How to open a pizzeria for delivery. Premises for a pizzeria. How to open a pizza delivery - buying equipment

The Village continues to figure out what the real cost of familiar things is. In this issue, we decided to find out how much the Margarita pizza costs. Representatives of major brands told about the cost of dough, sauce, tomatoes and cheese.

How much does Margarita pizza cost?

Cost of pizza

120-170 rubles

What is the price of

Products - 25-30%
Margin - 65-70%

How entrepreneurs set prices

Kirill Vyrypaev

financial Director of Dodo Pizza

Heinrich Karpin

co-owner and managing partner of il FORNO Group

On average, the market mark-up for pizza is three to five times. In the case of "Margarita" in percentage terms it looks like this: 30% - the cost price, 70% - the margin.

The cost of any dish (and pizza is no exception) consists of the cost of the products included in it. All products are processed upon arrival at the restaurant. Then semi-finished products are prepared from them, which are already included in the composition of the dishes. Each stage includes a certain percentage of waste, in some cases it can go up to 70% of the original weight of the product that comes to the restaurant, which, of course, increases the cost of the product that goes into the dish. As for the pizza in our restaurants (il FORNO, Burger & Pizzetta, FORNETTO, "Limonchino"), we cook the dough and all sauces on the spot according to our recipes, so the cost of the classic Margarita pizza will consist of dough per serving, tomato sauce, cheese mozzarella and oregano seasoning. We work with trusted suppliers, monitor the quality of products and their price ratio, conduct blind tastings and do everything to ensure that the quality of the dishes is at a high level, and our guests are always satisfied.

Dmitry Zotov

brand Chef Zotman Pizza Pie

The cost of pizza is made up of many factors - from the cost of the ingredients to the costs of the restaurant itself. This is logical, because the more expensive the raw materials, the more expensive the pizza - in principle, this applies to any dish. You must always remember that there are no fairy tales and miracles, you will never get a decent dish from cheap low-quality products. Also, the cost price includes payment to the personnel who are involved in cooking.

We buy many products, such as flour and tomatoes, for pizza in Europe. In Russia, grain is not yet processed properly, but we really hope for that, and tomatoes cannot be as juicy as in Italy, since we do not have the climate and conditions in which they should grow. And now to all this, add customs duties, transportation fees, exchange rates - that's the result (At Zotman Pizza Pie, the Buffalo Margarita pizza costs 460 rubles. - Ed.).

Maxim Markin

"Papa Johns"

For an average pizza, the cost is plus or minus 170 rubles ( in the Papa John's network, the average Margarita pizza on a traditional dough costs 539 rubles. - Approx. ed.).

How to open a pizzeria from scratch? Step-by-step instruction

Pizza, fast food, Japanese cuisine - it's hard to imagine the everyday life of a modern city dweller without these dishes. All new cafes, bars, restaurants open here and there, it seems, instantly grow out of the ground, like mushrooms after a rain. The market for catering establishments grows by 25% annually. This figure scares aspiring businessmen who want to try their hand at the restaurant business. However, fear is not always justified. For example, among cafe-pizzerias there are no obvious leaders, the largest players, as, say, among fast food establishments. The pizzeria market for new players is free to enter.

Opening a pizzeria: is it profitable and where to start the process?

If you decide that you want to open a pizzeria from scratch, the first step is to determine what type of establishment it will be. The following options are possible: restaurant, cafe, pizza shop, pizza delivery.

Italian restaurant is the most complex and expensive project. It is costly in terms of renting, buying or building premises, equipping halls, purchasing special equipment. The menu of the Italian restaurant includes a wide range of dishes, a large number of varieties of pizza. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort to compose the menu and find reliable reliable suppliers, you will need to issue a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages, look for an unrivaled chef (ideally, of course, an Italian) and impeccable administrators and waiters. But a successful solution to these issues will pay off a hundredfold. This market is not as crowded as the cafe and bistro market, where you can quickly grab a few slices of pizza. There are good chances to find your circle of regular visitors. In addition, the payback of the business comes on average in 1 year.

Cafe-pizzeria - requires much less financial investment. The demand for establishments of this type is huge, but the competition is also great. You can build or rent a small room, a hall in a shopping center, open a summer cafe - there are many successful options. Not a lot of staff required. But in this case, an extremely scrupulous analysis of the competitors' market is required. The average payback period is 1.5 years.

