The work program of the discipline. The essence and structure of labor adaptation

Labor adaptation structure:

1.Professional adaptation is expressed:

· At a certain level of mastering professional skills;

· In the formation of some professional, necessary personality traits;

· In the acquisition of professional skills.

2.Socio-psychological adaptation is:

· In the development of the socio-psychological characteristics of the labor organization;

· In entering into the existing system of relationships in the team;

· In a positive relationship with team members.

Socio-psychological adaptation - this is the inclusion of the employee in the system of relations between the work collective with its traditions, norms of life. In the course of such adaptation, the employee receives information about his work collective, about the system of business and personal relationships in the group, about the socio-psychological position of individual members of the group in the structure of relationships and is assessed by him.

In the course of socio-psychological adaptation, the employee enters into real life organization, participates in it, he establishes positive relationships with colleagues, immediate supervisor, administration.

Social - organizational adaptation means mastering organizational structure enterprises:

control systems;

work and rest regime, etc.

Cultural and household adaptation is the development in the work collective of the peculiarities of everyday life and traditions of spending free time.

Cultural and everyday adaptation takes place quickly and painlessly in those collectives whose members are connected not only by work relationships, but also spend leisure time together, free time, using it for the versatile development of the personality.

Psychophysiological adaptation - the process of mastering the conditions necessary for workers during work.

The modern worker is sensitive to deviations in the norms of sanitary and hygienic comfort, the rhythms of work, and the workplace. The materials of many studies indicate that for workers the issues of sanitary and hygienic conditions of comfort are very acute and painful assessed by them.

In the process of adaptation, the employee goes through the following stages:

1.Familiarization stage - obtaining information about the new situation as a whole, about the criteria for evaluating various actions, about standards, norms of behavior.

2.Adaptation stage At this stage, a reorientation of values ​​takes place. recognizing the main elements new system, but many of their installations continue to be preserved

3.Assimilation stage - full adaptation to the environment.

4.Identification - the employee's personal goals are identified with the goals of the team.

By the nature of identification, 3 categories of workers are distinguished:

• indifferent;

· Partially identified;

· Fully identified.

Fully identified workers are the core of any workforce. And the end results of such a labor organization are always high.

Adaptation speed depends on many factors:

1.objective - factors that are less dependent on the employee: the size of the team, the level of work organization, the industry;


- social and demographic characteristics of the employee (gender, age, education, qualifications, work experience);

Socio-psychological (willingness to work, quick orientation in a production situation, sociability);

Sociological (degree of professional interest, material and moral interest, efficiency and quality of work).

An indicator of successful labor adaptation can be considered the general satisfaction of the employee with work, the moral and psychological climate in the team. Thus, in the process of production adaptation, the personal potential of the employee is not the last.

Personal potential of the employee Is a set of traits and qualities of an employee that form a certain type of behavior:

· self confidence;

• sociability;

· Ability to self-affirmation;

• poise;

· Objectivity.

Along with these characteristics, knowledge, education, experience occupy an important place.

The measure of the influence of the individual on the team is expressed in the categories of authority, leadership, leadership.


Adaptation of workers in the work collective and factors affecting the improvement of this process

The essence and structure of labor adaptation

Adaptation means the inclusion of a personality in a new object-material and social environment... When a person enters a job, he is included in the system of intra-organizational labor relations, occupying several positions in it. He is an employee, a social activist, a colleague, and a member of the party, trade union and other organizations. Each such position corresponds a set of requirements, standards, patterns of behavior, i.e. social role... Social roles embody the requirements for human behavior on the part of those communities and social groups of which he is a member. A person who occupies each of the named positions is expected to behave accordingly. For example, the social role of the rationalizer is associated with such actions as a constant analysis of the possibilities for the development of production, the development of options for one or another improvement, the presentation rationalization proposals receiving a reward. The complex of these positions, roles in the organization, society determines social status personality in the team and society.

Entering an enterprise, a person has certain goals, needs, values, norms. Attitudes of behavior. In accordance with them, the employee makes requirements for the organization: for working conditions, pay, maintenance, growth opportunities, and the social environment. The attitude of the employee to the organization depends on the degree of realization of his goal.

But the organization has its own goals and objectives, the central ones among which are the production of products, the production of material and spiritual benefits, and the provision of services. In accordance with them, the organization develops its own social values and norms.

