Is there internet on branded trains. Internet and cellular communication on the train. Security Rules for Connecting to a Public Network

Cellular communication and the Internet work stably near large cities and in the area of ​​​​main railways. The European part of Russia is almost completely covered by the network, and the expanses of the Northern Urals, Siberia and Far East, basically, remain without communication, with the exception of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Outside the Urals, interruptions in the signal are possible - there is a connection on one section of the path, but on the other on the same branch it will not be.

On the train, Wi-Fi can also come in handy, as using 3G while roaming is usually expensive. The Russian Railways company has Wi-Fi service on seventy trains (the vast majority of them are branded). By the end of 2016, it is planned to increase the number of trains with the Internet to two hundred. For example, on the famous Sapsan, Wi-Fi is free for business class and paid for economy. On many tariffs of mobile operators, the Internet package is valid throughout Russia, so you can do without Wi-Fi on the road. Whether your train has Wi-Fi, you can find out when choosing a train on

All Big Four operators (Beeline, MTS, Megafon, TELE2) provide an approximately equal network coverage area. Only "TELE2" seriously loses to its older counterparts in the area of ​​the Trans-Siberian Railway, guaranteeing only a point connection. In such a situation, it would be a good option to carry a spare SIM card from another operator with you.

Speaking of speed mobile internet, then the communication space of modern 3G almost repeats the distribution area of ​​outdated 2G-GPRS (which is 30 times slower), but slightly less in coverage. The most technologically advanced network standard - 4G - is still poorly developed in Russia, most of the marks are in the capital and million-plus cities. Moreover, the real speed of 4G is still about 10 times lower than the declared one. However, even this speed is enough to watch movies in real time, without prior downloading. Apparently, 4G on the train is a matter of the near future.

Russia will soon have a special cellular operator for motorists, passengers of trains and planes. Sky-Global Communications intends to deploy three space satellites by 2019, providing high-speed Internet access throughout Russia, as well as in China and India.

If during the trip the connection suddenly disappeared - do not despair, perhaps this is just a “hole” in the network coverage and the signal will appear again behind the next copse. To find out if a cell phone will catch on your route, just look at a special map. It is available both on the website of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, and in a separate application "Quality of communication" for "Android". The map gives an idea of ​​the distribution of a digital communication signal (from 2G to 4G) for one (or all at once) of 17 mobile operators in Russia.

The main advantage of the card is its "popularity" - in contrast to the marketing figures for speeds and coverage on the websites of mobile operators, this card downloads data from the users themselves. Therefore, the information here is always accurate and up-to-date. But people use this application mainly in the car, so there should be a connection outside the highways, even if it is not marked on the map.

You can get comfortable not only in the SV car or compartment, but also in the reserved seat and general.
For comfortable stay on the train we will highlight some points.


Sockets in second-class cars are located opposite the conductor (near titanium with boiling water), near the toilet (on the inside or outside), as well as in the car itself above side seats 39 and 51. In some cars, sockets are not located along the side seats, but in the compartment above the bottom shelves.

In standard compartment cars, there are sockets in the corridor. The first is between compartments No. 3 and 4, the second is between compartments No. 7 and 8.
All sockets can be used freely and free of charge. If they do not work, ask the conductor to turn it on.

Internet and calls

Roaming rates are rarely generous. But costs can be cut.

First, before you travel or right on the train, call your mobile operator and ask to tell about packages and services in roaming. This alone will allow you to optimize costs.

Second, check if Wi-Fi is available on your train. It is available in the Sapsan, in double-decker trains, in some branded and day trains, etc. And it happens more and more often. Look - perhaps you will have free Internet all the way (where there is a network, really). Turn on the search for networks on your smartphone or tablet, and if there are available, ask the conductor which one is official. Usually it is called either by the name of the train (for example, Sapsan_Free), or by the name of the provider (Beeline_WiFi, for example).

Comfortable shoes

Take light slippers with you on the road. This will allow you not to put on your shoes every time you go to the buffet, the toilet or just throw out the trash.
Often slippers can be purchased from the conductor. But in the luxury carriages, slippers are included in the standard set issued to the passenger.


The train is public place. If your neighbors who are carried away by vices interfere with you, you have the right to demand that the conductor clean up the mess. He has enough tools for this - from the head of the train to the call of the police squad, which will meet the train at the nearest station and remove brawlers from it.


