Golden time for photography. What does “blue hour” mean and how does it differ from “golden hour”? How to catch the golden hour


The human body is designed so that all vital functions can maintain a stable state for 1 hour. Thus, severely injured people who were admitted to intensive care in the first hour after injury have a higher survival rate and a lower complication rate.


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See what the "Golden Hour Rule" is in other dictionaries:

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There are quite a few practices for this or that kind of activity. But there is one simple rule that can be easily formulated in one sentence. Which can increase both activity and productivity of the whole day. And, even, as a result of its rigorous use every day - to change your life!

The Golden Hour Rule

So, if you want to motivate yourself, increase your productivity:

"Upon awakening, immediately, devote an hour of attention to the necessary activities!"

How to pay attention

It all depends on what kind of activity you need to increase motivation. The main options are: read, study, watch the relevant educational information on the given activity, motivating literature, plan the day, analyze the relevant data.

Why it will help motivate yourself

In general, this rule is an out-of-the-line charter for many deeply religious people. When the first hour after sleep, they read religious literature and pray. It was well expressed by the 19th century religious leader, Henry Ward Beecher: “ The first hour of the day is quick guide for the whole day". Those. start with God and spend the day with Him ...

B. Tacey, trainer personal growth, also pays Special attention"Golden Hour". He is sure that the thoughts that we have at the beginning of the day - set a certain emotional and mental inclination throughout the day! Why not use it for your own good then ?!

As a neuro programmer - to programmers. Already touched upon earlier, about. The bottom line is: our mind reacts differently at different times of the day... It's easy to install by yourself. In the morning, our inner analyst - a skeptic, and sometimes just a grumbler, has not yet woken up, which means that consciousness is more prone to self-hypnosis.

Follow this rule, and then: Golden Hour will bring Golden Day!

Look closely at the photos and think about what unites them (well, except for what is breathtaking from them).

  • In addition, at an open aperture, the entire photo will look softer - smoother gradients in the setting sky, smoothed, gradually dissolving rays of the setting sun. Light intensity decreases very quickly during the golden hour, so opening the aperture will help you shoot without a tripod while avoiding shooting at high ISOs.
  • Don't stop taking pictures. The beauty of the golden hour is that light is rapidly changing in intensity and color temperature. Therefore, you need to do as much as possible in this short period of time.
  • Adjust the white balance manually. Golden hour is not the best time to rely on automatic white balance. It is not accuracy that is important here, but a more artistic approach. Try using cloudy white balance to add warmth to your photo and enhance the magical golden glow. Well, or during further conversion from RAW and processing, adjust the colors so as to convey all the beauty of a golden sunset.

Blue hour is a special time for photographers. The sky becomes different shades of blue, it is velvety and delicious. The "blue" hour follows the "golden" hour, during which the sun has not yet set over the horizon and everything is flooded with a golden reflection. Further, when the sun has already sunk beyond the horizon, everything is filled with blue and its shades, that is, the blue hour begins. Taking pictures during this time is easy as you don't have to worry about harsh light or shadows.

In this article, you will explore:

  • When the blue hour comes
  • How to take photos at blue hour
  • Best Subjects for Blue Hour Shooting

When is the blue hour?

Blue hour occurs twice a day, just before sunrise and just after sunset. It lasts from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the weather and geographic location. During this time, the sky can take on various shades of blue and reflect orange, yellow, purple and pink.

To catch the blue hour, keep an eye on the sunrise and sunset times where you live and plan to arrive early. There is also a great website that will tell you exactly what blue hour time is based on the date and your location.

Photos taken at blue hour look amazing! Although it seems very difficult to create them, in reality they are not. Filming at blue hour is easy enough, the hardest part is getting there on time. These tips will help newcomers to blue hour photography.

Photo by Howard Ignatius

1. Shoot in Shutter Priority mode

During blue hour, the sky will be relatively dark because the sun is below the horizon. You will need a slow shutter speed to let in enough light for a properly exposed image.

Setting the camera to Shutter Priority mode will allow you to manually select the shutter speed. A shutter speed of 1 to 6 seconds should be sufficient for a good result. For the photos in the article, I used a 6 second shutter speed in Shutter Priority mode.

Photo Jeff Welles

In Shutter Priority mode, your camera will select aperture and ISO (if ISO is set to auto) automatically. This will make it easier for you when you are just starting to shoot during blue hours.

2. Use a remote or self-timer with a timer

Pressing the shutter release can cause camera shake, resulting in blurred images. To avoid this, use the remote control or the 2-second self-timer.

3. Use a tripod

As stated above, you will be using a slow shutter speed, so a tripod will help you get a sharp shot. If you hold the camera in your hand when using a slow shutter speed, photos will be blurred due to camera shake.

Photo by Darlene Hildebrandt

Photo by Darlene Hildebrandt

4. Shoot vRAW

It is best to photograph in RAW format at blue hour. This will give you best quality and more benefits when processing. One of the great benefits of RAW shooting is the ability to adjust exposure compensation while editing. Thus, if your photos come out a little dark or light, you can adjust them up or down accordingly.

But even if you only shoot in JPEG format, don't worry - you can still get great shots in blue hours.

Photo by Darlene Hildebrandt

5. Add electric lighting

Taking a photo during a blue clock will be easier if you choose a location near an electric light. This extra light can add drama and interest to your photos.

Photo by Darlene Hildebrandt Photo by Dena Hines

If electric lighting is present in your shots, don't take photos too close to them. If you stand very close to a light source, glare can be a problem. Unwanted random spots of light may appear in your image.

What to photograph at blue hour

The easiest objects to start with are landscapes that contain electric lighting.

What exactly does Blue Hour mean? What time of day can I capture this Blue Hour and how long does it last? Besides, how is it different from Golden Hour?

Paul Cezanne

blue hour is the time you spend feeling sorry for yourself while sitting in the gallery and watching some people just stare at your work and then move on ...



Golden hour is when the sun is low on the horizon lighting it up with a golden hue.

Blue hour is when the sun is slightly below the horizon leaving the sky dark blue.

There is no set duration because it varies with latitude and season.

Civil twilight is a good approximation with the sun being ± 6 ° around the horizon.

When the angle is positive, you have a golden hour; when the angle is negative, it is blue.

V English language people often use the term “golden hour” to mean blue, and in French “blue”, which means “blue hour” to mean gold. See this answer for more details.


jrista ♦

The blue hour is actually when the sun is far below the horizon. The golden hour BEGINS when the sun is "low" on the horizon and continues until the sun is below the horizon. The golden hour can literally be an hour or so, often less (depending on your latitude, maybe as little as 30 minutes) ... as long as there is still a remnant of red bouncing off the clouds and a warmer shade for the sky ... The blue hour starts after the golden hour is over ... you should only see gray cloud silhouettes and a darker / bluish sky.


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