Safety presentation for primary school. Safety - presentations on the topic of safety at school, rules for the safety of life and the safe behavior of children on vacation, in the forest, with electrical appliances, in transport, on the road, free download

Never talk to strangers. If someone speaks to you, then do not agree to anything. Do not take anything from them and do not go anywhere under any pretext. Remember, a good adult will not ask a child for help. If they are trying to take you away by force, then shout “Help! This is not my dad, he wants to steal me! ”; If you are being pursued (an adult or a teenager), then never run away to deserted places, on the contrary, go to the bus stop, to the store, to the post office. Ask for help from a policeman (policeman), security guard, seller or just passers-by on the street. Always explain that these are not your parents, this is not your brother, but someone else is persecuting you; Don't talk to drunks, you'd better get out of that place as soon as possible; Do not go with unfamiliar guys to deserted places; If you see a parcel, bag or box on the street, do not touch anything, there may be a real bomb; Don't go for a walk without asking. When you go somewhere, always tell your parents the exact place and address. Do not walk yourself in the evening; If you are lost in a crowded place, wait, wait for your parents, if they are away for a long time, then go ask adults for help. Always try to contact a police officer, station attendant, salesperson, dispatcher, or security guard. Do not ask for help from suspicious adults of strange appearance and behavior;

Safe behavior at school,
in physical education lessons
Prepared by: teacher organizer OBZH Cherkasov K.P. g. Togliatti MBU No. 34

School Code of Conduct
School is a congestion place for large
the number of people.
And imagine if everyone here starts
behave as he pleases.
What, then, will the public
a place? In the forest!
To prevent this from happening, everyone
the student and his parents need
know all the rules of conduct at school.

rules safe behavior at school
1) Do not run along corridors and stairs, this is
unsafe! Such fast games, sooner or later
will lead to bruising or injury.
2) Take good care of school property.
3) Fights, harming others are prohibited
4) To protect the health of other students and
teachers, do not come to class with a high
fever, infectious and viral
5) Carrying weapons with you is completely excluded,
spray cans or sharp objects.

School cafeteria behavior
1) Each class attends the cafeteria at a specific
change so as not to destroy the order.
2) Do not come to the dining room without taking off your outerwear.
3) Conversation with classmates should be quiet and
calmly so as not to interfere with those who dine on
the neighborhood.
4) No need to run to the cafeteria, push everyone and
skip the line to the buffet, ahead of
5) Follow all the rules of conduct at the table.
6) Treat all employees with respect
school cafeteria.
7) Clean up the dishes after each meal.

1) It is forbidden to make noise, loudly
talk, litter in
library and reading room.
2) Return all on time
the literature you take
3) Don't harm books.

1) During breaks, students should
clean up their workplaces.
2) If the teacher asks everyone to leave the class,
students must leave the classroom.
3) It is forbidden to run along the corridors and classrooms.
4) You cannot be in the attic, in the kitchen, in
basement, in chemical and physical
5) It is impossible, without the permission of teachers, to disclose
windows or sit on window sills.
6) If your class is on duty, you should all
help maintain discipline on duty

You will start on duty from 7th to 11th grade and will be obliged to:
1) Help younger students to undress upon entering
school institution, check with them for replacement shoes.
2) Make sure that there is order in all dressing rooms.
3) Keep track of those areas of the school that are behind you
fixed. They must be clean.
4) Help teachers and school leaders organize
educational process.
5) After graduation educational process, everyone on duty
puts things in order at their sites and hands them over to his
class teacher or teacher on duty.
6) If one of the students violates discipline, the attendant does not
has the right to use physical force against him.