So in the course of interaction between the employee and the organization, their mutual adaptation takes place, the process of labor adaptation takes place... This process will be more successful than, to a greater extent, the norms and values ​​of the collective and become norms and values. an individual the better and sooner he accepts, assimilates his social roles. the more the company meets the needs and requirements of the employee, the higher his job satisfaction. Thus, adaptation is a complex, two-way process between a person and the environment in which he is included.

Allocate primary and secondary adaptation ... Primary adaptation occurs at the initial entry of a young person into permanent labor activity. Secondary adaptation occurs in two cases: when an employee switches to a new workplace with or without a change of profession, as well as with significant changes in the working environment, its technical, economic or social elements.

Psychophysiological adaptation- This is the process of mastering the totality of all the conditions necessary for the employee during work. V modern production not only equipment and technology, but also the sanitary and hygienic standards of the production environment are becoming obsolete.

Socio-psychological adaptation- this is the inclusion of the employee in the systems of the relationship of the collective with its traditions, norms of life, value orientations. In the course of such adaptation, the employee gradually receives versatile information about his team, its norms, values, about the system of business and personal relationships in the group, about the socio-psychological position of individual members of the group in the structure of relationships, about group leaders.

Professional adaptation it is expressed in a certain level of mastering professional skills and abilities, in the formation of some professionally necessary personality traits, in the development of a stable positive attitude of the employee to his profession. Professional adaptation is largely determined by whether the employee has mastered the necessary minimum of knowledge and skills when acquiring a specialty, to what extent he has a sense of responsibility, a sense of the new, practicality, efficiency, and the ability to distribute actions over time.

Significance of certain aspects for different types adaptation is not the same. Thus, the professional aspect is more significant when a young worker first enters a permanent job than when a worker moves to a new job without changing his profession. Both professional and psychophysiological aspects are very important in secondary adaptation in the event of a change in the working environment.

Despite the different aspects of adaptation, they are all in constant interaction, i.e. labor adaptation is an integral system, not reducible to a simple sum of the properties of its parts. It involves the adaptation of the employee to the organization as a whole, to its norms and values.

In the process of adaptation, the employee goes through several stages. On familiarization stage he receives information about the new situation as a whole, about the criteria for evaluating various actions, about standards, norms of behavior. V adaptation stages the employee reorients himself, recognizing the main elements of the new value system, but retains many of the previous attitudes. V stages of assimilation there is a complete adaptation to the environment, identification with the new group. Identification- this is the identification of personal goals with the goals of the enterprise, the result of the adaptation process.

By the nature of identification, three categories of workers are distinguished: indifferent, partially identified, fully identified. Fully identified employees are the core of any team. A feature of behavior is not just a conscientious attitude towards one's duties, but also a willingness to sacrifice one's personal interests in order to successfully achieve the goals of the organization.

The result of identification is a stable high-quality fulfillment of production targets and standards, the formation of a stable positive attitude towards the profession, labor situation, and the team.

The speed of adaptation depends on many factors. But on average, this is the minimum period during which the administration is convinced of the professional qualifications of the employee, compliance with his requirements, and he - in accordance with the content, conditions, remuneration of labor to his expectations. The normal adaptation period for different categories of workers is from 1-6 months to 3 years. Moreover, team leaders should have a shorter adaptation time than ordinary workers.

group. Their absence affects the activity, the employee's behavior is ambiguous. On the one hand, he can devote himself more to professional and social activities. On the other hand, he is deprived of the necessary components of life balance, which reduces overall satisfaction with life. All this, in turn, is capable of negatively influencing his professional and social activities. Thus, our study of adaptation of young professionals showed more successful professional adaptation among married and married people. Non-family young specialists are more successful in social and psychological adaptation.

Work experience as a factor of adaptation is closely related to age. It is central among other factors affecting the strengthening or disruption of the relationship between the employee and the enterprise. In the sociology of labor, it is customary to study the phenomenon of three types of seniority: general, work in this enterprise, in this profession. Sometimes work experience in a given team is distinguished.

Social background is essential for adaptation, since the family greatly influences the professional orientations of school graduates, the choice of sphere labor activity.

Action education as factors of adaptation, it is such that young people with a higher level of education are the least adapted in the workplace. This contradiction can be resolved by orienting young people towards technical creativity, creativity in work. Otherwise, there is a search for a more interesting job corresponding to the education, a transition to another enterprise.

