Vote for the blue bird. They came to surprise: the third children's competition "Blue Bird" sounds in a new way. All-Russian competition of young talents Blue bird

All-Russian competition young talents

"Because it is very harmful - don't go to the ball
when you deserve it!"

Eugene Schwartz. "Cinderella"

We are opening the second season!

Settle down at the screen with the whole family, participate, worry, be inspired, empathize! Because the most talented children of Russia are on the stage!

They make the hearts of the audience freeze with delight!

This year " Blue bird"circled around the country in search of gifted children - qualifying rounds were held in 30 largest cities, thousands of artists from 5 to 15 years old performed before expert commissions. The brightest, most amazing of them came to the competition from all over Russia.
They have achieved high skill, they are demanding of themselves in an adult way ... But children remain children - open and trusting.
They can't hide their joy or grief, and the audience can't help but worry about them!

Daria Zlatopolskaya, the host of the All-Russian competition "Blue Bird": "We will look for talents, present talents and inspire our viewers to look for talents in themselves, around themselves, among their friends and acquaintances, among their children. Of course, it is important that this program also involves children , and adults to high-quality music and art, but the main task of the competition is to create a bright mood for a family evening."

The uniqueness of the "Blue Bird" project is in its diversity - the competition is not limited to one genre. "Blue Bird" unites those who dance, sing, play musical instruments, performs complex acrobatic and gymnastic numbers. In the new season of the "Blue Bird" show, the audience is waiting for a real gift: another nomination "Acting skills" appears in the competition.

The competition features:

vocals- classical, folk and pop;
Playing musical instruments- academic and folk;
Choreography- classical ballet, ballroom and folk dance, acrobatic rock and roll;
original genre- circus art, acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics;
Acting- artistic reading, oratory.

The skill of young talents is evaluated by the jury: the artistic director of the Vivaldi Orchestra Svetlana Bezrodnaya, rector of the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet Nikolai Tsiskaridze, performer of Russian romances Oleg Pogudin. They were joined by a virtuoso pianist Denis Matsuev: in the first season, he made his debut as a host, but was so inspired by the idea of ​​​​"launching" young talents on a big flight that he did not want to part with the Blue Bird, and in the new season, People's Artist of Russia Denis Matsuev became a member of the jury.

Together with the whole country, you will witness how the "Blue Bird" discovers new names!

Host: Daria Zlatopolskaya

Behind the scenes with the participants of the competition communicates Alexander Gurevich

Polina Chirkina became the winner.

All-Russian competition of young talents .

The main task of the competition is to discover new names of young artists who will become world stars in a few years. "Blue Bird" will help the dreams of young participants come true!

Every child is talented in their own way. But there are children who are already in early age amaze those around them with rare musicality, a sense of rhythm, plasticity, and perfection of movements.

It was they, young talents from all over the country who passed the casting, selected from a huge number of applicants, became participants in a new unique project - the All-Russian Open Competition "Blue Bird". All artists must be under 15 years of age.

For the first time in the history of Russian television, children will perform in one competition all the main types of contemporary performing arts:

  • solo singing - classical, folk and pop,
  • playing musical instruments - academic and folk,
  • choreography - classical ballet, ballroom and folk dance,
  • circus art and some other genres.

The jury of the competition - People's Artists of Russia violinist and conductor Svetlana Bezrodnaya, Rector of the Vaganova Choreographic School, Premier of the Bolshoi Theater Nikolai Tsiskaridze, performer of Russian romances, singer Oleg Pogudin.

Despite their age, the young participants managed to become real professionals in their art form. And although all of them still have to work hard to reach the heights of mastery, their performances are already making the audience freeze with surprise and delight.

Evaluating the participants of the "Blue Bird" contest is a difficult task, and it will be decided not only by the jury, but also by viewers throughout Russia. Together they will choose those who will perform at the final gala concert.

After each program, the jury announces the names of the two finalists, and the audience has the opportunity to vote for their favorite participants. Audience Choice Leaders will also advance to the finals.

