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❌ Do-it-yourself wooden gate ❌ The gate is the beginning of the site and, one might say, its face. Therefore, each owner tries to install strong, beautiful and practical gates that harmoniously fit into the exterior of the site. In this article, we will look at how to make wooden gates for a summer residence on our own, which meet all these requirements. Gates made of wood are very popular among summer residents. This is due to the fact that they have many positive qualities: + Look attractive. + They are strong enough. + With proper care, they can last for many years. + They are quite easy to make, thanks to which every owner of the site can make such gates with their own hands. + Due to the ease of processing, such gates can be given almost any design. + Wood is an affordable material, so when self-manufacturing, the price of the gate is quite low. + Goes well with almost any type of fence. Of course, in order for the gate to meet all these qualities, it is necessary to competently approach their manufacture, taking into account all the nuances that we will discuss below. Execution of wooden gates✔ Project. To start the manufacture of wooden gates, like any other construction work, follows from the design. The presence of a drawing will allow you to calculate and purchase necessary materials , as well as correctly complete all the details of the future design. If you are doing this kind of work for the first time, then you should study the existing design options. As a rule, the gate is a frame sheathed with boards. There are quite a few frame options - it can be a Z-shaped structure or a rectangular frame reinforced with braces. The choice of its type largely depends on the desired design of the gate and its size. Also in the design process, it is necessary to determine the size of the gate. The width is usually selected so that a car can pass through the moss gate. The height is in the range of 1700-1800 mm. ✔ Tip! Sliding wooden gates are an alternative to swing construction. Their advantage is that they move along the rails parallel to the fence, and do not take up useful space, but at the same time they are more difficult in terms of implementation. Materials 🛠 So, to make a swing gate, you need to prepare the following materials: * Beam 70x50 mm, 50x50 mm and 150x150 mm * Edged board: width 100 mm; thickness 25 mm. *Gate hinges 4 pcs. ✔ Tip! It is better to sheathe the gates for a wooden fence with the same boards from which the fence is made. In this case, the design will look like a single unit with the fence. In addition, you will need a standard set of woodworking tools and some consumables. Installation of supports ✔ After preparing the project, you can begin to manufacture the gate. Moreover, the work begins with the installation of pillars that serve as their basis. The instructions for mounting the supports look like this: **First, marking is done and the locations of the pillars are indicated. ** Then you need to dig holes to the depth of freezing of the soil in order to avoid pushing out the pillars as a result of heaving of the soil. To make holes, you can use a garden drill or a regular shovel ** Next, a layer of crushed stone and sand should be covered at the bottom of the holes. **Now you need to install the posts in the holes and fix them in a vertical position. To do this, use spacers and a level that will allow you to correctly set the supports. If a beam of 150x150 mm is used as pillars, it must first be treated with antiseptic impregnation and then the lower part, which will be located in the ground, should be covered with bituminous mastic. **Next, the holes are filled with concrete. After it hardens, the junction of concrete with wood must be smeared with silicone sealant to prevent moisture from penetrating into the gap. **To strengthen the supports and prevent them from skewing, they can be connected from above with a crossbar, but in this case they must have sufficient height. This completes the installation process of the pillars. Making the frame ✔ While the concrete of the supports is hardening, you can start making the gate. This procedure is performed in the following order: 1. First you need to make blanks from a bar in accordance with the project. For the manufacture of one sash in our case, the following details will be needed: -3 bars for the top and bottom, as well as the middle crossbar; -2 wooden slats, which will be located diagonally; 2 vertical posts; Details need to be processed with a planer and then sanded. Finished structural elements must be treated with an antiseptic to increase their durability. 