Career of state and municipal employees. Labor career of state and municipal employees in modern russia lazukova evgeniya andreevna. A qualifying career presupposes professional growth, movement along the categories of the wage scale

This thesis covers the issues of planning, organization, and improving the career of a municipal employee. The research object of the thesis is the Administration of the Southern Administrative District, namely those employees who took part in the author's research. The subject of the diploma project is the study of the characteristics of the career development of employees of the Administration.
The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the essence, mechanisms and strategic directions of organizing and improving the career development of municipal employees. The analysis of theoretical sources, questionnaires, methods of mathematical and statistical data processing, comparative analysis of data are identified as research methods. The research was carried out in the Administration of the Southern Administrative District of Orenburg.
Thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter examines the essence, concept, classification and stages of a career, and develops an idea of ​​the picture that has developed in the field of career management. The second chapter describes the activities of the Administration of the Southern Administrative District, with the subsequent development of recommendations for the improvement and development of career growth.

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… 5
1 Theoretical aspects career management
municipal employees ...................... .......................... .... .......................... 7
1.1 Concept, classification and stages of career growth …………………… 7
1.2 Career management ………………………………………… 15
1.3Period of passage municipal service………………………..26
1.4 Professional development of the municipal
employee and its management …………………………………………… ..33
2 Analysis of career management of municipal
employees of the Administration of the Southern District ……………………………… 41
2.1 General description of activities - Administration
Southern District …………………………………………………………. ..41
2.2 Researching the service career of a municipal
an employee of the Administration of the Southern Administrative District ... ... ... 42
2.3 Problems of development of municipal employees
Administration of the Southern Administrative District ………………… .... 49
3 General recommendations for improvement and development
career development of municipal employees ……………………….… ... 51
3.1 Personnel development of municipal service personnel …………… .... 51
3.2 Creation of an effective management system
career development of employees of the Administration of the Southern
administrative district ........................ ........................ ...... ...................... 56
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………… ..59
List of sources used …………………………………… .... 62
Appendix A Structural and logical diagram of the diploma
work ……………………………………………………. ………… ... …… ..64
Appendix B Old and new career conditions …………………… ...… 65
Appendix C Schematic diagram of interaction
municipal service and an employee in the process of managing his
career ………………………………………………………… ………… ... 66
Appendix D Questionnaire survey of candidates for a vacant position ... ..67


Since Russia embarked on the path of democratic transformations, in most areas of human activity, the combination of the interests of the individual and the organization has come to the fore. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the problem of human adaptation in a rapidly changing world became more acute. Fitting into the system of social and economic relations, while maintaining the integrity and uniqueness of the individual, is a very difficult and contradictory task. This also affected the sphere of state and municipal service. If during the Soviet Union, the personnel management system wore organizational and administrative The (administrative) nature and actions of a person were strictly regulated, the steps of his career advancement were dictated by higher authorities, then at present the main responsibility for the successful development of a career lies with him. In light of this, the term "career" has acquired a more weighty meaning, clearer outlines. Russian employees learned that the process of career advancement is subject to study, forecasting, and management. The opportunity has opened up to “make” a career. The consequence of this was an increase in interest in the issue of career growth.
The relevance of this thesis is due to the need for each person to plan their future based on their needs and socio-economic conditions. It is not surprising that he wants to know the prospects for career growth and the opportunities for further training in this organization, as well as the conditions that he must fulfill for this. Otherwise, the motivation for behavior becomes weak, the person does not work at full strength, does not seek to improve skills and considers the organization as a place where you can wait for some time before moving on to a new, more promising job.
A person must be able to correlate his business qualities with the requirements that the organization, his work, puts before him. The success of his entire career depends on this.
The object of research of the thesis is the Administration of the Southern Administrative District, namely those employees who took part in the author's research. The subject of the thesis project is the features of the career growth of the employees of the Administration.
The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the essence, mechanisms and strategic directions for improving and organizing an employee's career. In accordance with the set goal in the thesis, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
- to reveal the essence, concept, classifications and career stages of a municipal employee;
- describe the mechanism professionally job development municipal employee and his management;
- to identify the main problems facing state bodies and municipal employees in organizing career planning, and to determine the strategic directions for organizing a career.
The practical part of the thesis includes the author's research, the purpose of which was to consider the realities of the career process in modern conditions, to study the attitude of potential and real municipal employees of the Administration of the South Administrative District, a comparative analysis of their views.

1 Theoretical aspects of career management of municipal employees

1.1 Concept, classification and stages of career growth

In a broad sense, a career is defined as the general sequence of stages of human development in the main spheres of life (family, work, leisure). At the same time, a career is represented by the dynamics of the socio-economic situation, status and role characteristics, forms of social activity of the individual. In a narrow sense, the concept of career is associated with the dynamics of the position and activity of an individual in labor activity.
The essential component of the concept of career is promotion, i.e. progress. Definitions such as growth, achievement, transition, etc. are also used, which, in fact, again means progress. In this respect, a career is a process that is defined as a passage, a sequence of states of systems / 22 /.
A young specialist is included in a constantly lasting, endless stream of events, he is forced to move continuously in it, to find ways to adapt to it, to change his own in this process and change its components. And the faster the general movement, the more dangerous the slowdown or stoppage of a person's life arrangement in it in connection with the threat of turning into a toy of the elements, the more it is necessary for a person to prepare himself for a meeting with future events. Hence the understanding of a career - in the broad sense of the word - is the active advancement of a person in the development and improvement of the way of life, ensuring his stability in the flow of social life. / 25 /.
Thus, a career is a process of professional, socio-economic improvement of a person, expressed in his advancement through the levels of positions, qualifications, statuses, remuneration and fixed in a certain sequence of positions held at these levels.
Career is the successful progressive advancement of an employee up the career ladder, a change in abilities, qualifications, and the amount of remuneration associated with his activities. This is moving forward along the once chosen path, which is based on the subjective awareness of the employee's own judgments about his labor future / 12 /.
In other words, a career is a person's development and his mastery of social space (if we are talking about an inter-organizational career) or a person's expansion in the organizational space of a particular enterprise (if an intra-organizational career is considered).
The need for career management is due to its important role in human life, the activities of the organization, as well as in the development of society as a whole / 30 /.
Significant changes have also undergone management's understanding of career growth and ways of influencing the professional development of an employee. There was a rejection of traditional views on the professional success of an employee, determined by his place in the corporate hierarchy. There was a transition to an understanding that the most important thing is how the employees themselves interpret their careers, what they mean by it, how they could better manage it and what the best models of relationships between the company and employees will be. In addition, modern researchers and theorists seek to view career growth in the context of changes affecting both the employee of the company and the company itself, and environment in which the company operates. The meaning of the concept of "career" is rapidly changing / 6 /.
In traditional views, a career is understood as the advancement of an employee through the organizational ladder within the scope of his professional activity.
As a rule, people chose a profession, sometimes after youthful "immature" hesitation.
After that, they tried to find a municipal service in which their work would be in full demand. In response, she was supposed to provide them with the opportunity for career growth / 19 /.
Both in the choice of profession and in the choice specific company, people tried to do so that they did not have to return to this issue for the rest of their lives. An employee's career was viewed as a "ladder" or "path", "a road". The first of these metaphors (career as a "ladder") implied growth, subsequent promotion to leadership positions. The second and third (career as a "path", "road") - the possibility of career planning as a kind of path that has already been traversed by some employees before.
As a rule, by choosing each other, the municipal service and individual person entered into an implied "psychological" contract, which implied:
- the municipal service, for its part, provides a job security and an opportunity for professional and career growth;
- the employee, for his part, in exchange for this undertakes the obligation to show personal devotion to the organization, loyalty.
Employees who already had a clear idea of ​​the structure of the service, its products or services, and the market for sale, were assigned to "adherents." It is not surprising that in the atmosphere of a stable market situation and a stable increase in market share, many services became a kind of club establishments / 24 /.
The environment in which commercial transactions take place has radically changed in recent years. A summary of the changes that have occurred is provided in Appendix B.
The reason for the change is competition - a downward trend in costs.
Competition has fueled a general trend towards lower production costs in order to gain an advantage over competitors. As a result, a whole layer of the management apparatus of enterprises - the middle management level - was left unused in the new scheme, and many managers were fired. A similar situation is observed in relation to specialists whose professional skills are no longer required by enterprises.
- replacement of human labor with automatic machines, computers;
- Integration of functions, the same work is now performed by third-party organizations or specialists invited by the company to work under a contract.
Another consequence of the amplification competitive struggle increased attention of management to such issues as the quality of products and services provided. This led to the fact that the management of the enterprises had to assign more responsibility and authority to those employees who were directly involved in the process of manufacturing products or providing services; they were given the necessary leeway to ensure that products and services meet all consumer needs. As a result, the traditional function of management, which consisted of control and coordination, was no longer in the same measure as it used to be in demand in production / 10 /.
Various trends have had a strong impact on both the careers of individual employees in the municipal service and the structure of professional development.
The multi-level pyramid of the structure of the municipal service began to level out, and a large number of one-level and two-level structures began to prevail on a flatter scheme. Consequently, the difference between the first level and the second has increased dramatically. Now, for promotion, an employee needs not so much a quantitative, but a qualitative leap in development / 13 /.
Now the promotion of an employee within the framework of the municipal service takes place not so much up the career ladder, but from one branch of the enterprise to another, which can be explained by the small number of remaining opportunities for promotion upstairs and the requirement for this to have more experience than before. For example, in order to be responsible for the international operations of a company, an employee must be very experienced / 21 /.
Consequences of the influence of external factors:
- instead of predictable progress, modern workers are forced to face the unpredictability of their official position;
- employees no longer have confidence that they will work in the same specialty and professional activity for which they were trained;
- employees cannot be sure of preserving their place in the organization, let alone promotion to new posts and positions;
- Workers are offered a variety of alternative employment contracts, and none of them imply full and permanent employment. The emergence of contracts of this kind is primarily due to the fact that with their help companies reduce costs.
An employee's only asset is the ability to choose a particular job within or outside of an organization. As they improve their professional skills in the domestic and foreign labor market, they also improve their career opportunities. Now the middle class feel as much insecure about job security as the working class; their position began to be determined to the same extent by an unstable and unstable labor market / 13 /.
As for the modern interpretation of career management, in the changed environment the following question becomes quite pertinent: does the use of the term "career management" still make any sense?
There are several reasons why we can preserve the concept of "career management" and move its meaning beyond such narrow uses as progress within a profession or organization.
First, the concepts we think about career management are constantly changing. This concept allows individuals to reflect on their professional development.
For example, they can use it to compare the characteristics of their current work with previous experience and draw the necessary lessons in the light of which they can more realistically assess their capabilities in the future.
Secondly, this concept still retains its meaning for the leadership of the municipal service. If it seeks to achieve more tangible business results, it will seek to fully exploit the potential of its employees. The idea of ​​being able to manage their "careers" in such a way as to develop potential has an extraordinarily attractive power for leadership. The prospects that open up in this regard can determine the main parameters of the management strategy.
So, we see that the management of an employee's career development by the leadership of the municipal service can become an element of the management strategy by human resourses, and ultimately contribute to the achievement of the commercial goals of the company / 11 /.
However, research shows that these techniques are used unevenly, to put it mildly. This is due to the fact that currently only a few companies can boast of having a long-term and consistent business strategy. Companies seek to introduce industrial practice new systems (eg, performance-based payment) tend to be gradual rather than through the adoption of a strategic program.
Organizational structures have changed so much that it is now simply impossible to plan any consistent line of personnel positions through which these "promising" personnel would have to go. And since there is a great temptation in front of their cohort to move to work in another organization, no one will undertake to assert that such personnel will become a stable source of new and fresh strength for the top management of the enterprise.
So, ultimately, most organizations choose to place the responsibility for training on dedicated staff. schools and the specialists themselves - they themselves must take care of their professional training / 28 /.
An employee's career development is not carried out by moving from one position to other positions and positions within the organization, and, thus, an employee can hardly expect to take a top position in the management of the enterprise. Career growth can be carried out only through the acquisition of the necessary competence by the employee, which would allow him or her to take new, higher posts in the municipal service and reach a fundamentally new level of responsibility / 27 /.
There are two types of careers: professional and intra-organizational.
A professional career is characterized by the fact that an employee, in the course of his professional activity, goes through various stages of improvement: training, employment, professional growth, retirement. These stages specific worker can take place sequentially in different organizations. Along with a professional career, an intra-organizational career should be distinguished. An "intra-organizational" career is understood as defining the long-term prospects of each employee in a given municipal service. An intra-organizational career is important for both the employee and the employer, but its importance manifests itself in various aspects. As a rule, thinking about the prospects of his work in the organization, the employee pursues, first of all, personal goals. These include material well-being and the degree of satisfaction with the performed duties. At the same time, management is primarily concerned with the efficiency of the staff. Ideally, the interests of the employee and the organization coincide. That is, when predicting possible career steps, employees think not only about their own benefits, but also about the needs of the business. It covers the successive change in the stages of an employee's development within the same organization.
Intra-organizational career is realized in three main directions:
-vertical, i.e. ascent to a higher level of the structural hierarchy;
-horizontal - this means either moving to another functional area of ​​activity, or performing a certain service role at a stage that does not have a rigid formal fixation in the organizational structure (for example, performing the role of the head of a temporary target group, program, etc.); a horizontal career can also include the expansion or complication of tasks at the previous stage (as a rule, with an adequate change in remuneration);
- centripetal - movement towards the core, the leadership of the organization. For example, inviting an employee to previously unavailable meetings, meetings of both formal and informal nature, getting an employee access to informal sources of information, trusting relationships, some important orders from management, gaining authority from colleagues / 14 /.
The desire of a person to manage his career is explained by the enormous importance that a career has for his life.
Career acts as a kind of context of a person's working life, structuring his work experience (by the way, a significant part of general life experience) by a sequence of certain stages, due to which professional life is seen not as a continuous incoherent mass of actions and events, but takes on the form of development, ordered by these stages / 12 /.
Careers can also be classified according to various reasons: the possibility and timing of implementation, the nature of the career strategy.
Let's consider some of these types, mainly using the example of an official career.
According to the "possibility of implementation", the official career can be divided into potential and real.
A potential career is a work and life path personally built by a person on the basis of his plans, needs, abilities, plans. This is a dream career, a desire career. It can significantly affect the actions, behavior of a person and be fully realized, partially or not at all. In other words, it is individually planned.
A real career is what a person has managed to realize over a certain period of time in the corresponding type of activity in a particular organization. Studies show that even by retirement age, by the end of his official and professional career, only every fifth municipal employee believes that he has achieved his goal in official growth / 9 /.
A significant part of municipal employees in old age admitted that their plans for job growth remained a career - a dream, a career - a desire. The reason for the low rates of successful career of municipal employees should be sought in the fact that this work is almost absent in organizations. It is not provided either from the legal, or from the scientific-methodological, or from the organizational point of view. There are not enough specialists who could deal with this difficult task.
According to the "implementation time", the official career can be divided into normal, high-speed, airborne and slow.
A normal career is a gradual advancement of a specialist to the top of the job hierarchy in accordance with his constantly developing professional experience. The limit of this job development is determined by the level of professional incompetence of a specialist.
A high-speed career characterizes a rapid, but still consistent positional movement along the vertical of the organizational structure. As a rule, this is a career of gifted, talented, outstanding personalities in science, industry, entrepreneurship and business.
The landing career is a predominantly spontaneous substitution, as a rule, leadership positions organizational structure. People with such a career, like a lifesaver, are always ready to take any position and follow predetermined instructions. For representatives of such a career, it is not the process of doing something that is important, since the overwhelming majority of them do not differ in professional competence, but the fact of filling a position. Most often, the last two types of careers are found in crisis periods of social development or in war time... It is during these periods that society, by objective necessity, is forced to turn to rational, balanced steps, thoughtful actions, often to risky extraordinary proposals, extraordinary personalities. All this, as a rule, accumulates among outstanding organizers, managers, creative people - in a word, professionals.
Slow career growth is characterized by an extended tenure. The reasons for this promotion can be very diverse. Most often they are associated with the professional or personal characteristics of the municipal employee, his relationship with other employees, management / 5 /.
Careers can also be considered in terms of "the nature of their implementation." In this case, the implementation of both professional and job career strategies can take a number of forms:
- typical: achieving the heights of professionalism, recognition in the professional community, occupation of a higher job status in the organizational structure are associated with the reproduction of the full cycle professional life a person - from professional self-determination to de-objectification of experience in one professional area.
- stable: characterized by relative constancy in professional activity and job promotion.
- intermittent: characterized by the instability of professional and job promotion, repeated changes in the profile and form of activity, working in numerous organizations and filling positions that did not correspond to the acquired experience of a specialist. This career strategy leads to the diffusion of human efforts / 17 /.
For the municipal service, the priority should be a typical and stable form of an individual career strategy. This can be achieved if there is a system and mechanism for managing the career of municipal service personnel. They are designed to provide and condition the determination of personnel's career solely by the level of professionalism, personal qualities and performance results.
The employee's desire to manage his career is explained by the enormous importance that career has for his life. Career acts as a kind of context of a person's working life, structuring his work experience (by the way, a significant part of general life experience) by a sequence of certain stages, due to which professional life is seen not as a continuous incoherent mass of actions and events, but takes on the form of development, ordered by these stages. At different stages of a career, a person satisfies various needs / 27 /.
The preliminary stage includes studying at school, secondary and higher education and lasts up to 25 years. During this period, a person can change several different jobs in search of a type of activity that meets his needs and meets his capabilities. If he immediately finds such a type of activity, the process of self-assertion of him as a person begins, he takes care of the safety of existence.
Then comes the stage of formation, which lasts about five years from 25 to 30. During this period, the employee masters the chosen profession, acquires the necessary skills, forms his qualifications, self-assertion occurs and there is a need to establish independence. He continues to be concerned about the safety of existence, concern for health. Usually at this age families are created and formed, so there is a desire to receive wages, the level of which is higher than the subsistence level.
The promotion phase usually lasts 30 to 45 years. During this period, there is a process of qualification growth, promotion. There is an accumulation of practical experience, skills, a growing need for self-affirmation, achievement of a higher status and even greater independence, self-expression as a person begins. During this period, much less attention is paid to meeting the need for safety, the efforts of the employee are focused on increasing wages and caring for health.
The conservation phase is characterized by actions to consolidate the achieved results and lasts from 45 to 60 years. There is a peak in the improvement of qualifications and its increase as a result of vigorous activity and special training, the employee is interested in transferring his knowledge to young people. This period is characterized by creativity, there can be an ascent to new service levels. A person reaches the heights of independence and self-expression. There is a well-deserved respect for oneself and others who have achieved their position by honest work. Although many needs of the employee during this period are satisfied, he continues to be interested in the level of remuneration, but there is an increasing interest in other sources of income (for example, participation in profits, capital of others from organizations, shares, bonds).
The completion phase lasts 60 to 65 years. Here, a person begins to seriously think about retirement, prepare to leave. During this period there are active searches worthy replacement and training of the candidate for the vacant position. Although this period is characterized by a career crisis, and such people receive less and less job satisfaction and experience a state of psychological and physiological discomfort, self-expression and respect for themselves and others like them reaches their highest point in their entire career. They are interested in maintaining the level of remuneration, but they seek to increase other sources of income that would replace the salary of this organization upon retirement and would be a good addition to the pension benefit / 12 /. At the last, retirement stage, the career in this municipal service (type of activity) is completed. There is an opportunity for self-expression in other activities that were impossible during the period of work in the organization or acted as a hobby (painting, gardening, work in public organizations, etc.). Respect for oneself and fellow retirees is stabilizing. But financial position and health conditions during these years can make constant concern for other sources of income and health.
It should be noted that a person's age, the formation of his career are closely related to the content of career stages and the level of development. professional experience /31/.

