Scenarios for arts and crafts. "Exhibition of arts and crafts" Mosaic of childhood ". The script for the opening and closing of the exhibition. Initiation into the master

Scenario for the opening of an exhibition of arts and crafts and technical creativity

Fanfare sounds

Concert number on stage

Vedas: Good afternoon, dear teachers, guests, guys! Today we are opening another door to the world of children's creativity and craftsmanship.

This exhibition is a real carousel, united into one whole by the unearthly fantasy of the authors - children living with the dream of beauty and goodness and joy.

2013 in Kuzbass was declared by Aman Gumirovich Tuleyev the year of artisan - a man of labor. And who is a master?This is a person who has achieved high art in his business, who invests ingenuity in his work, creativity, making objects unusual and original.

Today, young masters under the guidance of talented teachers experience real creative joy, because what they have done with their own hands will give others the joy of meeting with hand-made beauty. What you do with your own hands is a real miracle, a real fairy tale.

Dear Guys! _______________ addresses you with words of greeting


Veda : Dear friends! Sings for you _____________________________________

Nolik : We are not allowed to show ourselves to people.

Simka: But the guys have such a holiday today. Let's congratulate them.

Nolik: Come on.

Music from the cartoon "Fixies" sounds, heroes come out - fixies

Simka: Hello guys!

Nolik: Do you recognize us?

Simka : We are fixies. I am Simka

Nolik: And I'm Nolik.

Simka A: Usually people can see us as simple cogs, but today we used our fiximeter to increase our height and meet you.

Nolik : guys, you are so great! So many wonderful exhibits and handicrafts were presented at the exhibition in different techniques.

Simka : We really wanted to meet those who, with their little hands, made such beauty that pleases everyone.

Guys, we have prepared a surprise for you.

Nolik: we will sing for you our favorite fix and show you our secret sign "Tydyysch"

fixie "Tydysh"

Simka : now you know our secret sign, which, we hope, will help you to work hard in the future, create wonderful crafts, participate in competitions, exhibitions.

Nolik: guys, we are real masters. We fixies take care of the equipment from the inside, clean, lubricate, repair it.

Simka : And you work hard, step by step turning the craft into a fabulous miracle.

Nolik: When something is done well, they say that it is done with a soul.

Simka: masters put a piece of their soul into each of their works, and it becomes a real work of art. Your wonderful work occupy a worthy place at the exhibition, and we invite everyone to a hand-made fairy tale.

Nolik : We invite everyone to see the exhibition.

Instrumental music sounds.

Position:additional education teacher.

Place of work: Municipal state-financed organization additional education

"House of Children's Art", Altai Territory, the city of Biysk.

Scenario of the opening of the exhibition of arts and crafts "A thread of magic".

Exhibition children's creativity is carried out as a kind of report on the awareness of the role of art and their creativity, as a result of the work performed with the display of the achievements of children;

Target: creating conditions for the emergence and development of children's interest in creative activity.


Formation and development of the creative potential of children;

Development of communication skills;

Creation of conditions for the awareness of children belonging to a creative team, community;

Creation of a festive mood.

Active education and the formation of aesthetic tastes;

Targeting: for children 9-11 years old studying in the children's association "Lotos" arts and crafts for the second - third year.

Musical accompaniment: song "Beauty lives everywhere".

Organizing time: guests, parents, children gather in the exhibition hall of the House of Children's Creativity No. 1 - the music “Beauty lives everywhere” is played.

Technical equipment: sound equipment

Characters: Marya the artisan, brownie Kuzya.

Conditions and features of implementation:

The decoration of the exhibition (invitation cards, decoration of the hall with creative children's works), musical accompaniment, the skill of teachers, their speech, the ability to communicate with the audience. The exhibition is held in the hall of the House of Children's Art №1. (the song "Beauty lives everywhere" sounds, Marya the artisan comes out to the center of the hall with the housewife Kuzya.)

Marya the artisan:

Hello good people,

Guests are invited and welcome!

I am Marya the artisan - patroness

All artisan people.

Glory to the great creators!

Kind, eternal, clear!

We glorify creativity,

We invite you to the exhibition!

And this (points to Kuzya), the keeper of our House of Creativity - Kuzya the Brownie.

(referring to Kuza).