2. Then the parts must be laid out on a flat surface in the form of a frame, and then fastened to each other. To do this, you can use overhead steel corners and self-tapping screws. In addition, to give the frame rigidity, you can use wooden dowels. To do this, holes should be drilled at the joints of the parts and dowels pre-lubricated with epoxy glue should be inserted into them. 3. In the center of the resulting frame, you need to install a jumper in the middle. Then jibs are fastened crosswise at the corners. To fix them, you need to use self-tapping screws. Further, the frame and the second sash are assembled in the same way. ✔ Tip! According to the same scheme, you can make a wooden gate to the garage. The only thing is that garage doors are usually sheathed on both sides. Sheathing ✖ Now that the frame is ready, it is sheathed and finished. How beautiful your gate will turn out depends on this operation. This operation is performed as follows: **First of all, you need to cut the boards according to the design length, then process them with a planer and grind. ** Then the boards should be fixed to the frame with self-tapping screws. They can fit snugly against each other or be attached with a certain step. In the second case, you can use a template to ensure a uniform step of the rails. **After sheathing the gate, to give it a more attractive look, it can be decorated. For example, to give them an antique look, you can use overhead forged elements, such as handles and canopies. Wooden carved gates also look great, and to decorate them with carvings, it is not at all necessary to perform this operation yourself. You can purchase ready-made carved patterns that are attached to the gate with studs, self-tapping screws or even glue. **The finished product must be painted or varnished. Installation ✖ The final stage of work is installation, which is performed in the following order: 1. First, the canopies should be attached to the gate with self-tapping screws. 2. Then you need to mark the posts. To do this, lift the sash and mark the location of the screws. At this level, it is necessary to check the horizontal position of its location. 3. further, at the marked points, you need to drill holes according to the diameter of the self-tapping screws. 4. After that, the gate must be raised again and the canopies fixed on the pillars with self-tapping screws. 5. Then, at the same level, the installation of the second sash is carried out. 😉 This completes the gate manufacturing process, now it remains only to install locks and locks.

Comments 1

Classes 49

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Classes 71

Balcony and loggia insulation The type and method of balcony and loggia insulation depends on: purpose: the balcony is not intended for storage, it is insulated in order to reduce heat loss from the room. In this case, work is carried out according to a scheme similar to outdoor heating. That is, only one side of it, adjacent to the wall of the room, is insulated; the balcony is for storage. Insulated around the perimeter of all surfaces. Since there should not be a high temperature here, the requirements for heat-insulating materials are not particularly high; balcony, which is a continuation of the living room or serving as an office, library, sports hall etc. In this case, heat loss through windows and all surfaces is eliminated. And as the materials used, heat insulators with high density and considerable thickness are used. Special attention is given to the thermal conductivity of the material and the rules for its installation. heating budget. It determines both the type of insulation, and the area of ​​​​insulation, and further finishing. It also determines whether to entrust the work to professionals or to do the insulation of the balcony with your own hands; season. Low temperatures can withstand any kind of insulation. But solutions, adhesives and foam must be used taking into account the temperature environment. As a rule, "winter varieties" are more expensive. And the duration of work in winter is more significant; increased requirements for the safety of insulation. Many people are afraid to use mineral wool or expanded polystyrene as a heater, referring to the fire hazard (see photo) or pointing to the content of carcinogenic substances in them. Insulation of a balcony and a loggia - a comparative test for the combustibility of heaters practical advice how to make loggia insulation more effective. We will proceed from the fact that it is necessary to qualitatively and inexpensively insulate the balcony on all surfaces inside - walls, ceiling and floor. Insulation requirement: light weight. In order not to weigh down the balcony, which is much lower in strength than the loggia; small volume. In order not to occupy the useful living space of a balcony or loggia; low cost; safety. Fire and environmental; opportunity to do the work yourself. How to insulate a balcony with your own hands - step by step instructions It is impossible to do quality work if you have to constantly move things from place to place. Crack sealing. We assume that high-quality double-glazed windows are installed on the windows. In any case, there are gaps between the balcony and the wall, at the junction of the ceiling and the floor. So they need to be repaired using foam, sealants or solutions. Slots