1.2 Career management

At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the problem of human adaptation in a rapidly changing world became more acute. Fitting into the system of social and economic relations, while maintaining the integrity and uniqueness of the individual, is a very difficult and contradictory task. Changing the position in society, the role in various spheres of life, attitude to basic values, the realization of opportunities and life plans are associated with professional growth, management of one's own career.
Choosing and planning a career is one of the most difficult problems of an individual. Status in society, social circle, quality of life, "I" - concept, self-esteem, emotional state of a person / 30 / depend on this.
For effective career planning, you need to identify your concept and follow it. For this, it is sometimes enough to have the relevant information. Career planning involves designing your own activities based on reliable ideas and concepts, assessing your professional aspirations, looking for opportunities to implement them, the ability to predict the future, assess existing reserves, and improve competence in accordance with changing demands for activities.
Planning your own personal development is of particular importance. It is based on the idea of ​​self-development, self-regulation, social adaptation stimulating self-knowledge, self-acceptance, self-control and self-realization. The inclusion of psychological structures in the activity allows you to successfully adapt to changing circumstances, respond flexibly to them, improve the quality of thinking, entrepreneurial spirit, and the ability to make non-standard decisions. Designing a professional career involves an active attitude to the present and the future, understanding the prospects, creating target attitudes, motivation, searching for ways, means, methods, technologies to achieve this goal. Career planning is movement along an individual trajectory determined by the person himself in accordance with an adequate assessment of his own desires, their realization, and the search for previously unknown opportunities for this. Planning your own personal development is not limited to career advancement by any means. Career growth presupposes civilized forms of transition to new levels of professional activity / 22 /
Career is a controlled process. Career management is one of the areas of personal life problems.
The need for career management is due to its important role in human life, organization activities, as well as in the development of society as a whole / 17 /.
Thus, in the career, the action of the universal mechanism of degression finds expression, which "makes possible the higher development of plastic forms, fixing, securing their activities, protecting delicate combinations from their rough environment ... preventing the entire content of our experience from blurring into infinity-uncertainty." Including "the employee's own judgments about their future at work, expected ways of self-expression and job satisfaction." Career builds the path of human development, introducing certainty into working life, orienting a person in time and space, making the past clear for him, meaningful present and expected future.
Career growth occupies an important place in the structure of the needs of a modern person, thereby influencing his satisfaction with work and life in general. Successful career provides a person with material well-being, satisfaction of his higher psychological needs, such as the need for self-realization, for respect and self-respect, for success and power, the need for the development and expansion of the space of fate. The desire of a person to optimize career development with the help of management is also associated with the peculiarities of the current situation in the development of Russian society. Democratization contributes to the creation of conditions for free self-determination, self-realization of each person, his independent choice of the paths of his movement in the social structure, social space of society. But this freedom gives rise to competition, which poses before each person the problem of his competitiveness, achieving personal success against the background of being ahead of others.
The municipal service is also interested in managing the careers of its staff. If for a person a career is development and advancement in the organizational space, then from the point of view of the organization it is, first of all, a question of the fullness, integrity of this space, which is especially important for its professional and official component, that is, the organizational structure. The career growth of an employee in the municipal service consists of the desire of the employee himself to realize his own professional potential and the interest of the municipal service in promoting this particular employee. Municipal services, whose leaders understand the importance of managing the business careers of their employees, are taking a major step towards their own prosperity. Career management provides an opportunity to "grow" a specialist or leader within the walls of your organization. Employee career management is not only about setting goals, but also about defining the means to achieve these goals. The costs of career planning and training, professional development should be considered as an investment in employees, and therefore in the success of the municipal service / 22 /.
At first glance, it might seem that career management requires a lot of time and money and is clearly inferior in efficiency to hiring an already established highly qualified specialist. But with a more detailed analysis, it becomes clear that these costs are fully justified. On the one hand, an employee who has gone through all the stages of professional growth in one municipal service knows better its specifics, strengths and weaknesses... This is what makes his work more productive. Unlike the one who comes to the municipal service "from the street", he does not need time to assimilate the corporate culture: he is already a part of it. On the other hand, the behavior of such an employee is easier to predict. It can be said with confidence that the management of an employee's career development is an active interaction of three parties: the employee, the management and the personnel management service.
Career management of employees is an event that requires certain material costs on the part of the municipal service. But these costs are more than offset by the competitive advantages that the organization receives in return. Personnel are perhaps the most important resource available to any municipal service. Consequently, the costs of its development are nothing more than an investment in a stable and successful “tomorrow” / 9 /.
Career management of a municipal employee is one of the most complex personnel technologies. As a result of its application, it is important to achieve such a position that what people have or can have as individuals, as carriers of professional abilities, experience, is included in the labor process in the interests of the person and in the interests of the municipal authority. For this, it is necessary that the structure of the most important social tools for career management has been formed in the municipal service: the system, mechanism, and process of career management of the personnel of the municipal service is presented in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 - Structure of career management elements

The personnel management system is a set of personnel management subjects, their functions, powers and responsibilities, a set of principles, legal norms and a management mechanism that are necessary for a targeted impact on the management object presented in Figure 1.2. We are talking about the creation of such a career management system, which would be based on legal norms that enshrine the mechanism of responsibility of management entities for creating favorable conditions for a career environment for professional and job growth of personnel, the demand for their professional experience. When solving personnel issues, this system would rigidly determine the actions of managers and personnel services (personnel management services) in accordance with the principles of municipal service, primarily professionalism and competence, equal access of citizens to municipal service in accordance with abilities and professional training.

Figure 1.2 - The main elements of the career management system of a municipal employee

The career management system should ensure the formation of the most optimal typical career path schemes, starting from the lowest positions, as well as from the moment citizens enter the municipal service, their openness for acquaintance, the conditions for promotion, material and moral remuneration. In addition, it is important to provide in the career management system and the personal responsibility of the heads of personnel services for the creation and maintenance of the impeccable reputation of the municipal authority and, in general, the authority of the state in case of violation of the established procedures and rules for career management.
The career management mechanism is designed to bring into action a career management system - a system of functions, powers and responsibilities of subjects and objects of career management through specific forms and methods of working with personnel - and thereby ensure the achievement of personnel career management goals. In fact, it is a coordinated set of means and methods that ensure qualitative changes in the professional potential of an individual and adequate ways of its implementation in the interests of both a person and a municipal authority. This is a set of means of influence, primarily personnel technologies, which ensure the management of the professional experience of personnel in the organization, the implementation of their career strategy.
There are many means of influencing a person in the municipal service, and it is very difficult to draw a strict boundary dividing the impact of one and the other means on a person in the process of implementing even such a specific technology as career management. However, the key elements of the personnel career management mechanism can still be identified. They are such personnel technologies as selection, assessment (testing, qualification examination, certification, etc.), personnel training, as well as work with the personnel reserve, internship and a number of others.
This should also include the technology of constant study of the content, nature and working conditions of employees, in order to promptly solve problems organizational development: timely changes in the organizational structure, staffing, job descriptions, professiograms of municipal employees, correction of professional qualification requirements, development of proposals for changes in the Register of municipal service positions, vocational training programs, etc.
The mechanism of career management as an element of the career management system is based on the principles of management, legal norms that strictly regulate the procedure for the application, organization and use of the results of personnel technologies and the means and methods of working with personnel used in this case. The main elements of the career management mechanism are shown in Figure 1.3.

Figure 1.3 - The main elements of the career management mechanism

An analysis of the practice of working with the personnel of the municipal service indicates that the significance of many of these technologies is not rejected, but their results are not the basis for making final decisions on personnel issues. In the practice of job promotion, an appointment from the reserve, for example, is no more than 7%, competitive selection- 12%, implementation of attestation conclusions - 13.7%. An analysis of the personal files of municipal employees indicates that the use of personnel technologies is not documented in the overwhelming majority of them.
Thus, at present, we can only talk about the formal recognition of the importance of the means that represent the substantive part of the mechanism for managing the official career of personnel. But talking about the mechanism itself, especially about its effective functioning, is not possible. Figure 1.4 shows a diagram of career management of municipal service personnel.

