Mother's day activities in the nursery group. Scenario of the "Mother's Day" holiday in the first junior group. Song-dance "Yellow leaf"

Nomination " Methodical work in a preschool educational institution "

One of the psychological and pedagogical conditions that provide successful implementation basic educational program preschool education, is the construction of interaction with the families of pupils in order to implement the full development of each child, involving the families of pupils directly in the educational process. In pursuit of this goal, as well as in order to speed up the adaptation process of 2-3 years old kids in kindergarten, a scenario of a joint parent-child event “Mother's Day” was developed.

The holiday took place in October (the second or third month of the life of children in the new team) and showed good results: most of the children have adapted, parents are happy to support the initiatives of the teachers.

Scenario of the holiday "Mother's Day" in the first junior group

Target: To involve parents and children in the joint emotionally significant living of family holidays.


1. To congratulate mom on the holiday, to give joy to children.

2. To cultivate love and tender respectful feelings for mom.

3. To form in the minds of parents a positive image of the activities of the kindergarten.

Attributes and equipment: Presentation with pictures during the holiday (Mom, Cloud, Sun, Engine, Flower), Presentation "Beloved, gentle ..." (about mom), postcards "Flower for Mom", Toy Bear, basket with pies, box with colored balls from " dry pool "for the attraction" Collect toys ", 2 kerchiefs, different jewelry, puppet theater" Kolobok ", screen, CD-records" Dance with toys "," Once palm ... "," Evil cloud "," I bake, bake, I bake ”,“ My mother is the best in the world ”,“ The train with stops ”,“ Mom is the first word ”,“ Friends ”, background music for the presentation.

Background sounds: The song "Dance with toys". Children with a teacher enter the music hall and stand in a circle.


Who loves you, children,
Who is so affectionate for you,
Without closing my eyes at night,
Who cares about you? (Mother)

Dance in a circle Song "One palm ..."

Leading: Children, today we have an unusual holiday - a holiday for mothers.

Do you love your moms? Answer loudly loudly? Children: Yes!


Who loves us dearly?
Mother Mother.
Who wakes us up in the morning?
Mother Mother.
Reads books to us
Mother Mother.
Singing songs
Mother Mother.
Who is hugging us?
Mother Mother.
Praises and caresses
Mother Mother. (I. Arseev)

Leading: Then let's say hello to our mummies and blow them a kiss. See what it is?

On the screen: The picture "Cloud". Dance "Evil Cloud". Everyone sits down. On the screen: Picture of the Sun.

Leading: Guys, look, who else came to visit us? ( toy bear). The bear also wants to congratulate our mothers. See what's in his basket? ( Pies in a basket) Let us also bake pies for our mummies!

Song "I bake, bake, bake"(showing movements).

Leading: A family is adults and children who live together, love each other and take care of each other. Every person needs a family very much. Guys, are our most beautiful mothers? Want to help moms dress up?

Game "Dress up Mom". Sounds background "Children's fun".

Play with moms "Get to know your child" (blindfolded). Background "My mom is the best in the world."

Leading: Our dear mothers! We sincerely congratulate you on Mother's Day! Mom is the most beautiful word on earth. This is the first word a person utters. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart, love never goes out in it.

Presentation "Beloved, gentle ..." Background Music.

Leading: Look, Teddy Bear invites us to play again.

The dance is shared with the mothers "Train with stops".

Leading: Guys, let's now tell our mothers what we can do ourselves.

Can we dance?
Can we sing?
Do we know how to dress?
Do we know how to clean up toys? Look, Teddy Bear scattered toys!

Game "Collect toys". Background song "Friends".

Leading: See who it is?

On the screen: Picture gingerbread man.

Leading: Do you, mothers, know the tale about Kolobok? Who told this tale to their child? Now I propose to show the fairy tale to our children!

Staging of the fairy tale "Kolobok" (parents are actors).


Mom, my mom
I love very much
I love very much
And I'll give you a flower.

Leading: Dear mothers, the guys and I have prepared for you small gifts made with our own hands and with great love.

Gifts "Flowers for Mom". Background - song: "Mom is the first word."

Leading: Thank you for spending today's holiday with your children!

