How to make money on Advego for a beginner: detailed instructions. Advego article exchange - registration, earnings, feedback Advego work official

Greetings, friends! You all already know which courses on making money on the Internet are most often offered to beginners: "A million in a week" or "1,000,000 rubles in two clicks of the mouse" ... Sound familiar? What is the bottom line? The author of the course, of course, will receive income. The buyer will also receive it, the question is, how much? This is because there is no freebie on the Internet! But you can make money online. You just need to know how and where.

Advego: making money without cheating

How to make money on Advego for a beginner? The Advego content exchange takes one of the places of honor among possible ways earnings in the network: the site is reliable, well-known, the work is paid stably. There are a lot of settings, and the interface is clear. Understand how to make money on Advego, not so difficult, so why put off? Listen to the "course for successful survival on Advego" - and go!

Advego is useful for performers, as it makes it possible to earn money first to pay for a mobile phone, Internet, hosting, and in the future it can turn into a source of stable and considerable income. Customers receive content on Advego for a reasonable fee and can promote their resources and products. So the exchange is useful to them too.


Before registering, be sure to create an electronic wallet. Payments are made to WebMoney. The wallet can be both ruble (WMR) and dollar (WMZ). The dollar is required, the ruble is optional. As a safety net, the "old-timers of Advego" recommend specifying everything. The exchange does not work with other systems and does not intend to: they have an insufficient degree of security. The exchange does not plan to add the transfer of earned funds to wallets of other systems in the foreseeable future.

It all starts with registration. It's simple: Come on home page, choose a name and password, specify your mail. Confirm registration, set up a profile, and get started.

Nickname: how to choose the right one

I started an intstagram. I show the life of a copywriter, make fun of a story, let's be friends! GO TO INTSAGRAM

All authors work under nicknames, not under their own names. Therefore, when registering, come up with a unique login for yourself. In the "Alias" box, a name is entered that is visible to others. Only Latin letters are used. You can add numbers, underscores, hyphens.

If the login is busy, a message about this will appear. We'll have to look for another: you can't do without a unique alias. By the way, it is impossible to change it, and therefore it is better to think about the name so that later you do not have to regret the haste.

We indicate your email, next to the window of consent to the user agreement, put a tick. Registration is complete.

It remains to wait for the letter to the specified address for activation in order to confirm your actions. The letter has not arrived? We'll have to look into the Spam folder. And there is no message there? Then the link will have to restore access to your account. Be sure to indicate the nickname for Advego and the email address. Next - the reason why the registration address needs to be changed, and the new mail. We do the same when we forgot the password.

If the activation is not done, after three days the account will be canceled and the registration will have to be repeated.

Follow the link to go to the Advego website and read the account activation message. Below is the password form. It is advisable to come up with a difficult, at least 8 characters, a combination of numbers and letters, small and large. Symbols are only Latin.

It is advisable to register as soon as possible, if any serious intentions work for Advego: just in the given time there is a question about the complication of the procedure. It is quite possible that soon it will be necessary to enter the TIN, passport data and even attach scans of documents.

But after registration, there is no need to fear deletion for inactivity: the profile is saved as long as the exchange is working. There are no deletions here if there are no violations.

Features of registration on the exchange

It is forbidden to register several accounts for yourself: they will be banned and deleted, and with them all the money earned. But, if different billing information is specified, then registration of several accounts from one computer is allowed.

All questions arising from registration are resolved with the help of the support service. The answer will not come immediately, but everything can be solved.

However, remember that according to the rules of the exchange, the owner of the profile bears all responsibility for access to the account, that is, the author's profile and damages caused to third parties. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of hacking, you should check your computer for malware with antivirus programs so as not to suffer yourself and not become guilty of the troubles of others.

Normal work with the exchange is possible only from a stationary computer or laptop. I am having problems logging in with my phone or tablet.

So, all the nuances have been taken into account, the registration process has been completed. You can start looking for ways to make money on the stock exchange.

What are the ways to make money on the exchange

You can earn money by performing several types of work:

  • write comments, leave reviews on sites;
  • write articles to order;
  • chat on forums, create topics;
  • sell articles in the exchange store;
  • make translations;
  • create advertising slogans;
  • search necessary information in the Internet;
  • create master classes;
  • perform proofreading of ready-made texts;
  • complete tasks in social networks.

The minimum withdrawal amount is five dollars. Withdraw funds in USD or rubles at the rate for the Webmoney wallet. It will take 16 days to wait for the first withdrawal, then only 3. Therefore, when the amount reaches the minimum, you need to withdraw money immediately so that you do not have to wait for a long time later.

To earn your first money, you can start with simple orders, for example, writing comments. Such work does not bring large income, but it allows you to get the first money, and with it comes an incentive for further successful activity.