Figure 1.4 - Scheme of career management of municipal service personnel

An equally difficult problem of the implementation of the personnel's career strategy is the career management process, that is, a logically connected and consistently implemented set of actions, from which the required impact is formed. In fact, it is a carefully planned, thought out, coordinated and carried out by specific people a set of actions that allow, within the framework of the established system and the adopted career management mechanism, to achieve the set goal.
The career management process includes:
- identifying the needs (current, prospective) of the municipal
authority, organization (we are talking about structural professional experience) in the composition of personnel and an assessment of its current professional opportunities, i.e., the structure of the available professional experience of personnel: a model of needs and a model of capabilities;
- developing and deciding on the career strategy of the organization and
introduction of career management technology in a government agency;
-implementation of the decisions made and the implementation of career plans for the organization's personnel.
In the process of career management, two interrelated tasks are solved. First, the task of ensuring that the professional experience of the personnel corresponds to the required, project, structural professional experience. Secondly, the development and rational use of the professional skills of the personnel. Their solution allows the organization to achieve highly effective work. The career management scheme of the personnel of the municipal service can be as shown in Figure 1.4.
In this understanding of a career, well-structured career management is important for the functioning and development of an organization, being a factor in increasing the efficiency of its activities, a condition for its stability and viability of an enterprise in a changing environment, a driving force, a mechanism for its development.
Career planning addresses such important issues as staff satisfaction with work in the municipal service and the associated labor productivity; continuity of professional experience and culture of the corporation; ensuring uninterrupted and rational replacement of key positions; adaptability and maneuverability in conditions of rapid changes in the content and division of labor, in conditions of crises; finally, it is connected with the issues of internal increment of professional potential and external growth of the enterprise in the environment / 13 /.
All this is all the more relevant today, when the market economy forces organizations to independently take care of providing their activities with the necessary human resources, to determine the goals, directions, priorities of personnel policy, and the global trend of humanization is reflected in the shift in values, emphasis in the direction of increasing the role of the human factor in development economy, the increasing importance of the personnel management subsystem in the organization's management system. In these conditions, at the level of the economy as a whole, the management of the development of human resources comes to the fore, and at the level of an individual enterprise - the management of personnel development, the development of resources of each individual person, and the management of his advancement within the organization.
The state is also not indifferent to the fate of its citizens, since the degree of their satisfaction with the growth and advancement in work affects the decrease or increase in social tension in society, and the professional potential of each - the dynamism and quality of reforms in general.
This is especially true for the development of management personnel. In turn, the effectiveness of managerial development of a manager within the municipal service is inextricably linked with the success of his career management / 14 /.
And so, the need and expediency of career management is obvious, since it contributes to the merger and implementation on a mutually beneficial basis of the needs of a person, interests and society as a whole. But it is also important to understand whether the career management of a municipal employee is successful.
First of all, it should be noted that although both the employee and the municipal service are interested in managing a career, the initiator should be the municipal service as a carrier of the career space, without which human development will remain simply development, without manifesting itself in the external movement, without thereby gaining career quality. Of course, without the desire and willingness of a person, career growth will not take place either, but nevertheless, it is much easier to create motivation for career growth than a career space / 30 /.
The general purposeful impact on the nature of the course and the content of the process of a person's career development should be implemented by combining efforts to manage a career on the part of the organization and self-management of a career on the part of a person, as well as with the assistance of the state.
One of the main conditions for successful career management on the part of the municipal service - and in a general sense, it consists of managing the development, selection and promotion of personnel within the organizational space - there should be mandatory participation, the inclusion of each manager in the management of his career, the creation of an atmosphere of dialogue in the organization ... In other words, career management should be participatory.
Career management should be scientific and conceptual, which means it should be based on modern achievements of management theory, psychology (in particular, the psychology of managerial career), sociology in the field of knowledge of the basic laws, driving forces and mechanisms, factors and determinants of career development.
Taking into account the complexity and multidimensionality of the object of management, career management should be complex, i.e. take into account or, as far as possible, influence the numerous factors associated with the personality of the career leader (psychophysiological, psychological, professional, socio-demographic, etc. characteristics), and with its non-organizational (family, friends, etc.) and organizational (corporate culture, strategy, structure, personnel policy, relations with the immediate manager, etc.) components of the microenvironment, and factors of the macroenvironment of career development / 25 /.
Within the framework of an integrated approach, career management should mobilize the driving forces of career development, that is, needs, values ​​and the motives for development and promotion associated with them, as well as contribute to the formation of an employee's image of a career trajectory, a managerial path. Among the features of career growth, it is important to know the characteristics of the nature of its course, depending on the age of the employee, his length of service in the municipal service or in a certain position. Knowledge of the temporal model of career periodization makes it possible not only to rationally use the periods of increased human activity, but also to predict the points and periods of crises. In this regard, career management should be anti-crisis, that is, to prevent the emergence or soften the course of crises associated with the contradiction between the increased capabilities of the municipal employee and the requirements of the old position, with the beginning, middle and end of a career, crises overall development person.
Career management is strategic in nature, since it is characterized by an aspiration for the future, an orientation towards long-term benefits, long-term goals. But it should also be strategic, that is, assume the presence in the municipal service of a common value setting that determines the order and content of decisions on the development and promotion of management personnel, as well as permeating the rest of the enterprise. In the modern domestic theory of personnel management, the term "career strategy" has already been established / 28 /.
Career planning is also a sensitive issue. A career affects the prestige of a person in the eyes of the environment, its success is a measure of well-being, a source of pride.
People value their careers as if it were their honor. Therefore, it is important not to harm the person, not to allow him to “lose face” due to the fact that he did not cope with his duties at the next official level. Is it possible to achieve this by coercion? The question is quite rhetorical. Consequently, the impact on the career process as a whole for the organization should be implemented in promoting the development of individual careers of employees, and the management of an employee's career should be motivational, and therefore based on the priority of motivation over management, socio-psychological methods of influence / 19 /.
Career management requires the involvement of certain human, time and financial resources... Therefore, its important characteristic should be efficiency based on expediency and planning. At the same time, behind each career, development and advancement in society of a particular person is his unique, inimitable life situation, his fate, and uniqueness should be reflected in the project approach as applied to the management of the individual career of each municipal employee.
Finally, the management of an employee's career should be systemic, which implies the presence of a certain set of components that are closely interrelated, coordinated with each other, serving the same purpose and forming a single integrity that has properties that are not inherent in each component separately. Such elements should be the system, mechanism and process of career management, built and implemented on the basis of the listed approaches.
The career management process should be the result of the interaction of the system and the mechanism and include a sequence of actions aimed at achieving the goals of development, selection and promotion of personnel within the organizational space: setting goals, analyzing the actual situation, identifying problems (inconsistencies between the desired and the actual) and planning and the implementation of measures for their constructive solution / 24 /.
Thus, planning the career of a municipal employee and managing the career process as a whole is a complex, complex, multidimensional activity that matches the very object of management - career growth. Man has always tried to manage his career, the current reforms have only catalyzed this process, giving it dynamism.
Domestic management practice has a wealth of experience in managing the professional and official promotion of employees, working with a reserve for promotion, and many of the approaches to managing career growth that were named above are already used today within the framework of the personnel management services of Russian enterprises. /thirty/.
The state policy in the field of human resource management already today provides programs for career guidance, psychological support, contributing to "social and professional self-determination of the individual in the course of the formation of his abilities, value orientations and self-awareness, increasing his competitiveness in the labor market and adapting to the conditions of realizing his own professional career" ...
In short, you don't have to start from scratch. It is only necessary to combine all factors, to combine the efforts of all parties.
Undoubtedly, in order to ensure the successful management of the career process in general and the individual career of each municipal employee in the municipal service body, it is necessary to develop a special concept of career management, which would incorporate all the previous positive experience, as well as the listed and other constructive approaches and principles. Only if such a concept is followed can the mission of career management be fully realized - achieving harmony between the interests of the organization and the needs of a person is presented in Appendix B.
Improving and managing career development requires some additional effort from the employee and from the municipal service, but at the same time provides a number of advantages both for the employee and the organization in which he works. For an employee, this means:
- a higher degree of satisfaction from work in the municipal service, which provides him with opportunities for professional growth and an increase in the standard of living;
- a clearer vision of personal professional prospects and the ability to plan other aspects of their own life;
the possibility of purposeful preparation for future professional activities.
The municipal service receives the following benefits:
- motivated and loyal employees linking their professional activities with this organization, which increases labor productivity and reduces labor turnover;
- the ability to plan the professional development of employees, taking into account their personal interests;
- a group of people interested in professional growth, trained, motivated employees for promotion to key positions / 48 /.
Thus, the main meaning of personnel career management is that everything valuable that a person possesses or can possess in an organization, namely his ability for professional activity, is effectively used to achieve the goals of the municipal service and satisfy the interests of the individual.

1.3 Period of municipal service

Admission to the municipal service is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor, taking into account the specifics provided for by this Law.
Citizens of the Russian Federation who meet the qualification requirements for a substituted municipal service position have the right to enter the municipal service.
It is not allowed to establish, upon entering the municipal service, as well as during its passage, any direct or indirect restrictions and advantages depending on race, gender, nationality, language, social origin, property status, attitude to religion, beliefs, belonging to public associations created in the manner prescribed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal law.
Upon admission to the municipal service, a citizen presents:
- passport or other identity document;
- work book;
- insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
- documents of military registration;
- a document on education, qualifications or the presence of special
- other documents, if provided federal laws.
Qualification and other requirements for municipal service positions are established by federal laws, laws of the Orenburg region and regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with them local government.
The qualification requirements for employees replacing municipal posts of the municipal service include requirements for the level of professional education, taking into account the group and specialization of municipal posts of the municipal service, for the length of service in municipal service, as well as for the length of service and work experience in the specialty, the level of knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, regulatory legal acts of local self-government bodies necessary for the implementation job duties on the replaced municipal position of the corresponding group of positions.
The following qualification requirements are established for employees filling municipal posts in the municipal service:
a) To the level of professional education:
1) for the highest, main, leading and senior municipal posts of the municipal service - higher professional education in the specialty "State or municipal administration" or in the specialization of municipal posts of the municipal service;
2) for specialists of the first category of senior municipal positions and junior municipal positions of the municipal service - secondary vocational education in the specialization of municipal positions of the municipal service or an education that is considered equivalent.
b) to the length of service in the municipal service, as well as to the length of service and work experience in the specialty:
1) for a valid municipal councilor:
1 class - the length of service in the main and leading municipal positions for at least five years or two years in the highest municipal position, or work experience in the specialty for at least five years;
2 classes - the length of service in the main and leading municipal positions for at least four years or one year in the highest municipal position, or work experience in the specialty for at least five years;
3 classes - length of service in the main and leading municipal positions for at least three years or three years in the main municipal position, or work experience in the specialty for at least five years;
b) for a valid councilor of the municipal service:
1 class - the length of service in leading and senior municipal positions for at least three years or two years in the main municipal position, or work experience in the specialty for at least three years;
Grade 2 - length of service in leading and senior municipal positions for at least three years or one year for the main municipal position, or work experience in the specialty for at least three years;
Grades 3 - length of service in leading and senior municipal positions for at least three years or three years in a leading municipal position, or work experience in the specialty for at least three years;
2) for a municipal councilor:
Grade 1 - length of service in municipal service for at least three years or two years in a leading municipal position, or work experience in a specialty for at least three years;
Grade 2 - length of service in municipal service for at least three years or one year in a leading municipal position, or work experience in a specialty for at least three years;
Grades 3 - length of service in municipal service for at least three years or three years in a senior municipal position, or work experience in a specialty for at least three years;
3) for the councilor of the municipal service:
Grade 1 - length of service in municipal service for at least two years or two years in a senior municipal position, or work experience in a specialty for at least three years;
Grade 2 - length of service in municipal service for at least two years or one year in a senior municipal position, or work experience in a specialty for at least three years;
3 classes - at least one year of municipal service or at least three years of work experience in the specialty;
4) for a municipal service assistant:
1st class - at least two years of municipal service or at least three years of work experience in the specialty;
Grade 2 - at least one year of municipal service or at least three years of work experience in the specialty;
3 classes - no requirements for work experience.
The decision to recognize education as equivalent is made attestation commission.
There are three categories of municipal employees. In this case, we are talking about the category of persons who are exclusively in the municipal service. Municipal service legislation presupposes legal regulations, which regulate in relation to persons in municipal service, both public law and private law aspects of their legal status... Thus, the legislation on municipal service covers legal regulation in relation to elected officials (group B), municipal officials (group A), as well as those in the municipal service, hired workers and employees.
The qualification requirements for the positions of the municipal service include the requirements:
a) by the level of professional education, taking into account the specialization by the position of the municipal service;
b) by seniority and work experience in the specialty;
c) according to the level of knowledge of federal legislation and laws of the Orenburg region, the charter and other regulatory legal acts municipality in relation to the implementation of the relevant official powers.
In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the following qualification categories are assigned to municipal employees filling municipal posts of the municipal service of the corresponding group:
? a valid municipal councilor of 1, 2, 3 classes - to a municipal employee who replaces the highest municipal posts of the municipal service (group 5);
? active counselor of the municipal service of 1, 2, 3 classes - to municipal employees who fill the main municipal posts of the municipal service (group 4);
? municipal councilor of 1, 2, 3 classes - municipal employees filling the leading municipal positions of the municipal service (group 3);
? councilor of municipal service of 1, 2, 3 classes - to municipal employees filling senior municipal posts of municipal service (group 2);
? referent of municipal service 1, 2, 3 classes - municipal employees filling junior municipal posts of municipal service (group 1).
The highest class in the corresponding group of municipal posts of the municipal service is the first class, the lowest is the third class.
The assignment of qualification categories is carried out in a sequential order in accordance with the qualification and other requirements for municipal posts of the municipal service of the corresponding group, and taking into account the period of stay in the previous qualification category.
To assign the next qualification category to municipal employees, the following periods of stay in qualification categories are established:
? for a valid municipal councilor - three years of municipal - service in each class;
? for a valid councilor in municipal service - three years of municipal service in each class;
? for a municipal councilor - three years of municipal service in
each class;
? for the councilor of municipal service - two years of municipal service in each class;
? for a municipal service assistant - one year of municipal service in each class.
The period of stay in the qualifying category is calculated from the date of assignment of the corresponding qualifying category. The day of the assignment of the qualification category is the day of the publication of the order of the administration "On the assignment of the qualification category to the municipal employee."
When appointed for the first time to a municipal office, the issue of assigning a qualification category may be considered after a year from the date of entering the municipal service based on the results of the qualification exam.
At the request of the head of a structural unit, a municipal employee with his consent for the successful and conscientious performance of his official duties, the performance of tasks of particular importance and complexity, the right to pass the qualification exam may be granted after 6 months of passing municipal service.
The qualification category is assigned in the next or in an extraordinary manner.
To assign the next category, a HR specialist prepares the necessary documents and submits them to the attestation commission.
The submission on the assignment of the next qualification category is submitted by the head of an independent structural unit on the basis of an application by a municipal employee after the expiration of his stay in the corresponding qualification category.
The next assignment of a qualification category to a municipal employee is carried out on the basis of the results of attestation or qualification exam:
? after the expiration of the established period of stay in the previous qualification category within the same group of positions in the municipal service;
? when transferring a municipal employee to a municipal service position of a higher group of municipal service positions.
At the request of the immediate supervisor, after the expiration of the established period of stay of the municipal employee in the qualification category of the 1st class, for special merit, he may be assigned a qualification category of the 3rd class of the higher group of municipal service positions without transferring him to another position of the municipal service.
An extraordinary assignment of a qualification category to a municipal employee is carried out based on the results of a qualification examination no more than once during the period of his service in municipal service positions of each group of municipal service positions after half of the term of a municipal employee's stay in the previous qualification category:
-on the initiative of the municipal employee himself;

A qualification rank assigned on an extraordinary basis cannot exceed qualification rank 1 of the class of that group of positions to which the municipal service position replaced by a municipal employee belongs.
The head of administration, upon the proposal of the immediate head of a municipal employee, in the manner of reward for special distinctions when passing municipal employees of municipal service, has the right, in agreement with the attestation commission, to decide on assigning a qualification category to a municipal employee without holding a qualifying examination.
Without passing the qualifying exam on an extraordinary basis, a qualification category can also be awarded to a municipal employee who has received an academic degree.
The qualification examination is carried out by the attestation commission.
The attestation commission conducts a qualifying examination for the assignment of a qualifying category in the following cases:
-on the initiative of a municipal employee;
-when appointing for the first time to a municipal office;
- when transferring a municipal employee to a municipal position of a higher group of positions;
-on the initiative of the immediate supervisor of the municipal employee as an incentive.
The procedure and forms of the qualification exam are established by a resolution of the administration.
The form of the qualification exam is determined by the qualification requirements for the relevant municipal posts of the municipal service.
It is not allowed to conduct the qualification exam in the absence of the examined municipal employee.
If the examined municipal employee fails to appear for the qualification exam for a good reason, the date of the qualification exam is postponed to the next meeting of the commission.
The following are not allowed for the qualification exam:
- municipal employees who fill municipal posts of the municipal service during the probationary period;
- persons temporarily filling municipal posts in the municipal service;
- municipal employees recognized by the attestation commission as not corresponding to the substituted municipal position of the municipal service;
- municipal employees holding municipal positions for less than one year;
- municipal employees subject to disciplinary action.
Municipal employees who have a disciplinary sanction, as well as who have not passed certification, are not submitted to the assignment of the next qualification category until the penalty is lifted and they are recognized in the attestation procedure as corresponding to their position.
Based on the results of the qualifying exam, one of the following decisions is made:
was passed;
- qualification examination for the assignment of a qualifying category
not delivered.
In case of unsatisfactory passing of the qualification exam, the next application for holding the qualification exam may be submitted one year after the unsatisfactory passing of the qualification exam.
The results of the qualification exam of a municipal employee are entered on the examination sheet. The results of the exam are communicated to the municipal official on the day of the exam.
The attestation commission, no later than seven days after the qualification exam, sends the documented results of the qualification exam to the head of the district administration to make a decision on the assignment of a qualification category.
If a municipal employee has passed the exam, then the head of administration, no later than ten days from the date of passing the exam, taking into account the qualification requirements for the substituted municipal position, makes a decision on assigning him a qualification category.
The decision on awarding a qualification category to a municipal employee is drawn up by an order of the district administration and is stored in the personal file of the municipal employee along with the examination sheet and the decision of the attestation commission. The corresponding entry is made in the work book and the personal file of the municipal employee.
Registration and registration of documents on the assignment and preservation of qualification categories to municipal employees of the municipal service, registration of all municipal employees with qualification categories is carried out by specialists in the personnel work of the administration.
Legal acts, as well as actions (inaction) of local self-government bodies, their independent structural divisions and their officials on issues related to the assignment and preservation of qualifications, may be appealed to a municipal employee in court.
The qualification rank of a municipal employee is retained in the following cases:
- upon termination of municipal service;
- when re-entering the municipal service, if the new municipal position belongs to the same group of positions for which he was previously assigned a qualification category;
- upon admission to the post of municipal service of a lower or higher group of positions before the assignment of a qualification category corresponding to the new position being replaced;
- when transferring a municipal employee to another local government body, regional government body / 2 /.
The qualification rank (class rank), previously assigned to a citizen on the basis of the legislation on municipal service of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, is retained when he enters the municipal service in the administration. In this case, the amount of payments is established in accordance with a similar qualification category for municipal posts of municipal service in the administration.
If a municipal employee is transferred to a lower position based on the results of attestation, then by the decision of the head of administration he is assigned the appropriate qualification category in the group of positions to which the position replaced after the transfer belongs.
For a municipal employee reinstated in municipal service after a period of interruption of municipal service associated with unlawful dismissal, this period is counted in the period of stay in municipal service in the same qualification category. Upon termination of municipal service in connection with retirement, the municipal employee of the administration is considered to be retired; and he retains the qualification category assigned to him for life, about which an entry is made in the work book.