The higher level of claims, the more difficult the adaptation is. The level of aspirations is derived from education, social background.

Self-perception it is the employee's self-image. From the point of view of adaptation, this is an idea of ​​which of his abilities are the most valuable and important.

An important personal factor, especially significant for secondary adaptation, is the employee's readiness to perceive the new. This readiness is determined by the level of his education and qualifications. It is associated with the focus of the education system on the formation of a person's ability to independently acquire knowledge, the need for their constant replenishment.

TO production factors essentially includes all elements of the production environment. For each category of workers, production factors are modified in accordance with the specifics of the work of this group. So, for the workers, the condition of the equipment, the form of labor organization is of particular importance.

A specific adaptation factor are the forms of labor organization. Under the conditions of a brigade organization of labor, the level of adaptation of workers is, as a rule, higher than with an individual organization.

The adaptation of workers to changing production conditions is influenced by the existing system innovations.

Like personality factors, production factors affect different aspects of adaptation in different ways. For some aspects, some factors are most significant, for others others. Moreover, the set of significant factors itself is larger for some aspects, and smaller for others.

During the initial adaptation, a particularly sharp breakdown of the habitual stereotype of behavior occurs. During this period of mastering a new special role, a newcomer especially needs support and guardianship. The most effective implementation of these goals can be provided by mentoring.

Labor adaptation management

Management of work adaptation includes measurement, regulation and control. Measurement (accounting) presupposes a preliminary clarification of the contingents of adapters. All new applicants can be divided into the following groups:

  1. vocational school graduates;
  2. high school graduates;
  3. graduates of universities and technical schools;
  4. mobilized from the Army;
  5. new employees with work experience, but have not previously worked in this area;
  6. workers changing jobs.

The speed and level of adaptability of workers is judged by objective and subjective indicators.

Objective indicators of the general adaptation of an employee are indicators of the effectiveness of his labor activity, as well as his activity in various spheres of life. An objective indicator of professional adaptation is the compliance of qualifications with the requirements of the workplace. For socio-psychological adaptation - this is participation in the life of the team, the socio-psychological position in it, for the psychophysiological degree of fatigue.

Subjective indicators of general adaptability are willingness or unwillingness to continue working in a given organization, general job satisfaction. Subjective indicators of professional adaptation; attitude to the profession; socio-psychological assessment of relations with the team, the leader; psychophysiological assessment of well-being, conditions, labor severity.

The source of information on the indicators of adaptability is the factory documentation and the results of a survey of both the adapters themselves and their immediate supervisors.

Thus, the objective and subjective aspects of adaptation are interrelated, although they characterize its different aspects.

Regulation adaptation involves a system of measures aimed at accelerating the adaptation of new employees. There are a number of factors that the organization cannot influence. These are personal factors such as gender, age, marital status, plans for the future, norms and values ​​of a young worker, sometimes his expectations. In relation to these factors, adaptation management mainly goes beyond the enterprise and rests on such social institutions as family and education, which form the system of values ​​and norms of a young worker, plans for the future, readiness for professional activity... But it does not follow from this that information about trends and the nature of the influence of these factors on adaptation is not needed.

In connection with the growing role of secondary adaptation, the importance of such production factor, as an organization of systematic advanced training, as well as training. This factor is especially significant in the context of perestroika due to the large scale of the release of workers, primarily from the sphere of management, and their transition to other spheres of activity.

To manage adaptation, it is necessary to control the extent to which it adapts specific employee, regularly receive adaptation parameters, since only under this condition it is possible to effectively operate the entire system of measures. Only the implementation of an integral system of measures that are in effect on a permanent basis can successfully manage the adaptation process.

Characteristics of the current state of personnel training systems in organizations (at enterprises)

The term "Personnel" unites the constituent parts of the workforce of an organization. The personnel include all workers performing production or management operations and engaged in the processing of objects of labor using the means of labor.

The concepts of "personnel", "workers", "personnel" are identical, if the above definition is taken as a basis.

Education is one of the most important subsystems social sphere the state, which ensures the process of obtaining by a person systematized knowledge, abilities and skills in a certain area of ​​professional activity.

Intra-corporate training takes one of the first places in human resources management, because without qualified and professionally trained personnel, the organization will not be competitive in the market.