Writing reviews and comments

It is necessary to comment on the publications on the pages of these sites and carry out similar easy orders. In the order card, the dimensions of the work, that is, the number of characters, is indicated.

Execution of orders or application for tender

To select a suitable order, go to the tab in the upper left corner "Job", "Job search".

To select an order with parameters corresponding to requests, we use filters. You can set the search for a suitable price, text length, execution time and other parameters.

Just in the filter, I selected the item article and the price is from 3 to 5 USD, and in the list that opens, I found a good offer on Forex topics. Good price, the offer is great for me: I am a “playing trader” in the past, I have several years of experience in the currency exchange and experience in writing texts for a website about Forex. In the portfolio on my site there are texts of this topic and I also have other screenshots of my texts from previous times, as well as a screenshot of my trading terminal with my name, which has been operating for 7 years already. I think that I could well compete with dignity for this order.

It’s a pity that I don’t have time for this now, and I haven’t worked on content exchanges for a long time, this is already in the past. So think for yourself, decide for yourself, there is an unambiguous way to make money, for you, as I once did.

Note! All calculations are carried out in conventional units. Therefore, the price for 1000 characters is not 50 rubles, but 1 cu.

Sometimes the customer requires you to provide him with a screenshot. Do not be intimidated and refuse such orders. Everything is done very simply. Read on this link on Advego. And if you want to know even more about screenshots and the easiest way to take screenshots, then read my article.

There are many topics for writing articles. Here are a few:

  • business;
  • cooking;
  • fashion;
  • medicine;
  • auto and others.

I wrote in this article about how to successfully choose a topic for writing an article for the exchange.

For example, the topic is construction. Also a popular topic.

The order card contains all the requirements of the customer for the work - both the keywords, that is, phrases that must be inserted into the finished text, and the type of work.

The type of work is rewriting, copywriting or SEO copywriting.

For better attitude search engines insert keywords into the text, that is, they optimize for search engines... This is SEO copywriting.

In the translation, it is necessary to translate the text proposed by the customer or find the source yourself and translate it into a foreign or Russian language.

Requirements for work

For guaranteed payment for work, it is important to comply with the requirements:

  • uniqueness;
  • full implementation of the TK;
  • literacy.

The Advego Plagiatus program will help you to check the uniqueness. It is downloaded from the exchange website for free and without registration. The required level of uniqueness is indicated in the order card. If not, uniqueness is determined by default: 95% for copywriting, 90% for rewriting.

Non-unique phrases are highlighted in yellow during the check. To obtain the necessary indicators, they are corrected. You can work without leaving the program: insert text, wait for the results to be received, and edit.

TK - technical task, with a description of all the requirements by the customer, from the method of highlighting keywords to the design features of the finished work

Before submitting a completed assignment, it must be carefully checked. Even the absence of a single comma can lead to a refusal to pay. Quality and literacy are the main requirements when working at the Advego stock exchange. Therefore, together with me.

Selling Articles

You can also make money on Advego by selling your articles. Each author independently chooses their volume and theme, taking into account the categories of the exchange store. But here's what is important: until ten orders are completed, access to the sale is closed. Although it is possible to complete a dozen simple tasks in half an hour, this will not be difficult.

For an article for sale, select

  • category;
  • language;
  • writing a title;
  • insert the text of the finished publication;
  • indicate summary with keywords.

It remains to decide on the cost of the article, agree with the terms of the exchange for the placement of work and click on the "Add article" button.

The text is moderated, that is, they check the uniqueness and literacy. In total - three attempts. Then, in case of failure, the account is temporarily blocked. Therefore, attention is required during preliminary verification. After putting up for sale - waiting for the buyer. The message about the sale comes to the mail, or you can view it on the tab on the top line of the page.

If a picture is attached to the text, then the cost of the work increases. You are allowed to upload no more than 30 images.

How to speed up the sale

To accelerate sales, write articles with 2000-3000 characters: they are the best sellers. The headline is bright and catchy to draw attention to your post. Be sure to add unique pictures and videos on the topic, if available. It is advisable not to insert an excerpt of the article in the "Short text" field: it is better to write an announcement in your own words, briefly setting out the essence of the publication. Firstly, this is a chance to hook the customer, and secondly, the buyer will not think that most of the work is “water”.

Field " Short description"- the outline of the article. It is recommended to arrange it in the form of questions to which the article answers. Indicate how the work begins and ends. May be supplemented by specifying the group of readers for whom the publication is written.

The type of work affects the cost of work: rewriting is cheaper than copywriting. Length matters; punctuation marks, letters, and spaces are taken into account. For beginners, the price does not need to be set higher than 0.3-0.6 USD. for 1000 characters. At this cost, it is desirable to write articles five to ten. And then the price can be gradually increased.

Profile and portfolio: no little things

It is not easy for newcomers to Advego: they need to get used to it and gain experience. So there is no point in chasing expensive orders at first: it is difficult to fulfill them with high quality without knowledge. And it's easy to spoil your reputation.

