How Ordinary People Succeeded and Became Rich. Rich people who were poor How did he get rich

The hero of this touching story is Rakesh Shukla. This 45-year-old man opened his own shelter a few years ago. At the moment, he takes care of 735 dogs who are in a difficult life situation.

Previously, Rakesh managed to organize a company that brought the man instant big profits. He began to travel, buy expensive things and cars.

But he still didn't feel happy.

One fine day, Rakesh met his first pet, the golden retriever Kavia. The dog was offended by people, so she did not make contact. One look at this animal, and the man decided that he should help homeless animals.

From that day on, Rahkesh began to bring hungry, beaten and sick animals to his home to change their lives forever.

After a while, the businessman realized that his house was simply not enough, so you need to find a separate place for the dogs where they could live comfortably.

The man rented a plot of land and began building a shelter.

At first he coped on his own, but then he had to hire 10 people to help.

Up to $750 is required daily to maintain the shelter. Rakesh pays most of the amount himself. At the moment, his orphanage is considered the largest in India.

According to Rakesh, he has no plans to stop. He continues to bring homeless dogs to his new home.

Rakesh's company continues to bring stable income, due to which the shelter exists.

Animals come here sick or mutilated. In most cases, they suffer from human hands.

Just look how good it is for dogs here!

Many skills and attitudes are required for your child to become "rich" if that is the value you want to convey to him; you need to develop the child in this direction from childhood, in parallel with all other skills. If you want your child to become the next Pavel Durov, Roman Abramovich or Maria Sharapova, or if you want him to not only learn how to earn money, but also be able to handle money responsibly and wisely, then know that it’s never too early to start, and you - become good example.


    Assess your own beliefs and feelings about money. Do you believe that making money is a privilege and a competition with yourself that does you credit? A pleasant aspect of life that helps you realize your dreams and achieve your goals, or the “cross” that everyone carries through their lives? If your thoughts lean towards the latter, you will have a hard time convincing your child that working to create wealth is a positive thing. It's hard to instill positive financial attitudes in your child if they run counter to yours. Carefully consider your attitude to money and understand what it is due to what it comes from. No matter how you feel about money yourself, you set a worthy goal for yourself - to help your child become a financially responsible adult and a person independent of money.

    Assess and work on your own habits in how you spend money. If you're spending more than you earn or spending money frivolously without saving or investing your savings, don't expect your child's future habits to be better. If your current problem is providing for your family's basic needs, and money in your home is causing constant stress and conflict, you may need to take a close look at how you spend and how you feel about work. Identify the problem area and work on fixing it. Start thinking about the budget and spending, stick to the plan. Start saving money and investing in your pension or university, even if it's a very small amount. This step will begin to benefit your family immediately, and you will become a good role model for your child.

    Assess your overall business ethics. For many people, hard work with constant overtime is the only way to financial success. Are you a conscientious worker? Do you tend to change jobs frequently, are you dissatisfied with your career? If so, talk to your child about how determined you are to make a difference in regards to work. A large part of a positive approach to work is based on the pleasure that you should get from it. If you are unhappy at work, take active action and make realistic plans for how to change positions/places/professions/enterprises, etc. This will be a valuable lesson for the child. Watching you go through these difficult changes will leave a lasting impression on your child.

    Think about the values ​​you want to instill in your child. Almost all of us have mixed feelings about work and money. Review: how do you feel about how you earn and spend money? Discuss goals and methods with your child - do not send him double messages. If you want your child to strive for material prosperity, exalt as a virtue the ability to make a plan and persevere with it, accepting and overcoming obstacles along the way. Be careful what you say about wealth and how you want your child to treat it. What you do with your wealth also matters. Avoid statements that show the attitude to material well-being as something wrong; instead, emphasize all the good things that can be done with the money you earn, how it can serve as a means to an end, including helping other people. However, do not forget to say that wealth in itself does not determine either happiness or its absence. Praise the ingenuity and work ethic of financially successful people while encouraging your child to be ethical, generous to those in need, and responsible with money. Do not complain about work in the presence of a child. While this is a common experience for most of us, seeing this day after day will cause your child to begin to view work as something negative that should be avoided.

    Take a close look at your work habits. Successful adults come from families where there is an atmosphere of security, where parents have enough time for their children and to pass on and develop important life skills. If you realize that you need to constantly work to support your children, reconsider your decision and find a way to work less, showing your children that you appreciate them, through your warmth and attention, rather than the goods purchased. If your children make a comment that their parents buy more things for other children, point out that this allows you to spend more time with each other, which is more valuable in the long run.

    Start investing in your children's education as early as possible by making it a top priority. Consciously planned education is more likely to lead to success in the end. Try to give your child the best educational experience, be it public or private school, Kindergarten or preparatory courses that will challenge the child and prepare him for university or other forms of in-depth professional knowledge in his area of ​​interest.

    Encourage your child to excel in everything they do, especially in school. Early on, encourage your child to try to get good grades, but also emphasize that the most important thing is to give 100% and feel satisfaction from this, no matter what grade you get. In this way, you will develop the conviction in your child that the energy you put in is important, not the impression it makes on others. Of course, if a child gets a bad grade, you should pay attention to this and ask why he did not do better. Be ready to help him sort out any problems with his studies, and make sure your home creates a conducive environment for learning. Seek advice from teachers and school psychologists. If your child is still struggling, consider hiring a tutor. Instill in your child a sense of satisfaction high performance in studies - by this you will grow his self-esteem and self-confidence.