Look, work is a feast for the eyes.

Straight to everyone, to the surprise

This is the beginning of the exhibition.

After all, we have a lot of work,

It's time to take a look at her.

Here is a wonderful moment

Folding weaving threads,

And hearts and flowers

All work is full of soul.

Friends take a look at the wall

Flowers bouquets have blossomed

The sheets of paper were opened, all in reality, and not in a dream.

Marya the artisan:

Friends, the floor is given to the owner of the exhibition hall, head of the department of arts and crafts, Tatyana Anatolyevna Erovikova.

Tatiana Anatolyevna:

Hello guys! Hello dear guests!

Each exhibition of folk art is always a discovery, a discovery of the world of beauty and wisdom. It is important for every child to feel like a creator, to discover the world visual arts, design, folk culture, learn to see the beauty of the surrounding nature. Today we are opening an exhibition called "A thread of magic".

Marya the artisan:

Kuzya, do you know from whose magic hands the beauty around? These are the works of children from the children's association "Lotos". And she taught from everything - a very talented teacher Kashinskaya Elena Valerievna, she has the floor.

Elena Valerievna:

With this exhibition, we open another door to the world of children's creativity and craftsmanship. This exhibition is a real carousel, united into one whole by the unearthly fantasy of the authors - children living with the dream of beauty, goodness and joy. Now we will introduce you to the exhibition works and tell you about them, and the children from my children's association will help me with this.

We offer you the works performedin the "Thread applique" technique. Amazing stuff - threads! Whatever they do with them: they sew, knit, weave: carpets, tapestries, panels; embroider pictures of amazing beauty.

Shmyrina Polina:

We have found another use for the leftover threads from weaving and knitting - these are amazing applications in which threads are used as dyes. Products made using thread applique technique look original, the methods of working with it are simple and provide endless possibilities for creative self-expression.

Ataeva Alexandra:

The need for this technique arose after working on products using the "macrame" technique - there were many scraps of threads of different colors. It was decided to master waste-free production and use the leftover threads in the work. The thread applique technique is very interesting, fascinating, accessible to people of all ages.

Machikhin Maxim:

At our exhibition you can see works made using paper. Probably impossible to find that sphere human activity wherever we use paper.

Elena Valerievna:

Paper , ideal for kids' creativity. Kids like to tinker with paper, because you can create all sorts of crafts from it, and it's completely easy to do this. Among the especially popular types of children's creativity are paper crafts - aapplications, prefabricated structures, original crafts in the form of all kinds of figures. You can see this in the works of "The Little Mermaid", and "Cheerful Octopuses".

Lyapina Sophia:

Most interesting to work with corrugated paper... The first mention of paper goes back to 1856 in Great Britain, where paper was used as a lining for hats. Unusual use of corrugated paper, isn't it? And we used paper to create flowers, "Crocuses", "Daffodils", "Roses", "Carnations", "Sunflowers". During the work, amazingly beautiful flowers turned out, the result, at times, exceeds all our expectations! The birth of a masterpiece from paper is always an event!

Elena Valerievna:

Macrame- one of the most popular types of needlework. Macrame is the whole world!

Bulakhova Ira:

This is the composition "Friends", hanging toys - animals, jewelry - pendants, key chains.

Morozova Victoria:

Jewelry and other macrame products are a fashionable accessory and can be a great gift for yourself and your loved ones.

Elena Valerievna:

We present two more works made in the macrame technique, using painting on fabric. Awakening, Symphony of Autumn. Fog".

Glazkova Anastasia:

A knot from the inside out, a knot from the face, -

Where is it prettier - in the beginning? from the end?

The look repeats the pattern of the threads, -

Heard of the heart is an even major.

Miracle! - from linen fibers - IVA

What wonderful twists

On the bark around the hollow!

And under the willow, how beautiful

Golden tints

The branches are succulent in an arc

Leaned over the water

Like a green waterfall;

Leaves furrow the water. Miracle!

Novokreschenova Christina:

Slender delicate stem,

Very unusual -

This is a lily flower,

Excellent among all.

Symbol of nobility,

Symbol of beauty,

Respect the lily

Flowers of the whole earth! Miracle!

They say together: All this, however, is in a magical land, -

With the name of the loud "Scourge Macrame".