Training can be carried out in the workplace and outside the workplace (intra-production and non-production). The criteria for choosing the type of training are, on the one hand, income (advanced training leads to an increase in economic results of work), on the other hand, impressive expenses. If the income from vocational training is difficult to calculate, then the costs are relatively easy to calculate. Non-production professional training associated with significant fluctuating costs, intra-production with significant but fixed costs, since a certain number of people are employed in the field of training and there is an appropriate infrastructure.

In-service training of qualified personnel has advantages: the training methodology is carried out taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, the transfer of knowledge is carried out in a simple visual way, the result is easily controlled. In contrast, non-production training of qualified personnel is carried out, as a rule, by experienced teachers in a wide range of their experience, but the needs of the enterprise are not always sufficiently taken into account.

The purpose of training, needs is the answer to the question "who and what to teach?" And to the question "how to teach?" the forms of organization of training and types of classes correspond. The variety of these forms and types is very great, and everyone has a place in common system corporate training.

Table 1. Classification of forms of organization of training

Number of participants in the organization Training mode Training organizer Internal! External Internal supplier External supplier Group

On-the-job trainingClosed seminarsOpen seminars

ConferencesIn-serviceTechnical trainingcoursesIndividual

TrainingApart from workInternshipEducational programs

On-the-job training

Rotation or internship


Self-study, incl. with help. Computer programs

Distance learningEducational programs.

Distance learning

1-the personnel service can act as an internal organizer, internal

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Adaptation of workers in the work collective and factors affecting the improvement of this process

1. The essenceand the structure of labor adaptation

Adaptation means the inclusion of a personality in a new object-material and social environment... When a person enters a job, he is included in the system of intra-organizational labor relations, occupying several positions in it. He is an employee, a social activist, a colleague, and a member of the party, trade union and other organizations. Each such position corresponds a set of requirements, standards, patterns of behavior, role... Social roles embody the requirements for human behavior on the part of those communities and social groups of which he is a member. The person who occupies each of the named positions is expected to behave accordingly. For example, the social role of the rationalizer is associated with such actions as a constant analysis of the possibilities for the development of production, the development of options for one or another improvement, the submission of rationalization proposals, and the receipt of remuneration. The complex of these positions, roles in the organization, society determines the social position of the individual in the team and society.

Entering an enterprise, a person has certain goals, needs, values, norms. Attitudes of behavior. In accordance with them, the employee makes requirements for the organization: for working conditions, pay, maintenance, growth opportunities, and the social environment. The attitude of the employee to the organization depends on the degree of realization of his goal.

But the organization has its own goals and objectives, the central ones among which are the production of products, the production of material and spiritual benefits, and the provision of services. In accordance with them, the organization develops its own social values ​​and norms.

So in the course of interaction between the employee and the organization, their mutual adaptation takes place, the process of labor adaptation takes place... This process will be more successful than, to a greater extent, the norms and values ​​of the collective and become the norms and values ​​of an individual person, the better and sooner he accepts and assimilates his social roles. the more the company meets the needs and requirements of the employee, the higher his job satisfaction. Thus, adaptation is a complex, two-way process between the individual and the environment in which he is included.

Allocate primary and secondary adaptation ... Primary adaptation occurs at the initial entry of a young person into permanent labor activity. Secondary adaptation occurs in two cases: when an employee moves to a new workplace with or without a change of profession, as well as with significant changes in the working environment, its technical, economic or social elements.

Psychophysiological adaptation- This is the process of mastering the totality of all the conditions necessary for the employee during work. In modern production, not only equipment and technology are becoming obsolete, but also the sanitary and hygienic standards of the production environment.

Socio-psychological adaptation- this is the inclusion of the employee in the systems of the relationship of the collective with its traditions, norms of life, value orientations. In the course of such adaptation, the employee gradually receives versatile information about his team, its norms, values, about the system of business and personal relationships in the group, about the socio-psychological position of individual members of the group in the structure of relationships, about group leaders.

Professional adaptation it is expressed in a certain level of mastering professional skills and abilities, in the formation of some professionally necessary personality traits, in the development of a stable positive attitude of the employee to his profession. Professional adaptation is largely determined by whether the employee has mastered the necessary minimum of knowledge and skills when acquiring a specialty, to what extent he has a sense of responsibility, a sense of the new, practicality, efficiency, and the ability to distribute actions over time.

