How to remove glare from the eyes. How to remove glare in Photoshop. How to remove oily shine on your face with a Healing Brush

In some photographs, glare is part of the idea and looks beautiful. On others, they interfere, and sometimes even spoil the frame. You can get rid of them, like any other defect, c. In this article, we are on specific examples we will show you how to remove glare from images in the PhotoMASTER editor.

Method one: adjust the highlights

Let's launch the program and upload a photo to work with. Let's try to improve this image:

The photo is "overexposed", so the lens flare looks unnatural. Let's fix the problem. In the "Improvements" section, let's turn to the Highlights scale. Move the slider towards the minus side until the defect is completely eliminated. For example, we set the maximum possible mark -100. Reflections have been corrected, the photo now looks more lively and voluminous:

Please note: this method will only help you if there is little glare in the photo. When editing portraits with lots of highlights, just adjusting the highlights won't be enough — you need the Concealer and Clone Stamp tools. We will talk about them further.

Method two: remove glare using a corrector

Let's open the portrait photo and go to the "Retouch" section. From the three buttons in the right panel, select the "Corrector" option. First, remove the largest highlight on the forehead.

To do this, set the brush size to 23. Leave the Feather and Opacity settings as default. Apply a brush over the highlight. Let's adjust the parameters of the selected area in the menu on the right. Set the "Highlights" slider to -3, "Shadows" and "Dark" to 100, and "Light" to -67. Let's process the rest of the highlights in the same way: on the cheeks, nose, bridge of the nose, under the eyes, on the chin.

Commit the changes by clicking on the "Apply" button. Compare the original image with the enhanced version:

We've muted the glare so they don't catch your eye anymore. If this was not enough, try the third method.

Method three: "Stamp" + "Corrector" = Perfect photo

We will use the same photo, but this time we will remove the glare using two functions. Let's go back to the "Retouch" section and select the "Clone Stamp" tool. Set the brush size to 12, Feather at the default 100, and lower the Opacity to 70. Let's start editing. Draw a brush over the glare and take a fragment from the surface of the nose as a "donor".

Set the brush size to 14.9 and paint over the glare on the bridge of the nose. This time, the pixels will be copied from the forehead surface, as shown in the image.

Now let's get rid of the highlights on the cheeks. We will select the areas of the skin that are closest in tone. In this case, the forehead and cheek areas are suitable.

We do the same with the chin, nasolabial fold and highlights under the eyes.

Now let's move on to the biggest highlight - on the forehead. Let's set the brush size to 34. We'll remove this glare step by step. If the edges become visible on the skin, use the stamp again and mask the edges that have developed. After all problem areas are removed, click "Apply".

The photo looks much better. But the image still needs some work. Let's use the "Corrector" option, which is also presented in the "Retouch" section. Set the brush size to 56, and its opacity to 100. Paint over the area of ​​the forehead where the highlight is present. Now we correct: the exposure value is set to 3, "Shadows" 52, "Light" -35, and "Dark" 40.

As always, I greet you, dear friends. In this article, I will show you how to remove glitter from a face in Photoshop using a couple of simple methods. Recently I was looking at photos from one event, and looking at the faces I thought: "How does the greasy shine spoil the photo." Do you agree? But, thank God, this is all very easy to fix. Our favorite graphic editor will help us with this. Well, as Gagarin said: "Let's go!"

Blending mode

How to remove oily shine on your face with a Healing Brush

As you probably know, there are two types of Healing Brush - Spot and Regular. Both of them are needed in order to hide any defects. These two types differ only in that for a regular instrument you need to look for the donor area yourself, and the point one does everything automatically. Therefore, let's start with the automatic method.

If you don't like the way a precise Healing Brush works, then try using the Normal Brush by selecting it all in the same group on the Toolbar.

Only now you have to first select the area from which you will take the area and structure of the skin. To do this, hold down the Alt key so that your cursor changes to the crosshair icon, and click on an area of ​​normal skin.

I am sure that after completing this procedure, you will be satisfied.


Also, pretty good way to remove the shine from the face in Photoshop, this is to use the "Patch" tool familiar to us.

Gaussian blur

Here is another interesting method that will not take much of your time, and the effect, I am sure, will delight you. True, this method is unlikely to cope with a strong oily sheen.