Elena Valerievna:

Almost every day we throw away plastic bottles, disposable tableware, all kinds of boxes, tubes, old markers, newspapers. And we hardly think about the fact that a lot of this garbage can get new use, becoming the basis for an original children's handicraft or an exciting toy. Young craftsmen are constantly looking for new methods of material processing and experiment as often as possible. Only then will the children be able to fully experience real creative joy, and much of what they have lovingly done with their own hands will bring the people around us the joy of meeting man-made beauty. After all, what the guys are doing is great. These are the works created by Polina Savintseva.

Savintseva Polina:

I have done two jobs using newspaper tubes,"Miracle - Bicycle", and "Romantic Flowers. Callas ". I did not throw out the newspapers or burn them, but gave the opportunity to continue living in crafts and give everyone around you the joy of watching. These works are presented in a showcase.

Elena Valerievna:

And the following technique will be presented to you Shpilevaya Valeria:

My older sister

Knits in the morning.

She can't sleep even at night:

Hides knitting needles and a hook under the pillow,

My older sister

Knits in the morning.

All day he does not eat, does not drink,

Somewhere the thread gets out.

Grandma comes home -

No fringed headscarf!

Where is grandfather's vest?

And the vest is gone!

Blouse - no collar!

Everything in the house is ripped open!

What is this technique called? Correct knitting.

At the exhibition, his works in crochet technique presented by my elder sister Shpilevaya Anastasia. These are "Knitted Hearts", "Angel".

Elena Valerievna:

A large number of activities in the association take the execution of workin the pom-pom technique.

The pompom has gained great popularity not in our time, but much earlier.The pom-pom was a very popular element of the military uniform. For example, in the military uniform of the Russian army of the 18th century, pompons were considered one of the insignia. By their color it was possible to distinguish a non-commissioned officer from a soldier. The soldiers had one-color pom-poms, while the non-commissioned officers had two-color. And French sailors used pom-poms on their headdresses for a completely different purpose. Previously, ships had cramped spaces with low ceilings, and a pompom protected the sailor's head from hitting their ledges. Now the ship's premises have become more spacious, but the tradition of using a red pom-pom on the white caps of French sailors has survived to this day. You can see the following works using a pompom - this is a doll - a young lady, a fairy, and works in display windows.

Savintseva Varvara:

Bright, funny toy pom-poms,Decorating the little girl's room!Mischievous eyes, laughter - like a bell,Yes, I myself am like a pink pompom!

Zhupikova Maria:

Velvet threads gently tickled the handle,Pom-poms were jumping in an easy, fast carnival.Colorfully glowed with bright colors

Elena Valerievna:

I am glad to see you all at the opening of our exhibition and I hasten to tell you good news. Today, for the first time, a sympathy bureau operates here, where you can give your preference to one or another job. You need to get a token in the form of a ball of happiness and put it in a basket with the name of the work that attracted your attention. The office is located on the right side of the exhibition hall. Dear guests! And also do not forget to leave your wishes in the Guestbook.

The needle is thin, but it reaches the heart

And the one who sews the wondrous pattern, And the one who, from the works of a skilled craftsman, cannot get an admiring gaze.

Centuries live in pictures and kerchiefs, And in luxurious beaded necklaces, Given once to grandchildren, daughters, Imperishable features of simple needlework.

Soul and hands create masterpieces, Yes, they simply decorate our lives.

For the miracle of creativity, wasted nerves Bow deeply to skillful hands.

The children and the teacher bow.

All together: Thank you for your attention!

The guests begin to view their creative works.

Photo report from the opening of the exhibition.

"Dolls"- pom-poms, work with threads "Horseshoes"- newspaper tubes, work with threads "Animal toys"- macrame technique "Friends"- macrame technique

"The Little Mermaids, Octopus"- work with cardboard "Rybki" - paper plates

« Keychains and pendants "- macrame technique Knitted hearts "-"Crochet"

Flowers are made using corrugated paper.