The importance of individual aspects for different types of adaptation is not the same. Thus, the professional aspect is more significant when a young worker first enters a permanent job than when a worker moves to a new job without changing his profession. Both professional and psychophysiological aspects are very important in secondary adaptation in the event of a change in the working environment.

Despite the different aspects of adaptation, they are all in constant interaction, i.e. labor adaptation is an integral system, not reducible to a simple sum of the properties of its parts. It involves the adaptation of the employee to the organization as a whole, to its norms and values.

In the process of adaptation, the employee goes through several stages. On familiarization stage he receives information about the new situation as a whole, about the criteria for evaluating various actions, about standards, norms of behavior. V adaptation stages the employee reorients himself, recognizing the main elements of the new value system, but retains many of the previous attitudes. V stages of assimilation there is a complete adaptation to the environment, identification with the new group. Identification- this is the identification of personal goals with the goals of the enterprise, the result of the adaptation process.

By the nature of identification, three categories of workers are distinguished: indifferent, partially identified, fully identified. Fully identified employees are the core of any team. A feature of behavior is not just a conscientious attitude towards one's duties, but also a willingness to sacrifice one's personal interests in order to successfully achieve the goals of the organization.

The result of identification is a stable high-quality fulfillment of production targets and standards, the formation of a stable positive attitude towards the profession, labor situation, and the team.

The speed of adaptation depends on many factors. But on average, this is the minimum period during which the administration is convinced of the professional qualifications of the employee, compliance with his requirements, and he - in accordance with the content, conditions, remuneration of labor to his expectations. The normal adaptation period for different categories of workers is from 1-6 months to 3 years. Moreover, team leaders should have a shorter adaptation time than ordinary workers.

2. Factors of labor adaptation

The success of adaptation depends on a number of prerequisites and factors.

The most important prerequisite for this process is the work on vocational guidance and professional selection with a contingent of future adapters.

Another prerequisite for labor adaptation is the prestige and attractiveness of professions in society, in different social groups, for individual individuals. Being closely interconnected, the prestige and attractiveness of professions reflect different aspects of the assessment of the profession. Prestige is the assessment of professions in accordance with the socially accepted scale of values. The attraction is more personal. This is the desirability of acquiring a profession. the higher the prestige and attractiveness of the profession, the stronger the desire of the employee to gain a foothold in it. This contributes to its more successful adaptation.

Factors of labor adaptation- these are conditions that affect the course, timing, pace, and results of this process. Since adaptation is a two-way process between an individual and the production environment in which he is included, all factors of labor adaptation can be divided into two groups - personal and production.

Personality factors , in turn, can be classified into socio-demographic, socially conditioned, psychological, sociological. Such demographic characteristics as gender, age, marital status, nationality, are not social in themselves, but having a significant impact on the course of social processes, acquire social significance, are interconnected and interdependent with the adaptation process.

Actively affects adaptation age- the most important in terms of the degree of influence among socio-demographic factors. It is associated with the qualitative characteristics of the employee - his work experience, education, marital status. As a rule, a period of up to 30 years does not give high performance adaptation, i.e. the problem of adaptation of an employee and further stabilization of the team is, first of all, a youth problem.

Family status leaves a significant imprint on the employee, his perception of reality. The presence of a husband (wife), children makes an employee a representative of a small socio-psychological group with his own interests, norms, forces him to adjust his behavior in accordance with his belonging to this group. Their absence affects the activity, the employee's behavior is ambiguous. On the one hand, he can devote himself more to professional and social activities. On the other hand, he is deprived of the necessary components of life balance, which reduces overall satisfaction with life activity. All this, in turn, is capable of negatively influencing his professional and social activities. Thus, our study of adaptation of young professionals showed more successful professional adaptation among married and married people. Non-family young specialists are more successful in social and psychological adaptation.

Work experience as a factor of adaptation is closely related to age. It is central among other factors affecting the strengthening or disruption of the relationship between the employee and the enterprise. In the sociology of labor, it is customary to study the phenomenon of three types of seniority: general, work in a given enterprise, in a given profession. Sometimes work experience in a given team is distinguished.

Social background is essential for adaptation, since the family greatly influences the professional orientations of school graduates, the choice of the sphere of work.

