A group of persons decisive cannot do anything. The meaning of the word committee

Leading any area of ​​state or public activity.

  • Past the service, he also took the place of secretary of two ladies' charities committees; one - "with the goal of supplying free soap to the poor chimney sweeps", the other - "to supply the poor blind old women with snuff"; moreover, he directed dances at almost all balls in the capital.
  • In all our meetings, from the peasant gathering of the world to all possible scientists and others committees if they do not have one chapter governing all, there is an orderly confusion.
  • I was accidentally in committee, who gathers in the silence of the archpastoral cell, translating the Gospel.
  • government controlled formed by the government to carry out special functions.
    • A special secret has been drawn up on the affairs of the southern army Committee, in which there are only persons enjoying complete confidence before Junjichu (Council of State).
    • The chancellery, overwhelmed with affairs, the zemstvo police, who hate all peaceful and theoretical pursuits, looked at the statistical Committee as an unnecessary luxury, as a ministerial prank; however, the reports had to be presented with tables and conclusions.
  • subsidiary chambers of parliament, formed from among its members.
    • Nikolai Petrovich told different incidents from his, as he put it, farm life, talked about the upcoming government measures, about committees, about deputies, about the need to start cars, etc.
    • In the Duma of the third convocation, he held the post of deputy chairman committee on energy, transport and communications.
  • a meeting of someone making a general collegial decision.
    • V committee uncles and aunts were supposed to be sent to Petersburg and sent to a cadet school: they saw no other salvation for him - there, they said, they would educate him and teach him discipline.
  • ... soldier's mothers
  • ... the soldiers' mothers of Russia
  • the letter "K" in the KGB
  • elected body
  • elected body directing specific work
  • government agency formed to hold special events or guide an industry
  • government governing body
  • a group of people deciding that nothing can be done
  • collegial elected body
  • a collegial elected body that directs an area of ​​state or public activity
  • m. fr. a deliberative meeting, appointed by any authority; duma, glad, circle, meeting, meeting, advice. The committee of zemstvo duties in the province consists, under the chairmanship of the governor, of all private chiefs of estates. vyat. the salary of officials and peasants is called a committee. He's on the pavement trampling committee, a parasite. Komatetsky, to the committee concerning
  • body under the Duma
  • first letter in the KGB
  • film by Savva Kulish "... 19"
  • central to the Communist Party
  • what does the letter "K" mean in the KGB
  • a collegial body that manages any kind of work
  • collegial body
  • consumer protection organization
  • film by Savva Kulish "... 19"
  • the letter "K" in the IOC
  • the letter "K" in the State Emergency Committee
  • the letter "K" in the KGB
  • governing body
  • what does the letter "K" mean in the KGB?
  • central in the Communist. party
  • (French comite, from Lat. committere - to entrust, to entrust). A meeting of several elected members to develop any special issues.
  • English committee, French comite, from lat. committere, entrust, entrust. a) A meeting of persons to consider cases related to management or sciences. b) Committee public safety, established in France during the first revolution to persecute the enemies of the republic.
  • a meeting of persons for the purpose of discussing or considering any issues. As a rule, the candidate is elected from among the members of a larger assembly or society for preliminary discussion of known cases or for the execution of decisions.
  • meeting of several persons for discussion of Ph.D. questions or for the management of Ph.D. deeds. Committee members are either appointed by the government and so on. the case are considered to be composed of states. service, - or are elected to.-n. society from their midst. Exists organizational k-s aiming at the device (organization) of something, executive k-s, charitable, etc.
  • 1. Collegiate elected body, governing some. the area of ​​state or public activity; colloquial Meeting, meeting of such a body
  • 1. Collegiate elected body, governing some. the area of ​​state or public activity; colloquial A meeting, a meeting of such a body. 2. A government body formed by the government to carry out special functions
  • 2. A government body formed by the government to carry out special functions
  • Governing body.
  • Consumer Rights Protection Organization.
  • The film by Savva Kulish "... 19".
  • A group of people deciding that nothing can be done.
  • The letter "K" in the KGB.
  • The letter "K" in the State Emergency Committee.
  • The letter "K" in the IOC.
  • Collegiate body.
  • film by Savva Kulish COMMITTEE 19 "
  • COMMITTEE soldiers' mothers of Russia
  • COMMITTEE soldier's mothers
  • Absolute truth - that there is no absolute truth.
    Absurdity is a sin that does not violate the Commandments.
    Alphabet - vowel units, most of the consonants, partly deaf.
    Acting skills - the ability to keep a full audience from coughing.
    The feather shark is a keyboard woodpecker.
    Alimony is a consequence of sentimentality.
    Alcohol - causes a short-term expansion of blood vessels and a circle of friends.
    Mountaineering is a way to get through the summer.
    Altruist - respects the selfishness of others.