1.4 Professional development and management of the municipal employee

Today it is already obvious that it is not enough to have highly professional and trained personnel in an organization. Improving the management efficiency of any organization, including a municipal one, entirely depends on how wisely that wealth is used, that value that is constituted by the professional capabilities of people. Success, regardless of the form of ownership and affiliation of the organization, depends on how thoughtfully the management of both actual and potential professional opportunities and professional experience of people is carried out. If this does not happen, if the manager is not able to understand his role, and, moreover, does not allow the personnel management service to take practical steps in this direction, then no matter how highly professional the staff is, a creatively and productively working organization can hardly work / sixteen/.
The concept of "professional and job development of personnel" is inextricably linked with the concept of "job career". Professional and job development of personnel is the content of those changes that are noticeable, serve as a necessary and sufficient basis for job relocation


1.1 Defining a career

1.2 Stages of a business career

1.3 Career types

3.1 Planning

3.2 Career development


Bibliographic list


Professionalism is not only the development of abilities, but also deep knowledge of one's own type of activity, non-standard thinking, a strong and stable motivational charge for the implementation of specific activities and for achieving high results in it.

What is a career? What do you want to become? What do you want from life? Find your niche and stay there? Or grow constantly? What do you prefer - to live and build a career or just live for your own pleasure and not build anything? One excludes the other.

In any case, you need to be clearly aware of what you really want. Those who believe that you can just live, and a career will build on its own, are deeply mistaken. If a person wants to make a career, he must do it constantly, all his life, starting from school, since a career is, first of all, self-realization. Although, on the other hand, if state and municipal employees work 10-15 hours a day, then this signals that the employees are doing something wrong, placing the wrong emphasis in their activities, not knowing how to delegate part of the load to others.

For one person, success is the personification of power; for others, the concept of success includes money. Much money. For others, success and fame go hand in hand in life. Sometimes success requires a combination of several components, such as money and fame, or power and money.

In light of this, the term "career" has acquired a more weighty meaning, clearer outlines. Russian employees learned that the process of career advancement is subject to study, forecasting, and management. The opportunity has opened up to "make" a career.

This work is devoted to the development of a model for managing the career development of state and municipal employees.

It discusses issues related to the problems of organizing and managing a career; provides an overview of the methods of managing the career of a state and municipal employee.

The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the need to improve the career management process of state and municipal employees, which means - to the new requirements that the system of state bodies, and the main executive power puts forward to its employees and which must be met.

The object of the research is the personnel motivation system in state and municipal authorities.

The subject of the research is planning and managing the business career of state and municipal employees.

The purpose of the work is to develop proposals for planning and managing the career development of state and municipal employees.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

study the literature on this topic;

analyze legislative framework professional development of state and municipal employees;

prepare proposals for planning and managing a business career.

Chapter 1. Business career, its stages and types
1.1 Defining a career

In a general sense, a career is the advancement of a person along the levels of production, property, social, administrative or other hierarchy. A career (from the French cariera) is defined as the successful advancement in a particular field.

The nature, type and pace of a career are determined by the prevailing social relations, the objective opportunities provided by society for its implementation, the life circumstances of a particular individual, his personal abilities, purposefulness, marital status, health condition. Career presupposes the presence of mechanisms of social selection most capable people in the fields of education, vocational training and advanced training in labor, socio-political, scientific activities.

Only in the last few years, the topic of career has gained wide popularity among Russian scientists and practitioners, which is caused by the reform of all the main spheres of our society, the emergence of a market economy, which entailed a change in attitudes towards many processes and phenomena that have so far remained out of sight due to their negative perception or low level of relevance. What was previously considered a deviation from the norm, a product of bourgeois society, capitalism, was identified with careerism, which is only an insignificant, and besides, deviant manifestation of a career, today it is elevated to the rank of an important indicator of human development in the system of social structure, a significant factor and conditions for improvement socio-psychological climate, increasing labor productivity in organizing its competitiveness.

Recently, a large number of researchers in various fields of activity have turned to the problems of careers and have given rise to many definitions of the concept of "career".

Career is a dynamic phenomenon, that is, a constantly changing and developing process. A career can be viewed in both a narrow and a broad sense. In a broad sense, the concept of "career" is defined as "the general sequence of stages of human development in the main spheres of life (family, labor, leisure)." Career is not only about promotion. You can talk about the careers of housewives, mothers, students.

Career is:

1) individually conscious position of human behavior associated with his work experience and activities throughout working life;

2) the actual sequence of the occupied steps (positions, jobs, positions) in the team.

In a narrow sense, a career is associated with a person's work activity, with his professional life. Career is understood as purposeful job and professional growth, "progressive advancement in the career ladder, change in skills, abilities, qualification opportunities and the amount of remuneration associated with the activities of the employee." All of this has to do with the organizational aspect of a career.

The personal aspect presupposes the consideration of this phenomenon from the perspective of a person of personality, reveals the peculiarities of the vision of a career by its leader. Associated with this are the expression by the individual of a subjective assessment (self-assessment) of the nature of his career process, intermediate results of his career development, and personal feelings arising from this. "Career is the employee's subjectively conscious own judgments about his future working life, the expected ways of self-expression and job satisfaction", this is "individually conscious position and behavior associated with work experience and activities throughout a person's working life."

Finally, we can highlight the social aspect, the idea of ​​a career from the point of view of society. Firstly, these are career paths worked out in the process of society's development, “beaten” ways to achieve certain heights (success) in a particular area of ​​professional activity, in a particular area of ​​social life. Secondly, these are the well-established ideas about the nature of movement along these paths, associated with speed, impetuosity, career trajectory, the degree of its take-off, and the methods used. These elaborated general schemes of movement to success, as well as the peculiarities of their implementation in life, affect the assessment of the private careers of individuals by society, acting as a kind of benchmarks for comparison.

1.2 Stages of a business career

At different stages of a career, a person satisfies different needs:

The preliminary stage includes studying at school, secondary and higher education lasts up to 25 years. During this period, a person can change several different jobs in search of a type of activity that meets the needs and meets his capabilities. If he immediately finds such a type of activity, the process of self-assertion of his personality begins, he cares about the safety of existence.

Then comes the stage of formation, which lasts about five years from 25 to 30 years. During this period, the employee masters the chosen profession, acquires the necessary skills, his qualifications are formed, self-affirmation occurs, and there is a need to establish independence. He continues to be concerned about the safety of existence, concern for health. Usually at this age families are created and formed, so there is a desire to receive wages, the level of which would be higher than the subsistence level.

The promotion stage usually lasts from 30 to 45 years. During this period, there is a process of qualification growth, the employee is moving up the career ladder. A wealth of practical experience is accumulated, skills are acquired, the need for self-affirmation, achievement of a higher status and even greater independence grows, self-expression of the employee as a person begins. During this period, much less attention is paid to meeting the need for safety, the efforts of the employee are focused on issues related to increasing wages and health care.

The conservation phase is characterized by actions to consolidate the achieved results and lasts from 45 to 60 years. There is a peak in the improvement of qualifications and its improvement occurs as a result of vigorous activity and special training. The employee is interested in passing on his knowledge to young people. This period is characterized by creative self-expression, it is possible to rise to new service levels. A person reaches the heights of independence and self-expression. There is a well-deserved respect for oneself, for others who have achieved their position by honest labor, and for oneself from others. Although many of the employee's needs during this period are satisfied, he continues to be interested in the level of remuneration, there is an increasing interest in other sources of income (for example, participation in profits, capital of his own and other organizations, purchase of shares, bonds).

The completion phase lasts 60 to 65 years. The employee begins to prepare for retirement. During this period, there is an active search for a worthy replacement and training of a candidate for the vacant position. Although this period is characterized by a career crisis (the employee receives less job satisfaction and experiences a state of psychological and physiological discomfort), self-expression and respect for himself and others like those around him reach the highest point in the entire career period. The employee is interested in maintaining the level of remuneration. But it seeks to increase other sources of income that would replace wages at retirement and would be a good addition to retirement benefits.

At the last retirement stage, the career in this organization (type of activity) is completed. There is an opportunity for self-expression in other activities that were impossible during the period of work in the organization or acted as a hobby (painting, gardening, work in public organizations, etc.) Respect for oneself and fellow pensioners is stabilized. But financial and health conditions can lead to constant concern for other sources of income and health.

Career management requires a more complete description of what happens to people at different stages of their careers.

Any person plans their future based on their needs and taking into account the prevailing socio-economic conditions. It's no surprise that he wants to have detailed information about the prospects of his career and the possibilities of improving his qualifications in this organization, as well as the conditions that he must fulfill for this. Otherwise, the motivation for behavior becomes weak, the person does not work at full strength, does not strive to improve skills and considers the organization as a place where you can wait some time before moving to a new, more promising job

When applying for a job, a person puts in front of himself specific goals, but since the organization, when hiring him, also sets certain goals, the employer needs to be able to realistically assess his business qualities. He must be able to correlate his business qualities with the requirements that the organization, his work, puts before him. The success of his entire career depends on this.

When applying for a job, a person must know the labor market. Not knowing the labor market, he may make the wrong job choice. And then the search begins new job.

1.3 Career types

The diversity and complexity of the phenomenon of career is reflected in the diversity of its types, a variety of approaches to its typology. For the classification of career types, many different grounds, signs, criteria can be distinguished. According to the environment of consideration, careers are traditionally divided into professional and intra-organizational.

A professional career is characterized by the fact that a particular employee in the course of his professional activity goes through various stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, support of individual abilities, and finally retirement. A specific employee can go through these stages sequentially in different organizations.

Along with a professional career, an intra-organizational career should be distinguished. It covers the successive change in the stages of an employee's development within the same organization.

Intra-organizational career is realized in three main directions:

A domineering career is associated either with the formal growth of influence in the organization by moving up the management hierarchy, or with the growth of the informal authority of the employee in the organization.

A qualifying career presupposes professional growth, movement according to the categories of the wage scale of a particular profession.

A status career is an increase in the status of an employee in an organization, expressed either by the assignment of another rank for seniority, or an honorary title for an outstanding contribution to the development of the company.

A monetary career is an increase in the level of employee remuneration, namely: the level of remuneration, the volume and quality of social benefits provided to him.

The characteristics of the course of the career development process can be used as the basis for the classification.

By the nature of the course, there are linear and non-linear types of careers. With the linear type, development occurs uniformly and continuously, while the nonlinear type characterizes the movement carried out by jumps or breakthroughs. As a special case of these types, stagnation (stagnation, deadlock) is distinguished, the stage of the absence of any significant changes in the career.

According to the degree of stability, continuity, it is justified to divide a career, respectively, into stable and unstable, intermittent and continuous.

If possible, the implementation of a career is divided into potential (a person's personal working life path based on his plans, needs, abilities, goals) and real (what was achieved over a certain period of time)

According to the speed, the sequence of passing the steps of the career ladder, they distinguish between high-speed, normal super-adventurous, adventurous, typical, consistently crisis and other types of careers.

In addition, it is possible to apply the typology of a career on the basis of belonging to a certain branch of professional activity, a certain profession. For example, the career of state and municipal employees, the career of a teacher, a lawyer, etc.

The career of state and municipal employees in the light of the above is the most difficult type of career.

Firstly, it covers all the listed types of the career process, and includes all the properties. Inherent in a career in general. It can be expressed both in the advancement of the service along the levels of the hierarchy, and in the improvement of its professionalism when employees move along the functional links of the organizational structure.

Secondly, the profession itself "civil servant" or "municipal employee", meaning the type of leader focused on activities in a market economy, is a complex education, to master it, you must have the most highly organized of personal qualities and abilities, possess the most difficult of practical skills, and all this has a great influence on the characteristics of a career in this professional activity

Thirdly, being an important figure in the organization, serving with his professional growth largely determines the growth of the organization as a whole, and the characteristics of the organization are largely interdependent on the characteristics of the employee's personality, which also leaves a strong imprint on the nature of the career. Being guides in the life of programs to achieve the goals of the organization, responsible for the success of their implementation, state and municipal employees, in fact, personify the organization itself, being the bearers of its culture and image.

Fourth, a state or municipal employee, being to a greater or lesser extent (it all depends on his position in the hierarchy) is both the creator and the consumer of the career movement system. He creates a social context, the meaning of work within the organization and for subordinates and for himself.

Thus, the career of a state and municipal employee as a subject of research is a complex, complex, multidimensional phenomenon, and for its most complete, adequate study, it is necessary to rely on the listed principles, rules and requirements for the implementation of career research in general, taking into account the characteristics of the career of employees in particular.

Chapter 2. Legislative foundations of professional development of state and municipal employees
2.1 Professional development of municipal employees

One of the main laws concerning municipal employees is the Federal Law "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation" (dated 02.03.2007, No. 25-FZ).

In this law, the subject of regulation is relations associated with the admission to municipal service of citizens of the Russian Federation, citizens of foreign states - participants in international treaties of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which Foreign citizens have the right to be in municipal service, passing and terminating municipal service, as well as determining the legal status of municipal employees.

The impetus for the creation of this regulatory legal act (see above) was preceded by the Federal Law "On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" (dated 06.10.2003, No. 131-FZ), in which, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it establishes general legal territorial, organizational and economic principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation, determines the state guarantees for its implementation.

In order to improve professional training, it is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of training, retraining and advanced training programs, to revise the content training courses and programs to be more practical. Determining the elements necessary for the training of state and municipal employees, in addition to those that they have in basic education. Certification of a municipal employee replacing a municipal post of a municipal service should be carried out in order to improve the activities of local governments, improve the selection and placement of personnel, assess the professional, business and personal qualities of municipal employees and suit the replaced municipal position, stimulate the growth of qualifications and promotion, assignment qualification categories.

Attestation of municipal employees filling positions in local self-government bodies is carried out at least once every 4 years by the attestation commission in the manner prescribed regulation local government body.

Certification is carried out in three stages:

1) pre-certification period;

It lasts for about one month. On the this stage an attestation commission is formed, specific terms of attestation are determined, lists of municipal employees subject to attestation are drawn up, a certification schedule is approved, attestation sheets are prepared.

2) certification;

Municipal employees are certified at a meeting of the certification commission, which includes the chairman of the commission, co-chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission, as well as the head of the relevant local government body (or his deputy), representatives of the personnel and legal services of the local government body. Attestation is carried out at a strictly appointed time in the presence of a municipal employee and the immediate head of the unit in which the attested works. The attestation commission is presented with an attestation sheet, a review of the head and a sheet analytical assessment professional qualities municipal employee, as well as a certification sheet with data from previous certification. Grade performance a municipal employee is based on his compliance with the qualification requirements for the position to be replaced, the determination of his participation in solving the tasks assigned to the relevant unit, the complexity of the work performed, and its effectiveness.

As a result of certification, a municipal employee is given one of the following assessments:

corresponds to the position held;

corresponds to the replaced public position of the municipal service, subject to the implementation of the recommendations of the attestation commission for his official activities;

does not correspond to the position held.

The attestation results are entered in the attestation sheet, which is signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the attestation commission;

3) post-certification period.

The results of the certification are reported to the head of the local self-government body, who must, taking into account the assessments and recommendations of the certification commission, make a decision:

about promotion;

on the assignment of a qualifying category;

on the change in the allowance for special conditions service;

on inclusion in the reserve for promotion to a higher position;


on the direction for advanced training, retraining;

on dismissal from office.