Pizza shop (pizzeria-kiosk) - a popular, developing by leaps and bounds direction. This is a small room that only consists of a kitchen and a product dispensing area. There may not be a hall for visitors at all, or only 2-3 tables will be placed in it - for those who want to have a snack on the spot or are waiting for an order to be issued. In such establishments, pizza is prepared right in front of the customer - in 15–20 minutes, or orders are accepted by phone or the Internet.

Pizza delivery - can be an independent type of business or be combined with other types of pizzerias. The easiest option to organize, but also the least profitable of all. Requires a well-designed advertising campaign. After all, visitors will not be able to get acquainted with the institution with their own eyes, advertising is required in the media, in entrances, elevators, attracting promoters, etc.

The first pizzeria was opened in Naples in 1738 and was called "Antica".

There are currently about 500 stationary pizzerias in Moscow. The average payback period for any type of pizzeria is 1.5–2 years. With a competent organization, a business is profitable, the main thing is to approach its organization wisely, consult with knowledgeable people, and turn to specialists.

We create a business plan for a pizzeria

When starting to develop your own concept, remember: the desire to bring to life the ideal model of the establishment in your mind is not the best idea. As they say - to taste and color ... First of all, it is worth analyzing your financial capabilities, then assessing the demand and preferences of the mass consumer, and only after that compare it with your desires and ideas.

A pizzeria business plan is necessary not only for you personally to detail your idea and search for approaches to its implementation, but also to provide it to investors, partners, banks - if you apply for their help.

Here are the main points that should be covered in any business plan:

  • The name of the institution, its main idea.
  • The target audience.
  • Desired location.
  • Design project.
  • Staff of staff.
  • Pizzeria menu.
  • Advertising campaign.
  • Estimated opening costs.
  • Expected financial performance.
  • Expected payback period.

It should be noted that if you are drawing up a business plan for a pizzeria for yourself, it makes sense to describe in detail how many and what kind of employees you will need, what equipment, furniture and utensils and in what quantity, what documents you will have to draw up. If a business plan needs to be presented to investors or creditors, you should dwell on financial and legal aspects in more detail, provide figures, statistics, and justify your own forecasts.

Choosing and renovating a room

Usually, the selection and renovation of a room is started after the idea, style and audience of the pizzeria have been determined. However, this is another common beginner's mistake. Finding a room can be much more difficult than coming up with a concept for a cafe. Sometimes you have to adjust your initial ideas in accordance with the characteristics of the premises that you managed to find / buy / rent. Consider which option suits you best. The purchase of premises is a large one-time investment, which is not available to every entrepreneur. But since about 40% of all monthly costs are spent on rent, it should be clearly determined which type of property will be more profitable and more affordable for you. Also, remember: leases longer than one year require state registration with the City Registration Office.

The choice of the location of the establishment depends on your concept. It is more profitable to open restaurants in the central districts of the city, while cozy small cafes will appeal to families, students, and office workers. So pizzerias will be in demand in residential areas, near educational institutions, business centers.

When choosing a room, it is important to take into account not only its location, traffic, but also compliance internal design codes ... So, you need a large kitchen, divided into several workshops, a room for storing personal belongings of staff, a separate toilet room for employees. An important feature - electrical power of the room ... For example, in order to put in an institution with a footage of 200-300 sq. m a complete set of professional equipment, the power of the electrical network must be at least 30-40 kW. You also need to consider how ventilated the room is ... The ventilation system must necessarily go out onto the roof; placing a pizzeria in a basement is unacceptable. If the pizzeria will be located in a residential building , then the room should have entrances and emergency exits, isolated from the residential part of the building, and have increased sound insulation. Other requirements for the institution can be found in the relevant SNiPs and GOSTs.

After you have chosen a room where you can open a pizzeria from scratch, you should decide on the design: engineering and technological, develop a design project, think over the external design of the institution, a signboard.

Choosing equipment

Equipment, furniture and dishes are selected based on the type and specifics of the pizzeria. For clarity, we present a list of equipment required to open a small cafe-pizzeria for 20 visitors, and indicate its cost.

Table. Equipment for pizzeria


Quantity (pcs.)

Cost, rub.)

