On approval of the regulation on the regional fair of military professions "the profession of real men" and the regulation on the organizing committee of the regional fair of military professions "the profession of real men". Event "Fair of Professions" Fair of Educational Professions

About the organization and holding

territorial fair of professions "Education and Career"

for students 911th grade educational organizations

g. o. Novokuibyshevsk

In accordance with the work plan of the Volga Region Administration for 2017, in order to create conditions for effective self-determination of students of general educational organizations when choosing and planning a professional career:

1. To hold a territorial fair of professions (hereinafter referred to as the Fair) "Education and Career" for students in grades 9-11 of general educational organizations of the city of o. Novokuibyshevsk February 9, 2017 on the basis of GBOU secondary school No. 7 "Educational Center" of the city of Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region.

2. Approve the Regulations on the territorial fair of professions "Education and Career" for students in grades 9-11 of educational organizations of the city of o. Novokuibyshevsk (Appendix).

3. To the director of the Novokuibyshevsky RC (I) to organize the preparation and holding of the territorial fair of professions "Education and Career" for students in grades 9-11 of general educational organizations of the city of o. Novokuibyshevsk.

4. Director of the GBOU secondary school No. 7 "Educational Center" of the city of Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region ():

4.1. prepare the audience for the Fair;

4.2. organize the work of the wardrobe.

5. Heads of educational organizations of the city of o. Novokuibyshevsk:

5.1. timely and efficiently carry out information and educational work with students in grades 9-11, their parents, teachers about the purpose, content and opportunities of the event;

5.2. ensure attendance of the territorial fair of professions "Education and Career" by students of 9-11 in accordance with the schedule developed by the Resource Center;

5.3. appoint leaders of groups of schoolchildren with the assignment of

responsibility for the life and health of students during the following and holding this event.

6. To impose control over the execution of this order on i. about. Head of the Department for the Implementation of Educational Programs of the Volga Region Department


Volga Administration






to the order of the Volga Department

ministries of education and science

Samara region

dated __18.01.2017__ No. __11 - p __


about the territorial fair of professions "Education and Career"

for students 9–11 classes of educational organizations

g. o. Novokuibyshevsk

I. General provisions

1.1. The founder of the territorial fair of professions "Education and Career" for students of 9th - 11th grades of general educational organizations of the city of o. Novokuibyshevsk (hereinafter - the Fair) is the Volga Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region

1.2. The organizer of the Fair is the Novokuibyshevsky RC (hereinafter referred to as the Resource Center).

1.3. The purpose of the Fair is to create conditions for effective self-determination of students in grades 9-11 of general educational institutions when choosing and planning a professional career.

II. Organization of the Fair

2.1. The fair is held on February 9, 2017 from 13.00 to 15.00 in GBOU secondary school No. 7 "Educational Center" of the city of Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region, address: 2.

2.2. The organization, holding and summing up the results of the Fair is carried out by

the relevant Organizing Committee, the composition and functions of which are approved by the order of the Director of the Resource Center.

2.3. Visiting the Fair by students of educational institutions is carried out in accordance with the schedule, which is sent to schools no later than February 3, 2017.

III. Participants of the Fair

3.1. The participants of the Fair are:

professional educational institutions g. o. Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region;

· Representatives of organizations/services of the city of o. Novokuibyshevsk;

students of 9-11 grades and teachers of schools of the city of o. Novokuibyshevsk;

parents of schoolchildren.

3.2. Professional educational institutions send an application for participation to the Organizing Committee of the Fair no later than 10 working days before the date of the Fair.

IV. Fair program

4.1. The thematic program of the Fair provides:

The work of the exhibition of professional educational institutions

Samara region;

Poster presentations of professional educational institutions

Samara region and organizations / services of the city of Novokuibyshevsk;

Individual consultations for students, parents and teachers.

v. Summing up the results of the Fair

5.1. The Organizing Committee draws up a report on the results of the Fair, which

posted on the Resource Center website.

