A script of a game program with fairy-tale characters. Scenario of the entertainment and game program “Visiting a Fairy Tale. Competitive and entertaining script

Game program script

"Visiting a fairy tale"

Targets and goals:

Organization of entertaining leisure time for students;

Formation of a sense of collectivism in children, the development of creative abilities;

Raising love for fairy tales and reading.

Equipment: tokens, task cards, plasticine, prizes, certificates

Carrying out plan:

    Presenter's introduction

    Competition "Fairy Tale Heroes"

    Contest "Think of a fairy tale"

    Quiz game "Good or Evil"

    Contest "The Magic Word"

    Contest "Help the Confectioner"

    Summing up the game program( awarding)

    Puppet show "How the porridge was offended"

(The hall is decorated with drawings from fairytale characters, colorful balloons, equipment is installed.)

Leading: Hello guys! Today we will go toworld of a fairy tale.Do you remember the fairy tales that your mother read to you before bed, when you were little? Now you have to remember a lot different fairy tales, in order to cope with all the tasks, and also you will help the fairy tales that the evil sorcerer has bewitched, the cheerful baker and other fairy-tale heroes. Well, are you ready? Then we go to fabulous journey!

What does the floorboard creak about?

And the spoke can't sleep again

Sitting on the bed pillows

Ears have already perked up ...

And immediately the faces change

Sounds and colors change

The floorboard creaks quietly

A fairy tale walks around the room.

Competition "Fairy Tale Heroes"

( Children must, using some phrases from fairy tales, guess the main character and the name of the fairy tale, raise their hand, answer, and receive a token for the correct answer).

Leading: Who talked about himself like that?

1. “It was when beautiful roses bloomed on our windows. We lived together and merrily, but one day a splinter got into my eye and I began to see everything angry and colorless. (Kai) G. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen"

2. « A two-little chick appeared on the bird's - a duckling and before that he was ugly, with big head and a long neck that the birds did not accept him into their family.G. H. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"

3. From Ruslan Lyudmila impudently, stole,

I flew with a long beard across the sky

Higher than the forest and the stars, higher than the fabulous mountains

An evil and cunning old man ...(Chernomor)

4. Whom did Prince Guidon fall in love with?

Whose beauty was he smitten with?

My question is easy to answer!

The most beautiful of all ...(Swan Princess)

5. Who was captured by Barmaley?

Who knows how to treat animals?

Always in a hurry to help them

Our good doctor ...(Aibolit)

6. Who knows how to whistle the loudest?

And only fear sows everywhere!

Thunderstorm of roads, forests, fields -

That is an evil robber ...(Nightingale)

Leading: Well done boys! You answered all my questions correctly. I see you know fairy tale characters.

Children, I just learned that an evil wizard mixed up fairy tales and now, fairy tale characters cry and do not know how to get back into their fairy tales. How many of you want to help them?(Children raise their hands)

Contest "Confused Tales"

(The presenter chooses the children. Three people participate, they are given cards with the task, they must add from the confused words correct name fairy tales. )

"Red Bears"

"Snow Musicians"

"Three Queens"

"Bremen's Hoof"

"Silver Riding Hood"

Leading : Guys, have you heard about such a famous children's writer Kipling. He wrote such tales as: "Why does an elephant have a long nose", "Where does a camel have a hump" and others. But he explained the origin of the nose and the hump, of course, in a fabulous way. Let us now come up with explanations for your fairy tales, the names of which I will tell you now. But first, we need to split into teams.

Contest "Think of a fairy tale"

( Children are divided into three teams, the leader, each team gives cards with the name of the tale. The guys come up with their own version of the tale. The time limit for this task is 5 minutes.)

Leading : And these tales will be called like this:

"Why is the tomato red?"

Sample answers:

( Because he loved to lie in the sun, and once, on a hot sunny day, he fell asleep, was badly burned and blushed. Since then, all tomatoes are red. )

"Why is the cucumber bumpy?"

( Because the cucumber was very afraid of the cold, and was also cowardly. Therefore, when he was afraid and shivered from the cold, he had pimples. Since then, all cucumbers grow pimply .)

"Why is the lemon sour?"

( Because with lemon, no one was friends. Because of this, he was always in a bad mood. He was not happy with everything and walked around with a sour look. Since then, all lemons are sour .)

Leading: Guys, I see you and the storytellers are good! They came up with such interesting versions. Maybe when you grow up, you will become famous writers. Perhaps your works will be just as popular!

Quiz game: "Evil or Kind"

Leading: Do you guys want to stretch your arms and legs?

Children: (Yes!)

