Optimism metaphors. Life-affirming positive statements for every day: phrases with meaning. Calmness is stronger than emotions. Silence is louder than a scream. Indifference is worse than war

An optimist lives with meaning, a pessimist bury it.

People who know life are not prone to optimism.

Pessimism is a mood, optimism is a will.

Not everything is as bad as it seems - much is much worse.

Optimists can be wrong too, but always successful.

An optimist is a pessimist who takes antidepressants.

Optimism and pessimism differ only on the exact date of the end of the world.

Life threatens the pessimist with death, the optimist with eternal memory.

Women are more optimistic than men, which is why they live longer.

Playing chess with himself, an optimist is happy that he has won, and a pessimist is upset that he has lost.

New aphorisms about optimism

Laugh to tears - for optimists and pessimists.

Popular New Optimism Sayings

From bad optimist chooses good.

Only two-faced optimists say that life is easy!

When humanity no longer produces happy people, it begins to produce optimists.

Only pessimism can be more foolish than optimism.

If all goes to waste, try using it as a building material.

To be optimistic, you have to be a terrible cynic.

A pessimist sees dirt in a puddle, a realist sees water, an optimist sees a reflection of the sky.

Optimism does not tell you to live long, but promises.

The pessimist was drowned in disbelief that a straw could save, and the optimist was drowned in faith in its salvation.

Genuine optimism rests not on the conviction that everything will be okay, but on the conviction that not everything will be bad.

An optimist cannot be surprised by good news.

A pessimist is someone who will not get out of the bath when the phone rings.

It was already better.

What is generally considered optimism is nothing more than a natural or acquired ability to see things in a rosy light.

If the pessimists are still unhappy, then I don't know what else they need!

Instructive New Aphorisms about Optimism

A pessimist, faced with a choice between two types of evil, chooses both.

Believing that fools don't think is the most dangerous form of optimism.

Every person contains the germ of pessimism. To know and judge life, there is not even a need to live a lot - it is quite enough to suffer too much.

On a silver tray, the pessimist expects to find nothing but the bill.

The loop broke again, but the young man did not despair - he was a great optimist.

Not a single pessimist has yet penetrated the secrets of the stars, has not discovered an unknown land and has not opened new heavens for the human spirit.

Optimist: a young man who is in a hurry for a date, fearing to be late.

The pessimist thinks that the whole world is against him - and his come true.

An optimist looks for strengths in weaknesses, and a pessimist for weaknesses in strengths.

I am a pessimist in my observations, but an optimist in my actions.

The pessimist draws the worst out of the bad, and the optimist the best.

Reasonable pessimism inspires optimism.

What is optimism? "-" Alas, "said Candide," it is a passion to assert that everything is good when in reality everything is bad. "

We'll get back on our feet! In extreme cases - on four legs.

A pessimist is one who speaks the truth prematurely.

Pessimism is the name given to wisdom by people with weak nerves.

Depression is when an air castle fell and crushed its creator.

Optimism is an antidepressant.

We are all willing to believe in others for the simple reason that we fear for ourselves. Optimism is based on pure fear.

You need to borrow money from pessimists. They know in advance that they will not be given back.

From each position there is a way up and a way down. The optimist sees only the first way, the pessimist only the second.

Very good - not good either.

Optimism is the religion of revolutions.

Cool new optimism aphorisms

Optimists think their wives are faithful, pessimists know it.

Incorrigible optimism promises unexpected sympathy.

True optimism ... consists in striving for a realized ideal ...

Being positive means looking positively at the negative!

We prefer to think well of others because we are terribly afraid for ourselves. Our optimism is based on insane fear.

Youthful pessimism is a real illness of youth.

I came to the conclusion that an optimist thinks everything is good except a pessimist, and a pessimist thinks everything is bad except himself.

A pessimist is a person who thinks that everyone is as bad as himself and hates them for it.

Psychiatrists are the first to see shifts.

The pessimist thinks it couldn't be worse; an optimist - what could be worse.