Trade Fair

All professions are important

All professions are needed

(School-wide event)

Toporova N.V., teacher

primary school

2015/2016 academic year

Target: To deepen and expand children's ideas about crafts (professions), through the communication of new information, through the performance of various creative tasks.


1. Promote students' awareness of the value and importance of professions for society, maintain interest in professions.

2. Promote the development of memory, attention, imagination, ingenuity, creativity.

3. To educate in children a respectful attitude towards people different professions.

Teacher. There are many different professions on earth. And every person of any profession benefits people. Profession should be chosen to the liking, should interest a person, then it will bring joy to a person, and the matter will be argued.

Music sounds. Students take the stage elementary school

There are so many different professions
We can't count them all:
There are doctors and divers,
There are turners, miners.

The teacher teaches us at school,
A tailor sews suits.
Builder builds a new house
The captain is leading the ship.

The main thing is not to make a mistake
Choosing who to become?
hairdresser, singer
Or fly to the moon.

All day all uncles, tyati
Do something for us
We will tell poems about them
You listen to all of us.

Maybe not enough knowledge

But you can dream!

I'll probably be a doctor

I will heal people!

I will travel everywhere

And save sick children!

Soon I will be a soldier

Or just an ace pilot!

Like an ordinary hero

I will protect you!

ballerina and singer

I have always dreamed of becoming!

To dress up nicely

sing and dance for you!

I am a famous artist

I will definitely.

I'm interested in drawing

Very exciting!

I am a school teacher

I will give knowledge to children!

The kids will be happy with me

I tell you for sure!

Well, I'll be back here!

Affectionate, attentive

And always responsive

I will become an educator!

A black box is brought onto the stage. It contains items that are necessary for the work of people of various professions.

Leading.(Makes riddles about various professions. Children in the hall guess a riddle. One student goes up to the stage and finds the right item for this profession in a black box).

Builds a house and a kindergarten

And I am glad to build a hospital.

And at the circus he is not a spectator,

And his name is ... (Builder)

(A student enters the stage from the hall and takes out a trowel from a black box).

Leading. He is not an artist, but paint,
Smells invariably
According to the pictures, he is not a master -
He is a master of walls! (Painter)

(A student enters the stage from the audience and takes out a brush from the black box).

Leading. 5th grade students present construction professions.

5th grade students take the stage. In their hands they have a drawing of a beautiful house.

1 student. What should we build a house,

Draw, let's live! (shows a picture of a house)

2 student.

It's customary for a builder
Build a new brick house.
Excavator Stepan
Dug a pit in the field
He drove large piles into the ground,
And now the cement gets in the way
Exactly lays bricks -
The wind will not find a crack.
Bricks from the ground to Stepan
Lifting handy by crane.
Here is the new house ready.
It's time to run the cats!

2 student.

I'm a painter, I'm walking towards you
With brush and bucket.

Fresh paint will be myself
Paint a new house.
I paint the walls, I paint the door,
My brush is dancing...
I have a nose now
Became white, friends.


This sorceress
This artist
No brush and paint
A comb and scissors.
She possesses
Mysterious power:
Who will touch
He will become handsome.
(The hairdresser)

A student enters the stage from the hall and takes out a hair dryer from a black box.

Leading. The most beautiful profession will be presented to us by students of grade 6.

Scene (performed by two girls)

The hairdresser
Who is the hairdresser today?
Let me be.
I'll do your hair
For example, like mine.

Sit in front of the mirror
I will tie a cape
And, of course, first of all
I'll comb carefully.

Now let's twist the bangs
On big curlers
Braid braids on the side
Tie the tail behind.

We fix it all with varnish
Or hair gel
Let's put lipstick on the lips
And powder your nose a little.

I did great
Praise me.
Because now my girlfriend
Became better than it was.