    Analyst - checks “is everyone's poured”.
    Anarchy is an array of monarchies consisting of one individual.
    Angelic character - devilish patience.
    English humor comes from poor translation.
    Anonymous - truly values ​​his name.
    Anti-globalism is the only movement that unites the whole world.
    Apathy is the attitude towards intercourse after intercourse.
    Appetite - unlike hunger, is not satisfied.
    Archeology - its future lies in ruins.
    Astrology is needed to make the economy look like a high-precision science.
    Atheism - needs religion no less than faith.
    Aphorism - contains half the truth (unusually high percentage).
    Womanizer - rarely thinks about a whole woman at once.
    Ballet is an opera for the deaf.
    Banality is the desire to avoid it.
    Bank - a can of horseradish.
    ATM - Babkomet.
    Pool - everything is done in the water.
    White race - unripe black
    Flight is the only possible victory over love.
    Non-alcoholic beer is the first step towards a rubber woman.
    Idleness is the highest form of manifestation of freedom.
    Idleness is an integral part of omnipotence.
    Immorality is the morality of those who have a better time than we do.
    Nonsense - advertising of vodka.
    Worry is a misuse of imagination.
    Shamelessness is the best cure for insomnia.
    A bestseller is a book that is bought well because it sold well.
    Business is friendship for money.
    Business plan - carving the skin of an unkilled bear.
    Biplane - in-flight business plan.
    A close person always seems narrow-minded.
    Shortsighted - meets fewer acquaintances, but bows more.
    The blonde is a desperate brunette.
    Blues - when good man poorly.
    The fly-badge is an insect-shaped decoration.
    God is sophisticated but not malicious.
    Wealth is the savings of many in the hands of one.
    The chatterbox is a godsend for a cellular operator.
    Marriage is the only gambling game blessed by the church.
    Marriage is the only form of slavery permitted by law.
    Marriage - the main thing here is not victory, but participation.
    Marriage is the peaceful coexistence of two nervous systems.
    Marriage is a continuation of love by other means.
    Marriage is a form of duel, according to the rules of which you need to sleep with the enemy.
    Disgust is a lack of habit.
    Keychain - allows you to lose all keys at the same time.
    Brussels sprouts - EU money.
    Buddhist - to the question "Will you?" always answers "I will."
    Pinocchio is an anthropomorphic dendromutant.
    Bovine eggs - bulls incubate bulls from them.
    The budget is the mathematical confirmation of suspicions.
    Bureaucrat - endowed with a talent for misunderstanding.
    Bacchanalia is a party that you were not invited to.
    Vegetarian (Chukotsk.) - "crooked hunter".
    Vegetarianism is animal eating.
    Politeness is not only to send, but also to conduct.
    Politeness is a well-organized indifference.
    Omnipresent - a person suffering from urinary incontinence.
    Luck is the result of very careful preparation.
    Generosity - forgiving subordinates for their mistakes.
    A camel is a horse with a lot of life experience.
    To believe is to refuse to understand.
    The top is always the edge of the abyss.
    Adults are children with money.
    The make-up artist is the legislator of the muzzles.
    Falling in love is a gimp for several weeks.
    SUV - gets stuck where another can't reach.
    Vodka is 60 percent water.
    Vodka is liquid but strong.
    Vodka is the best remedy for colds.
    Vodka (electr.) - relieves stress and reduces resistance.
    Vodka is the liquefied smoke of the Fatherland.
    Water skiing - skiing from inclined lakes.
    The art of war requires sacrifice.
    Abstinence is a good thing if you abstain in moderation.
    Upbringing is the elimination of personal deficiencies in your children.
    To educate - to develop immunity to television.
    Eighth of March - men spend their stash in the most stupid way.
    Time is the best doctor, but a bad beautician.
    Time - heals to death.
    Time - spoils products, things, relationships.
    Time prevents everything from happening at once.
    Everything - when the second date appeared under the portrait.
    Blowing a kiss is the first step to phone sex.
    Elections are the purchase of masters by slaves.
    Fiction is a design without intent.
    Height is the continuation of depth.
    An exit is an entrance for someone.
    Hemorrhoids are worth the candle.
    Genetics - struggles with crossing parallel lines.
    Genius is the talent to keep on the brink of insanity.
    Genocide - appeals to live without fools.
    “Gerasim and Mu-mu” is a utopia.
    Gymnastics is not necessary for healthy people, it is contraindicated for patients.
    A gynecologist is a forward looking pediatrician.
    The chief accountant is in charge of drinking.
    The main road is the one on which the tank drives.
    Globe is a stuffed animal of the Earth.
    A gulp is a unit of measure for freedom.
    Stupidity is the best cure for disappointment.
    The head is the protective organ of the ass.
    A pigeon - like a man - you feed him a little, and he already sits on your head.
