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Planning promotional activities provides for the definition of its goals, ways to achieve them and creates the conditions for the enterprise (firm) to realize its features in a competitive environment. Setting goals determines the prospect of using advertising in the enterprise and creates conditions for evaluating its effectiveness. Realization of the goals of advertising obliges everyone structural units businesses to work together.

When developing an advertising plan, a distinction is made between primary and secondary goals. The main goal must be formulated in writing in order to gradually refine it, if necessary, without making mistakes. Without a clearly defined goal, it is impossible to successfully carry out advertising activities and accurately determine its result.

The purpose of promotional activities can be short-term, medium-term and long-term. Determining the goal is a laborious, complex and almost always not completely feasible task. The established goal must be realistic, achievable in a certain time frame and by certain means.

Goal setting eliminates errors in the creation and distribution of advertising media. It is a guideline for every performer, opens up the necessary space for his creative initiative.

Depending on supply and demand, the plan provides for promotional activities for a particular product or service. Advertising plans allow an enterprise to determine in advance a program of action as a result of changing conditions in the goods (services) market.

The management of the enterprise must ensure careful planning of the interconnected elements of the complex of advertising activities to obtain the maximum effect. Properly planned and well-organized advertising is able to have a significant impact on the efficiency of the enterprise. Using a variety of means of communication, advertising contributes to the establishment and deepening of contacts between producers and consumers, expanding the knowledge of the population about goods and services.

V developed countries firms carry out planning of promotional activities after the development of its annual budget. Wide spectrum advertising services various agencies and firms allows you to carry out almost any intention in this area. Unfortunately, this form is not always acceptable for Russian entrepreneurs, since in small enterprises planning of the annual budget is not always possible due to the instability of the economic situation and constant change laws and taxes. In addition, there are difficulties in the manufacture and placement of advertising.

Advertising not only provides information about the product, but also forms its image, gives it a socio-psychological significance, sets its position among competing products. At the heart of any competent advertising are two components: a well-thought-out advertising concept, i.e. advertising strategy, and a creative advertising strategy.

Advertising strategy provides questions on how to build an advertising campaign in order to realize marketing tasks, i.e., to determine the property of the product, which should convey the advertising message to a specific target audience.

  • 1. The specifics of the product category.
  • 2. The specificity of the product itself and the ability to highlight and report on its significant properties for the consumer.
  • 3. Actions of competitors in the field of advertising.
  • 4. Mindset of the target audience.

Creative advertising strategy is, as a rule, the author's solution to the implementation of the advertising task. It focuses primarily on the type of perception by the consumer of the advertising message and on the advertising capacity of the product or brand.

The strategy must contain a constant search for an idea that breaks and overturns the stereotypes of the market.

The developed strategies are used in planning advertising activities in the company and in the development of advertising messages. It is expedient to carry out advertising planning in four stages.

On the first stage it is desirable to involve the heads of the main departments in the preparation of the advertising plan with the direct participation of a representative of the advertising department, if any. First, a list of goods or services that require advertising is determined. Then - periods of time for advertising.

On the second stage planning for each product or service determines the types of promotional goals.

Reinforcement advertising- a kind of reminder advertising, designed to support consumers who have already bought a product, and convince them of the correctness of their choice in the hope of repeat purchases of this product on their part.

For example, informative advertising may create knowledge about a brand and a new product, or familiarize consumers with regime store operations, or reduce the time it takes salespeople to answer questions. The purpose of persuasive advertising may be to achieve brand preference, increase store traffic, or build loyalty. this species goods. The goals of reminder advertising can be to stabilize sales, support brand loyalty, support brand awareness, etc.

In addition, on this stage the mass media and the terms for placing advertisements in them are determined.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of manufacturing additional advertising materials for this event.

It is advisable to identify several options for advertising in the media (main and several spare). The publicity department or publicist is then tasked with preparing information about the publications, the media, the approximate volume of messages, their cost, and the timing of distribution. Based on the information received, specific publications, mass media, the timing of the release of advertising messages are specified, the costs for them are calculated. All the work done allows us to form a draft plan for advertising.

At the third stage real dimensions are determined Money that can be used for advertising.

There are a number of things to keep in mind when developing a budget.

What are the costs of the different alternatives (price of a 30-second TV commercial vs. advertisement in a magazine for a full page)?

Depending on the allocated funds, the draft plan is adjusted. If insufficient funds have been allocated, then the plan can change the frequency of advertising, reduce the publication area or change the edition, broadcast time of the advertising message, etc.

At the fourth stage planning, the final coordination of the need for advertising with real opportunities for a certain period (quarter, year) is carried out.

It is better to develop a plan for the year, as it gives a clear idea of ​​the company's need for advertising, plays a positive role in receiving proposals for advertising from the media or exhibition committees. In this case, a minimum of time is required to assess the need for the proposed promotion.

