A presentation on the safety of primary school students. Presentation - a collection of rules for the safe behavior of schoolchildren. When you're home alone

Target: discuss with students the dangerous situations that the child may be in; teach how to act correctly in a dangerous situation.

Equipment: Presentation , memo, telephone.

Form of carrying out: group work.

1. Setting a goal.

- Today we will spend our class hour (Slide 1) at the "Safety School" and learn (Slide 2) how to behave in dangerous situations.
- What is danger? (Slide 3)
Danger is a situation when a person is threatened by something or someone.

2. Introduction to the topic

- In the old days, when there were no textbooks yet, children learned how to behave in a dangerous situation from fairy tales. Let's remember some of them:

"The wolf and the seven Young goats"(Slide 4)

- Why did the kids get into trouble?
- What had to be done?

"Three pigs"(Slide 5)

- What lesson can be learned from this tale?

A dear girl walked through the forest. (Slide 6)
Glorious, kind, brave.
And a dark personality is meeting her,
Gray in all respects.

- Who is that girl? Who did she meet?
- Why did Little Red Riding Hood get into trouble?

Take a lesson here: (Slide 7)
And don't talk to a stranger at all.

3. Work on the topic

- Let's remember the rules of behavior with strangers: What do you know? (Slide 8)

Never talk to a stranger.
Never get into a stranger's car.
Don't play on your way home from school.
Don't play after dark.

- What can happen if you do not follow these rules? (Slide 9)
- Now imagine what you will do if a stranger rings the bell at the door of your apartment?
- Even an adult must make sure that this is not an intruder.
- What do I need to do? (Look through the peephole or ask "Who is there?")
Some people are somehow embarrassed to ask: "Who is there?" and even look through the peephole. And it’s a pity. Because there is no point in putting locks and iron doors if you open them yourself, to just anyone.

Therefore, remember the rules: (Slide 10)

But there are times when a stranger introduces himself and says that he is on behalf of his mother. Remember! Do not admit strangers under any pretext.
Well, in order not to make it easier for thieves to do their dark deeds -
2. Do not leave the key to the apartment in a “safe place” (somewhere under the rug or in another secluded place).

- Why do you think this should not be done?

4. Discussion of situations in groups(Slide 11)

Target: now we will check in practice how you will act in a given situation.
Each group is offered a situation. You read it, discuss it. Let everyone express their opinion. But before making decisions in a dangerous situation, follow these steps: (Slide 12)

1. Stop
2. Think
3. Choose
4. Praise yourself

Situation 1.(Slide 13)

A friend or girlfriend has come to your house and you are watching TV together. There is no one else in the apartment except you. But now your doorbell rang. Describe what you will do?

Situation 2.

You play outside. Suddenly a well-dressed man came up to you and offered to drive in his car. What will you answer him?

Situation 3.

You hid the key to the apartment in a "safe place" - and quickly go outside to play. When he returned, he did not find the key on the spot. How will you act and what should adults do after that?

Situation 4.

Mom and dad are at work, and you are alone in the house. Doorbell. You looked through the peephole and asked: "Who is there?" The man introduced himself as a friend of the family and said that he forgot an umbrella in your house, asking to return it. Your actions?

Output(slide 14)

1. The door can only be opened by a well-known person.
2. Do not leave the apartment key in a "safe place"
3. And if you have lost the key, tell your parents immediately.
4. Never brag about new things and the wealth of your family, either in the yard or at school.

5. You and the phone.(Slide 15)

- Let's talk about whether you know how to speak on the phone if the adults are not at home. It's very easy to speak on the phone, everyone knows that. But there is important rule: you need to talk only with a friend. And who you don't know - to apologize, say goodbye and hang up. Whoever the caller calls himself, remember: (Slide 16)

1. Don't give the address or apartment number.
2. Never give your phone number.
3. Don't enter into conversations with strangers.

- And now we will give a master class on how to talk on the phone correctly (two students are playing a conversation on the phone). (Appendix, slide 17)

1st conversation

- Hello.
- Who's talking?
- Who do you need?

2nd conversation

- What kind of apartment is this?
- This is my apartment. And which one do you need?

3rd conversation

- What number is this?
- Name the one you need. I'll say this or not.