As a result, after certification or passing a qualifying exam, municipal employees are assigned qualification categories. Qualification ranks, the procedure for their assignment and preservation upon transfer or admission of municipal employees to other municipal positions of the municipal service or government positions of the state service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as upon the dismissal of municipal employees from municipal service, are established by the laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws.

2.2 Professional development of civil servants

The submitted federal law, the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" No. 79-FZ of July 27, 2004, became the subject of regulation of which are relations associated with entering the state civil service, its passage and termination, as well as determining the legal status (status ) a civil servant is of great importance. It is the state civil service as a type of civil service, in the light of the reform of the civil service, that each employee needs to rethink his place and role in the district management system, management decisions, provided public services to citizens and organizations, indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of professional service activities of each employee.

The implementation of the law, in conjunction with the program for reforming the civil service, requires us to organize such an organization of state administration, which should be assessed by an individual, household, business as effective and efficient.

All this taken together requires us to have a new vision and understanding of the state civil service, capable of ensuring the implementation of the reform of the public service of the district, administrative reform, reform of local self-government.

The professional service activity of a civil servant is carried out in accordance with the official regulations, the official regulations are an integral part of the administrative regulations of a state body.

The job regulations include: qualification requirements for the level and nature of knowledge and skills presented to a civil servant filling the relevant position in the civil service. And also to education, length of service in the civil service (civil service of other types) or length of service (experience) in the specialty. Official duties, rights and responsibility of a civil servant for non-performance (improper performance) of official duties are also included in the regulations.

The tasks and functions of the structural unit of the state body and functional features the civil service position replaced in it; a list of issues on which a civil servant is entitled or obliged to independently make managerial and other decisions. The list of issues on which a civil servant is entitled or obliged to participate in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and (or) draft management and other decisions.

Terms and procedures for the preparation, consideration of draft management and other decisions, the procedure for agreeing and making these decisions; the procedure for official interaction of a civil servant in connection with the performance of his official duties with civil servants of the same state body, civil servants of other state bodies, other citizens, as well as with organizations; a list of public services provided to citizens and organizations in accordance with the administrative regulations of the state body; indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of professional service activities of a civil servant.

The provisions of the official regulations are taken into account when carrying out:

competition for filling a vacant civil service position;


validation exam;

planning the professional performance of a civil servant.

The results of the civil servant's execution of the official regulations are taken into account:

when holding a competition for filling a vacant position in the civil service or including a civil servant in the personnel reserve;

assessment of his professional performance in the course of certification, qualification exam or encouragement of a civil servant. Approximate job regulations are approved by the relevant civil service management body.

Certification of a civil servant is carried out in order to determine his compliance with the civil service position being replaced. When conducting certification, the immediate supervisor of a civil servant submits a motivated review on the performance of a civil servant's official duties for the certification period.

The reasoned recall is accompanied by information about the instructions performed by the civil servant during the certification period and the draft documents prepared by him, contained in the annual reports on the professional performance of the civil servant, and, if necessary, an explanatory note of the civil servant for the recall of the direct supervisor.

Civil servants who fill positions in the civil service of the categories "managers" and "assistants (advisers)" are not subject to certification, if a fixed-term service contract has been concluded with these civil servants.

Certification of a civil servant is carried out once every three years. Earlier than the term specified in part 4 of this article, an extraordinary certification of a civil servant may be carried out after a decision is made in the prescribed manner.

On the reduction of civil service positions in a state body; on changing the conditions of remuneration of civil servants.

By agreement of the parties to the service contract, taking into account the results annual report on the professional performance of a civil servant, an extraordinary certification of a civil servant can also be carried out.

When carrying out certification, the observance of restrictions by civil servants, the absence of violations of prohibitions, and the fulfillment of requirements for service behavior and obligations established by this Federal Law.

A civil servant who is on maternity leave or parental leave until he reaches the age of three years, undergo certification no earlier than one year after leaving the vacation.

To carry out certification of civil servants, an certification commission is formed by a legal act of a state body.

The attestation commission includes:

a representative of the employer and (or) civil servants authorized by him (including from the civil service and personnel department, legal (legal) department and the department in which the civil servant subject to certification replaces the civil service position),

a representative of the relevant public service management body, as well as representatives of scientific and educational institutions, other organizations invited by the public service management body at the request of the employer's representative as independent experts - specialists on issues related to the civil service, without specifying the personal data of experts.

The number of independent experts must be at least one quarter of the total number of members of the certification commission.

The composition of the attestation commission for attestation of civil servants filling civil service positions, the performance of official duties for which is associated with the use of information constituting a state secret, is formed taking into account the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets.

The composition of the certification commission is formed in such a way as to exclude the possibility of conflicts of interest that could affect the decisions taken by the certification commission.

At the time of certification of a civil servant who is a member of the certification commission, his membership in this commission is suspended.

If a civil servant fails to appear for attestation without good reason, or if the civil servant refuses to attest, the civil servant is brought to disciplinary responsibility in accordance with Article 56 of this Federal Law, and attestation is postponed.

Based on the results of certification of a civil servant, the certification commission makes one of the following decisions:

corresponds to the civil service position being replaced;

corresponds to the civil service position being replaced and is recommended for inclusion in the established procedure in the personnel reserve for filling a vacant civil service position in the order of official growth;

corresponds to the civil service position being replaced, subject to successful completion of professional retraining or advanced training;

does not correspond to the civil service position being replaced.

Within one month after the certification, based on its results, a legal act of the state body is issued stating that the civil servant:

1. To be included in the established order in the personnel reserve for filling a vacant position in the civil service in the order of official growth;

3. Demoted to the civil service position.

If a civil servant refuses professional retraining, advanced training or transfer to another position in the civil service, the employer's representative has the right to release the civil servant from the position being replaced and dismiss him from the civil service in accordance with this Federal Law.

A civil servant has the right to appeal the results of certification in accordance with this Federal Law.

In order to improve civil servants' vocational training, it is necessary to conduct a qualification examination.

The qualification exam is passed by civil servants who fill, without limitation of the term of office, positions of the civil service of the categories "specialists" and "providing specialists", and in cases determined by the President of the Russian Federation - positions of the civil service of the category "managers".

The qualification exam is carried out when deciding on the assignment of a civil service class rank to a civil servant for a substituted civil service position as necessary, but not more often than once a year and at least once every three years.

Earlier than the deadline specified in part 2 of this article, an extraordinary qualification examination may be conducted on the initiative of a civil servant no later than three months after the day he submits a written application for conferring a class rank in the civil service.

The qualification exam is conducted in the prescribed form in order to assess the knowledge, skills and abilities (professional level) of a civil servant by a competition or certification commission.

A civil servant has the right to appeal the results of the qualification exam in accordance with this Federal Law.

The regulations on the procedure for passing the qualification exam for state civil servants of the Russian Federation and the procedure for assessing their knowledge, skills and abilities (professional level) are approved by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the Federal Program for State Support of Local Self-Government, the creation of a system for training civil servants is a national task. In this regard, it is advisable to legislatively provide for the inclusion in the local budget of the costs of training vocational training for the civil service.

Professional training of personnel for the civil service is carried out in educational institutions of higher professional and secondary vocational education in accordance with federal law.

The conclusion of an agreement for training between a state body and a citizen with the obligation to subsequently undergo civil service after graduating from training within a certain period is carried out on a competitive basis in the manner established, respectively, by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and the legislation of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Within the framework of this agreement, as well as by agreement of the educational institution of vocational education with a state body, practice and internship of students are carried out in this state body.

The coordination of personnel training for the civil service is carried out by the relevant civil service management body.

In order for the leader of the highest and middle rank in the system of state and municipal service to learn to think correctly and reason reasonably, courses in logic and even philosophy, penetration into the deep principles of law, economics, psychology, etc. are necessary.

Professional retraining is also useful for narrowly focused training, and in this regard, the main task is to select students when forming groups by the nature of the activity (close or interacting), and in curriculum learning from practical experience should be considered - i.e. introduction of an internship system.

Additional professional education of a civil servant includes professional retraining, advanced training and internship.

An internship is both an independent type of additional professional education for a civil servant, and a part of his professional retraining or advanced training.

Professional retraining, advanced training and internship of a civil servant are carried out throughout the entire period of his civil service.

The basis for sending a civil servant for professional retraining, advanced training or internship are:

1) the appointment of a civil servant to another position in the civil service in the order of official growth on a competitive basis;

2) the inclusion of a civil servant in the personnel reserve on a competitive basis;

3) the results of certification of a civil servant.

Professional development of a civil servant is carried out as necessary, but at least once every three years of a civil servant.

Professional retraining and advanced training of civil servants are carried out in state-accredited educational institutions of higher professional and secondary vocational education.

Civil servant training is carried out directly in government agencies and other organizations.

A civil servant can also receive additional professional education outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

Professional retraining, advanced training and training of a civil servant are carried out with a separation, with a partial separation or without separation from the civil service.

The type, form and duration of obtaining additional professional education are established by the representative of the employer, depending on the group and category of the civil service position replaced by a civil servant, in the manner determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

The passage of a civil servant of professional retraining, advanced training or an internship is confirmed by an appropriate state-recognized document and is the predominant basis for including a civil servant in the personnel reserve on a competitive basis or continuing to fill a civil servant with a civil service position.

A civil servant undergoing professional retraining, advanced training or internship, a representative of the employer, an educational institution of vocational education, a state body or other organization shall be provided with conditions for mastering educational program additional professional education.

Employee development is not an end in itself. It makes no sense to develop staff if employees do not have the opportunity to realize their increased abilities. It must be remembered that the abilities, most likely, will be applied in practice only when there are real opportunities for this. Each program for the development of human resources of the state and municipal service, including the development of abilities and changes in activities and needs, should be focused on measurable improvement of specific indicators of the organization's performance. No change can be made if it is not clear whether it will cause an improvement, a shift that will make the activity more effective, more focused, more satisfying for those who are engaged in it.

Personnel development issues cannot be dealt with at the amateur level, as has been done so far. These issues need to be approached in a purely professional manner. Until managers realize the need for knowledge in the field of professional development of personnel, they will continue to face both economic problems and psychological difficulties, and often generate them without wanting to.

In order to move forward, it is necessary to give the heads of state and municipal services knowledge about the possibilities of increasing the value of human capital in their unit, organization, to form their skills for effective cooperation with HR managers in the field of personnel development.

The development of the federal civil service and the civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is ensured, respectively, by federal programs for the development of the federal civil service and programs for the development of the civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In order to improve the efficiency of the work of the apparatuses (central offices) of federal state bodies and apparatuses of state bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the professional service activities of civil servants in a separate state body or in its independent structural unit, experiments can be carried out within the framework of the relevant programs for the development of the civil service.

The procedure, conditions and timing of the experiment within the framework of the relevant programs for the development of the civil service are established:

1) in a separate federal state body or in its independent structural unit or in its territorial body by the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation;

2) in a separate state body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or in its independent structural unit by law or other regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 3. Business Career Management
3.1 Planning

The main task of planning and implementing a career is to ensure the interaction of professional and intra-organizational careers. This interaction involves the performance of a number of tasks, namely: achieving the relationship between the goals of the organization and the individual employee; ensuring that career planning is focused on a specific employee in order to take into account his specific needs and situations; ensuring the openness of the career management process; elimination of "career dead ends" in which there are practically no opportunities for employee development; improving the quality of the career planning process; the formation of visual and perceived criteria for career growth used in specific career decisions; study of the career potential of employees; providing a reasonable assessment of the career potential of employees in order to reduce unrealistic expectations; determination of career paths, the use of which will satisfy the quantitative and qualitative need for personnel at the right time and in the right place.

The planning and control of the business career of state and municipal employees consists in the fact that from the moment an employee is admitted to the service until the proposed dismissal, it is necessary to organize the systematic horizontal and vertical promotion of employees through the system of positions or jobs. An employee must know not only his prospects for the short and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

3.2 Career development

Career development refers to the actions that an employee takes to implement their plan.

Planning and managing career development requires additional efforts from the employee and the authority, including:

providing the employee with opportunities for professional growth, ensuring a higher standard of his life;

a clearer definition of the employee's personal professional prospects;

the possibility of purposeful preparation for future professional activities;

increasing the competitiveness of an employee in the labor market.

The primary responsibility for planning and developing one's own career rests with the employee. The head of the authority and authority acts as a mentor or sponsor for the employee. His support is essential for successful development career, since he manages resources, manages the process of organizing all activities of the workforce HR services play the role of consultants and organizers of the career development process of employees. They strive to build employee commitment to career development.

Employee self-organization plays an important role in career management.

For successful career development, not only the successful work of management bodies is important, but also the personal initiative of the employee. Knowing your interest, your abilities and capabilities is the starting position in your career.

A survey conducted in the Administration of the Igrim urban-type settlement revealed the reasons that hinder the effective career management of state and municipal employees:

1. Lack of a purposeful policy of strategic and tactical planning for career growth.

2. Lack of information support system for career management, including data from internal and external marketing research:

insufficient funding for advanced training of state and municipal employees;

underutilization of methods active learning state and municipal employees, especially young professionals.

These factors hinder the development of state and municipal employees, slow down professional growth, and lead to their creative and intellectual "wear and tear".

The priority measures to improve the career management system for state and municipal employees include:

delegation of powers in the career development of state and municipal employees;

HR department - through the implementation of internal marketing of quantitative and qualitative indicators of changes in their professional activities; - by identifying areas of advanced training for each of them, tracking professional growth after training; - through marketing external environment, determination of career prospects for state and municipal employees;

training executives in the ways and forms of development, ensuring the career growth of state and municipal employees;

stimulating the initiatives of state and municipal employees, providing them with opportunities to improve their qualifications in various forms;

introduction to the staffing table of the position of a specialist in personnel development with the development of his functional responsibilities, forms of communication with all structural divisions, without replacing their activities.

Chapter 4. Proposals for managing a business career
4.1 Strategic development plan

By strategy, we mean an important goal-setting for a period of three years and more. Accordingly, a career strategy is a constructive answer to the question "Who to be?", Attributed to rather long planning periods.

Career strategy is dynamic as it is influenced by many different factors, mainly the market, the changing conditions of which have a large impact on professional preferences and final career goals.

The prestige of various professions passes the test of time and does not always stand it.

The accuracy of the forecast and trends in the development of the labor market directly affects the success of a particular career strategy. In fact, over the past 20 years, there has been a change in the socio-economic formation - from the planned non-market socialist to the developing near-market - the current one. Specialists of different professions faced the need for serious changes in the usual methods and ways of ensuring their lifestyle, and then with the need to completely change it. People who were in the most active professional age - from 25 to 45 years old, had to adapt their knowledge, skills, and abilities to new needs in the course of the development of a little predictable political and market situation.

Survived as successful professionals are those who most quickly managed to develop new professional qualities and stopped clinging to the usual norms and stereotypes of income generation. According to various estimates, of these two "lost" generations, no more than 20% of people have found themselves worthily in their new professional life. Most, unfortunately, did not make it to the departing train of changes. An interesting phenomenon - the most successful were the so-called C-students, that is, those specialists whose knowledge of the subject area was so superficial that it did not burden them with long conservative torments about the need to change their profession.

In the end, those who relied primarily on themselves were realized professionally. Each of those born can describe various life experiments and name several specialties, including the most exotic ones, which had to be acquired in the past 20 years.

Therefore, when building a career strategy, it is important to decide on the following points:

how much the chosen professional specialization is in demand on the labor market (the level of competition among representatives of this profession);

how stable the chosen profession is;

what other career paths of the specialty are adjacent to this profession;

what position is the limit for the development of this specialization;

to what extent the chosen profession depends on a specific regional market (whether the chosen specialty is international or a product of some region).