Parents and children are invited to the group for a tea party, where a "sweet" table is set. Mothers prepared their beloved ones in advance with their own hands confectionery... These gatherings brought a lot of positive emotions to children, parents and educators. The kindergarten is always open and ready to cooperate with parents!

On this our joint activities do not end. The plans for the future include holding a Master-class at the "March 8" holiday, the military-sports "Zarnitsa", the Day of Open Doors, an open lesson on rhythm and much more.

The future of our children is in our hands!

Scenario of the holiday "Mother's Day" in the first younger group

Target: To involve parents and children in the joint emotionally significant living of family holidays.


1.Happy holiday, give joy to children.

2. To cultivate love and tender respectful feelings for mom.

3. To form in the minds of parents a positive image of the activities of the kindergarten.

Parents enter the hall and children get up to dance with toys.

Background sounds: The song "Dance with toys" . Children with a teacher stand in a circle.


Guys who are the sweetest in the world

And it will warm you with its warmth,

Loves more than himself?

This is my MOMMY.

I walk the path

But my legs are tired.

Jump over the pit

Who will help? I know - MOM.

Leading: Guys, today we have an unusual holiday - a holiday for mothers. Do you love your mothers, answer loudly?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Our dear mothers and grandmothers!

We sincerely congratulate you on Mother's Day! Mom is the most beautiful word on earth. This is the first word a person utters. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart, love never extinguishes in it.

Congratulations to our mom,

We wish her health.

We will love mom

We will cherish mom.

There is no better mother in the world

Children talk about it!

Children recite poetry.

Leading: Guys, let's sing a song for mom.

The song "The sun is radiant"

Leading: And now, dear parents, let's listen to our children, they will read poetry for you!

Leading: Let's play with our moms now.

Game "Dress up Mom". Sounds background "Children's fun".

The music enters the hallautumn.

Host: Guys, Golden Autumn has come to visit us.(Children get to know Autumn).

Autumn: Hello guys! Hello dear adults!

I came today, children,

To celebrate the holiday with you.

Every year I come to you,

I always find you funny.

I prepare my outfits for you,

Are you glad to see me?

Children: Yes.

Autumn: I came with a basket

It brought surprises!

Autumn: And first, let's clap, stomp our feet, wave our arms and dance our feet!

"YES YES YES!" , Y. Ostrovsky, E. Tilicheeva

Autumn: See how beautiful autumn leaves are in my basket. They are yellow and red.

With autumn leaves

We will play.

With autumn leaves

Let's dance.


Leading: Guys to us on a long wet leg

The rain is jumping along the path.

Dance "Rain"

Autumn: Guys, we're not afraid of the rain, are we? Let's play with you.

The game"SUN AND RAIN" ... A. Barto, M. Rauchwerger

Leading: Our dear mothers and grandmothers, take a dance with rattles as a gift from your children and grandchildren.

Well take the rattles

Dance with them merrily.

Dance "With rattles"

Autumn: Guys, I know a very funny game. It is called: "Find your baby."

Leading: Guys, get up quickly in the circle, let's check if the mothers know their babies! Will they be found blindfolded?

Game with moms "Find your baby" (blindfolded). Background "My mom is the best in the world."

The dance is shared with the mothers "Train with stops".

Leading: Guys, let's now tell our mothers what we can do ourselves.

Can we dance?
Can we sing?
Do we know how to clean up toys? Look, Teddy Bear scattered toys!

Game "Collect toys". Background song "Friends".

Leading : Do you, mothers, know the tale about the Ryaba Chicken? Who told this tale to their child? Now I propose to show the fairy tale to our children!

Staging of the fairy tale "Hen-Ryaba" (parents are actors).

Autumn: I had a lot of fun!
But it's time to say goodbye.

I will give the funny kids very tasty sweets. (Gives the children sweets and leaves).

Goodbye! Until next time!

Leading: Guys, it's time to give mothers gifts.

Mom, my mom

I love very much

I'll give her a flower.

Gifts "Flowers for Mom". Background - song: "Mom is the first word."

Leading: Our dear mothers, was it pleasant for you visiting the guys? We would like to meet more often in such a warm and friendly atmosphere!