Try to guess
Who is stricter than everyone in the world.
Can give his honor,
Lose - can not!
He is always armed
Just not dangerous
Even cats and crows
I agree to defend. (Policeman)

(A student enters the stage from the audience and takes out a rod from the black box).

Leading. The profession of a policeman will be presented to us by the 7th grade.


Work in the police
Reliable friends.
They help us
Our peace is protected
Children are protected
The criminals will be caught.

It's not easy for them to work.
Their service is not easy
But you will always help
My police!

Scene about a policeman

The policeman compiled a summary and read it out.

Policeman: For reporting period 8 murders were registered on the territory, district, 5 of them were solved

Suddenly, he notices a cockroach on the table and slaps it

Policeman: (correcting in the summary) 9 murders, 6 of them solved.


Tell me who's so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup
smelly meatballs,
salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches? (Cook)

A student from the audience enters the stage and takes a ladle from the black box).

Leading. Grade 8 students will present the most delicious profession.

I, a pastry chef, can bake everything,
For this you need a good oven.
So that everyone has a great mood,
I bake for the people, cakes and cookies.

I bake cheesecakes, pancakes, pretzels,
Cakes, muffins, of course not in vain.
And the northern gingerbread shines like varnish,
With nuts, raisins and roasted poppy seeds.

A star sparkles in the sky
A mustachioed cat sleeps in a ball,
Only the cook does not sleep -
The cook gets up in the dark.
The porridge gurgles lightly
And the scrambled eggs
And under the delicious noise and hubbub
In the bedrooms enters the appetite.
We sit together in the dining room,
Like a huge family.
I will be a cook in the dining room -
That's what I decided!

cook, chef, chef,
You have a wonderful gift!
In a bright white hat
You're stirring in the pot.
You can feed everyone
Surprise with a delicious dish
So, lick your fingers!
You won't find a better chef!

(The guys treat those present in the hall with pastries)


(A student enters the stage from the hall and takes a pointer out of the black box).

9th grade is on stage.


We represent one of the most honorable and at the same time very responsible professions on Earth. This is the profession of a teacher. The teacher has a large circle of responsibility for improving the younger generation, shaping the future of the country. The teaching profession is very important and valuable for each of us. After all, it was the teacher who taught us to write the first word, to read books.


Teachers, teachers...

There are no professions!

Stand firmly at the helm

Opening the door for a child.

The teacher is the most faithful friend,

Will not give out, will not betray;

And if something happens suddenly,

He will give a hand to everyone.

How intense is this work:

Understand and teach.

Always go to the teacher

Students and doctors...

Come into the bright classroom when,

Can't be ignored

Always so cute

Tired eyes.

Performance of the song "Our good teacher"

Leading. Guess the next riddle

If cheeks burn
Suddenly stronger than kumach,
If cough - cause
Everyone immediately ... (doctor)

(A student enters the stage from the audience and takes a syringe from the black box).

Leading. Grade 10 will introduce us to the profession of a doctor.

Scene "In the hospital"


He knows math

Counting the numbers quickly

Here is the expense, and here is the income.

- Nothing will be lost! (Accountant)

A student enters the stage from the audience and takes out a calculator from a black box.

The profession of accountant will be presented by 11th grade

The accounting profession is the most important profession modernity. No economy in the world can do without accounting. And even more so, individual enterprises, factories and even small shops are required to conduct Accounting. A modern accountant keeps track of all expenses, losses and profits of an enterprise, calculates wages, calculates and pays taxes. An accountant knows everything that happens with the money of a company or a factory. Now the specialty of an accountant is one of the most sought-after specialties.

(Dance to the song "Accountant" gr. Combination)


But whoever you become,
Doctors or artists
Astronauts, tractor drivers,
There is one important request:
For you to be
Good citizens.

"Medical School No. 24

(GBOU SPO "MU No. 24 DZM")


workplaces of medical and preventive institutions of the city of Moscow for graduates of 2015

Venue: MU No. 24, assembly hall

Purpose of the fair : bringing together the interests of employers and graduates in need of work and providing graduates with jobs.