of considerable size are sealed with pieces of foam. Balcony / loggia waterproofing. Needed to keep water out. Moreover, it can enter through micropores in concrete. For this purpose, a deep penetrating primer can be used. In the case of using cotton wool, it is necessary to install a waterproofing film. It is fastened with an overlap and secured with tape. Installing a heater. Two methods can be distinguished here: Frame method. In this case, you must first equip the frame from antiseptic-treated wooden boards or galvanized profiles. Boards are more popular because they are cheaper and allow you to adjust the thickness of the frame. The most commonly used beam is 50x50. A heater is inserted into the formed cells. Frameless method. More preferable, but only suitable for rigid insulation. This is due to the fact that the material of the frame with the frame method remains not covered with insulation. That is, wood or metal serve as cold bridges and conduct heat well. Therefore, in the vast majority of cases, rigid heaters are mounted without arranging the frame. Laying penofol, vapor barrier film or superdiffusion membrane. Floor insulation is in progress. The final stage is the decorative finishing of the balcony with wooden clapboard or drywall. Insulation of the balcony and loggia with mineral wool The wool is laid so that it fits snugly against the elements of the frame, but is not “rammed”, i.e. no need to further compact it. From this, the structure of the mineral wool will change and part of the air will evaporate. This will reduce the thermal insulation properties of wool. In order for the cotton wool to hold securely on the wall, and especially on the ceiling, it must be additionally fixed using wire or umbrellas (dowels with a wide cap). Mineral wool is fixed with wire on the ceiling Mineral wool is fixed with wire on the wall Mineral wool is fixed with "umbrellas" Sometimes the wool is wound behind the frame, as shown in the figure. Then the elements of the frame are held by cotton wool. However, professionals do not recommend using this approach for low-density wool (less than 50 kg/m3), since wool held in only a few places will settle over time, exposing part of the wall to the movement of cold air. Insulation of the balcony - mineral wool in the frameInsulation of the balcony - mineral wool fixed in the frame The wool is covered with a vapor barrier film. Then the counter-lattice is stuffed. It allows you to protect the wool from touching the finishing material and avoid the appearance of a dew point in this place. Rigid insulation is also placed in the frame sections and fixed on foam or special glue. The insulation is not laid close to the frame, but with a gap of 5-10 mm. The gap is subsequently blown out with foam, and the foam sheet is additionally attached with a plastic dowel - an umbrella (fungus). Balcony and loggia insulation with polyurethane foam The sputtering method stands apart in this group. Such heat-insulating material as polyurethane foam is applied to the wall precisely by spraying. Relatively new material on the market is quickly gaining its fans among professionals and amateurs. Because it allows you to perform insulation without additional preparation of the base. In favor of the PPU speaks and high speed completion of work - less than one day. Among the disadvantages are the high cost and the inability to do the work yourself without special equipment. Balcony preparation for polyurethane foam insulation Polyurethane foam spraying on the balcony Ceiling insulation with polyurethane foam on the balcony Balcony and loggia insulation with polyurethane foam Balcony insulation with penofol They fix it aluminum foil inside the premises. Thus, the effect of three in one is achieved. Firstly, reliable protection of the insulation from moisture; Secondly, additional internal insulation; Thirdly, the foil reflects 90% of the heat back. What is very important for a balcony or loggia, which by law cannot have own sources heating. Insulation of the balcony with penofolConnection of sheets of penofol - sealing the seams with adhesive tape A feature of the fastening of penofol is the absence of overlaps. Fastening is carried out only end-to-end, and the joints are glued with adhesive tape. How to properly insulate the floor on the balcony: the base of the floor is being prepared. To do this, the floor is leveled, the cracks are blown out and treated with lubricating waterproofing. lags are installed and insulation is laid or covered between them. #balcony@stroyka_vk

Comments 2

Classes 65