Today is the best holiday

Today is a holiday for mothers.

And the sun smiled at us.

Leading: Thank you for spending today's holiday with your children!

1. My mother dear,

I congratulate you

and with all my heart I wish

happiness, peace and kindness!

2.Listen to our song

Mom's beloved.

Always be healthy

Always be happy.

3. Mom is heaven!

Mom is the light!

Mom is happiness!

Mom is better!

4. Mom is a fairy tale!

Mom is laughter!

Mom is a weasel!

Moms love everyone!

5. Mom will smile

Mom will be sad

Mom will regret

Mom will forgive.

6. I will stretch out my hands to my mother,
I will hug my dear.
I love you alone -
Such a lovely one.

7. Mom, my mom,

Kind, beautiful,

You are the best for me

You are the most beloved.

8. Mom is a sun, a flower,

Mom - a sip of air,

Mom is joy, mom is laughter,

Our moms are the best!

Chukh - chukh, chukh - chukh - a locomotive,
He runs, sways,
Oohs, tries ...

Stop! Stop Khlopotushkino (children clap)

Chukh - chukh, chukh - chukh - a locomotive,
Chukh - chukh, chukh - chukh - a locomotive,
He runs, sways,
Oohs, tries ...
Ohhh, Shshsh, Still, after all,
Ohhh, Shshsh, Taki-taki, taki-taki.

Stop! Stop Poprygaykino (children jumping)

Chukh - chukh, chukh - chukh - a locomotive,
Chukh - chukh, chukh - chukh - a locomotive,
He runs, sways,
Oohs, tries ...
Ohhh, Shshsh, Still, after all,
Ohhh, Shshsh, Taki-taki, taki-taki.

Stop! Stop Tantsevalkino (children dance freely)

Chukh - chukh, chukh - chukh - a locomotive,
Chukh - chukh, chukh - chukh - a locomotive,
He runs, sways,
Oohs, tries ...
Ohhh, Shshsh, Still, after all,
Ohhh, Shshsh, Taki-taki, taki-taki.
Stop! Stop Krichalkino (you can shout something)
Chukh - chukh, chukh - chukh - a locomotive,
Chukh - chukh, chukh - chukh - a locomotive,
He runs, sways,
Oohs, tries ...
Ohhh, Shshsh, Still, after all,
Ohhh, Shshsh, Taki-taki, taki-taki.

Tatiana Sorokina
Scenario of a matinee for "Mother's Day" in the younger group

Children all sit with their mothers.

Educator: Good evening, dear mothers! Today we invited you to visit to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - Day mothers! On this day, I would like to say gratitude to all mothers who give children love, kindness, tenderness, affection.

There are many good words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important than everyone,

Two syllable, simple word: "Mother"

And there are no words in the world that are dearer than it!

The game "Flowers for Mom"

Educator (or baby):

Mom, my mom

I love very much

I will give her a flower

To find him

I have to get around everything.

(the teacher lays out flowers in the room, the children collect one by one and carry it to their mother)

Educator: Now moms will play the game "Find the palm of your child"

Children will sing a song for you "Pies"

Educator: Well, now look, who is coming to us?

(a girl comes in - crying)

Girl: I do not want and I will not!

Educator: What is your name, girl and why are you crying?

Girl: My name is Masha. I love to play with toys, but my grandmother and mother make me clean the toys. I do not want. Oh, I see how many toys you have! Nobody will force me to clean up here. I'm going to play now.

(takes toys from the basket and scatters everything)

The girl, playing, pronounces the words: I don’t want to play with this one, I don’t need this one, I don’t like this one!

Girl: I've played enough. I’ll go.

Educator: Where - where, Masha? Who will clean up?

Girl: (crying) I do not want, I will not ah-ah-ah….

Educator: Look, Masha, what kind of children we have, and they know how to clean toys. Well, kids, show Masha how you help your mothers.

The game "Take the toys away"

Girl: Oh, how ashamed to me. I'm going to clean up the toys at home. Goodbye kids!

