A strategy to differentiate from competitors. Detachment from competitors. If you want to differ not by the lowest price, but by something else, then you need to find your own “flowers” ​​for your “vegetables” that will draw attention to them.

Competition - how much this word has merged for the heart of an entrepreneur ... With all its shortcomings and advantages, the market is fraught with great opportunities. But are they available to everyone? No, only those who can offer a unique trade offer and stand out from competitors. Today we will talk about just that. What can you stand out on and what ways of detuning exist?

1. Positioning by price.

There are two main approaches here.

First: "We are cheaper!". Far from the best approach:

First, by definition, there can only be one cheapest company in the market!

Secondly, there will always be a smart guy who will make it even cheaper than yours.

The second approach: "We are the most expensive!". More successful. However, remember that you pay not for the product, but for the value! And we will have to not only create this value, but also maintain it throughout our activities.

2. Positioning by assortment.

Let's take two main approaches.

Approach one: “We have the largest selection (widest range)!”. At least wider than the neighbor: he has 100, and we have 102! It is quite convenient, having come to one place, to leave with a full set of what you need for a month.

And the second, which can be called "specialization": we do ONLY this (meaning that you will not find such THIS anywhere else!). That is, if you really need this product, then it will be with us that it will be “the one”, according to the most best price. And we know much more and better about him than where he is only “one of…”.

3. Positioning for leadership.

Who hasn't heard? - "We are first!". Why not approach? However, there are serious snags. The first one may not be believed. Secondly, this statement will have to be reconciled with the law on advertising and other less formal laws and market subtleties.

The second approach, which has seriously proven itself in the market. And what do you think? “We are second!” One well-known company that used this approach at one time found a fairly wide audience for its product on the market.

4. Positioning by manufacturer ... or by country of origin.

"Goods from Germany". This is an application for: quality, reliability and other attributes associated with the word "Germany".

And another, related to the previous one: “All the best is from ... (of course, here comes the name of the manufacturer, who has been buzzing everyone's ears for a long time)”.

5. Positioning for convenience.

Who doesn't love convenience? We work for you 24 hours a day! And similar attributes: delivery, parking, packaging, credit, etc. A sufficiently large audience of customers will find in this something convenient for him personally.

6. Personnel positioning.

There are employees in the company, about whom they say: “people no longer come for a service, but for it.” Well, it's about personalities. And in a broader sense, something like: "We have sober loaders."

7. Positioning according to an integrated approach.

The most common and most well-proven methods: after-sales service, warranty. People often want not only to buy, but also to save themselves from "headaches" with delivery, picking, installation, and the like. Enjoy.

8 . Positioning for special offers.

Also known to many, they have established themselves as "sales stores", "last minute agencies." However, there are problems of "disloyal customers" (but, how could it be without them?). And despite this, also a niche worthy of attention.

9. Positioning for an exclusive product.

Here, the name “exclusive distributor ... (followed by the name of a company with a well-known brand)” is suitable.

Another option: "we sell an exotic product." And it is not necessary to take exactly what is usually directly meant by this. It is enough to provide a service that (for whatever reason) no one else offers in your area.

10. Positioning by preference.

"Philip Kirkorov buys sausage in our store!". Or at least like this: "The best and most knowledgeable housewives buy washing powder in our store." I think everything is clear here.

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(с) Russian Consult Agency 2014

Competitors are dangerous when there are no differences. Be different!

The same price, delivery time, conditions and guarantees. If only the logo differs, then it is either the case or the rollback percentage that decides who to choose.

Think about the client. Don't force him to make a collaboration decision by flipping a coin. If heads, then the company is "X", tails - "Y". Stupidity, right?

Most indie professionals (designers, copywriters, marketers) and entrepreneurs (online stores, online studios, beauty salons, certification or construction companies, IT companies) are similar not only in their business processes, but also in advertising.

We often do not think about detuning from competitors. We want to snatch a bigger piece and be in time everywhere. And as a result, we spend enormous efforts, paving the way for customers, over and over again throwing ourselves at the wall of competitors.

From the article you will learn how to stand out from competitors and why it is profitable, you will see examples and ways to set up.