No. p / p

Fair work plan


Meeting and registration of participants of the fair - methodologist

Kucheryavyh G. M.

11.30 – 12.00

Opening of the fair and greeting of the participants -

Deputy Director for Software Zhuravleva I.N.

12.00 – 12.05

Introductory remarks by the director of MU No. 24 Lanina N.A.

12.05 – 12.10

"Our steps in comprehension future profession» - competitive presentation on vocational guidance for students of 2-3 courses

12.10 – 12.20

Poems: "Medicine" and "Nurse" are read by students: Dautov Emil and Kasymova Anastasia

12.20 – 12.25

Speeches and presentations of representatives of medical institutions of the city of Moscow

12.25 – 13.00

Dialogue of 4th year students with representatives of healthcare facilities -

Head department of Uzhinkina T.A.

13.00 – 13.20

About the recruitment of applicants for admission to MU No. 24 -

Responsible for career guidance Petukhova T.I.

13.20 – 13.25

Completion of the fair and communication of students with representatives of health facilities -

Deputy Director for Software Zhuravleva I.N.

Head Department of Uzhinkin T. A.

13.25 – 14.00


14.00 – thanks to the participants!

2 hours

Equipment of the fair:

1. Premises for the work of participants

  • Assembly Hall
  1. Hall decoration
  • Posters with sayings
  • Flowers

Fair scenario

1 . 11.30 – 12.00 - Registration of participantssplash screen

"Job Fair -2015"- Kucheryavyh G.M.

2. 12.00 -12.05 - Opening of the fair and greeting of the participants -

Deputy software directorZhuravleva I. N. -

Good afternoon, dear guests, teachers and students!

Today we are holding an annual job fair for the employment of our graduates with the participation of representatives of medical institutions of the Moscow Department of Health.

The problem of employment in modern world is the most relevant for young professionals. Not every employer can provide young specialist decent social conditions in terms of providing housing, a decent salary, competent methodological assistance, mentoring.

Representatives of
LPO of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow: ... present

The purpose of the fair is to bring together the interests of employers and graduates in need of work and to provide graduates with jobs.

3. 12.05 - 12.10 Zhuravleva I.N. -The word for greeting is given to the director of MU No. 24 Lanina N.A.

4. 12.10 - 12.20 - Zhuravleva I.N. - present to yourattention to the presentation of 3rd year students “Our steps in comprehension of the future profession» about the training of our students within the walls of the school and at medical bases, a presentation competition was held among 3rd year students for the purpose of career guidance.

5. 12.20 – 12.25 Poems: "Medicine" and "Nurse" are read by students: Kasymova Anastasia 31 groups and

6. 12.25 – 13.00 – Deputy software directorZhuravleva I. N. -

Now let's get down to the speeches of the LPO representatives:

So, the floor is given to Ch. m / s DGKB im. BEHIND. Bashlyaeva

Demkina S.I. etc.

(to introduce each participant to the audience before the performance)


-…. etc

7.13.00 – 13.20 - …

Dear students, you have the opportunity to ask questions of interest to you regarding employment and future place of work to the employers and representatives of LPO who are present here.

Call a student for a question…..

The student stands up, calls his name and group and asks a question ....

And so everyone in turn.

8 . 13.20 - 13.25 - Zhuravleva I. N. -

The floor is given to Tatyana Ivanovna Petukhova, responsible for career guidance, on the rules for admission and on the recruitment of applicants for admission to Medical School No. 24.

9 . 13.25 – 14.00 Completion of the fair software director Zhuravleva I.N. Dear guests and students!

The informational and solemn part of our fair is over, thanks to everyone for participating in the fair. At the end of the fair, we would like to know the opinion of the representative of the CPPKiPO - ... ..


1.- Is it possible to combine work and study at a university?

2.- Is it possible to have a part-time job during the main working hours?

3.- Please specify the benefits.