Pizza oven


Dough sheeter

Refrigerating cabinet

Refrigerated chest

Refrigerated countertop showcase

Coffee machine


Refrigerated bar cabinet

A set of tableware, cutlery

For 20 persons

Staff uniform

For 10 persons

Tables, sofas, chairs for the hall

For 20 persons

Starting a pizza delivery business is simple and difficult at the same time. Simple - because you will not need such large investments as for more serious enterprises. Difficult - because you have to go around the authorities, work hard to earn a name and endure until the business pays off.

If you can do it, you will get a highly profitable business, you can open new points or even full-fledged restaurants. It all depends on your patience, desire and dedication.

Features and difficulties of such a business

Let's start the topic: "How to open pizza delivery at home", with the specifics of the business and the difficulties arising from them. The first and most obvious is competitors. These are all establishments where pizza is prepared and delivered: specialized pizzerias, restaurants and just delivery companies. You've probably seen how all the entrances are pasted over with advertisements from the menus of such companies. As a rule, the number of competitors in one area is not very large, which makes the task easier. But their main advantages are speed of delivery, well-known name and reputation.

Clients are reluctant to change their habits and prefer to order in one place - where pizza is prepared deliciously and quickly delivered. You have to work hard to convince them to buy something from you. To do this, you need to give more advertising, literally "call out" the eyes, so that the client decides to order something from you.

Next, you need to earn reputation. Your pizza should arrive at the client as quickly as possible, always tasty and of high quality. If you cook poorly or delay delivery, the person will no longer order from you and will dissuade his acquaintances from doing so. Therefore, carefully monitor the quality of the ingredients and the technology of pizza preparation, saving on this is a bad option.

The next one is organizational difficulties. First you need to find a room. Please note that it is unlikely that such a business can be organized in your own apartment. But even in this case, you will have to go through many instances, at least this is obtaining a trade patent, permission from the fire inspection and SES. Experienced entrepreneurs recommend going to these organizations with the project of the premises before the lease is signed. You can fix the flaws right away so that you don't have to redo anything later.

Then - the staff, namely - cooks. It is unlikely that for pizza delivery it will be possible to find someone who will cook it using all Italian technologies. This is taught in specialized institutions or directly in restaurants. There is one consolation - many say that pizza is tastier in Russia than in Italy. But in any case, you need to find an intelligent person who will make sure that the pizza is tasty and its taste remains unchanged over time.

This is not easy, because it is not always possible to purchase raw materials from one supplier. And it will be up to the chef to determine if he can recreate the same flavor using different flour, cheese, tomato paste, etc. And also the tendency of the chef's profession is to change the place of work every 2-3 years, as they get bored of the former.

Menu. Need to add at least drinks and salads to it. If you look at the menus of other similar establishments, you will see that they are not limited to pizza. The most popular is a combination of pizza and sushi.

Fast delivery. Take care of logistics issues by purchasing several inexpensive cars or hiring drivers on your own cars. If you work in a residential area, suburb or small town, most of the delivery will be carried out by cars or mopeds. In the center of the metropolis, it is better to deliver pizza by public transport due to traffic jams.

For how long the delivery should take - see the expert's comment.

Premises and equipment

Enough 30 sq.m., on which you can place all the equipment. Redecoration may be required. The premises must comply with fire safety and SES standards, which you will first visit before the start of the lease term, and then see representatives of these organizations again after everything is equipped.

Since you only need a bakery, a small production hall is sufficient. Premises for it can be rented in canteens, cafes, residential buildings, and a separate pizza stand can be set up wherever there is an opportunity to put equipment and start cooking. It is important that courier cars can easily drive up to your workshop and take the goods away from there.

We are talking only about the pizza delivery business; we are not yet discussing the possibility of organizing a full-fledged pizzeria. But it is quite possible to open it when you settle in the market and receive a stable income. But as an option, you can put several tables in the room, if the area allows, or provide an opportunity to take freshly baked pizza to take away.
  1. A hearth or conveyor pizza oven. Hearth furnace cheaper, pizza is placed on a stone underneath and baked at a temperature of 400-500 degrees Celsius. Conveyor models are more expensive but they are better suited for the preparation of the same type of product. Both types of stoves are gas and electric. There are also wood-burning stoves - a classic option for an Italian pizzeria. But pizza delivery companies are encouraged to use conveyor models - they are more productive and easier to operate.
  2. Pizza table. Here the pizza will be collected and prepared to be sent to the oven. The table should have a gastronorm container with a cooling effect to store the ingredients.
  3. Refrigerator and freezer. The rest of the ingredients will be stored here.
  4. Ventilation equipment.
  5. Dough sheeter.
  6. Forms for pizza.
  7. Kitchen tools.
  8. Gravy boats.
  9. Packaging.
  10. Pizza bags.