Introductory provisions of safety precautions in physical education lessons
1) During physical education classes, impact on
trainees of such factors: injuries when falling on a hard surface or ground,
injuries while in the throwing sector, injuries due to poor warm-up,
collision and rule violation injuries sports games or contact with
sports equipment. To minimize risks, you must adhere to
safety measures;
2) Only students who have passed
instruction on safe behavior techniques;
3) Only students who have
appropriate level of clearance from the medical institution and provided
teacher document;
4) Students who have full or partial exemption from classes in
physical education, must be present at the lesson.
5) After illness, students are required to provide the teacher with a certificate from
medical institution;
6) Students for physical education are required to have a clean
sports shoes and sportswear, which must be appropriate for the place
conducting classes. If the lesson is held outdoors, sportswear and
shoes must correspond to the current weather conditions;
7) It is forbidden to chew in physical education classes chewing gum or
eat food;
8) After physical activity, students should not drink cold water in order to avoid

Safety precautions in physical education lessons before the start
Students must change in the designated area for
these purposes in the room - the dressing room. Boys and girls
must change clothes in separate rooms. To class
the student must go out in sportswear and shoes;
Before the lesson, you must take off and remove from your pockets
all items that may be dangerous
when doing physical education - bracelets, rings, watches and so on
With the permission of the teacher, students can come to the place
conducting a lesson;
Before physical education lesson with the permission of the teacher
students can carefully prepare sports equipment;
After hearing the command, students must get in line to begin.
conducting a physical education lesson.

Safety instructions in the classroom
physical education during classes
It is necessary to listen carefully and strictly follow the instructions of the teacher
on safety measures in physical education lessons;
You can only perform exercises and take sports equipment after
appropriate permission from the teacher;
When performing a group short distance run, run only on your own track;
When running to minimize the risk of falling and collision after crossing
the finish line, the student should not stop abruptly;
You cannot jump on loose, slippery or uneven ground, and you also cannot
land after jumping on your hands;
Before doing throwing exercises, you need to make sure that there is no
sector of throwing people or foreign objects. You also can't stand to the right.
close to the thrower, is in the throwing zone during the exercise and walk behind
shells without the teacher's permission;
When exercising, follow the appropriate safety precautions:
keep distance, avoid unauthorized falls, collisions, etc.
Pupils are forbidden to unauthorized change the trajectory of movement, do
dangerous movements or throwing of objects, exercises on the uneven bars and
a crossbar with wet palms, indulge in and interfere with the lesson;
In case of deterioration of health or injury, the student must immediately
stop exercising and inform the teacher about it.

Class hour"Me and my safety"

Extracurricular activity school injury prevention

Slide 2: Look at the pictures. What do you think the kids in these pictures are doing wrong? How, in one word or one phrase, to describe what is happening in the pictures? (Expose themselves to danger.)

What kinds of hazards do they expose themselves to? (road, fire, electric, water). Are there other types of hazards? (radiation, chemical, ice, etc.)

A hazard is a situation that poses a threat to the health or life of a person.

Our task is to avoid threats, to know what can threaten us, our health.

There can be many threats in life, but we will discuss those that may lie in wait for us at school.

Slide 3: Poem by B. Zakhoder "Change". How many rules did Vova break?

What are the places in the school where something could threaten your health?




    School plot

    Any lesson

Slide 4: Students are divided into three groups, each group is offered a situation (Appendix 1), after considering which they answer the questions:

    Where do you think this situation could have happened?

Slides 5 - 9: Each group expresses its opinion, formulate a rule of conduct for a given situation.

Slide 10: Task for groups - to draw signs prohibiting or permitting, which could hang in different locations in the school hallway.

Slide 11

View presentation content
"Me and my safety"

Me and my safety

Class hour

for students of grade 5



fire department


B. Zakhoder "Change".

He set up three steps (Vaska, Kolka and Seryozha), rolled somersaults, sat astride the railing. Famously plopped off the railing, got a slap on the head. Immediately gave someone back, He asked to write off the tasks - In a word, he did everything he could! You can't keep up with Vova! Well, here - again the call. Vova weaves into class again. Poor! There is no face on it. Look how bad he is! - Nothing, - Vova sighs, - We'll have a rest at the lesson.

