Heavy strategic missile submarines of Russia and foreign countries (rating). Fund for assistance to strategic missile submarines "Yekaterinburg" and "Verkhoturye" Strategic missile submarines

In January 1998, a sponsorship agreement was signed Ryazan region over the nuclear-powered ship K-44, which was named Ryazan. The crews of the boat have repeatedly demonstrated high vocational training and the ability to perform complex combat missions. Among the submariners of the cruiser, many Ryazan citizens serve with dignity, ensuring the security of our country. Since September 2008, the sponsored nuclear-powered ship has moved from the Northern Fleet to a new home base - the Pacific Fleet. Currently under modernization.

History of K-44 "Ryazan"

Material from http://flot.com/nowadays/strength/ryazan.htm

K-44 "Ryazan" - a nuclear-powered strategic missile submarine (SSBN) of project 667BDR "Kalmar".


Pacific Fleet, Krasheninnikov Bay, Vilyuchinsk.


The strategic nuclear missile submarine was laid down on January 31, 1980 at Sevmashpredpriyatie in Severodvinsk under the name K-44, launched on January 19, 1982, and entered the Northern Fleet on November 24, 1982.

On January 10, 1998, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, he was given the honorary name "Ryazan" in connection with the signing of a patronage agreement between the administration of the Ryazan Region and the commanders of the first and second crews of the submarine cruiser.

History milestones

In 1986, the SSBN K-44 "Ryazan" made a trip to the North Pole.

July 28, 1990 - December 31, 1993 (according to some sources - 01/27/1992 - 10/21/1994) underwent an average repair with modernization at the Zvyozdochka plant in Severodvinsk.

June 7, 1995: SSBN K-44 (project 667BDR, "Ryazan", commander - captain 2nd rank V.N. Bazhenov) launched a conversion ballistic missile R-29R with a complex of scientific equipment of the Center for Applied Space Technologies and the Study of Microgravity of Bremen University from the Barents Sea (research launch as part of international program Elrabeck).

The descent module with scientific equipment and mail, flying along a suborbital trajectory of about 9 thousand km, landed in Kamchatka 20 minutes later. This operation was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest mail in the world.

Shooting under the program "Wave" K-44. 1995

On December 3, 1995, she damaged the lifting mast device of the VFR while performing a dive maneuver with raised retractable devices after breaking through the ice in polar night conditions. The damage was repaired at the base point.

In May 1996 she won the title of " best ship Northern Fleet.

In 1996 she received the prize of the Navy Civil Code for missile training.

On October 4, 1999, during the execution of a single-rocket salvo from a submerged position, at the moment the rocket left the mine, the lower part of the first stage of the rocket came off. The head part was shot from an AK-630 after the boat surfaced. On board the boat was the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral V.I. Kuroyedov.

In the summer of 2002, its crew launched a new Volna launch vehicle, which was created by the V.P. Makeev. At the head of the rocket was the Demonstrator-2 descent vehicle, designed to deliver cargo not only from near-Earth orbit to the earth, but also to other planets.

In 2005 - 2007 passed service maintenance to extend the turnaround time at the Zvyozdochka plant in Severodvinsk.

August 1, 2008 launched a ballistic missile from a submerged position in the Barents Sea.

In August-September 2008, she made the transition to the Pacific Fleet by the northern sea route (commander - Captain 1st Rank Stepanenko I.A.).

In October 2008 she was transferred to the Pacific Fleet.

Since 2011, it has been under repair and modernization at JSC DVZ Zvezda in Bolshoi Kamen (Primorsky Territory).

The performance characteristics of the SSBN K-44 "RYAZAN"

NATO Classification: Delta-III

Surface speed: 14 knots

Underwater speed: 24 knots

Working depth of immersion: 320 meters

Maximum diving depth: 400 meters

Endurance: 90 days

Crew: 130 people


Surface displacement: 10600 tons

Underwater displacement: 13700 tons

Maximum length (on design waterline): 155 meters

The largest width of the body: 11.7 meters

Average draft (DWL): 8.7 meters


The submarine is equipped with 4,533 mm and 2,400 mm torpedo tubes.

Missile weapons- 16 R-29R ballistic missile launchers.