    Try not to overestimate in the eyes of the child the importance of saving money - focus rather on what can be achieved with their help. Almost all parents at some point in their upbringing say, “money doesn’t grow on trees.” It is very important to convey to the minds of children that in order to make money, you need to take the initiative and work hard. Often the question of money comes up only when we deny something to children; this can lead to the child seeing money as a source of stress rather than as a means to achieve their goals.

    Try to teach your child to budget early on, giving him the opportunity to earn and manage money. If you provide your child with pocket money, help them develop a budget that includes a savings phase for a short-term goal, no matter how small. Teach him about investing and the miracle of compound interest. Be careful - do not help him if he spent the money too quickly - let the child feel the consequences of his actions under the protection of your home. If a child wants something that he can objectively afford, having saved money from earnings or pocket money, teach him to save a little every week so that in time he himself will acquire the desired thing; teach your child to keep track of their savings.

    Be very careful when insisting that a child work in early age. A child's job is to grow and learn, not to earn a living. Don't force your teen to get a job. Resist the temptation - your child will have plenty of time to work for a paycheck when he graduates. Otherwise, you will lead the child on the right path to the conviction that making money is not a positive and rewarding thing. Mowing lawns, cleaning private and common rooms, helping with dishes are tasks that are caused by living together in the same area. Children should not pay for these chores. Instead, thank the child with help in return for their personal concerns (from you and other family members), help them in their attempts to start their own business (selling newspapers or something), have their neighbors hire them as part-time jobs. Remember - "work" is not a child's duty, make sure your child has the opportunity and time to be a child. Those people who achieve success in life, come to this by the fact that they enjoy their occupation. If your teenager insists that they want to work during the summer instead of studying somewhere, that's fine; but help him develop a good work ethic and a healthy attitude towards work - show the value of balance between work and rest, relaxation.

    Encourage your child to think ahead by sharing your financial plans with them. Discuss with him the importance of early goal setting, but also flexibility – changes may need to be made along the way. Building resilience and flexibility at the same time are great skills that can be appreciated and learned at a relatively early age. Encourage your child to ensure that even while studying in elementary or high school he thought about what he wanted to do “when he grew up”. Emphasize that he may change his choices several times as he grows and develops, but encourage the child to do research and write a plan for how he can achieve his goal. By teaching your child to plan, set deadlines, and set goals at an early age, you will develop the ability to understand what it takes to achieve your desired goals and how to earn the funds to realize your child's dreams. Help him be realistic in setting achievable financial goals, but be careful not to burden the child with unnecessary restrictions. With hard work and perseverance, we can all work miracles. It is important for our children to understand that achieving material well-being is a long process for most of us, but at the same time, they can achieve anything if they are willing to set a goal and work conscientiously to achieve it. Patience is a virtue.

    Since starting a business is one of the ways your child can become rich, guide them through the business with small projects like growing earthworms or even selling candy. Encourage him to spend little and invest the rest by expanding existing business or organizing a new one.

  1. If your child excels at something at an early age (such as football, basketball, or electronics), ask him if he enjoys it and what makes him successful. This business alone can bring him a lot of money.

    • Warnings: DO NOT FORCE A CHILD TO ALWAYS AND IN EVERYTHING TO BE PERFECT. All children get better with time. For example, a perfect five is fine, but a couple of fours is also good. Just tell him he did a great job and help him do better next time.
    • If your children want to quit, ask if they are sure about their decision; talk about all the unpleasant things that may follow their rejection, and discuss with them all the pleasant things that they will lose. If you force them to continue, chances are they'll quit anyway as soon as you can't control them.
    • Do not miss a single opportunity to introduce your child and let him communicate with those people who are happy in their chosen career. Give them the opportunity to experience the value of fellowship and connection with those who share their interests.
    • Remember that money is not the key to happiness.
    • Feed your child positive reinforcement. Read to children, make sure it is something instructive or uplifting for them. My mother used to leave Norman Peel's The Power of Positive Thinking in the bathroom. Many parents these days lead busy, draining lives with no time or energy for their children. This is fine. Take them to the library, find audiobooks, and play them at home or in the car with your kids. If your child is learning English, you can kill two birds with one stone by downloading the free audio from this site:
    • Let your kids make mistakes in the privacy of your home. This is much better than waiting until the child goes to university or is even older, and at these later stages makes unwanted choices that will have lasting or irreversible consequences. However, don't let them constantly retreat to your tutelage. Give them the opportunity to gain confidence in own forces and learn to rely only on yourself. Help them get through some really tough, unexpected adversity, but overall, let them experience mistakes and learning. Leaving behind a long chain of failures is typical of most successful people; nevertheless, they find the strength to learn valuable lessons from what is happening and rise back.
    • If your children truly admire the achievements of successful people, it will increase the likelihood that they will try to imitate them. If a child works hard and efficiently, the chances are high that he will succeed in life. Children need to find their own path to success, compete, be original, honest, optimistic about life and work hard.
    • Encourage your child to follow their hobbies, and at the same time, choose one that can also provide financial rewards.
    • There are many ways to become financially independent. While you may already have fully thought out your child's career path, don't force him/her to live your dreams. Give your child advice and be a role model for career fulfillment, but let them make their own choices. If a child manages to find something that brings pleasure, he is more likely to put in the necessary work in order to become successful. Encourage and support his long-term interests and inclusions from hobbies and various kinds arts into future work plans.