No. 1. Positioning detuning

Positioning - what (product, service) and for whom (target audience)

Positional adjustment is a genetic adjustment

How are you different from others?

– “We have a low price, experts and a guarantee for all work. We can get any certificate” (from a conversation with the head of a certification company).

And so it is with everyone! There is no company that will say:

– “Our specialists are only from the university, they don’t have practical experience, so we are ready to give you 20% off the lowest price you can find.”

What to do? Set yourself apart from your competitors with positioning.

Tuning example for a 2-person CA:

– We certify only cosmetics and household chemicals. We already know which certificates you need and which products can be combined into one certificate to save money.

An example of detuning from competitors for construction company:

– We build two-storey and multi-storey log houses using Norwegian technology. Even a house for 800,000 rubles. can be two-story - 2 times more usable space in the same area.

How to use the reception? Choose a service or product and develop an offer, website, marketing and promotional materials with a single idea “what we sell and for whom”.

Positioning facilitates the study of target audience, training advertising campaigns and increases the effectiveness of advertising at times. It also focuses on 1% of the market, not 100%.

No. 2. Special offer

A unique selling proposition (in some sources: a unique selling proposition) or USP is a way to stand out from competitors by offering a different offer from competitors.

The point is to make an offer to the client that a competitor either cannot give, or simply does not put forward for some reason. This technique and the term USP itself was coined by copywriter and advertiser Rosser Reeves.

  1. You are getting offer within 3 days with graphic design.
  2. You receive a 100% working commercial offer within 3 days - we test and adjust it until you pay back the development of a commercial proposal by 10 times. We fix the terms of the contract.

No. 8. Detuning with special technologies

“Special circular welding technology” is better than “strong welding”

Technology - forgotten, but powerful way outshine competitors. You either look for differences in processes and call them your own name or find something that competitors do not talk about. And it works.

Copywriter and entrepreneur Joseph Sugerman excelled in sales of goods to “shopokam”. He spent days and weeks examining the product down to the last screw to find a lead for an advertising idea. Sometimes he would find a super-idea (that very “big” idea) and earn hundreds of thousands of dollars from it.

“A clock made with a laser” - imagine this headline in the newspaper of the time when the computer took up an entire room. Clock made with a laser. It doesn't matter if we are told that this phone was made by aliens from planet “X”.

The world has changed. There are few amazing technologies that are not talked about. However, amazing technologies are not needed! How do you like “the technology of the sloping floor in the aviary, so that the water rolls down one corner when cleaning the aviary with a Karcher. By the way, the floor is covered with three layers of textureol anti-rotting composition and dried in a drying chamber.”

For dog owners and managers who want to buy an aviary and are thinking about cleaning it, these technologies are like a red rag to a bull. Works great. Clients call and say “will the aviary really be convenient to wash?”.

No. 9. Portfolio

When a portfolio shows the process of work, this is also a detuning.

If you are building houses, then the only thing you need to do is take pictures and videos. This will help you create a portfolio that will tear your competitors to shreds. Start taking photos at the first meeting with a client. Write the story of the project, post photos, videos, construction stages on the site, tell us about the problems and how you valiantly solved them. You will not end up with clients.

Are you a copywriter? Tell us about your work so that you are not considered a “text writer”.

What was the task, what was in, what questions did you ask with the client? Attach an entry free consultation. Take a bunch of screenshots, ask a loved one to take a picture of you at work.

Post a screenshot of the finished material, describe the results of the work and fix the story with a recommendation from the client with a seal and signature. What? I hear that even Dmitry Kot and Artemy Lebedev do not have such a portfolio? That's it.

The more accurately your work is shown, the more confidence the client has in you. Everyone shows the result, and you show the process. Everyone's process is unique! Use this to create a unique distinction.

No. 10. Warranty debugging

Guarantees for goods, services and circumstances - unlimited opportunities for detuning from competitors

Entrepreneurs do not like to give guarantees. Because of the fear of losing some of the customers or, God forbid, getting some of “their money” back. Fear recedes only when the entrepreneur realizes that the loss is compensated by a greater flow of customers. It came about through guarantees.