An optimist is a person who is so confident in success that he simply does not need him.

Everything can be better, but everything can be worse, therefore, everything is fine.

If you want to be an optimist, don't look into the future.

The future is when the most optimistic forecasts of the pessimists begin to come true.

From optimism, everything around falls asleep with a wondrous, sweet dream, sleep well and soundly, sleep like your ancestors sleep in their graves.

Various new aphorisms about optimism

Sixty years ago (in 1905), "optimist" and "fool" were not synonymous.

Traditionalists are pessimists about the future and optimists about the past.

There is no such misfortune that a true pessimist would not bring to his head.

It has never happened so, so that it never happened.

Pessimism ... has always seemed to me not only sophistry, but stupidity, and, in addition, the stupidity of bad taste. I always want to say to a pessimist: "if the world is not for you, do not flaunt your displeasure, leave it and do not bother others."

Optimist: A person who believes in everything he reads on the dust jacket of a new book.

Pessimism is when knowledge outweighs faith, and optimism is when faith outweighs knowledge.

He was an optimistic pessimist.

No matter what position people are in, they can always find comforts and inconveniences.

The strong have a right to be optimistic.

An optimist is someone who is friends with.

To become a good predictor, you just have to be a pessimist.

I fell to my knees - somehow you will get up yourself or a friend will raise you, lost heart - no one will help.

There are people who like to think that bees sting than that they are giving honey. Emil the Meek

A pessimist, faced with a choice between two types of evil, chooses both. Oscar Wilde
An optimist is one who, between two troubles, always makes a wish! :-)

An optimist is one who always sees the good, even the bad. A pessimist is one who has not yet felt the fullness of life.

An optimist is a person who knows exactly how bad the world can be; and the pessimist reopens it every morning.

The optimist claims that we live in the best possible world; the pessimist fears that this is true. B. Cable

Optimists differ from pessimists in that the former are convinced that there is no death, and the latter that there was no life. Boris Krutier

Optimism is the will to be happy. Ilya Shevelev

They can because they think they can. Maro Publius Virgil

Optimism does not tell you to live long, but promises. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

I believe in good luck.
I believe in my mind and that
Even if I pay
I won't give up for nothing

I fell to my knees - somehow you will get up yourself or a friend will raise you, lost heart - no one will help. Veselin Georgiev

An optimist is a person who is so confident in success that he simply does not need him. Emmanuel Adolphe Essard

An optimist looks for strengths in weaknesses, and a pessimist for weaknesses in strengths. Valery Afonchenko

Optimism is the luxury of great people. Louis Aragon

An optimist is a person who buys a wallet with his last money ...

An optimist is one who sees not crosses in the cemetery, but pluses.

Optimists consider falling from a ladder to be flight. Konstantin Kushner

An optimist looks at everything bad with hope, and a pessimist doubts everything that is good. Valery Afonchenko

The pessimist draws the worst out of the bad, and the optimist the best. Vadim Mozgovoy

The pessimist punishes himself, the optimist rewards himself. Ilya Shevelev

The optimist wins the enemy in dreams and is fast asleep satisfied. The pessimist, fighting in dreams with the enemy, suffers defeat and then suffers from insomnia. Valery Afonchenko

For an optimist, hope dies last, to be the first to rise from the ashes. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Pessimism does not give people anything, but it takes away a lot. Erian Schultz

Often in difficult life situations, pessimism takes away the remains of courage. Alfred Adler

Optimists can be wrong too, but always successful. Unknown author

Never give up. Lowering your arms, you will sooner stretch your legs. Konstantin Kushner

When the roof over your head collapses, optimists grab the roof, pessimists grab their heads. Mikhail Mamchich

An optimist sees opportunity in every danger; a pessimist sees danger in every opportunity. Chinese wisdom

A pessimist is a person who thinks of others as darkly as he thinks of himself, and hates them for it. George Bernard Shaw

If you want to become an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe yourself and delve into it. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

An optimist is a former pessimist whose pockets are full of money, his stomach is working perfectly, and his wife is out of town. Helen Rowland

I am a pessimist in my observations, but an optimist in my actions. Antonio Gramsci

Realism is cautious optimism: I don't believe it, but I hope. Leonid Krainov-Rytov

Indulging in regrets and fears, we lose the only eternity in which a person can be absolutely sure - the eternal Present. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Accept everything when it comes to you, enjoy everything while it lasts, let go of everything when it should go.

