Biology slides. Presentation on the topic "biology - the science of life". What do they have in common

Plan 1. Biology as a system of sciences 2. The significance of biology among other sciences 3. A brief history of the development of biology 4. Research methods in biology 5. Definition of the concept of "life" 6. Properties of living 7. Levels of organization of living matter 8. Diversity of living organisms

Biology as a system of sciences Biology is the science of life (from the Greek.bios life, logos science) a system of sciences about living organisms, their structure, life processes, the relationship between themselves and the environment, origin, diversity, patterns of development studies the patterns of life and development of living beings belongs to natural sciences

Biology - This is a set of sciences about living nature From the Greek. "Bios" - "life", "logos" - "science. Subject of her research. Variety of manifestations of life: The structure and functions of living organisms, natural communities; Their origin and distribution; Connections with each other and inanimate nature. The variety of manifestations of life: The structure and functions of living organisms, natural communities; Their origin and distribution; Connections with each other and inanimate nature.

3. The emergence of ancient states (Greece, Rome) Systematization of knowledge about man, plants, animals Aristotle Theophrastus Galen Described about 500 species of animals. Created the first system of their classification. He laid the foundations for comparative anatomy. He believed that living matter arose from the inanimate "Father" of botany. Described the different organs of plants. He laid the foundations for the classification of plants. He believed that living matter arose from inanimate. Outstanding Roman physician. The "father" of medicine. Described human organs. He laid the foundations of human anatomy. The basis for the development of European biological science, did not change until the 8th century. AD

Aristotle (384–322 BC) Galen (AD) Theophrastus (372–287 BC) Prominent scientists of ancient Greece

4. The period of the Middle Ages (V-XV centuries AD) Slowdown in the development of biology, the predominance of religious views on the creation of matter by God Biology developed mainly as a descriptive science. The accumulated facts were often distorted. Alchemy was developed.

5. Renaissance period (XVI-XVIII centuries AD) Development of biological science, study of the structure and functions of various biological objects Robert Hooke (1635-1703) The invention of the microscope, the introduction of the term "cell" Anthony van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) Observed unicellular organisms, blood cells, spermatozoa Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778) Introduced the term "species" Founded modern taxonomy Created his own classification of plants and animals Introduced Latin names of species, genera (binary nomenclature) Described over 7500 plant species and about 4000 animal species

6. Creation of cell theory and development of evolutionary ideas (XIX century AD) A sharp surge in the development of biology, the struggle between materialistic and idealistic views on the origin of matter Theodor Schwann (1810-1882) One of the authors of the cell theory (Schleiden and Virchow) Jean- Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829) The author of the first evolutionary doctrine Charles Darwin (1809–1882) The author of the first evolutionary theory Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) Introduced the term “ecology”. Laid the foundations of phylogeny

7. "Genetic" period (since 1900) The predominance of materialistic views, the discovery of the laws of heredity and variability Hugo de Vries (1848-1935) The term "mutation" Karl Correns (1864-1933) Re-discovered and confirmed Mendel's laws William Betson (1861- 1926) The term "genetics" (1908) Thomas Hunt Morgan Chromosomal theory of heredity Watson and Crick The structure of DNA (1953) Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)

Definition of the concept of "life" LIFE Aristotle: "Nutrition, growth and aging" Treviranus: "Monotony of processes with a difference in external influences" Modern understanding: "A special way of existence of organisms, important factors which is metabolism with environment and self-reproduction "... this is a process of reproduction and evolution, which occurs due to the ability to remember acquired characteristics. Modern definition:" This is a special form of motion of matter, qualitatively higher than physical and chemical forms, an elementary form of existence of a species and a unit of evolution "... these are living bodies that exist on Earth are open self-regulating systems built from biopolymers of proteins and nucleic acids. Engels: "Life is a way of existence of protein bodies ..." Pavlov: "Complex chemical process»