From the outset, there are several important profile metrics you need to keep track of. And the portfolio is the most important. It is according to him that customers are guided when choosing performers. You can enter it using the "Profile" tabs. In fact, your portfolio should include your work on Advego: how much you wrote, sold, in what topic ... The more work, the better, it's clear. A portfolio in the classical sense can be done in the forums tab. More on this below. In general, if you want a real, high-quality portfolio, then start it on the side, regardless of any exchange, even on LJ. Better, of course, to make a business card site with examples of your work. This is how I have this site, which in itself is my portfolio.

The exchange forum has a special section where you can create a topic and fill it with completed works and announcements of new articles. This makes it easier to promote your portfolio. The author's efficiency is ideally 100%, but in practice, more is better ...

Unpaid due to violation of working conditions are displayed in the "Refused payment" tab. With this it is clear: the fewer there are ...

Backlog of work, that is, work in progress due to lack of time to complete, should not be in the profile. Unscrupulous customers deliberately set deliberately unrealistic deadlines. And it is better to bypass such orders.

It is better to get into the TOP, closer to the first place, so that in the "Place in the rating" tab the value flaunts, as close as possible to leadership positions... Then the interest of customers in the person of the author will noticeably increase.

Author level: status matters

Orders can be taken according to their status. A beginner receives the status of "amateur" and can only work with orders of his level. With a high-quality implementation, he falls into the customer's white list and receives personal tasks from him.

There are only five levels on Advego:

  • amateur;
  • specialist;
  • professional;
  • expert;
  • guru.

Completing simple orders will allow you to earn positive reviews, gain experience and quickly raise your reputation and rating.

It is not worth taking part in tenders at the beginning of work: the selection is tough, and with a low-weight portfolio there is hardly a chance to be selected.

Gradually, you need to move on to more expensive orders. Knowledge and accumulated experience will tell you when you can "jump" on new steps.

Having completed one task, sitting awaiting payment without completing new ones is a big mistake. The customer has three days to pay. And how much time will be wasted during this time?

It is advisable to upload an avatar that is bright and memorable: most customers are guided to remember the authors by them, and not by nicknames.

In case of difficulties, the answers to most of the questions can be found in the help section on the exchange forum.

Advego has unscrupulous customers who cheat newcomers. The scheme is simple: to recruit, under the guise of a competition, authors for permanent work, suggest a topic to choose from. Of course, the test is not paid or paid symbolically.

The result is unique articles for free. Collaboration is also a deception: a message will come that the author has not passed the selection. It is worth knowing about this so as not to fall for the "wiring".

Finally, even with the best of intentions, you cannot exchange personal data: the account is immediately blocked, all the money and experience earned will be lost.

Pavel Yamb was with you. Until next time! Read blog articles, write comments. In conclusion, I want to say that each author has his own skills and capabilities, so what are the exact amounts of earnings for “ Advego" will not work.

This page is dedicated to registration. To get started, follow the link " registration on", you will be taken to the main page of the service.

At the top right, click on the " Registration":

Then we get to the registration page, where you need to enter your e-mail address, which will receive confirmation, password, pseudonym and also put a check mark next to "I accept the terms of the user agreement":

Then we press the button " Register now"at the very bottom and we get to the next page:

A letter should automatically come to your mail for confirmation of your e-mail address... If such a letter has not arrived within 15-20 minutes, then send repeated request for activation. This letter contains an activation link, by clicking on which you will be taken to the following page:

Congratulations! You have successfully activated your account on the site Now you need to follow the link "Personal data" to add information about yourself and details for payments, namely your WMZ wallet number.
It should be said that cooperates with the most popular payment system - I think that it will not be difficult for you to get yourself a wallet, and if difficulties arise, then feel free to write to my address - rabota-na-advego (dog) - I will answer all your questions within 12 hours!
I recommend that you indicate gender and age. Maybe your future customer will find you exactly according to these data:

Working with Advego is a great choice for people who want to make money online. This project is the most popular content exchange and is extremely popular among copywriters.

Copywriters are the authors of articles who sell the created materials to the site owners and thereby make a profit from the Internet.

As practice shows, earning money is really distinguished by its productivity and it is this project that is used by the largest audience of Internet workers writing articles.

You can also try your hand at this area and try earn the first money online. All money earned on this project can also be withdrawn at any time to an electronic wallet.

What is Advego, why is this site needed?

This is a text content exchange where webmasters buy articles and authors sell them. Do not think that the authors of the texts are stupid novices, they can be real professionals who share their experience, reveal secrets and ask for a lot of money for their work. Site owners, in turn, spend this money to buy content for their resources.