Educator: Well, we guys will dance our dance with our mothers "Hands are dancing ta-ta-ta"

Educator: Now many mothers drive cars, so the next competition "Who will bring products home from the store faster?"(2 cars, food on 2 tables, you need to bring food and unload on another table, together with the child)

Educator: Well, we bought food, and now we will bake pancakes with our grandmothers.

Finger gymnastics "Ladushki"

Educator: Well done - we baked delicious pancakes!

I invite everyone to our round dance "We'll go right now"

We'll go right now, one, two, three,

And then let's go left one, two, three,

And then we'll get together one, two, three

And then we'll part ways one, two, three

And then we'll all sit down one, two, three

And then we all stand up one, two, three,

And then we'll all dance one, two, three

And then we'll dance one, two, three!

Educator (or baby):

Congratulations to our mom,

We wish her health

We will love mom

We will cherish mom!

Educator: Yes, guys, today your mothers and grandmothers are with you at the holiday. Show how much you love your mothers by hugging them tightly. Now, let's hear what kind words our mothers say to their children. (alternately)... Give a ball.

Thank you, dear mothers! And now the kids with the balloons will sing a song.

1. Balls, balls gave us

Red, green gave to the kids

2. We raised the balls above our heads,

Spun balls red, blue.

Educator: Mothers, we invite you and your children to a waltz!

(congratulations to the presenter)

Related publications:

Scenario of a festive matinee dedicated to Mother's Day Scenario of a festive party Leading 1. Hello, dear guests! Our kind mothers, dear ones! Today we have invited you all to the hall.

Scenario of joint entertainment with parents for Mother's Day in the second junior group "A mother's heart is better than the sun" Purpose: to develop in children a respectful attitude towards mothers, to contribute to the creation of warm relationships in the family. Carrying out form: joint.

Scenario of the matinee "Mother's Day" Mother's Day holiday script. The script is intended together for the children of the elder and middle groups and their parents. Purpose: increasing the positive.

1vos: Mom! This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world. 2vos: Mom has the most faithful and.

Scenario of the “Mother's Day” matinee in the senior group. Scenario for the "Mother's Day" matinee senior group... Prepared and conducted by: Mishchenko O. N. Children enter the hall in pairs to the music of Vikirev "Waltz".

Scenario of a matinee for Mother's Day for a group of different ages Scenario of joint entertainment with parents for "Mother's Day" (for a group of different ages). Purpose: - To harmonize child-parenting.

- In the house she is busy with good deeds,
Kindness quietly walks around the apartment.
Good morning with us
Good afternoon and good hour,
Good evening, good night,
It was good yesterday.
- "And where?" - you ask
There is so much kindness in the house
What of this kindness
Flowers take root
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks?
I will answer you directly:
Children: - This is mom, this is mom!
Presenter: Who loves us dearly?
Children: Mom, Mom.
Presenter: Who wakes us up in the morning?
Children: Mom, Mom.
Presenter: Does she read books to us?
Children: Mom, Mom.
Presenter: Singing songs?
Children: Mom, Mom.
Presenter: Who is hugging us?
Children: Mom, Mom.
Presenter: Praises and caresses
Children: Mom, Mom.

We congratulate our lovely mothers on their holiday - Mother's Day. And these congratulations also apply to our dear grandmothers - after all, they are also someone's mothers. The holiday today will be a little off the rules.

Our mothers are always in a hurry somewhere, in a hurry. And they practically do not have time to relax, play with their beloved children. But children like it when you sing, dance, play with them. So let's forget about our problems at least on this day. I suggest you start playing with your child now.

There is a wonderful holiday and a happy time,
Where the child and the beloved mother are next.
And in the proximity of these feelings, many are hidden
Patience, affection and life is the beginning!
There are all the echoes of love and care;
There is no time to sit here, as there is a lot of work:
The hostess and the laundress, and the cook with the nurse,
And a doctor, if necessary, with a large warm heating pad.
She is always a jack of all trades
And everyone should be proud of their mother.
After all, it is not closer to her to be found in the whole world.
She is responsible for the child from birth!

