Signs for sale. What rite of passage to conduct for a successful and profitable trade? The hand of the giver will not fail

From time immemorial, people who sell various goods have been helped by conspiracies and omens for trade. Not only professional sellers resort to magic, but also ordinary people wanting to sell some things. After all, as the popular wisdom says, there is a merchant for every product. And any merchant dreams that a buyer for his products appears as soon as possible.

Sometimes when selling a quality product for affordable price people pass by, and other sellers have no end to buyers. Talent, experience and salesmanship play a big role in successful trading. But if you urgently need to implement some thing on favorable price, then folk signs will help. Trade subject to simple rules will improve and financial position will become stable.

What are the signs of a good trade?

The first thing to do when you come to the market or store in the morning and start to lay out the goods on the counter is to say:

"The product is my face and I myself have done well."

To attract buyers, bring some salt from your home and say to it:

“Hikers, travelers, come here, here is a place for you, food and water. Money for me, goods for you. Amen".

Throw in the salt right hand over the left shoulder.

Having sold any product, place the thing that you want to sell for a long time in its place. And in general, try to hang things that are on sale for a long time in front so that they are clearly visible to buyers. This will greatly increase the chances of selling them faster.

It's good if the first buyer is a man. This promises good trading all day long. If a woman makes the first purchase, then it is better to give change with her money, and not keep it for herself. Otherwise, the trade will be bad.

Often sellers, with the money received from the first buyer, spend on the remaining product, thus attracting new sales. You can do that too.

It is believed that the first buyer needs to yield, in which case you will bargain more. Having a fight with the first client is a bad sign, promising shortages.

If the first banknote sold is large, then the day will be successful. But it is not worth picking up a trifle that has fallen to the floor or the ground, because it will cause losses.

Those who sell goods by weight can put a coin under the scales, which will attract money.

Do not let other sellers iron your goods with your hands. It is believed that they will take all the luck, then you certainly won't have to wait for a good trade.

The folk saying "They meet by their clothes" is familiar to us from childhood. This rule also applies to trading. To attract as many buyers as possible, you must choose the right wardrobe. Clothes should be clean, tidy and non-flashy, but bright and defiant things are better to wear for another occasion. Also, each salesperson has a lucky outfit that they wore in the days when the trade was especially brisk. They try to put these wardrobe items on the market as often as possible, in the belief that they will attract more buyers.

If you finished trading at the end of the day, then it is better to leave the recalculation of profits until the morning, because counting money in the evening is a bad omen. At this time, the day is waning, and any financial transactions can bring a loss. That is why, after sunset, you can not lend, give and recalculate funds.

Signs of successful trade say: returning home from the market and meeting a beggar on the way, be sure to give him alms, saying to yourself: "May the hand of the giver not fail." Remember that the good you have done will definitely return.

If you want to always have money, then three days before the onset of the full moon, put the largest bill you have in the house under the carpet. Let her lie there until the moment when the moon begins to wane. Then the money must be obtained and carried to the rest.

Good trade conspiracies

Not only signs of trade for the seller, but also special conspiracies will help you to increase sales. There are many rituals to improve trading, but too often they should not be used. You cannot read conspiracies while intoxicated or in a bad mood.

On Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, you can read the grain conspiracy. On this day, at least one of the items in your wardrobe should be yellow. Take a handful of any grain in your hands, slowly pour it into a pre-prepared saucer, while saying:

Sprinkle the grain three times, each time reading the plot. Do not throw away the groats, but give them to the birds.

A scarf conspiracy is also considered effective. In the morning, washing your face before going to the market, wipe your face with a handkerchief and read the plot by heart:

You need to take the scarf with you to the place where you trade.

There are also trade conspiracies that need to be read every day. For example, every morning, coming to workplace, first of all say:

“I am starting to trade, to call money merchants.

Cash buyers will come, all my goods will be taken away.

I will not know shortage and loss,

I will always have plenty of money.

My wallet will be filled with money,

And luck and luck knock on my house. Amen".

To conspiracies and prayers on good trade gave the result, remember that you need to live according to your conscience. Do not envy other people, look at all the events that are taking place positively, let anger and hatred never settle in your heart.

Video: Signs for Successful Trading

Conspiracies for good trade, sale (many).

Conspiracies for good trade, sale.

Girls who are engaged in needlework and want to sell their needlework, there is a good conspiracy)) I highlighted it in red.

Good trade conspiracies

Each of us, in one way or another, is involved in commercial affairs: some have their own outlets, others work as sellers in state-owned stores, and others as distributors for the "owner". And of course, we all systematically act as buyers.

Despite the various "hypostases" of traders, they are united by one thing: the desire to sell as much goods as possible, and not just sell, but with maximum profit. In addition to business qualities, honesty and commercial "vein", in trade, as, probably, in other areas, luck and luck play an important role. I suggest you, dear trade workers, to adopt the conspiracies below, designed to increase trade, and, consequently, profits.

Sometimes it happens that the buyer leaves some part of the change to the dealer. Basically, this is, of course, a trifle, but it will come in handy for a magical ritual, so do not use it in your work. Take the little thing home, and say it, holding it in your left hand:

A month, a full month,

Middle month, month young.

Give me a treasure from a penny.

How my mother gave birth, a slave

(mother's name),

I swaddled in the first diaper.

I do not girdle with a belt,

And the gold-silver tuesky.

My word is strong

business is stucco. Amen.

I hope you are friendly with the buyer, but so that no one leaves without a purchase at all, do this more often. Look at the customer, smile, and rub your hands together and say out loud:

Please take,

inexpensive! And about myself:

Take mine, give yours.