Submarine cruiser "RYAZAN" (feature)

Material from the site http://www.sps.ru/?id=38932

Opportunity to visit the nuclear “namesake” hometown introduced herself thanks to Vladimir Morozov. JSC "Ryazanskaya GRES" headed by him became the first enterprise in the region to establish direct relations with the crews of the submarine cruiser "Ryazan". Three weeks ago, the sailors received a railway container of gifts from Ryazanskaya GRES, and on January 30 they received a representative delegation of power engineers, in which there was a place for a journalist.


The presentation of the biography of Ryazan should begin in February 1973, when Soviet rocket designers launched work on the R-29R two-stage ballistic missile. Its main difference from its predecessors was a multiple warhead with individually targetable warheads, which made it possible to multiply the number of targets destroyed by one volley.

It was under these missiles that the strategic submarine cruisers of project 667BDR were created. We have it under the code "Kalmar". Known by NATO as the Delta-3 project. A total of thirteen such submarines were built. K-44, which later received the name "Ryazan", left the slipway sixth in a row - in 1979.

First of all, the ship is striking in its size. It is a third more than the deceased Kursk. Length - one and a half football fields. Height - like a standard "seven-story building". To get inside, you have to remember the basics of climbing training. The way down is ten meters, and the diameter of the shaft is only 60 centimeters. Not an easy task even for a trained person.

The robust hull of the boat is divided into eleven watertight compartments. At the same time, the 1st, 2nd and 11th compartments are shelters. Their transverse bulkheads are designed for pressure corresponding to the cruiser's maximum submersion depth.

high speed the course is provided by two nuclear reactors with a total capacity of 180 megawatts. Power engineers know that this is a lot - more than half of the installed capacity of the power unit of the Ryazanskaya GRES.

The cruiser has 16 mines for the main weapon - sea-based ballistic missiles. The sailors say that the Ryazan is capable of shooting them "like a machine gun." The intervals between launches are minimal, and the throwable weight of these nuclear projectiles is as much as 2.8 tons. As much as the much heavier US Trident missile. It is now clear why each cruiser's outings on a long voyage are carefully monitored by "adversaries". Respect!..

The Ryazan missile carrier has two crews. This, at first glance, paradoxical organizational decision has weighty reasons. The cruiser is in constant combat readiness, it can open fire even while standing at the pier. However, his place is at sea, at a depth where the ship is very difficult to detect for a potential enemy. But after the campaign, officers and sailors need a rest, then their fellow rivals change them.

It turns out a most interesting psychological situation: if one commander accepted the boat, the other comes to visit him on the “iron”.

Exactly - the other one! By no means the second. To figure out which of them is the first, even the squadron commander fails.

Two captains of the first rank. Young. Sociable. Damn charming. Very confident. Directly on the day of our arrival, Andrey Subbotin “shot down all the competitors” in a torpedo firing exercise. Tagir Kayaev, in the sporting sense of the word, beats the entire Northern Fleet. In his boxing weight category, he simply has no equal opponents there.

Both have always dreamed of becoming commanders of strategic boats. In response to the question of whether any of them would like to change their missile cruiser for something lighter and more maneuverable, like the underwater nuclear "fighter" "Gepard", Tagir said bluntly: "They offered. Did not go. Well them! Rushing at different depths, like rabid gorillas. It's disingenuous!"

To match the commanders - their crews. The best in 31 divisions of nuclear submarines. Unfortunately, we managed to get acquainted with only one of them: Kayaev's subordinates are now on vacation, but the impressions will last for a long time. And the most important of them is this: "The nuclear shield of the Motherland is in good hands."

Each crew is a military unit. Sailors military service it is much smaller than officers and midshipmen. However, the living conditions created for the “conscripts” on the shore will be envied by anyone who is somewhat familiar with the army “everyday life”.

The barracks has not only hot water, but also washing machines. And not just any, but Indesit and Zanussi. Thanks to Ryazan chefs, a sports simulator, a punching bag, and sets of gloves appeared. Of course - TV, VCR and music center. The diet is also beyond the limits of a soldier's dream. Therefore, with nuclear fleet don't run. No need.

