Modern approaches to ensuring the quality of milk. Factors affecting the quality of dairy products. Features of the chemical composition and nutritional value of dairy products


1. Literature review

2. Practical part




Milk is a product of the secretory activity of the mammary gland of mammals. Represents slightly viscous liquid of white color with a yellowish shade, pleasant, specific taste, slightly sweetish.

Milk is produced in animals during the period of feeding the cub; this period is called lactation (from Greek I feed with milk). The animal usually lactates for 4-6 months, while milk is the main food of the cub; in domestic animals, the duration of the lactation period is artificially extended to 10-11.5 months. The productivity of cows of different breeds is from 2500 to 6000 liters per lactation, sheep - 67-120, goats - 120-250, buffaloes - 800-2500 liters.

The formation of milk in the animal's body occurs as a result of deep and complex changes in the constituent parts of the feed, followed by the synthesis of the main components (proteins, fats, milk sugar) in the secretory cells of the mammary gland from precursor substances that enter with the blood stream. Only a small part of the substances are mineral , vitamins, enzymes, hormones, immune bodies, etc. - passes into milk from the blood unchanged.

The purpose of the work is to study the commodity characteristics of the assortment and consumer properties dairy products.

The tasks of the work are to study the features of the chemical composition and nutritional value of dairy products; present a description of the traditional assortment of dairy products and ways to improve it; determine the factors that shape the quality of dairy products; to analyze the structure of the range of dairy products; to analyze the quality indicators of dairy products coming for sale in commercial enterprise.

1. Literature review

1.1. Features of the chemical composition and nutritional value of dairy products

Milk is a complex polydisperse system, which contains more than 100 different chemical and biological substances. The dispersion medium in it is water (83-89%), the dispersed phase is fat, proteins and other components (17-11%). Milk sugar and salts are dissolved in water. The degree of dispersion of individual substances is different. So, protein substances are in milk in the form of colloidal solutions, milk fat is in the form of an emulsion of microscopic fat globules in milk plasma.

Chemical composition milk (Table 1) is unstable. It depends on the breed of livestock, the lactation period of the animal, the conditions of feeding and keeping it, and other factors. The content and chemical composition of milk fat are subject to the greatest changes. Relative quantitative constancy is characterized by milk sugar, mineral salts and, to a certain extent, proteins, i.e. dry skimmed milk

residue (SOMO), which is used to judge the naturalness of milk. The content of SOMO in milk is from 8 to 10%. During the period of mass calving of cows (March-April), the content of protein and fat in milk is minimal, and in October - December - maximum.

milk fat is found in milk in the form of an emulsion of fat globules with a diameter of 1 to 20 microns (the main amount is 2-3 microns in diameter). 1 ml of milk contains about 3 million fat globules. In uncooled milk, they repel each other, as they are surrounded by a lipoprotein shell charged with the same negative electric charges.

Milk fat belongs to the group of simple lipids and consists mainly (98%) of triglycerides, the molecule of which is formed by glycerol and three residues of various fatty acids. More than 150 fatty acids are involved in the formation of milk fat glycerides, therefore, mixed triglycerides in milk fat can be more than 3000. Of all natural fats, milk fat has the most complex chemical composition (Table 25). (The fatty acid composition is given according to V. Nesterov and G. Tverdokhleb.)

Saturated fatty acids predominate in milk fat, the content of which in summer is 62.9-67.3%, and in winter - 65.9-75.9%, of which low molecular weight saturated acids are 5.5-7, respectively, 6 and 7.61 -10.8%. Of the saturated fatty acids, palmitic acid contains the most - from 26.3 to 33.8% and stearic - 6.4-10.5%. The relatively high content of saturated low molecular weight fatty acids is a feature of milk fat and is used to detect foreign fats in it.

Fat is accompanied by lipoids - fat-like substances: phosphatides and sterols.

Of the phosphatides, milk contains lecithin - 0.1% and cephalin - 0.05%. Phosphatides are esters of glycerol, high molecular weight fatty acids and phosphoric acid. Unlike triglycerides, phosphatides contain no low molecular weight fatty acids, but polyunsaturated fatty acids predominate. Due to the presence of polar groups, phosphatides have pronounced emulsifying properties and contribute to the production of a stable emulsion of milk fat.

Of the sterols in milk, cholesterol and ergosterol are contained, the latter, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, acquires the properties of anti-rachitic vitamin O (ergocalciferol). Cholesterol is a monohydric alcohol of a cyclic structure. It is able to form cholesteride esters with fatty acids. Cholesterol is an antagonist of lecithin, regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphoric acid salts in the body.

Protein substances are the most nutritionally valuable part of milk, provide protein metabolism of body cells. In milk, they are represented mainly by casein (2.7%), whey proteins - albumin (0.4%) and globulin (0.2%), fat globule shell proteins and some other little-studied protein substances, as well as nitrogenous compounds.

Milk proteins contain all the essential amino acids, therefore they are considered complete.

To share casein accounts for 80% of the total protein in milk. Its molecular weight is 32000.

Casein is a complex protein - a phosphoprotein, its molecule includes a phosphoric acid residue, and calcium phosphate is adsorbed on the surface of casein molecules. In milk, casein is in the form of caseinate-calcium-phosphate complex, which easily breaks down at the isoelectric point under the action of acids. Calcium acts as a "bridge" between two casein molecules.

The casein molecule is dominated by carboxyl groups - COOH, so it is characterized by acidic properties.

Casein is resistant to pasteurization temperatures, but coagulates when boiled for a long time.

When fermenting milk, the resulting lactic acid splits off calcium from the casein molecule, and free caseic acid precipitates. In this case, the ionized -COO groups pass into uncharged COOH. The isoelectric point of casein molecules occurs at pH 4.7, when moving away from this point, the electrical charge of casein molecules increases and the clot begins to dissolve.

Albumin milk contains about 0.4-0.6%, and colostrum contains 10-12%. It belongs to simple proteins - proteins, differs from casein in its low nitrogen content, almost twice the sulfur content, and the absence of phosphorus in the molecule.

The molecular weight of albumin is 15,000. It is soluble in water, as well as in weak acids and alkalis, does not precipitate under the action of rennet and acid; precipitates when heated to a temperature of 70-75 ° C, at 85 ° C it completely precipitates and loses the ability to dissolve. Three fractions of albumin are known: a, p, y.

Globulin refers to whey simple proteins, it contains 0.1-0.2% in milk, and up to 5-10% in colostrum.

Name of amino acids Mass fraction in proteins, %
casein albumin Globulin
Glycine 2,1 3,2 1,4
Alanine 3,2 2,1 7,4
Valine 7,2 4,7 5,8
Leucine 9,2 11,5 15,6
Isoleucine 6,1 6,8 8,4
Serene 6,3 4,8 5,0
Glutamic acid 22,4 12,9 19,5
Aspartic acid 7,1 18,7 11,4
Arginine 4,1 1,2 2,9
Lysine 8,2 11,5 11,4
cystine 0,4 6,4 2,9
Phenylalanine 5,0 4,5 3,5
Tyrosine 6,3 5,4 3,8
tryptophan 1,7 7,0 1,9
Histidine 3,1 2,9 1,6
Methionine 2,8 1,0 3,2
Threonine 4,9 5,5 5,8
Proline 10,6 1,5 4,1

Globulin consists of several fractions: p-lactoglobulin, euglobulin and pseudoglobulin. The main fraction of globulin - p-lactoglobulin with a molecular weight of 36,000, is insoluble in water, but soluble in weak solutions of salts and mineral acids. When heated to a slightly acidic solution to 75°C, globulin precipitates. During pasteurization, it precipitates together with albumin. The isoelectric point of p-lactoglobulin is at pH 5.3.

Euglobulin and pseudoglobulin have a molecular weight of 150,000 to 1,000,000. They contain antibodies - immune bodies, due to which they have strongly pronounced bactericidal properties.

In addition to the main proteins, milk contains shell proteins of fat globules and bacterial cells of enzymes. Fat globule shell proteins are complex proteins representing a lipoprotein complex containing, along with proteins, phosphatides. The proteins of the shells of fat globules differ from milk protein in their amino acid composition, lower content of nitrogen and phosphorus. The protein of the shells of living balls is 70% of the mass of the shell, it is completely precipitated by calcium chloride when heated or when hydrochloric acid is added (pH 3.9-4.0).

Non-protein nitrogenous compounds of milk - free amino acids, peptones, polypeptides, urea, uric acid, creatine, creatinine, ammonia, amines, amides and other biologically active substances. They are playing important role in the nitrogen metabolism of lactic acid bacteria, are found in milk in an amount of up to 0.2%.

Carbohydrates in milk they are represented by milk sugar - lactose, glucose and galactose (13.5 mg%) and their derivatives - phosphate sugars (phosphate esters of sugars - glucose, galactose, fructose and pentose) and amino sugars (compounds of nitrogenous substances with sugars).

Due to delayed hydrolysis, lactose reaches the small intestine, where it is used by lactic acid microflora and creates a favorable acidic environment.

In milk, lactose is in two forms a- and | 3-, which can pass one into another; a-form is less soluble than (3-form.

Milk sugar is fermented during lactic acid, alcohol, propionic acid fermentation with the formation of lactic acid, alcohol, carbon dioxide, butyric and citric acids. This is used in the production of fermented milk products and cheeses.

Minerals in milk are salts of organic and inorganic acids, which are in the form of molecular and colloidal solutions. The total content of minerals in milk is up to 1%, and ash (after combustion and partial volatilization of substances) is 0.7%.

Milk contains up to 80 elements of the periodic system of Mendeleev. According to their quantitative content, they are divided into macroelements (10-100 mg%) and microelements (0.01 - 1 mg%).

Minerals are present in milk in the form of easily digestible salts, mainly phosphoric, citric and hydrochloric acids. Salts of phosphorus and calcium predominate in milk. Calcium salts are in a dissolved state, colloidal and associated with casein.

Phosphorus in milk is found in inorganic salts (70-77%) and in organic compounds: it is associated with casein and is part of the lipoprotein shells of fat globules. Phosphorus inorganic salts is necessary for the development of lactic acid bacteria. A protein containing phosphorus is resistant to the action of proteolytic enzymes, and a protein without phosphorus is easily cleaved by enzymes.

Sodium and potassium salts are found in milk in the form of molecular and partially ionized solutions. The stability of milk as a colloidal system when heated is maintained by salt balance, its violation can cause coagulation of colloids.

With a lack of calcium, milk does not coagulate well with rennet, a weak flabby clot is formed.

During the heat treatment of milk, one- and two-substituted calcium phosphates are converted into sparingly soluble three-substituted calcium phosphate, which is deposited on the walls of thermal apparatuses.

Of the microelements in milk, manganese, copper, iron, cobalt, iodine, zinc, tin, vanadium, silver, nickel, etc. were found. Although their amount is insignificant, their physiological significance is great. Manganese serves as a catalyst in oxidative processes and is necessary for the synthesis of vitamins C, IN\ and O. Copper is necessary for the formation of blood; iodine is part of thyroxine - a thyroid hormone and stimulates its activity. Iron is part of the hemoglobin of the blood and some enzymes.

Enzymes. The following enzymes are present in freshly milked milk.

Lipase breaks down fats with the formation of free fatty acids and glycerol. Due to the large amount of co-lostral (formed in the mammary gland) lipase, old-fashioned milk acquires a bitter aftertaste and is not accepted by dairies. The action of this lipase is manifested at pH 7-8.8.

Milk contains predominantly a lipase of bacterial origin, which acts at a lower pH. Colostral lipase is destroyed at temperatures of 75 °C, bacterial - above 85 °C.

Phosphatase causes hydrolysis of phosphoric acid esters. The main types of this enzyme are alkaline phosphatase with optimal activity at pH 9 and acid phosphatase at pH 4.5. Alkaline phosphatase is found on the surface of fat globules, while acidic phosphatase is associated with whey proteins. This enzyme is always present in raw milk, as it comes from the udder of the animal, it is destroyed during all types of pasteurization. According to the phosphatase test, the pasteurization of milk is checked and an admixture of raw milk is found in an amount of even 0.5%.

Proteases cleave protein molecules at peptide bonds. Most of these enzymes are produced in milk by microorganisms.

Peroxidase passes into milk only from the mammary gland. The enzyme decomposes hydrogen peroxide, while releasing oxygen in an active state, capable of combining with oxidizing substances. In the presence of peroxidase in milk, the activity of some types of starter cultures decreases due to the formation of specific oxidation products. Peroxidase is destroyed at a temperature of 82 °C for 20 s or at 75 °C for 19 minutes. The reaction to peroxidase checks the effectiveness of high pasteurization of milk.

Catalase splits hydrogen peroxide into water and molecular oxygen. In the milk of animals with mastitis, its content is increased.

Reductase - reducing enzyme. It contains very little in fresh milk, but it accumulates in milk during the development of microflora, therefore, by the amount of reductase, one can indirectly judge the bacterial contamination of milk.

Vitamins. Milk contains almost the entire complex of currently known vitamins, but most of them are present in extremely small amounts, insufficient to meet the needs of the human body. In summer, there are more vitamins in milk, since cows are kept on green pastures, and when they are kept in stalls in winter, there are fewer of them. Milk contains mainly water-soluble vitamins - B and B 2, B 6, B 3, C, PP, H. Fat-soluble vitamins A, O, E are found in dairy products with a high fat content. Vitamin A(retinol) is produced in the body of the animal under the action of the carotene enzyme from feed carotene (provitamin A). Carotene has a yellow color, so the color intensity can be used to judge the content of the vitamin in the product: summer oil is yellow, winter is white.

During pasteurization, vitamin A is practically not destroyed, withstands heating up to 120 ° C without access to air, is partially inactivated in the presence of oxygen, but oxidizes during storage in the presence of air, especially easily in the light.

Vitamin O(calciferol). Milk contains vitamin Oz, which is formed in animal tissues from ergosterol under the influence of ultraviolet rays, in an oxygen-deprived environment. Vitamin O is resistant to heat treatment.

B vitamins partially pass from the feed, but most of them are synthesized by the microflora in the rumen of ruminants. High temperature resistant.

Vitamin B (thiamine, aneurin) in a strongly acidic environment can withstand heating up to 120 ° C, in an alkaline and neutral environment, its thermal stability is reduced. During sterilization of milk, vitamin losses are significant.

Bitam and n 62 (riboflavin) gives whey a yellow-green color. In an acidic environment, it withstands prolonged heating at 120 ° C, and in a slightly alkaline environment at this temperature it is destroyed by half. Vitamin 62 is rapidly destroyed in the light.

Vitamin B 3 (pantothenic acid). Milk is one of the main sources of vitamin B 3 . This vitamin is resistant to heat and stimulates the development of lactic acid and other bacteria.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is preserved during pasteurization of milk, and is destroyed by 90% during sterilization. With the development of propionic acid and acetic acid bacteria in milk, its number increases.

