Resurrection in international tourism. International tourism (200.00 rubles). provision of legal information

2006 .-- 255 p.

The manual contains information on the theoretical and practical foundations of international tourism, the geography of international tourist demand and the recreational potential of countries. Tourism is also considered as a factor in the socio-economic growth of individual regions and the country as a whole The geography of the world's tourist resources is given, the characteristics of the countries most frequently visited by tourists, as well as countries still poorly developed by travelers, are given.
For university students studying the academic discipline " international tourism», As well as managers of travel companies and a wide range of readers.

Theoretical and practical foundations of international tourism
Introduction to international tourism
International tourism (definition and research methods)
The relationship of the course "International Tourism" with other scientific disciplines
Classification of types of tourism activities
Prospects for the development of international tourism
Modern factors in the development of international tourism
Specificity and composition of the tourism industry
The concept of the tourism industry, its role and place in the world economy
The structure of the tourism industry
Tourism history
Socio-psychological factors in tourism
Socio-psychological aspects of tourism development
Tourist motivation concept; tourist typology
Economics and organization of international tourism
Basic economic laws and categories in tourism
Analysis of the macroeconomic factor of tourism
Disclosure of the main financial and economic indicators of the travel agency and the features of the organization of the tour
Tourism and regional economics
International travel insurance
Legal support of tourist activities.
Legal regulation of tourism activities
Basic rules and formalities of international travel
Organization of accommodation facilities
Transport support for international tourism
Theoretical foundations of tourist geography
Place of tourist geography in the system of sciences
Plan of regional characteristics of the recreational potential of the territorial complex
Geography of the world's tourism resources
Tourist resources of foreign Europe
Scandinavian countries
Mediterranean European resort center
Western European countries
Alpine countries of Europe
Central and of Eastern Europe
America's travel resources
North and Central America
Island states and territories of the Caribbean.
South America
Africa Tourism Resources
North Africa
Southeast and South Africa
West Africa
Tourism resources of Asia and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (APR)
Recreational potential and modern tourism development in Asia
Recreational potential and modern tourism development in Australia and Oceania
Tourist resources of Russia and neighboring countries
Characteristics of the main tourist and resort areas in Russia
Modern features of tourism development in Russia
Features of the development of tourism in the neighboring countries and the Kaliningrad region
International tourism as a sector of sustainable development
International tourism as a factor of regional development
Tourism as a factor in the development of backward and depressed regions
Tourism as a driver of rural development
Tourism as a factor in the development of border areas
Tourism as a factor in the development of areas of new development
Tourism as a factor in the development of sea and river basins
Tourism as a factor of economic integration and globalization
International tourism as a factor in improving the sectoral structure of the economy
International tourism and problems of rational use of natural resources
Answers to tests
Brief terminological dictionary

Simultaneously industry tourism and hospitality is turning into one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy of the post-industrial society.<...>All of the above factors have caused a dynamic development international tourism. <...>It is no coincidence that a number of developing countries began to diversify their economies by developing branch international tourism. <...>As an important development alternative, branch international tourism. <...>However, a dynamic development international tourism in the Emirates has led to the fact that the temporary capital of the UAE, Abu Dhabi, has become the largest international center in recent years.<...>Many researchers agree that industry tourism and hospitality in terms of the number of labor resources involved and the amount of gross profit is almost one of the leading sectors of the world economy.<...>Thus, abroad, with the active participation of the state, they are dynamically developing agrarian and ecological tourism. <...>Recreation needs evolve, and new ones appear. views tourism. <...>New views tourism when the need for recreation is satisfied in a different form.<...> Development international tourism forms a certain model of a person.<...>Objectives and specifics international travel in the past were different from what is considered today international tourism.<...>Having received political independence, most of the developing countries actually remained in economic dependence on more developed countries, which in various forms and profitably exploit exhaustible natural, human, and recently even tourist resources third world countries.<...>Increased threat international terrorist attacks gave rise to a number of representative publications and institutions to draw up a "black list" of countries that are not recommended to visit international tourists. <...> Hotel and restaurant chains One of the current trends<...>


UDC 338.48-44 (1-87) (075.8) BBK 65.433.8-551ÿ73 Â76 Reviewers: candidate of technical sciences I.V. Mareeva (rector of the Moscow Institute of International Economic Relations); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Yu.B. Bashin (Head of the Department of Social Management and Tourism of the Russian State Social University) Editor-in-Chief of the publishing house N.D. Eriashvili, candidate of legal sciences, doctor economic sciences, laureate of the RF Government Prize in the field of science and technology Voskresensky, Vladimir Yurievich. Â76 International tourism. Innovative development strategies: textbook. manual for university students studying in the specialty 230500 "Socio-cultural service and tourism" and the direction 020400 "Geography" / V.N. Resurrection. - Ì .: ÞÍÈÒÈ-ÄÀÍÀ, - 159 s. 2015. ISBN 978-5-238-01275-9 CIP Agency RSL Worldwide, there is a growing interest in international tourism as one of the ways to meet the need modern man in various types of recreation. At the same time, the tourism and hospitality industry is turning into one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy of the post-industrial society. V study guide the current trends in the development of international tourism are analyzed, its modern types are characterized, the popular new geographical routes of international travel guides are described. For university students studying the academic discipline "International Tourism", as well as managers of travel companies and a wide range of readers. ББК 65.433.8-551ÿ73 ISBN 978-5-238-01275-9 © PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2007 Reproduction of the entire book or any part of it by any means or in any form, including on the Internet, is prohibited without written publisher permissions. © Design by "Y-ÄÀÍÀ", 2007

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Table of contents Introduction 3 Chapter 1. INTERNATIONAL TOURISM AND MODERN TRENDS OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 1.1. Ways of evolution of the world community and features of the development of international tourism 1.2. Regional trends in the development of international tourism 1.3. Formation of new directions of international travel and the peculiarities of the geography of tourist resources of individual foreign countries 1.4. Economic preconditions for the genesis of innovations in international tourism 1.5. Improvement of tourism infrastructure as an element of innovation policy Chapter 2. DIVERSIFICATION OF TYPES OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISM 2.1. Modern approaches to the development of cultural tourism 2.2. Extreme tourism and adventure tours 2.3. Exotic types of tourism 2.4. Cruises 2.5. Event tourism, incentive travel 2.6. Camping tourism 2.7. Timeshare club recreation system 2.8. Agricultural tourism Chapter 3. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES OF INTERNATIONAL TRAVELS AS A FACTOR OF FORMATION OF NEW FORMS OF ECONOMIC RELATIONS (on the example of agricultural tourism) 3.1. Organizational and economic prerequisites for the formation of the agritourism market 3.2. Socio-economic problems of the agricultural sector and the need to create a new image of the Russian countryside 159 7 7 21 30 45 47 55 55 64 75 81 94 95 101 103 114 114 118

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3.3. Historical experience of reforming agriculture as a prerequisite for the introduction of new forms of farming in rural areas 3.4. The role of the regulatory framework in the development of agritourism 3.5. Agrarian tourism as a catalyst for the economic growth of the Russian countryside Chapter 4. INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISM AND PROBLEMS OF RATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL USE 4.1. Features of modern nature management and tourism development 4.2. Tourism development and environmental protection problems 120 122 123 128 128 133 Conclusion 139 Appendices 142 Tests and assignments Answers to tests and assignments Short terminological dictionary Bibliographic list 150 155 157 158 160


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