Action education as factors of adaptation, it is such that young people with a higher level of education are the least adapted in the workplace. This contradiction can be resolved by orienting young people towards technical creativity, creativity in work. Otherwise, there is a search for a more interesting job corresponding to the education, a transition to another enterprise.

The higher level of claims, the more difficult the adaptation is. The level of aspirations is derived from education, social background.

Self-perception is the employee's self-image. From the point of view of adaptation, this is an idea of ​​which of his abilities are the most valuable and important.

An important personal factor, especially significant for secondary adaptation, is the employee's readiness to perceive the new. This readiness is determined by the level of his education and qualifications. It is associated with the focus of the education system on the formation of a person's ability to independently acquire knowledge, the need for their constant replenishment.

TO production factors essentially includes all elements of the production environment. For each category of workers, production factors are modified in accordance with the specifics of the work of this group. So, for the workers, the condition of the equipment, the form of labor organization is of particular importance.

A specific adaptation factor are the forms of labor organization. Under the conditions of a brigade organization of labor, the level of adaptation of workers is, as a rule, higher than with an individual organization.

The adaptation of workers to changing production conditions is influenced by the existing system innovations.

Like personality factors, production factors affect different aspects of adaptation in different ways. For some aspects, some factors are most significant, for others, others. Moreover, the set of significant factors itself is larger for some aspects, and smaller for others.

During the initial adaptation, a particularly sharp breakdown of the habitual stereotype of behavior occurs. During this period of mastering a new special role, a newcomer especially needs support and guardianship. The most effective implementation of these goals can be provided by mentoring.

3. Labor adaptation management

Management of work adaptation includes measurement, regulation and control. Measurement (accounting) presupposes a preliminary clarification of the contingents of adapters. All new applicants can be divided into the following groups:

vocational school graduates;

high school graduates;

graduates of universities and technical schools;

mobilized from the Army;

new employees with work experience, but have not previously worked in this area;

workers changing jobs.

The speed and level of adaptability of workers is judged by objective and subjective indicators.

Objective indicators of the general adaptation of an employee are indicators of the effectiveness of his labor activity, as well as his activity in various spheres of life. An objective indicator of professional adaptation is the compliance of qualifications with the requirements of the workplace. For socio-psychological adaptation - this is participation in the life of the team, the socio-psychological position in it, for psychophysiological - the degree of fatigue.

Subjective indicators of general adaptability are willingness or unwillingness to continue working in a given organization, general job satisfaction. Subjective indicators of professional adaptation - attitude to the profession; socio-psychological - assessment of relations with the team, the leader; psychophysiological - assessment of well-being, conditions, the severity of work.

The source of information on the indicators of adaptability is the factory documentation and the results of a survey of both the adapters themselves and their immediate supervisors.

Thus, the objective and subjective aspects of adaptation are interrelated, although they characterize its different aspects.

Regulation adaptation involves a system of measures aimed at accelerating the adaptation of new employees. There are a number of factors that the organization cannot influence. These are such personal factors as gender, age, marital status, plans for the future, norms and values ​​of a young worker, and sometimes his expectations. In relation to these factors, adaptation management generally goes beyond the enterprise and rests on such social institutions as family and education, which form the system of values ​​and norms of a young worker, plans for the future, and readiness for professional activity. But it does not follow from this that information about trends and the nature of the influence of these factors on adaptation is not needed.

In connection with the growing role of secondary adaptation, the importance of such a production factor as the organization of systematic advanced training, as well as personnel training, is increasing. This factor is especially significant in the context of perestroika due to the large scale of the release of workers, primarily from the sphere of management, and their transition to other spheres of activity.

To manage adaptation, it is necessary to control the extent to which a specific employee adapts, to regularly receive adaptation parameters, since only under this condition can the entire system of measures be effectively operated. Only the implementation of an integral system of measures that are in effect on a permanent basis can successfully manage the adaptation process.

WITHlist of used literature

adaptation management work personality

T.V. Dvoretskaya sociology of labor. Tutorial... M., graduate School, 1989

Dikareva A.A., Mirskaya M.I., sociology of labor. Tutorial. M., High School, 1989

Lukashevich N.P. Youth and Labor: Problems of Industrial Adaptation. Kharkov, 1987

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Many companies today are cutting costs quietly or loudly. What place does personnel occupy in this kind of cost reduction rating?

