufacturers are obliged to indicate on the can "HC - synthesis" for hydrocracking or "synthetics" for PAO oils. There are indirect signs by which it is possible to determine the presence of PAO in the oil. This is the flash point - for PAO oils it can be 240 ° C and higher, when for hydrocracking it is less than 225 ° C. Also with regards to the pour point below -45 ° C for PAO and above 38 ° for hydrocracking. But all these are only indirect signs; of course, it is impossible to determine from them with a 100% probability that we have a PAO base or hydrocracking.

Fifth groupEsters, ethers, complex alcohols. For the production of commercial oils, Esters are used - synthetic compounds obtained from plant raw materials. Esters are polar, so they stay on metal surfaces and reduce wear. They are used in conjunction with oils of the previous 4th group, obtaining a fully synthetic product that takes all the advantages of PAO oils and Esters. Having a very stable molecular structure, these oils can achieve target parameters with a small amount of additives, which is very good for low ash Low Saps oils, where the amount of additives is strictly regulated, since most of the additives turn to ash during combustion.

Another group of oils is worth mentioning separately. A technology that dates back to the Second World War, when it was used in Germany to make oils for military equipment... This technology is called GTL (Gas to Liquid from gas to liquid). For the production of oils using this technology, natural gas is used, but the production technology differs from the production of PAO oils from gas, the process is more similar to gas liquefaction and deep purification, as for hydrocracking oils, therefore GTL oils are classified as base oils of the 3rd group. In terms of properties and qualities, GTL oils are between 3 and 4 groups of oils, representing a reasonable compromise between cost and advantages. In our time, Shell was the first to start production of oils using this technology, initially at its plant subsidiary Pennzoi in America and later at its new plant in Qatar. All Shell Ultra oils are produced using this technology.

Lubricants consist of two main components - base oils and additives. Oil recipes may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, but the quality of the base oils has a significant impact on the final product. The American Petroleum Institute (API) identifies four main groups that can be used to create engine oils.

  • Group 1 is the least refined base oils. Nowadays, they are rarely used for the production of automotive lubricants. They are used for the least loaded working conditions.
  • Group 2 are base oils obtained by hydrocracking and isomerization. They are often used in mineral oils on the market today. Group 2 base oils significantly exceed Group 1 base oils in terms of the degree of purification. This means oils derived from Group 2 base oils and additives will have longer drain intervals and are less prone to oxidation.
  • Group 3 - API classification determines the difference between base oils of group 2 and 3 through the viscosity index (V.I. - viscosity index). Group 2 base oils have a viscosity index of 80-119. Group 3 base oils have a viscosity index of 120 and higher. They are often referred to as very high V.I. oils. (VHVI). Currently, manufacturers of engine oils, using base oils of group 3, indicate: synthetic or semi-synthetic.
  • Group 4 is base oils, which are synthetic hydrocarbon fluids. They are produced commercially by synthesizing decene molecules into short-chain oligomers or polymers.

There are several types of synthetic basic foundations... One of the most common are oils based on polyalphaolefins (Polyalphaolefins or PAO). They have a number of advantages over traditional oils:

  • The absence of impurities of sulfur compounds and metals provides high anticorrosive and antioxidant properties. This means they can provide extended drain intervals and reduced varnish and sludge deposits.
  • The absence of impurities, which are always catalysts for oil aging, makes the synthetic base oil highly resistant to high temperatures. So, for example, if oils of mineral origin begin to seriously oxidize already at temperatures above 130 ° C, then PAO can withstand operating temperatures up to 150 ° C without any loss of working properties. The absence of random small molecules ensures low volatility of synthetic base oils compared to mineral oils.
  • The absence of linear paraffins reduces the natural pour point to very low values.

It is important to note that with the development of base oil technologies, additive formulations have evolved. For example, the pure synthetic base of PAO is corrosive, so Lubri-Loy uses unique additive packages that allow Lubri-Loy oils to be compatible with all types of gaskets used in the automotive industry.