However, maritime service is not sugar at all. According to Andrei Subbotin, it tastes like dried roach. In the campaign, the “ram” is given out every day to correct the salt balance of the body. You have to drink desalinated sea water, which differs little from distilled water.

Very high mental stress. First, there is responsibility. Secondly, the closed space. Of course, the habitability of a nuclear-powered submarine is much higher than that of a diesel submarine of the Second World War, but you plant bruises without a habit all the time.

Watches at sea are in the "4 through 4" mode. Everyone spends their free time in their own way. In the cabins of officers - video and computers. This is now allowed.

Cabin-company - a separate song. Sort of like a micro cafe. With a huge cuvette of live Tradescantia and a palm tree. "You miss the monkey!" - said Rear Admiral Maximov, seeing this magnificence for the first time.

The cat on the "Ryazan" is also not yet available, although they are on the "float" - a normal occurrence. They regularly catch rats that manage to penetrate even into the hulls of nuclear submarines.

But the cat is not the point. There is not much else on the cruiser. Even light bulbs are in short supply. In the 1990s, the combat capability of Russia's nuclear submarine fleet was maintained by the truly heroic efforts of formation commanders. What Moscow did not give was provided by the bosses. It went to extremes: the Tula submarine was preparing for a long voyage, and the provisional warehouse was empty. I had to turn to the governor of the Tula region. Tulyakov immediately arrived, delivering everything you need.

The current situation is much better. But they are not going to refuse the help of "fellow countrymen" at Ryazan. They want us to remember them, and they have every right to do so. At every officer's feast, a traditional toast is raised. Control. Which is drunk to the bottom. “May fate turn its stern face away from all ships going to sea!” March 19 - the Day of the Russian Submarine Fleet - we should join it.

The delegation of the Ryazan region at a meeting with the crew of the nuclear submarine "Ryazan"

The delegation of the Ryazan region visited Vladivostok, where they visited the Ryazan nuclear missile submarine and congratulated the crew on the Day of the Russian Navy.

The delegation, headed by the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Ryazan region Sergey Samokhin, included the head of the administration of the city of Ryazan Vitaly Artemov and the chairman of the regional branch of the DOSAAF of Russia, Major General Mikhail Nevdakh. They visited Vladivostok, where they took part in solemn events, dedicated to the Day Navy, and also visited the Ryazan nuclear submarine. Representatives of the region got acquainted with the conditions of military service and the life of the crew. During the conversation, issues related to the patriotic education of young people, the renewal of the tradition of military service on the Ryazan submarine for conscripts from the Ryazan region were raised. The guests warmly congratulated the sailors on the Day of the Russian Navy, presented gifts, and also conveyed congratulations from the Governor of the Ryazan Region. In particular, it says: “The history of the Russian Navy is a hard military work, great discoveries and achievements, feats accomplished for the glory of the Fatherland. The Ryazan submariners also make a worthy contribution to strengthening the country's defense capability. The people of Ryazan are proud that the military submarine, which ensures the interests of the state in the expanses of the World Ocean, is named after our glorious city.”

The march of the nuclear-powered ship "Ryazan"

Poems and music cap. 2nd rank A. Trushina

Let the depths of the sea tell
The heavens of the polar marvelous edging,
Like under ice, arguing with the current
A formidable nuclear giant rushes.
And how from the point of immersion
The light is fading in the depths
Here the crew is fighting
For ocean parity.
Chorus: And keeps the course of the submarine calculated
Wars and peace crystal line.
It's honorable to serve in the Navy
On the nuclear-powered ship "Ryazan".
In the edge of birches, where the dawns are crowded,
Where the Oka splashes on the shore,
blue-eyed bride
Waiting for the return of the sailor.
In a shady linden alley
Flickering naval collar,
Meet your girl
Vacationer from the Arctic.
Divers are ready to go
Without superfluous words and loud phrases.
The crew has a firm word
And the order will be executed.
And after the service, if the road
Another will fall for us
We are the name of a native cruiser
With friends, we will remember many times.

The march of the nuclear-powered ship "Ryazan" (audio recording)

8:26 / 24.02.12

Heavy strategic missile submarines of Russia and foreign countries (rating)

The information agency "Arms of Russia" continues to publish ratings of various weapons and military equipment. This time, Russian experts are comparing the heavy strategic missile submarines (TPK) of Russia and foreign countries.