    Homosexuality is an ass-masochism.
    Alpine skiing is money downhill.
    Public finance is the art of transferring money from hand to hand until it disappears.
    Literacy - it was developed for themselves by the illiterate.
    Sins are like prices - you just have to let them go ...
    Rudeness is the wit of fools.
    Humanism is an attempt to treat people like yourself.
    Virgin - given only to work.
    Girls are like ice cream - at first they are cold, then they melt, and then they stick.
    Decollete is a form of matter conservation.
    Fission of uranium is bullshit compared to fission of money.
    Deed is the enemy of thought.
    Democracy is the free choice of the scapegoat.
    Democracy - you say what you want, you do what you are told.
    Democracy is the dictatorship of the democrats.
    Democracy is an abuse of statistics.
    Democracy - everyone gets what the majority deserves.
    Democracy - when all decisions are made by one most important democrat.
    Democracy is a beautiful interface to a shitty algorithm.
    Democracy rules badly, but little.
    Money is mud, but curative.
    Money is the only thing that flows from the bottom up.
    Money is the best remedy for stress and depression.
    Money is men's makeup.
    Money is a good servant, but a bad master.
    Depression is anger without enthusiasm.
    Childhood is a world ruled by adults.
    Childhood - you can't go back, you can fall.
    Cheap is free for money.
    Gentleman - he always hears any anecdote for the first time.
    Jeans - beautiful at first, then comfortable.
    Diarrhea is the queen of the fields.
    The sofa is the birthplace of crazy ideas.
    Diet - greatly improves appetite.
    Diet - what is delicious, spits out.
    Diet - fostering a strong will with a weak stomach.
    Amateurism - professionalism minus experience.
    A diplomat will think twice before saying nothing.
    A diplomat - he knows how to hide more than he knows.
    Diplomacy is the art of saying "good dog" until you find a cobblestone.
    The director is the same person as everyone else, only he does not know about it.
    The debate is an ineffectual debate.
    Distance is the soul of beauty.
    The bottom is an underwater peak.
    Doctor - does not allow a person to die a natural death.
    Duty - from the word "long".
    Forbearance - patience, patience, patience ...
    The House of Tolerance is a pub without a toilet.
    Dragee is a type of hangover.
    A friend knows everything about you and loves you anyway.
    Friend - you can't buy, sell - it's easy.
    A friend is a person who understands you perfectly.
    Friendship - barter services.
    The club is a shortened version of the law.
    Unanimity is when only one thinks.
    Riding - you ride and eat.
    Natural selection is the withdrawal of money from the husband after the paycheck.
    Greed is the best remedy for women.
    Hot time - time to dry the crackers.
    Stomach - not crying, but upset.
    A woman is a weak, defenseless creature from which it is impossible to escape.
    An animal is not a brute like a man.
    Life is like the Internet - there is nothing to do, but you do not want to leave.
    Life is a way to preserve meat.
    The ass is beautiful for those who think with it.
    The ass is an adventure seeker.
    To eat - to eat in a rude, perverted form.
    Journalist is a writer edited by his newspaper.
    Envy is the most sincere form of flattery.
    Legislation - many have legislated strongly.
    Grounding is a healing metal plant with a pinned root system.
    The law of universal gravitation - “everything is burdensome to everyone”.
    Salary - nothing is given so much or so cheaply
    Insure - to intimidate someone with fires or accidents.
    Zelenka - nothing paints a person like that.
    Earth - without it, life is groundless.
    A mirror is a means of communication with an intelligent person.
    Mirror - successfully reflects attempts to appear beautiful.
    Evil is good that has come to power.
    Snake - walks lying down.
    Knowledge is the enemy of faith.
    Witch Doctor (abbr.) - a connoisseur of faces.
    Acupuncture is the best way to lose weight in inflatable women.
    Ideal - moves away as you approach it.
    Idealism is one of the facets of idiocy.
    The surplus is an extremely necessary thing.
    Isopropyl - a cut made to an equal depth along the entire length of the board.
    Image - protects the face from matting.
    Impotence - no one died from it, but no one was born.
    Impotence is a problem that removes all other problems.
    The instinct is itself blind, and the first guide.
    An intellectual is too smart to understand simple things.
    An intellectual - thinks about people better than they do about him.
    An intellectual - he thinks a lot about things that do not concern him at all.
    An interview is a conversation that has never happened.
    The Internet is like life: there is nothing to do, but you do not want to leave.
    Introvert - only crawls into his own affairs.
    Intuition fails only those who have it.
    Hypochondriac - he feels good only when he feels bad.
    Irony is offensive praise.
    Sincerity is a lack of self-control.
    Sincerity is the most unforgivable thing about a fanatic.
    Artificial is unnatural.
    Art - it is loved by those who have failed in life.
    Art begins where a little bit begins.