Works in the "macrame" technique

"Horseshoe - amulet" decorative plaster, craquelure, ceramics

Works in the "thread applique" technique

"Hedgehog and his friends" "Merry bunny" "Misha - accordion player

"Mouse Peak" "Dog Bug" "Carloson on the Roof"

Festival of Children's Arts and Crafts


Developed by teachers:



Explanatory note

The content of the fair is based on folk arts and crafts. This event introduces students to folk arts and crafts, with its origins by the method of integrating fine arts and technology. Learning the works of folk art, children learn the wisdom of the people, their spiritual wealth, kindness, love of life, faith in justice, the need for conscientious work, respect and respect for a person.

Goals :

o Promotion of folk crafts and crafts, awakening interest and familiarizing students with folk culture, arts and crafts, understanding its origins;

o Fostering respect for the history of the peoples inhabiting our country, fostering national identity;

o Formation of artistic taste, aesthetic sense;

o Development of independent artistic activity, fantasy, creativity;

o Consolidation of skills in finishing products

Demo material:

Exhibition of creative works of children, performed in the lessons of fine arts and technology, circle and extracurricular activities: drawings, embroidery, clay toys, painted boards, etc .;

a computer presentation made by the teachers leading the lessons;

Products of folk arts and crafts;

Literary series:

Folk legends, poems, sayings of Russian writers, poets, artists, historical information.

Musical row:

Music by Tchaikovsky ("Waltz of the Flowers"), folk songs, folk music, old Russian songs, ditties.


Demonstration screen, projector, stands, cubes, tables, tape recorder. Blanks made of wood, cardboard, clay, made in advance in the classroom; brushes, gouache, palette, jars of water, rags.

Fine art teacher:

The people's census - mesenteslov calls December as follows: jelly, cold, fierce. Closing the year, he mends the winter - on the cold ground he “spreads white canvases”, “he consoles the eye with snow”, “paving and blocking” the rivers ...

Everything in the life of the people is connected with nature. Craftsmen noticed everything, and expressed their love and worship of nature in creativity, in products of applied art.

People sum up the results of the whole year by December: how they lived, how they worked, how much good they did to the world.

All December they waited for the bright Christmas of Christ - they were preparing for it.

The phonogram of the song "Ah Samara - town" sounds, matryoshkas sing ditties:

1 matryoshka:

We are nesting dolls, we are girlfriends

We get up early in the morning

The three of us sing ditties

And the three of us are dancing.

2 matryoshka:

We are nesting dolls, we are sisters,

We're small bbw

How do we go dancing and singing-

You won't be able to catch up with us.

3 matryoshka :

And we don't need cribs

Because at the hour of the night

We sleep together

We sleep together

We all sleep

One into the other.

Dancing, the girls come up to the stand with matryoshka dolls painted at the lessons, showing them to the audience.

"Golden Khokhloma"

The soundtrack of the song "Kalinka-Malinka" is played. A boy comes on stage, in a suit buffoon:

The sun rises bright

The people are hurrying to the fair.

And at the fair there are goods:

Bochata, spoons, samovars,

Suppliers, sockets, bowls.

Buy our khokhloma!

Admire my product,

Just don't haggle!

Gilded spoons

Twisted patterns.

Swoop in, swoop in

Buy, buy!

No more beautiful products

Our Khokhloma!

Behind him comes a boy in a suit with a story peddler:

For a long time, they have been making and painting dishes in the forest villages of the Volga region of Semino, Khryashchi, Razvodino, Novopokrovskoe ...


And where did the name of the dishes come from - Khokhloma?


Here's how it happened. ... The loaded carts are rolling along the narrow river Uzola. Knock-break! - rattles the wooden goods. They take him to the large village of Khokhloma, to the fair. From there, bowls and spoons will scatter like firebirds around the world.

Who needs utensils for porridge-okroshka?

A wonderful dish, yes, cups and spoons!


Where are the dishes from?


She came to you herself, golden khokhloma!

Fine art teacher:

And so it happened - Khokhloma and Khokhloma. That is the name of Khokhloma painted utensils to this day. The first products appeared in the second half of the 17th century. How did it start, this amazing Khokhloma art?

The "fabulous" music sounds, a girl in a kokoshnik and a sundress, decorated with a Khokhloma, takes on the stage, "Russian beauty":

Old people tell different stories. They say that a long time ago a cheerful peasant-craftsman settled in the forest beyond the Volga. I set the hut, set the table and the bench, cut out the wooden dishes. I cooked millet porridge and did not forget to add millet to the birds. The bird Heat somehow flew to his doorstep. He gave her a treat. The Bird Heat touched a cup of porridge with a golden wing, and the cup turned golden.