Popular guarantees: money back, 1 + 1 product warranty (one year from the manufacturer and one from the store), we will arrive on time or we will refund 1500 rubles, we will deliver the pizza on time or you will get it for free.

My detuning under warranty: “I will return 2000 rubles. for missed deadlines. The guarantee is valid for the failure to deliver the work without taking into account the time for its approval and editing. The strength is that freelancers always miss deadlines, such an action protects the entrepreneur and motivates the freelancer to deliver work on time.

We are so confident in our product that we will give it to you for free for 5 days (test it for free, and then make a payment!) - this is how robotic vacuum cleaners were sold in the USA. Who will return the favorite toy?

As of the beginning of 2018, 4.4 million legal entities. How to stand out among so many companies so that the client chooses you? Monotonous banners and offers "2 + 1" will not surprise anyone. We have collected 7 real examples of detuning from competitors: get inspired and take note!

Detachment from competitors - what is it?

it marketing campaigns, which are held to stand out from the background of other companies and attract the attention of the consumer. The main thing is to rebuild in positive side, not vice versa. Imagine three bakeries, only one of which sells burnt bread. This is also a difference, but it is unlikely to increase the flow of customers.

At the same time, there is no need to prove: “Everyone is bad, I am the only good one.” The goal is not to denigrate opponents, but to find positive features of their own products and talk about them.

Examples and ways of detuning from competitors

1. Positioning by service

The essence of the method is to provide the consumer with maximum comfort. Set a convenient work schedule, create a homely atmosphere, take care of the children's room, translate the menu into different languages, etc.

  • AT children's store line at the checkout? Install a TV with cartoons nearby.
  • Did the client leave a request on the site? Call back within 10 minutes to confirm the order.
  • When ordering clothes on the site, offer customers delivery by courier with the opportunity to try on and return what did not fit.

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The CRM system will help you not to miss a single request from the site, which itself will pick up the request, fix it in the database and send the task to the manager to contact the buyer. Read more in the reviews:

A good service debugging case is Tinkoff Bank. It does not have fixed offices in the regions. If you need a bank card, a courier will bring it to a convenient place and time. It is largely thanks to this service that the bank's client base is constantly growing: in 2017, it ranked second in the industry in terms of credit card portfolio.

Source: tinkoff-kartabank.ru

2. Positioning by price

Companies in 80% of cases offer lower prices than others. However, constant dumping is a bad decision.

The opposite strategy is to focus on high prices and offer luxury goods. But the third option is much more interesting - not to hang "labels" on prices, but to present information in such a way that the consumer himself makes a choice in favor of your offer.

For example, the Buenos Aires Zoo launched a series of posters featuring animals and their plush replicas with prices. The banner proves that buying a toy costs 4 times more than going to the zoo. The number of visitors after this action increased by 3.5 times.

Source: www.adforum.com

3. Positioning "out of trend"

The main idea is not to be a gray mouse, but to make something ordinary special. For example, instead of regular hamburger buns, serve colored ones.

A good example of such detuning from competitors is the Unilever brand. Usually the heroes advertising companies- successful attractive people. They are nice to look at, but the consumer doesn't associate with them. So in 2016, Unilever launched brand ads featuring ordinary people: thin, full, non-standard. This allowed us to increase the volume of business by 30% faster than planned.

Source: https://feguedes.wordpress.com

4. Complete solution

People are willing to pay extra for saving time and comfort. Offer a comprehensive solution to the problem, and you will be appreciated: buying not only a smartphone, but also accessories for it, potted plants + fertilizers for them.

The recognized leader among firms that offer integrated solutions is Ikea. There you can find a table, a chair, and a carpet that match each other in style. Buying at Ikea, everyone feels like an interior designer, because all things from the same product line are perfect for each other. Perhaps that is why Ikea stores are open in 48 countries, every year they are visited by 522 million buyers - that's every 14 people on the planet.

Ikea is also famous for its unpronounceable product names.
Source: giphy.com

5. Positioning by attribute

Brand names, emblems and characters evoke well-established associations in the consumer: Ferrari - speed, a bitten apple - Apple, Quikki the rabbit - children's food and drinks. Even if the consumer does not remember the name of the company, then a well-chosen, memorable symbol can serve as an impetus for a repeat sale.