Leading : Then guys, listen to the poem about fairy-tale characters and when you hear the correct statement, youclap, not correctstomp.

Leading: I'm a sly old storyteller

I am a storyteller - a riddler.

When I speak the whole truth

Then you need to clap together

And if I'm lying or cunning, stomp your feet loudly.

Such a sweet granny

on a bone leg Yagusya

And he loves children very much ...

Gives gifts, by the way.

Ivan Tsarevich, evil, probably ...

On the gray wolf for the princess

I galloped over the distant lands,

And poor grey Wolf tired.

Here is greedy and angry, Karabas-Barabas ...

Now he will attack us with a whip

And he will turn his obedient dolls.

He is a fabulous, scary, shaggy bandit.

Snow queen

Kind and gentle

She, I know that for sure

She helped the boy Kai to become a prince.

Modest Cinderella, hardworking,

Became a princess, became happy

A wedding dress suits her very well

We are all happy for Cinderella, of course.

And here is the gold fish,

She is of course very angry,

She returned the trough to the old woman

Grandma is crying, the trough is broken.

Koschey, our good old man,

He considers his wealth himself

He hid his death in a chest

And does not offend anyone.

You friends have justified my hopes

You clapped, stomped, got it right

You tried honestly and you're in luck

Good has triumphed over evil.

Contest "The Magic Word"

Leading: Guys, do you remember what magic items were in different fairy tales?

( Children should name words such as: “Invisible hat”, self-assembled tablecloth, “flying carpet”, “running boots”, “magic wand”, “magic jug”. For the correct answer, they receive a token, and in the final of this competition, two questions will be asked and the child will receive two tokens.)

Question: What magic words, said Buratino, when he buried Pope Carlo's coins? (rex - pex-fex)

What was the old man Khotabych whispering, pulling the magic hair out of his beard?(fuck - tibi-doh)

Leading: What are you clever, you know magic words too! Or maybe some of you tried to conjure with these words?

Leading: Do you want me to tell you one interesting story?

Children : (Yes!)

Leading: Then listen. A master pastry chef lived in one fabulous city. He baked buns and rolls, buns and donuts, pretzels and curls. One day he wanted to make a product out of dough that no one had ever made. He came up with new names for his creation, but thought about the form of his creations ...

Leading: Guys, let's help the pastry chef! Come up with and with the help of plasticine, mold forms for new confectionery.

Contest "Help the Confectioner"

( Children are divided into five teams, the host distributes a block of plasticine and any name to the team captains, all other participants can prompt and help their team, the team receives a token for the completed task)

Names: "Rhombuska"





Leading: What fun products you have! Do you think the pastry chef will like the shape you came up with for his pieces?Children : "Yes!"

Leading: Guys, our journey through the fairy tale ends.You are great! We played great today, remembered the old ones, kind fairy tales and answered correctly and carried out my assignments. Never forget to read informative books, fairy tales, because they teach you to empathize with each other, kindness and responsiveness. Goodbye and see you soon!

Purpose of the event: in an entertaining plot and play form to tell children of primary or secondary school age about friendship, mutual assistance, good qualities of a person.

Tasks: 1) create a festive atmosphere;

2) tell children about friendship in a playful way;

3) contribute to the formation of friendly relations between children.

The action takes place in a forest glade.

Music sounds.

The Storyteller appears.

Storyteller: Hello little people,

A fairy tale is knocking at the gate.

A fairy tale will come to you soon,

The fairy tale will bring joy.

A fairy tale loves all children

It's more fun with a fairy tale.

Today gathered in our magic glade

friendly guys? Are you guys friendly?

Children answer.

Storyteller: And now we'll check it out.

The game "Fish".

During the game, Baba Yaga appears, stands and listens behind the scenes, what the Storyteller is talking about to the children.

Storyteller: Well done guys, you are very friendly, and our tale

loves friendly guys.

Baba Yaga runs out onto the site, begins to rush, scream.

Baba Yaga: What fairy tale? What kind of friendship? I mean grief

and they talk about some kind of friendship.

Storyteller: So, Baba Yaga, wait, why are you shouting at the children?

What has happened with you? Calm down and tell everything in order.

Baba Yaga is hysterical.

Baba Yaga: I lost my broom with a stupa, and they are here about a fairy tale,

about friendship. I do not believe in your fairy tale.

Storyteller: Don't worry, Yagusenka, the guys and I are for you

We will definitely help you, we will return both the mortar and the broom to you.

Baba Yaga: Oh, oh, oh, but you don't love me, I'm angry,

I'm Baba Yaga myself! I don’t believe you!