The ritual is performed on any day of the week, except Saturday and the 13th, 22nd and 27th numbers. During it, you must be alone in the room. Take a paper bill, preferably 100 rubles, measure its length 49 times on a red woolen thread. Cut the thread with scissors and wind it around the left wrist, tucking the ends under the wound thread. While wrapping it around your wrist, say seven times:

Money for me, trade for me.

All for me.

And you - the goods and change. Amen.

Take a handful of salt to work; before you start trading, throw it with your right hand over your left shoulder with the words:

Hiking, driving, come here:

Money for me, goods for you.


Buy a prosphora on a holy holiday. Before going to trade, take it in your left hand, cross yourself and say twelve times:

Lord, Lord, help.

Then bow to the front corner of the room and read:

King Herod had

twelve daughters,

And how true that there were

twelve, not thirteen,

So true and true

That I will sell my product.

After that, eat the prosphora and go to the trading place.

Sell ​​stale goods

The following will help to sell stale, low-moving goods. Go to the forest and, after finding an ant pile there, take a handful of ants. In a bag or scarf, take them to the workplace and pour them on this product with the words:

Like goose bumps in that house

many, so many buyers

for my item send to me,

Lord. Amen.

Such a conspiracy will help to sell the "difficult" thing:

I am a merchant, always well done.

I will sell our goods to you.

Money goes to money.

Your money for us -

Our product for you. Amen.

Speak to the water, which you then spray on your ready-to-sell item, especially for wholesalers:

Deeds, Lord,

Thou rivers with pure lips

Own, as without me it is not

you can do nothing

My Lord, Lord, by faith

the volume of our soul, help

me, a sinner, Thy servant

(name), this is our life

trade, in buying, selling,

change and in everything. You,

Lord Lord,

do it yourself in the name

Father and Son and Holy Spirit.


Holy angel Michael,

we trade in your holy name,

save, save and bless

with your holy prayers<

Servant of God (name)

start and do

happy and prosperous

trade. In the name of the Father

and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For a good deal

For a trade deal and the trade itself to be successful, read over a financial document, over an item in stock or just received for sale, over your wallet, etc.:

Gold, gold

Sprinkle to me

Like peas in the bin, like

grains of barley on the threshing floor,

Like rye on the current!

Gold, gold, stick to

To my hands,

What flies to honey

Butterflies to the light

Grass to the sun!

Gold, gold, pour into mine

pockets without a count.

Without measure, in handfuls,

By the handfuls!

Gold, gold

Stick with me

Like ice with water

Like a nightingale with spring, like

Fish and grass!

I'm not a morgue huckster,

And the merchant is a fine fellow.

I sell it in pieces

I hang in abundance,

I measure with powder

I cut with an increase,

Pour with the remainder.

Be in my barn

Treasure and well,

Yes, everything is ergot.

Without protesters, without ruin,

No burnout and no burnout,

All the days of my bazaar.


It is a very powerful remedy for successful trading, consisting of a prayer to Seraphim of Sarov, an ambulance for all those who ask, and a conspiracy.

First, read a prayer that will not bother you with other requests, being one of the most important prayers of Orthodox believers:

About the Great Father Seraphim, the great SarovMiraculous!
A hasty helper to all who come running to You!
In the days of Thy earthly life, no one else From Thee is thin and inconsolable in leaving,
But all in sweetness was the vision of Thy face and the Godly voice of their words.
To this, the gift of healings, the gift of insight, the gift of the weak souls of healing is abundant in You.<
When God called You from earthly labors to heavenly rest,
Nothing more Thy fingers are from us, and it is impossible to count Thy miracles,
Multiplied, like the stars of heaven: Behold, on all the ends of the earth is ours
Appear to the people of God and grant them healings. The same we cry to Ti,
O prey and meek Grace of God, Bold prayer to him,
Nicholizhe calling thee off! Exalt Thy beneficent for us
prayer to the Lord of forces, may he grant us all the good that is needed in this life
And everything useful to spiritual salvation, May it protect us from the falls of sinful
And let him teach us true repentance,
Into the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, Thou art now in the everlasting glory,
And there to chant with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity for ever and ever. Amen.

After reading the prayer, a conspiracy for a successful trade follows:

The works of the Lord, His
pure lips
They will pray for me.
My Lord, Lord, by faith
help my soul,
Multiply all my deeds by
In the change and purchase,
And in everything that he lives
In Your Holy Name, my bargaining.
And your protection will be.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Taking the first bill from the buyer for the sold thing, they immediately give change, and when the buyer leaves, they sweep this bill with the slander:

The merchant took all the goods.
I bought one, saved up the second,
Everything will come to me.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

The bill is placed in the cashier, in a wallet or other place where the proceeds are added.

When you receive money for a product sold, say to yourself or quietly aloud:

In our wallet - your
money. Your treasury -
my treasury.

Speak a small amount of honey:

How fervent bees swarm yes
flock, so to us,
merchants, merchants

Lightly smear with this honey, but, of course, so as not to create inconvenience to yourself: whiskey, chin, etc.

Sell ​​a DIY product

Selling a handmade product (painting, embroidery, bookcase) is not always easy. And it is a pity for labor, and for wasted time, but what to do, how to interest buyers? Before selling such a thing, read over it:

Evil angels of darkness
we will entangle with hemp
nets and shackles!
Evil spirit! Are you coming out of
wood, or water,
Or air, do you rush
by the wind,
Are you from the sun or
Move aside, so after all you -
evil spirit!
My cross protects me
With me God the Father, God the Son,
God the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Holy Trinity, we
confuse evil spirits
And we will seal with words
Matvey, Mark,
Luke, and John.
You, God, save and protect
By your merciful cross
the roof of my house.