The method, of course, is interesting, but in fact, it is far from always suitable, and it will be much more effective to use one of the above methods.

Stamp tool

Also, in this difficult matter, the "Stamp" tool, which we used when removing an unnecessary object in Photoshop, may come in handy. If you already know how to use it, then you yourself will guess what needs to be done, but for those who do not know, I give detailed instructions.

In my opinion, everything is nowhere easier. Don't you think so? And at the same time, Angelina was put in order, otherwise it shines like no one knows who). And by the way, immediately the question: What method did you like more? Or maybe you know some other interesting method? I'll gladly have a look.

Well, in general, if you want to master Photoshop in as soon as possible and it is good to be able to use it (even if you didn’t use it at all), then I certainly recommend that you look cool video course... Today, in my opinion, this is the best Photoshop course for beginners. Everything is described in detail, without water and in a language understandable to humans. Looks literally in one breath.

I hope that now you will not have any questions about how to remove the oily shine from the face in a photo in photoshoot, so in any such delicate situation you can fix everything yourself.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Often, when shooting in a studio, you can face the fact that glare or reflections from light sources will appear in photographs. This is especially noticeable when you are photographing people with glasses, in which case you will almost always be faced with the reflection of something on the lenses. Here's a great example:

The technique we will apply later requires that the other lens of the glasses is free of glare and can be used to replace the "blown out" part of the first lens. So let's get over it. As you may have guessed, we are talking about the Clone Stamp (S) tool.

The first thing we have to do is make a new layer with Opacity and Flow at 100%, and from the Smaple menu select Current and Below:

Let's briefly talk about the essence of Clone Stamp - this tool allows you to clone some areas in selected areas. So, first we need to prepare a little: go to the Window menu item and select Clone Source in the drop-down list, after which the following menu should appear on the screen:

With which we can control many settings of the process.

After that, in the same Clone Source menu, click here to flip the cloned area horizontally:

So, select the Clone Stamp and, while holding Alt, indicate the area that we want to clone. In our case, this place
near the bow of the glasses:

After that, we go to the opposite side of the glasses and begin to clone the area over the lens flare little by little:

The result is still not very good, so we continue to clone the small details from the other eye to create a Clone Stamp, but we do it very carefully. In our case, you need to work especially hard on the eyelashes:

Once you're done, you will likely see dramatic color swings between the area you restored and the area that you basically didn’t touch. In order to minimize this effect, create another layer with the same Clone Stamp with a larger diameter, but already with an Opacity of 50%, start smoothing out the color drops.

I took a highlight on the head of the figurine. First, I poke it with the Magic Wand Tool and get the highlight selection.

Then copy the selection to a new layer by pressing Ctrl + J. I name the new layer "Blik1" I poke a magic wand on the glare already in this layer, we get a new same selection (instead of repeating poking with the wand, the selection could be saved, then pasted). Now go to the Select -> Modification -> Contract tab and compress it by two pixels. Again press Ctrl + J, get a new layer, call it "Blik2". In total, I have two new layers.

Switch to "Blik1", again poke the white area with a magic wand to obtain a selection, select the brush tool with a print diameter larger than the highlight, hold down the Alt key, take a color sample next to the highlight, paint over (painting could have been done without selection, and create a new layer above "Blik1", apply a clipping mask to it and paint over it already). It turned out something like this (in the picture, the visibility of the "Blik2" layer is turned off).

Then go to the "Flare2" layer, go Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur (Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur) and set the value to 1-2 pixels.

Well, now it remains to slightly reduce the opacity of the "Blik1" and "Blik2" layers.

As a result, the flare is less bright and more accurate. The brightness of the flare can be reduced by increasing the opacity of the "Flare1" layer and decreasing the opacity of the "Flare2" layer.

Small highlights can be selected all together at the same time through the Selection -> Color Range (Select -> Color Range) with a sensitivity of 40 (it is the default), transfer to a new layer, paint each with a suitable color through the layer -> Clipping mask and reduce the opacity

Glare Is a bright spot of reflected light on an illuminated surface that appears as a specular reflection of powerful light sources. Such light sources can be, for example, the sun, a photographic flash or other lighting devices (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 The flare from the sun, which needs to be removed from the photo.