On Runet, Advego is the most popular and high-quality article exchange. Thousands of people are already using this site to make money. It is very different from analogues and has a lot of advantages:

  • do not ask to make any investments, registration is free;
  • earnings are available immediately after registration;
  • there is work for pros and for beginners;
  • free work schedule, work even at night
  • earnings are open to everyone, regardless of geographic location
  • to withdraw money, it is enough to earn only $ 5 (it is really possible to collect per day);
  • the forum has answers to all questions and you can chat with other users of the exchange;
  • there is responsive technical support;
  • no income restrictions.

The main purpose of the exchange is selling and buying articles... Tasks here are an additional way, but only for beginners. To sell texts, you still need to learn how to write correctly, each article is carefully checked and if it is not of high quality, it is rejected.

Be careful when you start posting articles in the store. After 3 submissions of the article for revision, the account may be blocked. Check each material carefully, and if you are not sure, it is better to place it on another exchange (the list will be at the end).

The first step you need to complete before you start earning is registering at Advego. I must say right away that this is not at all difficult to do, and you only need to have a mailbox.

How to make money writing articles?

Before registering, you will need to fill out a standard form:

After clicking the "Register" button, check your mail, a letter should come to it. The content of this letter will contain a link, by clicking on this link, you will confirm the registration. After that, you will be able to log into your account and start familiarizing yourself with the interface of this project.

According to the rules of the Advego project, in order to get the opportunity, you will need to complete 10 tasks. This is not difficult to do and now we will consider specific example completing one of the tasks.

How to complete tasks on Advego?

First, we go to the corresponding section, where the list of tasks available for execution is presented:

This section will contain a form for filtering tasks, as well as a list of these tasks. On the right is a form where you can select the type of work, cost and much more. On the left is a list of orders, the interface is simple and convenient, a beginner will quickly figure it out:

According to the rules of the exchange, you must complete any 10 orders. The easiest way to get started is social networks(likes, comments, joining groups). You can complete the first tasks in less than an hour.

As an example, we selected the simplest task from the list and clicked on its title to go to the detailed description:

In this image, you can see the requirements for completing one of the tasks. As you can see, everything is detailed, we need to subscribe to the social page. Vkontakte network.

Mandatory requirements are also described in the assignment, the account must be from Moscow, with at least 100 friends, with photos on the wall. After reading all the requirements, we decided that we would be able to fulfill all the requirements, so we click the "Get to work" button:

Now we need to fulfill all the requirements, i.e. subscribe to the group and click "Tell Friends". After completing them, in the place where the "Get to work" button was located, we press the "Execute" button. As a report, we need to send a link to the profile, which we do using a special form.

The last step is to click the "Finish" button, after which an inscription should appear stating that the advertiser will check our application within 3 days.

In the same way, you will need to complete 9 more tasks, after which you will gain access to posting articles for sale.

Making money selling articles is highly productive if you can type quickly and have a ton of information that you can translate into text format.

The topic of the articles can be anything, from advice to young mothers to complex instructions for the structure of the engine. For every thousand characters, you can get from 50 cents to several dollars. In this case, much depends on how much interesting topic you will describe and how competently you will do it.

Try to make money on Advego, perhaps you did not even know that you can quickly create content and soon you will determine whether it is right for you given view earnings.

What does Tender for Advego mean?

Newbies don't read site rules and don't go to forums until they have questions. Some tasks on the exchange are marked with the word "Tender", which means that the customer does not allow the work to be done immediately. He asks to submit an application, as a rule, it is required to indicate some information (for example, a link to a VK profile). If you need to write an article in the order, then instead of the application, a button appears to select a topic:

Thus, the customer does not need to create several identical orders for articles on different topics. When you click on this button, a window opens where the available topics are presented and opposite them there is a button for submitting an application:

Applications are considered individually, usually customers view the profile and statistics. If they agree with you to complete the task, you will receive a message with approval text:

After that, you can proceed to the order, instead of the button for submitting an application, there will be a button to complete the order. Not everyone wants everyone to do the job, so tenders for Advego are quite common.

Some site users only work on assignments. Although they pay little for simple orders, they take a minimum of time to complete. Writing assignments are the most lucrative, but difficult.

If you decide to concentrate on completing assignments, recommendations will come in handy:

  • before pressing the button "Get the job", you must read full text and examine the requirements;
  • pay attention to the time given to complete the assignment. Make sure that you have enough of it (relevant for complex orders);
  • if you write texts on orders, pay attention not to the total cost, but to the price per 1000 characters;
  • more actively use the discussion of the order. Comments appear in the task card, where you can ask questions to the customer;
  • do not rush to send reports, double-check everything several times so that you do not return the order for revision or refuse to pay at all;
  • do not pursue difficult tasks with high pay. It is difficult to fulfill them, and the rating is removed for refusal to fulfill them;
  • do not try to deceive someone or do the job in bad faith, lose your rating and you will be inundated with negative reviews;
  • it is better for beginners not to pay attention to tenders. As a rule, verified candidates with highly rated and portfolio;
  • make the transition from easy to difficult tasks smoothly. Gradually gaining experience, you will build your career correctly;
  • do not sit and wait for the customer to pay you for the work. A waste of time that is better spent on other tasks;
  • fill out your profile, set an avatar, indicate professional skills and topics that you are ready to work with.