Storyteller: Baba Yaga, the guys and I will help you, really

Children answer.

Baba Yaga: Really, will you help?

Storyteller: Of course Granny-Yagusya, we will help, we will help.

Baba Yaga: Oh, and you will deceive me! Listen, come on

it is you The storyteller with your children stole mine

a stupa with a broom, and now you're kidding me? I will you now

I'll show you how to mock Baba Yaga, now I

to all of you….

Baba Yaga begins to swing at the Storyteller, waves her fists at the children, the Storyteller interrupts her.

Storyteller: Are you out of your mind Baba Yaga? Come on, stop it. Why

us your stupa, broom? We are fine without them

moving around.

Baba Yaga: What, really, they didn't take? Straight honestly, honestly?

Storyteller: Guys, tell her that we didn't take anything.

Children tell Baba Yaga that they did not see her things.

Baba Yaga: Now I will bring you all to clean water, all

check it out. I'm going to ask you ... riddles.

Storyteller: Please, the kids are all smart here, you can

do not doubt.

Baba Yaga: The first riddle.

The grandfather went out into the garden,

What kind of miracle is growing there?

Settled in the ground firmly

Big ... (Turnip.)

Baba Yaga: Well done, well it was the most easy riddle, So

for warm-up. Listen to the next one.

He is not low, not high

It is not narrow, not wide.

Guess the kids?

What is this? ... (Teremok.)

Baba Yaga: So, stop guessing that they are smart? This one

surely you will not guess.

It's mixed with sour cream,

At the window he is chilled.

Round side, ruddy side

Children are ... (Gingerbread man.)

Storyteller: Well, what are you convinced of? Now do you believe us?

Baba Yaga: Nuuuuuuuu ... no, I don't believe ... I have one more

a riddle, the children do not exactly know it.

In this fairy tale they lived together

Old grandfather and woman.

Together with a laying hen,

Her name was ... (Ryaba.)

Storyteller: You see, the guys and I spoke the truth.

Baba Yaga: Well done guys,

You have guessed the riddles.

Okay, persuaded, I believe you.

Well, where did my stupa and broom go then?

Storyteller: Baba Yaga will be looking for, and will help us in the search

fun and friendship of our guys.

The storyteller and Baba Yaga are playing the game "We are funny guys".

Baba Yaga: Oh, and the truth is, how funny and friendly you are.

Storyteller: What did you think? The funniest, the most friendly.

Music from the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" sounds - "If for a long time, for a long time, ...".

Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood run out onto the platform, run around, then stop.

Baba Yaga: Oh, where are you going? And I don't understand at all

why are you together? Something strange today

some, I can not understand anything. Wolf, you

ate this girl's grandmother?

Wolf: And the fairy tale and its magical

strength. Now Little Red Riding Hood and I are friends, and I

very happy about it.

Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, the Wolf is telling the truth, my grandmother and I

forgiven, and now we are heading to visit our

beloved grandmother, isn't it Wolf?

Wolf: Of course, and we bring her a basket of pies.

Baba Yaga: Just think, and indeed miracles.

Storyteller: You see, Baba Yaga, friendship helps in everything.

Wolf: Oh, Little Red Riding Hood, look how many kids,

girls and boys.

Little Red Riding Hood: Hello guys.

Storyteller: The guys and I help Baba Yaga find her stupa

Wolf: Oh, that's it.

Little Red Riding Hood: So we and the Wolf will help you, right Wolf?

The wolf runs up to Baba Yaga, slaps her on the shoulder, runs around.

Wolf: Of course, we will help, together we will find your things

Yaguska, no problem!

Storyteller: That's nice. Now there are even more of us.

Little Red Riding Hood: And in order for us to find our things

Baba Yagi, we need to dance.

Guys, repeat the movements behind us.

Wolf: And you Baba Yaga too.

"Dance of little ducks".

Baba Yaga: Look at them, you have guessed the riddles,

funny, friendly, but they dance like, uh,

just a miracle.

Music from the cartoon Madagascar sounds.

Shrek appears.

Shrek: What are the kids making noise?

It's time to have fun.

I am Shrek you all know,

I'm very interesting.

I love to dance.

I never miss

I don't notice longing

Hello to all of you friends.

All together: Hi Shrek.

Shrek: What's up friends?

Do I see you in trouble?

Have you lost anyone?

What happened here?

Storyteller: Our dear Baba Yaga lost her stupa and broom.

Little Red Riding Hood: And we help her to look for her big things,

friendly and cheerful team.

Baba Yaga: You are also from their company, so all

kind and positive, huh?

Shrek: Well, something like what you actually

do you ask?