    • Even if you did everything right and gave the child every opportunity to succeed in financial terms, he may still not want to become "rich", but he will have values ​​and morals to be proud of. Mostly, he will strike a balance and enjoy "work for life", and not vice versa.

You constantly ask yourself the question: “How to become rich?” You may have already consulted the business literature on this subject. Our site is not the first to claim to answer the question, however, unlike many, it will only offer effective ways grow rich .

Immediately about the main thing. It is inefficient to dream of a multi-million dollar profit and do nothing about it. The tips below will not work for those who do not want to devote a single minute to work and are waiting for a bag of money to miraculously fall on them from heaven. Once you are on our site, you are not satisfied with your financial position.

What did you do to become rich or improve your financial situation? Obviously not enough. Are you willing to do more if you want to get richer? Forget the word: "I want." Start giving yourself a mindset: I CAN get rich ". Are you ready to believe that you really can do it? Then you will achieve a lot.

So, from this article you will learn:

  • How to become a rich and successful person - tips and tricks + practical exercises;
  • How to get rich from scratch in Russia;
  • Ways to gain financial freedom and live happily.

A detailed guide on how to become a successful and rich person. Principles and advice of millionaires + ways to gain financial freedom

Consider 15 important and useful tips that will help you get rich or become richer.

Council number 1. Don't stop dreaming

On their own, without action, dreams will not bring any benefit. But if you don’t dream of anything, you are unlikely to achieve much. Since cherished desire to achieve something great things begin. Refer to the stories of those who have already achieved a lot, become a rich and successful person. Are there any of these stories that begin with the words: “I didn’t really want anything, wealth came by itself”?

Tip number 2. find time

Find half an hour to be alone with yourself and give sincere answers to several global questions:

  • What do I do better than others?
  • What real benefit can I bring to society?
  • What do I consider the meaning of life?
  • If my time was not taken away by worries about money, what would I devote my life to?

The main thing in this introspection is not to deceive yourself. You will be surprised, but sincere answers to these questions will really allow you to answer the main one: “ How to become rich? »

Tip number 3. Time to study

Spend a certain amount of time every day studying the biographies of multimillionaires. Absorb useful material investment in your knowledge will always remain advantageous. Also, any thought famous person can inspire you to create your own business idea.

Write down quotes that set you up for success and post them prominently. The more often the eye will fall on right thoughts, the faster your consciousness will be rebuilt.

Tip #4 Always think about making money

Every minute think about how to become rich, how you can get rich, ( from one hundred thousand dollars and more) per month and .

At first, this will seem unattainable to you, only crazy ideas will appear. But one day you will be pleasantly surprised by the results of constant thinking.

Tip #5 New acquaintances

Make new acquaintances, be more sociable. Money comes to us through other people. It is almost impossible to make a fortune alone.

Tip #6 Think about your employment

Are you still working for someone? It's time to leave slavery behind! The more time you spend bringing profit to someone else's uncle, the less resources you will have for self-realization, personal business and achieve their goal of wealth.

Tip number 7. Think about your professional activities

Not ready to leave your office job just yet? At least forget about the requirements corporate culture. Do only work within your interests, do not let the company cash in on your knowledge and skills just like that.

Tip #8 Think about passive income sources

What could consistently be profitable, no matter how hard you try? Often the road to wealth begins with the answer to this question. Later in the article, several investment options will be proposed.

Tip #9 Minimum effort maximum results

Put in the least amount of effort for maximum results. No matter how difficult the tasks may seem, they are easier than they seem. Leave long reflections - boldly start performing tasks and solve problems in the shortest possible time.

Tip number 10. Be kinder

Be kind to others: compliment them, donate your support. Praise your colleague for how stylish they look. Prepare a delicious dinner for your loved one.

Turn on your imagination and do something nice for your family, friends and even for those whom you see for the first time. The support provided will return a hundredfold, and, believe me, it is worth a lot.

Tip number 11. Help people selflessly

Today you helped - tomorrow you. You never know in advance what benefit this or that person can bring, but there are no casual acquaintances. Look for like-minded people, they will support faith in yourself and will pull you up to success and wealth.

Tip number 12. Choose your social circle

When interacting with people, choose your social circle carefully. A poor environment, if it is not professionally fought off, draws poverty and despondency into its swamp. Surround yourself with optimistic people who know what they want out of life and know how to get it.

Tip number 13. Stop looking for someone to blame for your failures

Forget about whining and stop looking for someone to blame. Only you yourself are to blame for the fact that you are sitting without money. When you recognize that the source of failure is in yourself, you will understand that you can also ensure success for yourself.

Tip #14 Keep a diary of achievements

The human psyche is designed in such a way that we often fixate on the negative. Write down your little victories and reread these notes every time you feel discouraged. Such a diary of joy can relate to any areas of life, not just work.

Tip #15 Want to make big profits?