Comparative evaluation was carried out according to the following parameters:

  • firepower(number of warheads (WB), total power of the WB, maximum firing range of an intercontinental ballistic missile, its accuracy - KVO)
  • constructive excellence TRPK(displacement, overall characteristics, conventional density of the TRPK - the ratio of the total mass of the submarine to its volume)
  • technical reliability(probability of non-failure operation of submarine systems, time of salvo launch of all missiles, preparation time for missile launch, probability of successful launch)
  • exploitation(speed of the TPK both on the surface and in the submerged position, noiselessness characteristics, autonomous navigation time)

The sum of points for all parameters gave an overall assessment of the compared TRPK. At the same time, it was taken into account that each TRPK taken from the statistical sample, compared with other TRPKs, was evaluated based on technical requirements of his time.

The rating conducted by the IA "Arms of Russia" considered the TPK of all countries that are now full members of the world nuclear submarine club. Let us recall that, in addition to the United States (“founding father”), Russia also includes the United Kingdom, France, China and India, which already has experience in operating the Soviet multi-purpose missile system leased to it in 1988-1991. nuclear submarine of the project 670 and building its own nuclear submarine-missile carrier "Arihant".

Heavy strategic missile submarines of Russia and foreign countries

By the number of points scored, the listed complexes were distributed as follows:

Symbol TPRK


Number of points scored

TRPK type Ohio



TRPK 667BDRM "Dolphin"



TPK 941" Shark"



TPK 955 Boreas



TRPK type vanguard



TRPK type Le Triomphant



TRPK project 094 "Jin"



TRPK project INS Arihant



According to the data given in the table, by the number of points scored, the first 4places were taken by:

Ohio-type TPK

Main characteristics:

  • speed (surface) 17 knots
  • speed (underwater) 25 knots
  • operating depth 365 m
  • maximum immersion depth 550 m
  • crew of 14-15 officers, 140 sailors and foremen


  • surface displacement 16 746 t
  • displacement underwater 18 750 t
  • maximum length (on design waterline) 170.7 m
  • case width max. 12.8 m
  • average draft (on design waterline) 11.1 m

Power point atomic:

  • pressurized water reactor type GE PWR S8G
  • two turbines of 30,000 liters. With
  • 2 turbogenerators 4 MW each
  • 1.4 MW diesel generator


  • missile - 24 Trident II D5 ballistic missiles

Ohio class submarines (English Ohio class SSBN / SSGN) - a series of 18 American strategic nuclear submarines of the 3rd generation, which entered service from 1976 to 1992. Since 2002, the only type of missile carriers in service with the US Navy. Each boat is armed with 24 Trident missiles.

The first series of eight missile carriers was armed with Trident I C-4 missiles and was based at Naval Base (Naval) Bangor, Washington, on the US Pacific coast. The remaining 10 boats, the second series, were armed with Trident II D-5 missiles and were located at the naval base of Kings Bay, Georgia.

In 2003, in order to fulfill the arms limitation treaty, a program was launched to convert the first four boats of the project into carriers. cruise missiles Tomahawk, which ended in 2008.

The remaining four boats of the first series were re-equipped with Trident-2 missiles, and all Trident-1 missiles were removed from combat duty. Due to the reduction of missile carriers in the Pacific, part of the Ohio-class boats was transferred from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Ohio-class boats form the backbone of the US strategic offensive nuclear forces and are constantly on combat duty, spending 60% of their time at sea. By the early 1960s, after a series of studies, American analysts came to the conclusion that the strategy of "massive retaliation" had no prospects.

In the 1950s, American strategists hoped to disable the strategic nuclear forces of the USSR with a preventive missile strike. Studies have shown that one blow cannot destroy all strategic goals, and a retaliatory nuclear strike will be inevitable. Under these conditions, the strategy of "realistic deterrence" was born.

As the head of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces N. V. Ogarkov would say in the early 1980s, "the appearance and nuclear weapons raised in a completely new way the question of the expediency of war as a means of achieving a political goal. The rejection of the need to conduct a general nuclear war has led to a revision of the requirements for developing strategic weapons."