Unfortunately, in trading, not every person has impeccable honesty. If you are a member of a brigade contract and notice that they want to deceive you, then before handing over the shift, say:

Go Judas, don't be cunning, Jesus,
save me,
Give the head of a slave (name
trying to deceive you)
His tricks, his impudence -
fig. Cunning (name). Yes me
you can't buy it. Amen.

If you, the owner of trade enterprises or even one stall, notice that your distributors are not entirely clean on hand, protect yourself and your income. On Sunday, buy a candle in the church and put it on the icon of John the New Sochavsky, a former merchant involved in commercial affairs. In the same place, in the church, take holy water and take it to your outlet, spray it all the corners and doors and read on them 3 times:

My copper money, money
my gold,
Any money is mine.
Come to my hands
to my wallets. Go to
monday, go to
tuesday, go wednesday,
go on Thursday,
Go friday and saturday,
Go on Sunday too.
And who will take my money,
Who will steal my money
They will lose theirs a hundred times.
Let every penny and ruble
they know me.
Not to someone else's hands
but to my wallets.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

As in any field, envy and competition are possible in trade. For example, you are more attractive and friendly to customers than your “merchandise” standing alongside you. As a result, your goods are sold out well, and they are bypassed. We already know that there is only one step from envy to the evil eye, so try to protect yourself from such a phenomenon by making a talisman. Speak on a handkerchief, pin, comb or something like that - the main thing is that no one knows about it and you yourself do not use this thing for its intended purpose, but simply have it with you as a talisman that brings good luck and protects from the evil eye, or, even worse, spoilage.

Oh my God,
I am in front of you,
Please keep me
to defend with a talisman.
I ask all the holy men
save and protect:
Ivan the Theologian, Ivan
Ivan Bezglavy,
Ivan the Baptist,
Ivan the Postitel,
Michael the Archangel,
Archangel Gabriel,
Nicholas the Wonderworker,
Great Martyr.
Faith, Hope, Love
and their mother Sophia. Get up
under your shield,
which will protect me.
In the Name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In order not to jinx your income, you can do so.

Facing east, read the prayer, "which I do not quote here, since each of us must know it by heart. After that, this conspiracy:

I'll go to an open field
I will pray to the Lord God.
There are three roads on the way,
The holy Apostle is walking.
As an apostle, evil is not
Neither to his body nor to his face
The enemy doesn't touch
Neither to his deed, nor to his word,
Not to his holy feet,
So it would be for my money
Wouldn't touch or
Neither evil people nor
envious eyes
No eager people.
They did not oyk, do not ooze,
did not ask, did not judge,
How are you, holy Apostle,
God is blessed.
By the power of the holy is strong,
So I have three holy powers:
One near, one behind
And the third force is ahead.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If the product sold out well, but then suddenly ceased to be in demand:

Find a knot in a birch board, remove it so that you get a ring that can be put on the little finger of your left hand. Every month, on a full moon, at 12 o'clock at night, put it on your little finger with the words of a conspiracy, then take it off and go to bed. In the morning, take it with you to work, and when you come, put it back on the same finger. Then drag the ring crosswise across the product:

Whom would I take, but not
me. Whom would trouble love
and bypassed me.
Take care of me, bereginya,
Mother Birch, Forest Goddess:
From damage, from harm,
from misfortune and shame.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever
and forever and ever.

Also if you suspect the evil eye. Prepare the previously mentioned water. Once a month, on every full moon, take her to work and spray your place. Table, chair, merchandise, and if there are flowers, water them. The conspiracy is this:

Purgatory water
Wash it out, drive it out
splash out:
Lessons, ghosts,
braids, cinnamon,
Of an evil man of speeches,
cleaner eyes,
Marmot, marmot, marmot,
From the female evil eye,
from the male.
Friday mother
a kind of peasant,
Take this evil eye:
From the walls, from the windows, from the doors,
From me, from my affairs,
from my speeches,
From my clear eyes
From blood, from relatives, from the head,
from the back,
From things, from a wallet,
from gold, from silver,
From windy, feigned,
from the evil eye.
How my mother gave birth to me
The beard blessed.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Not only envy and the evil eye can harm your trading business, but also racketeers and small (however, big ones too) thieves. To protect yourself, before leaving the house, stand on the doorstep and say:

Prayer to the Mother of God
grieving, deliver us
from troubles, save from sorrows,
deliver from evil people,
from an evil spirit.
Saint Father Nicholas,
help us with your
petitions to
Lord Jesus Christ.

If you have to travel to other cities for goods, in order to avoid all sorts of troubles, use this conspiracy.It is read three times: the first - before the trip, the second - before the purchase, and the third - before the sale:

Like a mother church with a look
do not break,
You can't get sand from the ocean
Black eye, brown eye,
blue and green
In my business, not
may interfere.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit.

Often the goods are handed over "for sale", and after some time they either take the proceeds or what remains unsold. But if the distributor is dishonest and you cannot get either one or the other, proceed as follows Prepare the aspen flakes and burn them for three nights in a row, talking about the coming smoke:

As the splinter burns, so do you,
slave (name),
You will smolder and burn
You can't fill with holy water,
Until you return mine. Amen.

Buying various goods from private sellers, we, in accordance with the laws of the market, usually bargain, and now companies also offer various discounts. If you want a solid price concession, arm yourself with two of these conspiracies.

After spitting on your palms, run your hands through your hair, as if licking it. At the same time, quietly say:

Oh, I'm a merchant,
Oh, I'm great.
To every merchant, to every
well done,
A merchant to all merchants, to all<
well done.
Bargaining by auction
with all sorts of merchants,
Their first word,
my second word.
Their word is brass
my word is golden.

When bargaining with a seller, say to yourself:

Break off, merchant
from your piece,
half is enough for you.

For a good trade

They say salt, throw it with the right hand over the left shoulder at the "workplace".

Hikers, travelers, come here, here is a place for you, food and water.
Money for me, goods for you. Amen.