If there are answers to these questions, and they allow us to conclude that the desired specialization will allow adequate self-realization, it is time to start defining goals, building their hierarchy and operational planning.

4.2 Operational career development plan

It's better to have a bad plan than not have one. Therefore, despite the large number of random factors, it is worth trying to identify the main desired goals and outline the sequence of actions to achieve them.

At the planning stage, it was more correct to consider the process of building your career not as a continuous action that continues throughout your life, but as a sequence of projects, that is, actions with a certain result, limited in time and resources. This will make it easier to formulate concrete steps to translate your career plans into reality.

As we have already noted, it is difficult at the very beginning of your professional path to decide once and for all how to choose a specific career.

The division of all career guidance activities and the implementation of this orientation in reality into a series of projects can significantly reduce the planning horizon, specify goals, and therefore increase the accuracy of the plans and forecasts.

In order to clearly plan your career in the form of a sequence of projects, it would be good to master the technology of planning and project management. We do not set ourselves the task of teaching the basics of these courses, but we will analyze an example of career development from the point of view of project management methodology.

And so, first of all, when opening a project to develop your career, you should decide on a foreseeable goal for the foreseeable period. For example: as a municipal employee, you can set yourself the task of becoming a civil servant.

These are convenient and achievable goals if at least some work is already there. However, for young professionals, it is often much easier to formulate an answer to the question of whom they would not like to work than choosing a desired career. Well, this can also be a method of forming a project plan: to determine specialties that are adjacent to the received professional field, but are not a desired career object in the near future. And from the rest, choose those activities that cause the least rejection.

Of course, it's always better to start from positive attitude when choosing a career, but a number of people divide their whole life into two types of activities: That is, they earn "for food" in one way, but self-realization is provided differently - through a hobby, through non-profit activity, but sometimes through activities that bring little income, which not enough for the usual way of life - but there is no such task before them.

Determination of the main goals of the project for the development of their career, the timing of achieving these goals and the resources necessary for the implementation of the project is the main) unchangeable part of the project.

The fundamental condition is the immutability of the essence of the project, until the result is achieved. Otherwise, the result will never be achieved. “Here we have chosen a direction - and we go!”, - the foreman, the hero of the movie “Kin-dza-dza”, confidently asserted that he was going to Ashgabat, moving on a completely different planet in a different Galaxy. And, which is typical, I got out of the initially seemingly hopeless situation!

After determining the essence of the project, it is necessary to start planning itself, that is, to determine the logical sequence for solving a series of tasks leading to the implementation of the project. In order to take into account all the possible tasks that need to be solved, it is better to conduct a small "brainstorm", bringing together various participants who can "throw" a large number of steps required for the successful course of the project. Moreover, each proposal should be taken into account and included in the implementation program, even if it will be a task from the series "to get an appointment with the president of the country and get a monopoly on the alcohol trade from him." Each of the tasks should be linked by terms, conditions of implementation and resources necessary for implementation. As a result, is born overall plan, a draft of actions on the way to the set goal.

After a detailed draft plan with all tasks and activities has been drawn up, you should start the optimization process. And this means a critical passage through the entire plan again and the removal of those tasks from it, the solution of which is optional or impracticable with the available resources or the available time limit. It is at this stage, at this stage, that tasks like a visit to the president of the country will be deleted if there is not enough administrative resources to carry them out.

Immediately, at the planning stage, such tasks should not be discarded, despite their seeming absurdity, because it is very difficult to separate the realizable tasks from the unrealizable ones at the time of drawing up the plan. An attempt to initially limit oneself to only well-known and understandable tasks can lead to a primitive algorithm of actions that limits the project in advance only to standard tasks and conditions, and, consequently, deprives it of its competitiveness. The whole project may then be reduced to the task of "studying well and working well", which is unlikely to advance the planner as desired. career ladder, because it will not single out the same applicants from a large number. In the course of optimization, tasks are checked for logical coherence, their dependence on each other, for the need and sufficiency of available resources to complete the tasks of the project, timelines for solving each task are determined, and the order and sequence of specific steps are built.

The employee must reflect in the career plan, professional goals, life stages, introspection, work on oneself, as well as personal qualities and actions with the help of which he wants to achieve a prestigious and highly paid position in society.

And the main thing in any planning is to remember that a necessary and sufficient condition is, first of all, an active life position"careerist" and striving for development.

4.3 Career management model for municipal and civil servants

The career management process is two-way. Its basis is left by the relationship between the subject and the object of control. The object is a career as an increase in the value of human capital, in our case, a state and municipal employee. The subject of management can be either he himself or his leader. In a situation where the subject is the employee himself, we should talk about managing a personal career, if the manager, then we are talking about managing a business career.

Career management involves the establishment of the correspondence between the individual career plans of employees and the development objectives of the region.

Career planning for municipal and civil servants involves identifying their individual capabilities, inclinations, meeting development needs, which in itself does not guarantee career advancement, but contributes to professional growth, increases their importance and self-esteem.

In managing the career of state and municipal employees, the methods of managing career growth are used: administrative, economic, sociological, managerial, psychological (Table 1).

Table 1

Career management methods Methods of exposure
1. Administrative Laws, decrees, regulations, state standards, regulations approved by state bodies. Instructions. Organizational charts in progress operational management... Selection, assessment, placement and training of municipal and civil servants.
2. Economic

Material incentives.

Work motivation.


Economic sanctions.


3. Social Usage social mechanism management (team relationships, social needs). The use of informal factors, interests of the individual, the team.
4. Psychological

Continuation of table. one

Orientation to a specific personality, strict personification. Appeal to the inner world of state and municipal employees, their experience, intellect. Disclosure of the internal potential of state and municipal employees. Planning on a diagnostic basis for individual development goals. Identification of criteria for the effectiveness of the activities of state and municipal employees.

5. Managerial Assessment of the communicative culture of state and municipal employees. Assessment of their competence. Identification of difficulties in work. Organization of schools of excellence, young state and municipal employees. Study of the professional capabilities of state and municipal employees

The effectiveness of managing the career development of state and municipal employees is measured by the degree of achievement of the set goals at predetermined costs of career advancement of state and municipal employees, whose income, other things being equal, increase with an increase in investment in their creative and intellectual potential, which ensures an increase in the quality of work.

For your attention, I present a model for managing the career development of state and municipal employees (Figure 4.1).

Managerial competence of a leader is a fundamental element of the model. It consists in the principles and methods of influencing the motivation of employees from the side of management.

Individual needs for self-development and self-realization are one of the main principles of business career management, since the non-coincidence of personal needs with the business career management plan does not contribute to professional growth and the achievement of the set goals of management.

Needs and interests of state authorities: attracting candidates for vacant positions, helping employees achieve the required standards, facilitating their entry into state authorities, identifying differences between candidates and choosing candidates that best meet the requirements of the position.

Building career plans: determining the quantitative and qualitative needs for personnel, planning a career (career advancement).

A large number of employees associate their activities with the desire to realize themselves in the managerial sphere (37%) and take a worthy place in society (24%). In state and municipal authorities, for many employees, priority values ​​are given to such values ​​as respect for people (92.4%), the creative nature of work and self-realization of abilities (87.3%), reputation (64.4%).

It is precisely on these interests of modern officials that the existing system of motivation is oriented. Society is subject to constant changes, movement of landmarks, change of ideals, etc. Modern man himself is changing. And motivational technologies must change along with it.

Individual needs of state and municipal employees for self-development and self-realization

Needs and interests of public authorities

Career plans

Management foundations: development; motivating activities and behavior.

Principles: continuity; cooperation; variability;

openness; matching personal career plans

with regional development programs.

Methods: administrative; economic; sociological; psychological; pedagogical.

Functions: goal setting; planning; coordination (regulation); stimulation; control.

Security: personnel; methodical; psychological; informational; financial; legal; technical.

Figure 4.1 Model of career development for state and municipal employees


Human resource management is one of the most important areas of the organization's activities and is considered the main criterion for success, even ahead of improving the technical process in importance). You can have excellent technology, but the work of unskilled employees will be ruined. Thus, a key component is business career management, employee management technology.

The planning and control of a human career consists in the fact that from the moment an employee is accepted into the organization and until the expected dismissal from work, it is necessary to organize a systematic horizontal and vertical advancement of the employee through the system of positions or jobs. An employee must know not only his prospects for the short and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

Business career management allows you to achieve employee loyalty to the interests of the organization, increase labor productivity, reduce staff turnover and more fully disclose human abilities.

Any employee plans his future based on his needs and socio-economic conditions. It is not surprising that he wants to know the prospects for career growth and the opportunities for further training in this organization, as well as the conditions that he must fulfill for this. Otherwise, the motivation for the command becomes weak, the person does not work at full strength, does not seek to improve skills and considers the organization as a place where you can wait some time before moving on to a new, more promising job.

The modern stage of the scientific and technological revolution, as already mentioned, has led to a qualitative change in the role of man in management, his transformation into a decisive factor in the latter. Today's employee must have strategic thinking, entrepreneurial spirit, broad erudition, and high culture. This put on the agenda the requirement of continuous business career development, i.e. carrying out activities that contribute to the full disclosure of the personal potential of state and municipal employees and the growth of their ability to contribute to the activities of the organization.

As a result, it can be stated that the "human factor" plays a decisive role in the management of a business career. Human resource management technology is critical to overall performance.

Bibliographic list

Alexandrov I.M. Managerial Psychology: A Textbook. - M .: ITK "Dashkov and K", 2004. - 288s.

Alexandrov I.M. Management system of the Russian Federation: Textbook. - M .: ITK "Dashkov and K", 2007. - 486s.

Astakhov S. What do civil servants want? // Russian business newspaper. - 2007. - No. 24. - P.5.

Babashkina A.M. Government regulation managerial relations: textbook. - M .: Law and Statistics, 2007 .-- 480s.

Bryzgalin A.V. Management methods. - M .: Unity, 2001 .-- 162s.

E. N. Veduta Career management strategy. - M .: Akademicheskiy prospect, 2003 .-- 392s.

Glazyev S. Career-2007: still the same social meaning // Russian magazine... - 2006. - No. 9-10. - S.13-14.

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Lykova L.N. Public administration in Russia: Textbook for universities. - M .: BEK, 2001 .-- 312s.

Milyakov Ya.V. Public administration: A course of lectures. - M .: Infra-M, 2001 .-- 214p.

Business culture and psychology of communication: Textbook / Under the editorship of D.G. Blueberry. - M: Unity-Dana, 2001 .-- 268s.

Municipal Law / Ed. M.V. Romanovsky, O.V. Vrublevskaya. - SPb .: Peter, 2000 .-- 412s.

Legislation of State and Municipal Service / Edited by E.N. Evstigneeva. - SPb: Peter, 2000 .-- 320s.

Administrative Code Russian Federation. Part two of August 5, 2000 No. 117 - FZ (as amended and supplemented).

Municipal Service / Edited by V.A. Shulgi. - M .: Publishing house of the Russian state academy, 2002 .-- 412s.

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On the state civil service of the Russian Federation. Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. No. 79-FZ

Yurzinova I.L., Nezamaikin V.N. State and municipal administration. - M .: Examination, 2006 .-- 653p.

Sergeeva T.Yu. Methods and schemes of state and municipal government... - M .: Examination, 2006 .-- 175s.

The official website of the Garant system: garant.

Questions to consider

1. The essence and content of career management of civil and municipal employees in the system of state and municipal authorities.

2. Modern practices of career management in the assessment of civil and municipal employees in the Russian Federation.

3. What an official should know when striving to reach his level of incompetence.

1. The essence and content of career management of civil and municipal employees in the system of state and municipal authorities.

1.1. Principles of official growth of state civil and municipal employees

The essence of passing public or municipal service is promotion and professional career state (municipal) employee.

Under career growth means the appointment to the post of a civil or municipal service of the next level of the hierarchy.

Professional Development- deepening knowledge, abilities, skills (specialization), as well as expanding the toolkit and area of ​​performance (transprofessionalization).

The career development of civil and municipal employees is based on the following general principles.

Continuity principle assumes that none of the achieved career goals can be final or serve as a reason for stopping. Career advancement can be slowed down or interrupted due to sudden difficulties, including those of a crisis nature. In this case, it is necessary to create a resource reserve in advance (additional knowledge, expanding sources of information, strengthening social ties, strengthening psychological stability, health).

The principle of meaningfulness means that any career action must be appropriate, carried out in accordance with individual and general goals. Knowledge of the general goals and characteristics of the movement ensures the optimal choice of the route and tactics of its passage. Problems encountered on the career path are more effectively resolved if their sources, components and connections are disclosed, a plan for systemic impact on them and options for breaking the deadlock are determined.

The principle of proportionality stipulates that there are leaders and laggards in any progress. A successful career means advancement in a group of leaders.

The principle of visibility is consonant with the principle of proportionality and speaks of the importance of being noticed, noted by the environment as early as possible, which provides a wide "career field".

The principle of agility. Rectilinear movement is possible only on a "polygon" or "clean track" free from other movements. Such conditions do not exist in a career. Attempts to move on " high speed"Only" directly "are always fraught with destructive collisions.

The principle of economy is based on the fact that the career path is long, for many it is practically the whole life, therefore it is important to skillfully distribute forces on this path (they need a certain economy), correlate their career aspirations with real opportunities, use the change in states of tension and relaxation.

It should be noted that promotion in the state or municipal service is a complex and contradictory social and legal process. Not every civil or municipal employee with talents and motivation can easily move up the rungs of the hierarchical ladder of state and municipal service.

1.2. Career planning for civil and municipal employees

1.2.1. Distribution of career planning functions in the state (municipal) government

Civil and municipal employee career planning implies that a career is viewed as a result of a person's conscious position and activity in the field of performance, associated with official or professional growth. Career planning is the process of matching the potential, abilities and goals of an employee with the requirements of the organization and plans for its development, expressed in the preparation of a program for professional and job growth.

The distribution of career planning functions in a state or municipal authority is as follows.

Myself civil or municipal employee responsible for the primary choice of a profession, the choice of a government body and a position in it, orientation in this body, setting goals for their growth and their implementation.

HR service the state (municipal) body carries out an assessment when hiring, the placement of civil (municipal) employees, an assessment of the work and potential of a civil (municipal) employee. She conducts periodic certification, forms a personnel reserve, develops and implements programs for the growth of civil and municipal employees. Its functions include substantiating proposals for the promotion of an employee to the next position in a state or municipal authority.

Immediate supervisor a civil (municipal) employee assesses the motivation of a civil (municipal) employee, the results of his work and the potential career opportunities of his direct subordinate, organizes the professional development of a civil (municipal) employee.

1.3. The main stages of career management of an employee of a state or municipal government

1.3.1 HR Objectives for Employee Career Management

Career management involves the implementation of career planning activities for a civil or municipal employee.

Career management in the civil or municipal service is a set of organizational and administrative, socio-psychological, economic and moral-moral means and methods of influencing the professional development and official growth of a civil or municipal employee according to an individual program (career profile) in accordance with the requirements of the state (municipal ) body and plans for its development.

On the part of the personnel services of state and municipal authorities, the following are considered as career management goals:

· Rational use of the employee's professional abilities in order to achieve the goals of the state (municipal) service;

· Timely provision of the needs of the state (municipal) body for personnel in the required quantity, in the right place, with the required level of qualifications, life and professional experience;

· Creation of effective incentives for labor efficiency of personnel;

· Ensuring a relatively stable staff, capable of accumulating professional experience and corporate culture of the state (municipal) service.

Career management can be viewed from the side of the person himself, but in this case we are talking about the realization of his life goals and plans, about the coincidence of his expectations and the expectations of a state body. Therefore, career management is designed to induce such expectations in the civil servant.

