Personal account of social insurance. Personal account of the insured fss. User questions that may arise

From July 1, 2017, medical institutions can issue electronic disability sheets (ELN) on a par with paper sick leave. What is the system of interaction with the FSS for the exchange of information in order to form electronic sick leave? How does this functionality work in 1C programs? Let's tell.

Amendments to the provisions of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood" on the introduction of ELN were introduced Federal law dated 01.05.2017 N 86-FZ.

The FSS calls the purpose of the emergence of electronic sheets of incapacity for work to combine information on sick leave into a single database, to avoid a cumbersome data storage and processing system, as well as to reduce the costs of policyholders. Well, and budget savings, of course.

What employers will get from the introduction of electronic sick leave

In general, the dividends are not bad. Let's start with the fact that filling out documents on a computer is more convenient and simpler, therefore, accountants of companies will not have to deal with sick sick leave by doctors, be afraid of the claims of the FSS and apply there with inquiries about the payment of questionable sheets.

Secondly, accountants themselves will not have to enter information on the sheets of incapacity for work with their hands, think about the color of ink, the absence of errors and worry so that their hand does not flinch.

You can no longer remember about erroneous overpayment or underpayment of benefits, corrections and changes in information in sick leave. It is already clear that this work is not an easy area of ​​accounting work, and the transfer of sick leave to electronic format will make it much easier. It is not for nothing that the pilot project of the FSS in several regions, where the new system for the exchange of information for issuing ELN was "tested", was recognized as successful.

How the ELN system works

So, exchange of information insured events for temporary disability and maternity are carried out with the help of the Unified Integrated Information System "Sotsstrakh" of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (EIIS "Sotsstrakh"). The participants in this system are:

  1. insurer - FSS RF
  2. insurers (employers)
  3. medical organizations (hospitals, clinics) and federal state institutions(bureau) of medical and social expertise (ITU).

Checkout ELN medical organizations can, subject to two conditions:

  • the employee-insured person gives written consent to this;
  • medical organization and the insured-employer are participants in the system of information interaction with the FSS for the exchange of information in order to form an ELN.

Employers can interact with the FSS about ELN... Currently, the electronic certificate of incapacity for work and the exchange with the FSS authorities have been implemented in the program "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" (rev. 3) from version

Interaction on the exchange of information in order to form an ELN

The scheme of interaction between the insured person, the employer, the FSS and the medical institution is as follows:

  1. The employee-insured person gives the medical institution a written consent to the formation of a certificate of incapacity for work in the form electronic document.
  2. A medical institution forms an ELN (supported in 1C: Medicine solutions), signs it with an enhanced qualified signature of a doctor and a medical organization, and sends all information on sick leave to the FSS.
  3. The medical institution issues an ELN number to the employee for transferring it to the policyholder-employer.
  4. The employee informs the employer of the ELN number.
  5. The employer, by the ELN number, directly from his 1C program requests and receives from the FSS database all the sick leave data.
  6. According to the data obtained from the FSS database, the 1C programs automatically calculate the temporary disability benefit (information about the insured, about the insured person, about average earnings, work experience and other necessary information is already stored in 1C)
  7. The employer pays the employee a sick leave.
  8. Information about the amount of benefits paid is sent to the FSS.
  9. The FSS partially pays for sick leave (for regions of "direct" payments).

If an employer is confidently navigating online services, he saves himself time, nerves and money. The FSS insurer's office is another state electronic service that makes the life of an entrepreneur and an accountant easier.

Electronic services of state portals have become part of our life. The Social Insurance Fund (FSS) has created a website that can be used by the insured employee and his insured employer.

The office of the insured FSS makes life much easier for the head of the organization and the accountant. If earlier all tasks had to be performed manually, displayed on a paper form, and documents had to be submitted to the FSS on their own, now all this can be done through the personal account of the Social Insurance Fund.

Possibilities electronic service allow you to store important documentation on a medium. There is no more need to look for additional space for forms and worry about losing them. All documents submitted to the FSS are viewed at any time through the insured's personal account. If the need arises, then the insured can find the required form by the unique number or individual data of the insured person.

System requirements

To work in your personal account legal entity FSS and the performance of actions, the insured must have a UKEP - a unique qualified electronic signature. In addition, the computer on which the policyholder performs manipulations must be equipped with a reliable means of crypto protection. This is necessary to recognize and verify the owner of the signature.