Personnel and procurement of raw materials

What kind of staff is needed:

  1. Chefs. Optimally - 2 pizza chefs who can work together or in shifts.
  2. Purchaser of equipment and raw materials. You can act as it yourself.
  3. Couriers - from 4 people.
  4. Call center operator. You can also do this on your own at the first stage.

Activities from 2, 3, 4, and sometimes 1 point can be done by you yourself. The mistake of many aspiring businessmen is an attempt to do everything yourself. Calculate exactly what kind of work and for how long you will be able to complete yourself, what you can entrust to employees and to whom, otherwise you may not be able to do anything. The best option is to buy raw materials yourself and answer some of the calls, and delegate the rest of the responsibilities to employees.

First, let's talk about what kind of raw materials you need. Ideally, pizza should be made with hot dough and quality ingredients. But there is an opportunity to save money by purchasing several pizza blanks and several filling options sold at wholesale stores.

The pizza will cook very quickly, the cost will be minimal, but the quality may suffer. Therefore, if you go this way, first personally try each prepared pizza and decide whether you would buy such a product again.

If you decide to buy ingredients separately, they are sold in wholesale stores like METRO or at specialized bases that supply raw materials for pizzerias. You can find a permanent supplier in Russia or abroad and buy all the ingredients from him. It can be said unequivocally that raw materials are not something that can be saved on.

Economic calculations

Minimum costs:

  1. Premises rental - from 15 thousand rubles per month.
  2. Equipment - 170-200 thousand rubles.
  3. Raw materials - 100-200 thousand rubles.
  4. Repair (if necessary) - 50-100 thousand rubles.
  5. The salary for employees is 150-200 thousand rubles per month.
  6. Registration of an enterprise - from 15 thousand rubles.
  7. Advertising - from 30 thousand rubles.
  8. Packaging for pizza - from 10 rubles. per box.
  9. Printing of booklets with a menu - 5-10 thousand rubles.
  10. Utilities - 20-30 thousand rubles.

This is the approximate minimum cost. It can be more or less and fluctuates depending on the region.

The average profitability of such an enterprise is 35-40%. The payback period is from 20 to 30 months. The cost of 1 pizza is 50-120 rubles. The margin is 200-300%. The average price of a pizza is 250 rubles. The average number of items is 20 types of pizza on the menu. You can deliver about 50 orders per day. Let's say 1 order is, on average, 2 pizzas. We think so, because 1 person can order 1 pizza, while a large company will order 3 pizzas. So it turns out 2 pizzas to order. Please note that these are very rough calculations.

As a result, the average cost of a pizza is 85 rubles. Let's say you sell 100 pizzas a day. We calculate the gross income per month:

(250 x100 - 85 x100) x 30 \u003d 495,000.

After deducting expenses and taxes, the net profit will amount to 70-100 thousand rubles per month. This is a rough and very rough estimate - income can be more or less. You will most certainly find other types of food and drinks that will increase your profits. The optimal ratio between the cost of production and the price: 1: 5. some companies use a 1: 7 ratio.

Do not seek to set the price higher than that of competitors, otherwise you risk being left with nothing. Focus on the average market price, too cheap pizza is also not worth selling - this arouses suspicion. In addition, you will have to save on raw materials, and this is not worth doing, as mentioned above.


Come up with a catchy name, a striking logo and patent them. The client should see them as often as possible: on leaflets, in cars, on the Internet, on billboards, in print media, etc.

Create your site. Place on it all information about the product, its ingredients, some interesting articles, the history of your company and everything that may be of interest to the client. Don't forget the most important thing - the "order" button. The client should be able to instantly buy pizza directly on the website, order a call back or call the specified phone number on his own.

Develop mobile app. Its goal is to quickly buy pizza and alert you about news and special offers from your company.