To implement effective career management in the civil service, it is necessary to create an appropriate regulatory framework for the system and mechanisms of career management in the civil and municipal service. No less important factor the coincidence of the interests and expectations of a civil and municipal employee and the interests and expectations of state and municipal authorities appears. It is fundamentally important that at all levels of state and municipal administration there is recognition of the professional experience and abilities of civil and municipal employees. the most important value... An equally important aspect in the process of career management is the adequacy of the professional potential of the individual to the conditions of its implementation in the authorities and management. Let's pay attention to such a factor as the availability of a reasonable career space. If in the system of public civil service bodies it is possible to note the relative stability of the organizational and official structure of public authorities, then on municipal level career space is very limited.

1.3.2. The main stages of career management in the civil (municipal) service

The main stages of career management in the civil (municipal) service are considered to be:

1. Planning of an individual professional level and official movement of a civil (municipal) employee.

2. Organization of the acquisition by civil (municipal) employees of the required level of professional training, professional experience both inside the state or municipal body, and outside it, using vocational training, internships.

3. Regular involvement of a civil or municipal employee in solving tasks for the appointment to the proposed positions of the civil (municipal) service, for the time of appointment to the position and for the implementation of the plan of individual professional development.

4. Coordination of efforts of the civil (municipal) employee and the capabilities of the state or municipal authority and administration to implement the plan of individual professional development and staffing plan.

5. Analysis and assessment of activities, results and methods of activity, personal and professional qualities of a civil (municipal) employee, his professional experience.

6. Control over the activities of a civil (municipal) employee, his professional and official growth, rational use of his professional experience in the structural units of the state (municipal) body.

Building a career in the civil and municipal service is an ongoing process. It can be conditionally divided into three main stages: entering the civil or municipal service, staying on it and its termination.

The main components that directly affect the career movement in positions of the civil or municipal service can be considered the competitive procedure for filling civil (municipal) service positions, certification, training, qualification exam, the system of training and advanced training of civil and municipal employees, rotation of civil and municipal service personnel. ...

Thus, in the existing civil service system, professional development is closely related to career advancement, assessment of the quality of service, the level of salary, the assignment of class ranks, the use of incentive measures, etc.

The civil service itself is considered creative labor, therefore, a civil servant; who chose her as his profession, must continuously improve his theoretical level throughout his career, regardless of the public office being replaced. It is for these reasons that training, retraining and advanced training are organically "built in" v civil service system.

1.4. Rotation of civil and municipal employees

Under rotation means the transfer (without consent) or transfer (with the consent of the employee) of state and municipal employees replacing the positions of the state or municipal service approved by the relevant regulatory legal act. This movement is provided for by a service contract and is carried out in the prescribed manner for a specified period. The movement is carried out within one locality or to another locality on a planned basis. In some established cases, it can occur on an unscheduled basis for another equivalent (or, in some cases, higher) service position. This takes into account the level of qualifications, vocational education and length of service or work (service) in the specialty in the same state or municipal authority or in other authorities.

This process should be carried out in accordance with labor legislation and legislation on state and municipal service.

Principles of rotation of civil and municipal employees- the basic requirements for the transfer or relocation of civil servants from some positions of the civil service to others, as a rule, equivalent positions.

The principle of compulsory rotation for the respective positions. Rotation in government bodies must be carried out for those positions of the civil service for which a rotation requirement has been determined.

The principle of planned rotation in state and municipal bodies. Rotation based on plans or related procedures approved by the employer's representative is mandatory and necessary condition ensuring the consistency of the use of rotational mechanisms in the civil service.

The planning of the rotation involves the implementation of personnel transfers and reshuffles in a certain proportional sequence within the framework of the approved register of rotational positions in the civil service.

The principle of the urgency of the rotation. It is supposed to establish a certain period for the movement of a civil servant from one position of the civil service to another. Rotational appointments must be accompanied by a fixed-term service contract of one to five years with the obligatory consent of a civil servant.

The principle of providing guarantees to a state or municipal employee when appointing him to a position in a public authority on a rotating basis:

Provision of living quarters at a new place of service or reimbursement of expenses for renting living quarters;

Reimbursement of expenses associated with the relocation of a civil (municipal) employee and his family members to the place of service in another state body, at the expense of the state body, to which the civil servant is sent on a rotation basis;

Reimbursement of expenses related to the relocation of a civil (municipal) employee and his family members after the end of a fixed-term service contract on the replacement of a civil service position by rotation and dismissal from the civil service to another locality at the expense of the state body in which the civil servant filled the last civil service position service;

Medical support at the new place of public service.

A civil servant may refuse to fill a civil service position on a rotation basis.

The principle of promotion in the civil service, taking into account the level of qualifications and conscientious performance of official duties. Rotation should be viewed as a certain mechanism of "movement" of civil servants in civil service positions subject to a number of conditions. Relocation is administratively imperative, systematic, and civil servants subject to rotation are appropriate professional criteria... These include compliance with the qualification requirements for a rotational position (length of service, work experience, education, level of professionalism), have good characteristics for a previously filled position from the point of view of the conscientious performance of official (functional) duties.

The concept of "public service" includes three types - military, law enforcement and civil. The most popular type - the civil service - today attracts many people who want to devote themselves to it. The reasons why this is happening, how much. The main, perhaps, stability, which no commercial enterprise can boast, even the most successful one today. This applies not only to the fact that your workplace will not be reduced, but also to timely salary payments, which include numerous allowances and bonuses, in total, they can be several times higher than the established salary.

Civil servants, like no others, are socially protected - paid leave and sick leave are guaranteed to them. In addition, the vacation is not 28 working days, as for most workers, but one and a half times longer. In addition, state-owned enterprises provide workers with a social package and guarantee the provision of benefits.

To work in a government agency, you must meet certain requirements for education, qualifications and experience.

Prestige is also important. The higher the status of a state enterprise, the higher the status of its employees, but even at the local level, managers and employees of these enterprises acquire numerous useful contacts, since they have the opportunity to influence the activities of many enterprises. A plus is the ability to move up the career ladder.

Cons of working in government agencies

Despite such serious advantages, often in the media you can see advertisements of available vacancies in state structures... Staff turnover is also high in many of them. This is explained by the large amount of paperwork that not everyone can handle. The specialists are busy with drawing up reports, forecasts, working with letters and appeals. Not every ambitious person who has a demanded specialty in his hands can withstand such routine work, and everyone is engaged in it - from ordinary employees to department heads.
Unlike commercial structures, specialists in government agencies do not bring much benefit, therefore, to move up the career ladder, it is often enough to be loyal to the management.

In addition, in fact, violations Labor Code practiced in government organizations all the time. Management has the right to declare and demand processing that no one is going to take into account. Personal plans of employees do not really care about managers, employees are not protected from the arbitrariness of the management, because they are afraid of losing their place. The longer an employee works, the higher his additional payments are, and the more he values ​​his workplace.

Introduction 8
Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the career management system of municipal employees 10
1.1. The concept of municipal service and the professional status of municipal employees 10
1.2. Principles for the formation of municipal service personnel 14
Chapter 2. Analysis of career management in the Balashikha department of social protection of the population 21
2.1 Purpose and Priority of Target Technologies 21
2.2 Components of management decision making 21
2.3 The volume and complexity of the analysis of the internal environment of the Balashikha Department of Social Protection 24
Chapter 3. Improving employee career management 28
3.1 Decision alternatives for improving career management in the Balashikha department of social protection 28
3.2 Uncertainties and risks of alternatives for improving the organization of service delivery 30
3.3 Types of efficiency and control over the implementation of alternatives 31
3.4 Rationale for the choice of decision 33
Conclusion 35
List of used sources and literature 36
Appendices 40

Work No. 4213. This is an INTRODUCTORY VERSION of the work, the original price is 1000 rubles. Designed in Microsoft Word.

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The problem of organizing training for advanced training and retraining of municipal employees is relevant today.
Therefore, in order to improve the performance of municipal employees, it is necessary to further develop unified system professional training of personnel for local government. This will ensure a consistently high level of quality of training, retraining and advanced training of municipal employees by attracting professionals from the scientific community to the training process, as well as those who have a huge practical experience employees and heads of public authorities and local governments.
The purpose of this term paper- to consider the features of career management of municipal employees.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set
1. Consider the theoretical aspects of the career management system of municipal employees
2. To analyze the career management of the Balashikha department of social protection of the population to evaluate the personnel work
3. Suggest ways to improve employee career management
The object of the research is the Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population.
The subject of the work is the system of training, training and retraining of municipal employees.
The presented work presents the following research methods, analysis and synthesis, analysis of documents, generalization.
The method of analysis and synthesis made it possible to divide the object of research into parts and consider separately the elements of each direction of professional training of municipal employees.
Using the method of document analysis, a review of legal acts regulating the process of training, training and retraining of municipal employees was carried out.
The generalization method made it possible to formulate conclusions on the study.
Theoretical and methodological problems of personnel management in the state and municipal service are considered in the works of A.N. Averin, G.E. Astsaturov, G.V. Atamanchuk.
The works of D.N.Bakhrakh V.E.Boykov L.V. Vagina A.G. Gladyshev V.A. Gnevko V.D. Citizen V.G. Ignatov A.K. Konkov V V. Lobanova V. I. Patrusheva B. T. Ponomarenko V. A. Sulemova A. I. Turchinova.
Considerable attention is paid to the methodological and methodological approach to the analysis of the problem of professionalism of state and municipal employees in the works of L.Yu. Belyakova T.G. Kalacheva L.I. Kataeva L.M. Mitina O.V. Moskalenko T.A. Polozova.
Course work consists of the introduction of 3 chapters of the conclusion of the bibliography and applications.

1. Theoretical aspects of the career management system of municipal employees

1.1. The concept of municipal service and the professional status of municipal employees

Municipal service is a professional activity of citizens that is carried out on an ongoing basis in the positions of municipal service replaced by concluding an employment contract.
The employer for a municipal employee is a municipality on whose behalf the powers of the employer are exercised by the employer's representative, the employer.
The representative of the employer may be the head of the municipal formation, the head of the local self-government body, the chairman of the election commission of the municipal formation, or another person authorized to act as the representative of the employer.
Legal basis municipal service in the Russian Federation
The legal foundations of municipal service in the Russian Federation are constituted by the Constitution of the Russian Federation as well as this Federal Law and other federal laws other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation constitutions statutes laws and other normative legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation hereinafter - legislation on municipal service statutes of municipal formations decisions made at meetings citizens and other municipal legal acts.
Municipal employees are subject to labor legislation with the features provided for by this Federal Law.
The basic principles of municipal service are
1 priority of human and civil rights and freedoms
2 equal access of citizens who speak the state language of the Russian Federation to municipal service and equal conditions for its passage, regardless of gender, race, nationality, property and official position place of residence attitudes to religion of beliefs belonging to public associations as well as from other circumstances not related to the professional and business qualities of a municipal employee
3 professionalism and competence of municipal employees
4 stability of municipal service
5 availability of information on the activities of municipal employees
6 interaction with public associations and citizens
7 the unity of the basic requirements for municipal service, as well as taking into account historical and other local traditions in the passage of municipal service
8 legal and social protection of municipal employees
9 responsibility of municipal employees for non-performance or improper performance of their official duties
10 non-partisan municipal service.
The relationship between the municipal service and the state civil service of the Russian Federation
The relationship between the municipal service and the state civil service of the Russian Federation further - the state civil service is provided through
1 the unity of the basic qualification requirements for the posts of the municipal service and the posts of the state civil service
2 unity of restrictions and obligations in the passage of municipal service and state civil service
3 unity of requirements for training, retraining and advanced training of municipal employees and civil servants
4 taking into account the length of service in the municipal service when calculating the length of service in the state civil service and taking into account the length of service in the state civil service when calculating the length of service in the municipal service
5 the correlation of the basic conditions of remuneration and social guarantees of municipal employees and civil servants
6 the correlation of the basic conditions of state pension provision for citizens who underwent municipal service and citizens who underwent state civil service, as well as their family members in the event of the loss of a breadwinner.
The position of the municipal service is a position in the local self-government body of the electoral commission of the municipal formation which are formed in accordance with the charter of the municipal formation with the established range of responsibilities to ensure the fulfillment of the powers of the local self-government body of the electoral commission of the municipal formation or a person replacing the municipal position.
The posts of the municipal service are established by municipal legal acts in accordance with the register of the posts of the municipal service in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation approved by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
When drawing up and approving the staffing table of the local self-government body of the electoral commission of the municipal formation, the names of the posts of the municipal service provided by the register of posts of the municipal service in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation are used.
The posts of the municipal service are divided into the following groups
1 senior positions of the municipal service
2 main positions of the municipal service
3 leading positions in the municipal service
4 senior municipal service positions
5 junior positions of the municipal service.
The ratio of the posts of the municipal service and the posts of the state civil service of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, taking into account the qualification requirements for the corresponding posts of the municipal service and the posts of the state civil service of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, is established by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