There are no strict and unrealizable hardware requirements, just like there are none for software. Electronic system recommends using operating system Windows 7, 8, 10 for correct work. Later versions of Microsoft will work as well. Among the reliable browsers, the following are worth noting.

How to register and add an organization to your personal account

The instruction for registration and subsequent work of the insured in the personal account of the FSS is simple. Before proceeding with any actions and giving the employee the go-ahead for the provision of electronic certificates of incapacity for work, as well as other documents, it is necessary to study the functionality of the system.

To register and open a personal account, the insured must go to the FSS website (, here you can see three options:

  1. cabinet for the insured (employee);
  2. cabinet for the insured (employer);
  3. cabinet for ITU.

You need to choose the second option.

Then go to the "registration" tab ( Here you enter the personal data of an individual (phone number, full name, e-mail address. You can add an organization only after preliminary personal registration of the policyholder on the State Service portal. When the system checks the data received, an individual access code will be assigned. You can get it at the nearest identification center or by mail by registered mail(a convenient option is chosen by the policyholder himself, who makes out access to the office). With the help of a password, the policyholder will be able to enter his personal account and take the necessary actions.

  1. To add an organization and start working as a legal entity, you need to go to your personal account, and then fill out the organization's data according to Form 4.
  2. By pressing the "next" button, the policyholder enters the account activation section. It is important to come up with a complex password so that the personal account of the FSS is not hacked by malefactors.
  3. During the day on email the activation link comes. By clicking on it, the policyholder gets to electronic portal, where you enter the personal account of the social insurance fund. To enter, you must enter your username and password.
  4. On the "profile" tab of the FSS personal account, select the "organizations" section and click "add".
  5. In the "authorized" section, an active certificate is loaded, which allows you to submit reports to the policyholder through the FSS office. An individual certificate is provided for each user. When replacing it, it is imperative to enter new data.
  6. In the section "profile" the data is filled in: name of the organization; TIN; OGRN; Checkpoint; address. You should immediately choose the branch of the FSS with which the insured will work. After that, the "save" button is pressed.
  7. Further, in the horizontal menu of the FSS office, the policyholder selects the "application" option and prints the form. To complete the activation of the FSS office, you need to contact the fund with this document. Within 1-5 working days, the fund provides the policyholder with expanded opportunities to work in the personal account, which is indicated by the "approved" status in the "profile" tab.

Login to the cabinet

To start working with the FSS data, the insured must enter a username and password on the tab "Login to the personal account of the Social Insurance Fund".

After that, the employer goes to the main page. From here, you can go to any section of the document by clicking on the yellow block in the upper right corner. Here you can change the data about the organization, log out to change the user, get access to requests to the FSS.

Cabinet functions

In the personal account of the FSS policyholder, you can do the following:

  • see data on new certificates of incapacity for work;
  • view and print ELN;
  • add new information to the certificate of incapacity for work;
  • export received sick leave to create registries in the FSS;
  • view and analyze benefits, as well as sick leave payments by entering the individual number of the insured person or full name;
  • see the log of information exchange between the insured and the FSS;
  • fill out and send an appeal to the FSS;
  • see notices for the policyholder from the FSS;
  • make an appointment with the FSS at a convenient time.

The Social Insurance Fund (FSS) electronic account for the insured is a voluntary service, not a mandatory program. If the organization does not want to connect to the new system, then the employer will continue to receive all paperwork.

Not only individuals, but also legal entities can work with various departments through the State Services portal. To do this, a company representative must create an account for the company. From the account of a legal entity, applications for obtaining services will also be processed. One of the agencies that offer online application opportunities for individuals and businesses is the Social Security Fund.

The FSS on the State Services portal can be found in the "Authorities" section. This is a very convenient thread for finding services that a specific state structure... Among the possibilities of the Social Insurance Fund:

  • Assignment of payments for childcare, in connection with temporary disability, in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, for insurance against industrial accidents, as well as diseases associated with professional activities;
  • provision of rehabilitation means, including vouchers to sanatoriums;
  • confirmation of the main view economic activity;
  • acceptance of insurance premiums;
  • registration of policyholders.

The submission of applications and documents for obtaining such services is formalized through the State Services in in electronic format, which greatly simplifies interaction with the authority.

How to submit a 4-FSS report through State Services?

The need to submit a report to the FSS in the 4-FSS form may arise from both individuals and legal entities. In the case of a legal entity, before receiving the service, you must authorize as a company. Otherwise, a verified user account will be required.