B Of course, personnel costs are a significant cost item in the budget of any enterprise. But this is by no means a leader in optimization, especially in material-intensive industries. Therefore, when sequestering other articles, it is the most protected both from the point of view of its objectivity and from the point of view of legal protection of labor relations. With regard to our budget for personnel costs, even at the stage of approval in November 2014, it underwent a critical study and currently contains the necessary minimum, which nevertheless takes into account the requirements collective agreement on the indexation of wages.

How to cut personnel costs? What strategy should a company choose when cutting staff?

"R to drive ”personnel costs are a big responsibility. Based on the need of the moment- the biggest mistake that can entail additional costs not only for release, but also for subsequent selection, recruitment and training. It is necessary to clearly understand the needs of the enterprise in the medium term, and if we are talking about such a large industrial enterprise, like ours, in the future at least a year. In addition to direct economic calculations of efficiency, one should take into account such socio-economic nuances as the possibility of overflow of the released work force to nearby cities, large enterprises and investment projects, loss of qualifications by those workers who could not find a job again.

Taking into account the serious risks of making an unweighted decision, I would like to advise colleagues not to hack off the shoulder and try soft methods of headcount management, such as part-time work, the announcement of a temporary suspension of work, and the provision of unpaid vacations. They allow you to quickly reduce personnel costs in difficult times and just as painlessly leave them for full-time employment.

Also, do not forget that efficiency economic activity the enterprise consists of two factors - you can cut costs, and you can start earning more. Channel the strength and motivation of your workforce to improve productivity and overall profitability.

Therefore, if the question is raised about reducing the number or level of wages of the main production personnel, which directly creates added value, then there can be only one principle - “measure seven times, cut one off”. At the same time, carrying out systematic work to optimize management structures, change the number in accordance with the norms, improve the organization of work processes, assess the effectiveness of personnel, increase labor productivity, implying a slight reduction in auxiliary categories of personnel, including managers, should become a normal practice for every management service. staff.

Feedback from the team?

TO The collective should not so much listen as talk with him - honestly talk about the situation, discuss prospects, explain the essence of unpopular decisions being made, listen to proposals and try to implement them. Building internal communications is an important tool in times of instability that will minimize resistance to change and conflicts between management and employees. Particularly important in the implementation of the cost reduction policy is the personal example of the manager, for example, the willingness to reduce the level of benefits for himself and other top managers, write an application for the provision of unpaid leave, etc.

Optimization loss?

NS With a competent organization of optimization of the number of personnel, losses can be minimal. I must admit that over the fat years, almost all companies have saved up "fat", respectively, a slight decrease (5-10%) in the number can be almost painless. The risks of larger releases are higher. To reduce them, the release of the least trained workers must be ensured, all legal procedures must be followed.

The preliminary formation of the so-called "personnel core", which is understood as a group of the most qualified and efficient workers having such knowledge, skills and craftsmanship, the combination of which allows you to perform any production tasks that are carriers of basic competencies and unique technologies.

A similar project was implemented with us. The “cadre core” was formed collectively, on a competitive basis and included 30% of the number of basic workers and 10% of the number of other categories of workers.

The workers included in it were endowed with certain privileges, they were given special conditions wages. At the same time, they took on additional responsibilities in the development of new technologies, types of work, additional functions, work on related professions, agree to transfers to production bottlenecks.

An important aspect, which is often neglected, is a friendly parting with employees, which, firstly, involves preparing him for a new place of work or assistance in finding a job, and secondly, psychological support for the released person, adding him to the database of potential candidates, saving for him certain types benefits that will allow him to soften the severity of dismissal, and you to maintain your image of a socially responsible employer.

There is also a purely pragmatic motive in this - a softly dismissed employee, if necessary, will return with pleasure.

It should be noted that in 2015 it is possible to prepare an employee for a possible release almost without cost, using the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2015 No. 35, which involves federal subsidizing of additional activities in the field of employment, including advanced training and internship programs. To obtain state support, you must apply with the appropriate applications to the regional bodies for labor and employment. We have already taken advantage of this opportunity - Employment Support Program Sverdlovsk region, which includes the needs of the corporation, has been approved and will soon enter the implementation phase - more than 500 employees of the company will be retrained in professions in demand in production, or they will improve their qualifications for the development of the enterprise.

Who will notice the savings on payroll and when?