    Art belongs to art critics.
    Art is insanity recognized by the aesthetes.
    Art is the ability to hide art.
    Truth is a delusion that lasts for centuries.
    Truth is an event confirmed by two neighbors.
    History is the science of how the past should be.
    The history of Russia is a struggle between ignorance and injustice.
    Cavalier - thinks he is the groom.
    Execute - finance from the state. treasury.
    Calories are the germs from which fat builds up.
    Kamasutra is a book about tasty and healthy piss.
    Kamasutra is a sitcom.
    Canadian flag - something is covered with a leaf.
    Capitalism is what people do when left alone.
    A whim is a desire without a need.
    A castrated bull is a bull that does not lay eggs.
    Career - from cover to caviar.
    Porridge in the head is a traditional Russian dish.
    The centaur is a person with equine health.
    Kibenimatics is a symbiosis of cybernetics and mathematics.
    Kiwi is a gooseberry in a uniform.
    Kilogram - 800 grams per pack.
    The cemetery is full of irreplaceable people.
    Slander - only truth is worse than it.
    Clown - plays the role of a person in the arena.
    Books are the source of the fig.
    The goat is a local deer.
    Gingerbread man is the first Pokemon.
    A committee is a group of people deciding that nothing can be done.
    Communism - armed to the teeth, but no teeth.
    Communism is proof of the benefits of capitalism from the opposite.
    A communist is a socialist without a sense of humor.
    Compromise is the equality of two compromising materials.
    The computer is a drug (addictive, frequent withdrawal).
    Confetti is the seed of poppers.
    Corruption - takes root deeply upward.
    Corruption is a means of fighting bureaucracy.
    Cosmetics are the brightest inferiority complex.
    Squint is one way of self-contemplation without meditation.
    The wallet is the most important organ of a man.
    Red Book - they get into it through the culinary one.
    Brief. - sisters. tlnt., but mother-in-law of the fee.
    Brevity is the soul of lingerie.
    Brevity is the sister of silence.
    Brevity is the sister of talent.
    Painted floor - women.
    A grain is a common sense unit.
    Culture - its basis is the top.
    Culture - when all the pigs in the pigsty live exclusively like a pig.
    Culture is the ability to swear without a mate.
    Smoking is a strong sucking and begging reflex.
    Chicken - Can lay eggs.
    To lie is to acknowledge the superiority of the one to whom you are lying.
    Lady - even the drunk are ice.
    Lady - will never show her underwear unintentionally.
    Lazy person - always finds the easiest solution to the problem.
    Lazy - does not pretend to work.
    Laziness is subconscious wisdom.
    A lesbian is a woman doing purely male work.
    Easy behavior is the least flaw in women of easy virtue.
    The limousine is a humiliated bus.
    The face is what has grown around the nose.
    Lovelace is a lyricist with good physics.
    Lies - the laziness of the green cultula.
    Lottery - participants are drawn.
    Loch is an animal bred for the sake of money.
    Scam - belief in yourself.
    Luchina is a short-lived isotope of birch obtained when trying to split a log.
    Bald spot - everyone has, but some have it under their hair.
    The bald head is a construction site for the horns.
    Love triangle - when the first wife is introduced to the third.
    Love is the most powerful means of doubling cash.
    Love is a reward without merit.
    Love is intoxicating, but vodka is cheaper.
    Love is born out of nothing and dies because of everything.
    Love is the triumph of imagination over intellect.
    Love is selfishness together.
    Love is not just for you, you need to deal with it.
    Curiosity is the first step to cheating.
    People are actors, with the possible exception of some actors.
    Thumb-boy - all body in a hat.
    Masquerade - it is enough for women to wash their faces.
    Butter - always falls with a sandwich up.
    Massage - The best way lose weight for a massage therapist.
    Masseur - receives money from a woman for what others get in the face.
    Mat - they cover it when there is nothing to cover.
    Mathematics - there are no symbols for obscure thoughts.
    Medicine - adds years to life, but not life to years.
    Metro - trams buried alive.
    An idiot's dream - usually looks like a neighbor's wife.
    A moment is a unit of measure for happiness.
    Mixer - confuses products.
    Blowjob - sex with a human face.
    The miniskirt is a summer form of hope.
    A miniskirt is a belt of infidelity.
    Minus is half of the plus.
    Fashion is what goes out of fashion.
    The brain is the organ by which we think, what we think.
    Prayer is the audacity to think that God is doing something wrong.
    Silence is the only thing of gold that women hate.
    Silence is a sign of sending.
    Moral - easy to preach but hard to justify.
    Morgue - Resting Place for Disappointed Citizens.
    The wrinkles on the forehead are convolutions that do not fit inside.
    Moscow is a hemorrhoid city.
    Diuretic - drink once, drink seven times.