To send a report, you need to go through the branches:

  • Service catalog;

However, it will be easier to find this item directly through the department. After choosing a service, the user will see a form to fill out. There is no need to manually rewrite the data about each employee. You need to make sure correct filling blocks with details for the organization and personal data - for individuals... The report itself with a list of employees and contributions is attached in a separate file to the application and sent for consideration. Please note that the company may be fined for late submission of the report.

How to send an application for confirmation of the type of activity in the FSS?

On State Services, you can also send an application for confirmation of the main economic activity to the Social Insurance Fund. This is done to set special rates for insurance premiums... First of all, organizations are interested in this, where employees can get injured due to an accident or in hazardous work, where there is a high risk of getting an occupational disease.

The statement of confirmation of the main economic activity is sent only from the account of the legal entity. In the upper left corner of the portal, you need to change the standard assignment “For individuals” to “For legal entities”.

  • Service catalog;
  • Labor and professional activity;

  • Confirmation of the main activity.

Next, it will be necessary to fill out the form, and also attach a certificate confirmation of economic activity along with an explanatory note from the accountant as an attached document. The application will be reviewed within 2 weeks. In some cases, this period can be extended up to almost 2 months. However, a significant increase in the term is usually associated only with large companies, which have several branches and from each send a separate form for confirmation.

Working with the Social Insurance Fund through the State Services portal requires the attachment of documents confirming the actions and powers of the applicant. Therefore, when sending documents, they are certified electronic signature enterprises. In some cases, the application may be rejected if the filling forms are not followed.

Since July 1, 2017, Russian citizens have the opportunity to issue an electronic sick leave in the FSS office on the portal of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. It is issued for temporary incapacity for work, as well as for pregnancy and childbirth. Every month there are more and more medical institutions using this opportunity. Therefore, if employees are served in such clinics, accountants are recommended to connect to this program and start working with a personal account.

The instructions for receiving, filling in and making payments are simple, does not involve complex actions either on the part of the employee or on the part of the employer.

Electronic sick leave for the employer is much more profitable and convenient than paper ones.

  1. In the FSS system, the online sick leave is protected from counterfeiting. This allows the employer to protect himself from deception, to prevent unnecessary costs. Alas, fake paper sick leaves can be bought in almost every city. And in the case of digital document such a fraud is impossible.
  2. Completing electronic sick leave has simplified the registration process. In the case of a paper document, you must be careful, be focused and attentive, use a specific pen. And when registering a sick leave in the office of the FSS website (, you can not be afraid to make a mistake. A typo is easy to correct and the form will not be damaged as is the case with the paper version.
  3. The electronic sick leave in the FSS office ( is stored without time restrictions. You no longer have to have a separate daddy and be afraid of losing an employee's certificate of incapacity for work.

An employee can view his electronic sick leave in the FSS office ( You no longer have to run to the accountant for this and distract colleagues from their work.

To do this, he needs to register on the State Services website. After receiving your personal password, you enter your account. You can check the electronic sick leave through the State Services or in the same LC of the Social Insurance Fund. These two services are connected to unified system and are related. The password from the State Services website is suitable for entering the personal account of the FSS.

Having figured out the algorithm and repeating the steps several times, the policyholder will soon get used to it and will be able to appreciate the simplicity and convenience of working with the system.

  1. Register on a single portal public services please follow the link ( After that, you need to get a password that gives access to the personal account of the FSS. To register, you will need the data of the legal entity and requisites.
  2. Log in to the account on the portal of the Social Insurance Fund. To access the FSS data, you must enter the phone number that was registered in the State Services, and the password.
  3. In order to work with electronic sick leave in the personal account of the FSS, it is worth assigning a separate accountant who must familiarize himself with the functionality of the system.

After gaining access to the personal account of the FSS, the employer should notify their employees that they can now use the service and fill out an electronic sick leave at their medical institution, if it is available there. After providing the individual document number (special sick certificate code), it must be handed over to the accountant. Further actions the policyholder will be as follows:

  1. enter the personal account of the FSS and find the document by number;
  2. obtain from the virtual form data on the period of validity of the electronic sick leave for further calculation of the payment;
  3. enter your information into the electronic sick leave in the office about the organization, work experience of the insured person and the average volume wages;
  4. check the completed information. If there is an error in the electronic sick leave, then fix it at this stage;
  5. send the completed form from the office to the FSS department by pressing the appropriate button.