Unstick menu brochures in the entrances. They will be constantly ripped off, but someone will definitely want to order pizza, since there is no need to look for a delivery company on the Internet - the menu has already been brought directly to his apartment.

Develop a discount system. For example, suppose subscribers of a group on a social network receive a 5% discount, or a 10% discount for a repeat order within 2 weeks, etc.

Run word of mouth. Many companies rate it as the best way to advertise. Let someone of your acquaintances, in a conversation with their friends, tell you what delicious pizza he tried and order it so that people can be convinced of this. Your task is to cook really tasty pizza and keep the brand, otherwise you will instantly lose confidence.

The pizza delivery business is pretty simple to set up. It has its own characteristics and difficulties. In short, to overcome them, you need patience and ingenuity. Then you will get a profitable and highly profitable company with unlimited opportunities for expansion, growth and opening new branches.

Many pizza delivery companies started out as small bakeries, from where the owner delivered the pizza himself. And now these are large enterprises known throughout the country or even abroad.
Watch the video on how to open pizza and sushi delivery.\u003dhdscHmQYZAI

Pizza delivery is in great demand not only in large cities, whose residents are chronically short of time, but also in relatively small settlements. The article lists the sequence of steps for opening a pizza delivery service, provides an approximate business plan, reveals some of the features, and gives specific practical advice.

This article also provides a comprehensive answer to a question that interests many aspiring entrepreneurs: “How to arrange pizza delivery?”

In order to organize your own pizza delivery company, you need the following steps:

  1. Find a room that meets certain requirements;
  2. Obtain all permits;
  3. Purchase the necessary equipment and supplies;
  4. Purchase raw materials and ingredients that will be part of the dishes;
  5. To find
  6. Organize transport logistics;
  7. Develop and implement an advertising strategy.

Let's consider each of the points in more detail.

Company registration

The best option for the form of ownership for a catering service - IE:

  • takes less time and requires provision (passport, TIN and application).
  • An individual entrepreneur has the right to choose
  • The cost of issuing an IP is only 800 rubles

Selection of premises

At first, a room of 30 square meters will be enough for pizza production. m. The main thing is that this room meets the requirements of fire safety and sanitary standards for food production.

Therefore, it is most reasonable to rent part of an existing or former canteen, catering or food processing facility. There, all the requirements of the fire inspectorate and SES were met from the very beginning.

The location of the premises is also important. The location in the city center is advantageous because delivery to any area is carried out as quickly as possible. But the rental price in the center is higher.

Therefore, a workshop located on the outskirts, near business centers, hostels, residential areas, and so on, is quite suitable. And you can save money on rent, and there will be enough clientele!

An important point: having picked up a room, you should not rush to immediately concludeThe production of pizza requires certain permits and approvals from government agencies.

Obtaining permits and approvals

Having secured the consent of the lessor in principle, armed with a drawing or a floor plan, as well as constituent documents, it is necessary to visit the following state regulatory and supervisory authorities in turn:

  • Tax office for obtaining a patent for trading activities,
  • State Fire Inspectorate for project approval;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological station for permission.

If, when visiting the authorities, you present a project of the future production and a plan of the premises, specialists will be able to point out the shortcomings that need to be corrected. And only after receiving all permits and approvals, you can "give a go" to the lease.

Purchase of equipment, equipment, utensils

We are not talking about creating, but only about a ready-made pizza delivery service. Then the purchase of equipment for can have two development paths:

  • The purchase of professional equipment and equipment that has high performance, but is also quite expensive.
  • Using a “budget” scenario, in which you can significantly save money, significantly increasing the risks of quality decline.

If a decision is made in favor of the first option, the costs increase significantly. But the payback is also noticeably reduced by improving the quality of the final result. Which allows you to form a stable base of regular customers much faster.

With a reasonable pricing policy and strict adherence to recipes, technology, variety of assortments, it is more profitable.

There is another way: purchase of domestic equipment, even if used, purchase of the necessary equipment in the budget price segment.

This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of the final product, but fraught with risks associated with a decrease in quality, fraught with a significant decrease in customer loyalty to the company's products that have just entered the market.

What equipment is required?

In any case, if not to talk about the franchise, when pizza delivery is only a service of any institution, you will need the following equipment:

  • Roasting oven. It can be of different types - "hearth" or "conveyor". The latter has great performance, but it also costs much more. The pizza oven can be either electric or gas. Today it makes sense to pay attention to domestic cooking machines - all other things being equal, they cost 1.5-2 times cheaper.