How to insulate a balcony The first stage, from which the insulation of any room begins, is the installation of modern double-glazed windows. If you have old wooden frames, then a very large amount of heat escapes through them, no matter how you insulate. But when installing double-glazed windows on a balcony, there is one nuance that distinguishes it from other rooms - the parapet. On many old balconies, it is not strong enough to support the weight of heavy metal plastic windows. In this case, it will have to be further strengthened. Useful advice! It is best to strengthen the parapet with reinforcement. The thick iron bars and cement will hold up well to any extra weight. The brick version is also good, but it is thicker and heavier. Before you insulate the balcony with your own hands, you need to decide on the material of the window structures - these can be frames made of PVC, aluminum or wood. Properties different types windows wooden frames - This is the cheapest, but not the best option in terms of window properties. Wooden frames do not retain heat well, they are not airtight. It is worth using them only if there are no severe colds in your latitudes. Aluminum windows are more expensive, but retain heat better. In addition, they are the most reliable and durable, excellently resist corrosion and other negative influences. PVC frames - the best option in terms of price and quality. Polyvinyl chloride is not afraid of dampness and temperature changes. It is not as resistant to stress as aluminum, but it provides the highest level of thermal conductivity. How to insulate a balcony so that it is warm in winter? The following types of windows are well suited for this purpose: with hinged sashes; with double glazing; with extended profiles. When insulating a balcony, one of the most important points is the thickness of the insulation layer. Often it turns out that it is necessary to insulate not only the walls, but also the floor with the ceiling. The main criterion for a material for insulation is its thermal conductivity. This figure is inversely proportional to the amount of heat that the material can hold. One of the most frequently asked questions when insulating is what is the best way to insulate a balcony: foam or mineral wool? It all depends on your financial capabilities. The most common material for insulating balconies is extruded polystyrene foam. It is thin, light, easy to cut and install, durable and resists moisture and corrosion well. Its only drawback is the rather high cost. In this case, the budget option for insulation for the balcony is foam. It is also lightweight and easy to install, however, less durable. Sealing gaps Any old balcony has gaps - this is an axiom. Heat will escape through numerous cracks even if you have installed the warmest and most modern double-glazed windows. It is best to seal them with polyurethane sealants and mastics, which are quite plastic, hold for a long time and are resistant to various kinds of natural influences, such as frost or wind. The cracks are sealed with a special gun or a plastic nozzle that comes with the balloon. After the mastic or sealant has completely dried, you can proceed to the installation of the insulation. If you do not know how to insulate a balcony with your own hands, a step-by-step photo will help you in this moment. How to insulate the floor and walls on the balcony with your own hands After choosing and buying a heater, it must be fixed. Usually, this is done with dowels or construction adhesive. When mounting with glue, you need to choose a composition without toluene - it can corrode the material. If you decide to attach the insulation with dowels, then they must be placed around the perimeter with a calculation of approximately 10 dowels per square meter. Use when warming the balcony with your own hands step by step instructions, photos and videos that can be found on specialized resources. Stages of insulation of the walls of the balcony: installation of a vapor barrier film with gluing the joints with construction tape; installation of crates made of wooden bars or a metal profile; installation of insulation - polystyrene foam, mineral wool, etc.; sheathing of the crate with moisture-resistant plasterboard, plywood or other sheet materials; wall finishing. Useful advice! The seams between the layers of insulation or foam plates must be sealed with mounting foam. This will prevent heat loss through them. Each type of surface has its own nuances of insulation. So, before warming the floor, it is worth leveling and laying waterproofing on it. And the use of vapor barrier tape will insure you against such troubles as fungus and mold. The walls and ceiling can be sheathed with moisture-resistant drywall. Photos of the design of the insulated balcony show that drywall, with proper finishing, looks great here. Stages of balcony floor insulation: installation of a waterproofing film with the treatment of joints with moisture-resistant mastic or sealant; laying a heat insulator - for example, foam; pouring a concrete screed 4-5 cm thick (an electric underfloor heating can be additionally installed in the screed); finishing flooring - laminate, linoleum, ceramic tiles. It is possible to equip and insulate the floor on the balcony without using a concrete screed. To do this, after arranging the waterproofing, wooden logs are laid in the longitudinal direction of the balcony, which are attached