When filling out a virtual document in the FSS personal account, an accountant can use a sample of an electronic sick leave certificate.
Payment of benefits for electronic sick leave in 2018 is carried out directly from the FSS or through the employer. In the latter case, the accountant must complete the calculation and give the money with the provision of the nearest salary. After that, he makes a refund from the Social Insurance Fund according to the usual system (by filing electronic application or by visiting the office of an FSS specialist).

Some regions are participating in a project involving direct payments. To pay for such an electronic sick leave in 2018, the employer must fill out an application in the personal account of the FSS on behalf of the insured person who received a certificate of incapacity for work, and then send it to the fund.

How an employee can check his certificate of incapacity for work in his personal account

The employee has the opportunity to view the status of the electronic sick leave at any time. To receive data, you must also be registered on the State Services portal. In the "authorization" field, enter the phone number and password. After entering the personal account of the FSS, you can see all your electronic sick leave and find out:

  • open, closed or extended virtual sick leave;
  • how much the benefit was accrued;
  • what dates are considered the period of incapacity for work;
  • whether the employer completed the document correctly.

Setting up electronic sick leave in your personal account allows you to receive notification of status changes by e-mail.

In the personal account of the insured person there is an interesting option - a calculator of the amount of payments. The employee can calculate in advance how much is due to him due to illness. To do this, click on the calculator in the upper right corner and fill in all the fields.

The FSS website will ask you about the period and reason for the disability, whether you were in a hospital and even whether you violated the regime. You will also have to remember when you started your current job and the exact amount you earned over the past two years. The regional coefficient also matters.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 86-FZ dated 01.05.2017 "On Amendments to Article 13 of the Federal Law" On Compulsory Social Insurance in Case of Temporary Disability and in Connection with Maternity "and Articles 59 and 78 of the Federal Law" On the Fundamentals of Citizens' Health Protection v Russian Federation"(Hereinafter - Federal Law No. 86-FZ), the electronic certificate of incapacity for work from July 1, 2017 has equal legal force with the paper sick leave. In practice, many questions still arise in connection with the organization of the relationship between employers, FSS and medical organizations. Policyholders are interested in whether they should accept electronic sick leave and what to do if the employee has provided the details of such a document, and the employer is technically not ready to accept it.

By general rule the appointment and payment of benefits for temporary disability, for pregnancy and childbirth are carried out on the basis of a sick leave issued by a medical organization in the form of a document for hard copy or (with the written consent of the insured person) formed and placed in the information system of the insurer in the form of an electronic document signed using an enhanced qualified electronic signature health worker and a medical organization, if the medical organization and the insured are participants in the information exchange system for the exchange of information in order to form a certificate of incapacity for work in the form of an electronic document. This is stated in Part 5 of Art. 13 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood."

Benefits for temporary incapacity for work, for pregnancy and childbirth, are monthly assigned and paid by the employer of the insured person, regardless of the form of the certificate of incapacity for work presented to him for payment.

For your information: the right to choose the form of the certificate of incapacity for work remains with the insured person: at his request, he can be issued a certificate of incapacity for work, and with his written voluntary consent, formed and posted in the Federal State Information System "Unified Integrated Information System" Social Insurance "FSS electronic hospital.

The form of the certificate of incapacity for work is established by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 26, 2011 No. 347n, while the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work is approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2011 No. 624n.

As for the electronic sick leave, its mandatory details have been established.

Policyholder's personal account

In the Information of the FSS RF "On the introduction of an electronic certificate of incapacity for work", posted on 07.07.2017 on the official website of the fund (, it is specified: the employee and employer can obtain information about the generated electronic disability sheets in their personal accounts located on the FSS website, access to which is provided with a login and password to the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions).

So, to work with electronic hospital, an employer needs to register in a personal account (

The main functions of the policyholder's electronic cabinet are:

    obtaining data from an electronic certificate of incapacity for work, closed by a medical organization;

    viewing electronic sick leave and printing them;

    entering the information of the insured into the existing electronic forms of incapacity for work;

    export of electronic sick leave data into XML files with the possibility of subsequent loading of these files into the policyholder's software in order to create and sign registers for sending to the FSS;

    search and review of the certificates of incapacity for work submitted to the FSS;

    viewing the log of data exchange between the employer and the FSS (with the ability to save requests and received responses to XML files);

    viewing and uploading to an XML file (for further processing in the employer's software) a list of errors when checking the register and benefits;

    formation of appeals to the FSS (with direct payment of benefits);

    search (by full name, SNILS, benefit status) and viewing benefits paid by the FSS directly;

    viewing notifications generated by an employee of the FSS when working with the register and benefits (still under development);

    filing an application for making an appointment with the territorial branch of the FSS (if necessary, consulting regarding the direct payment of benefits by the fund).