Lubri-Loy is committed to providing consumers with quality synthetic motor oils. For the manufacture of Full Synthetic motor oils, Lubri-Loy uses a fully synthetic base - API (category IV) PAO base oil and state-of-the-art additive packages. This allows engine oils to meet and exceed the requirements of modern gasoline engines, for example, currently Lubri-Loy oils have the latest API SN Resource Conserving, ILSAC GF-5 approvals.

The modern additive packages used in Lubri-Loy have been actively tested in advance for compliance with the stated requirements. To check the quality of the products, each batch of Lubri-Loy products undergoes a series of tests in the laboratory located on the premises of the factory. This ensures that all parameters of Lubri-Loy synthetic motor oils meet the requirements of API and ILSAC standards.

Lubri-Loy products are used all over the world, including China and other emerging markets in Asia. In 2010, Loubri-Loy received an honorary Export Achievement Certificate for its achievements in the field of export.

Here, Lubri-Loy President Dave Graham and Lubri-Loy Asia Vice President Derek Cheng receive a certificate from the US Secretary of Commerce.

Almost all lubricants(oils and greases) consist of an oil or oil-like base (base oil) and additives that improve the natural characteristics of the base and / or give it new properties and characteristics. At the same time, the amount of additives varies from fractions of a percent in turbine oils to 25-30 percent in motor oils.

Additives are additive, however the main performance characteristics of the resulting lubricant will be highly dependent on the characteristics of the base oil.

Today, the international classification of the American Petroleum Institute (API) is in force, according to which all base oils produced are divided into 5 groups depending on their origin, the amount of unsaturated hydrocarbons, sulfur and their inherent viscosity index.

Group I base oils (Mineral)

API Group I base oils are commonly referred to as “minerals” and are obtained in refineries from crude oil. The process of their production begins with atmospheric distillation (stripping) of light fuels - gasolines, kerosene, naphtha and diesel fuel... The remainder - fuel oil - is not subject to further distillation at atmospheric pressure. However, under reduced pressure (under vacuum), fractions of different viscosity are distilled off from it, which are hereinafter referred to as "API Group I base oil". Chemical composition this product is very diverse. It includes hydrocarbons with different carbon chain lengths, cyclic and aromatic (containing a benzene ring) hydrocarbons of varying degrees of saturation, substances containing nitrogen and sulfur, and other impurities. Of course, after distillation, these oil fractions undergo various purification processes (extraction with solvents, clays, etc.). All these purifications, for reasons of economy, do not give the full effect, moreover, they lower the overall base oil yield. Group I base oils are usually light yellow to dark brown in color and have a characteristic petroleum odor. They have the lowest saturated content, the highest sulfur content and relatively low. Due to the very high heterogeneity of the molecular composition, these oils have low oxidative stability, high volatility, and a relatively high pour point.

Due to the simplicity of production and high availability (they are produced in almost all regions of the world), these are the cheapest oils, on the basis of which up to 70% of the total volume of lubricants is currently produced.

API base oils

GROUP Saturated hydrocarbon content,% Sulfur content,% Viscosity index
GROUP I <90 >0.03 80-120
GROUP II ≥90 ≤0.03 80-120
GROUP III ≥90 ≤0.03 >120
GROUP IV Polyalphaolefins
GROUP V Other base oils

But for many equipment and lubricant manufacturers, the performance characteristics of mineral base oils and the mineral lubricants derived from them are no longer satisfying. They are mostly not satisfied with low oxidative stability and relatively high freezing points. Low oxidative stability is reflected in short life finishing mineral oils and greases. High pour point (freezing) temperatures and a relatively low viscosity index narrow the temperature range of their application. The presence of light fractions in the base oil explains their high “waste” during operation.

The low oxidative stability of mineral lubricants during service results in their rapid darkening, an increase in viscosity, in the formation of sludge, varnishes and carbon deposits on the parts of the lubricated equipment, which, of course, does not contribute to the long life of these parts. High freezing temperatures limit the climatic zones of their applicability, necessitating seasonal replacements. High "waste" - additional consumption of lubricants.