Properties of the living Unity chemical composition... Cellular structure. Discreteness and integrity. One principle structural organization... Nutrition, respiration, excretion Metabolism and energy. Self-reproduction. Self-renewal. Self-regulation Heredity and variability. Growth and development. Irritability and movement. Adaptability Rhythm

Levels of organization of living matter MolecularCellularOrganizationalPopulation-specificBiogeocenoticBiosphere Boundary between living and nonliving (molecules, atoms) Cell - a structural unit of living The level of a whole organism Species - a unit of evolution The system "living organisms + abiotic factors" All living organisms of the planet and their environment

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CLASS INSECTS (over 1 million species)





The internal structure of the insect

In a diving beetle in a bumblebee in a walrus in an ant in a grasshopper in a bear lice PAN SHAPES

Insect development with complete transformation: 1 - eggs, 2 - larva, 3 - pupa, 4 - adult insect. Insect development

Insect development


Larvae of different insects

Insect development with complete transformation: 1 - eggs, 2 - larva, 3 - pupa, 4 - adult insect. Insect development with incomplete transformation: 1 - eggs, 2 - larvae, 3 - adult insect.

SIGNIFICANCE OF INSECTS In nature: Links in food chains. Participate in soil formation (soil insects) Participate in the cycle of substances in nature. Plants (bees, butterflies, etc.) pollinate in human life: Positive meaning: Obtaining various products (honey, wax, silk, medicines, bee products, etc.) Pollinating cultivated plants Destroying insect pests (ants, dragonflies, riders , ladybugs, etc.) Aesthetic value (butterflies, beetles, dragonflies, etc.) Use in medicine and cosmetics (bee products)

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Some types of leishmanias cause cutaneous leishmaniasis. Animals are flagellates.

Ciliates GENERAL FEATURES: They have two nuclei, two contractile vacuoles, digestive vacuoles, They have special-purpose organelles - cell mouth, pharynx, powder. Movement with the help of cilia. They reproduce asexually and sexually.

Ciliates - shoe Ciliates Colony ciliates Corchesium Ciliates - trumpeter

Infusoria The shape of the body is constant due to the elastic and durable shell - the pellicle. They actively move with the help of cilia. Another important sign- the presence of two nuclei: a large polyploid vegetative nucleus - a macronucleus and a small diploid generative nucleus - a micronucleus. In the ectoplasm of many ciliates, there are special protective devices - trichocysts. When an animal is irritated, they shoot a long elastic thread that paralyzes the prey. 7.5 thousand species

The value of the protozoa in nature and human life In nature, they are a link in food chains. They play the role of orderlies, clearing water bodies from bacteria and decaying substances. Water purity indicators. Shells formed sedimentary rocks... Participate in the cycle of substances and in the formation of soil. From the remains of marine foraminifera, geologists determine oil and gas deposits. They cause diseases in humans and animals.


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P chela

Honey Honey contains glucose and fructose. Honey compares favorably with sugar.

Honeycomb Beeswax. Produced by bees Wax is rich in vitamin

It is necessary for the epithelium of the skin, bronchial mucosa, throat and nose, stomach and intestines, for visual acuity.

Possesses antimicrobial, nourishing and regenerating action

Bee venom Healing effect: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, enhances immunity

Bee venom antimicrobial; dilates blood vessels; lowers blood pressure;

Bee venom reduces blood clotting; lowers blood cholesterol.

Collecting nectar

Propolis Collect propolis by scraping it off the frames and walls. 50-150 g of propolis are collected from the hive during the season.

Propolis Beekeepers melt propolis in a water bath; while it retains its properties


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ACTIVE PURPOSE IN A MODERN LESSON Zarubina Ekaterina Yurievna GBOU Secondary School No. 143

Modern lesson Teacher activity Student activity - Organizes problem and search situations Draw conclusions - Activates student activity

Biology Grade 5 Living organism and its properties Objectives: To acquaint students with the textbook Form the ability to enumerate the distinctive properties of a living Begin the formation of the ability to understand the meaning of biological terms

Questions for setting a goal You have a textbook in your hands. What is needed for successful work with this tutorial? You know that there are living and nonliving objects on Earth. What signs allow us to make such a division? We have named the distinctive features of living organisms. Are all the concepts familiar to you?