This, of course, is a legend, a fairy tale. ... And the beginning of gold painting is traced back to village masters - painters. They wrote on wooden boards, covered them with linseed oil, heated them in an oven, and the oil film turned into a golden varnish. Then they began to gild the dishes in this way.

Fine art teacher:

At first, the dishes were made from linden. Then, they covered it with liquid clay so that the wood would not absorb the paint, extinguish it. They dried it, dipped it in boiled linseed oil and warmed it up in the oven. Then, they rubbed the bowl with aluminum powder, from which the dishes began to sparkle with gold.

And now you can paint ...

Russian beauty:

A thin brush of the artist ran along its walls and bottom, red and black curls were drawn in a pattern. A blade of grass curls, whirls, and berries or flowers peep out of it. And even birds with lush tails.

Fine art teacher:

Masters especially fell in love with two types of painting - "horse" (red and black ornament on a gold background) and "sub-background" (golden silhouette of an ornament on a colored, black or red background).


What a strange and funny word from Khokhloma. In him you can hear laughter and delighted oh! And enthusiastic ah!


Golden Khokhloma!

And rich and beautiful

Russian beauty:

I am glad to see the guest from the bottom of my heart.

Cups, cups and ladles ...


And what is just not there:

Russian beauty:

Bunches of fire rowan trees

Sunny summer poppies.

And daisies of meadows.

Children come up to the stand with Khokhloma products, show them to the audience, and enter the hall accompanied by cheerful folk music.

At this time, the results of the painting of toys are summed up, children talk about their plans, demonstrate toys; viewers share their impressions - did they like the toys painted by the children and why.


"Waltz of the Flowers" sounds, a girl in a dress with Gzhel motives enters the stage - 1 presenter:

Blue birds across the white sky

A sea of ​​blue flowers

Gold hand goods.

Blue fairy tale - a sight for sore eyes,

Like drops in spring

Caress, care, warmth and creation-

Russian voiced gzhel.

2 leading:

In a certain kingdom, in the Russian state, not far from Moscow, among the forests and fields, there was the town of Gzhel. Once upon a time, there lived and were brave and smart, beautiful and skillful craftsmen. They found wonderful white-white clay in their native land, and decided to sculpt different dishes out of it, but such that the world had never seen.

They saw in nature rare beauty a combination of white and blue and caught fire with the idea of ​​transferring the sparkling play of blue to the white surface of a vase, to a slender jug ​​or a simple mug. They drew different patterns from nets, stripes, flowers. The dishes turned out to be very elegant. People fell in love with her, and they began to call her "soft blue" miracle.

1 presenter:

The history of Gzhel porcelain goes back to the 17th century, when one of the first ceramic factories was built. The ancient town of Gzhel is still alive to this day. The grandchildren and great-grandchildren of famous craftsmen work in it, continue the glorious tradition, mold and paint amazing Gzhel dishes. They glorified their beloved land all over the world, told everyone what skillful craftsmen live in Russia.

Today "Gzhel Association" produces various products. These are sculptural compositions, sets of dishes, objects that decorate everyday life. As before, painting is done only by hand. Therefore, the created piece is unique and keeps the master's handwriting.

Girls - presenters sit down near "their" stands with gzhel.

Music by Georgy Sviridov "Snowstorm", "Waltz" sounds, teachers of fine arts and technology appear.

"Final word"

Technology teacher:

Be attentive to everything that surrounds you!

Fine art teacher:

Be able to discern a blade of grass in the field, a twig in the forest, a jumping squirrel, the glitter of silvery water and the last ray of the outgoing sun.

Technology teacher:

And most importantly - do not overlook the kind person. And if, out of everything that you see, you get the image of a wonderful casket, a fabulous vase or a funny clay animal, try to remember this image.

Fine art teacher:

You will meet him more than once in folk art, as an old friend. Love the world around you, and your heart will fill with joy.

The cheerful fair song "Nigrysh" sounds, all the participants of the fair come out,

They join hands with the teachers and bow to the audience.

Our fair is closed until we meet again.