For the same

When they wash themselves before trading, they read, wiping themselves with a handkerchief, and they take a handkerchief with them to trade.

For profitable trading

Look at the person (buyer), smile and rub your hands, say out loud:

"Please take it. Inexpensive!" And about yourself: you take mine, you give yours. Amen.

To be successful in trading

If you have acquired a store, which is not new now, take care of your trading success. So that you always have a lot of buyers, do this. Take oats from nine horse feeders, then from two canteens or cafes from doors to litter. Sprinkle it in the corners of your store while saying:

How many oats in nine decks, how much rubbish in two taverns, so many buyers in my shop. Amen.

To make a profit

Take dirt from the place where there are livestock or animals. Get hot coals out of the stove, throw mud there. The time should be about 12 days, that is, the time when the service is in the church. Along with the coal, leave the threshold of the house and immediately run back into the house. Going through the threshold, say three times:

As these animals walked and ran a lot, so there would be a lot of work and profit for me.

Fumigate all the rooms of your house with this smoke.

For successful bargaining

As bees swarming furiously, so all the merchants would come to me, the merchant, to praise the goods, grab rich boxes from their hands, full of bins. Amen.

Strong bargaining conspiracy (to lose in price)

This is necessary when buying a house, garden, goods, etc. Spit on your palms and run your hands over your head (as if licking). Speak quietly:

Oh, I'm a merchant. Oh, I'm a good fellow, every merchant, every good fellow. A merchant for all merchants, well done for all good fellows. I bargain with all sorts of merchants. Their word is first, and my word is second. Their word is brass, mine is golden. Amen.

So that the merchant gives you a price

Break it off, merchant, from your piece, half is enough for you. Amen.

Trading is not an easy business, and so that you do not fail in it, learn the merchant secrets for successful trade, which have been collected and used by Slavic merchants since ancient times. And then even in a crisis you will be with a big profit, because you will know how to trade well!

If you decide to engage in trade (large or small - it doesn't matter), plant a money tree at home. It does not have to be the familiar fat woman. Any houseplant can become your money tree. Just when landing on the bottom of the pot, you need to put 3 white coins of different denominations and say:

"I plant a tree - I call good luck in trade. The tree will branch out, but I will not go astray - to trade boldly, to sell skillfully, to welcome customers, to make a profit."

And then your business will go well.

It is considered a good omen for any seller to have a small icon or just an image, printed on a printer, of the holy Martyr Anatoly of Nicaea. In any difficult business situation, you can ask him for intercession:

"Saint Anatoly of Nicaea, patron of all merchant people, do not forget about me, be my intercessor, settle my affairs - fend off enemies."

You will definitely sell out the goods and attract a solid profit if, going to trade, you pour a handful of millet under the rug in the hallway and say:

"Big bargaining - no product back. How many grains under the carpet - so many thousands today to my house."

To protect your merchandise from thieves, take a small bundle of straw, tie it with red ribbon and say:

"Straw of gold, lock the gates, do not let the money go - take care of the goods from the thief."

Tie this amulet under the counter or under the table on which the goods are laid out.

Before you start selling, walk around the shopping area (store building) or just walk back and forth near the front door of your shopping pavilion, repeating to yourself 3 times:

"Mother of God, with your help, let the day be set; let there be a merchant for every product."

After that, the trade will go briskly.

If you sell vegetables, fruits or anything else from your backyard, try in the morning to the first customer or just a passer-by to give something for free (an apple, a bunch of greens, a bouquet of flowers, and so on). It will attract good luck. Just giving, do not forget to say to yourself:

"I will give you, I will sell myself. Truly."

If you happen to change money to one of your fellow sellers by giving a coin or bills, first squeeze them in your fist, and then say this:

"I change money, but I will not lose myself."

If you do not do this, then you can give your trading luck.

You can use ordinary salt to forestall the intrigues of competitors who want to frustrate your trading business in all possible ways. Put a small pile of salt on your right palm, and then, substituting it under a thin stream of water, say:

"The water washes the salt away, my cause protects. Just as salt cannot catch on to the palm, so the black thought of my competitors is not given to come true. They cannot rejoice at my failures, I do not be sad."

No one will be able to spoil your trading luck and jinx success if you tie a green woolen thread around the wrist of your left hand, on which you tie 7 knots. While doing this, say 7 times (for each knot) such a conspiracy:

"A knot to a knot lays down, the evil eye and damage to trading success will not happen."

If some product is stale, move a pocket mirror over it, saying:

"What will be reflected in the mirror will not be stale on the counter, there will be a buyer for that, he will return to me like a hard coin."

And everything is really going to be sold out soon.

If you "happened" to have a very profitable customer, make a rite of passage for him to become a regular customer. Give him the change or the card that he presented to pay for the goods with your left hand, and say to yourself:

"A good buyer will love any seller, but now you will not pass by, you will always turn to us. As it is said, it will be so."

Sell ​​significantly more the next day if you put the largest bills you can get from customers in a day in your breast pocket and say this:

"Money will reach for money, my business will not remain without large profits. What is received today will double tomorrow. My merchant's word is strong."

To avoid trouble from the services checking your point of sale, make a talisman. On a full moon, pour any oil into the smallest bottle you can find and throw flaxseed into it. Say above the bubble:

"Along the oily path from my nut, I will dare trouble, I will add goodness with pure seed. If there is a check, then it will not harm my affairs, there will be no miscalculations, nothing to get away with."

Hide the bubble in a secluded place in your outlet.

When ending your day, be sure to clean up your trading space. Do this especially carefully if the last day was unsuccessful: you did not please with the revenue, there were quarrels with customers, you were presented with claims for the goods sold. When the cleaning job is finished, light the church candle and say so:

"Burn it, hot fire, everything bad - send good. Day is no match for day, since I cry today, tomorrow I expect good luck. So that's how it is."