The trains usually have a dining car or a buffet, plus there are frequent dining car staff with trolleys. You can buy tea and snacks from them. In compartments and CBs, as a rule, there is a button to call the conductor, dishes from the dining car can be ordered directly in the compartment.
Check if food is included in the price of your ticket - it depends on the class of the carriage. There are dispensers on Strizh trains for drinking water you can use them for free. Also, in all long-distance trains there are titans with hot water, you can ask the conductor for dishes - this is also free.
IN branded trains conductors often have a refrigerator and microwave. You can ask them to keep or warm up the food that you took with you on the road. This is not provided for by the rules, but often the conductors just humanly meet halfway

The development of technology allows you to create an Internet connection even in public transport. "RZD" Wi-Fi network makes the trip more comfortable for the passenger. On the road, you can work, read books, watch movies, chat with friends thanks to a wireless Internet connection.

When connecting to the Russian Railways public Wi-Fi network, you need to follow the tips for a secure connection so as not to become a victim of scammers.

First of all, intercity and international long-distance trains are equipped with access to the Network. One of the first electric trains to have Wi-Fi was Sapsan. Then the experience of use extended to the Allegro trains running between St. Petersburg and Helsinki. You need to find out if there is Wi-Fi on the train when buying tickets. It should be borne in mind that the Internet may be paid, since the equipment for providing communication is not cheap. Information on paid or free Internet access is available on the Russian Railways website.

Modern trains are also equipped with Internet access points. In 2016, the Moscow and suburban electric trains of the CPPK became a pilot project in the field of introducing WiFi by Russian Railways. A year later, Internet points began to appear on the Standard, Lastochka and Express trains. The reserved seat train also has an internet connection. Currently, almost all directions of electric trains near Moscow are equipped with a Wi-Fi network. You can find out which trains have WiFi on the information stickers in the vestibule.

What are the benefits of Wi-Fi on the train?

Traveling on electric trains takes up most of the time that can be put to good use. Wi-Fi provides just such an opportunity. While on the road, the user can work on a laptop, many students use the travel time for
fulfillment of educational tasks. Many companies cooperating with Russian Railways, when paying for the Internet on an electric train, give access to downloading music, watching movies (additional fees may apply for some films), games, ordering food from a dining car, calling a taxi and other important options.

Reference. Modern electric trains are equipped with sockets, thanks to which you can charge any device with a power of up to 100 watts.

According to surveys, the majority of people (56%) use the Russian Railways Internet in transport for work and educational purposes. The second most popular were entertainment: online games, reading books, watching videos. The third way to use the Internet is social media. To access the Web, 77% of passengers use smartphones, 15% choose tablets and 8% use laptops.

Main sections within a network local site

In addition to providing wireless communication throughout the entire journey of the train, Russian Railways also offers to use the services of a local portal. It is called "Companion Traveler" Russian Railways ". The site is accessible after connecting to Wi-Fi on the train.

The site contains information about:

  • purchase of goods on long-distance trains: food, drinks and others;
  • route;
  • a library of books, videos, magazines, games and other entertainment;
  • access to the Russian Railways Bonus program;
  • providing full access to the World Wide Web.

Using this resource, the passenger of the train gets not only access to the Internet, but also uses the local resources of the company.

How to connect to the Internet on the train

You can connect Wi-Fi on Russian Railways trains using a mobile phone or account on the portal "Gosuslug".

To connect via phone number you need:

When re-accessing the Network through the phone, re-authorization is not required.

Important. More than five devices cannot be connected to one phone number.

To access through the website "Gosuslug" you need:

Through the portal "Gosuslug" you can access the Internet only once.

Please note that some services may be subject to a fee. This is true for trains traveling along a long route. The cost of services depends on the distance of the trip, usually the price varies from 100 to 200 rubles. usually free.

If the provided Network is in the field of view of cell towers, it is worth considering whether it makes sense to overpay. With a stable network, the signal can also be received through your SIM card. Therefore, before connecting the service, it is recommended to ask the conductor or information stand about the equipment installed on the train.

Session duration and data transfer rate

Connection to Wi-Fi in electric trains is provided in two ways:

  • by connecting to cellular stations 3G and LTE;
  • by connecting to a satellite.