If a person is appointed to the post of head of the local administration under the contract by the charter of the settlement, and in relation to the position of the head of the local administration of the municipal district of the urban district, the charter of the municipal district of the urban district and the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation may establish additional requirements for candidates for the position of the head of the local administration.
The law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation may provide for the class ranks of municipal employees and establish the procedure for their assignment, as well as the procedure for maintaining them when transferring municipal employees to other positions in the municipal service and upon dismissal from the municipal service.
Class ranks indicate the compliance of the level of professional training of municipal employees with the qualification requirements for filling municipal service positions.
1.2 Principles for the formation of municipal service personnel
Citizens who have reached the age of 18 years of age who know the state language of the Russian Federation and who meet the qualification requirements established in accordance with this Federal Law to fill municipal service posts in the absence of the circumstances specified in Article 13 of the Federal Law as restrictions associated with municipal service have the right to enter the municipal service.
When entering the municipal service, as well as during its passage, it is not allowed to establish any direct or indirect restrictions or advantages depending on the gender, race, nationality of origin, property and official status of the place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership of public associations, as well as from other circumstances not related to the professional and business qualities of a municipal employee.
Upon admission to the municipal service, a citizen represents
1 application with a request to enter the municipal service and fill the position of the municipal service
2 a personally completed and signed questionnaire in the form established by the Government of the Russian Federation
3 passport
4 work book, except for cases when an employment contract is a contract for the first time
5 educational document
6 certificate of insurance of compulsory pension insurance, except for cases when an employment contract is concluded for the first time
7 certificate of staging natural person registered with the tax authority at the place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation
8 military registration documents - for persons liable for military service and persons subject to conscription
9 conclusion of a medical institution on the absence of a disease that prevents admission to municipal service
10 information on income for the year preceding the year of admission to the municipal service on property and property obligations
11 other documents stipulated by federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.
The admission of a citizen to the municipal service is carried out as a result of appointment to the position of the municipal service on the terms of an employment contract in accordance with labor legislation, taking into account the specifics provided for by this Federal Law.
A citizen entering the post of head of the local administration concludes a contract based on the results of a competition for the said position. The procedure for replacing the position of the head of local administration under a contract and the procedure for concluding and terminating a contract with a person appointed to this position under a contract are determined by Federal Law 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 On general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation. The standard form of a contract with a person appointed to the post of head of the local administration under the contract is approved by the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Persons acting for the technical support of the activities of local self-government bodies of election commissions of municipal formations do not replace the posts of municipal service and are not municipal employees.
A municipal employee has the right to
1 familiarization with the documents establishing his rights and obligations for the substituted position of the municipal service by the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties and the conditions for promotion
2 ensuring the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties
3 wages and other payments in accordance with labor legislation, legislation on municipal service and employment contract contract
4 rest provided by the establishment of normal working hours by the provision of days off and non-working days holidays as well as annual paid leave
5 obtaining, in the prescribed manner, information and materials necessary for the performance of official duties, as well as for making proposals on improving the activities of the local self-government body of the election commission of the municipal formation
6 participation on its own initiative in the competition for filling the vacant position of the municipal service
7 advanced training in accordance with the municipal legal act at the expense of the local budget
8 protecting your personal data
9 familiarization with all the materials of his personal file with reviews of professional activities and other documents before entering them into his personal file and also for attaching his written explanations to the personal file
10 association including the right to create trade unions to protect their rights, socio-economic and professional interests
11 consideration of individual labor disputes in accordance with labor legislation protection of their rights and legitimate interests in the municipal service, including appealing to the court of their violations
12 pension provision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
A municipal employee, with the exception of a municipal employee replacing the position of the head of the local administration, under a contract, has the right, with prior written notification of the employer's representative, to perform other paid work if this does not entail a conflict of interest and unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law.
The municipal employee is obliged
1 comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation federal constitutional laws federal laws other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation constitutions charters laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation charter of a municipal formation and other municipal legal acts and ensure their implementation
2 perform official duties in accordance with the job description
3 observe the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations in the performance of official duties
4 comply with the internal labor regulations established in the local self-government body of the electoral commission of the municipal formation job description procedure for working with service information
5 maintain the level of qualifications necessary for the proper performance of job duties
6 not to disclose information constituting state and other secrets protected by federal laws, as well as information that became known to him in connection with the performance of official duties, including information concerning the private life and health of citizens or affecting their honor and dignity
7 to protect state and municipal property, including provided to him for the performance of official duties
8 to provide, in the established manner, as provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, information about himself and his family members, as well as information about the income received by him and the property belonging to him on the right of ownership, which are objects of taxation on liabilities of a property nature, hereinafter - information on income on property and liabilities of a property nature
9 inform the representative of the employer to the employer about the withdrawal from the citizenship of the Russian Federation on the day of withdrawal from the citizenship of the Russian Federation or about the acquisition of the citizenship of a foreign state on the day of acquiring the citizenship of a foreign state
10 to comply with restrictions to fulfill obligations not to violate the prohibitions that are established by this Federal Law and other federal laws
11 inform the representative of the employer about the personal interest in the performance of official duties that may lead to a conflict of interest and take measures to prevent such a conflict.
A municipal employee does not have the right to carry out an unlawful assignment given to him. Upon receipt from the relevant head of the order, which, in the opinion of the municipal employee, is unlawful, the municipal employee must submit to the head who gave the order to writing substantiation of the illegality of this order, indicating the provisions of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal legal acts that may be violated during the execution of this order. If the head confirms this order in writing, the municipal employee is obliged to refuse to execute it. In the event of the execution of an unlawful order, the municipal employee and the head who gave this order shall be held liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Conclusions for chapter 1
Municipal service is a professional activity of citizens that is carried out on an ongoing basis in the positions of municipal service replaced by concluding an employment contract. In order to effectively manage changes in various areas of social life, it is necessary to have a professionally trained staff for these purposes. modern world and Russian society is undergoing rapid, dramatic economic, political, social and spiritual changes. Under their influence, the training system for employees of the state and municipal service will change. In turn, changes in this system lead to changes in their knowledge, skills and abilities.
A municipal employee is a citizen who performs, in accordance with the procedure established by municipal legal acts in accordance with federal laws and the laws of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, duties in the position of municipal service for pay paid from the local budget.
To fill the posts of the municipal service, qualification requirements are imposed on the level of professional education, the length of service of the municipal service of the civil service or the length of service in the specialty, the professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of official duties.
The qualification requirements for the level of professional education, the length of service in the municipal service of the civil service or the length of service in the specialty, the professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of official duties are established by municipal legal acts on the basis of standard qualification requirements for filling municipal service positions, which are determined by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with the classification of positions municipal service.

2 Analysis of the activities of the Balashikha department of social protection of the population personnel work
2.1 Purpose and prioritization of targeted technologies
To improve the efficiency and quality of business career management, the heads of all divisions apply administrative measures to persons who have unfairly fulfilled the instructions entrusted to them with the removal of premiums and bonuses mat. help reprimand severe reprimand. Persons who carry out high-quality assignments are rewarded with bonuses and promoted up the career ladder.
The decisions made by the head of the enterprise are formalized by order.
The head of the Balashikha department of social protection of the population brings information about the decision to each of their deputies, who, in turn, deliver clear instructions in writing, put their resolution on a copy of the order to the heads of structural divisions on the sequence of actions that must be performed in the current situation and determine the resources and means that can be used in a specific time frame. The heads of the structural divisions of the Balashikha department of social protection of the population appoint responsible executors for the implementation this decision and control the correctness and timeliness of the implementation of the decision.
2.2 Components of making a management decision
Figure 2.1 shows the organizational structure of the Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population.
Also, in the center, other structural divisions can be created whose activities correspond to its goals and objectives.
Figure 2.1 - Organizational structure Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population
The structural divisions of the center in their activities are subordinate to the director of the center. The general directions of activity of all structural divisions of the center are
identification and registration of citizens in need of social services
provision of social household medical psychological counseling and other assistance
assistance in activating the opportunities of self-realization of their needs among citizens served by the center
implementation of the principle of continuity in the provision of various forms and types social assistance
ensuring the served citizens their rights and benefits established by law.
The structure has signs of a linear-functional structure; its peculiarity is that line managers carry out their activities on the principles of one-man management, but to ensure the necessary competence of managerial decisions, functional units are created under the head, which are headed by leading specialists in certain areas. The advantage of the structure is to improve the quality of decisions and adherence to the principle of one-man management.
Responsible for making managerial decisions of a strategic nature in the Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population
1 Head of the Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population - A.A. Syrova
2 Deputy Head of the Department - Tkachuk V.M.
3 Chief Accountant- Kashapova E.V.
4 Heads of departments
- provision of social guarantees - Domozhirov Yu.M.
- for family and children affairs - Kazarkin S.A.
- coordination of work subordinate institutions- Yashin P.V.
- organizational and information work and support for the activities of the Office
- information legal staffing
organization of social other payments
- social organizations service gr. elderly and disabled people and the provision of rehabilitation services to the population
5 Leaders
- GBU SO MO "Balashikha complex center social service population "
- GBU SO MO "Balashikha rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities" Rosinka ".
3 The volume and complexity of the analysis of the internal environment of the Balashikha Department of Social Protection

The most significant achievement was the creation in the Balashikha region of "a centralized municipal system of registration and registration of citizens entitled to social benefits, cash payments of a social nature and other types of social assistance." The functions of the coordinating body for the creation and maintenance of this system are carried out by the Department of Social Protection of the Population. A unified registration procedure has been introduced for citizens eligible for social support measures.
Location of the Office Moscow region Balashikha st. Mira, 5a.
Postal address 143900 Moscow region, Balashikha st. Mira, 5a.
The list of services provided by BUSZN is presented in table 2.1.
Table 2.1
The list of services provided by specialized departments of the Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population
Social rehabilitation department - treatment room
- physiotherapy
- massage
- Exercise therapy individual programs and group in accordance with the past diseases - groups for cardiovascular diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc.
- classes in the gym
- consultations with a therapist
- first-aid medical assistance
- consultations with a psychologist, individual and group methods to normalize the psychological status
- social and labor rehabilitation classes in labor physiology - a set of exercises to restore fine motor skills
Department of daytime stay - organization of 2 hot meals a day, including additional services for organizing celebrations and memorial dinners
- cultural and leisure services - the center has its own bus, which means there is an opportunity to travel
- services for social adaptation in the framework of occupational physiology classes
The number of staff of the institution, including its specialized departments, as of January 1, 2015 is 210 people.
Rice. 2.2. Analysis of the number of personnel of the Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population for 2012 - 2014.
From the figure, you can see the dynamics of growth in the number of personnel for the reporting period. Average headcount increases annually. The growth in 2014 compared to 2013 is 103. Accordingly, the time wage fund also increased from RUB 3,180 thousand in 2012 to RUB 5,640 thousand in 2014.
Let's analyze the movement of personnel in the enterprise. We use the data of the personnel movement register for 2012 - 2014.
The results of the analysis of the movement of the worker are presented in Table 2.2.
Table 2.2.
Labor movement in the Balashikha department of social protection of the population for 2012 - 2014 people
On the positive side from the analysis of table 2.2. one can note a decrease in the staff turnover rate from 5 62 in 2012 to 2 86 in 2014. From the security of the enterprise labor resources and the efficiency of their use depends on the volume and timeliness of all work, the efficiency of the use of machinery equipment and, as a result, the volume of sales, cost and profit.

Conclusions on chapter 2
Thus, in order to improve the efficiency and quality of business career management, the heads of all departments apply administrative measures to persons who have unfairly fulfilled the instructions entrusted to them with the removal of bonus premiums mat. help reprimand severe reprimand. Persons who carry out high-quality assignments are rewarded with bonuses and promoted up the career ladder.
The system of social protection of the population began to take shape in 1988 and initially included only the Center for Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens. For seventeen years, the structure of the Office has been constantly changing depending on the areas of activity and the importance of the tasks to be solved.
The most significant achievement was the creation in the Balashikha region of "a centralized municipal system of registration and registration of citizens entitled to social benefits, cash payments of a social nature and other types of social assistance." The functions of the coordinating body for the creation and maintenance of this system are carried out by the Department of Social Protection of the Population.
The average headcount is increasing annually, there is a turnover of the labor force, however, as a positive point, we note the decrease in the staff turnover rate from 5 62 in 2012 to 2 86 in 2014. On a positive note, the staff turnover rate has decreased from 5 62 in 2012 to 2 86 in 2014. The volume and timeliness of all the work, the efficiency of the use of machinery equipment and, as a result, the volume of sales, cost price and profit, depend on the provision of an enterprise with labor resources and the efficiency of their use.

Chapter 3. Improving employee career management
3.1 Decision alternatives for improving career management in the Balashikha Department of Social Protection
To assess the state of the system for optimizing managerial decision-making for 19 elements, the method of expert assessments was used. The heads and employees of the personnel services of archival departments and services were involved as experts. documentation support Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population.
The expert assessment was carried out using a questionnaire by identifying the completeness of fulfilling the conditions of each of the five blocks of the system for optimizing managerial decision-making.
In order to identify the specifics of making management decisions by the listed persons, it was decided to conduct a survey. Question answer. The method is simple, precise and clear. In order not to take a lot of time and get specific answers to specific questions.
The results will help to understand the character of a person, his ability to act and his attitude towards people, to identify the style of making managerial decisions and the most frequently used method of developing managerial decisions.
As part of the study, a questionnaire was conducted, the questionnaire consisted of 27 statements. In addition to the questionnaire, the managers were asked the following additional questions
- Do you trust your subordinates to independently solve the problems that have arisen Why
- do you welcome the initiative of your subordinates? Why
- how often do you use the opinion of subordinates in the development and implementation of management decisions
- You make decisions alone or based on the opinion of the majority Why
- Do you think that responsibility for the results of the department's activities is borne only by its head
- Do you think that responsibility for the results of the department's activities is borne by each of its employees
- when developing and making a management decision, you often use ______________________________________________________ indicate the name of the method or technique, the information used, etc.
Based on the results of the questionnaire, the questions are presented in Appendix 1 of both the managers themselves and the employees of the respective shops, the following results were obtained - see table. 3.1 and 3.2.
Table 3.1.
Results of the survey of the heads of the Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population
An observation was made using the timekeeping method, according to the results of which a diagram of the duration of meetings and meetings with the participation of the above persons was compiled, see Fig. 3.1.
Rice. 3.1. Analysis of the duration of meetings in
According to Figure 3.1, it can be noted that the main part of the meetings and sessions held in the Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population, namely 80, lasts from 45 to 90 minutes.
Thus, we found out that in the Balashikha administration, meetings are held once a week on Monday at 8 o'clock in the morning. Meetings of the heads of divisions of the Balashikha department of social protection of the population are held once a month or, as necessary, more often at the beginning of the meetings - 12 noon.
3.2 Uncertainties and risks of alternatives to improve the organization of service delivery
The main officials of the institution Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population in conditions of risk and uncertainty go through the following stages of making managerial decisions Figure 3.2.
Figure 3.2. Stages of making management decisions by the main officials in the institution Balashikha department of social protection of the population
3.3 Types of efficiency and control over the implementation of alternatives
The question of the criteria for the quality of managerial decisions is often associated with the peculiarities and specifics of managerial work. If we consider managerial work as the sum of resolved managerial situations and the quality of decisions as a determining criterion for the effectiveness of this work, then the criterion for the quality of decisions will be their practical implementation. In this regard, in the practice of enterprises, an indicator is used that indirectly evaluates the quality of management decisions made through the number of decisions made and is calculated by the formula
Where Kk is the coefficient of the quality of management decisions in
Рп - the number of accepted management decisions
Рв - the number of completed management decisions
Рн - the number of executed poor-quality solutions.
This indicator essentially characterizes the quality of management as a percentage, although with a certain degree of inaccuracy.
Let's apply this technique to determine the quality of management for the period from 01.01.15 to 30.04.15.
1 Head of the Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population A.A. Syrova
2 Deputy V.M. Tkachuk, Head of the Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population
3 Head of GBU SO MO Gordeev S.S.
4 Chief accountant Kashapova E.V.
5 Head of the department for providing social guarantees Kazarkin S.A.
6 Head of the Department for Family and Children Affairs Domozhirov Yu.I.
7 Head of the Department for Coordination of the Work of Subordinate Institutions P.V. Yashin
From the above calculations it can be seen that the highest quality in the development and implementation of management decisions is achieved by A.A. Syrova. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it is the Head of the Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population who bears the maximum responsibility for the managerial decisions he makes that affect the activities of the department as a whole.
3.4 Rationale for the choice of solution
Consider the quality of collegial decision-making over the same period of time using the above method.
It can be seen that the quality of collegial decision-making is the highest.
Summarizing the information provided, we compose a table as a basis, take
and the data of the theoretical analysis regarding the stages of development and adoption of management decisions given in section 1
b an overall quality assessment based on a high professional attitude to all components of the SD development and implementation process. With this approach, the decision maker should pay attention to each stage of the development and implementation of SD, since the quality of each of them makes a significant contribution to the overall quality assessment of the entire solution. Quality is measured in relative units from 0 to 1. The lowest quality of a managerial decision is assigned a value of 0 and the highest - 1. The overall quality score is calculated as the product of the quality values ​​of all constituent stages of stages and operations performed sequentially.
Formula for calculation
K = k1 x k2 x k3 x k4 x k5 x k6 x k7 x k8
Where K is the overall quality assessment
k1 ... k8 - the quality of each stage of development and management decision-making in relative units.
examples of options for making managerial decisions by the heads of the Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population.
The results are summarized in the table in Appendix 2.
Note the quality indicators of each stage of development and management decision-making in relative units k1 ... k8 are determined based on the results of the regular certification of executives carried out in the Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population in December 2014. As can be seen from the table, the highest indicator of the quality of managerial decisions is found in the case when decisions are made collectively.
Conclusions on chapter 3
To assess the state of the system for optimizing managerial decision-making for 19 elements, the method of expert assessments was used. As experts, heads and employees of personnel services of archival departments and services of documentary support of the Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population were involved. We found out that in the Balashikha administration meetings are held once a week on Monday at 8 o'clock in the morning. Meetings of the heads of divisions of the Balashikha department of social protection of the population are held once a month or, as necessary, more often at the beginning of the meetings - 12 noon. The main part of the meetings and sessions held in the Balashikha Department of Social Protection of the Population, namely 80, lasts from 45 to 90 minutes.
In the course of the study, the following shortcomings were identified.
1. Insufficient use of the principle of collegiality in the preparation and adoption of managerial decisions
2. Some solutions are in the nature of "pseudo-solutions"
3. Irrational use of working time in the procedures for making collegial decisions
4. Ignoring systemic and integrated approaches in the development and implementation of management decisions
5. The adoption of intuitive management decisions prevails in BUSZN. Rarely used are graphical-analytical methods for developing SD that relate to a rational approach to this process.
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