4th conversation

- Do you have adults at home?
- Now no one can come up. Call back later.

5th conversation

- Now a police officer will come, open the door for him.
- I can not open. Talk to your neighbors.

A telephone (slide 18) is a good thing if you know how to use it. And if you are alone in the house, a telephone is a must. You can always call and ask your grandmother, mom, dad about something, call neighbors or the police for help. Or maybe even call the firefighters. But for this you need to know the numbers:

If we call 01, we will get ... (slide 19)

You can't handle the fire on your own
This work is not for children.
Wasted no time
"01" call soon.

If we call 02, we will get ... (slide 20)

I was alone at home.
Someone tried to open the door
I then typed "02"
And he called the police.

If we call 03, we will get ... (slide 21)

If mom gets sick
Don't worry and don't cry.
Dial "03" soon
And the doctor will come to my mother.
If anything happens
An ambulance will come along.

If we call 04, we will get ... (slide 22)

If you came from a walk
He took off his hat and suddenly in the apartment
Found out the smell of gas
Dial you 04 -
And they will help you right away.

6. Summary

- Our lesson at the Security School is over. We have learned about some rules of conduct that will help you avoid dangerous situations. (Slide 23). Dangerous situations can be prevented! Hope you find this tutorial helpful. And now you will sum up the result yourself, continuing my phrases with rhyme:

If we are called to swim, to act on TV, (Slide 24)
They promise to give candy, answer firmly ... (No).

If you are on the phone
Someone unknown is calling ...
Listening silently, hold back
Saying goodbye ... (sorry).

Of course, this happens in fairy tales (Slide 25)
That everything ends well in them,
And in order for us to live in peace,
With safety rules it is necessary ... (be friends)

Never talk to strangers. If someone speaks to you, then do not agree to anything. Do not take anything from them and do not go anywhere under any pretext. Remember, a good adult will not ask a child for help. If they are trying to take you away by force, then shout “Help! This is not my dad, he wants to steal me! ”; If you are being chased (by an adult or a teenager), then never run away to deserted places, on the contrary, go to the bus stop, to the store, to the post office. Ask for help from a policeman (policeman), security guard, seller or just passers-by on the street. Always explain that these are not your parents, this is not your brother, but someone else is persecuting you; Don't talk to drunks, you'd better get out of that place as quickly as possible; Do not go with unfamiliar guys to deserted places; If you see a bundle, bag or box on the street, do not touch anything, there may be a real bomb; Don't go for a walk without asking. When you go somewhere, always tell your parents the exact place and address. Do not walk yourself in the evening; If you are lost in a crowded place, wait, wait for your parents, if they are away for a long time, then go ask adults for help. Always try to contact a police officer, station attendant, salesperson, dispatcher, or security guard. Do not ask for help from suspicious adults of strange appearance and behavior;

Slide 1

Municipal government educational institution"Sanatorium-Forest School" COLLECTION OF RULES ON SAFE BEHAVIOR OF SCHOOLBOYS Everyone should know this!

Slide 2

In order to protect yourself in a particular difficult situation, or to avoid it altogether, you need to know: what emergencies there are and how to behave if a disaster strikes. Consider the most common situations that occur in Everyday life, and learn how to protect ourselves, as well as our loved ones.

Slide 3

Guys, you spend most of your time outside, especially during the holidays. Do you know that the street is sometimes fraught with danger and you need to know how to behave in a specific situation.

Slide 4

Younger students should know well their home address, telephone number of both home and work parents. Going for a walk, you must inform your parents where you are going, discuss a specific time to return home. You can only walk or play where your parents are allowed. Avoid dim and deserted places. Never accept sweets, gifts, money, or an invitation to drive a car from strangers

Slide 5

It is extremely dangerous to agree with strangers to go or go, ask them to do something (for example, find a lost cat or dog, bring things, play together, take pictures with them). Don't engage in conversation with strangers. Especially when they are trying to find out where and with whom you live, where your parents work, etc.

Slide 6

If you see people fighting on the street, do not get involved in the fight. Walk around this dangerous place and tell the adults to call the police.