Optimist statuses. How to become an optimist and why: quotes, poems, aphorisms, sayings.

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The future is a mirror without glass.
Xavier Fornere.

Optimism is when you do not wash the dishes in the evening, hoping that in the morning there will be more hunting for it.

An optimist is a man sitting on a tram trying to get to know a blonde woman standing next to him.
Salami Kozhersky.

The optimist claims that we live in the best possible world; the pessimist fears that this is true.
B. Cable.

The future is something that each of us is approaching towards at a speed of 60 minutes per hour.
Clive Lewis.

The future will be black.
James Baldwin, Negro American writer.

The future cannot be foreseen, but it can be invented.
Denis Gabor.

The future must be constantly called out of nothingness, the past comes by itself.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

The future has already arrived.
Robert Young.

The future is no longer what it used to be.
Paul Valerie.

The future is hidden even from those who make it.
Anatole France.

Future events cast their shadows back.
Thomas Campbell.

To be optimistic these days, you have to be a terrible cynic.
Milan Kundera.

To see clearly is more often than not to see in black.

Everything plays into the hands of the pessimist; nevertheless, the pessimist always loses.
Jacques Chardon.

We all live off the future. Not surprisingly, he faces bankruptcy.
Christian Friedrich Goebbel.

Things are not as bad as they seem. Things are much worse.
Bill Press.

All our life we ​​do nothing but borrow from the future in order to pay off the present.
Moses Safir.

Twice two is four, and it will be even better.
Henrik Jagodziński.

If it is true that humanity learns from its mistakes, a bright future awaits us.
Lawrence Peter.

If everything is so good, then why is it so bad.
Vaclav Vislitsky.

If you see a light at the end of the tunnel, then you are looking in the wrong direction.
Barry Commoner.

If you are still capable of disappointment, then you are still young.
Sarah Churchill.

If you don’t think about the future, you will not have it.
John Galsworthy.

Knowing the past is unpleasant enough; to know also the future would be simply unbearable.
Somerset Maugham.

Of all the hopes in the end, only one remains - for the remission of sins.
Alexander Yasitsky.

Some of those who are afraid to look the future in the eyes do not suspect that the future can show them their butt.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Those who live in hope risk starving to death.
Benjamin Franklin.

It was already better.

The world belongs to the optimists, the pessimists are just spectators.
Francois Guizot.

We'll get back on our feet! In extreme cases - on four legs.
Henrik Jagodziński.

We hope approximately, but we are afraid for sure.
Paul Valerie.

On a silver tray, the pessimist expects to find nothing but the bill.

Hope is the only blessing that cannot be fed up.
Luc de Vauvenargue.

Nadezhda is the mother of fools, which does not prevent her from being a wonderful mistress of the brave.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Hope - good breakfast but bad dinner.
Francis Bacon.

Hope is a calculation of probabilities that is written with feathers from the wings of angels.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Hope is more often than not a delayed disappointment.
Walter Barton Baldry.

Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and accomplishes the impossible.

Hope feeds on people.
Slavian Trotsky.

Hope, do not lose people!
Urshula Zybura.

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
English proverb.

We must hope until the last minute. But you can stop at the last minute.
Don Aminado.

We need decrepit memory and young hopes.
Arsene Yousse.

There are no dark times, there are only gloomy people.
Romain Rolland.

Not everyone knows how to dance to the music of the future.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

Not that the world has gotten much worse, but the coverage has gotten much better.
Gilbert Chesterton.