Vitamin PP(nicotinic acid or its amide - nicotine amide, niacin) is part of redox enzymes. Promotes good digestibility of food. The daily requirement for vitamin PP for an adult is 15-20 mg, for nursing mothers and pregnant women - 20-25 mg. During the processing and storage of milk, its quantity in the product does not change.

Vitamin H(biotin) activates the activity of yeast and other microorganisms. Resistant to heat and oxygen oxidation.

Vitamin C(vitamin C). The daily requirement for it is 50-100 mg for an adult, 35-50 for children. During transportation, storage, pasteurization of the product, the content of vitamin C is sharply reduced.

Immune bodies (antibodies) in milk are modified pseudoglobulins. These include antitoxins, lysins, agglutinins, opsionins. Immune bodies prevent or delay the development of pathogenic bacteria in the body. Most of them are inactivated during heat treatment of milk up to 65-70 °C, as well as during its storage at room and elevated temperatures.

Hormones secrete endocrine glands. They are regulators of complex biochemical life processes and carry out communication between separate bodies. Under the influence of the hormones prolactin and thyroxin, the mammary gland secretes milk.

1.2. Characteristics of the traditional assortment of milk and ways to improve it

In our country, milk is produced in a wide range. The production of skimmed milk and buttermilk, whey for more full use all constituents of milk for food purposes. There are more than 20 types of milk, which mainly differ in the content of fat, SOMO, vitamins. The main type of this milk is whole milk with a fat content of at least 3.2%. The volume of production of milk with a fat content of 2.5 and 1%, as well as low-fat milk, is increasing. In order to increase the nutritional value in milk with reduced fat content, the protein content is increased by adding dry whole or skimmed milk. To expand the range of milk, obtain a variety of taste characteristics and increase energy value, sugar, fruit and berry syrups, coffee, cocoa, etc. are used as flavoring additives. The biological value of drinking milk is also increased by adding vitamins.

Normalization of milk is carried out by mixing or in the flow. Milk is homogenized at a temperature of 50-60 °C and a pressure of 12.5-15.0 MPa; pasteurized at a temperature of 76 ° C (± 2 ° C). After pasteurization, the milk is cooled to a temperature of 4-6 ° C and sent to an intermediate tank, and from there for bottling and capping.

Pouring milk into glass bottles with a capacity of 0.25; 0.5 and 1 l produced on automatic lines great performance. For packaging milk, paper bottles or bags with a polymer coating, as well as plastic bags are widely used. In tetrahedron-shaped bags made of special roll paper coated on the outside thin layer paraffin, and with an internal - laminated polyethylene water- and airtight film, milk is packaged using Tetra-pak machines. The machine forms bags, fills them with milk and seals them. It is small in size and occupies a small production area. The bucket conveyor transfers the packages to the distribution mechanism, which stacks them in baskets.

For filling pasteurized milk into flasks, machines operating on the principle of volumetric dosing are used. Tanks are filled with pasteurized milk to special marks or with the help of milk meters.

Containers in which milk is produced from enterprises must be labeled. On aluminum capsules or cardboard mugs of bottles, packages, labels and tags for flasks and tanks, embossed or indelible paint is applied with the following designations: the name of the manufacturer, the full name of the product, volume in liters (on packages), date of final sale, retail price, GOST number . Packaged pasteurized milk must have a temperature not exceeding 7°C and can be immediately, without additional cooling, sent for sale. Temporarily before sale, milk is stored in refrigerators at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C and a humidity of 85-90%.

To retail chains and enterprises Catering pasteurized milk is delivered by special vehicles with isothermal or closed bodies. Reconstituted milk are made from spray-dried milk powder by dissolving it in water at a temperature of 45 °C. Then the mixture is cooled to 6-8 °C and kept at this temperature for 3-4 hours for hydration of protein substances and more complete dissolution of powdered milk particles. At the end of the exposure, the chemical composition of the milk is checked and, if necessary, it is normalized. Then the milk is filtered, heated, homogenized, pasteurized, cooled and packaged in containers.

For the production of reconstituted milk, it is advisable to use instant dry whole or skimmed milk, which facilitates the production process and improves the quality of the finished product. Reconstituted skimmed milk can be normalized for fat content with cream or butter.

In terms of physicochemical and organoleptic parameters, reconstituted milk fully corresponds to pasteurized milk and is almost not inferior to it in biological value.

Baked milk differs from whole pasteurized milk in a pronounced aftertaste and smell of pasteurization, as well as a creamy tint due to long-term high-temperature processing.

Normalize the original milk with fresh cream. The normalized mixture is homogenized, pasteurized at a temperature of 95-99 ° C and subjected to “melting” at the same temperature, i.e. holding for 3-4 hours. During the holding process, milk is periodically mixed to avoid the appearance of a layer of fat and protein on its surface. clusters.

As a result of prolonged exposure to high temperatures, the physicochemical properties of milk change significantly: milk sugar forms melanoidins with amino acids; amino acids release sulfhydryl groups. At the end of the exposure, the milk is cooled to a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C and sent for bottling and sale.

protein milk compared to whole pasteurized milk, it has an increased SOMO content and a slightly reduced fat content. However, despite the reduced fat content, protein milk is not inferior in nutritional value to whole pasteurized milk. It can be recommended for diet food.

To increase the content of dry fat-free substances, dry skimmed or condensed skimmed milk without sugar is added to a mixture of whole and skimmed milk of a certain fat content. Skimmed milk powder must be spray dried, without any taste defects. All subsequent operations are carried out in the same way as in the production of whole pasteurized milk.

Vitaminized milk. In the winter and spring months, the human body especially needs vitamin C, so it is advisable to produce pasteurized milk with vitamin C in the spring and autumn, which should be contained in the product at least 10 mg per 100 ml of milk. The original milk should have an acidity not higher than 18 °T, since the addition of ascorbic acid increases the acidity of the product.

The technological process for the production of fortified milk consists of the same operations as in the production of pasteurized milk. To reduce the loss of vitamin C, it is added to milk after pasteurization. To do this, ascorbic acid powder, added at the rate of 100 g per 1000 liters of milk for young children and 200 g for older children and adults, is slowly poured into the tank with constant stirring, then stirring is continued for another 15-20 minutes and kept for 30- 40 min. The finished product is poured into bottles of 0.25 and 0.5 liters.

For young children (up to three years old), they produce milk with a complex of vitamins A, C, O 2. The original milk should also have an acidity of no higher than 18 °T. Vitamins are introduced into normalized milk before pasteurization: a milk-vitamin concentrate is prepared from fat-soluble vitamins in butter by adding solutions of vitamins A and O 2 to milk at 60-85 ° C and mixing it thoroughly. The milk-vitamin concentrate is homogenized and then added to the raw milk to be fortified.

sterilized milk. High-quality milk with an acidity of not more than 18 °T is sent for sterilization, and the heat resistance of milk is preliminarily checked by an alcohol or thermal test. Bottling of sterilized milk is carried out in sealed bottles or paper bags.

1.3. Factors that shape the quality of dairy products

Active acidity (pH) is determined by the concentration of hydrogen ions and is one of the indicators of milk quality. For fresh milk, the pH is in the range of 6.4-6.7, i.e. milk has a slightly acidic reaction.

The density of milk is the ratio of the mass of milk at a temperature of 20 ° C to the mass of the same volume of water at a temperature of 4 ° C. The density of combined cow's milk is in the range of 1.027-1.032 g/cm3. It is affected by all components, but primarily proteins, salts and fat.

The osmotic pressure of milk is quite close to the osmotic pressure of human blood and is about 0.74 MPa. The main role in creating osmotic pressure is played by milk sugar and some salts. The osmotic pressure of milk is favorable for the development of microorganisms. It is closely related to the freezing temperature (cryoscopic temperature). The freezing temperature, as well as the osmotic pressure, of milk in healthy cows practically does not change. Therefore, by cryoscopic temperature, one can reliably judge the falsification (dilution with water) of milk. The cryoscopic temperature of milk is below zero and averages from -0.54 to -0.55 °C.

The viscosity of milk is almost 2 times greater than the viscosity of water and at 20 ° C is 1.67-2.18 cP for different types of milk. The most significant influence on the viscosity index is exerted by the amount and dispersion of milk fat and the state of proteins.

The surface tension of milk is approximately 1/3 lower than the surface tension of water. It depends primarily on the content of fat and protein. Protein substances reduce surface tension and promote foam formation.

The optical properties (light refraction) of milk are expressed by the refractive index, which is 1.348. The refractive index depends on the content of solids, therefore, it is used to control SOMO, protein content and determine the iodine number by refractometry methods.

The dielectric constant of milk and dairy products is determined by the quality and binding energy of moisture. For water, the dielectric constant is 81, for milk fat - 3.1-3.2. The dielectric constant controls the moisture content in butter and dry dairy products.

The boiling point of milk is 100.2 °C.

Changes in the properties of milk under the influence of physical factors and during storage.

2. Practical part

2.1. Analysis of the structure of the assortment of dairy products of Veles CJSC

Consider the trading company "Veles". Whole pasteurized milk with a fat content of 2.5, 3.2 and 6% enters the trade; sterilized bags with a fat content of 2.5% (with a single sterilization); 3.5% and in bottles with a fat content of 3.2% (with double sterilization); melted fat content of 4 and 6%; protein (with a high content of non-fat milk solids) with a fat content of 1 and 2.5%; with vitamins With a fat content of 2.5 and 3.2% and fat-free; for children (enriched with vitamins A, C, D), fat content 3.2%; fat free; with cocoa (2.5% cocoa powder, 12% sugar) 3.2% fat and skimmed; with coffee (2.0% coffee, 7% sugar) 3.2% fat and skimmed.

Sour cream is produced with fat content (in%): 10 (Dietary), 14 (with sodium caseinate), 15 (Kharkov), 20 (Dining room), 25, 30, 36 (Ordinary), 40 (Amateur), 45 (Latvian), and also sour cream with protein filler with a fat content of 18% (Home), 14.5% (Peasant), with fruit and berry, coffee, chocolate fillers with a fat content of 20 and 25% (Dessert). By quality, 30% fat sour cream is divided into the highest and 1st grade.

Cottage cheese and curd products are produced from pasteurized and unpasteurized milk. Get cottage cheese low-fat diet fresh (with citric acid and calcium chloride) fat content (in%): 2 (table - from buttermilk and whey); 4.5 (Diet fruit and berry), 5 (Peasant); 6 (Grainy); 9 (Bold); 10 (for baby food - albumin and acidophilus-yeast), 11 (Diet mild), 18 (fat and fatty diet).

Cheese and curd masses are sweet without or with the addition of nuts, coffee, cocoa powder, vanillin, cinnamon, dried grapes. They are produced with high fat content (20-40% fat), fatty (13-17%), bold (5-9%) and low-fat, and cheese curds and salted curd masses (1-3% salt) are fatty (15.5- 17.5% fat), bold (at least 8.5%) and lean. Cumin, pepper, tomato products are introduced into them.

Curd creams, unlike curds and masses, have a more delicate texture, since more cream is added to them and the mass is thoroughly crushed (fat - 18%, sugar - 30%).

Curd pastes are sweet (add honey, nuts, jam, etc.) and salty with a fat content of at least 25%.

Curd cakes - products molded from curd mass and finished with creams, candied fruits, fruits, weight from 250 to 2000

Dietary dairy products include yogurt, kefir, koumiss, and acidophilic products. They have therapeutic and prophylactic properties (they have a detrimental effect on putrefactive and pathogenic micro-flora).

Curdled milk can be ordinary (at least 3.2% fat), Mechnikovskaya (3.2 and 6%), Varenets (3.2%), Puff (content in%): fat - 3.2, sugar - 5, jam, jams - 16, fortified (with vitamin C), matsoni (Armenia), matsun (Georgia).

Low-fat kefir (may be with the addition of vitamin E), Tallinn (1% fat), Special (1% fat with the addition of sodium caseinate) and fruit (fat - 1.25 and 3%).

Koumiss is made from mare's (natural) or cow's milk. Natural koumiss contains (in%): fat - at least 1, alcohol - 1 (weak), 2 (medium) and 3 (strong); koumiss from cow's milk (in%): fat - 1.5, alcohol - 0.1-1.6.

Acidophilic products include acidophilus, acidophilic milk, acidophilic paste, which are characterized by a high content of antibiotics.

Sour-milk drinks are produced from: milk, aromatic and flavoring additives, fatty and fat-free (Snowball, Youth, Amateur, Komsomol, Anniversary, Fruit, Tomato, Ayran, Kurung), buttermilk (Freshness, Ideal, etc.), whey (new kvass , Dairy, etc.).

Requirements for the quality of sour-milk products of CJSC Veles. Depending on the quality, cottage cheese is divided into the highest and 1st grade (cottage cheese Dietary, Table, Grainy, Peasant). Curd products, dietary sour-milk products and drinks are not divided into varieties.

Cottage cheese with fodder, sour and other unusual tastes and smells, contaminated, with a rubbery, viscous, slimy consistency is not allowed for sale; sour cream - with a sour, acetic, bitter, fodder taste, with released whey, with a slimy, viscous consistency, changed color.

They sell cottage cheese and curd products, dietary sour-milk products and drinks within 36 hours, dietary cottage cheese, sour cream - after 72 hours (without cold - 24 hours).

Cow butter is obtained by the concentration of milk fat by converting high-fat (73%) cream or by churning.

They produce sweet cream butter, sour cream, which can be salted (1.5% salt) and unsalted, Vologda sweet cream (has a nutty flavor). Butter contains (in%): sweet cream, sour cream and Vologda - fat - at least 82.5 moisture - no more than 16, Chocolate - fat - 62, cocoa powder - 2.5, sugar - 16, Amateur sweet cream salted and unsalted and sour-milk unsalted - fat - 78, moisture - 20, Ghee - fat - 98, moisture - 1, Peasant - fat - 72.5, moisture - 25, Dietary - milk fat - 61.9, vegetable - 20.6 , moisture - 16, Sandwich - fat - 61.5, moisture - 35, butter with coffee, with cocoa, fruit and berry - fat - 52, moisture - 27, sugar - 10 and fillers, Honey - fat - 52, Honey sugars - 25, ^ moisture - 18, Tea - fat - 60, moisture - 27, dry skimmed milk residue (somo) - 13, Homemade - fat - 50, moisture - 43, somo - 7, Table - fat - 45, moisture - 45, somo - 10, Baby cream, with cocoa, with chicory (in all types of fat - 50, somo - 8), Dessert - fat - 65, moisture - 25, sugar - 10, Yaroslavl - fat - 52, moisture - 30 , somo - 14.2.

Requirements for the quality of cow butter CJSC "Veles". The taste and smell should be clean, characteristic of this type of oil, the consistency should be dense, homogeneous, the surface on the cut is dry (or with single tiny droplets of moisture), the color is uniform throughout the mass from white to light yellow (for oil with fillers - characteristic each kind).