Satellite communication is more reliable, but it is more difficult to organize and more expensive. The cellular network catches not everywhere, but the price of its services is lower. Hybrid systems are used to provide an uninterrupted signal throughout the entire journey at an affordable cost. They connect first to the towers, and after leaving the range they switch to the satellite.

The system includes a substation that receives a 3G signal and converts it, as well as access points that receive Wi-Fi along the entire length of the train.

Internet connection speed reaches 7 Mb/s. Modern equipment makes the signal stable, but drops out of the network periodically occur. Some passengers who frequently use the branded double-decker Moscow-St. Petersburg train claim that the connection speed can drop to such a level that it is impossible to exchange messages. Also, the trains following the Moscow-Adler route and the first to receive Wi-Fi still have connection problems. In the near future, Russian Railways promises to carry out work to increase the capacity of the systems.

Security Rules for Connecting to a Public Network

When connecting to a public Wi-Fi connection, it is important to remember the security rules. With an insecure connection, there is a risk of becoming a victim of scammers.

There are three types of attacks that can be used by scammers. The most popular is sniffing. Public networks are not encrypted, so information is transmitted in the clear. Fraudsters using special programs can intercept data packets and extract the information they need. Less commonly, hackers use mitm attacks and the use of an additional access point.

How to protect yourself and what to tell your fellow traveler when connecting to the public network:

  1. Connect the "Sharing" function to files. Before connecting to a public network, you need to check if sharing is disabled on the device. You can close it by going to "Control Panel" - "Network and Internet". Uncheck the boxes next to all options and save the changes.
  2. Connect VPN. Using a private virtual network VPN routes all traffic through a secure network and limits the possibility of unauthorized access.
  3. Disable automatic access to a familiar Wi-Fi network. This feature can be used by scammers to get sensitive information on a phone or tablet.
  4. Carefully look at the name of the Network. All information stickers have the name of a public Wi-Fi network, and it is to it that you need to connect. A network with a similar name can be specially created by scammers.
  5. The use of the SSL protocol allows the exchange of encoded data. Such information is additionally protected from decryption by fraudsters.
  6. Protect passwords. It is recommended to use different passwords in accounts.
  7. Check the functionality of the antivirus and firewall. They do not provide 100% security, but they help to avoid major fraud.
  8. Wi-Fi must be turned off when not in use. Wi-Fi enabled allows third parties to spy on the user. When connected to the network, the device broadcasts its unique mac-address, and any signal receiver that receives a connection request can return and log data about requests.
  9. Do not access mobile banks or electronic payment systems through public Wi-Fi.

  10. To enter social networks, set double authentication. When you try to log into your profile, your phone will receive a message with a code that you need to enter.

These tips, of course, will not provide 100% security, but will help save important user data.


The Internet is actively used in all spheres of life. IN railway transport, as well as at the station, there is access to the Wi-Fi network, making the trip more comfortable and productive. You can connect to the Network using your phone number and profile on "Gosuslugi". It is important not to forget about security when using open access points.

Free Wi-Fi was launched in commuter trains for three months as part of a pilot project. The site was told about this in OJSC "Central Suburban Passenger Company" (CPPK).

"Currently, in a three-month test mode, access to Wi-Fi is provided in four electric trains of the company's own fleet. Electric trains operate in five directions of the Moscow transport hub and on the Moscow-Kaluga express route," the company explained.

The CPPK clarified which trains are equipped with a wireless network:

  • ED4M-0451 express route Moscow - Kaluga - Moscow;
  • ED4M-0461 suburban routes on the Belarusian and Savelovsky directions;
  • ED4M-0471 suburban routes of the Riga and Kursk directions;
  • ED4M-0487 suburban routes of the Kiev direction.
"In the near future, the express route Moscow - Ryazan - Moscow will be added to them," the press service noted.

According to the interlocutor of the site, after the completion of the pilot project, the issue of expanding the wireless Internet zone in other trains will be decided.

Now in Moscow there are 8.7 thousand points of free access to Wi-Fi. Approximately 7.5 thousand of them are located in buildings, on the territory of university dormitories, and the rest are mainly in parks and recreation areas. The capital ranks second in the world in the distribution of Wi-Fi and mobile communications. High-speed 4G Internet covers almost 99 percent of the city's territory, and the number of its users exceeds nine million people.