TRPK project 667BDRM "Dolphin"

Main characteristics:

  • speed (surface) 14 knots
  • speed (underwater) 24 knots
  • maximum immersion depth 650 m
  • crew 140 people


  • surface displacement 11,740 t
  • displacement underwater 18 200 t
  • maximum length (on design waterline) 167.4 m
  • case width max. 11.7 m
  • average draft (according to DWL) 8.8 m

Nuclear power plant:

  • 2 VM-4SG reactors with a total capacity of 180 MW
  • 2 steam turbines with a total capacity of 60,000 liters. With
  • 2 turbogenerators TG-300, 3 kW each
  • 2 diesel generators DG-460, 460 kW each
  • reserve propeller motor with a capacity of 325 liters. With


torpedo-mine - 4 TA caliber 533 mm

missile - 16 R-29RM ballistic missiles

The last ship of the “667 family”, as well as the last Soviet submarine missile carrier of the 2nd generation (actually “smoothly transferred” to the 3rd generation) was the project 667BRDM strategic missile submarine (code “Dolphin”), just like its predecessors , created by the Central Design Bureau of MT "Rubin" under the leadership of the general designer, academician S.N. Kovalev.

The government decree on the development of a new nuclear-powered submarine was issued on September 10, 1975. The main weapon of the ship was to be the new D-9RM missile system with 16 R-29RM intercontinental liquid rockets (RSM-54, SS-N-24), which have an increased firing range, accuracy and radius of separation of warheads. The development of the missile system began at KBM in 1979.

Its creators were focused on achieving the highest possible technical level and performance characteristics with limited changes to the submarine project. The tasks were successfully solved through the implementation of original layout solutions (combined tanks of the last marching and combat stages), the use of engines with limiting characteristics, the use of new structural materials, improved production technology, as well as increasing the dimensions of the rocket due to the volumes “borrowed” from the launcher installation.

In terms of their combat capabilities, the new BR surpassed all modifications of the most powerful American Trident naval missile system, while having a smaller mass and dimensions. Depending on the number of warheads and their mass, the firing range of ICBMs could significantly exceed 8300 km.

The R-29RM was the last missile developed under the leadership of V.P. Makeev, as well as the last domestic liquid-propellant ICBM. In a certain sense, it was the "swan song" of liquid-propellant ballistic missiles of submarines. All subsequent domestic BRs were designed with solid fuel.

TRPK project 941 "Shark"

Main characteristics:

  • speed (surface) 12 knots
  • speed (underwater) 25 knots
  • operating depth 400 m
  • maximum immersion depth 500 m
  • autonomy of navigation 180 days
  • crew 160 people


  • surface displacement 28 500t
  • displacement underwater 49 800 t
  • maximum length (on design waterline) 172.8 m
  • case width max. 23.3 m
  • average draft (on design waterline) 11.2 m

Power point:

  • 2 water-cooled nuclear reactors OK-650VV, 190 MW each
  • 2 turbines of 45000-50000 hp each
  • 2 propeller shafts with 7-bladed propellers with a diameter of 5.55 m
  • 4 steam turbine nuclear power plants, 3.2 MW each
  • 2 diesel generators ASDG-800 (kW)
  • lead-acid battery, product 144


  • torpedo-mine - 6 TA caliber 533 mm
  • 22 torpedoes 53-65K, SET-65, SAET-60M, USET-80 or Vodopad missile torpedoes
  • Missile - 20 R-39 SLBMs (RSM-52)
  • Air defense 8 MANPADS "Igla"

The performance specification for the design was issued in December 1972, and S. N. Kovalev was appointed chief designer of the project. The new type of submarine was positioned as a response to the US construction of Ohio-class SSBNs. The dimensions of the new ship were determined by the dimensions of the new solid-propellant three-stage intercontinental ballistic missiles R-39 (RSM-52), with which it was planned to arm the boat.

Compared with the Trident-I missiles, which were equipped with the American Ohio, the R-39 missile had the best performance flight range, throwable mass and had 10 blocks against 8 for the Trident. However, at the same time, the R-39 turned out to be almost twice as long and three times as heavy as its American counterpart. To accommodate such large missiles, the standard SSBN layout did not fit.