SPSR Express, which delivers goods, has a successful case. She created a team of racers to participate in the "Formula 3" and hold promotions. A bunch formed in the minds of customers: "race - speed - fast delivery." This allowed to increase business turnover by 27%. A representative of SPSR Express spoke about other results of the campaign for the formula-russia.ru portal:

Alexey Zhukov, Marketing Director of the logistics company SPSR Express:
– Thanks to the rebuilding and growth in the market, our company was recognized as the most dynamically developing among the top players in the market according to marketing agency RBC Research (“Express Delivery Market Research -2015”). Through rebranding, we were able to reach international market and began working with Next, eBay, Amazon, AliExpress and JD.com.

6. Positioning by customers

This way of detuning from competitors implies that cooperation occurs only with a certain part of the target audience. For example, a particular brand of appliance repair firm or a dog-only veterinary clinic. Narrow specialization- a way to say that professionals in their field work in business.

For example, the Bahamas for Mom beauty salon is located in an area where mostly families with children live. Its slogan is "Bahamas for Mom" ​​- a beauty salon created for mothers and children. A place where they are sincerely welcome and always ready to help! During cosmetic procedures, the child can be left in the children's room with an animator. Despite the fact that prices here are higher than the average for the region, appointments with specialists are scheduled a month in advance.

in a classic novel?

I recently finished reading Moon Valley by Jack London. Frankly, the book is not the most popular, but no less interesting. However, the article will not focus on the plot and not on the literary merits of the novel. I want to talk about what got me hooked as a marketer. About how detuning from competitors looks from the point of view of Jack London.

Detachment from competitors: examples

Of course, the novel is not entirely devoted to marketing (and such a word is not used in it). There are 4 small passages in just one chapter. in which Mrs. Mortimer, a successful farmer, tells guests about how she manages to thrive in the face of fierce competition from other farms.

Let's see how she does it.

External differences

- Isn't it true, my dear, the flowers immediately caught your eye? she continued. “It was they who made you enter my garden and speak to me. That is why they are planted along with vegetables to attract attention. You can't imagine how many people are paying attention to them and how many they have lured here to me.

This road is extremely busy, the townspeople often ride on it. No… I have no luck with cars. People sitting in cars cannot see anything because of the dust. But when I started, almost everyone still rode horses. City ladies constantly drove past me. My flowers, and indeed the whole area, caught their eye; they stopped their carriages.

In order to rebuild from competitors, it is often enough to be different externally. But not just to be different, but also to stand out, catch the eye. Mrs. Mortimer, for example, uses flowers to attract people and make them stop.

If you think that something has changed in more than 100 years since the writing of the novel, then you are wrong. Bright signs, beautifully designed showcases and unusual, interesting sites still attract the attention of potential customers.

And I - I always ended up here, in front of the house, and you could call me. Usually I was able to invite them to my place to show flowers - and, of course, vegetables. Everything was beautiful, tidy, in exemplary order. It attracts people. And ... - Mrs. Mortimer shrugged her shoulders - you know, his eyes seduce a person.

The ease of contacting the seller, the ease with which you can get answers from him to all the questions that have arisen are still appreciated by buyers and increase their confidence in the seller.

Vegetables growing among flowers tempted them. They wanted my vegetables, certainly mine. And they received them at twice the market price and paid with great pleasure. I kind of came into fashion, became the subject of passion for these ladies. And no one was at a loss.The vegetables were excellent, no worse than other vegetables on the market, and sometimes much fresher.

Yes, it is not necessary to sell cheaper than competitors. It is important to be different from them. Low prices This is, of course, also a difference. But are you interested in working with target audience interested solely in low prices?

If you are interested and your business model allows you to set prices lower than those of competitors, this is not a bad way. But just keep in mind that it is unlikely that prices will be reduced forever. And no one can now say whose prices will eventually be lower - yours or competitors.

If you want to be distinguished not by the lowest price, but by something else, then you need to find your own “flowers” ​​for your “vegetables” that will draw attention to them.