1. Work plan of the fair 1 page

2.Fair equipment 2 p.

3. List of participants of the fair 3-4 pages.

4. Scenario of the fair 5-6 pages.

5. Questions of students to representatives of health facilities 7-8 p.

6.Appendices: speeches by representatives of health facilities,

Lists graduation groups 9-10pp.

State budget educational institution

middle vocational education Moscow city

"Medical School No. 24

Department of Health of the City of Moscow"

(GBOU SPO "MU No. 24 DZM")





"Find a job you love and you'll win five days a week" - Jackson Browne


No. p / p

Surname, name, patronymic of the representative of the health facility

LPU, district

contact number

The medicine

If all professions in the world

Suddenly lay down a mountain on the planet,

That, probably, at its top

The word “Medicine” would flash.


The concept of undying hope,

The concept of participation and kindness,

With you and now connected, as before,

Our caring nurse.

Fair participants

1. Representatives of medical institutions of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow (the list is attached)

2. 4th year students - graduates of 2015 (lists are attached).

3. Classroom leaders of groups 4 courses: ...

4. School administration

5. Students - readers: ...

7 secrets of how to get a job in a good company

What to do if you have neither work experience nor job search experience

  • Secret 1. Change attitude

Finding a job is work. Take her seriously. All phone calls and meetings must be recorded and not late. Do not relax, give this work 4-5 hours a day.

  • Secret 2. Use all resources

Be sure to visit specialized exhibitions, Career Days and Job Fairs, browse specialized sites, connect recommendations from friends. The advantage of the exhibition is that you can immediately find out from many HPEs the requirements for applicants, working conditions, salaries and correlate them with your expectations.

  • Secret 7. Promise yourself a gift from the first salary

Find some bright motivation that you can afford for the first salary. The job of “search” will be much easier and faster. Promise yourself a gift for the work done, and your strength will triple. Just be sure to keep your promise.

Competitive Specialist must have:

(nurse and nurse)

1.excellent theoretical knowledge and practical skills (learn professional and general competencies).

2. personal qualities required in the work:






10. to know one of the international (foreign) languages.

Results of work at the job fair


Alumni response

    Teacher activity

    Activities of pupils

    Expected results

    A grain grower?


    A beekeeper?


    A security guard?

    They answer questions.

    "Guess what a person's profession

    Scales, counter, goods

    helmet, hose, water

    Stage, role, makeup

    Field, wheat, harvest

    Board, chalk, textbook

    Steering wheel, wheels, road

    Children, games, walks

    Axe, saw, nails

    Bricks, cement, new house

    Paint, brushes, whitewash

    Scissors, hair dryer

    Ship, vest, sea

    Sky, plane, airfield

    Dough, bread. Baton

    Combine pictures.

    Make up proposals.

    They draw conclusions.

    Guess the profession.

    Answer questions

    The ability to conduct a dialogue.

    Enriched vocabulary.

    Children's answers.

    The development of thought processes.


    We live in an information, high-tech world, where new professions are emerging -

    brand manager,


    image maker,



    They answer questions.

    The development of thought processes.

    The ability to conduct a dialogue.

    Enriched vocabulary.

    Consolidation of professions.

    Teatester - a person who determines the taste properties of tea. A specialist in this profession determines the variety, quality of tea and even the place where it was grown. The tea expert is prohibited from using cologne, deodorant, and even flavored toothpaste.

    Listen to the teacher's story.

    The interest of children has been updated.

    Physical education minute


    Let's talk about them now:

    Here is a seamstress sewing a shirt,
    The cook cooks compote for us,

    The plane is piloted

    For landing and takeoff.

    The doctor gives us injections
    And the school has a security guard.

    Bricklayer laying brick

    And the hunter catches the game

    To have a profession

    You need to know a lot

    Good study buddy!
    And, of course, don't be lazy!

    Hands on the belt - torso turns left and right.