Uncertainty is a refuge of hope.
Henri Amiel.

You cannot live with hope, and you cannot live without hope.

There is nothing more pleasant than the disappointment of pessimists.
Jerzy Gasiński.

Never trust the future - it has nothing to do with trust.
André Chanson.

Optimism is a caricature of hope.
Gilbert Sesbron.

Optimism and pessimism differ only on the date of the end of the world.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

An optimist is one who believes that the future is uncertain.

An optimist is a person who knows exactly how bad the world can be; and the pessimist reopens it every morning.
Peter Ustinov.

An optimist is always able to see good side in the misfortunes of your neighbor.

The optimist claims that we live in the best of worlds, while the pessimist fears that this is the absolute truth.
James Cabell.

Psychiatrists are the first to see shifts.
C. Indoor.

Before the past - bow your head, before the future - roll up your sleeves.
Henry Louis Mencken.

Pessimism is a mood, optimism is a will.

A pessimist is someone who finances an optimist.

A pessimist is a well-informed optimist.

The pessimist thinks that the whole world is against him - and his expectations come true.

The pessimist thinks it couldn't be worse; an optimist - what could be even worse.

The pessimist claims that all women are whores, while the optimist hopes so.

Pessimist: A person who burns bridges in front of him.

Genuine optimism rests not on the conviction that everything will be okay, but on the conviction that not everything will be bad.
Jean Dutour.

The situation is good, but not hopeless.

Remember, five times out of six, the light at the end of the tunnel is the light of an oncoming train.
Paul Dixon.

After us, even a flood.
Marquise de Pompadour.

Save your pessimism for a rainy day!
Wieslaw Brudziński.

Optimism should be spent sparingly so that it will last until the end of the year.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

This is not about foreseeing the future, but about creating it.
Denis de Rougemont.

The most disappointed people in the world are people who got what they wanted.

A too bright future is impractical.
Gennady Malkin.

The future is hard to avoid.
Oscar Wilde.

It is difficult to foresee anything, especially the future.

Hope has eyes as big as fear.
Zinaida Gippius.

We have everything best views for all the worst prospects.
Janusz Vasilkowski.

Alas, the future never comes - the present is always around us.
Vladislav Grzegorchik.

If the pessimists are still unhappy, then I don't know what else they need!
Maxim Zvonarev.

X is an eternal optimist. With this he pleases all modes.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

The current truth and one's own experience tell a person that he does not change; but his heart stubbornly tells him every day that everything can still change.
Karol Izhikovsky.

It would be nice to arrange collective food points of hope.
Lech Konopinsky.

Worst of all, we are prepared for the worst.
Janusz Vasilkowski.

The more reckless the hope, the more durable it will be.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach.

What is pessimism? The result of a collision of two different optimisms.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

To see the light at the end of the tunnel, you have to dig all the time.
Boris Krutier.

Sixty years ago, “Optimis? and “fool? were not synonymous.
Mark Twain in 1905

I'm interested in the future because I'm going to spend the rest of my life there.
Charles Kettering.

I never think about the future. It comes quickly enough.
Albert Einstein.

If all goes to waste, try using it as a building material. (Vladimir Kotikov) ()

Lack of mood is compensated by presence of mind. ()

A pessimist is an optimist who has attended a bureaucrat's reception. ()

The optimist's hopes, dying, reappear .. ()

The drowning optimist is happy that the sea was up to his knees. ()

Pessimist? This is a person who thinks that everyone is as bad as himself and hates them for it. (George Bernard Shaw)

The future is when the most optimistic forecasts of the pessimists begin to come true. (Boris Krutier)

If you want to become an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe yourself and delve into it. (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)

An optimist is always able to see the good side in the misfortunes of a neighbor. ()

The optimist wins the enemy in dreams and is fast asleep satisfied. The pessimist, fighting in dreams with the enemy, suffers defeat and then suffers from insomnia. (Valery Afonchenko)