In spite of active work moderators and the quality of the exchange, the site is sometimes used by scammers. You need to be careful and refuse dubious offers. Most often, newbies are offered to participate in article contests, where only one author receives payment (in fact, no one may receive it at all).

Withdrawing money from Advego

To order a payment, you need to earn $ 5 (minimum wage) on Advego. More recently, there are more ways to get money. Previously, there was only the Webmoney payment system, now transfers to QIWI and bank cards are available. Before ordering a payment, you must specify the payment details:

The balance of users is kept in dollars, if the account is in rubles, then the money is automatically converted at the current exchange rate of the Central Bank. The wallet number can always be changed. The first withdrawal request is considered within 16 days, in the future this procedure will take a maximum of 3 days (if you have an initial and higher Webmoney passport, withdrawal per minute):

The administration transfers money from 10 to 19 hours on weekdays. I have repeatedly ordered payments, the money comes without any problems. I use Webmoney more often, for me this payment system is the most convenient.

Likewise, you will receive money for the work done. If you are going to output to the card, then when entering its number, be careful, while there is no function to change it.

What is the best way to start making money on Advego?

After registering on the exchange, newbies are lost in the interface and do not know what to do with them. The best place to start is by getting familiar. Just go through all the sections and see what functionality is on the exchange.

When it comes to work, it's best to try out the cent assignments first. The simplest assignments are related to social networks, using the filter, select a category with likes, reposts and votes:

You will be presented with a list of the simplest assignments. They pay for them from 2 cents (about 1 ruble). This is more than on any postal service or in the systems of cheating social networks. For some tasks, the payment is slightly higher (5-10 cents), if there are no serious requirements, this is the best option:

Also, beginners should pay attention to orders by inviting friends to groups. This kind of work pays well. One mailing of invitations can bring up to 50 cents (25 rubles). You can do this every 8 hours from one account, i.e. at least 2 times you can definitely do this (50 rubles per day = 1500 rubles per month).

To do this work, some even create a whole bunch of accounts, catch up with friends and then complete tasks. Almost every day, new orders appear on the exchange, there is really enough work for everyone.

How do I add an article for sale to Advego?

Profitability targets are not equal to copywriting earnings. In general, the exchange was created precisely for this, and after completing 10 simple orders, you can place any texts for sale. The authors write about everything, but it is better to choose topics that are in demand:

  • cars;
  • tourism;
  • construction;
  • fashion;
  • business / money / finance;
  • medicine;
  • real estate;
  • psychology;
  • children;
  • the Internet.

This can be an instruction manual, a selection of tips, a review, a review, and much more. It is advisable to write voluminous articles, they sell better. It is also worth exploring to optimize your texts. Articles are put up for sale quickly, for this you need to go to the store and select the appropriate tab:

It all starts with a title and category selection. The title of the article should be attractive, set the type of text to "Copywriting", use marks if necessary. On the same page, the full text is inserted, a small segment is selected from it and a description is written. Don't worry, customers won't see your article, they'll only have access to the description:

The last 2 fields are needed to upload pictures for the article and indicate the cost. Articles sell faster with images. As for the price, it is best to start at 20-40 cents per 1000 characters. Few people buy texts from beginners, except at an attractive price. Earn a reputation first, then raise your rates:

After filling out the form and agreeing to the rules of the service, the article goes to moderation. It will be carefully checked for errors and, possibly, returned for revision.

If there are no mistakes, the article is put up for sale. The buyer sees the name and other information, the full text will be opened to him only if he pays:

Authors are completely protected from deception, access to the text is opened after the copywriter has already received payment. Just do not try to take advantage of this, if something goes wrong (for example, the article will already be posted somewhere), a complaint will be filed against you and the account will be blocked without the right to withdraw funds.

Tips for Writing Articles for Sale on Advego

Only at first glance it may seem that this simple job in the Internet. For some people, it really replaces the main source of profit, but they are usually professionals. To make good money on selling texts, you need to learn a lot and take into account useful recommendations:

  • according to statistics, articles with a volume of 2000-3000 characters are sold as quickly as possible;
  • the title of the article grabs the attention of buyers (use it to come up with quality headlines);
  • create unique pictures to add to articles, buyers are interested in this;
  • be sure to write a description, it should reflect the main idea of ​​the article as meaningfully as possible;
  • carefully select keywords for texts ();
  • Learn to write fast, typing speed improves productivity and income;
  • do not be lazy to learn something new, a good copywriter always develops;
  • do not be afraid to ask customers for reviews, in the future it will help in development;
  • fill your portfolio the best works, provide buyers with examples.