Baba Yaga: Listen, friend, help, huh !?

Shrek: Oh, I don’t know, I don’t know, I need to think about it.

Wolf: Well, what do you don’t know, come on help us, in the end

after all, are you Shrek or not Shrek?

Shrek: So be it, you persuaded me, only you

Yagusya do not do any more dirty tricks to anyone,

Baba Yaga: Yes, yes, yes. I will be good, obedient. Well straight

all such a good Granny-Yagusenka. A!

Storyteller: Sounds, sounds.

Shrek: Now we will consolidate our friendship with you.

we will play a very interesting game.

The game "There was a goat in the woods."

After the game, music immediately sounds.

Cinderella appears, holding a beautiful magic wand in her hands.

Cinderella: I opened the doors to the fairy tale,

Into the world of miracle, light, magic.

I always gave good to everyone,

Today I came to you too.

Baba Yaga rushes to Cinderella, starts running around her, hugging and asking for help.

Baba Yaga: Cinderella, Cinderella, I'm good, I'm kind

Baba Yaga, I do not offend children, I love everyone,

I'm really obedient.

Cinderella: Wait, tell me what happened to

Storyteller: Baba Yaga is in trouble.

Little Red Riding Hood: She lost her broom.

Wolf: And a stupa.

Shrek: And we help her search.

Storyteller: And the guys also help.

Little Red Riding Hood: And you help us Cinderella, because you


Cinderella: I will help you guys, and Baba Yaga will help you,

but on one condition.

Shrek: We agree to all your terms.

Wolf: Our guys are very funny, friendly and

Little Red Riding Hood: Together, we will fulfill all your conditions.

Baba Yaga: Come on, tell me soon what we need

do, we can dance, play games,

and guess riddles. That's what we are!

Cinderella: Well done, guys, and you Baba Yaga, well done,

you all know all my tale, and you know that mine

evil stepmother made me touch

rump, so now I want to see

how attentive the guys are.

Baba Yaga: Well, guys, do not let me down, I am all of you

very very very much please.

Baba Yaga runs to the children and asks them to help.

The game "Cinderella".

Storyteller: Well done guys.

Baba Yaga: Yes, you are my good ones, I just adore you,

you see Cinderella, our kids went over everything.

Cinderella: Yes, guys, really great.

Little Red Riding Hood: Dear Cinderella, wave the magic

wand, help us and Baba Yaga.

Cinderella: When visiting a fairy tale, everything is always magical,

After all, a fairy tale gives a miracle to all guests.

And the magic will certainly happen

And the fairy tale will come true to you and us.

The fabulous hero asks all the children to hold hands, and they themselves take up

hands. Cinderella waves her magic wand and spins around her three times.

Cinderella: Magic wand miraculously light up,

Broom and stupa appear.

Music sounds.

A stupa and a broom appear.

Cinderella: Here is Baba Yaga, don't lose your things anymore.

Baba Yaga: Thank you Cinderella, thank you guys,

Thank you all. Now I will be with you

make friends, you turn out to be so kind,

good, funny, and most importantly friendly.

Storyteller: Yes, you are right Baba Yaga, because we go to Cinderella

brought the friendship and kindness of our little ones

friends, thank you guys.

Baba Yaga: Now, I will know that I need to be friends with

everyone, and help everyone.

Little Red Riding Hood: Friendship makes people kinder, sincere, with

friends you will never get bored

friends will always come to the rescue.

Final music sounds.

Storyteller: Let's be friends with each other,

Little Red Riding Hood: Like a bird with the sky,

Wolf: Like a field with a plow,

Shrek: Like the wind with the sea,

Cinderella: Grass with rains,

Baba Yaga: How Baba Yaga is friends with all of you !!!

All together: See you soon, dear friends.

Children's music sounds.

The heroes go backstage.





Educator additional education

Krupnova Tatiana Andreevna

Hello guys and dear guests of our holiday.

Today, we will talk about fairy tales, we are all children and adults (and adults are the same children, only a little older) love and remember our favorite fairy tales.

Listening or reading a fairy tale, you comprehend its unique, Magic world... Unkempt paths lead you to the ends of the earth. There rise, rising to the bluest sky, beautiful palaces made of snow. Wild swans fly over the endless sea, and pink clouds are reflected in the sea. Overcoming many dangers and adventures, the little helpless boy becomes strong and brave. Intelligence and resourcefulness help him in an unequal duel with a cruel serpent. The fairy tale is often filled with various miracles. Then an evil sorcerer turns a beautiful princess into a frog. That swans steal a brother from a sister. That disobedient Ivanushka, having drunk water from the enchanted hoof, becomes a kid. Either the apple tree rewards the kind girl with golden apples. Everything is so interesting and tempting. There are many beautiful fairy tales in the world, among which each has the most expensive. Today we will remember our favorite fairy tales.