On December 19, 1973, the government decided to start work on the design and construction of a new generation of strategic missile carriers. "Shark", project 941. The first boat of this type TK-208 was laid down at the Sevmash enterprise in June 1976, the launch took place on September 23, 1980.

Before the descent, in the bow below the waterline, an image of a shark was applied to the side of the submarine; later, stripes with a shark appeared on the crew uniform. Despite the later launch of the project, the lead cruiser entered sea trials a month earlier than the American Ohio (July 4, 1981).

TK-208 entered service on December 12, 1981. In total, from 1981 to 1989, 6 Shark-type boats were launched and put into operation. The planned seventh ship was never laid down; hull structures were prepared for it. The construction of "9-storey" submarines provided more than 1000 enterprises of the Soviet Union.

Only at Sevmash there are 1219 people who participated in the creation of this unique ship received government awards. Purpose Designed for long-range nuclear missile strikes against large military-industrial facilities and force bases.

TRPK project 955 "Borey"

Main characteristics:

  • speed (surface) 15 knots
  • speed (underwater) 29 knots
  • operating depth 400 m
  • maximum diving depth 480 m
  • autonomy of navigation 90 days
  • Crew 107 people


  • surface displacement 14,720 t
  • underwater displacement 24,000 tons
  • maximum length (on design waterline) 160 m
  • case width max. 13.5 m
  • average draft (according to waterline) 10 m

The power plant is nuclear

  • OK-650V 190 MW
  • PTU with GTZA
  • propeller shaft
  • jet propulsion


  • torpedo-mine - 6 TA x 533 mm, torpedoes, torpedo missiles, cruise missiles.
  • Rocket - 16 launchers of the D-30 complex, SLBM R-30 (SS-NX-30) "Mace" Number of missiles: 16 (project 955)

The new, fourth-generation strategic nuclear submarines of project 955 code "Borey" are coming into service with the Navy. The lead ship of this project was a submarine named after Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. The design and technical documentation was developed by the engineers of the Rubin Design Bureau.

After the approval of the plan, the nuclear submarine was laid down on December 22, 1996 at the shipyard of OAO PO Severnoye machine-building enterprise» in Severodvinsk. During the construction of the Yury Dolgoruky nuclear submarine, the experience of Soviet shipbuilders was applied.

Also in the creation of a nuclear submarine, the idea of ​​​​creating a hull structure was borrowed, which made it possible to reduce the cost of building a submarine. The nuclear submarine is equipped with a water nuclear reactor type OK-650V on thermal neutrons. The power of steam turbine plants is 190 MW.

A novelty in the design of the Borey series was a water jet, which will significantly reduce the noise level of the submarine. One more characteristic feature Project 955A submarine will be armed with 12 Russian-made Bulava-type ballistic missiles.

The next upgraded series of Project 955 missile submarines will have 16 such missiles. After a series of successful mooring and sea trials, the Yuri Dolgoruky nuclear-powered missile submarine received side number K-535 and became part of the Russian Navy. Soon, a series of successful rocket launches with new ballistic missiles was carried out from the nuclear submarine.

Government Russian Federation plans to build 8 Project 955 Borey missile carriers. However, today the completion of the construction of the second submarine K-550 "Alexander Nevsky", laid down on March 19, 2004, and the continuation of the construction of the third nuclear submarine "Vladimir Monomax", laid down on March 19, 2006, are progressing rather slowly.

Also, the name of the fourth submarine of this project is already known - "Saint Nicholas". All four nuclear submarines will be deployed at the naval base in Vilyuchinsk (Kamchatsky Peninsula) and will become part of the Pacific Fleet.

A lot of work has already been done there to build the necessary infrastructure, both for ships and for submariners:

  • completely rebuilt pier area
  • organized technical protection of the basing system
  • the training center was modernized
  • put into operation several residential buildings for family members of submariners

Ships like the Yuri Dolgoruky strategic missile submarine will soon become the basis of the naval component of the nuclear triad of the Russian Federation.