Base oils of Groups II and III (Hydrocracking)

To mitigate these negative traits, petrochemists began producing API Group II base oils, commonly referred to as “hydrocracked or hydrotreated” oils. As the names suggest, the process consists of treating a Group I mineral base oil with hydrogen at high temperatures and in the presence of catalysts. Under these conditions, hydrogen is added at the unsaturated bonds of hydrocarbons, "opens" cyclic and aromatic chains. With light hydrocarbons, with sulfur and nitrogen compounds, hydrogen forms gaseous products that are removed from the reaction sphere. Long molecules of linear hydrocarbons (paraffins) break down (cracking) into shorter molecules. As a result of such processing, the output is practically sulfur-free, colorless oils with a higher degree of saturation (and therefore a higher oxidative stability) and a lower freezing point due to the lower content of paraffins. However, Group II oils continue to have a relatively low viscosity index, narrowing the operating temperature range of finished lubricants based on them.

Hydrocracked base oils are mainly produced in North America and South Korea... However, the demand for them is growing, and many oil companies(in particular, Russian ones) are intensively modernizing old and building new plants for the production of Group II base oils. The cost of these oils and, accordingly, finishing lubricants based on them is 1.5-1.8 times higher than that of mineral oils.

Requirements for finishing lubricants with a wide temperature range of use have prompted petrochemists to produce base oils with a high viscosity index. This is achieved again with the help of hydrogen, which, under certain conditions, transforms linear paraffin chains into branched ones. The process is called hydroisomerization. The presence of such isomerized paraffins increases the viscosity index of the base oil, but the additional operation raises the cost of the resulting "unconventional" API Group III base oils 2.3-2.8 times higher than mineral base oils. But the resulting base oils and finishing oils based on them are even more chemically stable, even less "fade" and have excellent low-temperature characteristics and a high viscosity index.

Group IV and V base oils (synthetics)

The desire to abandon oil as a source of production of lubricants prompted chemists to start building hydrocarbon molecules required size(in chemistry they are called poly-alpha-olefins) for the production of synthetic PAO base oils of API Group IV. They are produced in complex chemical plants, stitching short component molecules natural gas into longer ones, which are called decenes. Based on them, base oils and finishing lubricants of exceptional characteristics are produced - very high oxidative stability, low volatility and very low freezing point (pure poly-alpha-olefins lose their fluidity at temperatures below -70 ° C). Due to their high cost (4 times more expensive than mineral oils), PAO oils are used mainly for the manufacture of motor oils, although there are also synthetic transmission, hydraulic, gear and other industrial oils and greases.

The latest API Group V includes base oils called "true synthetics". This name emphasizes that no fossil resources (oil, gas) are used for their production. Obtained in chemical plants, these oils (or, more correctly, oil-like liquids) include dozens of names. These are polyalkylene glycols, silicones, phosphoric and esters, and many others. Their use is due to special technical requirements to equipment, extremely high and low temperatures, requirements of incombustibility, chemical inertness and many other parameters. The cost of these bases is tens, and even hundreds of times higher than conventional mineral base oils. But the operational requirements justify the cost.

This group also includes vegetable oils, which are increasingly used for the production of environmentally friendly industrial oils.

It should be noted that until the middle of 2006, base oils of Groups IV and V and finishing lubricants obtained on their basis were called “synthetics”. However, lubricant manufacturers are now ALLOWED to mention the word "synthetics" in different contexts in the names of their products derived from Groups II, III, IV and V. Only the materials of Group I remain “mineral” today.

A little interesting facts about engine oils ...

There is such a thing as base oil, this is the first and most voluminous thing that is included in the finished product. Base oils come in several groups.

At the moment, in the world in terms of production volume, in the first place are oil first and second group... These are coarse mineral oils and highly refined mineral oils. It is a yellow liquid in color. In the second group, she tends to more transparent shades. Both of these groups are made from oil.

The advantages are simple:

  • low cost production;
  • low cost of the finished product for the buyer.

And the disadvantages are low performance. Such as pour point, presence of impurities, high grain size, weak film, tendency to burn out, slagging, and of course, low service life.

At the moment, mineral oils of the first and second groups are used less and less often for motor oils of passenger cars. And usually mineral oils come with a viscosity index of 10W-30, 15W-40.