It is not allowed to sell oil with a slightly acidic, fodder, putrid, fishy, ​​oleic, greasy, rancid, bitter taste and smell, with a staff (oxidized edge), with a crumbly, soft, curdled consistency, variegated color, with flowing moisture, cloudy tears and others

In stores, cow butter must be stored in refrigerators at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C, in boxes - no more than 10 days, melted butter - no more than 15 days. Deadlines for the sale of packaged butter (from the moment of packaging), including storage at the enterprise, base, warehouse, store: packed in parchment - 10 days, packed in laminated foil - 20 days.

Before selling the oil at CJSC Veles, cow oil is cleaned, i.e. remove the oxidized edge.

Cheeses are made by coagulating cow's or sheep's milk with an enzyme; in this case, a clot is formed, which is crushed, heated, whey is removed, molded, pressed, salted and subjected to maturation.

Cheeses are divided into three classes: natural rennet, natural sour-milk and processed.

Natural rennet cheeses (milk is curdled with rennet) are divided into subclasses: hard Swiss type - large, cylindrical cheese, large rounded eyes, fat mass fraction - 50%, have a sweetish-spicy taste (Swiss, Soviet, Moscow, Kuban, Carpathian , Voronezh); Dutch type - round, oval, flattened, small eyes, fat mass fraction - 45%, have a sharp, slightly sour taste (Dutch, Dutch without crust, Kostroma, Yaroslavl); type Mountain grater - used in grated form, as a seasoning (Caucasian, grater, Gornoatlai-sky); type Cheddar - in the form of a cylinder, has no eyes, the consistency is softer than that of the previous types of cheeses, the mass fraction of fat is 50%, it has a slightly sour taste (Cheddar); Russian type - the shape of a cylinder or a bar, a slit-like pattern, tender dough, a mass fraction of fat - 50% (Russian, Russian crustless); smoked - prepared according to the Dutch type and smoked, the mass fraction of fat is 55%, they have a smack of smoking (Caucasian, Ossetian, Moldavian); semi-hard cheeses of the Latvian type - molded with a mass of 2.2-2.5 kg, have a dried crust of mucus on the surface, without eyes, the mass fraction of fat is 20, 30, 45%, have a slightly ammoniacal taste and smell (Lithuanian, Latvian, Vyrusky, Baltic, Klaipeda, Kaunas, Novoukrainian, Rambinas, etc.); type Uglichsky - in the form of a bar weighing 2-3 kg, has a washed crust, the mass fraction of fat is 45% (Uglichsky); soft type Dorogobuzhsky - molded with a mass of 0.15-0.7 kg, have a mucus coating on the crust, dough without eyes (or few eyes), the consistency is smearing, the mass fraction of fat is 45% (Dorogobuzhsky, Dorozhny, etc.); Camembert type - a cylinder weighing 130 g, without a pattern, white mold on the surface, mass fraction of fat - 60% (Russian Camembert); Smolensky type - a cylinder weighing 0.8-1.2 kg, the crust has spots of dried mucus, the mass fraction of fat is 45% (Smolensky, Okhotnichiy, Zakusochny); Roquefort type - a cylinder weighing 2-3.5 kg, the dough is permeated with blue-green mold, the mass fraction of fat is 50% (Roquefort); pickled cheeses ripen and are stored in brine (16-20% salt), do not have a crust, small eyes of various shapes, brittle dough, mass fraction of fat - 40-45%, salt - 7% (Cheese, Ossetian, Georgian, Suluguni, Yerevan , Chanakh, Tushinsky).

Natural sour-milk cheeses (milk is curdled with lactic acid) are divided into grating (Green cheese - the leaves of the sweet clover plant are introduced); curd ripening - prepared from cottage cheese (Lithuanian, Curd moldy, etc.), as well as non-ripening curds (Tea, Coffee, etc.).

Processed cheeses are obtained by melting rennet, sour-milk natural cheeses with the addition of salt, sugar, cocoa powder, spices or without fillers. Processed cheeses are processed chunky (Russian, Kostroma, Novy, etc.), sausage (Sausage, Sausage with pepper), pasty (Yantar, Druzhba, Volna, etc.), sweet (Coffee, Fruit, Chocolate), canned (Sterilized, Pasteurized, etc.) and cheeses for dinner (cheeses with mushrooms, with onions, etc.).

Requirements for the quality of cheeses. Hard and brine rennet cheeses (except for Russian, Lithuanian, grater, semi-hard, soft, sour-milk and processed) are divided into the highest and 1st grade according to organoleptic indicators, the definition of which is given according to a 100-point system.

Hard cheeses should have a smooth crust without damage, a paraffin coating without cracks and crumbling areas, without foreign tastes and odors, a characteristic color and pattern of the dough, and consistency.

Cheeses with a bitter, greasy taste, ammonia smell and taste, crumbling, spongy with a torn or mesh pattern, with a damaged rind are not allowed for sale.

In stores, cheeses are stored at a temperature of 2-10°C and a relative humidity of no more than 87%. Shelf life of cheeses (per day, no more): hard and brine rennet - 15, processed - 10, soft - 5, packed in a polymer film under vacuum - 5 (from the moment of packaging).

Raw materials for milk production are natural milk, skimmed milk, cream.

Natural milk is full fat milk without any additives. It does not enter the sale, as it has a non-standardized fat content and SOMO. It is used to produce various types of milk and dairy products.

Skimmed milk is the skimmed part of milk obtained by separation and containing no more than 0.05% fat.

Cream is the fatty part of milk obtained by separation.

Pasteurized milk is milk subjected to heat treatment under certain temperature conditions.

Standardized milk - pasteurized milk brought to the required fat content.

Reconstituted milk - pasteurized milk with the required fat content, produced in whole or in part from canned milk.

Whole milk is normalized or reconstituted milk with a specified fat content.

High-fat milk - normalized milk with a fat content of 4 and 6%, subjected to homogenization.

Skimmed milk is pasteurized milk made from skimmed milk.

Reconstituted milk - milk with a fat content of 3.5, 3.2 and. 2.5%, produced in whole or in part from spray-dried cow's milk powder. To obtain reconstituted milk, spray-dried whole milk powder is mixed with heated water and stirred. Water is added to the resulting emulsion with a fat content of 20% to a fat content of 3.2%, filtered, cooled and kept for 3-4 hours at a temperature not exceeding 6 ° C for more complete dissolution of the main components and swelling of the proteins. Further, normalized milk is pasteurized, homogenized, cooled and bottled.

Whole pasteurized milk, obtained from reconstituted milk, has a pronounced taste of pasteurization (nutty taste), a slightly watery texture. To eliminate these shortcomings, reconstituted milk is "ennobled", partially adding natural milk to it.

Pasteurized high-fat milk is prepared from whole milk by adding cream to a fat content of 4 or 6%. This milk must necessarily be subjected to homogenization in order to slow down the sludge of milk fat.

Fortified milk is produced in two types: with vitamin C and vitamins A, O2 and C for children preschool age. The content of vitamin C should be at least 10 mg per 100 ml of milk.

Protein milk is characterized by a low fat content and an increased amount of SOMO. When producing protein milk, raw materials are normalized in terms of fat and SOMO, adding required amount whole or skimmed milk powder. Protein milk is characterized by high acidity (up to 25 T) due to the high content of SOMO, including proteins that have an acidic reaction.

Milk with cocoa and coffee is produced in small quantities, since its production requires imported raw materials: as;: powder, coffee and expensive agar.

Flavoring fillers are added to normalized milk: sugar wood, cocoa powder, natural coffee and agar. The amount of added sucrose - not less than 12% (milk with cocoa) and not less than 7% (milk with coffee), cocoa - not less than 2.5%, coffee - not less than 2%. The main disadvantage of milk with cocoa is the formation of sediment at the bottom of the container. Agar, introduced at the rate of 1 kg per 1 ton of the mixture, stabilizes the system and slows down the deposition of cocoa powder at the bottom of the container. Since SOMO increases due to fillers and extraneous bacteria additionally enter the milk, the finished mixture is pasteurized at an elevated temperature of - 85 ° C. Milk must be homogenized.

Baked milk - normalized milk with a fat content of 4 or 6%, subjected to homogenization, pasteurized at a temperature not lower than 95 ° C with an exposure of 3-4 hours. Long-term exposure of milk at temperatures close to 100 ° C is called heating,

During the heating process, the milk is stirred, homogenized, cooled and poured. The finished product has a characteristic taste and smell, creamy color, which appears due to the interaction of lactose aminocarboxylic compounds with proteins and some free amino acids. The resulting melanoids and sulfhydryl compounds (SH-groups) are involved in changing the taste and color of milk. The nutritional value of baked milk is lower than that of pasteurized milk due to the denaturation of proteins, the destruction of vitamins, the formation of melanoidins and the transition of calcium to a sparingly soluble state.

Sterilized milk - milk subjected to homogenization and high-temperature heat treatment - at temperatures above 100 ° C. The main differences between sterilized milk and pasteurized milk are high stability at room temperature and characteristic taste features. They produce sterilized milk in bottles and bags (UHT milk). There are two methods of sterilization: one-stage and two-stage.

Sterilized milk in bags is produced in a single-stage method. The essence of this method is that air is removed from milk heated to 75 ° C, milk is sterilized by the steam contact method (direct heating) or indirectly (heating in a heat exchanger). At the same time, milk is heated to 140-150 ° C in 1 s, cooled and homogenized. If necessary (in the case of direct heating), excess moisture is removed, after which the milk is aseptically poured into a sterile container. The one-stage sterilization method allows better than two-stage sterilization to preserve the organoleptic characteristics of milk and its biological value.

With two-stage sterilization, the normalized mixture is first sterilized at a temperature of 140-150 ° C for 5 s in a stream. Then the milk is cooled to 70-75 ° C and poured into glass bottles sealed hermetically. After that, bottled milk is sterilized for the second time in intermittent or continuous autoclaves at a temperature of 120 ° C with a holding time of 20 minutes.

The guaranteed shelf life of sterilized milk in bags is from 10 days to 4 months at a temperature of 20 °C.

Ionic milk is obtained by removing calcium from it and replacing it with an equivalent amount of potassium or sodium during the processing of milk in ion exchangers. Such milk, when coagulated, acquires a fine flaky consistency, therefore it is easily and quickly absorbed by the child's body. Ionic milk is enriched with vitamins and sterilized in a glass container with a capacity of 200 ml.

2.2. Features of the formation of the market for dairy products in this region

The dairy industry of the Novosibirsk region is a highly developed industry, equipped with advanced modern technology. It includes enterprises for the production of animal butter, whole milk products, canned milk, powdered milk, cheese, ice cream, casein, etc. At present, dairy industry enterprises produce a variety of whole milk products, various types of cheeses, canned milk (dry and condensed) and etc.

It is planned to significantly improve the nutrition structure of the population by improving the assortment, increasing the output of dairy products, balanced in chemical composition, primarily in protein, and biological value.

A great reserve in solving these problems is the saving of raw materials resources through the introduction of an integrated and waste-free technology for its processing, the use of all components of milk, the widespread use of skimmed milk, buttermilk and whey for food purposes.

2.3. Analysis of the quality indicators of dairy products supplied for sale in the trading enterprise CJSC Veles

Defects in taste and smell depreciate milk the most. Depending on the causes of their occurrence, they are divided into defects of fodder origin, bacterial, technical and physico-chemical.

Defects of fodder origin can be the result of the adsorption of odors of feed (silage), barnyard, etc., by milk. Such defects can be weakened or completely eliminated by aeration, deodorization and vacreation of milk.

Milk with fodder flavors due to the transfer of alkaloids, essential oils and other substances from the feed is not accepted for processing and is not sold. It is impossible to get rid of such aftertastes by any processing techniques.

Some plants affect not only the taste, but also the color and consistency of milk. So, water pepper gives milk an unpleasant taste, a bluish color; herbs ivan-da-marya and maryanik - bluish color; zhiryanka causes stickiness and ductility.

Defects of bacterial origin are reflected in the taste, smell, as well as the consistency and color of milk. They intensify during storage of milk.

Souring of milk is caused by lactic acid bacteria. The reason for this defect is non-compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime for obtaining, storing and transporting milk.

The bitter taste appears in milk as a result of the development of putrefactive bacteria during long-term storage at low temperatures.

Rancid taste occurs during long-term storage of milk in the cold, when under the action of lipase the fat undergoes profound chemical changes.

Musty, cheesy and putrid tastes are the result of the development of peptonizing bacteria and E. coli bacteria.

Viscous milk has a viscous slimy texture, as well as sour and other flavors. The defect occurs when milk is contaminated with lactic acid bacteria.

Defects of technical origin appear as a result of a violation of milk processing technology.

A metallic taste in milk occurs when using utensils that are poorly tinned or rusty. Products made from such milk quickly deteriorate during storage.

Extraneous flavors and odors can be acquired by milk when using poorly washed and insufficiently dried dishes, when transported together with odorous products (onions, oil products, etc.).

Defects of physical and chemical origin - changes in the composition and properties of milk that affect the technological conditions for the production of dairy products.

Colostrum is characterized by an increased content of albumin, globulin and increased acidity. The consistency of colostrum is viscous, thick, when heated, it coagulates, therefore it is unsuitable for pasteurization and processing. The plants do not accept milk during the first seven days after calving.

The most common shortcomings in the quality of milk of Veles CJSC.

Mastitis causes of milk quality deficiencies

The problem of dairy farms in Finland and other countries is the disease of cattle with mastitis. This results in large economic losses every year.

The difference between mastitis milk and normal milk is especially manifested in the protein content: somatic cells, the ratio of enzymes, as a result of which problems arise at dairies.

According to the latest research, the treatment of mastitis on farms is ineffective, so the amount of mastitis milk can only be reduced by preventing mastitis. The milkmaid should choose a method of milking that prevents infection of other animals with mastitis. When milking, do not damage the teat tissue of the udder.

Presence of lactic acid bacteria in milk

There are no bacteria in the milk of a healthy udder. Most of the bacteria enters the milk from the equipment and the udder of the cow (from the surface of the teats).

During the first day, a cow with mastitis excretes mastitis bacteria abundantly, but their significance is small, because they do not multiply when milk is stored on the farm at a temperature of +1-4°C. If the number of bacteria in milk has increased, then the reason is usually non-compliance with the rules machine milking or insufficient cooling temperature.

Poor quality feed should not come into contact with the udder of the cow, so that bacteria during milking do not get from the udder into the milk.

If the harvesting technology is not followed, spore-forming bacteria are found in the feed. When feeding a low quality feed to a cow, they get inside without interference. In order to prevent the access of spore bacteria to the milk, the udder is thoroughly washed and wiped before milking. wet wipe and dry thoroughly.

Taste of milk

The most common causes of off-flavours in milk are changes in milk fat and strong-smelling foods. A cow's milk before calving, at start-up and at the end of lactation can also have a strong taste.