An important tip: when the enterprise is just "untwisted", you can get by with a very cheap microwave. But the quality of the product can turn off many buyers. Such pizza will be an “ersatz product” for them, no matter how cheap it is! However, this will be discussed in the section “Raw materials and ingredients”.

  • Refrigerator for storing components. This is a requirement of the SES, but the regulations do not specify the model or volume. The main thing is that the ingredients that make up different groups of food products are isolated from each other. A modern industrial refrigerator or an old Malyutka freezer - the decision is yours !.
  • Table for work and shaping. There are nuances here too - you can't make pizza “on the knee”! But a certain potential for saving financial resources exists here as well. It's one thing to purchase a special so-called “cold” pizza table. And it is quite another matter to use an ordinary table, lined with inexpensive gastronorm containers!
  • Kitchen utensils, accessories. At first, you can do without "frills", acquiring only the most necessary.

Raw materials and ingredients

Classic expensive Italian pizza is prepared exclusively from natural products. The apparent simplicity of this dish is quite deceiving.

The ingredients for the dough, proportions, the use of certain ingredients are secrets jealously guarded by all well-known manufacturers.

There is a more economical way. Today, specialized stores and even large mega-markets offer semi-finished products that even a chef who is not very qualified can handle.

These ingredients include:

  • Various types of bases (dough pieces);
  • Ready-made fillers (fillings);
  • Spices, herbs and sauces.

Thus, literally in 15-20 minutes you can cook absolutely any pizza by “arranging” its components in certain proportions. The quality of the dish will be inferior to the products of "haute cuisine", but the price can also be set more affordable!

Personnel search

In order to organize your own pizza delivery service, it is not at all necessary to call a professional “pizza parlor” from Italy.

In fact, at the start of a business, only the following specialists are required:

  • Chef / person who knows how to mix ingredients;
  • Dispatcher taking orders;
  • Courier.

Who prevents the head of a small enterprise from combining all these hypostases in his own person? There is only one answer - delivery problems!

Organization of logistics

This is the main problem of catering! The client wants to get his pizza as quickly as possible, at the lowest price, and even hot! How can you fulfill all these needs alone, having, for example, a couple of simultaneous orders?

Therefore, it is necessary to hire specialists "to pick up". But here there are several options for solutions:

  • Pizza delivery in the microdistrict can be carried out on foot.
  • In view of the high cost of buying or renting a car, you can use bicycles, scooters, mopeds;
  • You can negotiate with courier services.
  • In the case of this, you can use the transport of the “dominant” company.

But it is logistics, speed of delivery and satisfaction of all customer needs that are the main and indispensable condition for the viability of the pizza delivery service! Since the competition is too high here, and it is almost impossible for a small enterprise with its limited capabilities to compete in this area!

Pizza delivery service business plan

Smoothly moving on to the costs of organizing a pizza delivery service as a business. Take, for example, Moscow.

The first number is a limited budget, the second is the investment expectations from the business:

  • Company registration: 800 rubles - (10-15 thousand - "turnkey");
  • Premises rental: 20-50 per month (on the outskirts) - no restrictions (in the center);
  • Obtaining a patent, agreement with the State Institute of Industrial Inspection and SES: 5,000 - 35,000 (depending on the suitability of the premises, or refusal) - regardless of the area (according to the law);
  • Purchase of equipment, inventory and auxiliary materials: 120 thousand - 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Hiring: 0 rubles - 25,000 rubles;
  • Fare: 300 rubles - 50,000;
  • Utilities (electricity, water, gas and electricity) - 15-30 thousand units of national currency.
  • Advertising: the more investments, the more return.
  • Taxes, (even if there is no economic activity): 15,000 per year (for individual entrepreneurs).
  • Hospitality, ordering promotional items: depending on the budget.

Pizza delivery business profitability

Market professionals say that the profitability of delivery of pizza delivery (without opening a public catering outlet) reaches 30-40%. A sufficiently low production cost allows us to achieve higher performance.

The average cost for a “semi-finished” pizza, which takes 15-20 minutes to cook, ranges from 30 to 45 rubles. Pizza made from natural ingredients (rolled dough, hand-chopped filling, adding some special components) can cost the manufacturer 100 or even 180 rubles.