Slide 7

If a group of people stops you with questions like “there’s no light” or “what time is it”, keep driving, answering on the go that you don’t smoke or that you don’t have what they are asking about. Thus, you will prevent them from surrounding you and make it clear that you are not scared.

Slide 8

If they grab you on the street and try to lead you into the entrance, or push you into the car, or just try to drag you somewhere - shout, push back, call the police, by any means attract attention to yourself. If it happened indoors - shout "Fire!" Usually, everyone who heard you responds to this cry, because a fire carries a danger for everyone.

Slide 9

Children become victims of road traffic accidents every year. Every day you go out and become participants road traffic... Very often guys violate traffic rules or do not know them at all. Let us now, after reading this memo, remember the basic rules and not break them.

Slide 10

Never run into the road in front of an approaching vehicle. This is dangerous because the driver cannot stop the car immediately. The road must be crossed in specially designated places along the pedestrian crossing. Go to the roadway only after making sure that there is no approaching traffic on the left and right. After getting off the bus, do not run out onto the road. Wait for the bus to leave, and only then, after making sure there are no cars, cross the road.

Slide 11

It is dangerous to drive onto the roadway on skateboards and roller skates. Do not run out onto the road outside the pedestrian crossing zone, in this place the driver does not expect pedestrians and will not be able to instantly stop the car. It is dangerous to play ball and other games near the roadway, it is better to do this in the yard or on the playground.

Slide 12

Know how to use a traffic light. Remember! Only strict adherence to the Rules of the Road protects all of you from road hazards.

Slide 13

Thousands of fires occur in our country every year, people die, and children also become victims of the fire. Unfortunately, fires can occur anywhere and anytime. Therefore, you must know the rules fire safety and how to behave if there is a fire.

Slide 14

Remember: it is dangerous to indulge in matches, lighters, they are intended for household needs, but not for games. Even a small spark can lead to a large fire. It is dangerous for young children to use household electrical appliances, such as irons, kettles, televisions, turn on gas stoves, etc., heat the stoves themselves, and light fires.

Slide 15

First of all, call the rescue service on "01". Inform that the exact address is lit.

Slide 16

If there are adults nearby, you need to call them for help. Under no circumstances hide during a fire in secluded places (under a bed, in a closet, in a closet, etc.), it will be difficult for firefighters to find you. If the room fills with acrid smoke, cover your nose and mouth with a wet cloth, bend down to the floor and leave the room immediately. Know for sure that there are two saving exits from the house: if you cannot leave through the door, call for help from the window or from the balcony. If a fire broke out in your apartment, and there is an opportunity to leave it, run away to the street, do not forget to close the door tightly behind you and immediately report the fire to the first oncoming passers-by so that they call the firefighters.

Slide 17

A fire can occur in an entrance or another apartment. If there is fire or smoke in the entrance, do not leave the apartment. Open a window or balcony and call for help. During a fire, you cannot use the elevator: it can stop between floors. If your clothes catch fire, fall and roll to bring down the flames. If you burn your hand, for example, put it under a stream of cold water and call adults for help. Guys, observing the fire safety rules, you will never get into trouble!

Slide 18


Slide 19

The main thing: do not go to the forest one by one, it is very dangerous. Tell your relatives (acquaintances) about your route and time of return.

Slide 20

What to take with you to the forest?
When going on a hike or just into the forest, be sure to take with you the most necessary things, namely: a compass, a knife, matches, salt, a small food ration, light spare clothes. Pack matches and clothes in polyethylene so that they do not get wet in case of rain. It is advisable to wear bright clothes: in case of searches, it will be easier to spot you in the forest.

Slide 21

How to navigate the forest?
Before entering the forest, find out where the main landmarks are: roads, rivers, streams, settlements in order to schematically represent the boundaries of the area in which you will walk. Determine the cardinal points by the compass so that you know in which direction you will need to return. If you do not have a compass, then remember which side the sun is shining from, when you return it should shine from the other side.

Slide 22

If you get lost
First of all, don't panic. Calm down, take a few deep breaths, rest for a few minutes. While you are resting, remember where and how you walked, listen for sounds that speak of the proximity of people. Be aware that in silence (especially in the evening) the audibility of various sounds is as follows: - movement of a car on the highway 1 - 2 km .; - movement of a car on a dirt road 1 km; - rifle shot 2 - 4 km.; - conversation - 250 m; - shout 1 - 1.5 km. But take your time to go for the sound. It is necessary to check its direction several times. The sound is better heard on the slides when the wind dies down. Going out in the forest to a stream, a small river - go downstream, the water will lead you to people.