Opening ceremony of the exhibition of arts and crafts "Carousel of Masters"

House of Creativity
The foyer of the House of Creativity is decorated with works by the studio. At the entrance to the 1st floor, a tape is stretched.
(Against the background of the melody of the song "Fair" from the repertoire of V. Leontyev, the words of Skomorokh Foma sound in the recording.)
Attention! Attention! Attention!
A fun party is opening!
Make yourself at home, don't hesitate
Take a walk through our fair!
Go right - there will be fun!
Go left - a lot of laughter and din!
You will have time to rest and shop,
While the guests are gathering.
Come in, honest people,
The peddler calls everyone!
(On the street there is a fair-sale of handicrafts of arts and crafts of the House of Creativity, students of the vocational school; at the guests' service there is a photo studio, an ice cream parlor, riding on typewriters, a buffet.)
(Skomorokh's words are replaced by barkers.)
1.Hey, mistress-craftswomen,
You hurry to us soon.
Disassemble everything you need
Do not spare money, a trifle.
Everything for the kitchen,
Don't look, but buy.
Anything you buy will come in handy
And it will remain for a long time.
2 hey fashionistas are beauties
Here, here soon ..
You will like it,
Buy it soon:
Wallets, boxes,
Beads and earrings,
Rings and bracelets.
We will like everything,
Wear it now.
3. Honey bagels,
Pood pies,
Swoop in and push
Take out the nickels as soon as possible!
4. And here are the balls-sudariki,
5. Red, blue - choose any!
6. Children for fun,
To the peasants for a laugh!
5.Children's gifts,
Beautiful and bright!
Fly in, choose
6.Honey gingerbread! Buy, buy!
Afanasy Nikitin also praised!
There are teeth - you gnaw yourself,
But no - ask your neighbor!
7.Do not pass us by
Look at the crafts.
All crafts are top class,
They will surprise you today!
Choose, take!
The fair is closing.
Business time, fun - an hour!
I invite you to the exhibition!
(In front of the entrance to the House of Creativity, the children of the folklore ensemble perform a song.)
Dear people!
The exhibition has been waiting for you for a long time.
Follow me all
And take your friends with you.
(Music sounds. The buffoon escorts the guests to the steps in the foyer, where they are met by Marya the artisan with her retinue, children with bread and salt.)
Marya the artisan:
Hello good people,
Guests are invited and welcome!
I, Marya the artisan, the patroness of all artisans, welcome you to the opening of the Carousel of Masters exhibition.
We, guests, welcome you all
With a white, lush loaf.
He's on a painted platter
With a snow-white towel.
And we also bring salt,
Bowing down, we ask you to taste.
Our dear guest and friend,
Take the bread out of your hands.
(Marya the artisan passes bread from the hands of children to the hands of the guests. A song is played by the children of the folklore ensemble.)
Marya the artisan:
Kind people!
Let me introduce you to the mistress of the House of Creativity ... (full name of the director). She had a great honor - to say good words to our craftsmen and to open the exhibition.
(Speech by the director of the House of Creativity. Fanfare. Ceremonial ribbon cutting.)
Marya the artisan:
Dear guests!
Now you can view the exhibition of our craftsmen, get acquainted with the creators of beautiful drawings. These are landscapes, and still lifes, and fabulous plots, beloved by the studio, made by the children of the fine arts studio together with the director ... (full name). This year they have mastered the new kind work - making homemade books. Each of them is unique. Everything from creating a shape and choosing a font is the imagination and creativity of the guys themselves.
The key to successful creative activity lies in the stability of this team, in the ability of the guys to work harmoniously in one team.
Yes, I won't get tired of repeating
The studio should put "five"
For this miracle of miracles,
(to guests)
But there is a question for you.
Let's listen carefully
We will answer all diligently.
Who is the youngest exhibitor?
Who will find the answer in the picture,
He will receive a prize from the bag.
(A melody sounds. Viewing artwork.)
Come on in, kids! It's time to play the prize! Is there a brave one among you? Who will give me the answer now? (Answers. Rewarding. If there are several correct answers, the buffoon takes out a tape of paper from his bag, on which is written "applause")
Marya-artisan: Well, work is a feast for the eyes, Straight to everyone's surprise. This is the beginning of the exhibition, because we have a lot of works.
It's time to take a look at her.
Marya the artisan:
Well, friends, let's continue our journey.
But I think first
We will delight guests
Songs that are more fun.
(A song performed by the studio is playing.)
Thank you for the song,
And we are in a hurry to the exhibition.
(They go up to the 2nd floor, where they are met and greeted by the Brownie Kuzya.)
Hello, Maryushka is a girl!