    Wisdom is not wrinkles, but convolutions.
    Wisdom - Reduces complaints, but not suffering.
    The husband is what remains of the man as a result of marriage.
    Masculinity is the main quality of a quality woman.
    Courage is the fear of doing shameful things.
    Male malaise - when he does not harass women.
    The man is a lustful working brute.
    Music is perfectly structured nonsense.
    Mouse - her path is littered with swooning women.
    The mouse is the link between humans and computers.
    Forever is the longest word.
    Audacity second happiness.
    Impudence - has no limit and derivatives.
    Hope is the mother of frustration and the sister of negligence.
    Naivety is stupidity under extenuating circumstances.
    A tax man is a person who comes to the rescue.
    People's intellectual - can not only understand a subtle hint, but also give it in the eye.
    Runny nose - not blown out.
    A real man is one who knows how to stand up for himself and lie down for others.
    An employee is one who is hired all the time.
    The bait is not a small profit at all.
    Science is not there, there is only science.
    Science - getting news outside of the media.
    Science is the satisfaction of personal curiosity at the expense of the state.
    The boss - he has all index fingers.
    Ignorance is achieved by self-education.
    Unbelief is a kind of faith, pointless and therefore embittered.
    Innocence is a mitigating circumstance.
    Ignorance - allows you to choose what to believe.
    An obituary is a characteristic from the place of work for admission to heaven.
    Hatred is painful without reciprocity.
    Necessity is an excuse for tyrants and an object of faith for slaves.
    Indescribability is a baobab for a dog.
    Unrequited love does not lead to the division of property.
    The indecent is very personal.
    Inflexibility is inherent in patients with sciatica.
    Non-urgent - well-planned.
    Unhappiness is when you have been bitten.
    A bad joke is a weapon of your own defeat.
    Halo - electrical discharge between the horns.
    New is old well washed.
    Legs are not a luxury, but a means of transportation (and advancement).
    The norm is a guarantee of gray days.
    Nostalgia - when there is nowhere to return.
    Night is the time when no one blushes.
    Morality grows stronger when the flesh is decrepit.
    Nudist - walks and nudges: "Well, where are my clothes? ..."
    Charm is a mixture of naturalness and coquetry.
    Glutton - digs his own grave with his teeth.
    The sawn-off shotgun is a smooth-bore Jewish gun.
    Common language is the kissing technique.
    The objective reality is delirium caused by a lack of alcohol in the blood.
    The vegetable garden is the soil on which a person becomes a cancer.
    Monogamous - can make only one woman unhappy.
    Cigarette butt is a fossil rich in nicotine (Ni) and stink (Wo).
    Rejuvenation is a way of aging.
    Honey fungus is a false false honey fungus.
    Optimism is a caricature of hope.
    An optimist is a well-instructed pessimist.
    Experience is what you get without getting what you wanted.
    Experience teaches you not to trust experience.
    Orgasm - not to forget, but also not to remember.
    Originality is the courage to be yourself.
    Inseminate - get around smb. in small, frequent steps.
    Aspen is a large wasp.
    The aspen stake is a type of monument.
    An open person - skillfully hides his secrecy.
    Tear-off calendar - you have to show him what date it is today.
    Rest is a rare opportunity to think about business.
    Delay is the most unpleasant form of rejection.
    Offline is life.
    Haunting is bragging in disguise.
    The queue is a place where people are afraid of losing each other.
    The spectacled snake is a cobra, not a worm.
    Toes for a pedicure.
    Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled.
    The paradox - the head is empty, but thoughts do not climb.
    Parachutist - knows a couple of tricks.
    Parachuting - if it didn't work out the first time, then it's not for you.
    Steamed turnip - head after sauna.
    Vaporization is the same as mating.
    A pathologist - he understands people best of all, never cuts on a living.
    Patriarchy is a woman-owning system.
    A patriot is a person incapable of foreign languages.
    Pension is a waste of time without wasting money.
    Negotiation is better than non-negotiation.
    Driving is better than under-running.
    Experiencing is better than not living.
    A skirmish is better than a skirmish.
    Dandruff is the ashes of a seething mind.
    Pessimism is the result of a clash of two different optimisms.
    A pessimist is someone who finances an optimist.
    A pessimist is a well-informed optimist.
    The liver is a malicious destroyer of alcohol.
    A pedestrian is a person whose son lives at home after graduation.
    The pill - saws and saws ...
    Meals - meals without tablecloths.
    Squat is an occupational disease of programmers (accompanied by vislopusia).
    Victory is the enemy of war.
    Victory lowers a person to the level of his vanity.
    The weather is a model of disregard for criticism.
    Repetition is the mother of stuttering.
    Gout is rheumatism in the rich.
    Meanness is taking advantage of one's own insignificance.
    Armpit is a mouse pad.