O Apparently, the release of the number will not give a quick economic effect, since it will be necessary to notify employees about the upcoming reductions 2 months in advance and provide them with labor guarantees in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In total, the release period is extended for 5 months with the payment of full salary. In addition, they apply, and often quite effectively, measures aimed at preserving a part of the saved payroll for departments, which are directed, firstly, to stimulate line managers, contributing to the optimization of processes and effective use labor resources, and secondly, to reward the remaining employees for the rational redistribution of responsibilities.

Taking into account all areas, the first optimization results can be seen no earlier than 6 months later. And this is another reason to think - is it necessary to start?

Outsourcing, when will it help?

A Utsourcing - as a headcount and cost management mechanism - can be useful at any time, including in times of economic instability. But this approach should not be considered a panacea. Typical mistakes companies that have chosen to outsource certain functions lie in the plane of underestimating the competitive component. Maximum efficiency is achieved when two factors are combined - outsourcing services to several legal entities, as well as creation by the parent company competitive environment, including artificial. So, when allocating a certain function for outsourcing, not one is created, but 2-3 legal entities, for which the share of the guaranteed order decreases every year and, accordingly, the share of orders increases according to the results of the competition. This allows you to constantly keep the outsourcers in good shape, both in terms of price and quality of services provided.

Do I need to hire additional staff with an eye to downsizing?

H frankly speaking, I cannot imagine such a thing. The situation of poorly predicted employment is more likely in industries with pronounced seasonality or poor predictability of loading, or other factors of a high level of uncertainty.

It seems that recruitment and subsequent dismissal is the most ineffective tool of those provided by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

I would advise such employers to apply various forms flexible employment of personnel (urgent employment contracts, part-time, part-time work week, part-time work), outsourcing, outstaffing.

Do you need outstaffing?

H Our company has been using outstaffing for a number of years, it also has undoubted advantages, for example, attracting a specified number of qualified workers on time, and the absence of social burden. But we also see the disadvantages - this is the weak controllability of such personnel, their lack of interest in increasing labor efficiency, and the lack of transparency in contract costs. I do not think that the market for outstaffing services will die, on the contrary, it is expected that it will become more civilized and responsible in relation to employees and, of course, will have its own client.

However, if there is a constant need for certain staff, it is better to switch from outstaffing to permanent labor relations with an employee. Oddly enough, the difficult economic situation can help in this - today “free” skilled workers and engineers of various specialties, including those ready to move to other regions, have begun to appear on the labor market. In this case, the decisive factor in the process competitive struggle becomes the provision of housing. Today, two new apartment buildings have been built in Nizhny Tagil, ready to move in by newly recruited nonresident workers - highly qualified machine operators, engineers, and doctors. We are waiting for doctors in a new multidisciplinary clinic, which was also built at the expense of the enterprise and will be commissioned by the fall of 2015.

Reduction errors?

TO As mentioned above, a 5-10% reduction in headcount is practically painless for enterprises. The most difficult are cases of significant reductions - from 25% of the population.

A directive approach to optimization, for example, reducing the same, strictly established percentage of the headcount of each division, releasing without a clear understanding of the medium-term prospects of production and sales, justified calculations of the need for personnel, including by category and profession, without revision technological processes, business processes. Yes, it's faster this way, but such an approach not only can, but even probably will lead to a violation key functions production and management, decrease in product quality, inability to fulfill established plans.

Often in the process of reductions, those who remain are forgotten, believing that they are already sufficiently motivated. Unfortunately, in my practice there was an example when, as a result of the lack of a unified balanced policy in terms of personnel optimization and measures to retain key personnel in the workplace, there was a serious outflow of the most qualified and experienced managers, specialists and workers who preferred to change jobs rather than sit. and wait, whether or not it will be the turn of cuts. The loss of the best staff is often irreparable.

Additional complications are seen in recent changes Labor Code RF, as well as law enforcement practice that changed the reduction procedure. In particular: the application of professional standards to determine the qualifications of an employee, the introduction of new preferential categories (single mothers, parents with many children, etc.). Due to the novelty and unsettled judicial practice the number of cases in courts for reinstatement at work will only increase.

* Yulia Zotova, acting deputy general director on staff. JSC "Scientific and Production Corporation" Uralvagonzavod "

Interviewed by Tatiana Osipova


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