"Change, change!" - The call is filled. Vova will certainly be the first to fly out of the door. Flies out of the door - Seven knocks down. Is it really Vova, Dozing the whole lesson? Was it really Vova Five minutes ago he couldn't say a word at the blackboard? If he, then, undoubtedly, With him - a big change! He managed to redo a bunch of cases in five minutes:

School safety

Read the suggested situations and answer the questions:

  • Where do you think this situation could have happened?
  • What rules of conduct have been violated?
  • How could injury be avoided in such a situation?

Situation 1

Zina, 12 years old, was walking up the stairs. The boy pushed her in the back. Diagnosis: "Fracture of both bones of the left leg."

When going down and up the stairs, be careful, do not push, do not run.

Situation 2

Vera, 10 years old, forgot her sports shoes. Therefore, I began to study in sports hall in regular shoes. As she ran, she slipped and twisted her leg.

It is necessary to engage in physical education lessons only in sports uniforms and shoes.

Situation 3

The guys cleaned up their site on the street. Someone threw a rake into the grass. Masha, did not notice them, stepped on, severely injuring her foot.

When working outside, watch your tools and do not drop them on the ground.

Situation 4

A student of the 6th grade, processed a part, holding it in a vice. After finishing the work, he abruptly threw the handle of the vice and nailed his finger.

When working with tools, be careful and careful, do not make sudden movements .

Situation 5

Kolya stopped writing a pen, he asked for a spare from a friend who was sitting

a few desks from him. He threw the pen to Kolya, but missed and hit Kolya's neighbor in the eye.

During the lesson, do not drop pens, rulers, etc.

Task for groups

Draw signs, similar to the road, allow and prohibit, that you can hang in the school.

  • What did we talk about today?
  • What concepts did you work with?
  • What safety rules have been repeated?
  • What conclusions did you make?

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

1 slide

Slide Description:

2 slide

Slide Description:

3 slide

Slide Description:

Safety of schoolchildren on the road Cross the street only at pedestrian crossings; Do not cross the street at a red light, even if there are no cars nearby; Crossing the street, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle, to the right; Never run abruptly onto the road and do not play near the road; Always walk on the sidewalk, and if not, walk along the side of the road towards traffic.

4 slide

Slide Description:

Safety rules for children on the street Never talk to strangers. If someone speaks to you, then do not agree to anything. Do not take anything from them and do not go anywhere under any pretext. Remember, a good adult will not ask a child for help. If they are trying to take you away by force, then shout; If you are being pursued (adult or teenager), then never run away to deserted places, on the contrary, go to the bus stop, to the store, to the post office. Ask for help from a police officer, security guard, seller or just passers-by on the street. Always explain that these are not your parents, this is not your brother, but someone else is persecuting you; Don't talk to drunks, you'd better get out of that place as soon as possible; Do not go with unfamiliar guys to deserted places; If you see a bundle, bag or box on the street, do not touch anything, there may be a real bomb; Don't go for a walk without asking. When you go somewhere, always tell your parents the exact place and address. Do not walk yourself in the evening; If you are lost in a crowded place, wait, wait for your parents, if they are away for a long time, then go ask adults for help. Always try to contact a police officer, station attendant, salesperson, dispatcher, or security guard. Do not ask for help from suspicious adults of strange appearance and behavior;

5 slide

Slide Description:

Fire safety and protection from electricity Do not play with fire. Lighter, matches, sparklers are not toys for children; When leaving the house, check and turn off electrical appliances and gas; Don't light a fire without adults; Do not use the stove on your own in the village; Do not use electrical appliances with wet hands, do not pull on the cord when pulling out the plug from the socket. Do not use damaged electrical appliances and spark plugs; Do not dry anything over a gas stove; Do not place foreign objects on a hot stove or powered-on electrical appliances;

6 slide

Slide Description:

Fire Conduct A small fire can be extinguished by covering with a blanket or other dense cloth. You can also pour water on it or cover it with sand. Do not pour water if electricity is nearby; If the fire is big, you must immediately leave the room, take all the children with you, call adults and call the fire department 01 (with mobile phone the number depends on the operator); In case of fire, do not use the elevator - it is dangerous; If you can't escape, call for help through the window, call the fire department; Do not hide in the room, it will be difficult for the firefighters to find you; If you are choking on smoke, sit on the floor there for less smoke.