Bring something really to the market valuable ! It has long been known that people do not need a particular product. They need to get something more, and the product is just a means to an end. Write down the real benefits for people so that they themselves bring you money. Much money.

Use these tips, start doing something today to achieve your goal (wealth and success), and the result will not keep you waiting.

2. What is wealth - concept and formulation 📚

Not many can give a clear answer to this question. And if you don't know exactly what you want to achieve, you are unlikely to ever achieve it.

Of all the definitions of wealth, the most accurate, perhaps, belongs to the American millionaire Robert Kiyosaki.

He defines wealth as amount of time, which a person can afford not to work, while maintaining the usual comfortable standard of living.

Who would have thought, right? But it is very logical to measure wealth precisely by this time interval, and not by the amount of funds, because each person needs his own amount in order to recognize his standard of living as comfortable.

In fact, rich man- this is the one who owns assets that bring sufficient, that is, not dependent on labor efforts.

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Why do some people manage to make a lot of money and get rich, and some do not?
  • Why is someone forced to work day and night, but gets a penny, and someone does what they love for several hours a day, has time to actively relax, but earns decently?
  • Why is someone successful in the financial sector, and someone lives from one salary to another, or even on credit?

Perhaps you still consider these questions rhetorical. But a lot will change soon.

3. Thoughts of a rich man - speech turns and statements of rich people 📃

If you think like poor man, you will not be able to keep the money, even if they suddenly go into your hands.

If you think like the middle class, then your eternal goal will be a job search, and the most daring requirement - salary increase. In old age, you will remain dependent on social services.

If it is really important to you to constantly build up your fortune, start monitoring your thoughts and words. Get rid of the speech patterns characteristic of the poor (“give me a discount”, “buy as cheaply as possible”) and start thinking in terms of the rich.

Here are just some of the words and phrases that can be heard from wealthy, wealthy people (list taken from Kiyosaki):

  • I can do it;
  • I can create businesses;
  • I can afford it;
  • financial freedom;
  • excess money;
  • around a huge number of favorable opportunities;
  • my money is in constant motion;
  • money works for me;
  • capital building;
  • I work only when I want to;
  • I attract money flows;
  • control finances;
  • make money;
  • money is underfoot;
  • develop financial intelligence;
  • I make profitable investments;
  • my money is returned quickly.

It doesn't matter if you currently have a decent supply of funds. Scroll through these thoughts constantly, even if there is no reason. The habit of thinking this way will gradually transform you and the reality around you.

Learn to respond differently to the familiar. If earlier you turned away from an expensive foreign car with negativity, muttering that you can’t afford one, now look at it and say: “ That's what I need. How would you afford it? » This goes for any chic thing you see.

But this is not the main thing. The most important – the search for such financial ideas that will really make money work for these installations higher. If before you worked and your money was idle, now everything should be the other way around.

Reprogramming settings

If some negative attitudes often come back to you, write them down on a sheet and work with them. Close your eyes and imagine the negative attitude on the mental screen in the form of an inscription. Now in the same place, mentally erase this formula with an eraser and write down a new, supporting one. Put all the power of your positive emotions into it.

For complete reprogramming negative installations in positive the subconscious will take about a month. Do this exercise every day.

Basic principles of wealth that millionaires adhere to

4. How to get rich from scratch in Russia - 10 principles of millionaires 💰

Each of us is allowed rare weaknesses. Many successful entrepreneurs at the beginning of their journey asked themselves questions with “ if". Will I be able to get rich if I was born in Russia, if I was born in a poor family, if I do not have influential acquaintances? Can I manage if I do not have large assets to support decent level life? These same “ifs” gnaw at newcomers to the business. In vain. In short, really everything if you work hard.

And now in more detail.

Follow the principles of millionaires.

In search of financial freedom, it will not be superfluous to attend seminars of large entrepreneurs, whose profits are transparent, that is, they can prove how much and in what time period they earned.

There is a well-known seminar devoted to the so-called the commandments of millionaires. This is how a successful businessman called his principles. Some of these commandments lie on the surface, and some will become for you stunning discovery .

You can follow the facilitator with the short principles or even put the list on your desktop.

Periodically re-read it, and it will give you a dose of inspiration, no matter where you are. After all, there are rich people in the United States, and in Africa, and in Russia.

Principle #1. Consider whether the goals you are striving for are yours

Let's explain. Some of our goals are just introjects, absorbed from our environment or imposed by our parents.

At an age when there was still a lack of awareness, we followed the example of others in order not to look worse than them.

But one day we stop and ask ourselves why this path to success is difficult, because we copy actions " sample". Here we return to the introspection technique described above (“What is the meaning of my life?”)

Remember: if you are not personally attracted to the chosen path, it is useless to copy the actions of other people - this way you will not be able to succeed, or it will not satisfy you.

Give yourself a break. At this time, watch yourself: what do you do most often? What pleases you?

Compare how this activity compares with the previous one on the path of copying. Are you doing something to achieve those goals that please you personally? Or are you still lacking motivation?

Principle number 2. Understand that only you are responsible for what happened to you and is happening.

Even if you understand that current place of work- the result of ideas imposed by parents or environment (“Everyone needs higher education”, “You work for a penny for the sake of experience - only thieves and scammers become rich”, etc.), do not rush to accuse anyone out of habit. And from the moment you stop doing it, everything is subject to you.