Then extinguish it and leave it at the trading place. And the next day you will definitely be lucky in business.

Trade rituals and conspiracies. Profit conspiracies.
... A product is an energy structure. Although, of course, you can pick it up, touch and touch it. But the products for sale behave absolutely like energy. Do you remember the old phrase: "money for money"? The people accurately reflected the essence of the energy of money earned for goods - this is a clear principle of a magnet.
... What is a magnet for buyers, why some come to the counter and willingly buy everything, while others, after reflection, leave. Or maybe it's the nature of wealthy merchants? The fact is that most of them have some kind of potential of the so-called "trade power". In other words, not every person succeeds in becoming a successful salesperson. Remember how at the beginning of the difficult 90s absolutely everyone rushed into trade - from a teacher to a plumber. Yes, many of them "found themselves" - little by little they got promoted, opened outlets, shops, etc. Some of them just magically managed to even enter the arena of big business and have established themselves as favorites of Fortune. But, unfortunately, many of the merchants, in truth, went bankrupt. And all because they did not have this or that "trading power" potential. Well, not according to fate, they went - that's all.
... The stock of "trading power" determines how much a trader can earn and, most importantly, spend it wisely or invest in the promotion of his business. This power can be attracted, held, and even trained. By increasing it, sellers accordingly increase the cash flow that comes to them. The main thing is to learn how to keep the cash flow: "commodity - money - commodity", determine its direction and correct it in the right direction. After all, the flow can be upward (money flows to you), and downward (they leave you).
... Of course, when trade falls, only an extremely frivolous trader will not feel it. It is important to learn to catch the moment when "trading power" changes direction. Nothing has happened yet, and the situation is tense. This is where you need to feel it - and correct it.
... When trade collapses, problems begin with finances and inspection bodies, if at a trading place you find ruinous items, and you see that the situation is getting out of control and you do not know what to do, please do not guess on a daisy, but urgently conduct an energy cleaning of premises that will put protection on your trade. Contact a specialist who will tell you an amulet for good luck in business, will attract "trading power" to you.
... Let's go directly to rituals and conspiracies to improve trade. All of them, except for the first, are performed only on the growing moon. Do all this in secret, never tell anyone that you have performed these rituals. When they are held, you cannot joke, laugh, have fun. Never perform rituals for fun or for company. Alcohol should not be consumed three days before. There is one thing to keep in mind when trading. It is necessary to treat all customers in a human way. Do not be stingy, do not respond to the attacks of energy vampires and vampires, do not quarrel with them. Do not cheat, do not put on weight, do not mischief. Let's change right. Meet and see people off with kindness and gratitude, no matter how difficult it is.
... I admire one woman I know who has been involved in trade for quite some time. Going to the market in the morning, she reads conspiracies for trade and morning prayers at home for about half an hour. Arriving at the trading place, she, without embarrassment of anyone, sprinkles her goods with holy water, sprinkles with the spoken poppy and loudly and clearly reads 3 times over the goods "Our Father". At first, many of the merchant neighbors twirled their fingers at their temples, and then they got used to it. But a woman doesn't give a damn about all this: she trusts herself and her trade to God, and her business is going great.
So let your trading place become not just a "trading point", but the Zone of Fortune!
1. To get rid of failure in trading, on the waning moon, take any old rag, blow it around the dust from your trading place. You can also wash the floor with it. Wrap any unnecessary key in it, utter the following words into a bundle: “Dashing beggar, dashingly unprofitable, dashingly unprofitable, don’t touch me, the servant of God (name), be quiet, swim away on the water, don’t call me with you. Lie under the snag, hold the clawed crawfish, the white-headed fool. So that I do not wear rags and never be poor, so that I can sell all the goods and not accumulate rags. Take you away with the wave, I am rich and free. I send poverty away, I close the words with a key. The lock is in the company, and the key is in the water. Amen".

Take the bundle to the river and drown in the water.

2. If you see hops among the grass, which winds and strives towards the sun, cross yourself and say the following words to it 3 times: “Like the hop winds around the pillar to the sun, so that private merchants hop around me, servants of God (name)
yes generous buyers. Till the end of time. Amen". There is no need to pull hops out of the ground.

To help establish trade can refer to the so-called "Power Point", which is located in the center of the shopping place. In the store, this is the center of the trading floor. In the market, estimate roughly where its center is. Take an iron ruble or hryvnia at home, dip it in eucalyptus oil, let it dry and say to it 3 times: “My gift is on your trade roads. As you accept this money, you will marry me with luck. Fortune luck, I'll be a mile to you of white light, clear water, delicious food. Miss, luck, for me, God's servant (name). My word for word, my business is in business, so that luck-forts for me, (name), my heart ached. My conspiracy is long, my words are strong, whoever overturns the word, otherwise be in everything in the same way, for the worst, for the good, as it was said before. "

In the center of the shopping place, powerful energy trade flows intersect, which are of immense power. Therefore, it is important to “cajole” this force and throw a metal charmed hryvnia into this center, saying at the same time: “Paid”. It does not matter that you may even see at once that someone took this ransom for himself (this is natural), what is important is the very magical manipulation carried out by you.

4. You can also make a purchase for your luck in trading. Put a unit of your product, a kilogram of nuts, a loaf of white bread, a bottle of good red wine, and a banknote in a clean bag. Say a conspiracy to trade: “I will stand, blessing the east, the east side. I have the Holy Cross on me, Jesus Christ is with me everywhere. The sky is my castle, the earth is my keys, and you, luck, knock on me. From this day of God, wealth goes to my trade, the purchase of wealth gives. I give a purchase to the mother church, I will ask her to come to me, (NAME), to drive people - gather to me, the merchant, people from all sides, my goods to you, my bow to you. Ordinary people and bars, take my products, they are sweeter than mother's milk, tastier than honey, a sip of water is needed. My deed and my word in the name of the Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Take the package to the church, just do not put it on the memorial table.