Planned lesson outcomes Subject UUD: The student will learn to enumerate the properties of the living. The student will have the opportunity to learn to understand the meaning of such biological terms as: metabolism, growth, individual development, reproduction, irritability, fitness

Personal UUD Begin to realize the unity and integrity of the surrounding world Gradually build your own holistic worldview

Metasubject UUD Cognitive The student will learn to navigate in the textbook The student will learn to find and use necessary information The student will have the opportunity to learn to analyze, compare and generalize facts and phenomena

Communicative: The student will learn to listen and understand the speech of other people The student will have the opportunity to learn how to independently organize educational interaction when working in pairs Regulatory: The student will learn to independently detect and formulate the educational problem The student will have the opportunity to improve the assessment criteria in dialogue with the teacher

Lesson summary What question was answered in the lesson? What did you find out? How did you work? What worked and what didn't?

Biology Grade 5 B acteria Purpose: Formation of ideas about bacteria as living organisms, the role and significance of bacteria in nature and human life

Planned lesson results Subject UUD: The student will learn to highlight the essential features of living organisms The student will learn to find the parts and organelles of the cell on the tables The student will have the opportunity to learn how to identify adaptations to the environment The student will have the opportunity to begin to master the methods of biology

Personal LUD: The student will learn to be responsible for learning The student will develop intellectual skills

Metasubject UUD Cognitive The student will learn how to work with sources of information The student will have the opportunity to learn how to work with sources of biological information Communicative The student will learn to use speech correctly The student will have the opportunity to learn how to adequately use speech means for discussion

Regulatory The learner will learn to compare different points of view The learner will be able to learn to evaluate different points of view

Biology Grade 6 Seed germination Objective: To determine the conditions necessary for seed germination

Goal Questions How are the nutrients used in the plant? What do seeds need nutrients for? What plant seeds do you have in your kitchen? Why do they just lie there and not sprout? So what are we going to talk about today?

Planned lesson outcomes Subject UUD The student will learn to enumerate the conditions necessary for seed germination The student will be able to learn to predict the possibility of seed germination in the given conditions.

Metasubject UUD Cognitive The student will learn to navigate in his knowledge system The student will learn to extract information presented in different forms The student will have the opportunity to learn to understand the need for new knowledge The student will have the opportunity to learn how to get new knowledge, find answers to questions

Communicative The student will learn to verbally formulate his thoughts The student will learn to listen and understand others The student will have the opportunity to learn to work in a group, to perform different roles lesson

Thank you for the attention

Annotation to the material

Biology presentations, which can be downloaded for free from this section, open up great opportunities in professional activity a teacher who creatively teaches his subject. The use of these electronic visual aids makes the lesson interesting and understandable for students of any class. Students, thanks to the presence of a presentation on the topic of a biology lesson, not only listen new material, but also take the most direct part in its discussion, which contributes to a more productive assimilation of the subject.

Correctly designed biological presentations, which the teacher is invited to download for the lessons, serve as the best support in presenting the material to the students. The use of multimedia developments from the series "World of Biology" allows you to solve several important problems in the classroom:

  • Increase the motivation of mid-level learners in the study of the subject
  • Stimulate their cognitive activity
  • Make the presentation of the material visual-shaped

You can download a presentation on general biology and microbiology:

It is impossible to teach a child if he is not interested and bored in the lesson. Using presentations, interactive methods learning and ICT in a general biology lesson contributes to the development of student's interest in the topic. Children in any class enjoy watching slides, they like it when there is animation on them. Video stories from the world of biology, which demonstrate the work of the body, individual organs, and the life of plants and animals, are of great interest. Only such lessons are remembered by students for a long time.