The Letter of the FSS RF No. 02-09-11 / 22-05-13462 provides the following clarifications on the use of the software.

The employer submits information on the insured event to the FSS in order to form an electronic certificate of incapacity for work, including information on the calculation of benefits for temporary incapacity for work, for pregnancy and childbirth. The organization of the process of formation and transfer of information for an electronic certificate of incapacity for work is provided by the employer independently through the software he uses. For this, the following can be applied:

    own software;

    software provided by the FSS free of charge.

At the same time, the information interaction between the policyholder and the insurer and the direction of the information by the policyholder to information system FSS are carried out using encryption and confirmation of information with a strengthened qualified electronic signature of a participant in information interaction.

For your information: information transmitted to the FSS in order to generate electronic certificates of incapacity for work of employees must be certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the employer.

In order to implement electronic interaction the employer must also conclude an agreement with the regional branch of the FSS on information interaction in the formation of an electronic certificate of incapacity for work.

For your information: the agreement is concluded for a period of one year and comes into force from the moment of signing. By agreement of the parties, changes and additions can be made to it, which are drawn up in writing additional agreement... At the initiative of either party, the agreement may be terminated. The other party must be notified of this in writing no later than three months before the day of its termination. If the parties are over 30 calendar days before the termination of the agreement, they did not express in writing their intention to terminate the interaction, the document is considered extended for one year.

What problems do employers most often face when working with a personal account? In the table, we have provided answers to the most frequently asked questions.



When can an insured have a problem with entering a personal account (

For your information: the user manual for the policyholder's personal account is available on the website

- in the ESIA data there is no link to account legal entity. It is necessary to contact the ESIA administrators to add a person to the organization in the system administration interface;

- the ESIA contains data that does not correspond necessary organization, or OGRN, TIN or KPP of the organization is not specified in the system data. You need to contact the ESIA administrators to edit the person's data in the system administration interface;

- the organization is absent in the register of FSS organizations or is indicated in it incorrectly. Identification is carried out according to the following attributes: PSRN, INN, KPP. Some of these attributes for the organization are absent in the register of fund organizations or are indicated incorrectly. To clarify them, you must contact the regional office or branch of the FSS

Why is the data of another organization displayed in the policyholder's personal account?

The ESIA contains data that does not correspond to the required organization. You should contact the ESIA administrators to edit the data in the system administration interface

Why are incorrect registration data of the policyholder indicated in the personal account?

- if the registration data of the policyholder differs from the data transmitted to the FSS, you must contact the support service of the policyholder's personal account;

- if the FSS was not previously informed about the need to change the registration data of the insured, you need to contact your fund branch

Why is it impossible to create a request to the FSS in response to the notification, if the "Notice of benefits" is displayed in the policyholder's personal account?

It is possible to generate a response to a notification only if the status of the notification is "Sent"

Why is the "Benefits Journal" and "Registry Journal" tabs unavailable to the policyholder?

Information on the registers of benefits, as well as on benefits and payments was provided to those policyholders who are located in the regions participating in the pilot project new system direct payment of insurance coverage

Why is the "Data exchange log" tab unavailable to the policyholder in the personal account?

The "Data exchange log" tab is unavailable for viewing in the absence of data on interaction with the fund

Why is the "Accidents, occupational diseases" tab unavailable to the policyholder in the personal account?

The "Accidents, occupational diseases" tab is unavailable for viewing in the absence of information about victims of industrial accidents and occupational diseases

Why can't I request an electronic sick leave in the policyholder's personal account?

You can request an electronic certificate of incapacity for work in the personal account of the policyholder starting with the hospital status "Closed"

When can I enter the electronic hospital data in the "To be completed by the employer" tab?

Why is the error "Server error ORA-20001: Policyholder pair (registration number, OGRN) not found in the directory" when requesting an electronic certificate of incapacity for work?