When you understand that someone else's influence is always present, but you are free from it and are free to build your life as you wish, you can begin to take active steps towards achieving your goal - wealth, success, etc.

Do not think that it just takes time, that changes will happen by themselves, that you will be lucky and you will instantly get rich and become rich. No. Change will begin only when you take responsibility and begin to change your life yourself, including wealth.

Principle number 3. Analyze the main goal

So, you have goals, and now you know which ones are - really yours . Now analyze your main goal.

Why do you need it? Imagine: now you have reached it, and? What's next? Our psyche does not tolerate emptiness and does not allow the option of aimless pastime after reaching a certain financial threshold - some kind of self-development should always be implied.

Explain to yourself the logic of your actions, and then your resources will be directed in the right direction.

Principle number 4. Change your attitude towards money

Understand that this is only a means to obtain specific wealth. Do not elevate money to the rank of a cult. Giving something excess potential, you risk not achieving it.

Principle number 5. Break big goals into small tasks

If you move towards getting wealth consistently, step by step, it will be easier. Write down specific steps to achieve wealth and monitor their implementation.

Do not set yourself such global tasks as “become self-confident” and “get rich” in one step - except for the final one, which requires preliminary preparation and training.

Principle number 6. Plan your day and find opportunities for self-realization in it

When you start to consider how much time this or that activity takes you, you will be horrified at how many hours you were wasting before. Once you start planning your day, you are unlikely to want to lie in bed before lunch, spend two hours pointlessly surfing the net, an hour chatting on the phone, etc.

Most of the energy you want to channel into creative activity. Create your own theories that you find effective and test them in practice. Many great people once created them.

Principle number 7. Act constantly

The result comes with experience, and experience will not come without constant action for a long time. The more global the goal that you set for yourself, the more time it will take to complete.

This does not mean that you need to overload yourself with work so much that you soon get sick of doing anything at all. Operate as usual not stop.

Principle number 8. Don't work for leisure

If you're currently overloading yourself with work, cherishing the dream that the day will come when you will earn enough to stop doing it, it's time to change something in your views. Man stands one step higher than all creatures precisely because he cannot live aimlessly. He needs action.

Challenge yourself: set a goal to get rich from scratch get her and do not stop on what has been achieved. To start, take a not very high bar, reach it, then raise it. And so time after time.

Principle #9. Find peace of mind

Your main goal is not to get rich. Your main task- to know yourself. By solving it, you will come to an intuitive understanding of everything that is important. Big money can only be made in a calm environment.

Learn your character in the process of earning, make mutually beneficial acquaintances, and you will be satisfied.

Remember the proverb: Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends". It is not at all about the fact that friends are more important than money, as we were told at school (remember the erroneous imposed thoughts).

In fact, the essence of the proverb is that priority– create a harmonious environment and make many friends. It is these people who will help you earn such amounts that you alone could not even dream of.

Let's make a retreat. You will probably argue and say that there are examples of people who have achieved wealth alone. There is. But what did it cost them to achieve this wealth? With what bouquet of psychological traumas do they then come to a psychologist (for example, with depression) and give him a considerable part of their earnings? (We already wrote an article - "", what is this disease and what can this disease lead to)

And look at the people on whom wealth fell "from heaven" - this is lottery winners. The world does not know any such story with a happy ending. At best, these people were deep in debt a year later due to illiterate management of an unusual amount of finance, and at worst ... Let's not talk about the bad.

But still, if you are interested in the lottery topic, then especially for you we have prepared an article "", in which we spoke in detail about the main methods and technologies for winning a large amount of money.

Principle #10. Do not give up

You will always have time to abandon your goal, and returning to it will be much more difficult than continuing to work in the right direction now. Do not create a life scenario for yourself in which you will return to an office job, where you will live paycheck to paycheck and torment yourself with one question: “ What would have happened if I hadn't given up then?»

Constantly work on changing your mindset. Everything that happens neutral . Only our perception gives events positive or negative assessment. And you can and should work on your perception.

5. Exercise to achieve wealth 📈

If you have realized how strong the motivation for wealth should be, it's time to move on to practice.

Exercise 1. Get rid of the mood of poverty

When you just start working to achieve your goal, consciousness will begin to protest. Mind will whisper what you have nothing will work. You will have doubts about your abilities, you will begin to envy those who are more successful.

You will think that you will never be able to do what you love and make a profit at the same time. Such moods are natural, because since childhood you have been told that you cannot get out of rags to riches.

Start fighting those limiting attitudes. This exercise will help.

  • Relax.

As soon as you feel despondency, disbelief in your own strength, seclude yourself. Take a couple of minutes to relax and sit with your eyes closed.

  • Let your imagination run wild.

Imagine that you are already very rich, that you have everything that you dreamed of. Finally, you can afford what you love. Disconnect from reality, no matter what your real financial condition is.

play rich. Do you think this is a useless game? Not at all. Such games are useful to our consciousness, as they expand the boundaries of reality. Imagine that you have achieved something - and it will actually begin to happen.

  • Wish other people get rich.

Now think of those whom you envy because of their wealth. Remember the game? Now you are rich, you are on a par with them. No, you are even richer! So wish them to become more wealthy. Imagine the financial flows going to them. Let them grow stronger until they flood them.