    Suspicion is the wisdom of a fool.
    Pillow - four ears, two abdomens.
    A subordinate is a person who should speak as shortly as possible.
    Polygamy is an attempt to get more out of life than it has.
    Polyglot - capable of talking nonsense in many languages.
    Politician - makes money out of thin air by shaking him.
    Politics is a lie in the interests of the cause.
    The police officer is the only profession where the client is always wrong.
    Full zero - looks more solid than a thin one.
    Halfboxing - when only you are hit.
    Monday is the hardest 1/7 of life.
    Pop art is part of body art.
    The pop star is a famous priest.
    Populism is the lism of many pops at once.
    To please - it's time to give.
    Pornography - lies about women, but tells the truth about men.
    Order is purposeful vanity.
    Decency - when you later feel like an idiot.
    Haste is the enemy of success.
    The ceiling is the opposite floor.
    The poet is a nudist of the soul.
    Truth is an invention of maniacs: it hurts your ears and hurts your eyes.
    Truth is the result of a temporary agreement between the disputing parties.
    Premature - temporarily unrecognized timeliness
    Neglect is not enough to abuse.
    Crime - grows roots up.
    Progress means making fundamentally new mistakes.
    Project - a project through the "g".
    Propaganda - a photo of a devil without hooves and horns.
    A professional knows in advance where he will go wrong.
    Pro - diminutive-weasel. from the layman.
    A straight line is a special case of a curve.
    Psychoanalysis is a confession without absolution.
    Psychoanalysis is the brain's attempt to obtain pleasure intended for another organ.
    Psychoanalyst - asks a bunch of expensive questions that the wife asks for free.
    The bird of happiness is the same as the cash cow.
    Punctuality is a polite way of reprimanding others for inaccuracy.
    Punctuality is the art of guessing how late your partner will be.
    Purgen is a cough suppressant. Accepted, and you're afraid to cough.
    Pedestal - raises, but does not allow to unfold.
    Drunkenness is a relic of the past, present and future.
    The five-pointed star is the trimmed six-pointed one.
    Work is not a wolf, but a product of strength and distance.
    Work is not a wolf. Runs slowly.
    Work is a break between smoke breaks.
    Work is the curse of the drinking class.
    Work is an unnatural aggregate state of a person
    Indifference - it is impossible to hide it.
    Radical - his left hand does not know what his other left hand is doing.
    Divorce - marriage is a sufficient reason for it.
    Debauchery is sex that you don't participate in.
    Disappointment - regret for the desire for saltiness.
    Prostate cancer is a consequence of a woman's headache.
    A racist is a tourist in two weeks.
    The story is an aphorism, diluted with words from the dictionary.
    Brine is the drink of tomorrow.
    Reality is a collective hallucination.
    A child is both fresh and spoiled.
    Jealousy - believes everyone and does not trust anyone.
    Elastic band - her impulses are fruitful.
    Reincarnation is the last chance for a donkey.
    Recursion - see “recursion”.
    Religion - when the fat ones teach the thin ones to fast.
    Reputation is what they say behind the back.
    Reputation is an established gossip.
    Rogasm - it is experienced by a man who has been cheated on.
    Parents are the dung on which children grow.
    Childbirth is the best way out.
    Rose - instills love for nature, and her thorns - respect.
    The novel is the epigraph to the review.
    Swearing is a compromise between running and fighting.
    Hands are the most economical dishwashing detergent.
    The mermaid is neither fish nor meat.
    Fish - smells to the best of its depravity.
    Fish - wash every day.
    Fishing is a booze in rubber boots.
    Fishing is the most time consuming way to relax.
    Fisheries inspection is a society of hunters for fishermen.
    A sadist is a masochist who loves his neighbor as himself.
    Self-criticism - you can not react to it.
    Suicide is a belated recognition of the mother-in-law's rightness.
    Suicide is an uninvited appearance before the Lord.
    Minesweeper - walks slowly, but it is better not to overtake him.
    The satirist is a resentful idealist.
    Sugar - gives the coffee an unpleasant taste if not put in there.
    Balanced diet - cake in each hand.
    Wedding - one more woman, one less man.
    Superconductivity - when you overcome resistance without tension.
    Pig - does not turn into a man after drinking.
    Freedom is when everyone does whatever you want.
    Freedom is the right to inequality.
    The bastard is the best controller.
    Communication is like air: until it deteriorates, it is not visible.
    Holy simplicity - the talent for not seeing complexity in anything.
    Today is tomorrow's yesterday.
    Sex is bad for one, but good for two.
    Sex symbol - only symbolizes sex.
    Family in a row - he everyone in a row, she - everyone in a row.
    The family is a ship that is commanded by a cook.
    The heart is a fragile thing - it beats.
    Net - holes tied with ropes.
    Sisyphean labor is shaving.