    Extend your arms to the sides
    Movements with an imaginary needle.

    We interfere "with a ladle.
    Hands to the side.
    Cross your fingers over your head. Movements: palm - fist.

    Hands - bent at the elbows, a power gesture.

    Alternately puts the hands one on top of the other from top to bottom.
    Make binoculars out of fingers.

    We stretch our fingers.

    Threaten with a finger.

    Perfumer or as he is also called a sniffer - rare profession in the field of perfumery. Perfumer called "nose" in professional slang. Its main task is to evaluate the smell. Professional perfumers- these are real artists who paint their compositions not with paints, but with smells. A true professional has a perfect sense of smell. Sniffers need to be very careful about their health. Colds, flu, runny nose are categorically contraindicated in such work. The sniffer's work day starts at six in the morning and lasts about three hours, but in fact it is a very long time for such work. After all, as you know, the nose ceases to distinguish smells after a few minutes. And then all the smells begin to overlap each other and it becomes difficult to recognize new ones.

    Listen to the teacher's story.

    Knowledge about the profession is consolidated.

    The interest of children has been updated.

    Compare smells.

    The development of the sense of smell.

    Didactic game

    "MOST MOST ".

    1. the greenest profession
    2. the sweetest
    3. the most hairy
    4. the most childish
    5. the funniest
    6. the most toothy
    7. most well-read
    8. the most colorful
    9. cleanest
    10. the most courageous profession

    Development of thinking.

    Think logically.

    1. carpenter

    3. teacher

    4. dressmaker

    Depict actions.


    Listen to the teacher's story.

    The interest of children has been updated.

    Knowledge about the profession is consolidated.

    They answer questions.

    The development of speech.

    Development of thinking.

    Children's answers.

    Development of thinking.

    Didactic game

    "Finish the proverb."

    1. Skill and work are all ...
    3. The work of the master ...
    4. The bird is recognized in flight,

    and the person in...
    6. More business - less ...
    8. Finished the job - take a walk ...

    Children's answers.

    Development of thinking, speech.

    Children's answers


    The book for the teacher. Ed. S.N. Chistyakova. - M., "Enlightenment" 2008

    8. https://infourok.ru/

    9. Card index of TRIZ games - S.I. Gin.

View document content
"Plan-outline" Fair of professions ""

JV " Kindergarten№4"

GBOU secondary school №8

g.o. Oktyabrsk, Samara region

Outline plan

directly educational


with preschoolers in preparatory group

using ICT

"Fair of professions"


Kazakova L. I.

expand and consolidate children's ideas about various professions; acquaintance with new types of profession.

NGO "Speech activity"

Continue to teach children to fully and accurately answer questions;

To promote the development of coherent speech, thinking, memory, curiosity.

NGO "Motor activity"

To consolidate and improve the motor skills of children;

Fix throwing the ball and catching it with the hands, without pressing it to the chest.

NGO "Cognitive activity"

Develop logical thinking;

Get to know the features of some professions.

NGO "Social and communicative activity"

Continue to work on the formation of a friendly relationship between children.

Create conditions for fostering a good attitude towards people of different professions.

Methods and techniques:

Practical: game situations, physical education, slideshow;

visual: attributes,

Verbal: conversation.


    Pictures depicting people of different professions.

    Thematic items for a doctor, builder, cook, artist, policeman.

    Perfume set.

    Plastic cups, three types of tea.

    multimedia equipment.

Logics educational activities.

Teacher activity

Activities of pupils

Expected results

Today we are going to play a game.

We will get acquainted with prestigious, rare and new professions. Guys, you already know a lot of professions: a doctor, a teacher, a salesman, a builder, a driver.

There are a lot of professions, some you know, but many you have not even heard of.

Think about what a person who works as a reindeer herder does?

A grain grower?


A beekeeper?


A security guard?

It is easy to guess, since there is already a clue in the word itself, and it is easy to guess what the person is doing.

They answer questions.