Spectator voting on the site is held after each broadcast of the program on the Rossiya TV channel. You can vote for your favorite participant within a week after the release of the program in which he performed, from Sunday 18:00 to Saturday 23:59.

Anyone has the opportunity to vote no more than 5 times from one ip-address. You can vote five times for one member, or split five votes among different members.
The two finalists who were selected by the jury during the program do not participate in the viewers' online voting.

Also, each viewer has the opportunity to vote using a postcard by sending it to: 115 162 Moscow, Shabolovka, 37, marked "Blue Bird". You can choose one participant or several (but not more than five). Most importantly, do not forget to indicate their names and surnames, and how many points out of five you give to each participant.

Final gala concert

The finalists of the competition will take the stage - brilliant dancers, vocalists, gymnasts, musicians aged 5 to 15 years.

Famous artists will take the stage along with the young contestants. Among them are opera singer, soloist of the Mariinsky Theater Vasily Gerello, Bolshoi Theater premier Denis Rodkin, leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Andrey Merkuriev, jazz musicians the Ivanov brothers, choreographer Alla Sigalova, the V.S. and other prominent artists.

The Grand Jury will evaluate the performance of each participant.

The permanent judges - Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Svetlana Bezrodnaya, Oleg Pogudin - will be joined by Alexandra Pakhmutova and Oleg Popov.

The main thing in the competition "Blue Bird" is not a competition, but the joy of creativity. All young participants of the competition are already winners! But only one of them will receive the Grand Prize of the competition.

The winner will be chosen jointly by the Grand Jury and the TV viewers.

The judges will evaluate the performance of each finalist on a 10-point system. And at the end of the gala concert, after the performances of all the contestants, in live SMS-voting of the audience will take place. The winner of the "Blue Bird" contest will be announced based on the total points!

Presenters: Daria Zlatopolskaya and Denis Matsuev

Rich in talented people, Russia never ceases to amaze with the flow of more and more new personalities, charming and delighting viewers with their extraordinary skills. Stunning vocals, incredible dance moves, magical sounds of musical instruments that excite the soul, breathtaking circus tricks and much more will appear on the stage of the All-Russian competition for young talents "Blue Bird" online, along with all its gifted little participants.

Children from five to fifteen years old, armed with the most powerful and soul-conquering weapon - their own talent, will fight each other for their eminent future and ascent to the starry Olympus of the Blue Bird. As never before, it will not be easy for the jury members to make a choice in the direction of one or another participant, because each little man from the gathered children spent a lot of time mastering and developing his skills, having long forgotten about toys and the usual carefree life of a standard child. Endless work, numerous workouts, tears of fatigue and happiness - all this had to be overcome by these incredible gifted tiny contestants who want one thing - to grab their blue bird of luck by the tail, which will help them fly to the very top of the future glory.

Talent comes from childhood. Knowing this, the competent members of the jury of the unique competition - Svetlana Bezrodnaya, Nikolai Tsiskaridze and Oleg Pogodin are the embodiment of a grandiose life success, which they were able to achieve thanks to their own unique talents from above, as well as endless work and dedication. This outstanding trinity knows exactly what qualities a future celebrity should have in order to win the hearts of the multi-million audience of It is they, as well as all the inhabitants of Russia, who will be able to select the best of the best for the final gala - the Blue Bird concert. On the way to this, amazing children will face numerous tests in the form of constantly working out complex numbers, the ability to cope with emotions at the right time with justified criticism, as well as collect their thoughts in time and, without fear, go out in public.

In the grand competition program Blue Bird 2015 online, all modern views performing arts: solo singing (folk, pop, classical), circus art, choreographic numbers (folk and ballroom dancing, ballet), as well as playing academic and folk musical instruments. The result of each subsequent program will be the selection of the two most impressive young artists by the jury, among which the viewer will choose one, the best in his opinion. Who will become a world-class star in the future and will not let go of his blue bird of success to the end, will become known only at the final gala concert.

Competition Blue Bird 2015 Russia 1 you can watch online all issues in a row on our website at any time of the day!