    Synonym - the antonym of the word "antonym".
    Synonym - this word has no synonyms.
    Synchronized swimming - figured swimming.
    Modesty is a form of pride that does not irritate others.
    Modesty is the shortest path to the unknown.
    Modesty - Don't interrupt when you're praised.
    Modesty is the weapon of the unarmed.
    Modesty - helps hide needs.
    Modesty decorates but leaves you hungry.
    Modesty - adorns a man, but a real man does not wear jewelry.
    Modesty - tames a person.
    Boredom is a disease of the happy.
    Avarice is constant poverty in fear of poverty.
    Glory - when you are known by people you do not want to know.
    Elephant - consists of a trunk, ears and a hippopotamus.
    Courage is cowardice overcome.
    Death is when a person closes his eyes to everything.
    Death is the world minus you.
    Death is joining the majority.
    Death without a cause is a sign of bullying.
    Mass media - amateurs' reasoning on professional topics.
    The stunning woman is the woman behind the wheel.
    Drinking companions are friends of your bottle, but not yours.
    Conscience is an invisible substance that easily dissolves in alcohol.
    The soldier is the last link in the evolution of the animal world.
    Doubt is the opinion of a co-author.
    Tribesman - nose.
    Sniffing is a duet.
    A weed is everything that grows where it is not needed.
    Forty years is the old age of youth and the youth of old age.
    Neighbors are a source of knowledge.
    A pacifier is the first deception in life.
    Sociology is an exact science - how much you pay, so much you get.
    An ally is a friend who is ready to leave you at any moment.
    AIDS - Serious Consequences of International Friendship.
    Gossip is the price of hospitality.
    Cohesion is organized hatred.
    Sponsor - it is easier for him to part with money than to explain where it came from.
    Spontaneously - suddenly, anywhere, anyhow, with just anyone.
    Sports - a healthy person is not needed, but a sick person is harmful.
    Justice is the fair distribution of the stranger.
    Stability is a sign of a lack of ideas.
    The chisel is the genital organ of Pope Carlo.
    The old maid dies with honor.
    The Old Believer is an Orthodox Christian without show-off.
    The old is the well-forgotten new.
    Old Believer - shows an indecent gesture with two fingers.
    Old age is a chronic form of life.
    Statistics are the most accurate of all pseudosciences.
    The scholarship is necessary but not sufficient.
    Pillar - he is forgiven a lot for his directness.
    Moaning is whining for a good reason.
    The watchman is a representative of the most ancient profession: he sleeps for money.
    An insurance agent is a person who wishes us good after evil.
    Striptease is a demonstration of eternal values.
    Shame is anger turned inward.
    Subjectivism is a common thing when looking for objective reasons.
    Pike perch is an eccentric with the letter "C".
    Superstition brings misfortune.
    Slouching is evidence of the heaviness of the brain.
    Suicide is the highest form of self-criticism.
    Happiness is when an unhappy person thinks he is happy.
    Happiness is when you are remembered.
    Happiness is between too little and too much.
    Happiness is not plural.
    Happiness cannot be bought, but it can be paid dearly.
    Happiness is pleasure without remorse.
    The pelvis is the skull of the groin.
    Mystery is the fastest spreading information.
    Tact is the ability not to say what everyone thinks.
    Talent is a useless burial.
    Talent is the brother of brevity.
    Waist - separates the cephalothorax from the holophores.
    Dance is a vertical expression of horizontal desire.
    Container is the best component of human milk.
    Tatami - Japanese mat.
    A telegram is a very slow SMS.
    Phone - you can talk without offering a drink.
    The shadow is a silent echo.
    Patience is the art of hiding impatience.
    Patience does not burst quietly.
    Tiger - barcode cat
    Silence is the noise everyone is used to.
    The crowd - not a single person.
    Topology is the science of walking.
    Toast is the spelling of liquid before drinking.
    Totalitarianism - everything that is not prohibited - is obligatory.
    Accuracy is the courtesy of snipers.
    Sobriety is the first stage of alcoholism.
    A workaholic is a lazy person, every day trying to do everything at once, so that nothing else can be done.
    Diligence is a brake on progress.
    Coward - swimming trunks in the singular.
    Cowardice is the mother of cruelty.
    Drone - flies from bee to bee.
    Dead end - the best place for thought.
    Tourism is the best vacation, but vacation is better than tourism.
    Vanity is the pride of other people.
    Futility - looking for glasses without glasses.
    You are the border between light and shadow.
    Cleaning - even distribution of waste.
    Cleaning is a way of courting a wife.
    The Criminal Code is a detailed price list for extreme entertainment.
    Specific gravity - appears from fear and makes all the pants.
    A smile is a loose concept.
    An intelligent woman is one who understands that she is stupid.
    Urine therapy - you prescribe all medications yourself.