We propose to go to the sections by class and free download ready-made presentations in biology Sonin, Pasechnik and other authors, developments in microbiology. All works are presented by teachers who teach their subject with love and keep up with the times, using presentations for biology lessons.

Biology - Grade 5

Biology presentations for grade 5 will allow you to make interesting lesson for those children who will study a new subject according to the program of a five-year cycle of study. Authors work program are Ponomareva, Karnilova and others. All topics study guide meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, so a teacher going to a lesson in grade 5 has to find a way how ...

Biology - Grade 6

Grade 6 biology presentations are excellent material that will help you present the topics of the lessons to students in an interesting way. Children should hear not only dry words about living things and natural phenomena in order to understand the world around them. Fill the lessons with pictures, photographs, videos of processes occurring in nature, and each student will be able to look at this ...

Biology - grade 7

In recent years, biology presentations in grade 7 have become increasingly popular among teachers in all schools where there is an opportunity to use computer technology... Scientists have recognized and proven that the use of multimedia electronic aids increases the level of education in the subject, develops students' interest in learning new topics, makes them ...

Biology - grade 8

Grade 8 biology presentations have become a must-have visual aid to accompany each lesson. Studying the structure of the human body, the functions of individual organs and entire systems, you need a visual representation of what is being discussed in a training lesson. It is impossible to explain the wisdom of the structure of each department in words alone. Even with a lot of visual aids in the office ...

Biology - Grade 9

Presentations for biology lessons in grade 9 will help the teacher to interest students in difficult topics that will have to be studied throughout the school year. This is the material that helps the teacher to speak with children in an understandable language. Someone is tired of repeating that modern students do not want to devote enough time to studying school subjects. Believe me, this is absolutely ...

Biology is a fascinating science, thanks to which students can learn the structure of the surrounding organisms and their own body, to understand the very concept of the word "life". But the useful does not always become interesting. Our biology presentations will help you talk about topics in an interesting and engaging way that would be much more difficult to reach if you simply read from a textbook. From amoebas to ecosystems, all presentations will help you better understand the world around you.

Biology presentations made in PowerPoint, here you will find a large assortment of biology presentations that you can download absolutely free of charge. To do this, just select the desired presentation and click on the "download" button. It is also possible to view all the contents of the selected work, view each slide to decide if it suits you. Thanks to the convenient search in all presentations, you can easily find the topic that interests you.

Biology is a subject that requires great clarity when studying a particular topic: children need to be shown blood circulation patterns, the location of organs, appearance of this or that animal or plant. In the "pre-computer" era, printed posters and filmstrips were of great help to teachers, but today we cannot imagine our work without MS Office PowerPoint presentations or multimedia applications for textbooks.

Biology lessons with the use of presentations become "lively", vivid, interesting. As the teachers note, the progress of children when using good visualization increases, children go to work with pleasure.

Ways to use biology presentations?

  • At the beginning of the lesson to repeat the topic of the previous lesson or to communicate the topic and purpose and objectives of the new lesson. For example, presentation simulators.
  • Within the lesson gaining new knowledge to demonstrate the material being studied (tables, diagrams, photographs, videos, etc.). Typically, regular linear presentations are used, the main purpose of which is to provide information.
  • As an independent lesson(for example, a generalization lesson): game lessons, debates, etc. It uses the presentation-games "Own game", "Who wants to become an excellent student" and others.
  • To conduct a survey or testing students. Test presentations.

On the site

Our site contains more than 250 author's presentations on biology, which are available for download free of charge and without registration. The presentations cover almost all sections of school biology and ecology: fish, birds, mammals, humans, molluscs, bacteria and fungi, etc.

Presentations are made taking into account age characteristics: a presentation for grade 5 is unlikely to be of interest to high school students, and vice versa: a presentation for students in grades 10-11 will seem too complicated and incomprehensible for students in grade 7.


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