In many photographs, glare looks nice and is part of their composition, but sometimes glare needs to be removed. This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Difficulties arise due to the fact that the brightness of the flare is outside the tonal range of the photo.

Often, when removing a glare from a photo in Photoshop, it is simply made darker, simulating the uniformity of the surface. This approach is possible in cases where the glare has an insignificant size for the texture pattern, or it is reflected from a plain surface.

If the surface has a texture or pattern, details are lost in the glare, becoming a uniform white spot. Such a spot looks ugly, regardless of its brightness. The glare is removed by masking it with the "Stamp" or "Patch" tools, but this loses the ability to adjust the boundaries of the restored area, its brightness, shape and location.

The most difficult thing to remove is a large lens flare with a bulky spherical surface where the drawing has curved lines such as on. How to do this using simple methods of the Photoshop program is described in this article.

How to remove glare and return details

If there is a glare on the surface, then there is a part of the surface without it. This surface can be taken to restore the details lost in the overexposed area and in Photoshop you can precisely insert it in place of the glare removed from the photo.

At the same time, it remains possible to work with the replaceable texture on a separate layer. This gives an advantage over the usual copying into the area of ​​flare with Photoshop's "Clone Stamp" or "Patch" tools.

As an example, in the Photoshop program, let's remove the glare from the photo on. So, in order.

Preparing the mask for the flare

In order to remove a glare from a photo, it needs to be localized. It is convenient to do this with a mask. It will allow you to accurately select the flare and make a smooth transition from the surface of the material to the area of ​​the flare.

Create a mask of the glare removed from the photo in Photoshop from a copy of the background layer, which we will make using the buttons “ Ctrl + J"(Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 A new layer for the mask of the highlight to be removed.

To make a mask for the highlight to be removed, you first need to select it. To do this, go to the Photoshop program menu in the "Selection" section and select the "Color Range" item. In the window of the same name at the bottom, you need to set the viewing mode "Black background" (Fig. 3).

Fig.3 Window for setting the selection for the highlight to be removed.

In the "Black Matte" mode, the photo looks like a layer mask, where the blurred area of ​​the flare is clearly visible (Fig. 4).

Fig.4 Removable flare in the "Black background."

In the "Color range" window, move the "Scatter" slider and observe the mask of the photo. We need to get the full outline of the flare. This will bring up other areas of the photo, which we will then remove on the layer mask (Fig. 4).

After the area of ​​the highlight to be removed is clearly visible on the mask, in the "Color range" window, press the "OK" button. The highlight highlight area will be loaded on the photo - "ant track" (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 Selected area for the flare to be removed from the photo.

In this case, the selection line will be smaller than the area of ​​the flare on the mask, or it may not exist at all. The Photoshop program shows the line of the selection area only for its lightest part. The hidden part of the selection will be visible on the layer mask.

In order to create a layer mask, go to the top layer in the "Layers" palette and, with the active selection, press the third button from the left at the bottom of the palette. A thumbnail of the layer mask will appear in the layer (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 Layer mask for the area of ​​the highlight to be removed.

Now, while holding down the " Alt", You need to click on the layer mask thumbnail. A layer mask similar to the "Black Matte" view will open. Select the Brush tool and paint over all light areas on the layer mask with black color except for the highlight to be removed (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 Only the area of ​​the highlight to be removed should remain on the layer mask.

Open the "Masks" palette and use the "Feather" slider to blur the highlight so as to remove its torn edges - about 35 pixels (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8 Blurring the lens flare layer mask to remove the jagged edges.

After that click on the layer thumbnail to exit the mask. While holding down the " Ctrl»Click on the layer mask thumbnail. A smooth selection will appear for the highlight to be removed (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9 Selected area of ​​the highlight to be removed.

After the highlight selection appears, on the "Layers" palette, click on the layer mask icon and hold down the left mouse button, drag it to the trash can - the lower left corner of the palette, or turn it off by clicking the mouse while pressing the " Shift". It is better to leave it for possible correction.

The button " Delete"Delete the area of ​​the highlight to be removed, and with the buttons" Ctrl + D»Remove the selection. The mask for the glare texture is now ready. Let's move on to the next step.