    The standard of living is something above which one would like to live.
    Success is abuse of opportunity.
    The platypus is a nurse.
    Utopia - do away with all utopias.
    The curriculum is ordinary tobacco.
    The fact is stubborn, and therefore naked.
    Fiction - when reality is richer than fantasy.
    Ferroalloy - river rafting on heavy iron rafts.
    Fashionable is unprofitable.
    Philanthropist - openly distributes stolen goods.
    The philologist is a slow reading teacher.
    Philosophy is indistinct answers to insoluble questions.
    Flirting - when a girl does not know what she wants, but in every possible way achieves it.
    Flashlight - a case for storing dead batteries.
    Fortune - non penis, in armon non capus.
    Photographic memory - only manifests itself in darkness.
    Freudianism - you say one thing to a person, but you mean his mother.
    Frigidity is an invention of impotent people.
    Football commentator - professionally interferes with watching football.
    A football match is a match between the referee's whistle and the stands whistling.
    The Fuhrer is a leader in law.
    Freebie - the Internet's mother.
    Chaos is an order that we do not understand.
    Character is what we are in the dark.
    Characteristic - a typewritten portrait in an icon-painting manner.
    A surgeon is a person who wash his hands beforehand.
    Surgery is a raging therapy.
    Cunning is the mind of fools.
    A hobby is any habit that requires an investment of money.
    Laundry soap - kills bacteria with one kind.
    The refrigerator is a food source.
    A bachelor - he never made the same mistake.
    A bachelor is a man who has failed to find a wife.
    Good behavior is the last resort of mediocrity.
    Good - when bad turns out bad.
    Hot Dog - Fire Dog.
    Horseradish - the radish is not sweeter, but longer.
    The king of beasts is not a lion, but the director of the zoo.
    The king of beasts - don't make him laugh with the laws of the jungle.
    The goal is a dream business plan.
    Censorship - advertising at public expense.
    The church is separated from the state and from the faith.
    Civilization does not grow and flourish until tears and blood are poured.
    Cynicism is a disaffected idealism.
    Cynic - says out loud what we think.
    Cirrhosis is liver caries.
    MCC - (space) Breakdown Control Center.
    Man is the fruit of biology and ideology.
    Man is himself the blacksmith of his chains.
    Man - it only sounds proudly.
    Honesty - you are going to say one thing and you are telling the truth.
    Honesty is the vanity of the poor.
    An honest child - he loves not dad and mom, but ice cream.
    Black humor - humor over whites.
    Black and white is a lie.
    Parity is the essence of pants.
    Chips - one potato for the price of a kilogram.
    A clear conscience is the first sign of multiple sclerosis.
    Cleanliness is equal to pure mass divided purely by volume.
    Cleanliness is a bearable amount of dirt.
    Sneezing is incompatible with ostentatious self-esteem.
    What (outdated, pretentious) - cho.
    Self-esteem is the body's reaction to the lack of a sense of its own humor.
    The miracle is that there are no miracles.
    Nonsense - everything is incomprehensible.
    Champagne is a liquid for removing women.
    Chess - the winner is the one who makes the penultimate mistake.
    Chess is the main thing in the game - checkmate.
    Shakespeare-mekespeare (English) - eggnog.
    The gear is the hand of six-fingered people.
    School is a place where cobblestones are polished and diamonds are destroyed.
    Shorts - briefs with sleeves.
    Tickling - getting laughter by hand.
    Crack-directedness is the main quality of a cockroach.
    Feel - a measure of alcohol at the end of the holiday.
    An egoist is one who does not think about me.
    Saving is a way to spend money without any pleasure.
    An expert is one who has ceased to think, because he knows.
    An expert is someone called at the last minute to be held accountable.
    The export of the revolution is the import of everything else.
    The electorate is a disposable people.
    Electricity is a phenomenon observed when cats rub with a woolen jacket.
    The elite are the best part of the herd.
    Emigration is an attempt to send everyone away.
    Emigration - those who have been cheated the most fly away.
    Enteritis is an inflammation of the finger that occurs when you press the “ENTER” key frequently.
    The epicenter is the same as the center, but it sounds much smarter.
    Erotica is a constant expectation of pornography.
    Aesthetics is the art of doing the right thing that shouldn't be done at all.
    Etiquette is the ability to yawn with your mouth closed.
    Echo - echoes repeatedly.
    Anniversary - many flowers, and you are still alive!
    Anniversary is half of the funeral.
    Humor is the ability to see three sides of the same coin.
    Folk humor is vulgarity brought to the point of art.
    Variety humor is an art brought to the point of vulgarity.
    A lawyer is a swindler in the law.
    I am a biochemical reaction with an average duration of 68 years.
    An ulcer is a contagious disease that can be picked up from the authorities.
    The egg is the cobblestone of the electorate.


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