To make good money, you need to work hard and hard. Nobody gets paid a lot of money from the start for texts, you first need to prove that you are a good author and worthy of attention. Sell ​​your first 50 articles at a low price, that's The best way ensure an efficient start.

Checking Advego Plagiatus

In the recommendations above, we did not touch on one important point, because it requires special attention. Advego has a special program through which the uniqueness of the article is checked. it important indicator its quality, and this check is performed without fail.

The program is free and simple. Before you put up an article for sale, you need to make sure that there are no duplicates with other materials on the Internet. To check, you need to insert text and click on a special icon, after a few minutes (depending on the number of characters) the result will appear:

Above, the button for starting the check is highlighted, and the percentage of uniqueness is shown below. As you can see, this is only 7%, and it should be at least 95%. If after checking the uniqueness is low, just change the phrases, words and sentences that are highlighted in yellow. Until you increase this indicator, it is pointless to put up an article for sale, the moderators will not accept it.

How much can you earn with Advego?

Exchange users have different incomes because they use different methods and spend different hours at work. Real professionals earn more than $ 1000 per month and this should not surprise anyone. For one large and high-quality article, it is really possible to help out $ 20-30.

Newbies who run simple errands earn much less. For example, if you log into the system every day and take at least 10 orders with a reward of 10 cents, you will get $ 1 per day or $ 30 per month (RUB 1500-1800). Such work will take a maximum of half an hour a day, the part-time job is not bad:

Nobody limits performers and copywriters. The site will pay out whatever it manages to earn. If you are serious about work, then the income will be appropriate. It is advisable to write articles, more money comes from them. Tasks are more suitable for beginners, although lucrative offers often appear among them.

If you are looking for a place where you can start making money on the Internet, then Advego article exchange is definitely what you need! Any user, even a beginner, with no experience will be able to work as a copywriter in this exchange.

For customers, the Advego article exchange offers a large number of copywriters who are ready to fulfill any order. More than a million performers make money on Advego! There is also a store with ready-made, high-quality articles that you can buy right away without wasting time waiting for the order to be completed.

To go through registration in the Advego article exchange, go to their official website: Advego.

On the main page in the upper right corner you will see the "Register" button, click on it. After clicking on this button, a window will appear in which you need to specify your name and E-Mail. Then click on the "Register" button.

Next step registration with Advego you need to confirm your E-Mail address. Go to your email, open the letter that the Advego exchange sent you. The letter will contain a link, click on it. After that, your account is activated and to complete the registration with Advego, you just have to come up with and enter a password consisting of upper and lower letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers, and must contain at least 8 characters. Then click on the "save" button.

This completes the registration with Advego. Now you can start making money!

Earnings on the Advego article exchange

To get started earnings on Advego, go to the "Job" tab in the main menu, and then "Job search". In this section you will see all available orders for earning. There is a convenient menu for sorting all orders by type, price, and so on.

Orders in the Advego article exchange are very diverse! The simplest are orders that relate to social networks. Like a Vkontakte record or a YouTube video, join a group, invite friends to a group, repost a record on your page, and so on. Many users do a lot of such actions every day for free. The Advego article exchange offers to receive money for this.

Payment for completed orders in the Advego exchange, which relate to likes, reposts, joining groups on social networks, are paid on average about 8 - 20 cents.

No more difficult can be called orders in which they ask to open a topic on the forum, leave a review or comment on any site. There is only one conclusion here, there is a lot of work for beginners in the Advego article exchange!

The main earnings on the Advego exchange is writing articles on order or selling them in a store. On average, the price for 1000 characters ranges from 50 cents to 3 dollars. At the beginning of your copywriting career, take expensive orders you won't succeed. But over time, gaining experience, creating good portfolio with your work, having positive statistics on the project, you will not have an end to your customers. The main thing here is patience and work, and after a little time your earnings on Advego will grow!

In addition to working with orders, you can put up your articles for sale in the store. But in order to be able to sell articles through the Advego store, you need to complete any 10 orders. As stated earlier, some orders are very simple, so this limitation is not a problem!

Buying articles on the Advego exchange

In order to place an order or buy a ready-made article in the Advego store, you just need to register and top up your account with the required amount. one of the best for buying content for your site. More than a million performers are registered in it! Your order will be completed as soon as possible.

Also in the Advego exchange there is a store with ready-made articles... You can choose the material that suits you and buy it immediately. There are more than 36 thousand ready-made articles in the store! You can find material for any topic of the site.

Earnings on the affiliate program of the Advego exchange

In addition to making money on fulfilling orders and selling articles in the store, there is an affiliate program on the Advego exchange. The project pays 25% of its commission from the turnover of your attracted clients.