- OGRN is not indicated in the policyholder's certificate;

- the policyholder was not found in the register of policyholders for the pair (registration number, OGRN)

Why, when requesting a certificate of incapacity for work or trying to open a previously found CryptoPro hospital plug-in, EDS browser plug-in does not see the installed personal certificates?

- it is necessary to check whether the encryption provider sees the installed certificate. To do this, in the Vipnet CSP interface, open the container with the certificate, then in the "Private key stored in the container" section, click the "Open" button. A personal certificate should open. If the certificate does not open, it means that the encryption provider does not see the installed certificates. In this case, you need to reinstall the encryption provider (complete removal is not required, you need to reinstall the Vipnet CSP application);

- if the certificate is opened, the certification path chain should be checked. The certificate must be validated, have a private key, and the root CA certificates must be installed. All certificates must be valid;

- it is necessary to download and install all certificates of all root CAs (including intermediate ones). These certificates are placed in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities container. You need to download and install all revocation lists for all installed certificates, both personal and root. Revocation lists are installed automatically in the Intermediate Certification Authorities - Certificate Revocation Lists container;

- download the root CA certificates and the list of revoked CA certificates on the website of the CA that issued the user's personal certificate. A list of all CAs is given on the website The sites of the CA are indicated there

Actions of participants of electronic interaction

For convenience, we will present the main actions that are carried out in the process of registration and payment of electronic sick leave in the table.

Employee (insured person)

Medical organization

Employer (policyholder)

- when applying for medical care or in connection with pregnancy and childbirth, informs the doctor that his employer is a participant in information interaction on the formation of an electronic certificate of incapacity for work, otherwise it is drawn up on a paper form;

- informs the medical organization SNILS and gives his consent *;

- informs the policyholder about the electronic certificate of incapacity for work and indicates its number

- prepares an electronic certificate of incapacity for work and informs the insured person of its number;

- in the event that erroneous data are entered into the electronic hospital, re-issue it without the participation of the insured person

- asks the FSS for data on SNILS and the number of the electronic certificate of incapacity for work (using the selected method of information interaction);

- enters into the electronic hospital data necessary for the calculation, appointment and payment of benefits.

With the credit mechanism:

- transfers the updated and electronically signed electronic sick leave to the FSS;

- calculates benefits for temporary disability, for pregnancy and childbirth;

- pays benefits.

With the direct payment mechanism, fills in the register of information on the payment of benefits, signs it with an electronic signature and transfers the specified information to the FSS

* A typical form of informed voluntary consent to the formation of a certificate of incapacity for work in the form of an electronic document and the processing of personal data is posted on the official website of the FSS (

Is it mandatory to open a personal account of the policyholder?

The FSS in the Letter dated 11.08.2017 No. 02-09-11 / 22-05-13462 "On the participation of medical organizations and policyholders in the formation of a certificate of incapacity for work in the form of an electronic document" drew attention to the following: Federal Law No. 86-FZ obliges the employer to participate in the formation of an electronic certificate of incapacity for work has not been established. However, the information interaction of all participants in the formation of electronic sick leave today is due to the development social sphere and improving the system of ensuring the rights of citizens to receive insurance payments in a timely manner and in full and is a promising direction for modernizing the system of compulsory social insurance, the development of information technologies.

Also, the fund does not consider it mandatory to use the policyholder's personal account. According to the FSS specialists, it is one of the tools available to the insured for the implementation of functions, including the formation of an electronic certificate of incapacity for work.

For your information: in the absence of the employer's technical readiness for the formation of an electronic certificate of incapacity for work, the medical organization has the right to replace the generated electronic sick leave with a paper one. At the same time, through the software used, the medical institution indicates in the electronic certificate of incapacity for work to terminate its validity.

The right to choose the form of the certificate of incapacity for work remains with the insured person: at his request, he can be issued a paper sick leave, and with his written voluntary consent, an electronic certificate of incapacity for work can be generated and posted in the Sotsstrakh system. If the employer is technically unprepared to form an electronic hospital, the medical organization must replace the generated electronic certificate of incapacity for work with a paper one. In this case, information on the termination of its validity is indicated in the electronic sick leave.

In order to form an electronic certificate of incapacity for work, including the indication of information on the calculation of benefits for temporary incapacity for work, for pregnancy and childbirth, employers must submit information on each insured event to the FSS. For this, both its own software and software provided by the FSS can be used free of charge. Fund specialists note that the use of the insured's personal account is optional and is one of the tools available to the insured to implement the function of creating an electronic sick leave.


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