Mom's arms rocked babies in the cradle when they were little. It was mom who warmed them with her breath and lulled them with her song. Let's remember the time when your baby was just born. He was so small, defenseless. And you, to calm the baby, sang lullabies to him. I invite mothers with children and invite you to sing a lullaby to your children

1. Lullaby(3 mothers take their children in their arms and sing the lullaby "Tired toys are sleeping" to the soundtrack, 1 verse each)
But now your children are growing up, and you start reading them little poems. Do you, mothers, remember these rhymes well? (3 moms look for mistakes and call them)

2. Find the error and answer correctly.
* Dropped the bunny to the floor,
They tore off the bunny's paw.
I won't leave him anyway
Because he's good.

* Sailor hat, rope in hand,
I pull the basket along the fast river.
And kittens are jumping at my heels,
And they ask me: "Hire, captain."

* I sewed a shirt for Grishka,
I'll sew him pants.
I need to sew a sock to them
And put the candies.
Well done, our mothers. And they can sing songs, and read poems. And how delicious they cook….
We'll see now. 3 mothers will cook with their children.

3. Master class "Together with mom."
For each mother-child pair, sets of plasticine for modeling are prepared in advance. Assignment: you need to prepare a "treat" for the guests (pie, cake, pastries).
In the meantime, we will listen to poems performed by our children.

1.After a delicious lunch
I will help mom right away,
But get up from the couch
For some reason I can't.

2.In order not to oversleep in the kindergarten,
We must try
I must ask my mother
Get up at five o'clock!

3.-To mum on Sunday
Don't oversleep at work
I'll set her alarm clock
And I'll shove it under the bed.

4. I love my dear mother,
I'll give her a candy.
I'll bring her home: -Mom,
Will you share with me?

5. To make mom smile,
And she was pretty
In her passport I will draw
The face is cool.

6. What is the noise, what is the din?
Mom is surprised!
It's Mom's Day
Daddy's out!

7 i'm happy about cleaning too
I'll break all the dishes
May everyone be happy!

Well done, kids, real helpers for mothers. See what wonderful treats our moms have prepared. Simply wonderful! Do you know why? Because they did them together with their children.
... And now your kids are inviting you all to dance.

Dance to the soundtrack "Well, mothers too"
We walk in a circle - and so are mothers
We are not lagging behind - and so are the mothers.
We'll all squat - and so will moms.
Sit down together, stand up together - well, and mothers too.
Let's have fun jumping - and so will moms
And as birds fly - well, and mothers too.
Let's wag our tail - and so will mothers
We will hug mom - and so will mom.
Well done, our mothers - they sing songs, bake pies, dance dances. And, of course, they read interesting fairy tales to children.

Competition "Visiting the Fairy Tale".(All mothers participate. Each one answers one question). Let us remember the fairy tales that your children love. These are the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.
What did the fly find - Tsokotukha? (money)
What did the butterflies eat? (jam)
Where did Aibolit fly to treat animals? (in Limpopo)
What did he bet them? (thermometer)
Who has all the dishes run away from? (at Fedora)
What is her middle name? (Egorovna)
What were the names of the sons of the crocodile from the verse. "Moidodyr » ? (Totosha and Kokosha)
What did the gazelles ride? (on the carousel)
Who did the sparrow eat (Cockroach)
How was the cat driving? (backwards).
What did the fly - Tsokotukha buy? (samovar)
Who is sitting under the tree? (Dr. Aibolit)
What were the bears riding on? (by bike)
What did the crocodile ask to send? (galoshes)
Where did the elephant call from? (from camel)
Who got the blanket off? (u dirty)
Who bit the fox? (wasp)
Where did the hippo go? (into the swamp)
Who left mom's bedroom? (Moidodyr)
Who stole Mukhu-Tsokotukha? (Spider)
From whom did the shoes and boots run away?

Well done, our mothers. And what needlewomen they are! Don't believe me? Look! 3 mothers with their children are welcome.

4. Contest "Beads"... (string pasta on a string in 1 minute)
In the meantime, our mothers will sew, the children will read poems for their mothers.
1. We congratulate moms from all, from the bottom of our hearts -
Poems are read and sung today by kids.
Who will wake us up in the morning, who will cook porridge for us?
There is no more pleasant embrace of gentle mothers in the world.