The interest of children has been updated.

The development of mental actions.

Didactic game (with Lull's circles) (slides)

“Guess what the person’s profession is?”

Scales, counter, goods

helmet, hose, water

Stage, role, makeup

Reading room, books, readers - Scissors, cloth, sewing machine

Stove, saucepan, tasty dish

Field, wheat, harvest

Board, chalk, textbook

Steering wheel, wheels, road

Children, games, walks

Axe, saw, nails

Bricks, cement, new house

Paint, brushes, whitewash

Scissors, hair dryer

Ship, vest, sea

Sky, plane, airfield

Earthquake, collapse, emergency

Dough, bread. Baton

Combine pictures.

Make up proposals.

They draw conclusions.

Make up a descriptive story.

Guess the profession.

Answer questions

The development of thought processes.

The ability to conduct a dialogue.

Enriched vocabulary.

Development of creative imagination.

Consolidation of professions and their tools.

We have listed the professions that we know about, which we have heard about. In total, there are about 40 thousand professions and specializations.

Where can I get information about professions?

Children's answers.

The development of thought processes.

But there are professions that you need to know, but it is impossible to guess by the name what a person does. Try to guess what kind of work the designer does?


We live in an informational, high-tech world, where new professions are emerging -

brand manager,


image maker,



Give a description of the object of labor of each profession.

They answer questions.

The development of thought processes.

The ability to conduct a dialogue.

Enriched vocabulary.

Consolidation of professions.

A teatester is a person who determines the taste properties of tea. A specialist in this profession determines the variety, quality of tea and even the place where it was grown. The tea expert is prohibited from using cologne, deodorant, and even flavored toothpaste.

Guys, why do you think?

Listen to the teacher's story.

Get acquainted with the profession of teatester.

The interest of children has been updated.

Knowledge about the profession is consolidated.

Would you like to be a tea expert yourself?

Didactic game "Taster".

Description of the game: the teacher offers each child to try three types of tea prepared in advance and poured into cups: black, green, herbal.

On what grounds was this or that type of tea determined?

How do they differ from each other?

Which tea did you like the most?

Was it difficult to determine the type of tea?

What are the taste properties of this or that tea?

Children try and try to determine the type of tea by taste, while answering questions

The development of coherent speech, thinking, memory, curiosity.

The development of smell, taste.

Physical education minute


We have many professions in the world!
Let's talk about them now:

Here is a seamstress sewing a shirt,
The cook cooks compote for us,

The pilot is flying the plane

For landing and takeoff.

The doctor gives us injections
And the school has a security guard.

Bricklayer laying brick

And the hunter catches the game

There is a teacher, there is a blacksmith, a ballerina and a singer.

To have a profession

You need to know a lot

Good study buddy!
And, of course, don't be lazy!

Hands on the belt - turns the body to the right and left.

Extend your arms to the sides
Movements with an imaginary needle.

We interfere "with a ladle.
Hands to the side.
Drop them down, lift them up.
Cross your fingers over your head. Movements: palm - fist.

Hands - bent at the elbows, a power gesture.

Alternately puts the hands one on top of the other from top to bottom.
Make binoculars out of fingers.

They bend their fingers, listing professions.
We stretch our fingers.

Brush turns - backside palms

Threaten with a finger.
Negative movement of the index finger.

Conditions have been created for the development and improvement of motor skills and abilities.

The ability to perform movements according to the text is fixed.

A perfumer, or as he is also called a sniffer, is a rare profession in the field of perfumery. The professional slang term for a perfumer is a "nose". Its main task is to evaluate the smell. Professional perfumers are real artists who paint their compositions not with paints, but with smells. A true professional has a perfect sense of smell. Sniffers need to be very careful about their health. Colds, flu, runny nose are categorically contraindicated in such work. The sniffer's work day starts at six in the morning and lasts about three hours, but in fact it is a very long time for such work. After all, as you know, the nose ceases to distinguish smells after a few minutes. And then all the smells begin to overlap each other and it becomes difficult to recognize new ones.