7 slide

Slide Description:

Safety rules for children at home Heavy, sharp and cutting objects should always be hidden in their places. Be careful when using a knife; When leaving their homes, always check that the water is closed; Never touch exposed live wires; Do not take medication on your own without direct instructions from adults; Try to touch less household chemicals (dishwashing detergent, washing powder, etc.), if any chemicals get into the eye, it should be immediately rinsed with cool water for at least 20 minutes; If you warm your food, then be careful not to burn yourself; Always wash your hands before eating.

8 slide

Slide Description:

Gas safety rules Do not leave the gas stove unattended. Always turn it off after use; If there is a smell of gas in the house, immediately open windows and doors to let the gas escape; Under no circumstances turn on the light or fire while there is gas in the house, there may be an explosion; If you can, then check the gas valve on the stove, if it is open, then close it; Inform adults and gas service 04; Leave a room with a strong smell of gas until it disappears.

9 slide

Slide Description:

Children's safety on the Internet Never share your data or the data of your parents (address, phone number, passwords, etc.) with anyone on the Internet. Nobody has the right to demand them from you. If someone asks for them, call your parents or leave this site; Do not go without your parents to any real meetings with virtual friends from the Internet, instead of friends there may be bandits; Do not download any programs from the Internet yourself, they may contain viruses; If you accidentally hit a bad site, then close it immediately. There are many good sites on the Internet, use them.

10 slide

Slide Description:

Children's personal safety at home Never open the door to strangers. Even if you are told that it is from the police or a plumber or post office. Do not open the door to any stranger; If any stranger tries to open the door of your house, call the police immediately. As a last resort, you can open a window and call for help from neighbors or passers-by from the street; When you are at home yourself, it is better not to pick up the phone, but if you pick up someone else's voice and asks if your parents are at home, tell them that they are at home, but they are busy and cannot come up. Let the caller leave their phone number and the parents will call back later; Do not believe that someone came to you or brought something at the request of your parents, if they themselves did not say so.

11 slide

Slide Description:

Child safety in winter Do not walk without adults on river ice, it can break; Be careful on slippery surfaces so you don't fall. Try never to fall on your back, it is better to fall forward and lean on your hands; Remember to dress well and cover your ears, head and throat so as not to get frostbite and catch a cold; Walk away from the walls of houses so that snow or icicles do not fall on top of you; Do not touch the icy metal, especially with your tongue you can freeze; Don't throw snowballs in your face, don't throw pieces of ice; Skiing, ice skating and sledging can only be done in safe designated areas. Don't ride near roads; Cross the road very carefully. In winter, the road is slippery and it is difficult for the car to stop.

12 slide

Slide Description:

Rules of conduct in the locker room 1. When you come to school, be sure to change your shoes, take off your hat. 2. Hang your shoes and clothes on a certain (your) place. 3.Mittens, gloves, put in your pocket, hat - in your sleeve. 4. Hang your clothes neatly. 5. When you undress do not talk, undress quickly, do not disturb others. 6. I saw the fallen clothes - pick it up. 7. Be polite to your comrades, help others. 8. DO NOT FORGET YOUR THINGS!

The main task of adults is to ensure the safety of children. And it doesn't matter at all where they will be: at school or at home, in the forest or on the road, in a car or on a train. Children receive their first safety lessons at school. Presentations on child safety should be shown in every class so that students from grades 1 to 11 know that many emergencies can be avoided by knowing how to behave.