2. Who will argue with us a little, but will immediately smile?
Whose heart beats stronger than a bird for their children.
We congratulate mommies from all, from the bottom of our hearts -
"Thanks Mom!" - the kids say today.

3. Mom is heaven!
Mom is the light!
Mom is happiness!
Mom is better!

4. Mom is a fairy tale!
Mom is laughing!
Mom is happiness!
Mom - no better!

5. Mom will smile
Mom will be sad
Mom - will regret
Mom and forgive

6. Mom is golden autumn,
Mom is the dearest.
Mom is kindness
Mom will always help out!

7.Mama - the sun, the flower,
Mom - a sip of air,
Mom is joy, mom is laughter,
Our moms are the best!

In our computer age, the age of progress and speed, we, as always, are in a hurry somewhere, catch up with something and suffer from lack of time. Early in the morning you need to redo a lot of things, take your child to the Kindergarten and be in time for work, but the child dresses very slowly, and, of course, you need to help him. Our mothers do it already simply and easily, even with closed eyes.

5. Competition "Dress a child" (3 mothers) (
phonogram "In every little child")

Ved. Guys, which of you has the most beautiful mom?
Children. I have!
Ved. Guys, who has the kindest mom?
Children. I have?
Ved. And who has the most best mom?
Children. I have!

Mama! There is light in this word of the sun.
Mama! There is no better word in the world.
Mama! Who is dearer than her?
Mama! Spring is in her eyes.
Mama! The kindest of all on earth.
Mama! Gives fairy tales, gives laughter.
Mama! Sometimes he is sad because of us.
Mama! Will regret and forgive.

Children stand in front of the guests in a semicircle and recite a poem together with the teacher, showing characteristic gestures:
Mom is heaven! (hands up)
Mom is the light! (with our hands at the top we show flashlights)
Mom is happiness! (hands to chest)
Mom - no better (we lean forward and wave our head no, no)
Mom is a fairy tale! (thumb up)
Mom is laughter! (laugh, smile)
Mom is a weasel (pat ourselves on the head)
Moms love everyone! (helmet blow a kiss with two hands to mothers)

Dear guests, we have already made sure that our mothers are smart, musical, skillful, and good artists. And now we will test them for dexterity.

6. Competition "Catch the ball with a hat". (3 mothers).
The mother is given a baseball cap, and the child is given plastic balls. The child throws, and the mother catches a baseball cap. Who will catch more balls.
Phonogram group Talisman "Mama"

Well done! Our mothers are very clever. And now our congratulations continue.
1. Mom cuddles,
Mom will cheer you up.
If he scolds,
It will always forgive.
I'm not afraid with her
No villain!
There is no kinder and more beautiful
My mother.

2. My dear mom,
I'm a crumb with you,
I love you, dear,
And congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

3. I promise to be obedient,
Only to please you
Well, if suddenly it does not work out,
Don't sulk at me!

4. Let's play with you dolls,
We'll have tea with a cake,
Let's take my toys away
And we'll sing something!

5. Mom is my sun,
I am her sunflowers.
It's good to be happy
Love your mom.

6. Mom can easily
Give the "Hero of Labor" medal.
All her affairs can not be counted,
Even there is no time to sit down-
And cooks and erases,
He reads a fairy tale at night.

Well done, guys, and now, in order to please mommies, get up in a circle, start a fun dance. And mothers dance with their children.
Dance "Spots - specks" , sl. And muses. Zheleznova E.

Presenter: What do you need for the birds?
Children: Sun, sky, greenery of the garden.
And for the sea?
- Shores.
Well, and for us, we will tell you straight:
Children: To be with us - MOM!

Mom caresses us
The sun is warming
The sun is like a mom
Only one thing happens.

And here is our sun. (Shows a yellow circle.) And what does our sun lack?
Children: - Luchikov.
-So let's make them out of mother's hands, and your mothers will help you.
Children and their mothers do teamwork.

Soundtrack song "Mama"

What a beautiful sun it turned out! We will take it with us to the group, it will warm you with mother's warmth.