  • Wish you get rich.

Now you can imagine large financial flows coming to you. The more streams you send to others, the more you get yourself.

  • Wish everyone well.

Wish yourself and those around you all the best. Tell yourself to yourself: I am rich and I deserve it!»

Now you can open cases and return to your daily activities. Return to this exercise if negative thoughts suddenly come back.

Exercise 2. Plan your wealth

Now that you've got rid of unnecessary doubts, it's time to flesh out your plans.

  1. Decide how much money you want to earn to begin with and present it as clearly as possible. You see this money in front of you. What is this currency? What pack is she in? Where is this money: in a suitcase, on a table, in a personal safe or in your hands?
  2. Imagine what the bills feel like, how they crunch and rustle.
  3. Set yourself a specific date by which you will receive this amount - the date of the beginning of your financial independence.
  4. Decide how much of the amount you will invest in your business in order to receive an even larger amount. Set yourself up for the fact that you are investing a large share in order to multiply capital at times. Imagine how many times richer you will become.
  5. Decide how you will spend the remaining amount. You must spend it on yourself.

Pay attention to the order, it is very important! First you do profitable investment, which will work for you, and only then spend on personal needs.

  1. Write down on a piece of paper : how much and by what date is needed, how exactly you will distribute it.
  2. Compose and write down key phrases , which begin with the words "I want."

For example:

  • "I want a financially free life."
  • “I want to stop depending on others financially.”
  • "I want money to start working for me."
  • "I want to do what I love."

The more phrases you can think of, the better. Every day, take out this sheet of notes and reread it - this will temper your determination. When in doubt, sometimes return to the first exercise.

6. How to deal with the fear of losing money 📌

If you really want to get rich, you need learn ri forge. If you are afraid, you will never be able to make your money work, because in order to increase profits you need to invest, and investments are always risky.

Of course, no one talks about investing without sufficient financial literacy, but one must take into account the probability of defeat and be able to accept it.

To overcome the fear of losing money, accept the following:

  1. Life will challenge you endlessly, so there is no point in hiding from dangers. Take on the challenge- so life becomes brighter. If you lose, then with dignity, and if you win, then big.
  2. crash It's not bad and it's not embarrassing. Big victories are always preceded by a series of failures.
  3. Perfectly normal- learn from mistakes. We can get the right experience just by trying and making mistakes. Do not lament - better analyze the situation, draw conclusions, develop new strategy actions instead of the one that did not work, and start over, again and again.
  4. Never give up if failed the first time. Many quit because they fear what will come second failure and third etc. But these failures are the price of subsequent success. So learn the lessons.
  5. The most important thing. Remember that the so-called stable life with a regularly paid job gives only the illusion of a comfortable life. In fact, workers inevitably take risks for wages, because they are provided with a poor old age.

If you cannot accept these attitudes, if the pain of loss lasts much longer than the joy of good luck, you too you can get rich, but not so fast.

In your case, the correct strategy is don't take big risks, act only for sure.

Practice - mini-training

This mini-training will help you overcome your fears.

When we try to run and hide, we only become more afraid. You need to look your fear in the eye - and it will pass, and the released energy can be directed to creative goals.

Take a comfortable position and allow yourself to relax, close your eyes. Imagine that You- the hero of a fairy tale traveling through an imaginary world. It is not for nothing that we tell you to imagine a fairy tale: “ A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ...»

So, you go and see a mountain, and on it - a castle in which an extraordinary reward awaits you (think of what). This castle is your goal. There are obstacles ahead of you, but you have enough determination to overcome them. As soon as you have drawn up a plan of action - an impenetrable wall grows in front of you, sky-high, infinitely long to the right and left. Think about how you can get around it. Make various attempts. Do not give up! The usual ways won't work, but keep looking for non-standard solutions.

Remember that you are in a fairy tale, which means that any event is possible here. Maybe there is a secret door? Or will you use magic that allows you to pass through walls? One way or another, but you must find a way out of the situation.

You have overcome the first obstacle and move on. On the way, a deepest and widest abyss appears, at the bottom of which there is a turbulent river with sharp stones. Think about how you will overcome it.

You go on, you are almost there. On the outskirts of the castle, out of nowhere - a forest with ferocious predators. A tiger jumps out to meet and lets out a terrible roar. If you turn your back on him now and run, you will die. looking for a way out. Whether it will be a battle with a beast or an attempt to make friends - it does not matter. You must overcome the obstacle.

This is the last hurdle. If you overcome it, then you will pass the forest jungle and finally get to the castle, where you will receive a long-awaited reward.

Think it's just a game? In fact, your subconscious mind will remember this and form an algorithm for the actions of the winner, who overcomes any obstacles without fear or excuses.

Yes, at first you struggle with obstacles only in your imagination. But if you successfully learn this, it will be much easier for you in reality, because fear will no longer have power over you.

7. How to properly manage profits - 7 useful tips 📖

How to manage your wealth - 7 tips

Surely you know more than one story in which a person confidently developed and began to earn good money, but overnight returned to zero or even went into the red.

If you don't want this to happen to you, here are a few tips.

1. Save at least 10% of your profits

Earned fifty thousands for the first month? Put in the piggy bank at least five, and preferably ten to fifteen. your wealth- this is not the amount that was earned, but the amount that was saved.