But at the same time, pay attention to the last sentence in the paragraph I quoted. Whatever difference you choose from your competitors, never forget about the quality of the products. If your products or services do not suit customers, no differences will help you.

Don't forget that my customers killed two birds with one stone: above all, they were doing a good deed—not only were they getting the best and freshest vegetables straight from the garden, but they were also proud to know that they were helping a worthy widow. It even became a sign of good taste to buy vegetables from Mrs. Mortimer.

But we should not go into this topic, it would lead us too far. In short, my little estate became a favorite place where people went for a ride or just to kill time. It became known who I am, who my husband was and what I did before. Some of the ladies I knew at the best of times. They tried their best to help me.

Familiar, isn't it? You can stand out and history. The history of the creation and development of the company. Difficulties that had to be faced. Or, on the contrary, achievements. Is there anything interesting in your company? If there is, tell us about it! If not, try to find something unusual, something that may interest others.

You can also stand out with your attitude to the world around you - protect nature, help an orphanage, sponsor a local football team ... There are many options, the main thing is that you follow the course of your clients in your course. It is very strange to fight for universal sobriety, but at the same time produce elite wines, right?

I also made it a custom to treat my clients to tea. Thus, the customers became, as it were, my guests. Even now I serve tea when they come, wanting to brag about me to my friends. So, you see, the flowers have done me a great service.

Yes, the level of service is also a great way to stand out from the competition. At the same time, it is important that it is not just a pleasant and unobtrusive service - it is exactly what is expected of you. It should be something unusual, unexpected and memorable - such that your customers would not want to contact you again (which is not possible in all areas), but certainly tell their friends about you.

Do what others don't

“White leghorns,” said Mrs. Mortimer. - You have no idea how much income they gave me this year. I never keep a hen after she stops laying.

It may sound cruel, but it makes no sense for you to invest in something that does not bring you profit. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that profits come directly, like a chicken that lays eggs. After all, Mrs. Mortimer brings profit and flowers - even though she does not sell them.

Think about whether there is something in your company that does not bring you profit in one way or another? If so, stop wasting money on it.

- And only thanks to the fact that I breed chickens at the time that I need - which we still do only a few out of tens of thousands - my chickens lay in the winter, when the bird usually stops laying and when the price of eggs especially high.

A great option to detuning from competitors is to do what others do not. Do other courses not run in winter? Make your chickens lay - and the profit is yours!

Of course, it's not easy to start doing something that others don't do. But, however, this is exactly the game that is worth the candle. After all, at the same time you become a leader in your industry and others begin to follow you. If, of course, they succeed.

I have my regular customers. They pay me ten cents more than the market price for a dozen because I only supply day-old eggs.

As you can see, it is not at all necessary to release a new product or invent something. Often it is enough to simply increase the speed of delivery. And, of course, your reputation plays a big role in this.

But the benefit is obvious - you will be willing to pay more for the same product than competitors. And all because you offer customers Better conditions(even if the benefits are as subtle as the difference between one-day and two-day eggs).

Sell ​​what others don't sell

They toured the cowshed, the pigsty, and the kennel. Everything was small, but everything brought income, Mrs. Mortimer assured, and immediately counted her profits. They were taken aback by the prices she paid and received for purebred Persian cats, pigs, Scottish Collies and Jersey cows.

Very simple advice: sell what others do not offer. Where everyone sells ordinary cats, offer Persian ones. If competitors sell Alaskan Malamutes, sell Scottish Collies.

However, it is not necessary that your product be better goods competitors - it just has to be different. Indeed, for many people, the main value is the opportunity to excel, to stand out in the eyes of others.

And for the milk of Jersey cows, she had a special market, and she received five cents more per quart than the milk of cows of the best local breeds cost.

But, of course, if your product is not just different, if it is better than the competitor's product, then this is a great advantage that should not be missed!

Be different in the eyes of customers

Then she introduced them to another branch of her economy - the manufacture of homemade jams and jams, which she supplied to customers at completely ridiculous prices. Saxon and Bill sat in comfortable wicker chairs on the porch and listened to Mrs. Mortimer's stories about how she had raised the price of her preserves and jams, selling them only to the best restaurant and the most aristocratic club in San Jose.