Adjusting the texture

First, you need to prepare a layer on which we will select a texture to fill the area of ​​the highlight to be removed. Go to the background layer and use the Lasso tool to select the object with the texture. It is definitely not necessary to highlight. Only the texture should fall into the selection area (Fig. 10).

Fig.10 Selected object before copying to a new layer.

The buttons " Ctrl + J»Copy the selected object to a new layer. This will leave only the texture of the object with the highlight on the layer (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11 A layer with a texture for the removable glare.

You need to cut an object from a layer so that its borders are visible in the photo during transformation. Otherwise, the area of ​​the photo will need to be reduced, and this is already working on a smaller scale.

Being on a new layer using the buttons " Ctrl + T"Turn on the transformation mode. A rectangular frame will appear around the object on a new layer, with which you can transform it and see where it is under the mask (Fig. 12).

Fig.12 Texture layer in transform mode.

The button " V»Select the Move Tool and begin to shift the layer, adjusting the texture in the highlight to its borders. In our example, it is more convenient to move the layer in the direction of the arrow. You can rotate, shrink, expand, and change its opacity to precisely fit the texture.

In the case when the flare is large, you do not need to try to fill it completely with the texture. Better to do it piece by piece. To do this, find the best way to fill the highlight with a texture (Fig. 12) and stop there.

In the "Layers" palette, go to the top layer and press the " E"Select the" Eraser "tool. Adjust its opacity and pressure to 20 - 30% and pass it along the border of the inserted texture to make it less visible.

Go to the top layer and use the buttons " Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E»Create a general flattened layer. The result of the first adjustment of the texture for the removed glare is fixed on it (Fig. 13).

Fig.13 The result of the texture fitting is anchored on the flattened layer.

After flattening the layers, a smaller flare will remain on the photo. In order to remove it, you need to repeat the steps, starting with the creation. Use a flattened layer as the background layer. The glare in our case is removed in three parts. Create a separate layer group folder for each mask, texture and flattened layer (Fig. 14).

Fig.14 The area of ​​the highlight to be removed is filled with the texture in three times.

In some photographs, glare can be removed at once, or more than three masks may be needed. It depends on the size of the highlight to be removed and on the texture pattern. The more complex the drawing, the smaller the fill area of ​​the texture.

This completes the fitting of the texture. Let's move on to the next step.

We show the texture

After adjusting the texture in the area of ​​the flare to be removed, you need to align the light pattern of the object in the area of ​​the flare and around it in accordance with the illumination of the entire object.

In the "Layers" palette, go to the top layer and use the " Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E»Create a common flattened layer above it. Select the "Multiply" blending mode for it and create a layer mask (the third button at the bottom of the palette on the left) (Fig. 15).

Fig.15 General flattened layer in the "Multiply" blending mode.

The button " B"Select the" Brush "tool. Set it to 15% opacity. The buttons " D" and " X»Set the main color for it to white. Click on the layer mask and the buttons " Ctrl + I»Invert it to black. Start painting on the layer mask, shading the highlight area (Figure 16).

Fig.16 Equalize the brightness of the flare area and around it.

After darkening the area of ​​the highlight to be removed, select its texture. To do this, use the buttons " Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E»Create a general flattened layer. In the menu of the program "Filters" select the item "Other" and "Color contrast". In the filter settings, set the radius to 7 pixels. (fig. 17).

Fig.17 Apply the "Color Contrast" filter to the flattened layer.

Set the blending mode for the layer to "Overlay", add a mask to the layer and invert it using the buttons " Ctrl + I". Select the "Brush" with 20% opacity. While on the layer mask, paint in white in the highlight area, revealing the texture of the material (Fig. 18).

Fig. 18 In the area of ​​the highlight to be removed, we show the texture of the material.

This completes the process of removing the glare from the photo. For comparison, Fig. 19 shows a portion of a photograph with a lens flare before and after it has been removed.

Fig. 19 The area of ​​the highlight to be removed before and after its removal.

The whole process of removing the glare from the photo took no more than 5 minutes. With a clear understanding of all points this method you can remove glare from photos very quickly. The source file with all the layers described in this article can be taken.

What else to remove from photos in Photoshop besides the glare is described in the following chapters of the article:


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