I am glad to see you all at our exhibition and I hasten to tell you good news.
Today, for the first time, a sympathy bureau operates here, where you can give your preference to one or another direction. You need to get a token and put it in a basket with the name of the direction that attracted your attention. The office is located on the right side of the exhibition hall.
Dear guests!
Do not forget to leave your wishes in the Guestbook.
(A song is played by a children's folklore ensemble, after which Marya the artisan introduces the guests to the directions of the House of Creativity. Kuzya and Skomorokh walk around the exhibition with the guests. After Marya the artisan tells about the directions of the House of Creativity, Kuzya runs into the stage with a joyful squeal.)
Oh guys, here's my safe
I have completely forgotten
That he stands on the stage ...
I’ll see what’s in it.
(Takes letters from the safe.)
How many certificates and awards!
I kept them all.
And today is just right
Read them out for you.
(Marya the artisan reads out the certificates she received in a year.)
Marya the artisan:
Let it be open
All the years in a row
The door of this safe
For new rewards!
(Applause. Song performed by the soloist of the folklore ensemble.)
Marya the artisan:
Dear guests!
You all visited our exhibition,
You said your impression of her
And we would like to know today
What can you tell us about this.
I invite to the stage the head of the educational and methodological department of the Ural center of folk crafts and crafts ... (full name)
(Speech by the guest of honor.)
Marya the artisan:
I wonder what the impressions are ...
(full name of the guest of honor.)

(Guest speech. Fanfare sounds.)
Marya the artisan:
The hour of comfort is coming
We congratulate everyone today:
Who made crafts, And who taught them this.
This teacher's talents are limitless, And all work is different from others,
We believe that her success will soon await,
In patchwork creativity will conquer us all.
Marya the artisan:
… (Full name of the teacher)! We ask you to take the stage with your students. The director of the House of Creativity (full name) is invited to receive the award.
... (teacher's name) is a jack of all trades,
You don't know boredom with him at all.
He creates from the skin
What suits everyone.
Be it earrings, necklace -
Everything is admirable.
So go to victory for you
To the glitter of praise and orchestral brass!
Mary-artisan:…. (full name of the teacher) and his students!
... (teacher's name) - a craftswoman,
Knows old and young
Her merits are often spoken of.
Stuffed Toys
Drive everyone crazy
Sew their children
And she herself.
Marya the artisan:
… (Full name of the teacher) and her guys!
… (Teacher's name)!
Your labor girls
They will ascend to feat,
After all, no costumes.
Blouses, sundresses
They won't live even five minutes
Like no bows, combs and pockets.
They thank you from the bottom of their hearts
You, masters, are promised in chorus,
That everyone will sew an outfit for themselves,
They have been dreaming about for many years.
Marya the artisan:
… (Full name of the teacher) we are waiting for you on stage!
Decent growth,
Kind look.
She is a master, they say.
He knows a lot in his business
And teaches girls
To embroider on typewriters,
And decorate outfits.
Everyone is stubbornly repeating about her:
"Here is a second mother for us."
Marya the artisan:
… (Full name of the teacher) and her girls!
Design is still so new to us
That even words are missing.
But even this may be the beginning,
We know a lot about teachers.
They create and create comfort,
After all, this is their work.
And we are sure that macrame
And hand embroidery
Worthy of all praise on May 16.
Marya the artisan:
… (Full name of the teacher) with their students!
Attract to yourself -
... (teacher's name) a rare gift,
I'm not the only admirer of her charms,
And as an artist creating the opening day,
She shows us aerobatics.
Marya the artisan:
… (Full name of the teacher) with your own stars!