Starting this business, she went with the samples to the owner of the restaurant and the bartender of the club and, after long disputes, convinced them to create a “specialty” out of her products, advertising them to visitors in every possible way, and most importantly, sharply raising the price of all the dishes in which they are included.

A way of detuning from competitors for those who do not have any differences. Sometimes it is enough just to create the appearance of such a difference in the eyes of potential buyers!

As you can see, Mrs. Mortimer does not say a word about the fact that her preserves and jams are somehow different from those of competitors. Most likely they are exactly the same. But on the other hand, you can buy them only in two places - the best restaurant and the most aristocratic club in the city. And nowhere else!

I think you already understand how it works. As soon as it turns out that access to some product is limited (and it costs big money!), so immediately it begins to be in high demand, even if it is no different from another - exactly the same - product that is available on every corner.

More than 100 years have passed and nothing has changed. We also often buy things not for quality, but only for the inscription on the tag. So why not take advantage of this opportunity to stand out from the competition? Everything is in your hands, it all depends on your ability to present yourself.

Have you had to deal with marketing "chips" when reading classical works? For me, this passage from Jack London was a real discovery - I could not have imagined that in a 1913 novel you could find ideas that marketers use today.

If you also had similar discoveries - write in the comments, I would be interested to read about them.

Every young businessman who has just managed to enter the market with his products inevitably faces competition and the need to draw attention to the brand. Many of them resort to dumping - reducing the cost of goods, but this method has long been recognized as not effective enough.

Detachment from competitors is a more progressive technique, allowing the entrepreneur to promote the product and distinguish himself. Detuning is called an integral element of any PR company, it pursues a number of goals:

  1. with its help you can stand out from the crowd;
  2. emphasizes the positive aspects of a product or service that competitors cannot boast of;
  3. helps to disseminate this data to the market as much as possible.

Why is this needed and what is the point?

The essence of detuning is not to denigrate a competitor, but to show that a particular firm is different from the rest. It is very difficult to achieve this, it is necessary to study the following data in advance:

  • features of the competitor's business and methods of its work;
  • how they attract buyers and consumers;
  • Does the company have any exclusive features;
  • whether there are special promotions and offers that may be of interest to the target audience.

Experts assure that detuning must be carried out at regular intervals throughout the entire period of the company's activity. How the office differs from the rest, why you need to choose it - these questions need to be answered in order for positioning in the market to be successful.

You can only avoid detuning if no one else offers a similar product, but this happens extremely rarely.

First, you need to highlight your brand. In the minds of consumers, a bright, necessarily positive image associated with the name of the company should be formed. Different fonts, colors, images on business cards, etc. are used. It is best to entrust this work to professionals.

It is believed that a commercial proposal must be creative. This is remembered, but if competitors have created a good selling advertisement, then customers will go to them.

If you can't be better than your competitors, sometimes it's great to just not be like them. “One-of-a-kind”, “different”, “Completely different” - these are all statements from young brands that are doing their best to distinguish themselves and not drown in a sea of ​​identical, i.e. build up.

For the strategy to be truly successful, you need to take into account a lot of points. We use examples.

Most often, contrast is used on prices; in almost 80% of cases, detuning is done precisely in the direction of financial gain. There may be offers like: “If you find it cheaper, we are ready to return the difference to you”, etc. Such promotions are common not only among hardware stores, but also in other industries.

Another example of detuning from competitors: “Even if you find it cheaper, we still have much better quality.” This is very noticeable in the field of food products, signs are only full of slogans like: “No dyes”, “Only natural ingredients”, etc.

What should the consumer focus on?

Needless to say, now instead of 500 rubles for a lesson, he could easily take 1,500 and he was paid? The main thing here is not to worry that there will be no customers. They will definitely be ready to pay for comfort, convenience, speed, etc. For something that they can't get from the firm next door, even though it's cheaper.


It is very important to first study the strategy and the competitor’s product itself, to impress people with completely new idea, only then it will be possible to observe an increase in popularity and sales.

And remember, you only need to differ in better side.

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More about current account

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