To attract new participants to the project, a link will be available to you, by clicking and registering on which users will become your lifelong partners. Even if by clicking on the link the user will register after some time, he will still become your partner. The data on click-throughs on affiliate links is stored for a whole year.

Advego exchange advantages

The Advego exchange has functions that will help you in your work. You can check the text for uniqueness using the Advego Plagiatus program. This program searches for matches in the text with previously published material on the Internet. It will be very useful for all copywriters. You can read more about the uniqueness of the text in this article: What is the uniqueness of the text?

After writing a large text, you can easily make a spelling mistake and not notice. Advego has online spell checker tools to help you fix this problem.

Feedback on article exchange Advego

In the Advego article exchange, even the most novice users can work as copywriters and earn money. For this, there are a lot of simple orders that are completed in a few minutes.

The exchange has a very simple and straightforward menu that is pleasing to the eye. It will not be difficult to understand it from the first minutes of work. To earn money, you don't need any investments at all, you just need to register with Advego. I recommend you Advego as one of the best exchanges articles for making money.

Advego copywriting exchange is one of the pioneers among content services, operating in Runet since 2008. The largest portal brings together the interests of customers and performers in the creation of content. Thanks to the job exchange, hundreds of thousands of freelancers receive stable income, and webmaster texts for filling and promoting sites. In just a few years, the exchange has gained over a million users. In this article, I will try to objectively tell you how to work at, about all the main nuances and pitfalls of copywriting, irreplaceable tools and services for work, and how to make money on Advego for a beginner and survive in a highly competitive market. content. It is very important for novice rewriters to choose in order to reduce any risks to zero and not be disappointed in the chosen field of activity.

Reviews of copywriters and customers on the Advego copywriting exchange

Reviews of the Advego copywriting exchange are mostly positive, but there are also unflattering statements from disappointed users. Customers most often complain about low quality content. This fact is not surprising, because the prices on the exchange are not so high and are comparable to the earnings of copywriters on. Copywriters have to do more work in order to earn something, which affects the quality of the text. Rewriters are mostly dissatisfied with the low pay for their work. However, due to low tariffs, the exchange always has a lot of customers and a lot of work.

Pros and cons of Advego content exchange

  1. Detailed instructions for working with the service, revealing the features of the functionality and capabilities of Advego.
  2. Feedback. Any user can ask a question of interest, express an opinion and a complaint by contacting the support service. Not a single appeal will be ignored.
  3. A large number of orders. Due to the high popularity and rich experience in the copywriting market, there are always many orders on the exchange in different price categories. High speed execution of tasks is very profitable and convenient for customers.
  4. The lack of rating allows novice copywriters to freely compete with sophisticated users. For performers, only the number of completed tasks, efficiency, the number of refusals, delays, refusals of payment are taken into account.
  5. Useful services developed by the exchange make work for both performers and webmasters more convenient and productive. The programs help to analyze seo parameters, the uniqueness of the text, and check articles for errors.
  6. Communication on the forum. The forum allows you to directly communicate with performers and customers in their free time.
  7. The store of ready-made articles allows you to select content without waiting for the copywriter to complete the task, and to earn money for the executors. Particularly smart users manage to make money on the resale of articles by buying texts at a low cost on other exchanges and selling them at a higher cost.
  8. A simple interface with intuitive navigation makes work easier and helps beginners to navigate easily.
  9. The minimum payout is $ 5.


Despite the large list of advantages, Advego copywriting exchange also has disadvantages, as indicated by negative user reviews.
1. Low rates - (about $ 1 per 1000 characters). This affects the quality of content for customers and lower earnings for copywriters.
2. Clumsy and not always fair support service, for which the customer is always right. This is where most of the negative reviews stem from.
3. Due to the presence of the “refuse to pay” button, copywriters may be left “with a nose” and not receive money for the work performed. Although this is more the exception than the rule. Such situations are extremely rare and due to objective reasons if the content is really low grade.

How much does Advego make?

Tasks on Advego are paid according to their complexity and the time it takes to complete them. Here, rewrite costs from 15 rubles per 1000 characters, copyright from 25 rubles, translations - from 25 rubles.

With these rates, beginners earn from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles a month.

I will share with you my experience - I completed my first order as a copywriter for 10 rubles / 1K signs, then the prices began to increase. For the first month, my earnings on the Internet amounted to about 5,000 rubles (this is subject to part-time employment). In the second month, the income was already about 15,000 rubles. And from the third month I began to earn from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles.

How to register for Advego?

If you do not know how to start working on the Advego copywriting exchange, then first of all it is worth registering, indicating your nickname and email on the official website at the link
After that, you need to follow the link that will come to you by e-mail to confirm your registration. If you do not have experience in writing texts yet, then the article will be useful for you.

After registration, you must specify an electronic wallet for withdrawing funds and fill out a profile. To do this, go to the "Service" - "Personal data" tab.