The free Wi-Fi network in the Moscow Metro has been operating for almost three years and provides daily access to the network for up to three million passengers. IN land transport Internet has been working since February 1 this year. The number of Internet sessions has already exceeded .

Wi-Fi has also been launched on the Moscow Central Circle. In early October, Moscow transport was concluded in.

Earlier it was reported that until January 1, 2017, Wi-Fi will work on 65 electric trains of the Central Suburban Passenger Company. Now a Wi-Fi network can be used at Sheremetyevo Airport and on Aeroexpress trains running from the center of the capital to Moscow air harbors. In addition, wireless Internet may appear in. Access points to city Wi-Fi will be placed in. At the moment wireless network available in 16 parks.

Free Wi-Fi will be used by a huge number of commuter train passengers, Internet expert Vlad Titov believes. "Access to Wi-Fi is an additional useful service for passengers, as well as an opportunity for CPPK to make money on advertising," the expert noted.

According to him, many students travel on commuter trains, who study and read on the Internet on their way home or to school.

Head of the Department of Transport Telematics and Robotics of the MADI Institute Vladimir Vlasov agreed that free wifi trains are very convenient.

"A free network on a long trip will be in demand, because now many people have various smartphones. Thus, there is a great opportunity to stay in touch - for example, check mail or relax, play something on the gadget. This is very suitable for the main trend of our time," – expert noted.

The network needs to be distributed regardless of the passenger traffic on different directions: Muscovites using the least loaded trains should not be deprived, Vlasov is convinced. "We need to deal with train congestion by optimizing the schedule and spreading the Internet in all trains," he concluded.

In the coming years, it is planned to purchase 175 new suburban routes for suburban routes. The new trains will have two-line information boards, an air disinfection system, and modern light lines along the seats. In 2017, the CPPK will launch from 20 to 25 new trains from. In addition, they can send to sparsely populated areas.

For the convenience of passengers at stations without ticket offices, boarding passes will also be installed. In test mode, the terminals will be installed at 19 stations of the Kiev direction of the Moscow Railways. Passengers on the Paveletsky direction of the Moscow railway(MZD) at the beginning of next year will be able to board the train, to the turnstile their own mobile phone. In addition, by the end of this year, the CPPK of electric trains of different directions.

Today we’ll talk about one very useful site for travelers around the country - Millions of people use intercity trains of Russian Railways in our country every day. And even if the travel time takes only one night, it's nice to spend it not only talking with a fellow traveler, but also watching videos from your favorite channel or reading interesting articles on a website or forum. And in this regard, it is very pleasant that today more and more long-distance trains from RZD are equipped with free wifi.

Connecting to RZD WiFi via PassLine Companion

When you enter the car and turn on Wi-Fi on your smartphone, you discover free network wifi with the name "RZD". It is not password protected and anyone can connect to it. However, when you try to open some site, a white page is issued - what's wrong? Few people know, but

in order to connect to wifi networks Russian Railways must first register and log in to your Personal Area service "Poputchik" on the site

So, we connect to the RZD network and enter the address in the browser.

We get to the site Companion. Here, click on the menu icon and select "Login"

Here again, click on the button of the same name to enter the Internet

  • 4 last digits of the passport number
  • Car number - if you have, for example, 7, then write "07"
  • Place number

In the second case, you need to write down the full number of your railway ticket and last name - as it is indicated in the travel document

That's all - now you can safely use the free Internet on the train. I must say that his speed is quite satisfactory on the entire route!

Wi-Fi does not work on the train or at the Russian Railways station - the Internet does not connect

As soon as RZD installed free Wi-Fi everywhere at their stations and trains, problems with the Internet connection immediately arose. I myself often found myself in situations where the phone connects to a Wi-Fi network, but the Internet does not work. And the screen looks like this

The fact is that there are many WiFi access points installed at the stations. And trains they are available in every car. But they all work from the same router, which is connected to the Internet and distributes IP addresses to all devices on the network.

If your phone or laptop connects to WiFi, but the Internet does not work, this means that the main router is not functioning correctly. And you can't do anything about it. It remains only to wait for it to be rebooted or use the mobile Internet.


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