Thank you mothers for the beauty.
Thank you mothers for your kindness.
Because you have such kids.
For the fact that they do not cherish a soul in you.
Mom means tenderness
This is affection, kindness,
Mom is the serenity
This is joy, beauty!
Mom is a bedtime story
It's morning dawn
Mom is a hint in difficult times,
This is wisdom and advice!
Mom is the green of summer
This is snow, autumn leaf,
Mom is a ray of light
Mom means LIFE!
Happy holiday, dear mothers! Accept small gifts from your children.

Title: Joint leisure of mothers and children of the second junior group for Mother's Day
Nominated: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, Mother's Day, 2 younger group

Position: preschool teacher
Place of work: MBOU Dobrinsky Lyceum
Location: Stanitsa Dobrinka, Uryupinsky district, Volgograd region

Educator: Guys, it seems to me that someone is crying. Do you hear?

Let's find together the one who is crying.

(children are guided by crying,

recorded on a dictaphone, find a bunny)

Educator: Bunny, why are you crying?

(brings the hare to his ear, as if listening to the answer of the hare,

then turns to children)

Bunny, he told me that it turns out he was a very disobedient child, did not obey his mother at all. She told him not to leave the house alone, but he did not obey and left and now he got lost. Hare, if you promise us to obey your mother, then the kids and I will help you find your way home to your mother.

Educator: And now we, together with the bunny, are going on a journey in search of his mother. And we guys need to go along the red carpet. But I have colorful ribbons in the box. Help me find the red ribbon.

· Yana, what color is your ribbon (red)

· Polina, what is the size of the ribbon (long).

The teacher, together with the children, spreads the ribbons on the floor

and the children one after another pass along it with accompaniment

nursery rhymes "Legs walked straight along the path"

Educator: Look, guys, here we are met by a magic bell,

Let's tell a poem. And the hare will listen.

1. Mom, dear mom,

My mom, I love you (Miroslava)

2. I will gently hug my mother, kiss tightly,

Because I love my dear mom (Nastya T.)

Children send kisses at the end of the poems.

Educator: Well done, the bell says that we did a good job. He says that you have to go straight, and you will see a gate there, you have to crawl under them.

(children one after another crawl under the arc and

find themselves near tables prepared for sculpting.)

Look, the children in front of you on the tables are dough, from which you can bake buns, bread. Please tell me what your mom bakes from the dough.

Children's answers: pies, pancakes, gingerbread.

Educator: Let's help the bunny to please his mother and bake for her

Delicious gingerbread. During the sculpting, the teacher with the children

They tell the nursery rhyme “I bake, bake, bake for my beloved mother

Delicious two gingerbread ", and the children make gingerbread cookies for their mother from the dough,

At the end of the work, all the gingerbread cookies are laid out on a tray and

Take with them on the road.

Educator: Guys, look, we came to some kind of house.

Let's knock and find out who lives in it.

Children are knocking on the house. And the mother of a hare peeps out of the window.

Educator: Guys, who is this.

Children: This is the mother of the bunny.

Educator: Hurray, guys, you and I found Zaykin's mother.

She is very glad to see her son, she says,

What she was worried about, looking for, bored.

(the speech of the mother-bunny was recorded on a dictaphone.)

Educator: Guys, do you listen to your mothers? (Yes). Do you help them? (Yes)

Are you running away from your mothers?

(each answer needs to be commented)

Educator: You can't run away from mom! Mom is the kindest, most affectionate,

The sweetest and sweetest.

· Kolya, what kind of mom do you have?

· Miroslava, what is your mother?

Educator: Come on, we will show you how we love our mothers.

The guys cross their arms over their chests and hug themselves tightly, tightly.

Educator: And in the evening your mothers will come for you, you will hug them and

Say "My mommy, I love you"

Educator: The hare was handed over to the mother - a bunny. Our journey has come to an end

And it's time for us guys to return to Kindergarten... Let's say goodbye

With a bunny and his mom. And in order to return quickly to our kindergarten, we

Let's walk our beautiful red carpet.

Legs, legs

Our legs

Walked along the path

It's boys and girls are coming

They sing a song out loud

Top-top, top-top

They sing a song loudly.


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