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Advertising scheduling linked to marketing planning, can be carried out at three levels: an annual advertising plan, campaign plans, text strategies for a separate advertising message outside the advertising campaign. An advertising plan and a campaign plan are similar in composition and structure, focusing on the following elements of the plan:

  • § audience reach: who do you want to reach?
  • § Appeal strategy: what do you want to tell them?
  • § advertising delivery strategy: when and where will you contact them?

The pattern for developing an annual advertising plan or campaign plan is somewhat similar to that for developing a marketing plan. A situational analysis section and the definition of goals and strategies, for example, are present in both cases. The most important differences are in the sections responsible for circulation strategies and advertising media. Typical Plan advertising or campaign consists of the following sections: introduction, situation analysis, problems of using advertising, favorable opportunities for using advertising, key strategic decisions, advertising objectives, target audience, competitive advantages of the product, image and characteristics product, product position, creative plan, media plan, communication plan, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing, personal selling, sponsorship, merchandising, packaging, point-of-sale advertising, implementation and evaluation, budget.

The first step in developing an advertising plan (as well as a marketing plan) is not planning, but testing the ground, in other words, researching and reviewing the state of affairs in terms of communications. This section details the search for and analysis of important information and trends affecting the market, competition, consumer behavior, the company itself, product or brand. The key word in the title of this section is analysis, understanding of all the information collected and its implications for the future success of the product or brand.

Advertising can only solve problems that are related to the advertising message, such as image, attitude, perception, knowledge or information. It cannot solve problems related to the price of the product or its availability, but the appeal can change the opinion that the price is too high. It can also present a restricted product as exclusive.

When developing an advertising strategy, there is a group of key decisions: setting goals and determining the target audience, competitive advantage, product position, creating an image and individual differences trademark.

The definition of advertising goals directly follows from the answer to the question: what result is required to be obtained by influencing the target audience? Typically, advertising seeks to create, change, or reinforce relationships that get consumers to try a new product, buy it again, or switch to another brand of product. Trademark advertising is aimed at creating the image or identity of the product and its position.

Advertising determines the target audience - the people to whom the appeal is directed. The target audience may equal the target market, but often it includes people who are not related to possible consumers. For example, the target audience for a diet program might include doctors, pharmacists, nutritionists, and government health and nutrition agencies, not just consumers.

Target audiences are described in terms of their demographic categories. Since these categories often overlap, the process of describing an audience is also a process of narrowing down the target audience.

An important step in determining competitive advantage is to analyze your product against your competitors' products. Difference analysis is an easy way to structure your work. First you need to create a table with an enumeration important characteristics your product and those of your competitors. Then you need to understand how important each characteristic is for the target audience, and evaluate your own product according to these characteristics. Your competitive advantage lies in the area where you have a strong characteristic that is important for the target audience and weak for competitors.

Positioning is a marketing strategy that creates a certain position of the product and its perception by the buyer in comparison with a competing product.

An important part strategic process is consideration and combination with advertising strategy other elements marketing communications. These elements—which include sales promotion, public relations, packaging, direct marketing, personal selling, sponsorship, and other promotions—are discussed in later chapters.

The last section of the advertising plan contains the details of executing the strategy, including calendaring and budgeting, as well as methods for measuring success. The implementation of an advertising plan is, without a doubt, its most difficult stage. It contains thousands of tiny details and missing even one of them can lead to the failure of the entire campaign. Therefore, advertising agencies must have special specialists for coordinating all stages of the implementation of the plan, responsible for the exact implementation of all its prescriptions.

The advertising budget is usually part of the overall promotional budget included in the marketing plan. In other words, a certain proportion of the marketing budget is dedicated to marketing communications, of which a portion is allocated to advertising.

The size of the budget is important in terms of an advertising or campaign plan, as it determines how much advertising a company can afford. The size of the budget also determines how many campaigns and target audiences a firm or brand can support.

PR and advertising (marketing communications) plan

The marketing communications plan is a section general plan marketing that describes:

  • marketing tactics that a company will use to reach out to target audience;
  • Expected results,
  • plans for working with potential clients;
  • plan of promotional activities (consolidated advertising budget).

Marketing communications are the means by which you

you can introduce potential clients with your product/service; convey to them the necessary information about the product / service.