Changes in milk fat

The reason for changes in milk fat is faulty milking equipment, incorrect storage conditions, when not enough milk is at the bottom of the tank and it is mixed too quickly. If non-standard milk is obtained from a cow, for example, mastitis or from a cow before calving, then improperly configured equipment affects the composition of milk fat even more. It is advantageous to leave a cow undermilked when her productivity per day is 6 kg of milk. If the productivity is lower, the composition of milk changes and becomes non-standard: the content of somatic cells increases and taste deficiencies appear.

Tab. 1. Changes in mastitis milk.

The deviation of the composition of mastitis milk from normal is the greater, the stronger the inflammation. At the dairy, the biggest problems arise in the preparation of cheese and dairy products, because. the change in enzyme content interferes with the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Milk is exposed to various influences, but first of all - mechanical and thermal.

Mechanical impact occurs both in the process of obtaining and processing milk, and during transportation. When shaking, stirring, the adsorption layer of fat globules is partially destroyed, as a result of which they can combine into grains, lumps of oil. Disaggregation of casein micelles and foaming also occur.

Heat treatment (heating and cooling) is a mandatory technological operation in the production of dairy products. To enhance the bactericidal properties and, consequently, to preserve the quality of milk immediately after milking, it is necessary to cool it to 2-4 °C. When cooled, the viscosity of milk increases, partial crystallization and stratification of fat globules occur, and pseudoglobulin disintegrates.

Short-term freezing of milk is a reversible process. During long-term storage of milk in a frozen state, as a result of freezing pure water, the concentration of electrolytes in the unfrozen part increases, which leads to the discharge of colloidal particles of milk and their precipitation (casein coagulation).

After freezing-thawing, wateriness and a sweetish taste of milk are possible as a result of the appearance of water that is not associated with proteins, lactose and other substances.

Heating milk leads to more profound changes than cooling and stirring.

When heated, gases and volatile substances are lost. At a temperature of 55 ° C, enzymes begin to break down, at 70 ° C, albumin coagulates, and casein changes only at the border of contact with air.

As a result of heating, citric acid decomposes, acidic calcium salts turn into medium ones.

Whey proteins, enzymes and part of vitamins undergo strong changes; the taste of milk changes. Casein and truly soluble constituents of milk change little.

2.4. Ways to improve the quality control of dairy products CJSC "Veles"

The quality and nutritional value of dairy products are largely determined by the quality of the raw materials.

Milk supplied to ZAO Veles is subjected to control: organoleptic parameters, fat content, freshness according to titratable acidity, degree of mechanical and bacterial contamination and temperature are checked. According to the results of the control, milk is divided into varieties; each type of milk is processed separately. The 1st grade includes milk with an acidity not higher than 16-18 °T, in terms of bacterial and mechanical purity not lower than the 1st class, with a temperature not higher than 10 °C, the 2nd grade - with an acidity not higher than 20 °C T, according to mechanical and bacterial contamination not lower than the 2nd class, the temperature is not taken into account. Milk is not accepted in the first and last seven days of lactation, with tastes and smells of petroleum products, chemicals, onions, garlic from sick cows without special permission.

Purification and normalization of milk. Before cleaning, the milk is heated to 35-45 ° C to reduce its viscosity and melt the heaps and lumps of fat globules that clog the filter cloth. Mechanical filtration does not provide complete purification of milk, therefore, more effective method cleaning - in milk cleaners using centrifugal force; at the same time, a significant number of microorganisms are removed.

Currently, bactofugation is used, which allows simultaneously with mechanical impurities to remove most of the microorganisms from milk. Bactofuge also works on the principle of centrifugal cleaners, but differs from them in more high speed drum rotation (over 16,000 rpm), larger cleaning surface.

After cleaning, the milk is normalized in terms of fat content (depending on the fat content of pasteurized milk and dietary fermented milk products.

Milk homogenization. Milk is homogenized to increase the degree of dispersion of the fat emulsion, which prevents fat globules from lagging on the surface of the milk and the formation of an unpleasant "cream plug" during storage. On the surface of milk at rest, after 30-60 minutes, due to the difference in the densities of milk fat and plasma, a layer of settled cream is formed. Rapid cooling of milk, especially in combination with intensive mixing, significantly speeds up this process. The formation of large accumulations of fat globules (aggregates) is facilitated by the milk plasma protein - euglobulin, which, at low storage temperatures, is adsorbed on the surface of fat globules and causes them to stick together.

Currently, a new method of homogenization is widely used, which is combined with centrifugal milk purification on special separators-clarifixators.

Heat treatment of milk. During the heat treatment of milk, the vegetative form of bacteria, including pathogenic ones, is destroyed. Milk is an excellent breeding ground for the development of bacterial processes. Therefore, heat treatment of raw milk is a mandatory technological operation.

The heat treatment of milk, depending on the temperature used, is divided into pasteurization - heating does not exceed 100 ° C and sterilization - heating to a temperature above 100 ° C.

Target pasteurization milk - the destruction of all vegetative and pathogenic microflora with the maximum preservation of the nutritional and biological value of milk. Pasteurization allows you to extend the shelf life of dairy products and creates favorable conditions for the development of lactic acid bacteria, specially introduced in the production of dairy products and cheeses.


Milk is characterized by the following basic physical and chemical parameters: total (titratable) and active acidity, density, viscosity, surface tension, osmotic pressure, freezing point, electrical conductivity, dielectric constant, boiling point, light refraction. By changing the physico-chemical properties, one can judge the quality of milk.

Titratable acidity is the most important indicator of milk freshness. It shows the concentration of the components of milk that have an acidic character. It is expressed in Turner degrees (°T) and for freshly milked milk is 16-18°T. The main components of milk, which determine the titratable acidity, are acid phosphate salts of calcium, sodium, potassium, citrate salts, carbon dioxide, and proteins. Proteins account for 3-4 °T of the total titratable acidity of milk. When milk is stored, the titratable acidity increases as a result of the formation of lactic acid from lactose.

For the homogenization of milk, special homogenizers are used, which are high-pressure plunger pumps. Usually milk is homogenized at a pressure of 15-20 MPa and an optimum temperature of 60-65 °C. When the plunger moves, high pressure is created, as a result of which the milk is forced through a narrow gap from the homogenizer chamber at great speed. The height of the gap is much less than the diameter of the bulk of the fat globules, as a result of which the fat globules are crushed. The diameter of the balls is reduced by an average of 10 times, and the speed of ascent to the surface is reduced by 100 times. In dairy products made from homogenized milk, fat globules are homogeneously distributed throughout the mass and do not settle. Crushing of fat globules leads to an increase in their surface and thus to the creation of favorable conditions for the action of lipase on fat, which accelerates and facilitates its enzymatic hydrolysis.


1. Vavilov I. Reference commercial dictionary. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.

2. Kolesnik A. L., Elizarova L. G. Theoretical foundations of commodity science of consumer goods. Textbook. - M .: Economics, 2004 - 286 p.

3. Kolesnik A.G. Merchandising food products. M.: Economics, 2006.

4. Commercial merchandising and expertise: tutorial for universities / G.A. Vasiliev, L.A. Ibragimov, N.A. Nagapetyants. - M .: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 2003. - 135s

5. Krylova G.D. Fundamentals of standardization, certification and metrology. - M .: "Audit", publishing association "Unity", 2001.- 455p.

6. Mikulovich L. S. et al. Merchandising of food products. Textbook. - Minsk: BSEU, 2001. - 614 p.

7. Nikolaeva M. A. Commodity research of consumer goods. Theoretical basis. Textbook.- M.: Norma Publishing House, 2003.-283s.

8. Reference book of food products merchandiser.- M.: Economics, 1987.

9. Titov S.S. Merchandising of consumer goods. Theoretical foundations: A textbook for universities. M.: Publishing house NORMA, 2003. - 283 p.

10. Chogovadze Sh.K. Theoretical foundations of commodity science of food products. M.: Economics, 1967.

Vavilov I. Reference commercial dictionary. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2006. S. 102-103.

Chogovadze Sh.K. Theoretical foundations of commodity science of food products. M.: Economics, 1967. S. 107.

Krylova G.D. Fundamentals of standardization, certification and metrology. - M .: "Audit", publishing association "Unity", 2001. pp. 177-178.

Nikolaeva M. A. Commodity research of consumer goods. Theoretical basis. Textbook.- M.: Norma Publishing House, 2003. S. 169.

Mikulovich L. S. et al. Merchandising of food products. Textbook. - Minsk: BSEU, 2001. S. 160.

Titov S.S. Merchandising of consumer goods. Theoretical foundations: A textbook for universities. M.: Publishing house NORMA, 2003. S. 150.

Kolesnik A. L., Elizarova L. G. Theoretical foundations of commodity science of consumer goods. Textbook. - M .: Economics, 2004. S. 76.

Improving the quality of products as one of the most important factors in the growth of production efficiency. Systematic management of milk quality improvement and modern features of income increase. Characteristics of the influence of feed on the properties of milk.

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"Izhevsk State Technical University"

Course work

in the discipline "Quality assurance models"

on the topic: Methods for continuous product improvement (milk)

Completed by a student gr.9-60-6

Yakovleva E.Yu.

Checked by teacher

Egorova O.V.

Izhevsk 2014

1. Systematic product quality management, its modern features

2. How to improve milk quality and increase income

3. Factors affecting the productivity and quality of milk

4. Influence of feed on the properties of milk



Bibliographic list


One of the most important factors in the growth of production efficiency is the improvement in the quality of products. Improving the quality of manufactured products is currently regarded as a decisive condition for its competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets. The competitiveness of products largely determines the prestige of the country and is a decisive factor in increasing its national wealth.

Among all livestock products, milk is of particular importance. It is the only food product that provides young mammals with all the necessary nutrients. Therefore, dairy cattle breeding in Russia, as in most countries of the world, is the leading industry. Milk and dairy products are one of the main components in human nutrition, and the main task of manufacturers is to obtain not only "large" milk, but a high-quality product with desired properties, i.e., one that meets the requirements of standards. The quality of milk today is a clear system of measures that prevent the cause and determine ways to eliminate possible deviations from the norm. Therefore, one of the main tasks in obtaining high quality milk is the creation of a forage base on forages with high nutritional value. Meanwhile, in modern conditions, processors pay for products, taking into account its quality. At the same time, dairy plants often controversial situations due to discrepancies in assessing the quality of milk. In this regard, there is a need, as is customary in many countries, to create independent dairy laboratories. They are needed to increase the objectivity of assessing the quality of milk and the responsibility on the part of producers and processors. The diets of cows, as you know, must be balanced in terms of the main indicators. The lack or excess of even one element of feeding can seriously affect the health and productivity of animals. Milk gets to the consumer along the chain: farm - processing - counter. And although the quality of the product at the final stage depends on the well-functioning professional work of each link, the main link in this chain is the farms.

The composition and essence of quality systems is regulated by a number of international standards for product quality management. For consumers, the availability of such systems from product manufacturers is a guarantee that they will be supplied with products of the required quality in full compliance with agreements (contracts). Therefore, when concluding contracts, the consumer often requires checking the manufacturer's quality assurance system for compliance with its requirements of international standards. Thus, Russian enterprises cannot do without such kind of product quality assurance systems.

1. Systematic product quality management, its modern features

System quality management today is the main way to create competitive products. Of course, provided that the system is effective.

The world practice of quality management has developed methods and techniques, the effectiveness of which there is no reason to doubt.

World experience in product quality management has shown that it is impossible to ensure stable product quality if you do not achieve stability in the quality of raw materials. "Therefore, there is a tendency for an ever closer interaction between the manufacturer of products and suppliers of raw materials, materials, components. This takes place, both in developed, "and developing countries, albeit in different forms. It is no coincidence that the international standard proposes the supplier selection procedure as an element of the quality assurance system.

The cost of goods - the most important factor of competitiveness - is directly affected by the cost of quality. The systematic analysis of these costs in order to optimize them is an integral part of quality programs in firms. And international standards for quality assurance systems include this element. The role of the top management of firms in creating such a climate in the team, when the principle of "quality first" ceases to be just a slogan, is indisputable.

The principles of product certification are being improved, certification of quality management systems is being developed. Both of these phenomena have gone beyond the scope of the domestic market and have become non-tariff barriers to trade for those exporters who, for one reason or another, have lagged behind the dictates of the times. Such a lag has many reasons, and not the least of them is the low level of education of personnel, including in the field of quality, and incompetence.

In firms, a trained quality manager is an important business actor. Firms spend a lot of money on training and retraining of personnel, creating an atmosphere where it is prestigious to constantly improve their skills.

For more than three decades, the tasks of creating high-quality products have been solved through systematic quality management. The principles of quality management, the formation of which is influenced by the history of the development of the economy, culture, political system of the country, are quite diverse today. As far as quality assurance methods are concerned, many years of world practice shows that in many ways they are similar, and one can trace certain trends in this matter. quality milk income feed

G. Taguchi concentrated modern methods quality assurance in the following provisions:

1. It is necessary to assess the damage that low-quality products can cause to society. This takes into account damage from finished products(failures, injuries, accidents, inability to perform their functions, non-compliance with customer requirements, etc.) and damage in the process of manufacturing low-quality products (waste of time, energy, effort, toxicity of some industries, etc.).

In calculating preventive costs for quality, the magnitude of such damage should be taken into account.

2. In order for the company's products to be competitive, it is necessary to constantly improve its quality and reduce costs. Do not forget that customer requirements are constantly increasing.

All this is taken into account when developing the company's strategy.

3. The main goal of the company's quality improvement program should be the continuous reduction of discrepancies between the quality indicators of the product and the characteristics specified by the customer. This task is connected with the continuous improvement of the metrological service.

4. The damage suffered by the customer due to non-compliance with his requirements is proportional to the square of the deviation of the quality indicators. This must be taken into account when setting requirements for the quality of production processes.

5. Quality and cost finished product mainly determined by the quality of the project and technology. Therefore, when designing, planning production and control methods, it is necessary to focus on the requirements for the quality of finished products.

6. At the stage of development and testing of prototypes, it is necessary to reduce the deviations of product characteristics from the specified quality.

7. It is necessary to identify the dependence of operational characteristics on other parameters of the product and the technological process and, using the established dependence, carry out the planning of the experiment based on statistical calculations.

2. How to improve milk quality and increase income

For many people in our country, milk and dairy products are the main source of protein food. Improving the quality of milk is as important as increasing its production. More than half of the raw materials today do not meet the requirements of processing. Only high-quality milk is good for health. But, as evidenced by the State Statistics Committee, since 1987 in Russia there has been a noticeable decrease in the grade of milk. And today more than 50% of raw materials do not meet the requirements of processors. The reasons for this most often lie in the difficult financial and economic situation of farms, many of which are not able to maintain milking equipment at the proper level, replace obsolete equipment in a timely manner, and do not have funds to purchase veterinary drugs for the treatment and prevention of mastitis. Meanwhile, in modern conditions, processors pay for products, taking into account its quality. At the same time, disputes are not uncommon at dairies due to discrepancies in assessing the quality of milk. In this regard, there is a need, as is customary in many countries, to create independent dairy laboratories. They are needed to increase the objectivity of assessing the quality of milk and the responsibility on the part of producers and processors. Both of them can agree on the joint funding of such laboratories if this cannot be done at the expense of the federal budget. There is an attempt to organize a similar structure on the basis of the Leningrad Regional Veterinary Laboratory. The legal basis for its activities has not yet been laid down and the system of relationships between product suppliers, processors and the laboratory has not been fully developed. However, this experience needs to be studied, promoted and implemented in other regions of the country.