When writing the article, open materials from Internet sources were used

Disasters under water Mormul Nikolai Grigorievich

"Quiet" start-up of the reactor at the RPK SN "K-140"

It was 1967 - the year of the half-century anniversary of the country of the Soviets. The fanfare of labor victories thundered, all plans were fulfilled and exceeded. On the eve of the 50th anniversary of October - November 4, acts were signed on the admission to the Navy of three lead boats of the second generation at once. The shipbuilders of Severodvinsk, Leningrad and Gorky reported to the party and the government about the tasks they had completed. On November 4, the crew and members of the government commission of the lead strategic missile submarine K-137 signed an act of acceptance into the Navy of the first miracle ship, with sixteen ballistic missiles. As part of the government commission, I headed the shipbuilding section, Rear Admiral B.P. Akulov - electromechanical, and the chairman of the commission was Vice Admiral A.I. Petelin. The three-month work on the shore and the sea has ended. The commission signed the conclusion "the best ship of our time." The next day, November 5, 1967, I went to sea, on the second ship of the same type, now in serial production - the K-140. In total, until 1970, I participated in the testing of thirteen ships of this project.

On the sixth and seventh of November, given the festive mood and the number of people on board, like herring in a barrel - about two and a half - three crews, we decided not to dive, but to deal with surface regimes. In parallel, with the free combat shifts of officers, I conducted classes in the wardroom, based on the results of tests of the lead submarine "K-137". The brigade commander Yu.A. was the senior on board. Ilyichenko, commander - A.N. Matveev, commander of the warhead-5 - V. Telin. All experienced divers. The tests of the submarine "K-140" were successful and by the end of the year she departed for her permanent base - Gadzhiyevo, but in the spring of 1968 she returned to Severodvinsk to carry out modifications and imperfections. In mid-August, I went on a short vacation, and on August 28 I was urgently called to the service. The vacation went to hell, because I immediately got to the investigator for especially important cases of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office. In addition to the prosecutor's office, a commission of specialists from the Navy, industry and science was working with might and main in the fleet ... An accident occurred on the K-140, a brand new one that had not yet had time to make any real contribution to increasing the combat readiness of the Northern Fleet.

Our second strategic boat is put out of action and, apparently, for many years, - everyone was whispering in the corners.

The accident on the K-140, indeed, dealt a serious blow to both the combat readiness and the budget of the fleet.

While turning the weapon and technical means the port side reactor reached power uncontrollably: during the installation of the backup power supply network for the compensating reactor organs, the phases were reversed. And when power was applied, up to 12 percent of the reactivity was released ... Since all the instruments on the reactor control panel were turned off, the duty service could not detect any external signs of an accident. Although calculations later showed that the power was 20 times higher than the nominal one, and the pressure in the primary circuit reached 800 kg/cm2. Fortunately, the depressurization of the primary circuit did not occur - the strength of materials and good manufacturing and welding technology affected. However, now, of course, no one could guarantee the reliability of the equipment and communications of the steam generating plant. In a word, the steam generating plant required a complete replacement.

Participants in the accident were interrogated for a long time. The commander of the warhead-5 captain 3rd rank V.V. Telin and two other officers were removed from their posts and for them the case smelled like a trial. We, naval specialists, demanded an investigative experiment. They argued that the installation of those very “ill-fated phases” that supply power to the compensating grids of the reactor was carried out at the shipyard and after the factory workers no tool touched them anymore. The Moscow investigator agreed with our arguments, and the experiment was carried out. Indeed, the seals were not broken. Installation of the "guilty" system was primary, factory. And therefore, of course, neither the military acceptance nor the Quality Control Department checked the backup power for compensating grids.

The officers removed from their posts from the crew were not brought to trial. However, they were not restored. The boat was re-equipped for the 667AM project, twelve RSM-45 solid-propellant missiles of the D-11 complex of the Arsenal plant were installed on it. The steam generating plant was cut out and unloaded overboard. In the same way, they then loaded a new one. The reactor and equipment were “sarcophagi”, towed to the Novaya Zemlya region and flooded there. All this lasted until 1980. Nine years later, the K-140 ammunition was also destroyed by firing and explosion at high altitude. And in January 1990, the submarine was decommissioned.