Only yesterday's poor people determine the wealth of those around them by status things: expensive housing and a car, branded clothes, etc. In fact, people who stick out such a show often live at zero or even on credit. Instead of showing off, focus on your future. And put aside for it.

2. Choose effective ways to save the deferred amount

If you put money in a drawer at home, anything can happen to it. Let's not even talk about natural disasters, fires or floods.

Most of the time it's much easier.: the owner of money cannot resist the temptation to spend it.

The only safe place to store savings today is bank. You can rent a safe deposit box from which you can withdraw funds at any time, but with rising inflation every year, you will have less savings left.

It makes sense to study offers on deposits from leading commercial banks. Put on a non-withdrawable deposit an amount that will be enough to live for a year or two.

In the event of an unforeseen situation and the collapse of the current business, you can afford not to work this period in order to create a new business.

While others take out loans to maintain their standard of living, you will be afloat with your own pre-set funds.

If you have a large amount, look at deposits with the possibility of partial withdrawal and replenishment. The monthly interest will be a good increase.

3. Use cashback

Throw away old plastic cards, which only become an additional expense item ( annual service, mobile services…)

Get a debit card with more than any cashless purchase and monthly interest on the amount on the card. We have already talked about where you can order the best one in one of our articles.

4. Invest

So you put it off 10% for a deposit. Another 10% must be invested: in stocks, bonds or your business. Or at least set aside this amount for further investment. Don't miss this item! Without it, it is impossible to increase capital.

Develop analytical skills to choose the most profitable types of investments. The richest investors believe that there is nothing more profitable than investments into shares (buying shares of a business) or real estate.

Try this path or your own, but be sure to invest. We recommend reading the article - Ways to invest money "

5. Do charity work

Someone will argue with me, but I believe that more 10% income must be donated to charity. Why? Because you can't receive without giving. And on the contrary, the money given to a good cause will return three times.

Parting with such an amount, you kind of agree with your mind: “ I have enough money. I can not only provide for myself, but also for those around me.". The only rule is: help from the bottom of your heart, only to those you really want to help.

6. Refuse all loans

We have already decided that it is risky to spend all the money earned. It is even more risky to borrow money. Even if you are on 150% confident in your business and want to improve it with loans, think thrice.

Do not drive yourself into debt for the sake of vague prospects. Better move towards profit growth slow, but independent And confident step by step.

We have already discussed above the stereotypes about rich people created by the poor. At the first stage, yachts and mansions are not needed. The only thing that really sets rich people apart is it's their self-control.

Whereas weak people want more to spend And consume, strong personalities buy only what they need, and the remaining funds are invested and reinvested.

Fight habitual temptations, make profitable investments (after analyzing the risks beforehand) and you will become closer to wealth and success than ever before.

8. 7 Proven Ways to Find Financial Freedom 💎

Of course, there are many more ways to become financially independent. Every now wealthy person has come his own way to the success that he now enjoys and is proud of.

But first, we will offer you seven schemes that really work and are guaranteed to bring income to everyone. To do this, you only need the desire and ability to work exclusively for yourself.

Method 1. Creating passive income

This way of earning is not without reason in the first place. The logic is this: if you do not understand what this concept means, it is too early for you to do any business on your own.

Passive income - this is what will bring you profit, regardless of whether you take part in the project daily. We consider providing passive income the most important component of financial independence.

There are several typical ways to generate passive income:

  • rental of housing;
  • receiving interest from a bank deposit;
  • receiving dividends when working with securities;
  • work as a distributor in the field (suitable only for sociable individuals);

This type of income is suitable even for those who are afraid to quit work for someone. You can continue to go to your usual job and receive a salary, but at the same time you will have an additional passive income.

Agree, even a few thousand rubles a month is not at all superfluous, given that you do not need to do almost anything for this.

Method 2. Mediation in large transactions

Think about the area in which your abilities are developed at a decent level. Acting as an intermediary in large financial transactions, you will receive a certain percentage from each transaction.

The more solid the deal is, the more decent amount you will receive personally. For example, experienced realtors now earn more 5000$ monthly.

Method 3. Earnings on the Internet

Right now, while you are reading this article, tens of thousands of people are earning without leaving their homes. is gaining momentum, new ways of earning are emerging: from freelancing and remote work to information business.

Method 4. Creating a profitable site

If you have at least some idea of ​​​​Internet technologies and understand that sites are being created today as platforms for displaying ads, then you will be able to earn money in this way.

Read more in the article - "". And the same thing about the online store - ""

Method 5. Opening your own business

Don't be afraid: it's much easier than it looks. Of course, to start a serious business, certain financial investments will be required, but some types of earnings will allow you to start almost from scratch.

For example Now you can apply your knowledge and skills through the Internet. Tens of thousands of people are doing this right now and find grateful listeners.

Method 6. Investments in the stock market, in shares

By investing in the stock market, you will understand what your true relationship with money is.

The next great reason to build your business from. When you work for someone, there will inevitably come a point where the employer considers you "too old." No matter what you will feel great in 40-50 , and your head will be full of ideas - employers always need younger employees.

And you will understand that all your career , your self-improvement in your chosen profession, your tireless work led you to a dead end. All that is left for you is an unskilled job as a janitor or watchman for a pittance.