The main and most important intention of this show is the discovery of young talents, which, after some time, can decorate the world's creative sky with their names. Young talented participants from the age of five to fifteen present on the show what they can do best. They play musical instruments, sing, dance, perform gymnastic and acrobatic numbers. The show has no boundaries, combining all directions in art. Children compete not with each other but with themselves trying to become the best in various categories - pop vocals and opera art, choreographic and circus direction, famous classics and modern trends.
The Blue Bird show on Russia 1 is a launching pad for gifted children, giving them hope for a bright, famous future. They are the best of the best. After the most cruel casting, they have at their disposal a stage where the guys and girls will sing famous songs and whirl in a whirlwind of dance. They will surprise the audience with complex and amazingly beautiful acrobatic stunts. Many of the children will amaze the audience with their virtuoso playing on a variety of musical instruments - wind and keyboards, strings and percussion.

To become happy participants in the competition, children need to present to a strict and authoritative jury all the best that they can do in their disciplines. One hundred of the most talented will be divided into groups, each of which will be headed by well-known masters with a pedagogical education and work experience. Viewers will see real talented guys in action. The Blue Bird show performs an important function - it helps the children's dreams come true, and makes it possible to soar to the very top of real art.

In the second season, another one was added to the list of already known nominations - acting. And the third season will continue this tradition by selecting the most deserving children for this nomination. There is another circumstance that this project in the top ten most interesting entertainment programs- the talents of young contestants will be evaluated not only by a strict jury, but also by viewers. At the end of each program, when the judges publicly announce the names of the two winners, viewers get the opportunity to vote for their favorite participant.

In the first season of "The Blue Bird" the winner was Pauline Chirkina (vocals), the second season revealed a jazz trio - S. Tyurina, E. Filimonova and R. Mudritsky. The guys became the owners of the Grand Prix, as well as a certificate for one million rubles. The third season expanded the age limits. Children under the age of 17 are now eligible to compete. More than ten thousand children applied for participation in the competition, but only one hundred of them passed the rigorous selection. Also, the organizers of the project this season provided a special prize for mentors of young talents - 1,500,000 rubles.

The host of the 3rd season of the Blue Bird show also remained unchanged - Daria Zlatopolskaya. Jury members - pianist D. Matsuev, artistic director of the Vivaldi Orchestra S. Bezrodnaya, N. Tsiskaridze, singer O. Pogudin and TV presenter V. Solovyov.

Talent Show on Russia 1 Blue Bird 3 Season all issues you can watch online for free on our website at any time of the day!

On Sunday, November 19, at new time - at 17.30, the third season of "The Blue Bird" starts on the channel "Russia". A little over a month ago, the talent show was awarded TEFI and, thanks to either the strings of the bronze Orpheus, or the symphony orchestra and choir, it sounds completely new. However, the main reason is the participants, whose talent cannot be adjusted to the categories. Young and bright, they came to surprise the viewer with everything at once: with plasticity, and voice, and play.

- May be!

The white piano has many spectators, lights and TV cameras. For many participants of the "Blue Bird" - this is the first time on such a big stage. And it is here that many young artists have the opportunity to touch unique musical instruments!

One of the best symphony orchestras in the country. And Angelina Valkova from Tomsk, at the age of 12, for the first time in her life, sang here, accompanied by a large choir of 80 voices, Lyudmila Zykina's song "Here is my berth."

“I would like the diversity of talents that we see today at the Blue Bird to become the diversity of our Russian culture in 10-15 years. This is what we have been proud of for many years, and we want to keep it! helps," said Daria Zlatopolskaya, host of the Blue Bird All-Russian competition for young talents.

They never cease to amaze. The most talented children of the country are in the Blue Bird project. Whom will the jury call our Robertino Loretti, and whom will the guta-percha girl? Who will get tickets to the super-final of the show, look on Sunday, November 19 at 17:30. And half an hour before that, the small stage of the "Blue Bird" will start working on the air - a program where the youngest and most charming artists fight for the right to perform on the big arena out of competition.

Last season's show and Daria Zlatopolskaya. Only positive emotions and a grand telethon "Blue Bird" on the Sunday evening air on the TV channel "Russia".


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