Milk gets to the consumer along the chain: farm - processing - counter. And although the quality of the product at the final stage depends on the well-functioning professional work of each link, the main link in this chain is the economy. The need to create optimal conditions for the production of high-quality products, starting from the farm, is dictated by the fact that milk is a biological fluid that is very unstable in terms of its chemical and physical parameters. And the work to improve the quality of this product does not make sense after it is produced. First of all, the beneficial properties of milk are determined by the level and type of feeding of cows. No wonder they say: "Milk is on the tongue of a cow." It has been established that a cow with a milk yield of 2500 kg per year during lactation excretes with milk about 100 kg of fat, 85 kg of protein, 125 kg of milk sugar, 17 kg of mineral salts - a total of about 320 kg of dry matter. In highly productive cows, characterized by an increased metabolic rate, the mass of dry matter excreted during lactation often exceeds their own. Insufficient feeding is primarily reflected in the amount of milk yield. At this time, the fat content of milk may be increased for a short time, but further underfeeding will lead to its decrease.

Once again about the diets and technology of keeping cows. The diets of cows, as you know, must be balanced in terms of the main indicators. The lack or excess of even one element of feeding can seriously affect the health and productivity of animals. For example, insufficient protein nutrition leads to a decrease in the content of fat and protein in milk. Overfeeding with protein feeds inhibits fermentation processes in the rumen of ruminants. Education is declining acetic acid, considered a "harbinger" of milk fat. In addition, in the body of animals, prolonged protein overfeeding causes poisoning, atony, retention of the placenta. In pursuit of milk, farms sometimes forget about proper feeding of dry cows. It is not uncommon for poor-quality feed to be used, which is fraught with serious consequences for the health of animals. For example, bard and sour feeds lead to abortions and an increase in the acidity of colostrum up to 130 ° T, resulting in death and dyspepsia of calves. The composition of milk (contents of fat, casein, other proteins and lactose) is highly subject to seasonal changes. Milk salts are the most stable. With the modern system of keeping animals 7-8 months a year are constantly in the premises. The microclimate in them should be optimal. Of the physical factors, temperature and air humidity have the greatest influence on the health of cows. Violation of zoohygienic requirements leads to morbidity in animals and a decrease in the quality of their products. Due to the violation of the ratio P / Ca in the body of cows, the acidity of milk rises to 20 ° T and above. No dairy will accept such a product for processing. Animals must have daily exercise. Hypokinesia leads to a violation of the water-salt balance and a decrease in the body's natural resistance. Water supply hygiene must be strictly observed on farms. Here you can use only drinking water that meets the requirements of GOST and systematically undergoes biological control. If necessary, the water must be disinfected.

Does the technology of keeping cows affect the quality of milk received from them? In studies conducted by scientists on different farms, two groups of animals were compared, similar in age, stage of lactation, breeding value of fathers and productivity of mothers. The best milk in terms of the content of somatic cells and the level of bacterial contamination was given by cows that were kept loose and milked on a Yolochka-type installation. Products obtained on a tie-down farm, where the animals were milked on an ADM-8E installation, were inferior in quality. Regardless of the method of milking cows, the technological properties of milk intended for butter production turned out to be higher when cows were grazing. To assess the degree of impact different types milking machines and dairy equipment on the composition of milk, scientists conducted a study on two tethered farms with different lengths of the milk pipeline and one loose farm with a Yolochka-type milking machine. In all types of installations, losses of the main components of milk (fat, protein and SOMO) during its passage from the cow to the cooling tank and an increase in the content of free fatty acids were noted. Moreover, the longer the milk pipeline was, the greater were the losses. It turned out that transfer pumps, storage of milk in a cooling tank and, to a lesser extent, passage through the milk pipeline have the strongest effect leading to lipolysis of milk fat. When giving preference to milking parlors, it should be remembered that their high efficiency is achieved in herds that are well selected for the technological properties of the udder. If this is not the case, milk loss can be at least 10%.

An important indicator of milk quality is acidity. It can increase from errors in feeding, including from giving low-quality silage or its excess in the diet, due to violations of the phosphorus-calcium and protein metabolism of animals, as well as in the first days after calving. In summer, the use of swampy pastures can be the reason for the increase in the acidity of milk. This figure also increases with a lack of salt in the feed. A decreases (up to 6--8 ° T) in cases of cows with mastitis, dilution of milk with water, in the last days of lactation of animals. In addition, acidity is associated with microbial contamination of milk. According to the new GOST, which came into effect several years ago, milk of the highest and first grade must be at least 16 and not more than 18 ° T in acidity. If this indicator is below 16 and more than 21°T, the milk is considered off-grade. A fairly stable indicator of milk is its density (mass at 20 ° C, enclosed in a unit volume). Density, which is determined by the presence of solids in milk, is determined no earlier than 2 hours after milking. During this time, gases from fresh milk evaporate. Proteins, carbohydrates and salts increase density, while fat lowers it. A decrease in density is observed in the event of a sharp deterioration in feeding, as well as in the falsification of milk. In GOST, the requirements for the density of milk for the highest grade are 1028 kg / m3, the first - 1027 and non-varietal - less than 1026 kg / m3. Bacterial contamination of milk most accurately reflects the sanitary conditions of its production. Much here depends on the cleanliness of the cow's udder and the skin adjacent to it, as well as the sterility of the milking machines. Bacterial contamination of milk can increase up to 19% when it is cooled and by 44--45% when pumping and transporting. Not later than 2 hours after milking, the milk must be cooled to a temperature of 4±2°C. At the same time, it is stored for no more than 24 hours. When milk is handed over for processing, its temperature should not exceed 10°C. This maintains the bacterial stability of the product up to 10 hours, and when cooled to 4--6°C - over 24 hours. Uncooled milk of the last milking, as you know, cannot be mixed with chilled milk, since this disrupts the bactericidal phase of milk and increases the biochemical activity of microorganisms. However, cooling should not be taken as a factor restoring quality. It is important to consider that this only delays the growth of bacteria already present in milk. If there are already more than 500 thousand/cm3 of them in the product, it cannot be expected that after cooling it will be accepted as I grade. Therefore, the effect of cooling milk will be only if it initially corresponds to high quality. To significantly reduce the bacterial contamination of milk, it is recommended to rinse the milking system with hot water (75-80°C) before starting milking.

Milk production of cows with mastitis can be reduced by 40%. Other important indicator quality of milk - the content of somatic cells in it. These are cells of cylindrical, squamous and cubic epithelium of the mammary gland, leukocytes, erythrocytes. Milk, even from a healthy cow, always contains somatic cells that have been shed from the secretory part of the udder. However, during an inflammatory process in the mammary gland (mastitis), leukocytes, according to the cellular theory of inflammation created by Mechnikov, begin the process of phagocytosis. As a result of increased migration of leukocytes to the focus of inflammation, their number, and, consequently, the total number of somatic cells in milk increases. An increased content of somatic cells in milk is observed in the first days after calving, before starting, during estrus and during the period of animal diseases. Therefore, all necessary measures must be taken to exclude the admixture of such milk from the resulting products. The decrease in the quality of prefabricated milk in this case is especially noticeable in the manufacture of fermented milk products and cheese. With inflammation of the udder of a cow in milk, a decrease in the content of dry substances, lactose and an increase in whey proteins, chlorides, somatic cells and microorganisms are observed. And the milk productivity of animals with mastitis can be reduced by 15-40%. It is known that this disease can occur in a cow for several months and end with complete atrophy of the nipple. More often, 1-2 nipples are affected, less often 3 or 4. In the USA, a herd is considered safe for mastitis if there are no more than 200 thousand/cm3 of somatic cells in milk. In Finland, if the milk corresponds to the highest grade E1 (up to 250 thousand / cm3 of somatic cells), they pay extra for it up to 9 pennies / l, E2 (up to 400 thousand / cm3) - up to 3 pennies / l. According to the calculations of domestic scientists, a herd can be considered safe for mastitis if no more than 5-8% of cows suffer from a subclinical form of the disease. This is quite realistic under good conditions for feeding and keeping animals. It is believed that in order to obtain a herd productivity of 5000 kg, it is necessary to have more than 90% of cows with a somatic cell content in milk of no more than 400 thousand/cm3. With their increase, bacterial contamination increases. The most dangerous is infectious mastitis, the main causative agent of which is Staphylococcus aureus, which, when it enters a living organism, releases toxic substances along with milk. Moreover, this pathogen cannot be neutralized by heat treatment of the product. The simplest ways to prevent and combat mastitis are known to everyone: this is the milking of the first streams of milk, which makes it possible to identify the disease in the early stages; monthly diagnostics of the dairy herd for latent forms of the disease; culling from the herd of twice ill animals; antibiotic treatment of dry cows with mastitis during lactation; correct use of the milking machine. In EU countries, the level of somatic cells in milk for the first grade is from 300 to 400 thousand/cm3. In Germany, when this figure is 125 thousand/cm3, the herd is rated as very good; at 125-250 thousand / cm3 - good; at 350 thousand/cm3 - satisfactory; at 350-500 thousand / cm3 - dangerous; at 500-750 thousand/cm3 - unsatisfactory; at more than 750 thousand/cm3 - bad. The number of somatic cells in different countries 1 to 4 times a month. In Russia, such control is required to be carried out at least once every 10 days. According to the new GOST adopted in our country, no more than 500 thousand/cm3 of somatic cells are allowed in premium milk. GOST also sets requirements for the freezing temperature of milk. For the highest, I and II grades, it should be no higher than minus 0.520 ° C.

How to avoid the "Utrecht anomaly"? In recent years, the share of sterilized milk in the total volume of whole milk products is more than 20%. In particular, high-temperature sterilization regimes are used in the preparation of baby food. In this regard, there were requirements for the thermal stability of milk, which indicates the stability of its enzyme system and the usefulness of the product. During high-temperature processing of heat-resistant milk, its protein fractions remain in balance without precipitation. While not heat-resistant milk, heated to 130-140 ° C, curdles and forms flakes, which is unacceptable during sterilization. Recently, many farms have faced the problem of low thermal stability of milk, especially those that cooperate with foreign processing companies. Scientists have found that heat resistance depends on several factors, increasing from the 1st to the 3rd, and even the 4th month of a cow's lactation, and then gradually decreasing. It has been observed that when grazing on pasture, animals produce more heat-resistant milk than during the stall period. A negative correlation of this indicator with the level of total protein content and the diameter of casein micelles was also noted. Thermal stability largely depends on the salt balance pH of milk and the ratio of Ca and R in it. Back in the 50s of the last century in Holland, attention was paid to the so-called Utrecht anomaly. After systematic feeding of cows in order to improve their calcium nutrition with concentrated feeding, the amount of ionized Ca in milk sharply increased, after which casein precipitated at normal acidity from a slight increase in temperature. Dutch scientists came to the conclusion that the level of k-casein and b-lactoglobulin in milk significantly affects its thermal stability. It is determined by the alcohol test and subdivided into classes from V to I, depending on the concentration of the ethyl alcohol solution that causes the precipitation of flakes in milk (68, 70, 72, 75 and 80%). Milk intended for baby food must correspond to the highest grade and be at least class II in terms of heat resistance. All-Russian basic norms of fat and protein are established in GOST - 3.4 and 3%, respectively. For every 0.1% above and below the norm for each indicator, surcharges and discounts are provided for the price of basic norms. The dependence of the price of milk on the content of fat and protein is practiced in many countries. For example, in Finland the basic rate of fat is 4.2%, protein - 3.2%. If these indicators are exceeded, farmers receive additional payments. Protein and fat content in milk is affected by both genetic and environmental factors. In particular, domestic and foreign breeds that give milk with a high protein content are widely known to everyone: Jersey (up to 5%), Red Gorbatovskaya (up to 3.6%), Black-and-White and Red Steppe (3.2--3.3 %).

The highest protein content in milk is noted at the beginning and at the end of lactation of cows. Nutrition has a significant effect on this. It has been established that with poor diets and a lack of digestible protein in them, the amount of total protein in milk can decrease to 2%. The fat content in it decreases with the low quality of bulky feed and the lack of carbohydrates, fat and minerals in the diets. In modern conditions, improving the quality of milk is a guarantee successful work economy and increase its profitability. And if the products of your enterprise do not meet the requirements of processing, it is necessary to analyze the causes of the shortcomings and find ways to eliminate them. Otherwise, as European farmers say: “If you don’t produce what the consumer wants, he will find it from another producer.”

3. Factors affecting the productivity and quality of milk

Today it is no longer necessary to prove the advantages of feeding animals with a homogeneous balanced feed mixture instead of separate feeding. This method allows, by increasing the palatability, to reduce the consumption of basic feed by 20 - 30%, reduce labor costs for feeding by 1.2 - 1.5 times while increasing milk yield and quality of milk.

Thus, based on numerous studies and following the following practical tips, it is possible to increase the productivity and quality of cows' milk:

1. The more often cows are fed, the less acidity in the rumen will change, the more microbial protein will be formed and the nitrogenous substances of the feed will be more fully used.

There is a relationship between the frequency of distribution of feed and the structure of the diet, feed quality and feeding regimen. Based on the physiology of digestion, concentrates should be distributed to highly productive animals 4-6 times a day, while increasing not only milk yield, but also the content of fat and protein in milk.

2. Inaccuracy in weighing daily feed portions of a cow's normalized diet leads to fluctuations in the production of available or digestible energy and a decrease in milk yield by 4 - 5%. It follows that the energy needs of cows must be met daily and evenly.

3. The sequence of feed feeding affects the acidity of the rumen content, the absorption of feed nutrients, productivity and milk quality.

Concentrated feeds contribute little to the release of saliva, while the digestion of fiber is reduced. Therefore, in the morning feeding, it is recommended to give cows first hay and then concentrates.

5. Than longer time feeding a cow, the better it absorbs nutrients.

The speed of eating concentrated feed depends on the form in which they are given to the cow: 1 kg of loose feed is consumed by the cow in 3 minutes, granulated feed - in 2 minutes, liquid feed - in 1 minute.

6. The transition from one type of food to another should occur gradually (within 2 weeks) so that the microbes of the rumen have time to adapt to the changing conditions of fermentation in it. Particular care should be taken to control the diet during the transition from the stall to pasture period, as well as during the transition from grazing to the diet of the stall period.

7. Milk is 85 - 87% water. Depending on productivity, the daily requirement of cows for water ranges from 80 to 120 liters. Water for drinking cows should be clean, warm (14 - 160 C), transparent, without an unpleasant smell and taste.

8. Control over the physiological state of cows must be constantly carried out according to indicators using a biochemical blood test.