An optimist is a former pessimist whose pockets are full of money, his stomach is working perfectly, and his wife is out of town. (Helen Rowland)

Pessimism is a form of mental alcoholism, he rejects healthy drinks and is addicted to the intoxicating wine of denunciation; it plunges him into painful despondency, from which he seeks salvation in an even stronger intoxication. (Rabindranath Tagore)

A pessimist is a person who solves a crossword puzzle with a pencil, an optimist with a pen. ()

Genuine Christianity abhors pessimism and inertia. (Jacques Maritain)

The optimist claims that we live in the best possible world; the pessimist fears that this is true. (B. Cable)

Sobriety does not add optimism ... But - the legs, and the head is also in place. (Evgeny Skoblov)

Cautious optimism: I don't believe it, but I hope. (Leonid Krainov-Rytov)

The pessimist says: the glass is half empty, and the optimist ... drinks it. (Dmitry Arkadin)

The pessimist says: the glass is half empty, and the optimist ... adds to the full. (Dmitry Arkadin)

Reasonable pessimism inspires optimism. (Gennady Malkin)

An optimist looks for strengths in weaknesses, and a pessimist for weaknesses in strengths. (Valery Afonchenko)

Optimists can be wrong too, but always successful. ()

Laugh to tears - advice to optimists and pessimists. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)

Many have become pessimists by funding the optimists. (C.T. Jones)

A pessimist, faced with a choice between two types of evil, chooses both. (Oscar Wilde)

Not everything is as bad as it seems - much is much worse. (Mikhail Genin)

It has never happened so, so that it never happened. (Yaroslav Hasek)

Cool statuses of optimists

TO When life cracks, the optimist steps over it, and the pessimist falls into it!

TO an irpich that once fell on your head must be used as a step to climb higher ...

D For an optimist, life is not a problem, but a solution.

M ir belongs to the optimists! Pessimists are just spectators!


E If someone offended you - don't sulk, don't get angry.
Come, crack in the face, step back and smile!

E another bad news for pessimists. According to the latest Dutch research, optimists live longer.

E If they spit in your back, then you are ahead!

NS Positive thinking is when you fell down the stairs and you think: "Wow ... How quickly I came down!"

WITH The most optimistic person is the one who buys the most luxurious and largest wallet with the last money

E If life is fucking with you ...
So she gets up ...
So she likes you ...
So why are you soaring !!!

O the ptimist is the one you send ... and he damn it, he'll come back refreshed and with a fridge magnet ... bastard

O ptimists differ from pessimists in that the former are convinced that there is no death, and the latter that there was no life.

NS I didn’t know what they were saying about me, I would never have thought that I live so interestingly!

E If you want to get what you never had, become what you never were.

WITH Thank you for the lesson! The rake passed ...

V chera in the alleyway hooligans beat the optimist half-life.

T let yourself dream.
And draw a dream beautifully.
And say to yourself again:
"It will be. I decided so."

E If the streak of your life suddenly turned black, take a closer look, most likely it's white, just covered in chocolate.

WITH in different ways different people perceive the falling rain. Optimists, for example, believe that nature is crying, but pessimists - that she is just blatantly pissing on their heads.

NS the mouth will tell me
All the trains are gone
And it's too late to expect something from life ...
And I will answer - this is nonsense !!!
There are also ships and planes!

O A ptimist is a person who, even having fallen on his face in the mud, is sure that it is curative!

- M you are surrounded!
- Shut up! Now we can attack in any direction!

O the ptimists can be wrong too, but always successful.

O a ptimist is a pessimist after a glass.

N and the reply: "I will kill the bastard!", I calmly answer: "In the queue!"

F life is beautiful! .. and do not care that this is not true!

O ptimist is a man sitting on a tram trying to get to know a blonde woman standing next to him!

N I can not humor
Life is so difficult.
Better to walk crazy
Than with sour, cloudy mug ...

NS dreams come true for optimists! And pessimists have nightmares. !!

NS rivet the rake, haven't seen each other for a long time.


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