Slide 23

While in the forest, do not take unfamiliar berries and mushrooms in your mouth, they can be poisonous. Remember! They will look for you, but salvation largely depends on your competent behavior in the forest.

Slide 24


Slide 25

Every year in our country and region there are accidents on the water in the summer. Not only adults are drowning, but also children. To avoid trouble, follow the rules of conduct on the water:

Slide 26

Slide 27

Do not go swimming unaccompanied by adults; - swim only in specially designated and equipped places; - do not give false alarms; - do not swim behind the safety signs and do not swim close to passing ships, boats, boats; - it is dangerous to swim far, as you can not calculate your strength; - if you are caught by the current, swim diagonally to the nearest bank

Slide 28

If you are caught in a whirlpool, take more air into your lungs, immerse yourself in the water, and make a strong dash to the side, swim out; - when bathing, do not bring yourself to chills. With hypothermia, convulsions may occur, respiratory arrest, loss of consciousness may occur; - avoid heatstroke, do not stay in the sun for a long time; - it is dangerous to jump or enter the water abruptly after prolonged exposure to the sun. When cooled in water, a sharp reflex muscle contraction occurs, which entails a cessation of breathing; - observe the drinking regime.

Slide 29

Remember: being near the water, never forget about your own safety, be extremely careful!

Slide 30

By coincidence, any person can be held hostage by criminals. At the same time, they, criminals, can achieve any goals. In all cases, your life can be a bargaining chip for terrorists. The seizure can occur in transport, in an institution, on the street, in an apartment.

Slide 32

Most importantly: don't panic; - do not allow actions that can provoke the attackers to use weapons and lead to human casualties; - endure hardships, insults and humiliation, do not look criminals in the eyes, do not behave defiantly;

Slide 33

if necessary, fulfill the requirements of criminals, do not contradict them, do not risk the lives of others and your own, try not to allow hysteria and panic
ask permission to perform any actions (sit down, get up, drink, go to the toilet); - if you are injured, try not to move, this will reduce blood loss.

Slide 34

Remember: your goal is to stay alive. Remember that having received a message about your capture, the special services have already begun to act and will take everything necessary to release you.

Slide 41

In any emergency, call emergency services on "01". Rescuers will always come to your aid!

Slide 42

List of used literature
The ABC of Safe Communication and Behavior: I. A. Lykova, V. A. Shipunova - St. Petersburg, Tsvetnoy Mir, 2013 - 96 p. Attention! Dangerous! rules safe behavior child: - St. Petersburg, School Press, 2011 - 24 p. Protection of the population and facilities in emergency situations. Radiation safety. In 3 parts. Part 2. The system of population survival and protection of territories in emergency situations: S. V. Dorozhko, V. T. Pustovit, G. I. Morzak, V. F. Murashko - St. Petersburg, Dikta, 2009 - 388. life safety. 7th grade. Textbook (+ CD-ROM): A.T.Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov - Moscow, Education, 2014 - 208 p. Fundamentals of life safety. Grade 7: A.T.Smirnov. B.O. Khrennikov - Moscow, Education, 2013 - 208 p. Rules of safe behavior during rest: L. N. Chalaya, E. S. Melnichenko - St. Petersburg, Publishing group "Osn, 2014 - 48 p. Rules of safe behavior on the street: E. Yu. Kharchenko - St. Petersburg , Publishing group "Osn, 2014 - 48 p. Behavior safety rules: E. Sokolova, N. Nyankovskaya - St. Petersburg, Academy of Development, 2009 - 48 p. Rules of good behavior: V. A. Krutetskaya - Moscow, Litera, 2011 - 64 p. Subject dictionary in pictures. The world of man. LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Rules of conduct on the road: - St. Petersburg, Shkolnaya Kniga, 2013 - 32 p. Formation of a culture of safe behavior in children 3-7 years old: - St. Petersburg, Teacher, 2014 - 176 p.