9. Rations for cows should not be compiled according to tabular data, but according to the actual nutrient content of the feed included in the diet.

10. Analysis of the chemical composition of feed and determination of its nutritional value should be carried out 10-15 days before the start of feeding a separate trench or pile with silage, a separate barn with hay, etc., since their quality and nutritional value change during the storage of feed.

4. The influence of feed on the properties of milk

Many of the so-called "defects" of milk are the result of feeding poor-quality feed contaminated with pathogenic bacteria and toxigenic fungi. Due to errors in feeding, the smell and taste of milk can change. So, if cows eat grass, which includes colza, buttercups, wild radish, field mustard, then a vicious taste and smell appear in milk. Milk defects are observed when cows are excessively fed swede tops, turnips, and cabbage leaves. Some plants eaten by cows affect not only the taste and smell, but also the color and consistency of milk. So, water pepper gives the milk a bluish color, the herbs Ivan da Marya and maryannik - a bluish color, and the butterwort causes the stickiness and ductility of milk.

The quality indicators of milk are reflected in its technological properties when processed into butter, cheese and other dairy products. It has been established, for example, that large dachas of cake worsen the quality of the oil, it becomes soft, spreadable, and less stable during storage. Flaxseed, sunflower and cottonseed cakes change the proteins of milk, it does not coagulate well with rennet. Milk acquires similar properties when grazing cows in marshy and low-lying meadows with acidic vegetation and when feeding large doses of stillage, spent grains, and sour pulp.

Intensification of agricultural production, wide application mineral fertilizers, growth regulators and chemicals protection of plants from pests, diseases and weeds lead to the fact that toxic substances can accumulate in fodder plants and pass into animal products (in particular, milk) along the food chain soil - plant - feed - animal - milk - human. Therefore, great care and high literacy in the use of various agrochemicals are necessary.

In order to obtain high-quality milk that meets safety requirements, plants containing alkaloids, glycosides, essential oils, resinous substances should not be included in the diet, as well as the use of vegetable feed that is dangerous for cows (cotton cake and meal containing gossypol; cake and castor bean meal containing the alkaloid ricinin). You should also limit the feeding of green fodder with an increased content of nitrates in it. The lethal dose of nitrates is 65 - 75 g per 100 kg of live weight of a cow. The sensitivity of animals to nitrates and nitrites increases with starvation, limited watering, and a number of diseases. Spoiled feed causes indigestion and increases the content of microorganisms in milk, which drastically reduces its quality. Moldy hay, rotten root crops, rotten silage, polluted tops should not be fed to dairy cows. Poor-quality feed can be easily identified by an unpleasant putrefactive odor. Good-quality silage has the smell of sauerkraut, pickles.


In accordance with the requirements of GOST 13264-88, cow's milk must be natural, white or slightly creamy in color, without sediment and flakes. Freezing milk is not allowed. It should not contain inhibitory and neutralizing substances (antibiotics, ammonia, soda, hydrogen peroxide, etc.). The presence of heavy metals, arsenic, aflatoxin M1 in milk should not exceed the permissible level approved by the Ministry of Health. Density of milk - not less than 1027 kg/m3.

Raw milk is divided into 3 grades - the highest, 1 and 2.

Requirements for milk depending on the variety:

So, for example, milk intended for the production of baby food products, sterilized products and the production of rennet cheeses meets the requirements of the highest or 1st grade, but with a somatic cell content of not more than 500 thousand / cc. Milk sent for the production of baby food and sterilized products, in terms of heat resistance, must be at least group 2, and sent for the production of cheese, according to the rennet-fermentation test, meet the requirements of at least class 2. The content of spores of mesophilic anaerobic lacto-fermenting bacteria in such milk should be no more than 10 in 1 cm3 (for cheeses with a high temperature of the second heating, no more than 2 in 1 cm3).


Improving the quality of milk is as important as increasing its production. More than half of the raw materials today do not meet the requirements of processing. Only high-quality milk is good for health. But, as evidenced by the State Statistics Committee, since 1987 in Russia there has been a noticeable decrease in the grade of milk. And today more than 50% of raw materials do not meet the requirements of processors. The reasons for this most often lie in the difficult financial and economic situation of farms, many of which are not able to maintain milking equipment at the proper level, replace obsolete equipment in a timely manner, and do not have funds to purchase veterinary drugs for the treatment and prevention of mastitis. Meanwhile, in modern conditions, processors pay for products, taking into account its quality.

The diets of cows, as you know, must be balanced in terms of the main indicators. The lack or excess of even one element of feeding can seriously affect the health and productivity of animals.

The intensification of agricultural production, the widespread use of mineral fertilizers, growth regulators and chemical plant protection products against pests, diseases and weeds lead to the fact that toxic substances can accumulate in forage plants and pass into livestock products (in particular, milk) along the food chain soil - plant - feed - animal - milk - human. Therefore, great care and high literacy in the use of various agrochemicals are necessary. In order to obtain high-quality milk that meets safety requirements, plants containing alkaloids, glycosides, essential oils, resinous substances should not be included in the diet, and the use of plant foods that are dangerous for cows should be limited.

In modern conditions, improving the quality of milk is the key to successful operation of the farm and increasing its profitability. And if the products of your enterprise do not meet the requirements of processing, it is necessary to analyze the causes of the shortcomings and find ways to eliminate them. Otherwise, as European farmers say: “If you don’t produce what the consumer wants, he will find it from another producer.”

Bibliographic list

1. Semenova, E.I. Quality management / U.I. Semenov. Moscow: KolosS, 2003. 183p.

2. Skulditskaya, Z.M. Technology of production and processing of livestock products / Z.M. Skulditskaya. Yoshkar-Ola, 2006. 220 p.

3. GOST R 52054 - 2003. Cow's milk - raw materials / Specifications. - Moscow: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2003. - 8 p.

4. An article from the Internet by T. Serdyukov, teacher of KRIA, Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Kuban.

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The article substantiates the need to improve the quality of fortified fermented milk products as a factor in ensuring a healthy lifestyle. Systematized data on the necessary components of the composition of functional foods are given. Based on the survey data, the necessity of enriching fermented milk products with regionally significant micro-macroelements and vitamins is justified. A social portrait of functional food consumers among the main age groups of consumers in the Orenburg region is given. Quantitative methods for identifying chemical elements that are of priority importance in the composition of enriching additives are systematized. The main criteria for choosing methods for determining the mass content of iodine, selenium, fluorine and lithium are formulated. A list of standardized methods recommended for testing in relation to the determination of the mass content of micronutrients is presented. The metrological problem of the lack of quantitative methods for determining the mass concentrations of selenium, taking into account its valency, is emphasized.

fortified dairy products


measurement technique

accuracy indicators

Criterias of choice


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4. Tretyak, L.N. A new approach to the enrichment of fermented milk products with regionally significant bioelements / L.N. Tretiak, A.O. Mordvinova // Fundamental Research: Scientific Journal. - 2017. - No. 3. – P. 77–84.

Rational balanced nutrition as a factor contributing to a healthy lifestyle has recently received much attention. Conscious attitude towards healthy lifestyle life is manifested in the attitude of consumers themselves to this problem. Thus, according to the Perm State National research university, 90% of all consumers believe that nutrition plays a key role in disease prevention, and 40% of them are already eating fortified foods to maintain health.

The consumer market is currently in demand a number of products under the general name of "functional foods". According to GOST R 52349-2005 “Food products. Functional food products. Terms and definitions "a functional food product is a food product intended for systematic use as part of diets by all age groups of a healthy population, which reduces the risk of developing diseases associated with nutrition, maintains and improves health due to the presence of physiologically functional food ingredients in its composition"

Functional food products include products with desired properties, depending on the purpose of their use. Functional food products are intended for systematic use as part of food rations by all groups of a healthy population. They maintain and improve health and reduce the risk of nutrition-related diseases due to the presence in their composition of food functional ingredients that have the ability to have beneficial effects on one or more physiological functions and metabolic reactions of the human body.

It is known that the concept of positive (functional, healthy) nutrition first appeared in Japan in the 80s of the XX century. Japanese researchers - the founders of the concept of functional nutrition identified three main components of functional foods: nutritional value; pleasant taste; positive physiological impact.

We believe that a functional product, first of all, should have the ability to regulate certain processes in the body, thereby preventing the development of diseases.

A functional food should contain one or more components from 12 generally accepted classes (Fig. 1).

Enriched foods, being functional foods, allow solving problems, both general and regional. An enriched food product according to GOST R 52349-2005 is a functional food product obtained by adding one or more physiologically functional food ingredients to traditional food products in order to prevent or correct a nutritional deficiency present in the human body.

Recently, there has been a steady trend to compensate for the deficiency of micronutrients by introducing them into basic products. As a rule, they choose mass consumption products: bread and bakery products, dairy products, cereals, etc. Proposals for solving the problem of replenishing the deficiency of micro- and macroelements and vitamins are being developed in a number of universities. For example, at the Orenburg State University at the Department of Metrology, Standardization and Certification - MSiS OSU (under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences Tretiak L.N.) the concept of enrichment of mass consumption products with organic compounds is being developed - sources of deficient bioelements and vitamins. A method has been developed for creating a dairy product enriched with organic additives of plant origin.

Rice. 1. Necessary components of the composition of a functional food product

State authorities, on the one hand, and manufacturers of fortified products, on the other, should take into account that recently fortified fermented milk products are more in demand than various medicinal components sold through the pharmacy network. Conducted in 2017 on the basis of the Orenburg state university a study involving an online server showed that the age group from 18 to 25 years old - respondents belonging to the social status "student" and representing the bulk of the respondents (46.83%), prefer fortified fermented milk products as a source of replenishment of the necessary micronutrients in the body . The social portrait of consumers of functional products among the main age groups of respondents by gender is shown in fig. 12.

Rice. 2. Social portrait of consumers of functional products among the main age groups of respondents (women)

Rice. 3. Social portrait of consumers of functional products among the main age groups of respondents (men)

The main part of the respondents, regardless of age and gender differences, seeks to compensate for the iodine deficiency in the body (Fig. 1, 2). This fact underlines the awareness of consumers that the Orenburg region belongs to an iodine-deficient province. However, it is known (I. V. Kravenko, 2006; V. A. Konyukhov 2007) that the Orenburg region is a zone endemic for deficiency of not only iodine, but also fluorine, selenium, and also, presumably, lithium. In addition, the Orenburg region is characterized by a deficiency in vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins A, E, D, C.

From the point of view of standardization, from the definition of “enriched food products”, regulated in TR TS 021/2011 “On Food Safety” as a type of functional nutrition, it follows that identification of a product belonging to this category can be difficult. The regulatory uncertainty of the term "fortified food product" and the related problems of normalizing the daily requirement and choosing methods for determining the content of micronutrients in the finished product have been repeatedly discussed in the works of employees of the MS&S OSU.

In addition, it should be noted that the benefits of most functional nutrition brands are not proven, and in some cases, artificial vitamins and unbalanced composition can be harmful to health. Therefore, the task of developing methods for monitoring the content of components that determine the functional orientation is relevant. food products. The determination of the total (gross) content of microelements is justified only for monitoring their content in biomaterials, as well as for the purposes of sanitary and epidemiological control, when the task is to determine the microelement at the level of “no more” and it is assumed that the ion of this microelement belongs, for example, to an anthropogenic pollutant . In all other cases, it is necessary to determine not the ionic composition, but the specific form of the chemical compound. Toxicologists have proven that the toxicity of a compound is directly related to its valency (especially for selenium).

Currently, there is a wide variety of quantitative determination methods used to identify chemical elements (Fig. 4).

Presented in fig. 4 methods with rare exceptions (voltammetric for selenium) allow to determine the total content of micro-macroelements. The need to switch from the ionic determination of the composition of the product to methods that allow the determination of substances taking into account their valency is justified by the example of beer.

Rice. 4. Quantitative (measuring) methods used to identify chemical elements

When developing metrological support for quality control of fortified fermented milk products, first of all, one should pay attention to regulatory and technical support. However, it is not possible to compare methods in terms of accuracy, since in most normative documents different requirements are imposed on measurement methods for indicators of convergence and reproducibility. Some methods regulate information about the permissible discrepancy between the results obtained under conditions of parallel determinations in the same laboratory; in others - about the acceptable discrepancy between the results obtained in two different laboratories, and in the third, no information was provided at all about the errors of the method. We believe that when developing metrological support, producers of fermented milk products in quality control should give preference to methods that allow determining vitamins and micro-macroelements in multicomponent mixtures, i.e. The chosen method should have sufficient sensitivity and selectivity. When testing existing methods, one should choose those that are designed to control liquid multicomponent mixtures. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of applying the methodology for the factory laboratory: the availability of instrumentation in the factory laboratory. In addition, the less time required to perform preparatory work for the measurement (sample preparation, expressed in hours), the more preferable the technique. Such tasks of multi-criteria choice can be solved using arrow diagrams - quality management tools.

The problem of determining the content of vitamins in food, in particular, fermented milk products, is not as acute as the identification of chemical compounds, taking into account the valence of the element included in this compound. There are a number of techniques (methods) with the required metrological indicators. For example, methods for determining vitamins B1 and B2 in accordance with: GOST 25999-83 “Fruit and vegetable processing products. Methods for determination of vitamins B1 and B2”; GOST 30627.5-98 Dairy products for baby food. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of vitamin B1”; GOST 50929-96 “Premixes. Methods for the determination of B vitamins.

Methods for the determination of vitamin C have been standardized in accordance with GOST 24556-89 “Fruit and vegetable processing products. Determination of vitamin C” and GOST 30627.2-89 “Dairy products for baby food. Methods for measuring the mass fraction of vitamin C”, according to GOST 52690-2006 “Food products. Voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of vitamin C.

Methods for determining the content of a number of water-soluble vitamins in accordance with GOST 7047-55 “Vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and PP. Sampling, methods for determining vitamins and testing the quality of vitamin preparations”, as well as GOST 52741-2007 “Premixes. Determination of the content of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C by capillary electrophoresis.

Thus, the proposal for rationing the mass content of fluorine, iodine, selenium and lithium, as well as B vitamins in the composition of fermented milk products, is aimed at ensuring quality and is considered by us as a prerequisite for the creation of physiologically complete and popular food products among the population of the Orenburg region. The level of rationing suggests an adequate level of consumption of these micronutrients used in nutrition. The development of new methods and the adaptation of research methods are required to quantify the proposed micronutrient content standards. In particular, for the control of safe low-valent forms of selenium, we recommend the development and testing of high-performance liquid chromatography with UD, as well as voltammetry, which makes it possible to separate forms of selenium on natural sorbents.

The work was carried out under the guidance of the professor of the Department of Metrology, Standardization and Certification of the Orenburg State University Tretyak Lyudmila Nikolaevna - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Bibliographic link

URL: (date of access: 01/05/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

During the production of fermented milk products, processes such as protein coagulation and milk sugar fermentation take place. The course of these processes is reflected in the quality and consistency of the finished product, which in turn depend on the composition and properties of milk, the type and activity of bacterial starters, the mode of pasteurization, fermentation, maturation and other factors.