Marketing tactics involves the use of the following activities to establish contact with the target audience:

  • direct sales - promotional techniques in direct sales involve the use as tools for creating relationships with customers and motivating them to make a purchase, individual calls, mass telemarketing, sending electronic messages (direct mail), loyalty programs, viral marketing;
  • advertising (ATL) - paid persuasive messages in the media, the Internet, radio and television, outdoor advertising, SMM, etc. The most effective means of building a brand and customer loyalty to the brand;
  • sales promotion (BTL) - involves the use different kind coupons, offers as samples of goods samples, gifts when buying goods/services, promotions, e&epEvents, etc.;
  • PR activities (from English, public relations - public relations) - informal communication with a potential client audience in order to create a positive image of the company during external environment and promoting the opinion of satisfied consumers on a large scale;
  • a website is a comprehensive tool for interacting with customers.

When developing a media plan, tasks aimed at fulfilling the set marketing goals are solved.

The effectiveness of a media strategy is determined by a comprehensive choice of advertising media that allows you to cover required amount target audience, the frequency and intensity of advertising campaigns and the timing of advertising.

Funding Marketing Communications Requires Drafting advertising budget: determining its overall size and distribution in the main areas marketing expenses and promotional periods.

The following methods are used to determine the total size of the consolidated advertising budget:

  • by percentage of turnover (revenue);
  • evaluation of own planned advertising means;
  • by the principle of similarity (assessment of funds spent by competitors).

Any event included in the plan requires a justification for its inclusion in the plan of promotional events and the preparation of its own cost estimate. Such work requires knowledge of the basics of media planning. Therefore, advertising agencies are often involved in compiling a media plan.

Calculate marketing costs for a business plan for opening a new car

dealer center in the non-premium segment as part of a group of companies. 1. Marketing strategy and action plan

Target group of buyers

80% men, 20% women, 40 years old, 3 cars in the family, 2 properties

Positioning of the product and brand in relation to the main competitors

Creative copywriting, increased ad volume, focus on "best in class". Marketing programs for each model. Ensuring the emotional process of buying and maintaining a car

Public relations

Existing contacts with the press: 210 media in the pool, more than 600 contacts

Marketing (ATL)

Promotional activities suitable for the brand: The Internet is the main tool. Additionally: outdoor advertising, press, radio

Direct marketing. What programs do you plan to launch in order for potential clients to learn about the new center? What customer database do you plan to use?

We have a database of one dealer and a combined database of a group of companies, which includes databases of competing brands

From RM system

To work with databases, we have our own high-tech CRM system, including a complaints processing system with automatic control of the review period. At the same time, we are ready to install and actively work with a centralized database

Address Marketing

To master new data of potential customers and maintain the loyalty of existing ones, it is planned to use the following tools: segment-oriented customer service; improvement of indicators "price - quality of service"; highlighting customer success stories in non-media advertising; improving the training and motivation of staff

Marketing activities (BTL)

Brand promotion activities: test drives, emotionally organized launches, co-branding events

Customer Contact / Complaint Handling

Planned to organize contact center, hotline with clients; maintain contacts with clients through a personal manager

After Sales Service / Customer Care

The overall satisfaction with the work of the service station is made up of such indicators (and the programs developed for them) as: flexibility in adjusting to the client’s schedule when making an appointment service maintenance(24-hour service program, remote car acceptance program); courtesy, friendliness and attentiveness of the staff to the wishes of the client (active informing clients about the details and schedule of the service process); punctuality when receiving and issuing a car, the validity of the work performed and the adequacy of the services rendered to the money paid (program Staff KPI based on the NPS index); appearance and convenience of the dealership and waiting area

Information materials

A digest is planned to inform customers special offers, seasonal booklets for the after-sales program, co-branded catalogs

Other marketing materials and activities

Sensory marketing, service quality research, customer gifts, etc.

2. Forecast for the 1st year

Individual client or group events

dealer forecast,

dealer forecast,

POS materials

Posters, banners, stickers, etc.


Catalogs, brochures, other materials

Client database management

Software license, involvement of consultants and contractors, etc.

Direct Marketing

Acquisition and work with databases, follow-up activities

Customer Relations and Promotions

Test drives, VIP presentations, service clinic (Service Clinic) etc.

Support for the club of brand lovers

Events for club members, financial support, etc.

3. Total forecast for 1-3 years

The expected results of the marketing communications plan reflect the business's efforts to build a customer base and increase sales.

Additional literature on the topic

  • 1. Nazaikin, A. N. 100% media planning / A. N. Nazaikin. - M.: Alpina Business Books, 2005.
  • 2. Buzin, V. N. Media planning for practitioners / V. N. Buzin, T. S. Buzina. - M.: Vershina, 2006.
  • 3. Advertising business. Activity advertising agencies, advertising creation, media planning, integrated communications / ed. J. F. Jones. - M. : Williams, 2005.
  • Launch (launch) - marketing management of the launch of a new product, even before the appearance of this product on sale and ensuring maximum demand for the product at the time of the start of sales. Accompanied by an active marketing campaign, during which communication is carried out with the target audience to inform about the main properties, quality characteristics, values ​​of the brand.


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