But the “exit” can make a twofold difference! Moreover, statistics show that the average check for a pizza order is at least 700 rubles. And this is without shipping costs! But it is here that novice businessmen are waiting for the very "reefs" on which most of the "ships of hope" crash!

Delivery service pitfalls

The pitfalls of organizing a pizza delivery business are as follows: The quality of the product should be higher than that of competitors. Sometimes - regardless of the cost.

Even using blanks, it is necessary to surprise customers with some kind of “zest”. We need to very clearly build a balanced pricing policy.

Moreover, in addition to standard offers of 3-5 types of pizza, the assortment line simply needs to be diluted with something else. At least the same bottled drinks, packaged products, and even cat food - you don't need to cook all this yourself, but it will attract customers! It is very important to fulfill the order on time, even to the detriment of yourself!

Pizza customers do not like to hear about traffic jams, “evil” traffic cops, or a flat tire. Next time they will just order food from a different company!

The most important competitive advantage is the appearance of the courier. A shaggy man on rollers, stuffing some crumpled boxes with a cold mess inside and muttering something under his breath about payment, is unlikely to cause respect for the company.

Not every start-up enterprise can afford to buy a recognizable uniform, but a neat appearance and a benevolent attitude are cheaper. and the effect is much greater.

Since almost 70% of pizza orders to the office or to a specific address are initiated by queries in Internet search engines, you must have your own website. Where information about dishes, services, delivery is laid out in maximum detail.

This is a separate topic, to which we will devote a special article! But it is very important to implement different payment methods:

  • Prepayment via electronic money (which is why we talked about the Internet);
  • Transfer of funds in the "Bank-Client" mode;
  • Cash payment to the courier;
  • Other payment methods.

Business features

Like any pizza delivery service, it requires absorbing attention, a scrupulous approach, the most serious attitude and strategic thinking.

But catering, due to the relatively low cost of the “admission ticket”, is characterized by a very high degree of competition! That is why opening a pizza delivery service requires a detailed approach!

How to open a pizza delivery and what are the features? Find out in this video:

Today, almost all niches in business are occupied by old-timers who started their business many years ago, gained a clientele and are now reaping the fruits of their labor. Young businessmen want the same success, but do not know how to open their own business and what to do in general in order to earn at least some money. We have an interesting idea for a home business and now we will tell you how you can create a whole network from a small pizza delivery business. A budding entrepreneur does not have a lot of money to rent premises, buy expensive equipment and pay for the work of a professional baker, but this does not mean that you will not succeed. You can save money at any stage of writing a business plan, come up with something new that will reduce the cost of operating or starting an enterprise. We will describe all the secrets with which you can open your business without a big cash injection.

After analyzing the market, one can understand that the competition in the pizza niche is huge and it will be extremely difficult to achieve great success in this business - you need a large budget, a lot of time for payback and a set of client base. We advise you to start by simply trying to deliver the cooked pizza to the customer. You will need a small room, an oven, a baker, and some additional equipment. Of course, the costs of this option of earning are lower, because we do not need to rent a large room and make cosmetic repairs in it, we do not need to hire a lot of staff. True, the income of a pizzeria will also be higher than just a pizza delivery service.

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First steps of a new business: renting premises

We will need to install a pizza oven, tables and a refrigerator. You understand that you don't need to rent a large hall for this - just find a room that will meet the requirements of the fire inspection, make cosmetic repairs so that the plaster does not fall on your head, and you can start working. Finding the perfect location can take you some time, but keep in mind that a privileged location will save you a bit of fuel costs for delivering pizza around town. A few of these little things and the cost of pizza will drop by half - not bad for a new business.

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You can find good premises even in the center of Moscow, and at the same time the rent will not exceed 20 thousand rubles. The fact is that expensive premises are located in shopping centers, near cinemas and other large gatherings of people, we don't care where the bakery will be, since we only deliver pizza. We will choose a room with the ability to easily travel to any direction of the city. The rent is 20 thousand rubles per month. In addition, we need to renovate the premises - hang up a fire alarm, whitewash the walls and ceiling, put in linoleum. This will take 12 thousand rubles.