Scenario of the grand opening of the Mosaic of Childhood applied arts competition.
Elena the Wise sits on a chair at the table, grieves, looks at the mirror and says:
Elena the Wise: Well, is this life? Well, that's it, I can't. I can do whatever I wish. I cannot afford to refuse anything. I really don't know what to do with all my omnipotence? There is no life from him. That's what you are silent! You're a talking mirror !!!
Mirror: Elena the Wise, well, what are you missing: beauty, clever girl, I will do whatever you want, whatever you want, just tell me. Do you want some overseas treats?
Elena the Wise: I don’t want to, we have eaten many times!
Mirror: Do you want ringing and cheerful songs ???
Elena the Wise: Come on, I'll have some fun.
Elena the Wise: Well, of course, but I've already seen that too !!!
Mirror: Come on, multi-colored silks?
Elena the Wise: I don't wantuuuuuu !!!
Mirror: And pearls, diamonds ???
Elena the Wise: I don't wantuuuuuu !!! Everything has already happened, and I have already seen food from overseas and silk and gems and from abroad !!! Well you magic mirror, Think of something. I want it, I don’t know what !!! I want something new, interesting, unknown, I want to please people, and not sit in an empty place and look at you from morning to night!
Mirror: I know one wonderful miracle, fascinating occupation.
Elena the Wise: What is this wondrous miracle ??? Want Want want!!!
Mirror: This miracle is wondrous - it is called needlework. With your own hands you can do whatever you want, make the most beautiful and one-of-a-kind things.
Elena the Wise: Mirror, darling teach me, teach me, I want people to be useful, to create beauty !!!
Mirror: Oh, and decorative and applied art is difficult. And come on - let's call Marya the mistress, she knows a lot about this matter !!!
Elena the Wise: Maryushka is a master, come sister, teach me how to create.
Marya comes out - the artisan
Marya the artisan:
Hello good people,
Guests are invited and welcome!
I, Marya the artisan, the patroness of all artisan people, greet all of you!
Elena the Wise: Maryushka is a master, I heard that you master a miracle, which is called needlework? Teach me, show me what this miracle is!
Marya is an expert: And you know Elena - Wise, I will invite you to such an unusual, magical country, where all dreams come to life, where children work miracles with their own hands. And this place is located in the Center for Children's Creativity. There, just now, a big holiday is underway: an exhibition of applied artisans - craftsmen.
Elena the Wise: Oh, how great, come on, come on, come on.
Scrolls around themselves twice and stops.
Marya is a skilled artisan: here he is all honest people! Well done - craftsmen, we welcome you at the opening of the exhibition of decorative and applied art "Mosaic of childhood".
Let me introduce you to the owner of the Children's Creativity Center, Galina Arkadyevna Khramtsova. She had a great honor - to say good words to our craftsmen and to open the exhibition.
Words by G.A.
Marya the artisan: dear participants and guests of the exhibition! Do you know well the attributes of applied art? Now Elena Prekrasnaya and I will check it out!
Elena the Wise: I know a lot of riddles, and now I’ll ask them for you.
I'm fluffy, soft, white,
There is a tail, but I'm not a cat,
I often jump resiliently
I'll roll under the dresser too. (Ball of thread)
Everything is within the power of the brave sisters -
At least socks, but at least a jacket.
They can do everything in the hands of the skilled
There is no obstacle to them in anything. (Spokes)

Slender girly
With a shaggy head
Bathing in the rivulet
And - jump to the bank-Whatman! (Brush)

Red, blue, gold,
Tell me, what else?
Yellow, white and green
Silver and burgundy ...
Yes, the sheet is not enough for me,
To show ... (colors)

They are similar to pencils,
Colored, and in the box too.
You write them on a piece of paper,
Asphalt, walls and board.
Easy to use,
Made of wax ... (crayons)

We drew an octopus
There was a lot of work.
So that an even octopus comes out
And in order to catch everything in a lesson,
The teacher gave out silhouettes
Said octopuses are.
I circled the silhouette in the album,
Drew eyes on it.
He turned out to be beautiful.
And we outlined ... (template)
We release a wall newspaper,
In the classroom - creative courage.
We write, paint, compose.
It will be useful to us ... (gouache)

Gold color, black, red -
In the painting of others there are no paints.
Dishes in birds and flowers,
Cups, dishes in strawberries.
Did you recognize the painting, kids?
Of course, this is ... (khokhloma)

If there is a field and a river in the picture,
Or mountains, forest and clouds,
Or our wooden house,
We will name the picture ... (landscape)


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