You got class and steel class teacher, so it is already necessary to download a presentation on the topic of safety at school, at home, on the street, in transport. For a long time, this topic was considered the most difficult in planning the educational process. Children are bored of sitting at their desks and listening to safety instructions. Everything changed with the arrival of school life IT. Now the safety precautions, painted on the slides of the presentation, arouse the child's interest. He not only listens, but also remembers, takes an active part in the discussion of situations.

Our collection has presentations on safety for all classes and on any topic. For kids, you can download a presentation on safety at school, rollerblading and cycling in the form of fairy tales with pictures and music. In middle grades, presentations on safe behavior guidelines may be appropriate. non-standard situations, when taking hostages, in the woods. High school students, getting acquainted with safety rules, strive to learn something new. It's time to download presentations on safety and security systems that are used in the world.

Life is not only full of joy. Sometimes there are so many surprises in it, but it is the presentations with safety lessons that will save someone's childhood life when trouble comes from somewhere or warn of meeting with this very trouble.

Do not think that child safety is the primary concern of parents. They have no special education, and some simply do not assume that it is necessary to talk with a child about such topics. But the teacher has the opportunity to download for free from the site any presentation on the topic of safe behavior at school, electrical safety, personal safety of children and reveal to them little secrets of preserving their own lives.

The danger should bypass the children, but she will not touch them only when her students know by sight. Let each presentation on such a topical topic as safety be in demand for the teacher at the beginning of the school year, and on the eve of the holidays, and on the eve of any holiday, and not only when the school informs about the next accident.

In addition to this section, presentations on safe behavior can be downloaded free of charge in the sections Traffic rules, Fire safety, Terrorism, Railway.

Every school needs to be safe. The presentation tells how to ensure safety at school for children not only in the classroom, but also in the locker room, library, cafeteria, gym, school area. Download a presentation on the topic of safety within the walls of the school in order to warn children about the dangers that occur due to their carelessness or carelessness.

As soon as the third quarter comes to the end of spring, the teacher should download a free presentation on Spring Break Safety Practices. It can also be used at the end of the school year to give instructions at the classroom hour or life safety lessons for students. primary grades according to the rules of safe behavior in the summer. Free presentation on safety measures during spring and summer holidays - happy adventures of children without injuries and accidents.

Leaving a child at home alone is always scary. The presentation for children on the topic "Safety at home" contains fascinating advice from the wise Owl, who tells how to use the elevator, how to behave if a stranger rings the doorbell or on the phone. The presentation for children in grades 1, 2 or preschoolers claims that your safety, as a child, at school and at home depends on yourself.

A 16-slide presentation for children on Road Safety explains the dangers when entering the roadway and how they can be avoided. Observing all the safety rules on the way, the road to school and to friends, to the store and the library will be completely safe.

Electric jokes have never been good. A presentation for children on the topic of electrical safety, talks about the rules for handling electrical appliances at school and at home. In addition, the presentation drew attention to the rules of conduct near transformer booths, near power lines.

A presentation on the “Rules of Safe Conduct” will save the lives of children, the slides of which tell about safe behavior in the forest, when crossing the street, when an unfavorable environmental situation arises in the region, or even when terrorists take hostage children. These presentation slides, which can be downloaded for free, do not scare children, but teach basic safety rules in and out of school. Children's life depends on the fulfillment of such rules. The presentation contains all the rules of safe behavior from A to Z.

The presentation on the topic "Safety rules for children" will warn our nimble and restless students from accidents on the roads and streets, will answer the question of why you need to follow safety rules in the train and car, as well as when rollerblading. These topics are so exciting for children that each slide of the safety presentation will elicit a hail from children and will be remembered for a long time.

The Safety Lesson presentation teaches children how to behave in Everyday life... They seem to be simple, but you need to know them, because they inform about the risks leading to a tragedy. You can download a safety lesson with a presentation for primary school, as the material is fascinating and contains many illustrations.


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