After repairs, it is imperative to pass a check in all instances, especially in the fire inspection. Lack of permission to operate our bakery can shut down the business once and for all.

How to open a pizza delivery - buying equipment

The most important element of our pizza delivery business plan is the purchase of production equipment. The ideal option would be to make a pizza with fresh ingredients and hot dough, but small businesses can't do that. The problem with this kind of preparation is the high cost of pizza - restaurants with a constant stream of customers can afford it, you cannot. We will advise you to take the simpler route, which does not involve huge costs for making pizza.

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Buy several pizza blanks of different diameters from different doughs so that you can prepare the desired product at any time. Also, separately, you need to buy pizza filler, they are sold at wholesalers and are quite cheap. Select several options for fillers so that the client has a choice. We need a medium-sized freezer to store blanks and fillers. You should not buy a large camera, it will only waste a lot of electricity. The freezer will cost us 10 thousand rubles.

When they call you and order a pizza, you just have to take the piece, put it on the table, put the filling in the piece and send it all to the oven. The optimal time for preparing pizza is 10 to 15 minutes. Based on this, we need a baking machine and a table on which we will carry out the work on "assembling" the pizza. When choosing a stove, look at domestic cars, because they are not inferior in quality to Japanese and German ones, but they cost two to three times cheaper. For example, our baking machine costs 20 thousand rubles, while the Japanese one costs 50 thousand. Let's add another 20 thousand rubles for the oven to the expenses of the pizza delivery business. The cooking table will cost 5 thousand rubles.

You will have a very large number of spices, kitchen utensils, pizza boxes. All this must be kept in order and cleanliness in order to quickly collect the pizza to the ready state, save space in the room and please the client with high-quality and clean delivery. We will spend 12 thousand rubles on furniture and kitchen utensils.

Big pizza restaurants employ chefs from all over the world with great skills and experience in pizza making. Your establishment need not worry about this, because your business will be delivered by the so-called second grade pizza - that is, pizza made from frozen products. For this reason, you do not need to hire a professional, as any cook with the ability to put a piece on the table, put the filling in it and send it to the oven can get the job done. The salary of a simple chef is 15 thousand rubles a month, at the start we will need only one chef.

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In the pizza delivery business plan, you also need to add the delivery to the client itself. We will not buy a car, it is very expensive and it will pay off for a long time. There are two options for solving this problem. The first, more difficult one, is to find an employee who will deliver goods to customers for a modest salary, and we will rent an inexpensive car for this task. The problem with this method is that renting a car will cost 12-15 thousand rubles, plus the driver's salary. A cheaper and easier way is to find a courier with his own car, who will deliver the product. We will not need to spend money on car rental and we will raise the courier's salary to 20 thousand - everything is in the black.

We advertise a pizza delivery business

We will advise you to spend money on creating a website for your company, which will have a detailed price list, delivery price and information about promotions. Clients often use the Internet to find the service they need, and if you have such a resource, a certain number of clients will come only from the Internet. But we shouldn't stop there.

Direct advertising is an ideal way to tell about yourself and your service. Just pick a place where there is a constant flow of young people and hand out colorful flyers with a price tag on your pizza. In theory, the price of your product will be much lower, which will attract such a contingent as students, teachers, office workers and the rest of the middle class. They will create a large flow of orders for us, thanks to which the pizza delivery business will start to pay off.

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Pizza delivery business plan: expenses and income

The first step is to calculate the one-time costs of starting a pizza delivery business. You need to bring the premises into working order, it costs 12 thousand rubles. You also need to purchase equipment - a refrigerator, a baking machine, a pizza picking table and furniture with utensils. Together, everything will cost 59 thousand rubles. Let's add website creation to these costs - 3 thousand. As a result, we need 74 thousand rubles to start. Now let's calculate the operating costs - 20 thousand rent, 35 thousand for salaries and 6 thousand rubles per month for salaries. It turns out that we spend 61 thousand per month.

It is very difficult to describe the potential income, it all depends on the number of clients. The average bill when ordering pizza for delivery is 500 rubles - one large or two medium pizzas. Very rarely they order for a smaller amount, it is not profitable for the customer himself. In this case, the cost of pizza is half the price paid by the customer. Add here another 50 rubles for delivery - it turns out 300 rubles of net income from one order. In order to pay off, you need to serve 6-7 clients a day.


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