Submarine missile carriers (RPK CH) of project 667A in the USSR were built 34 units. Built in Severodvinsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

The performance data of the submarines of this project (according to NATO classification - "Yankees"):

Displacement - 9300 tons. Length -129.8 meters. Depth - 400 meters. Missiles - 16 pieces D-5. 2 reactors - V M 4+ 90 MW. 2 GTZA PVA OK 700-52000 l/s. Speed ​​- 26 knots. Crew - 120 people.

From the book 100 great military secrets author Kurushin Mikhail Yurievich

THE TRAGIC LAUNCH OF R-16 On October 26, 1960, a message appeared in the Soviet press: in execution official duties died in a plane crash

From the book Sails, torn to shreds [Unknown catastrophes of the Russian sailing fleet in the XVIII-XIX centuries] author Shigin Vladimir Vilenovich

Part III This Raging Pacific

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The launch of the experimental boiler The year 1946 was coming to an end. In Laboratory No. 2, the construction of an experimental uranium-graphite boiler was coming to an end. In parallel, preparations were underway for a meeting with Stalin. On December 24, Boris Vannikov signed a "list of issues" that were supposed to be considered at this

The Yekaterinburg strategic missile submarine is part of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation and is based in the city of Gadzhiyevo, Murmansk Region. Taking into account the difficult geographical and climatic conditions of the location of parts and connections Northern Fleet, the special specificity and complexity of service in the submarine forces of the Russian Navy, patronage of ships has become a good tradition in Russia. The nuclear submarines Bryansk, Tula, Novomoskovsk, Karelia, Verkhoturye and many others are currently in combat formation. The patronage of the PKK SN "Ekaterinburg" has become a continuation of this good tradition.

History reference

⇒ On February 23, 1999, an agreement was signed on the establishment of patronage relations between the administration of the city of Yekaterinburg and the command of the strategic missile submarine Yekaterinburg (RPK SN Yekaterinburg).

On July 9, 2001, on the initiative of the shareholders of the Tagansky Ryad group of enterprises, a charitable foundation was formed to help the crew of the strategic missile submarine Yekaterinburg (BF RPK SN Yekaterinburg).

⇒ Since its inception, the Foundation has collected and sent 2 three-ton and 4 five-ton railway containers with food, medicines, materials for the repair of the barracks, household and computer technology. The crew received 3 overalls, 150 sets of winter and summer suits for external and internal work. Literature on the history of Yekaterinburg and several hundred video and audio cassettes with feature films and other entertainment programs were sent to the library of the unit to organize leisure time for sailors./p>

For the entire period, more than 100,000,000 rubles were received and spent on the needs of the crews on the account of the Fund. Of this amount, 95% came from CJSC Tagansky Ryad. In 2005, at the expense of organizations and institutions of the city of Yekaterinburg, a dormitory for the crew of the sponsored submarine was repaired in the amount of 11,600,000 rubles. Over the past twelve years, the Foundation has been organizing trips for the families of submariners to sanatoriums and children's camps on the Black Sea, and for the winter holidays they come to the capital of the Urals, where they are waiting for a fascinating cultural and entertainment program and Christmas gifts.

Understanding the need for a spiritual center in the main base of submariners, taking into account the appeal of sailors and residents of the city, their desire to have their own Orthodox church, the founders of the Foundation in 2016 undertook to complete the construction of the church of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called in the city of Gadzhiyevo and build a Sunday school at it. Despite the objective difficulties of construction in the conditions of the Far North, on September 16, 2018, the consecration and opening of the Temple and the Sunday School took place.

⇒ Every year, trips of a delegation from Yekaterinburg to a sponsored submarine are organized with the presentation of gifts to the crew and family members of the submariners. With return visits, we were repeatedly visited by the command of the formation of the Northern Fleet and the RPK SN "Yekaterinburg" and "Verkhoturye".

Following a visit in December 2010 by the Governor Sverdlovsk region sponsored crews of the RPK SN as part of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Navy, Charitable Foundation RPK "Yekaterinburg" was transformed into the CF "Assistance to the crews of strategic missile submarines" Yekaterinburg "and" Verkhoturye ". The order of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region dated February 16, 2011 No. 22-RG was issued on the patronage Council for organizing support for military unit 34357 of the Northern Fleet.

The Fund is an authorized member of the Interregional Association of the Subjects of the Russian Federation and Cities, patronizing ships and units of the Northern Fleet.


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