Another scenario may also come true. In office work with its strict rules, professional burnout is almost inevitable. Suddenly, one day, you will find that you no longer want and cannot work with the same enthusiasm. You will become inattentive, start making mistakes, and get fired. The result is the same.

The problem is that in universities we not taught to look so far ahead. If you are now about twenty, for you these are empty words. But years later 10-20 (and they will fly by quickly), you will understand what is at stake.

And the last reason to start your own business. You can always sell it! Unlike the usual workplace, which feeds you for a long time, and then stops in an instant, your own business will always remain a useful investment.

The sooner you start thinking about creating own business, all the better. But if you already over 40, and you nodded in agreement as you read about being fired from a heated job, and it's not too late for you to start!

In this matter in general it's never too late : there are no age restrictions, no burnout problem, no pitfalls. You just go about your business until you decide to move away from it, becoming rich enough.

10. How to make a business successful and make a profit - laying the foundations of a business 🔑

The popular opinion is that starting a business is impossible without initial capital. In fact, the main thing is this is the idea and purpose. If your only goal and idea is to make a lot of money, don't even start. Failure guaranteed .

Yes, such a practical goal should be present, but the main one should be some kind of spiritual goal, or a mission that gives consumers what they now need. Focus on the mission.

How do people who suddenly become rich feel? In the comments on this topic, entrepreneurs who have earned millions of dollars in various ways shared their opinions. Someone postponing, and someone selling his company. They talked about what it feels like a person who suddenly can afford everything. And is it so good.

Anonymous ($30,000,000)

Wealth isolates you from society. You can't complain about your life or talk about your problems to anyone outside your circle of closest friends. Otherwise, you will simply be considered an insolent jerk. It is very difficult for people of lesser income to sympathize with you, since they believe that money gives everything. This is not true.

There are many problems with money. Lack of motivation to work, constant requests to borrow money from suddenly appeared friends and relatives, envy and taxes - all this leaves a not very pleasant imprint on life. If you have children, then you will also have to think about how to motivate them to do something, instead of just spending your money.

Do not rejoice that you will have a lot of free time. Idleness will quickly get bored, and you will have to forget about meetings with friends, since almost all of them work at a regular job from 9 to 17 hours. Money makes you lonely and that was the biggest surprise and disappointment for me.

Anonymous ($4,000,000)

I made my small fortune by saving money in the bank. $4,000,000 is not that much by my standards, but among the people in my circle, I have the most money. Here are some tips I can give to a person who has suddenly become rich:

  1. Don't talk about your money to anyone. On my own previous work I accidentally blabbed about my savings. The people I have known for years and considered friends have changed. Envy and light sarcastic comments about me and my money appeared in the conversations. Over time, nothing has changed, despite the fact that I did not talk about it anymore. Going to new job, I did not say a word about money and I am only glad of it.
  2. Material things do not bring pleasure. Super cliché, but I couldn't help but mention it. It's probably hard to understand until you go through wealth yourself. I've bought cars and expensive toys, and they're only fun the first time. Then you realize that this is just a bad investment.
  3. I didn't leave work. I still work in an IT company and live on a salary. I decided to leave the accumulated money for retirement or an unforeseen situation.

Safal Yot Sing ($15,000,000)

I made a lot of money selling an IT startup when I was about 20 years old. And here's what I realized: being rich is better than not being rich, but it's not even close to being as great as you think.

First, you can no longer complain. Others will think that with the help of money you have reached nirvana and no longer experience any problems, which, of course, is not so. Secondly, everyone will need something from you. And it’s very difficult to understand whether a person likes you or it’s all about money. And finally, friends and family. Your relationship may remain the same, but most likely it will change.

You think that once you get rich, your life will get better. And so you get rich, but life does not change. Such an outcome can cause severe depression or a life crisis. If you are not happy with average income, then you will not be happy being rich either.


The biggest problem for rich people is isolation. Yet we pay too much attention to money and put it in the first place in the list of our values ​​in vain. Everything is relative, and if you want to buy a BMW now, when you can afford it, you will immediately want a Bentley. And so it will go on forever.

It would be interesting to know the opinion of suddenly rich readers, if any. What challenges or benefits did you face after getting rich?

Millionaire. What Most Don't Know McPherson Scott

6.2. Donald Trump - how did he get rich?

The story of Donald Trump is not a tale of a poor guy trying to make money. He was not poor. Donald was born a millionaire. His father was a construction magnate. His natural qualities led him to a net worth of $20 million. And his son managed to multiply this amount.

Donald Trump was born in 1946 to a family with four children. But only he possessed the qualities necessary to continue his father's business. Although at the age of 13, Trump was uncontrollable, so they decided to send him to the New York Military Academy. In this institution he received good school life.

Later, Donald entered Fordham College. But here he did not last long, realizing that studying did not attract him. He knew what he wanted, so he chose the University of Commerce in Pennsylvania.

Today, Trump is known for his extraordinary image. He is both a businessman and a well-known TV star who hosts the business reality show The Candidate. His wives included three women, and Trump is often referred to as a Playboy. Although such a shocking personality did not appear in his student years. He did not drink, did not smoke, was not seen in love affairs. Apparently, even then he was preparing himself for a serious matter, spending time studying and preparing for work.

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