5. It is necessary to cross the goods, iron what you sell and say a conspiracy for trade: “I am the servant of God (name), I stroke my product (name of the product), I get along with the buyer. The first will come and look, the second will come and praise, and the third will come and buy at an exorbitant price. The word is a knot, you cannot untie it. Amen".

6. Take a small black cloth, crumple it, then roll it in salt and say over it: “My black longing, my black sorrow, my black blackness. Go away forever. Come to me good, gold and silver! Money for money, a ruble for a pretty penny! I always have a chamber full of goodness. Everyone who comes will leave with nothing. My profit, my joy. It’s good for me to sell, but I don’t know grief! Amen".

After that, the black rag must be thrown out the window, moreover, it must be thrown with such force that it flew far, far away.

“With my own hands, with my lips, I speak, I pronounce, I speak clean water. Give, water, strength for trade, for prosperity, go, Lord, through the water, prosperity. Jesus Christ will rinse His little hands, my guardian angel will take this water, bring it to me, God's servant (name). I will pray to the Lord God, I will be saved by his pure water. Whoever knows this conspiracy, reads it before trading, will not count the gold and silver. I lock my word and my deed and lock them with seven keys. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Wash hands before trading.

8. On the eve of a trading day, not late in the evening, one should read such a conspiracy for trade: “Send me, Saint Nicholas Ugodnichek, fair and profitable trade. Till the end of time. Amen".

9. Cut a loaf of bread into quarters at night. For each piece of bread, read the conspiracy to trade like this: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The true Christ washed and rinsed, was not afraid of anything, then sat down at the oak table, ate some white bread, stood up and said: "As this bread was divided into four parts, so (name) luck showed itself." As people's hands are greedy for bread, so that from me, God's servants (name), they take everything, take it apart, give me good money for everything. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Take this bread to the church in the morning and give each piece of bread to an individual begging.

10. To improve trading, you need to look into the eyes of the turtle and stroke its shell 4 times. For a more radical change in your luck, you need to take the turtle home for two weeks, and the larger it is, the more significant changes in trade await you. From time to time you can take it with you to trade.
I. Popovich, healer. Based on materials.

Trade is the basic economic concept of buying and selling goods and services. Selling cars, living space or personal belongings is common. The main desire is to sell the item and make a good profit. Fortune does not always turn towards desire, sometimes it seems that she has turned away. Do not despair, try a strong sales conspiracy that will help attract customers and quickly say goodbye to stale goods.

In this article

Features of rituals

Follow the rules for performing rituals:

  1. Cleanse yourself before the ceremony. The mind should not be filled with bad thoughts.
  2. Cleanse the body, relieve tension.
  3. For ceremonies, clothes made from natural fabrics are needed - clean and comfortable.
  4. Meditate until the mind is clear. Do breathing exercises to improve your focus. Discard thoughts that distract from desire.
  5. Anoint yourself with a suitable essential oil. Take, for example, patchouli oil and lightly press on your forehead with your fingers, drip on your hands, hair, face.
  6. Clear the space. Make sure you are not disturbed. When the space is purely physical, cleanse it spiritually by burning incense, sprinkle with salt or holy water.
  7. To perform the ritual, you will need a consecrated space. Draw a circle to guard against the interference of negative spirits and energies, an altar to focus the initiation on a particular deity or element, or some combination of the two. Perform the ritual in a circle or in front of an altar.
  8. Call on the divine. Verbally invoke a higher power to bless the spell. It could be a prayer to invoke the help of a deity or power. The invocation can also include gestures, music, dancing, or ritual candlelighting.
  9. Focus your energy on desire. Visualize the object of the spell and imagine light pouring out of you into it. Imagine your wish. The brighter you see these energies in the mind, the more real they will be.
  10. Speak the spell clearly and confidently.
  11. Say thank you to the higher power you have summoned.

Trade plots and rituals

In ancient times, merchants were considered one of the richest classes. Desert caravans, navigation. The whole world was in their hands, and they traded it.

Here you can only talk about luck. But any successful business has its roots. The secret is magical interference. Helped in the past and will help now. Reading conspiracies and rituals for a successful trade, you can return luck and get a good profit.

Rite of passage for a successful course of affairs

Through this ceremony, you will attract customers and increase your income. For the ceremony you will need:

  • new rag;
  • good mood.

Start your day with a wet cleaning. Soak a cloth in holy water and wipe the workplace, counters, saying the words three times:

"Famously beggar, famously unsold,
Don't touch me, don't touch my goods!
Get away from me, get away from here
through the water, through the forest, through the swamp,
Don't call me with you
take the dead cancer
lie under the snag.
So as not to know poverty for me,
my goods do not lie low,
I send poverty and poverty away,
I sweep away all misfortunes and failures with a rag!
Strength, water, tongue. Amen!"

After the ceremony, throw the rag into the pond.

Fast Trade Conspiracy

A customer came to the store and took a long time to choose things, but hesitated to buy.

Come up to him. Say hello, and smiling, say:

"Take it, it's cheap!"

Good Trade Conspiracy

If you have low prices, a good product, but no one takes it. Read the good trade conspiracy. Put on clothes the color of the sun, pick up millet, pour from hand to hand, saying:

"Gold-gold, be friends with me,
like ice with water
Like a nightingale with spring, like dew with grass!
I am not a huckster - a morgue,
and the merchant is a fine fellow,
I sell on honor,
I hang in excess, measure with powder,
I cut with an increase, pour with the remainder.
Have a treasure in my barn, yes,
yes, there is ergot in everything, without protesters, without ruin,
No burnout and no burnout in all the days and years of my bazaar.
Take care of the merchant's conscience,
and fate will be favorable to your business "

For successful trading

As bees fly to sugar, customers can be lured.