Third group.

Usually in everyday life it is customary to call her synthetics... This seemingly transparent liquid contains practically no impurities. The molecular range is even, which has a better effect on the friction parameters. But although the third group is called synthetics, in fact it is not.

In the production of the third group, the second group of oils is used. That is, mineral oils. But they go through a complex hydrocracking process, where, with the help of hydrogen in the technological process, the mineral oil is purified as much as possible and approaches in its characteristics to real synthetic oils. Although the third group is created from the second group, mineral water, it is significantly different and at the moment is the most common in the world in the production of motor oils for modern engines.

Fourth group.

These are already as close as possible to real synthetics oils in complex chemical installations. They are crosslinked into chains of hydrocarbons obtained from natural gas. As a result, polyalphaolefins are obtained. These base oils are more expensive than all the previous three groups. And their characteristics are superior to the first three groups. Pure oils of the fourth group do not solidify down to -70 degrees. The oil film is as strong as possible and the oil itself is resistant to oxidation and high temperatures.

Fifth group.

These are the real synthetics and esters. This group includes many different oils. The most common oils for motor vehicles are ester oils. They are practically not used in the production of motor oils due to their expensive price and complexity in production.

Worldwide, no more than three percent of engine oils produced contain esters. And usually it is from 5 to 30 percent of the volume of the finished product. Using ester oils as a 100% base for oils will have a negative effect rather than a positive one.

Ester oils have polarly charged molecules that allow the oil to adhere, or one might say, magnetize to metal parts of the engine. As a result, an oil film always remains on the desired surfaces, and this is especially important when starting an cold engine for the first time.

Now we will tell you what happens next, when the manufacturer has chosen from which groups or one group the future engine oil is made. If we want to get ordinary semi-synthetics, then about 70% of mineral oil or about 30% of synthetic oil is taken, and then, an additive package is added, about 10-15% of the total oil volume. Here we will dwell in more detail.

An additive package is a group of different additives for motor oils or other oils. Each additive performs its own important function. Typically, the additive package includes antioxidant additives, antifoam additives, friction modifiers, antifriction additives, thickening additives, dispersion additives, detergents, dispersants, and others.

In the world, at the moment, modern additive packages for motor oils are produced by only four manufacturers. Manufacturers of finished motor oil buy these additive packages and use them in their products. Castrol, Shell, LukOil, Liqui moly, Motul and many others use third party additive packages.

The process of producing motor oil itself looks like a complicated one, technological process mixing, where components in the form of base oil and additives are supplied at different temperatures at different intervals. Then they are mixed according to a given program and recipe, from which the finished engine oil is obtained.

In this process, absolutely every component affects the quality of the finished product. The less the manufacturer saves on raw materials and the process, the better the engine oil is obtained from the above groups.

Now you can talk about what oils are made of, which are now on the market.

Semi-synthetic oils.

It's simple. These oils usually contain the first or second group of mineral oils. And also a synthetic component. But this is almost always the third, hydrocracking group. The ratio of the content is usually 70% mineral oil and 30% synthetic. An additive package is added to the resulting mixture of base oils.

These engine oils are suitable for most vehicles unless the manufacturer has specific requirements for the oil.

Typical representatives of this group of oils:,.

Synthetic oils 3rd group.

This is the most common product for modern motors. They usually start at viscosities 5W-20, 5W-30 and 5W-40, and so on. But be careful, there are semi-synthetic oils with viscosity of 5W-30 and 5W-40. The label must say SEMI-SYNTETIC. And if it's not written, pay attention to the price.

Synthetic oils of the third group cannot cost less than 1400 rubles for a 4 liter canister, at the moment. Unlike semi-synthetics, these oils have a longer life, oxidize less, and hold more loads.

You should not drive more than 12,000 kilometers, it is fraught with your engine, even if the manufacturer prescribes to drive all 15,000, or even 20,000 kilometers. This is just a marketing gimmick. The main thing for the manufacturer is that your motor will leave for a guaranteed period, and then it is advisable that you buy a new car.