It is also necessary to take into account the seasonal factor. So, in the fall, there is a slow fermentation of milk, which is caused by a decrease in the biological value of milk (the content of vitamins, free amino acids, valine, leucine, phenylalanine, micro- and macroelements decreases). There is a decrease in all those substances that are necessary for the growth and development of lactic acid bacteria. In addition, the content of antibiotics and other substances that inhibit the development of the necessary microflora, the poor development of which is also observed in old-milk and mastitis milk, increases.

In the spring, the content of dry matter and casein in milk decreases, the size of micelles of which change towards a decrease in diameter, and the acidity of milk increases. All this leads to a deterioration in the technological properties of milk: the rate of formation of a milk clot and its density decrease. Also, milk does not coagulate well at the beginning and end of lactation, with animal diseases. This is due to a decrease in the concentration of proteins and calcium salts.

Not only the taste, but also the consistency of the product depends on the composition of the starter cultures. Modes of pasteurization, homogenization, cooling, storage conditions and duration also affect the quality of fermented milk products. Long-term storage of milk (raw and pasteurized) at low temperatures increases the viscosity and strength of the acid clot, syneresis slows down, so it is advisable to use such milk for the production of sour-milk drinks, it is not recommended to use it for the production of cottage cheese. Heat treatment of milk affects clot formation, structural-mechanical properties and syneresis. With an increase in the pasteurization temperature from 63 to 90C, the intensity of whey separation from the clot decreases, and its strength increases. The deterioration of whey release after exposure to high temperatures can be explained by an increase in the content of denatured whey proteins in the clot, which increase the rigidity of the spatial structure and water-holding capacity.

Thus, the regulation of heat treatment modes makes it possible to obtain a clot with the desired rheological properties, i.e. improve the consistency of the product.

Homogenization is recommended for fermented milk products before fermentation, as a result of which the dispersion of fat increases, the strength of the clot and its viscosity increase, and the release of whey decreases. Viscosity depends on the magnitude of the pressure and the method of homogenization of the raw material. Cooling to 8C and storage at this temperature prevents lactic acid fermentation, thereby strengthening the structure of the resulting curd of the fermented milk product.

The main component of curd desserts is cottage cheese, the quality of which ultimately determines the quality of the finished product. Cottage cheese is a protein fermented milk product resulting from the fermentation of milk, followed by the removal of whey. It contains all the essential amino acids, rich in calcium, phosphorus and other valuable minerals.

The quality and yield of the finished product is influenced by various, including technological, factors: the composition of raw materials; production methods (types of milk protein coagulation, curd processing methods); preparation of raw materials for fermentation (separation, pasteurization); ripening, pressing, cooling, storage, packaging and transportation modes. The parameters of the listed operations are indicated in the current technological instructions for the production of various types of cottage cheese. All deviations from them lead to deterioration or deterioration of the finished product, i.e. the appearance of defects.

The composition of raw materials significantly affects the physico-chemical parameters and the yield of cottage cheese. Of the main components of milk, proteins are of the greatest importance in its production: casein (up to 80%), whey (up to 20%), shells of fat globules (haptein), enzymes (at least 1%). It is mainly casein that passes into cottage cheese, and therefore the choice of the temperature regime for milk pasteurization is important. For example, when the pasteurization temperature of fermented milk is above 80°C, the degree of casein hydration increases, which leads to a clot that does not separate whey well. Dehydration of such a clot is difficult, as a result of which it is delayed manufacturing process and there may be cases of obtaining curds of high acidity with a high moisture content. An increase in the pasteurization temperature leads to a clot that is strong in terms of structural and mechanical properties, but it is highly crushed when cut, and a large amount of protein dust is formed, which complicates the pressing process.

At low pasteurization temperatures (71 - 75°C) whey proteins partially coagulate, a significant part of them leaves with whey, as a result of which the yield of cottage cheese decreases. In addition, at low pasteurization temperatures, the enzyme lipase can be preserved, which contributes to the rancidity of fat during product storage. Residual microflora can also be preserved in milk - lactic acid streptococci, which are the cause of cottage cheese peroxidation.

When fermenting milk, temperature is of particular importance, since it affects the action of enzymes and the development of the microbiological process, i.e. to accumulate enough lactic acid. Therefore, milk is cooled and fermented at 30±2°C in the cold season and at 28±2°C in the warm season. With the accelerated method, it is fermented at 32±2°C. In the case of fermentation of milk at elevated temperatures, the curd acquires a powdery texture, the release of whey during self-pressing increases and a dry product is obtained. At low fermentation temperatures with the acid-rennet method of production, curds of a smeared consistency are obtained.

In the production of cottage cheese in various ways, starter cultures are of decisive importance. Its most common defects are: a decrease in the activity of fermentation or complete non-fermentation of milk and an excessive increase in acidity.

The addition of a calcium salt solution to milk accelerates the processes of pressing and self-pressing, and also compensates for the loss of calcium salts during pasteurization and helps to obtain a dense clot of lower acidity.

It is important to determine the end of fermentation, i.e. when the clot has optimal acidity and strength for the product (break test), the difference in the acidity of product clots of different fat content can be explained by the fact that cottage cheese of 9% and 18% fat content is pressed for a long time and swelling of the protein occurs in the process of pressing. If fat-free cottage cheese is cut when it reaches acidity, as for cottage cheese of 9% and 18% fat content, then it is quickly pressed, swelling does not occur. The product acquires a grainy texture.

With excessive acidity of the clot, a smearing consistency is formed. Cottage cheese has a sour taste and high humidity. With insufficient acidity of the clot, a grainy, crumbling, rough, rubbery texture, mild sour-milk taste and smell are observed. The loss of cottage cheese increases, as part of it passes into whey. To avoid an increase in acidity, the finished clot must be quickly dehydrated, for which it is cut into cubes. This increases the surface of the clot, which significantly accelerates the release of whey. The clot is left alone for 30 - 60 minutes for serum isolation and compaction. If the whey separates poorly, the clot is heated.

The whey is usually at the bottom, as when the clot is boiled, many gas bubbles are formed, which make it lighter than the whey. It is important to boil the clot correctly: not very quickly and at the indicated temperatures. Otherwise, you get a rough, not moist enough crumbly cottage cheese with grains. In the same way, it is impossible to boil the clot at low temperatures, since at the same time it does not heat up enough, the whey is separated with difficulty, and the curd will have an increased acidity. Poorly boiled cottage cheese quickly turns sour, has a smearing consistency.

The next important step in the production of cottage cheese is self-pressing. The properties and technical and economic indicators of the production method depend on the effectiveness of its implementation. The intensity of self-pressing is affected by the temperature of coagulation of milk proteins. This predetermines the moisture content of the finished product, regardless of its fat content. As the temperature increases, protein coagulation during self-pressing increases the release of whey from the clot, resulting in a drier curd. Next, the clot is subjected to pressing and forced removal of whey, i.e. dehydration. It is important to pre-cool the clot before pressing in order to avoid getting a rough, dry, crumbly consistency of the finished product. Pressing is carried out until the curd reaches the required mass fraction of moisture. If the whey is not completely removed during self-pressing and pressing, the product will turn out to be raw, with a weak, under-pressed consistency.

So, the quality of cottage cheese is affected by a combination of factors, only by regulating and analyzing which you can get a quality product with minimal losses. These factors include the composition and properties of the original raw milk, the duration and conditions of its storage, the modes of heat treatment and fermentation temperatures, the quality of introduced starter cultures and the quality of rennet, the modes of pressing and self-pressing. Subject to all requirements, a product of the desired consistency will be obtained, without defects.

Thus, although traditional dairy products occupy the largest market share (for example, sterilized and pasteurized milk - about 60%, sour-milk products - 25%), however, the most actively developing segment of the dairy products market today is functional dairy products, yogurt products and dairy products. desserts, their growth rates range from 12 to 30%. In Udmurtia most in demand traditional whole-milk products are used, and interest in functional foods and desserts is just beginning to gain momentum. However, both markets have a free niche in terms of dairy curd desserts, the demand for which has increased by 12% over the past year.

cottage cheese dessert fermented milk paste



annotation scientific article on animal husbandry and dairy business, author of scientific work - Tikhomirov I.A., Andryukhina O.L.

The article discusses topical issues and substantiated the main directions of production of high-quality milk. The modern market imposes stringent requirements on the quality of milk and dairy products, highlighting their naturalness and safety. The legislative, regulatory and methodological base of the dairy industry is given, which determine the characteristics of the quality and safety of raw milk on the market. The factors influencing milk production cows and milk quality. The substantiation of a number of promising directions for improving technologies in dairy cattle breeding is given. The causes that cause a decrease in the quality and safety of milk, methods for their elimination, control of indicators of the sanitary and hygienic state of milk in production conditions are outlined. Compliance with the production technology, requirements for primary processing and transportation of milk allows us to obtain high quality raw materials. Presented domestic and foreign experience quality management in dairy cattle breeding. The problems of increasing efficiency and competitiveness milk production. Providing conditions for increasing the production of high-quality raw milk and saturating the country's consumer market competitive dairy products of own production contributes to solving food security and improving the nutrition of the population of Russia. The modern market imposes strict requirements to the quality of milk and dairy products, forefromting their naturalness and safety. The legislative, regulatory and methodological base on the dairy industry are given, defining characteristics of quality and safety of raw milk on the market. The factors influencing milk production of cows and quality of milk. The substantiation of a number of promising directions for improving technologies in dairy cattle breeding are shown. The reasons causing the decline of the quality and safety of milk, methods of their elimination, control of sanitary conditions of milk production are provided. The compliance of technology of production, requirements for primary processing and transportation of milk allows you to obtain raw materials of high quality. The domestic and foreign experience of management of quality in dairy cattle are represented. The problems of increasing of the efficiency and competitiveness of milk production are illuminated. Ensuring of conditions for increasing of the production of quality raw milk and the saturation of the consumer market of the country with competitive dairy products of own production contributes to the solution of food security and improving of nutrition of the population of Russia.

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The text of the scientific work on the topic "Main directions for improving the quality of milk"

UDC 637.13.05


I.A. Tikhomirov, Ph.D. Sci., Leading Researcher O.L. Andryukhina, research engineer

All-Russian Research Institute of Mechanization of Animal Husbandry E-mail: [email protected]

Annotation. The article deals with topical issues and substantiates the main directions for the production of high-quality milk. The modern market imposes stringent requirements on the quality of milk and dairy products, highlighting their naturalness and safety. The legislative, regulatory and methodological base of the dairy industry is given, which determine the characteristics of the quality and safety of raw milk on the market. The factors influencing the milk productivity of cows and the quality of milk are determined. The substantiation of a number of promising directions for improving technologies in dairy cattle breeding is given. The causes that cause a decrease in the quality and safety of milk, methods for their elimination, control of indicators of the sanitary and hygienic state of milk in production conditions are outlined. Compliance with the production technology, requirements for primary processing and transportation of milk makes it possible to obtain high quality raw materials. Domestic and foreign experience of quality management in dairy cattle breeding is presented. The problems of increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of milk production are highlighted. Providing conditions for increasing the production of high-quality raw milk and saturating the country's consumer market with competitive dairy products of its own production contributes to solving food security and improving the nutrition of the Russian population.

Key words: safety, quality, milk productivity, technical regulations, HACCP, technical equipment, primary milk processing, bacterial contamination, somatic cells, production efficiency, competitiveness.

One of the important conditions for increasing the profitability and competitiveness of dairy cattle breeding is the production of safe, high-quality milk that meets domestic and international standards. Improving the quality of milk and dairy products, increasing their safety, preserving the composition, the most valuable natural qualities and useful properties, eliminating losses at all stages of production and sale are relevant areas in solving food security Russian Federation, as well as ensuring a full and healthy nutrition of the population of the country.

The importance of solving this problem is dictated by the adoption federal law No. 88-FZ “Technical Regulations for Milk and Dairy Products” dated 06/12/2008 and amendments to it No. 163-F3 dated 07/22/2010, as well as the entry into force on May 1, 2014 of the “Technical Regulations for Milk and mo-

local products Customs Union”, which contain new approaches to solving issues of ensuring the quality and safety of products and establish the rules for identification, forms of conformity assessment and confirmation of compliance of milk and dairy products with the requirements of the law.

The introduction of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations for Milk and Dairy Products" has led to the tightening of control measures to ensure product safety by government agencies. Under these conditions, the main task of manufacturers becomes the observance of the principles of customer satisfaction and continuous improvement of quality with strict observance of legislative norms [1].

Milk supplied for sale and processing must have a qualitative characteristic due to its composition, properties, nutritional, biological and energy value, and satisfy the

the claims made on it as a food product and raw material. If milk is used as a direct food product, then the main indicators are sanitary-hygienic and economic. In the case of using milk as a raw material for dairy and Food Industry along with the above indicators, its physicochemical and technological properties are of great importance.

The low quality of raw materials generates huge losses, the compensation of which requires the involvement of additional labor and material resources, and also significantly affects the prestige of the enterprise and the efficiency of the dairy industry. Therefore, modern industrial processing of milk, based on high-tech processes, imposes increased requirements on the quality and safety of milk used as a raw material for the production of a wide range of dairy products, since only from raw materials good quality it is possible to obtain high-quality dairy products in an expanded range and ensure their competitiveness.

The quality of milk cannot be improved during processing, at best it can be stabilized (suspended or slowed down its deterioration), the milk quality management system should focus on the technological processes of production and its primary processing.

One aspect of the quality problem is the issue of regulating prices for raw materials and final products. This is due to the fact that the pricing policy does not form the interest of the enterprise in improving the quality of dairy products. Therefore, milk processing enterprises, together with agricultural producers, need to work on the quality of raw materials by economic stimulation of the production of high-grade milk. At the same time, the selling price for milk accepted for processing should directly depend on the indicators characterizing its quality, as

as more expensive dairy products are produced from higher quality milk, therefore, milk processing enterprises have the opportunity to purchase raw materials at higher prices. Recently, much attention has been paid to the production of high-quality dairy products in our country, the implementation of this direction is supported by the legislative, regulatory and methodological framework. The success or failure of the dairy industry depends on the level of quality management.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, with the increase in requirements for the quality of milk when sold to milk processing enterprises, the technological culture of production has increased, and with it the grade of marketable products (Fig. 1).

60,00 40,00 20,00 0,00

8 5,4 4,9 2,9 2,5

aL* "L" "V .L" "V -V L1" / / # ^ ^

■Top grade

■Second grade+non-sort

Rice. 1. Grade of marketable milk according to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia

Achieving high results in improving the composition and quality of milk produced is ensured by a comprehensive solution of problems. This is taking into account hereditary factors (breed structure), systematic monitoring of the health of animals in the herd, conditions of feeding and keeping them, the introduction of new technical means into the production technology, effective methods of milking, primary processing and transportation of milk, advanced training of farm workers.