to the concrete base. Between the lags, a heat-insulating material is laid - penoplex, basalt wool, expanded clay, etc. Boards or sheet material (plywood, chipboard, etc.) are attached to the logs and the floor is finished. Thermal insulation of the roof of the balcony If the roof of your balcony is not the floor of the neighbor's, then its insulation needs a separate approach. The video "How to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands" clearly demonstrates the whole process. You need to choose a reliable roofing material , on its inner side it is desirable to apply sound insulation in the form of spraying or film. The following layers are also used: waterproofing - PVC or polyester films are perfect here; windproof membrane - allows steam from the insulation to pass through, but does not allow drops that can penetrate with the wind; anti-condensation layer - does not allow water vapor to drain onto the insulation; wooden frame - holds the roof; the insulation itself - serves for thermal insulation of the roof; vapor barrier of the insulation - retains the insulating properties of the insulation, does not let water vapor inside it. Additional insulation In order to keep your balcony warm even in the most severe frosts, you can install a radiator, air conditioner or even a warm floor on it. The answer to the question "What is the best way to insulate balconies from the inside?" depends on your imagination, needs and financial possibilities. If the balcony is combined with the room, then additional insulation can not be installed, the air conditioner will do a good job with this task. But there is a nuance - the air will warm up, but the floor will still remain cold, even if it is carpeted. Therefore, underfloor heating is a very appropriate option for complete insulation of the balcony. Installation of a warm floor is another difficult moment that is best left to experienced professionals. A step-by-step video instruction for warming a balcony with your own hands also helps here. The better to insulate the balcony inside, the nuances of insulation in different seasons Sometimes it happens that it is necessary to insulate the balcony in winter. Many are interested in whether it is worth doing it and what it threatens. It all depends on the materials used for insulation. Some of them change their properties at sub-zero temperatures, and it becomes more difficult to process and mount them. It is rather problematic to insulate a balcony with penoplex with your own hands in winter, and cement in the cold freezes very quickly and does not have time to really grasp. This leads to weakening of the masonry and the rapid destruction of the parapet. But there are a number of special winter adhesives and mixtures that are focused on use at low temperatures. A video of do-it-yourself balcony insulation in winter can also be found on the Internet. Mounting foam also depends on temperature. If you choose the “summer” option for winter insulation, then this will not lead to anything good - the foam will quickly collapse and become unusable. Another important point to consider when warming is dampness. You can often encounter it if you warm the balcony in autumn or spring. Most types of glue or mastic do not stick to a damp surface, and humidity also has a very bad effect on the performance properties of insulation, if it is not foam. That is why it is necessary to start the insulation and waterproofing of the balcony from the ceiling. In this case, sudden rain will not prevent you from continuing to insulate the walls and floor. Useful advice! Insulation of the balcony with penoplex and penofol can be done even in conditions of high humidity. From the foregoing, it can be seen that it is possible to insulate a balcony not only in summer. The only exception is if the temperature drops below 20 degrees. Then even the most frost-resistant materials begin to behave very badly, and normal insulation will not work, even if you know for sure how to properly insulate the balcony from the inside. Do-it-yourself interior decoration of a balcony: step-by-step instructions and recommendations If the answer to the question "How to insulate a balcony with your own hands?" and step by step photos can be easily found on the Internet, the interior decoration is completely up to you. The best option here - drywall, which is moisture resistant and easy to further finish: painting, tiling, wallpapering. Wiring can be hidden in hollow plastic casings so that it is not conspicuous, and carpeting can be laid on the floor. The step-by-step video "How to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands" will help you decide on the type of insulation and interior design. By the way, one of the most frequently asked questions is “How much does it cost to insulate a balcony and finish it?”. There is no exact answer to it, it all depends on the selected materials and the complexity of the work. #balcony@stroyka_vk

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