MKOU "Secondary school

with. Bijan "



2017 Nov.

Instruction number 1



1. To the museum, to the exhibition:

  • Be calm, restrained.
  • Look carefully, listen, do not run randomly from one to another.
  • Don't touch anything without permission.
  • Don't talk loudly.
  • Don't forget to thank the guide.

2. To nature:

  • Take clean water for drinking and washing your hands.
  • Do not drink raw water from natural bodies of water.
  • Do not collect plants unknown to you, in no case take them in your mouth.
  • Don't litter nature.
  • Don't light a fire.
  • Don't break trees.
  • After the event, go straight home.
  • Observe the traffic rules.

1 . Walk on the sidewalk on the right side only. If there is no sidewalk, go along the left side of the road, towards the traffic.

2. Cross the road at the place where there is a pedestrian path or a traffic light. Cross the road to green light.

3. When crossing the road, look first to the left, then to the right.

4. If there is no traffic light, cross the road at the intersection. Cross the street straight, not obliquely.

5. Do not cross the road in front of nearby vehicles.

6. Games are strictly prohibited on the road.

7. Do not ride a bicycle on the road.

Instruction No. 3




- when working with a needle -

1. Always keep the needle in the needle bed.

2. Do not leave the needle in the workplace without thread.

3. Pass the needle in the needle bar and with the thread.

4. Do not put the needle in your mouth, do not play with it.

5. Do not stick the needle into your clothing.

6. Before and after work, check the number of needles.

7. Keep the needle bar always in one place.

8. Do not be distracted while working with the needle.

- when working with scissors -

9. Work with well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

10. Scissors should have blunt, rounded ends.

11. Do not leave the scissors open.

12. Pass the scissors rings forward.

13. Do not play with scissors, do not bring it to your face.

14. Use scissors only as directed.

Instruction No. 4



1. On the street it is indecent to talk, shout, laugh loudly.

2. You can not litter on the street: gnaw seeds, throw pieces of paper, candy wrappers, apple cores.

3. While visiting the cinema, do not make noise, run, or play games.

4. While watching a movie, it is indecent to interfere with the audience, clap chairs, whistle, stomp.

5. At the entrance to the hall and at the exit there is no need to rush or push.

6. Be polite.

Instruction No. 5



1. If on the street someone walks and runs after you, and it's far from home, run to the nearest crowded place: to a store, a bus stop.

2. If unfamiliar adults try to take you away by force, resist, shout, call for help: "Help! A stranger is taking me away!"

3. Do not agree to any proposals of unfamiliar adults.

4. Do not go anywhere with unfamiliar adults and do not get into the car with them.

5. Never brag that your adults have a lot of money.

6. Do not invite strangers home if there is no adult at home.

5. 7. Do not play after dark.

Instruction No. 6




It is prohibited:

1. Throw burning matches, cigarette butts indoors.

2. Carelessly, carelessly use fire.

3. Dispose of burning ash near buildings.

4. Leave the doors of stoves and fireplaces open.

5. Connect a large number of current consumers to one outlet.

6. Use faulty equipment and devices.

7. Use damaged sockets. Use electric irons, stoves, kettles without stands made of non-combustible materials.

8. Use electric cords and wires with broken insulation.

9. Leave heating stoves unattended.

10. Pluck in the socket with your finger or other objects.

11. Repair and disassemble electrical appliances ourselves.


1. Protect the house from fire.

2. In case of fire, call the fire brigade.

3. Use all available fire extinguishing media.

4. Give an alarm.

5. Meet firefighters and inform them about the source of the fire.

6. Know the fire escape plan.

7. Shouting and calling for help from adults.

8. Move by crawling or crouching if the room is heavily smoked.

9. Get people and children out of the burning room.

10. Throw a blanket over the victim.

Instruction No. 7



  • Before moving on ice, you need to make sure of its strength, tested by adults.

2. Follow the already laid path.

3. You should not go downhill on skis and sledges in an unfamiliar place with a cliff.

4. You should be especially careful near bushes and grass protruding on the surface; in places where the current is fast, where they flow wastewater industrial enterprises.