Further development of domestic dairy farming and the dairy industry will depend on how quickly the system of production quality management will be mastered in Russia.

and milk processing at all stages of the technological chain: field - farm - plant - consumer.

For milk producers, the most effective product quality management system is the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) system - risk analysis and critical control points (CCP). Determining CCP allows you to timely identify the reasons for the decline in the quality of indicators and take corrective actions.

The HACCP methodology is a direct logical control system based on the prevention of hazards at all stages of the production of a particular food product, from raw materials to the sale of finished products. At each technological operation, it is necessary to identify hazards that can threaten product safety, and ensure that processes are controlled to eliminate the influence of these factors. In recent years, the HACCP system has become widespread internationally, and many governments now see its implementation as a way to solve food safety and quality problems for the whole country. As a result of violation of the rules and techniques for obtaining and primary processing and transportation of milk, various defects may appear in it due to reasons of feed, bacterial, technical, technological and physico-chemical origin. Such raw materials are unsuitable for processing, and it is impossible to produce high-quality products from such milk.

The quality of milk is formed during the entire technological process, starting with feed and ending with the sale of milk, therefore, the HACCP quality system in the technology of milk production on the farm must be divided into the following stages: procurement, storage of feed and proper feeding of cows, creating comfortable conditions for their maintenance; preparatory work before milking, the milking process and the further route of the milk: cleaning,

cooling, storing and transporting it to processing plants.

At present, issues of quality and safety of raw materials and foodstuffs are supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the Ministry of Social Development of Russia and other departments; due to the complex interdepartmental nature, it is advisable to organize an interdepartmental council to coordinate work in the field of food quality and safety. Fines for counterfeiting are very small, severe punishment is applied only in case of poisoning. It is necessary to monitor the quality of milk and dairy products not only by authorized federal government agencies, but also by regional independent institutions, the media, with the involvement of accredited laboratories.

The raw milk produced by the farmer is endowed with different levels of quality. The first level of quality is safety. The safety of raw milk in microbiological terms, as well as in terms of the content of foreign contaminants, is determined by its compliance with the hygienic standards established by San PiN Therefore, the agricultural producer must ensure the safety of raw milk, which guarantees the absence of residual amounts of inhibitory, washing, disinfecting and neutralizing substances, hormonal preparations, drugs (including antibiotics) used in animal husbandry to treat dairy cattle or prevent their diseases.

The decision to use raw milk that does not meet the safety requirements for acceptable levels of potentially hazardous substances, microorganisms and somatic cells is made by the manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of the Russian Federation legislation on veterinary medicine, the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population and the legislation in the field of environmental safety .

Dairy processing enterprises purchase milk from manufacturers that meets the requirements of the national standard and the Federal Law “Technical Regulations for Milk and Dairy Products”. Raw cow's milk, depending on the organoleptic, physicochemical, microbiological indicators, is divided into grades: the highest, the first, the second and non-sorted (Table 1).

In order to establish the compliance of milk with the requirements of the "Technical Regulations", the rules and procedures for identification provide for an examination of the documents in accordance with which the product was produced, as well as its testing. The frequency of monitoring milk quality indicators, standards and test methods are shown in Table 2.

Table 1. Requirements for the quality of raw milk

Parameter Highest grade First grade Second grade Non-varietal milk

Consistency Homogeneous liquid without sediment and flakes. Freezing not allowed Presence of protein flakes

Smell and taste Clean, without foreign odors and flavors not characteristic of fresh milk Pronounced fodder flavor and odor

In the winter-spring period, mild fodder taste and smell are allowed.

Color White to light cream Cream, light gray to gray

Acidity, ot 16-18 16-18 16-20.99 Less than 15.99; over 21

Purity group, not lower than I I II III

Density, kg/m3, not less than 1028 1027 1027 Less than 1026.9

Freezing point*, °С Not higher than -0.52 Not higher than -0.52 Not higher than -0.52 -

QMAFAnM, CFU/cm3 1-105 5-105 4-106 -

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella, in 2 g of the product Not allowed

Somatic cells in 1 cm3, not more than 4-105 1-106 1-106 -

*Can be used instead of determining milk density

quality control

Table 2. Periodicity of milk

Controlled indicator Frequency of control

Organoleptic indicators in every parties

Temperature, °C Daily in every parties

Titratable acidity, from T daily. in every parties

Mass fraction of fat, % Daily. in every parties

Mass fraction of protein, % Daily. in every parties

Density, kg/m3 in every parties

Degree of purity according to the standard, group in every parties

Bacterial contamination, class At least 1 time in 10 days.

Freezing point, °С in every parties

Phosphatase If heat treatment is suspected

Heat resistance Daily in every parties

Somatic cells, thousand/cm3 At least 1 time in 10 days.

Neutralizing and inhibitory substances At least 1 time in 10 days.

Dairy farming in Russia has lagged far behind world progress and cannot be competitive in the future due to large losses due to the backwardness of production. The main losses of agricultural producers of milk can be grouped into three main groups: biological, technological and technical (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Approximate losses of the dairy cattle industry

The value of the listed groups of losses significantly depends on economic, organizational and technological factors (Fig. 3). Agricultural producers bear the greatest losses, mainly from the imperfection of the biological, technological and technical base of farming.

Rice. 3. Influence of various factors on milk quality

The main productive force of dairy cattle breeding is a cow of a certain breed. The milk productivity of cows, the composition and properties of milk are hereditarily fixed and genetically determined for each breed, even by feeding and growing it is impossible to significantly change them. Certain differences in the composition and properties of milk from animals of different breeds are explained by the fact that each breed has its own metabolism. These breed characteristics in metabolism are reflected in the specifics of the formation and secretion of individual components of milk, their relationships, which ultimately determines the differences in the composition and properties of milk.

The question of choosing the breed that is optimal for the existing natural and climatic conditions and the technologies created taking into account them is decided in each individual case, based on specific areas for the production and processing of milk, cheese making, butter making and the production of whole milk products. Given the great dependence of milk productivity and milk quality on the breed and individual hereditary characteristics of animals, it is necessary to improve the compositional characteristics and technological properties of milk through targeted

corrected selection and breeding work, breeding highly productive dairy cattle.

The health status of cows has a significant impact on milk productivity, quality and safety of milk. Only a healthy cow can reach its full genetic potential and produce high quality milk. It has been established that the most costly item of expenditure after feed is cow mastitis, and measures to prevent it are much more effective than antibiotic treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of this disease. Mastite cows, depending on the method of keeping and their number, should be moved to a separate group with milking last. It is not allowed to use raw milk obtained from cows during the first 7 days after calving (colostrum) and in the last 5 days of lactation before they are launched before calving (old milk), from quarantined sick animals.

The feed factor has the greatest impact on the economy of dairy farming, the cost of feed for milk production averages 50-60% of its cost. Inadequate feeding of cows with low-quality feed leads to their overexpenditure, which sharply increases its cost and makes the product uncompetitive in the sales markets, and ultimately milk production becomes unprofitable. It has been established that in order to obtain the same productivity of animals when using hay, haylage, silage of the 3rd class, the consumption of concentrates increases by almost 2 times compared to the use of feed of the 1st class. This is explained by the fact that grade 3 feeds have a nutritional value 1.5-2 times lower than similar grade 1 feeds.

Due to errors in feeding the dairy herd, digestive system disorders and milk defects occur, it is necessary to limit feeds with a high content of alkaloids, glycosides, essential oils and other harmful and toxic substances.

Do not feed spoiled (frozen, moldy, rotten and heavily contaminated) feed to animals.

To increase the production of high-quality milk, it is necessary to improve the quality of the prepared bulky feed and expand the range of compound feed. For the uninterrupted provision of dairy cattle breeding with high-quality feed, it is necessary to modernize feed production technologically, use modern high-performance forage harvesting equipment and advanced technologies for harvesting and storing feed.

The productivity of cows and the quality of milk also depend on the conditions of livestock. Creating comfortable conditions for keeping animals on livestock farms guarantees the production of high quality products.

Along with feeding and maintenance, the high milk productivity of cows, the quality of milk, and the health of the udder largely depend on the technically sound condition of the milking machine, apparatus and compliance with the rules of machine milking. Regular maintenance of milking machines and installations is the key to obtaining quality milk and successfully fighting mastitis. In the future, to improve the quality and safety of milk, important work is to be done to improve milking installations for stalls, as well as milking parlors and grounds. It is necessary to give preference to milking in milking parlors and grounds as a way to prevent contamination of milk, and tethered keeping of cows, as an effective milking technology, should be combined with the use of automatic systems for tethering animals, feeding them on walking areas and grazing on pastures.

A fundamentally new direction in the technology of machine milking is an automated system of free milking of cows or milking robots, in which all operations - preparing cows for milking, evacuating milk from the udder, massaging it, turning off the machines, sanitizing

udder and dairy equipment are carried out in an automatically controlled mode. Robots are most widely used in a number of Western European countries.

The use of milking robots in Russia should be based on conducting large-scale experiments in farms in different zones of the country at different levels of production intensity. Conducted research in the farms of the Vologda, Leningrad, Kaluga regions and other regions show that the adaptation of technical solutions of automated milking systems to the physiological needs of cows to milk production is expressed in the ability of animals with different individual characteristics - lactation stage, productivity, milk yield rate, state of the nervous system and others, independently determine the frequency of visits to the milking robot. It has been established that milking by robots increases the milk productivity of cows by up to 15%, while increasing the quality of milk and almost completely eliminating manual labor for performing technological operations of milking. Therefore, the technology of free milking of cows should be considered as promising.

Conditions for keeping cows, the quality of udder treatment, compliance with machine milking technologies, the state of milking, refrigeration and other dairy equipment - all these factors affect the level of bacterial contamination of milk (Table 3). The dependence of bacterial growth during milk storage on the initial degree of its microbial contamination (2300 and 500 thousand/ml) and temperature (+15 and +4°C) is shown in Table 4.

Table 3. Factors affecting the bacterial contamination of milk

Factor Number of bacteria in 1 ml

Milking and refrigeration equipment From 300 to 3,000,000

Udder condition 10 to 20000


Udder hygiene From 5000 to 20000

(dirty nipples)

Table 4. Increase in the number of bacteria in 1 cm3 of milk at different storage temperatures

Duration Temperature, °С

storage, h 4.4 10 15.6

pure milk

Right after 4300 4300 4300


24 4200 14000 1600000

48 4600 128000 33000000

72 8300 5720000 326000000

contaminated milk

Immediately after 137000 137000 137000


24 282000 1170000 24700000

48 540000 13700000 640000000

72 750000 25700000 2410000000

With a bacterial contamination of 2.3 thousand microbes per 1 ml and a temperature of 15 ° C in a day, their number reaches 1 million, while when cooled to 4 ° C, after 2 days the content of bacteria is tens of thousands, and after 2.5 days - hundreds thousand. When cooled to 15°C, hundreds of millions of bacteria appear in a day, while at a milk temperature of 4°C their number increases to 1 million. Raw milk obtained from cows on farms is subjected to primary processing: purification from mechanical impurities, cooling, storage, pasteurization (if conditions are created). The purpose of the primary processing of milk is to preserve its useful properties until it is sold to the processing enterprises of the dairy industry.

At present, the cleaning of raw milk on the farm from mechanical impurities is carried out by filtration under the action of gravity or pressure using various filter materials and filtration apparatus: tubular, disk and cylindrical, as well as centrifugal force using milk cleaners immediately after milking at a milk temperature of 30-35 ° C (but not below 25°C). However, the filtration methods used on dairy farms are not very efficient and labor intensive. The most high-quality and efficient milk purification is provided by centrifugal methods using separators-milk-purifiers and bactofuges, which purify

milk is not only from mechanical impurities, but also mucus, milk clots, epithelium, microorganisms. Storage of uncooled milk leads to the loss of bactericidal properties of milk, an increase in the amount of microflora and a decrease in its quality. If fresh milk immediately after milking and cleaning is cooled to a temperature below 4 ° C, then it will not only not lose its nutritional properties, but can also be stored for three days longer. Therefore, the profitability of the farm directly depends on the refrigeration equipment.

To preserve the nutritional and technological properties of raw milk and maintain its quality after milking, it must be cleaned and cooled to a temperature of +4...+2°C for 2 hours. It is allowed to store raw milk at the enterprise at a temperature of +4.., +2°C for no more than 24 hours, taking into account the time of transportation. Transportation of milk requires good paved roads and access roads to the loading/unloading point. Milk is delivered to the place of processing by milk carriers (car milk tanks), thanks to the thermal insulation of car milk tanks, the temperature of milk in them practically does not change. All processes of filling and unloading of tank trucks are mechanized.

The quality of milk and dairy products, especially its bacteriological indicators, largely depends on the sanitary condition of dairy equipment and inventory. Upon completion of the milking process, dairy equipment must be thoroughly washed and disinfected. A prerequisite for the effectiveness of washing and disinfection should be the complete removal of organic and inorganic contaminants, residues of detergents and disinfectants from the surface of the equipment being processed. To preserve the natural qualities and useful properties of milk and prevent defects in milk, it is necessary to observe the sanitary and hygienic regime of production, primary processing and transportation of milk to processing enterprises. The production of high-quality milk allows farmers to: install more

high retail prices, compete in market segments with increased purchasing power; ensure the production of dairy products with longer shelf life; to produce more dairy products for processing enterprises from 1 ton of raw milk. Thus, increasing the milk productivity of cows, improving the composition, properties and quality of milk produced are ensured by the complexity of solving problems - from technical equipment to the correct observance of milk production technology. The production of high-quality milk determines the efficiency of dairy cattle breeding, the competitiveness of products and the further development of the industry.


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THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF IMPROVING OF THE QUALITY OF MILK I.A. Tihomirov, candidate of agricultural sciences, leading researcher O.L. Andryukhina, engineer researcher All-Russian research Institute of mechanization of animal husbandry

abstract. The article deals with topical issues and the main production of high quality milk justification. The modern market imposes strict requirements to the quality of milk and dairy products, forefromting their naturalness and safety. The legislative, regulatory and methodological base on the dairy industry are given, defining characteristics of quality and safety of raw milk on the market. The factors influencing milk production of cows and quality of milk. The substantiation of a number of promising directions for improving technologies in dairy cattle breeding are shown. The reasons causing the decline of the quality and safety of milk, methods of their elimination, control of sanitary conditions of milk production are provided. The compliance of technology of production, requirements for primary processing and transportation of milk allows you to obtain raw materials of high quality. The domestic and foreign experience of management of quality in dairy cattle are represented. The problems of increasing of the efficiency and competitiveness of milk production are illuminated. Ensuring of conditions for increasing of the production of quality raw milk and the saturation of the consumer market of the country with competitive dairy products of own production contributes to the solution of food security and improving of nutrition of the population of Russia.

Keywords: safety, quality, milk production, technical regulations, NA of USSR, technical equipment, primary processing of milk, amount of bacteria, somatic cells, production efficiency, competitiveness.


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