Listen to the teacher's story.

Get acquainted with the profession of a perfumer.

Knowledge about the profession is consolidated.

The interest of children has been updated.

Didactic game "Perfumer".

Description of the game: children are presented with various perfumes (male and female deodorant, eau de toilette, etc.)

By smell, they determine where the masculine fragrance is, where the feminine.

Compare smells.

The development of the sense of smell.

Well, what did you guys like about being specialists in such rare professions as teatester and sniffer?

And now you will answer questions with elements of humor.
Now I will offer you some unusual characteristics of professions, and you should take turns naming those professions that, in your opinion, best correspond to this characteristic.

Didactic game


1. the greenest profession
2. the sweetest
3. the most hairy
4. the most childish
5. the funniest
6. the most toothy
7. most well-read
8. the most colorful
9. cleanest
10. the most courageous profession

Well done guys, you did a great job!

Discuss and answer questions.

Development of thinking.

Think logically.

Now let's have a rest and play.

Sedentary game "Pantomime"
Task: it is necessary to depict the profession indicated on the slides using gestures and facial expressions, without words.
1. carpenter

3. teacher

4. dressmaker

Depict actions.

Improved ability to think logically.

The ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners has been formed; ability to negotiate

Another rare profession is a stylist.

This is a specialist in the manufacture of wigs, mustaches, beards. This profession is closely connected with creativity - in the theater, the stylist does not just make a wig, but creates an image. Often in the theater, postigers are also make-up artists, artists who create the appearance of the characters. This profession requires enviable patience and perseverance, because you have to weave hair to hair into the base with a special hook. The profession of a stylist is quite rare, but now it is more and more in demand due to the fact that it has become fashionable to wear wigs.

Listen to the teacher's story.

Get acquainted with the profession of postiger.

The interest of children has been updated.

Knowledge about the profession is consolidated.

Didactic game "Who will you be"

You're wearing a builder's helmet, what have you become?

You're wearing a chef's hat, what have you become?

You have an artist's hat on, what have you become?

You have a doctor's hat on, what have you become?

You have a police cap on, what have you become?

They answer questions.

The development of speech.

Ability to answer questions in full.

Development of thinking.

Have you all heard that there are prestigious professions.

What do you think are the most prestigious professions?

Manager, doctor, banker/bank employee, economist/financier, businessman/entrepreneur, computer worker/programmer, accountant, showbiz worker.

Why are these professions called prestigious?

Children's answers.

The development of dialogic speech, the ability to answer questions with a full answer.

Development of thinking.

Didactic game

"Finish the proverb."

1. Skill and work are all ...
2. It’s not a shame not to know, it’s a shame not to ...
3. The work of the master ...
4. The bird is recognized in flight,

and the person in...
5. Without difficulty, you can’t catch a fish from ...
6. More business - less ...
7. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do...
8. Finished the job - take a walk ...

Children's answers.

Development of thinking, speech.

Guys, what professions did we talk about today?

And what new professions have we met today?

We would like to end our lesson with the following words: wonderful professions there are no counting in the world, and glory and honor to every profession.

Children's answers

Developed the ability to work in a team.


1. http://www.profvibor.ru/ Electronic museum of professions

2. http://www.rabotka.ru/infoworker/ Directory of professions

3. http://www.ucheba.ru/prof Professions: choice of profession, description of the profession, rating of the most popular professions

4. CHUDOPREDKI.RU Site for parents "Children's joys" Proverbs
5. Russian proverbs and sayings / edited by V. Anikin, - M. -: Khudozh. lit., 1988

6. "Yours professional career. Didactic materials.

The book for the teacher. Ed. S.N. Chistyakova. - M., "Enlightenment" 2008

7. Internet resources. http://www.maam.ru

8. https://infourok.ru/

9. Card index of TRIZ games - S.I. Gin.


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