5. Do not forget the ice is thin in autumn and spring.

Instruction number 8



1. Swimming is allowed only in permitted places and in the presence of adults.

2. Do not dive in unfamiliar places - submerged logs, stones, driftwood may appear at the bottom.

3. You should not swim in wetlands or where there is algae and ooze.

4. Do not start a game where you have to "drown" each other as a joke.

5. Do not raise false alarms.

Instruction No. 9



2. Do not gaze into the dog's eyes and smile. Translated from "canine" it means "show your teeth", or say that you are stronger.

3. You cannot show your fear and excitement. The dog can feel this and behave aggressively.

4. Do not run away from the dog. By doing this, you invite the dog to hunt for the fleeing game.

5. Do not feed other people's dogs or touch the dog while eating or sleeping.

6. Avoid approaching large guard dogs. Some of them are trained to throw themselves at people approaching a certain distance.

7. Do not make sudden movements when handling the dog or the owner of the dog. She may think that you are threatening him.

8. Do not touch the puppies or take away what the dog is playing with.

9. If in a narrow place (for example, at the entrance) a dog comes towards you on a leash, it is better to stop and let its owner pass.

10. Animals can spread diseases such as rabies, lichen, plague, typhus, etc.

Instruction No. 10



  • The door can only be opened by a well-known person.

2. Do not leave the apartment key in a "safe place"

3. Do not hang the key on a string around your neck.

4. If you have lost the key, inform your parents immediately.

Instruction No. 11



  • Don't give the address or apartment number.

2. Never give your phone number (you can only answer "yes" or "no")

3. Don't enter into conversations with strangers.

Instruction number 12



1. The attendants go to the dining room 10 minutes earlier to set the table.

2. Go only in the ranks.

3. Before eating, be sure to wash and dry your hands.

4. Take your place.

5. Don't talk while eating.

6. Keep the table clean and tidy.

7. After eating, remove the dishes after you.

8. I finished eating before - wait for your comrades.

9. Return to the class in the ranks.

Instruction No. 13



1. Take a walk in the ranks.

2. Play on the sports ground.

3. Do not play with piercing, massive objects.

4. Don't push, don't trip.

5. Do not throw snowballs, stones, or various objects.

6. Go to the toilet only with the permission of the teacher, educator.

7. Enter the ranks from the street.

Instruction No. 14



1. Observe traffic rules (No. 2)

5. Observe the rules of conduct near water bodies during their pre-winter freezing, safety rules on ice (No. 7).

10. Beware of ice to prevent falls and injury

Instruction No. 15



1 . Observe traffic rules (no. 2)

2. Observe the rules of fire safety and handling of electrical appliances (No. 6).

3. Follow the rules of conduct in in public places (№4).

4. Observe the rules of personal safety on the street (No. 5).

6. Obey the rules of conduct when you are alone at home (# 10).

7. Observe the safety rules when handling animals (No. 9).

8. Do not play with sharp, piercing and cutting, flammable and explosive objects, firearms and cold weapons, ammunition.

9. Do not use drugs without a doctor's prescription, drugs, alcoholic beverages, do not smoke or smell toxic substances.

Instruction No. 16



1. Observe traffic rules (No. 2)

2. Observe the rules of fire safety and handling of electrical appliances (No. 6).

3. Follow the rules of conduct in public places (# 4).

4. Observe the rules of personal safety on the street (No. 5).

5. Observe the ice safety rules (# 7).

6. Obey the rules of conduct when you are alone at home (# 10).

7. Observe the safety rules when handling animals (No. 9).

8. Do not play with sharp, piercing and cutting, flammable and explosive objects, firearms and cold weapons, ammunition.

9. Do not use drugs without a doctor's prescription, drugs, alcoholic beverages, do not smoke or smell toxic substances.

10. Beware of ice to prevent falls and injury.

11. Do not play near buildings with snow and ice hanging from their roofs.

Instruction No. 17



1. Observe traffic rules (No. 2)

2. Observe the rules of fire safety and handling of electrical appliances (No. 6).

3. Follow the rules of conduct in public places (# 4).

4. Observe the rules of personal safety on the street (No. 5).

5. Observe the rules of safe behavior on the water in summer (# 8).

6. Obey the rules of conduct when you are alone at home (# 10).

7. Observe the safety rules when handling animals (No. 9).

8. Do not play with sharp, piercing and cutting, flammable and explosive objects, firearms and cold weapons, ammunition.

9. Do not use drugs without a doctor's prescription, drugs, alcoholic beverages, do not smoke or smell toxic substances.

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

1 slide

Slide Description:

2 slide

Slide Description:

3 slide

Slide Description:

Rules of conduct in the changing room Rules of conduct in the dining room. Rules of conduct in the library. Rules of conduct in the assembly hall and on the sports ground.