How to work for Advego for a beginner: types of tasks and their cost

In total, 4 types of tasks are presented on the Advego copywriting exchange.

  • Copywriting - writing unique texts. Payment for work from 25 rubles for 1K sign.
  • Rewriting is the reformulation of a text with the aim of uniqueizing it without changing its meaning. The cost of this type of work is about 15 rubles per 1000 sim.
  • Copy-paste - search for information on the Internet for a given request and provide it to the customer. The minimum payment is $ 0.2 per 1000 sim.
  • Posting - comments, reviews, posts for blogs, forums. Payment - 0.6 $ / 1000 sim.
  • Transfers - from 25 rubles. for 1000 Char
  • Completing tasks on social networks (likes, reposts, invitations)
  • Proofreading the text
  • Creating new topics and comments on the forum
  • SEO services, work with behavioral factors in search engines;
  • Audio and video decoding;
  • Search for information;
  • Photo and video (for example, record a video feedback, take a photo of a receipt, etc.)

How much you can earn on Advego - this is the question that beginners begin their acquaintance with the service with. The minimum payment for a rewrite is 20 cents per 1K characters. Here you can get from 3 rubles for likes, reposts, joining groups on social networks.

To select a task, go to the left corner in the tab "Job" - "Job search". In the central part of the screen, you can select the type of work - copywriting, communication, social networks, miscellaneous. And on the right side there is a system of filters that allows you to select the types of tasks by cost, type, time to complete, right down to the details.

Selling articles on Advego: ready-made content store

On the Internet, you can find many laudatory reviews about the Advego article store. Its advantage is a large number of texts for sale, strict moderation, which guarantees high quality of texts in terms of literacy and uniqueness. All articles are manually reviewed. If errors are found, the texts are sent to the author for revision.
How to sell on Advego to make good money? To solve this problem, it is important to understand what topics are used most in demand... For these purposes, you can study the statistics of the Yandex. Wordstat to select the hottest queries. If you do not know how to write an article that will be bought on Advego, then it is important to remember that the content should be written in relevant topics, have an attractive title. In order for customers to find your article faster, it is important to correctly write a description and enter keywords.

To place a work for sale, you need to write at least 10 articles on the exchange (or buy the same amount of texts).

To place an article or buy, you need to go to the "Articles Store" section and select the "Buy Article" or "Sell Article" tab.

Advego how to get started?

How to start working on Advego copywriting exchange - the most actual question exciting newbies. The simple structure of the site allows novice copywriters to quickly get used to it. After you have registered and filled out the profile, in order to go to orders, you must select the "Job" section in the top panel, then click the "Job search" link.

Using filters, you can filter tasks by different criteria (type of work, amount of payment, etc.). Orders on the Advego exchange are placed on the basis of a tender and with auto-acceptance of applications. In the first case, performers submit applications, and the customer chooses the best author. In the second option, the order is automatically transferred to the work of the copywriter who meets the specified criteria, who was the first to submit the application. It is very important for a copywriter to complete the work on time, otherwise the order will be overdue. This threatens with a lack of payment and a decrease in the rating and trust in the eyes of customers. The following parameters are usually specified in the order:

  • title or topic;
  • the cost of the entire order;
  • the required amount of text;
  • deadlines;
  • type and category of work.

How to do work on Advego?

Before taking an order for work, read the customer's dossier, this will warn you against unscrupulous users and the adverse consequences of such cooperation. The article requirements are listed at the bottom of the order. Before submitting an application, be sure to read the terms of reference, make sure that the task is within your power. In the section "Discussion of the order" you can ask questions to the customer.
To get started, click on the green button "take to work", "Apply for participation", "Suggest a topic".

How to withdraw money from Advego?

You can withdraw the earned money to a dollar or ruble Webmoney, Qiwi wallet or a Visa bank card, mastercard. The minimum payout is 5 USD. The dollar exchange rate corresponds to the banking one. The content exchange commission is 10 percent. Payment terms - 3 days. To select a withdrawal option, go to the "Service" - "Personal data" - "Payment data" tab. Here you need to enter the number of wallets or cards to which you plan to withdraw money. In the tab "Settlement units" you can select the currency option - rubles (it will be much more convenient).

Affiliate program

If you want to increase your earnings and receive passive income then you can participate in affiliate program inviting their acquaintances, friends, relatives to the system. For each referral attracted, the exchange will transfer you 2.5% of the amount of his earnings or spending (in the event that you brought a customer).

Advego plagiatus: how to use

The Advego exchange has developed its own content verification services, which makes the work of copywriters and webmasters easier. "Advego Plagiatus" is a service for checking the uniqueness of text as an application for Windows. To use the program, you need to download and install it on your computer. The service provides the ability to quickly and deeply check for uniqueness with the specified length and the size of the search phrase.


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