Speak honey:

“As bees swarm near the hive,
so to me, the seller,
all buyers converged,
the product was praised,
large boxes were snatched out of their hands,
full of bins. Amen"

Put a few drops on your wrist and go trade.

Conspiracy for wholesalers

Take holy water and sprinkle on the item you want to sell in large quantities. Read the conspiracy to sell things:

“Holy angel Michael,
we trade under your auspices.
Save, save and protect us
servants of God (names) with their prayers to the saints.
Help to start and make a successful and profitable trade.
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen"

For a good deal

A good deal is the key to success. Not a big rite will help to accomplish it. Required attributes:

  • water;
  • red or yellow fabric.

Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in liquid. Soak a cloth in it and wipe your face, pronouncing the spell:

“Don't knead the stone with your hands,
you can't count the stars with your eyes,
my strong word cannot be removed from me.
I am a young merchant, I carry a golden crown with me,
Like bees fly to honey,
so everyone looks at my product.
They want to take it for themselves. Amen"

Take a rag with you to the deal. Whenever you go to an event like this, take it with you. Perform the ceremony once every 40 days.

So that there is a profit

To carry out the ritual for profit, you will need the following attributes:

  • mud from a farm with livestock;
  • burnt coal.

In the morning, at six o'clock, take the coals and mix with the mud. Throw over the threshold of the house, saying the words three times:

“How these animals walked and ran a lot,
so I wouldn't count my profits,
work cannot be redone "

Muslim conspiracies for trade

Muslim countries are famous for their bazaars. Silks, carpets, gold, silver, all have an unrivaled value. Selling and luring is in the blood of eastern merchants. There are several secrets: bargaining skills and conspiracies. The suras of the Koran are most often used, they say in a full voice a prayer for trade:

“Oh Allah!
Give prosperity (grace) scales and things,
which were weighed on them "

We work with clients

Sometimes you go into a small store for the sake of curiosity. A nice seller meets, smiles, offers goods, if he hasn't bought anything, wishes him a good day. And how not to return to this store after that. And it happens the other way around, you can't buy it - they throw curses at you. Trade is, first of all, working with people. Attitude is important. Always hunting to return to the place where it is good. And so that the flow of customers does not stop, add a little magic.

How to attract customers?

Nuances and attributes for the ceremony to attract customers:

  • the rite is done on the 3rd or 6th day of the week;
  • at sunrise;
  • the spell is pronounced in full voice;
  • believe that the ceremony will help;
  • need a rag;
  • will need holy water

Soak a cloth in water and rinse all corners in the room with the words:

“Get away from my product and from me
famously unsold and stranger poverty!
Get away from my workplace
along the river, along the land, through the forest.
Lie under a forest snag,
Don't call me to your place!
I sweep away all the failures with a rag
I send poverty away -
forest, river, water and land!
My goods do not lie, but are sold instantly,
because the power is in water, purity and language.
I invite buyers, I offer the goods. Amen!"

Then, throw the rag into the river or burn it.

So that the buyer does not leave without a purchase

You do not always need to rely on your own strengths and ability to trade - these are important qualities, but do not hesitate to turn to higher powers.

They will always help and will not leave you in trouble. So that the buyer does not leave you without a purchase, read the prayer:

“The Lord God gave people wheat.
She spikes with an ear
She feeds young and old,
beggars and boyars.
Kings and princes eat it,
I bow to this ear too.
How do you, ear, give wheat
Get hold of one grain:
One, two and three.
Holy Trinity, help,
Cover me from poverty, protect me.
Cover, tenfold, all my cash laris.
Let my money be born, multiply
As an ear in a field is born, multiplies,
It grows by night and day
Doesn't let people die of hunger:
Beggars and princes, bars and kings
And to us, Orthodox merchants.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen"

For buyers to shop

Features of the ritual:

  • the ritual cannot be performed on Saturday and Sunday;
  • it is impossible to carry out on the 13th, 22nd, 27th;
  • the ritual is performed alone.

Required attributes:

  • paper bill, of any denomination;
  • red thread.

Take a bill and measure its length with a thread 49 times, cut with a knife. In the store, wrap the doorknob with this thread, saying the conspiracy:

“I have money, me trade.
All to me. And you - the goods and change. Amen"

We start talking the goods

In shops or in the bazaar, you can watch how sellers, after the first buyer, fan the goods with money. Many do not attach importance to such actions, but this is a kind of ritual. The right words will complement it and bring prosperity and successful sale of things.

How to speak a product?

When you go to work, remember to say the following words:

“I'm going to trade!
Good fellow to meet!
A good fellow will come and take my goods!
No loss, for profit, on the doorstep!
God will help me in this!
Conditions will be created!
Lord, bless this tree for money:
for gold, silver and copper!
Money is hidden in the ground, silver is hidden,
fired up, tempted, cleansed from the earth in the sevenfold.
You, Lord, keep us, keep us
from this generation and in the age of centuries! Amen!"

Sell ​​stale goods

To carry out the ritual for the successful sale of "stale" goods, go to the forest. Find an anthill, take out a few insects and put them in a jar.

Take to the workplace, pouring out, pronounce the conspiracy:

“There are a lot of ants in that house,
there are so many buyers for my product
send me, Lord. Amen"

Baptism of goods

One of the strongest rituals for selling a product is its "baptism". Certain rules must be followed:

  • carry out the ritual before the start of the working day;
  • be focused and not distracted;
  • perform the ceremony once every seven days;
  • you cannot stutter while reading the words of the spell.