4 slide

Slide Description:

Rules of conduct in the locker room 1. When you come to school, be sure to change your shoes, take off your hat. 2. Hang your shoes and clothes on a certain (your) place. 3.Mittens, gloves, put in your pocket, hat - in your sleeve. 4. Hang your clothes neatly. 5. When you undress do not talk, undress quickly, do not disturb others. 6. I saw the fallen clothes - pick it up. 7. Be polite to your comrades, help others. 8. DO NOT FORGET YOUR THINGS!

5 slide

Slide Description:

Rules of conduct in the library. 1.In the library, keep order, be QUIET. Don't talk loudly. 2. Having entered, say hello to the librarian (Elena Stepanovna), and having received the book, be sure to say THANK YOU. 3. Take the book only with clean hands. 4. In the book, do not bend the corners, do not write with a pen, use only the bookmark. 5. If the book is damaged, "FOLLOW IT". Glue it up. 6.LIBRARY BOOKS TAKE CARE ESPECIALLY! KNOW that they are not just for you, but for many other children.

6 slide

Slide Description:

Rules of conduct in the dining room. It is necessary to enter the nighting room in an orderly manner. Don't push, don't scream. KEEP THE ORDER. Always wash my hands before eating. Don't talk while eating. At the table, do not indulge in bread, do not spin, do not bother your neighbor. TRY TO EAT EVERYTHING! Do not take buns, sweets, yoghurt, fruits out of the dining room. Eat everything at the table. Don't push your dirty plate towards your neighbor. After eating, slide your chair under the table. Clear the table if you are ONE DESK. Leaving, say thank you to those who fed you

7 slide

Slide Description:

Rules of conduct in the assembly hall. 1. On a holiday come in HOLIDAY clothes, tucked up, combed, in polished shoes. 2. Calmly, without disturbing others, take your place. 3. In the hall, do not shout, do not run, do not push, do not try to get ahead of your neighbor. 4. While waiting for the start of a holiday or concert, be patient. 5. As soon as the show is announced, stop talking, LISTEN and LOOK CAREFULLY. 6. Do not move from place to place until the end of the event. 7. Do not laugh if something does not go well on stage, some kind of awkwardness has arisen (for example, if the performer has forgotten the text, fell during the dance) 8. Do not forget to APPLAUSE! 9. After graduation, do not push, leave the hall EASY!

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Rules of conduct in the schoolyard. 1. See if there are any activities in the schoolyard during your walk, if you will not disturb the children with your presence. 2. On the playground, be careful: swings, sports equipment (stairs, horizontal bar ...) can be dangerous if mishandled. 3. Do not go to dangerous structures (transformer booths ...) 4. Play safe games with friends. DO NOT CLIMB on roofs, trees, fences. 5. Be FRIENDLY with your friends. It's more fun to play together! 6. Green space beautifies schoolyard... DO NOT RIP FLOWERS, DO NOT BREAK TREES! 7.If you ran to play in another yard, DO NOT FORGET TO WARN THE PARENTS.

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Rules of conduct at school 1. All school things should be in order, neatly packed in a portfolio. 2. We come to school ALWAYS ON TIME, WITHOUT DELAYS. 3. When entering school, do not push. Dry your feet thoroughly before entering. 4. When you enter the school, the class, you need to say hello first to the teacher, then to your comrades. 5. If you are late for class and enter the classroom after the call, you must ask the teacher for permission. 6. If an ADULT enters the classroom (teacher, director, parent ..) amicably, but QUIETLY and QUIETLY, they must stand up, welcoming the newcomer. You can sit down only after permission. 7. If the teacher asks a question to the class and you want to answer, do not shout out, but RAISE HANDS. You must also raise your hand when you want to ask the teacher something.

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