Synthetic oils of the third group are,.

Synthetic oils based on the 4th group.

Such oils are already much less common. They are more expensive in cost and therefore are less common. Synthetics are written on the packaging of the third group oil and on the packaging of the fourth group oil. As a result, for the average consumer, these are the same oils. From which the buyer chooses cheaper oil and buys the third group. And the difference in price is usually at least two times.

These oils are mainly added to the total volume, which is quite enough to improve the properties of the finished product. Oil of the fourth group, usually, can be distinguished by the index 0W-20, 0W-30, 0W-40 and so on. Also, other viscosities are made on this group - 5W-40, 5W-30 and others. There are even 10W-40, but this is very rare.

Oils with the addition of an ester component.

These oils are usually divided into mixtures of the third and fourth groups with the addition of an ester component from 5 to 30%. For their price, these are the most expensive and least common oils. But they have best performance and maximally protect the engine under all operating conditions.

Recently, experimenters have appeared who find a separate pure ester component and add to their motor to the filled oil in a proportion of 10%. Of course, this does not lead to anything good. Do not forget that when you add something to your oil in such quantities, you change its properties - you thin it. Liquefy the additive package. Change the viscosity. And what will happen in the end? Nobody knows. The engine will run. But the question remains - how long.

Motor oil is a mixture of two main components - a base oil and an additive package. The use of the terms "Synthetics", "Semi-synthetics" or "Mineral oil" refers to the type of base oil that was used in the manufacture of the lubricant.

The base oil itself is divided into groups:

1st group is a base oil obtained by refining oil with reagents, this group contains a lot of sulfur and has a weak viscosity index (the dependence of viscosity on temperature).

2nd group- these are oils purified by hydrogen (hydrocracking). Oils of this group contain almost no sulfur, during production, until the addition of additives, they are an almost transparent liquid, due to which the service life of the lubricant itself is significantly increased, and the reduction of deposits and carbon deposits in the engine significantly increases its resource.

3rd group- these are essentially the same oils of the 2nd group, but with an increased viscosity index. The viscosity index is a measure that records the change in viscosity with temperature. Through additional isomerization processes, the oil obtains the best indicators of both low- and high-temperature viscosity, which allows you to be confident in the lubricant both when starting in the most severe frost, and when operating at maximum loads.

4th group are oils based on polyalphaolefins. Due to the high cost of production and after the discovery of hydrocracking and isomerization technologies (2nd and 3rd groups of base oils), which make it possible to produce base oils that are in no way inferior to them in quality, the production volumes of this group are gradually decreasing.

so which oils belong to which group: it is impossible before answering this question, not to clarify that the concept of "Semisynthetics" for a long time and did not have any criteria for characteristics, everyone understood that there is "Mineral oil" - this is definitely the oil of the 1st group, and there is "Synthetics" - oils of the 3rd and 4th th group.

Presently technologists and marketers have come to a certain consensus, deciding to apply the following terms to the base oil groups:

1st group- "Mineral oil" (oil refining with reagents)
2nd group- "Mineral oil" (since hydrogen purification is used without changing the molecular structure)
3rd group- "Synthetics" (as there is a change in the molecular structure - isomerization)
4th group- "Synthetics" (chemical synthesis)

Mixing 3rd or 4th group of base oils with 1st or 2nd group of base oils - "Semi-synthetics"

In simple words- “Semi-synthetics” is a mixture of “Mineral” and “Synthetic” base oils, but this is where the main “pitfalls” are hidden. When mixing (Synthetic) of the 3rd or 4th group of base oils with the 1st group, you get "Semi-synthetics", but the use of base oils of the first group initially implies increased indicators for sulfur and other elements of poorly refined oils of the first group, which is negatively reflected on deposits and the resource itself. You may not notice this immediately, but the results may not be the most promising.

Find out which base oil used in a lubricant at purchase is difficult, if not impossible. To do this, you need to go to the manufacturer's website and, according to the safety data sheet, based on many indicators, draw conclusions that are often feasible only technicians... You can limit yourself from risks by using lubricants from only those manufacturers who never use base oils of the first group in their production.


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