Of the attributes, you only need a mirror. Passing the counters in the store, present the goods with the sign of the cross, saying:

“I am baptizing goods, I am baptizing for sale!
So that you see your product as in a mirror,
So prettier and the client liked it!
So that the first one comes to buy, the second to buy,
The last one - also bought!
And no one left me without a purchase! "

After the ritual, put the mirror on the shelf, among the goods.

Conspiracies on objects

Items retain magical energy. Words are a program, what you say on them will work.

Ritual for money

Autumn is a great time of the year. Trees change their outfit, and this is the most favorable period for carrying out a ritual for money.

Find an aspen, hug like an old friend and shake slightly, saying the conspiracy three times:

“How true it is that Judas hanged himself on an aspen,
and how many leaves fall at my feet,
so let me have money
just as much and how true! "

On your way home, buy a broom. Place it near the threshold, with a whisk upwards with the words:

"My word is strong!"

Talk to change

"A penny - the ruble protects." Often after a purchase, people leave a trifle. To make these pennies turn into a large amount and attract buyers, perform a ceremony.

Take the change left by the buyer home and whisper the plot to them:

“A full month, average month and young!
Give me a treasure from a penny.
How my mother gave birth
swaddled in the first diaper,
So you too will give me a great treasure! Amen!"

Repeat 3 times. Wrap the change in red cloth and put it in your wallet - now, this is your talisman.

Rite of passage with kitchen salt

Magical traditions require the use of salt in spells and rituals. It has been known for centuries as a valuable ingredient. Regular table salt can help you attract customers and get rich. Stop in front of your place of work and throw a pinch over your left shoulder, saying:

"I read a conspiracy for trade,
I'm talking about salt!
Where the salt will fall
there clients will come to me!
No one will come out without a purchase,
everyone will leave happy! Amen!"

Poppy for conspiracy on the trade

A beautiful plant contains many secrets and mysteries. Medicinal, culinary, and intoxicating properties are not the whole list. In the Middle Ages, sorcerers, with the help of a plant, helped merchants in the sale of goods.

Nowadays, you can also use the magic ritual for poppy. Take a few grains of a flower and throw it in the sales area, saying:

“There is one island on the sea-ocean,
on it is the land where the Lord God, the Mother of God lives
and I'll go there, I'll come closer to them,
I'll bow lower and say more quietly:
Mother of God, you lived on earth,
I took my bread in my hands,
paid for him with money,
what I wore in my wallet.
They won't give bread without a penny, they won't weave a thing,
candles in the church will not be sold.
Give, Lord God, to me, so much money,
how much poppy is on this floor. May it be so!"

Fixing the result

The result always depends on the person himself. If you neglect the rules of rituals, you can harm not only yourself, but also your customers. Follow the clearly indicated scheme and do not engage in amateur performances. And then, the result of the work will be good trade and an influx of clients.

Prayer for the envy of competitors

Human envy is a vice that takes possession of the minds at the sight of wealth. The consequence is anger and enmity. They can send an evil eye, a curse.

To protect yourself from this, and not to interfere with the sale of things, prayer from competitors will help.

"Oh my God,
I stand before you
I ask you to keep me tight
protect with this amulet.
I ask the holy army to protect Me from evil spirits:
Ivan the Long-suffering, Ivan the Theologian,
Ivan the Postitel, Ivan the Baptist,
Ivan the Headless, Michael the Archangel,
Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archangel Gabriel,
Praskovyu the Great Martyr.
Faith, Hope, Love and their Mother Sophia.
I stand under your protection
For you to defend me.
In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

In order not to jinx income

To save income and goods from the evil eye, the following ritual will help. Stand facing the rising sun and read the conspiracy:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the servant of God (name), will go into the open field, in home clothes
I will pray earnestly to the Lord God.
A heavenly angel is coming towards me.
Neither any evil, nor envy, nor resentment of the Angel of God touches.
Evil is neither his hands, nor his body, nor his face,
Neither deed, nor words concerned.
The anger of enemies flies away from him.
So it would be for my money
Didn't touch, didn't touch
Neither evil people nor envious eyes
Not a dashing person.
They would not oykat, neither ahah, nor inquire,
They were neither tried nor judged.
How are you, angel of heaven, blessed by the Lord God,
With the power of the holy forever endowed,
So it is with me 3 holy powers:
One is always ahead
Another behind
And the third - every minute with me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Natalya Stepanova, a famous healer of Siberia, helped many with her advice. One of these is a good luck conspiracy in trading.

Go to your store, put the sign of the cross with the words:

“Like people’s hands are greedy for bread,
So even if I, the servants of God (name),
All goods were bought, disassembled,
Yes, they gave good money.
I am an important merchant
My buyer is a fine fellow.
Comes to me well done
With a long ruble.
All my goods quickly disassemble
And he returns home with joy.
My word is strong, my work is strong.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen"

Vanga had a connection with higher powers, she helped people, and even politicians listened to her advice. Listen to Wanga's recommendations for trading:

  1. To kickstart monetary energy, don't leave the first customer without change. Even if he gives the amount for the calculation.
  2. Before starting a big business, do a small ritual. On the growing moon, take a tablespoon and take it outside, let it lie down all night. The next day, check if the spoon is in place, feel free to start your plan. If not, leave plans for the future.
  3. Do not harm! Do not forget that everything you do comes back to you.
  4. To create a money amulet to attract buyers, take pike scales. Wrap in natural fabric and carry with you at all times.

Many were told in childhood: "Don't whistle - there will be no money." Remember this, and if you hear a whistle near the trading place, whisper a spell:

"The whistle went to the whistle, passed me by"

That's all - trade and make a profit.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don't worry, a little practice and you will succeed!


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