The song of the Wizard sounds and Dunno appears.

For a long time unknown to many

I became every friend

I'm from an interesting fairy tale

In a bright hat with a tie

Very simple, guess

What is my name?

I suggest that you split into 2 teams, according to colored tokens. We will call our teams characters from the fairy tales "Hedgehogs" and "Bunnies", and they will collect winning tokens of mushrooms and carrots.

First, you need to check if you have read fairy tales. I will ask you tasks .. For each correct answer, the team receives a carrot or mushroom token.

1. Before the wolf, he trembled, ran away from the bear,

but to the fox by the teeth, all the same I got caught (KOLOBOK)

2. Iron teeth, bone leg,

All people know this (BABA-YAGA).

1. The father had a strange boy

Unusual, wooden.

But daddy loved his son

Playful ... (BURATINO)

2. Fruit and vegetable garden

In one of the fairy-tale books she is

And in her - a hero - a vegetable boy,

He is brave, fair, mischievous. (CHIPPOLINO)

1. A pretty girl walks through the forest,

But the girl does not know. That danger awaits.

A pair of angry eyes glows behind the bushes-

Who the scary girl will meet now

Who will ask the girl about her path?

Who will deceive grandmother to enter the house?

Who is this girl? Who is this beast?

You can answer the riddle now ... .. (RED HOOD).

2. Hurry up evening,

And the long-awaited hour has come.

So that I am in a beautiful carriage

Go to the fabulous ball.

No one in the palace will know

Where am I from, what is my name.

But as soon as midnight comes

I'll return to my attic to ash (CINDERELLA)

1. Who lives in the little house?

Who lives in the short?

How many animals live in the house?


2. Grandfather planted a turnip

The turnip has grown big, very large

The grandfather decided to pull out the turnip


Grandfather for a turnip

Grandma for grandpa

Granddaughter for grandmother

A bug for a granddaughter

Cat for the Bug


1. Spruce grows in front of the palace

And under it is a crystal house

The squirrel lives there tame, but what an entertainer

Squirrel sings songs

Yes, it gnaws nuts

And the nuts are not easy

All the shells are golden

Pure emerald kernels

Servants guard the squirrel (TALE ABOUT KING SALTAN)

2. The mirror property had,

It speaks skillfully.

She was alone with him

Good-natured. Merry,

I joked with him

And, showing off, she spoke.

“Tell me my light,

Yes, report the whole truth:

I am the loveliest in the world,

And her mirror in return

“You, of course, no doubt,

You are the queen, the sweetest of all

All blush and whiter


3. He loves everyone invariably,

Who wouldn't come to him

Have you guessed? This is Gena,

This is Gena (CROCODILE)

4. He is both cheerful and not spiteful,

This cute freak

With him is the owner, the boy Robin,

And buddy Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday

And honey has a special taste

This is a plush prankster

Teddy bear (WINNIE - POOH)

1. Lives in water, but not a mermaid

Combing her braid with a comb.

This fabulous maiden is called

Kikimora, otherwise Tatar (SU-ANASY).

2. In a deep, dense fairytale forest.

Where windbreaks, dusk and silence

Found my home, hero

Whose fingers are sharp and long as spears (SHURALE)

Children answer questions.


Now let's play

I will ask questions, and all of you together answer “yes” or “no”.

Will we always help out a friend? (Yes)

Will we never lie? (Yes).

In class, cheat on the answer? (No).

Throw a stone after the cat? (No).

Do not be shy when in trouble? (Yes).

Do not spare for labor matters? (Yes).

Eat 2 cakes without a trace? (No).

Wash your hands when lunch? (Yes).

We send hello to sloths? (No).

To those who always work? (Yes).

Leading: Well done!

We have colorful balloons that are fabulous too. Each ball contains a riddle that needs to be solved. But before you get to the puzzle itself, you need to burst the balloon. After guessing the riddle, let's play the game - the name of which is the answer.

Game number 1

I'm on horseback - I don't know who,

I will meet a friend - I will jump off, I will welcome. (A CAP)

Relay race.

Team students pass the cap from head to head: which team is faster?

Game number 2

A strange beast in the river lives, walks backwards (CANCER)

Relay race.

Participants move on all fours Back to front to the mark and back, which team is faster?

Game number 3

Like Baba's Yaga's

There is not one leg at all

But there is a wonderful

Aircraft (STUPA.)

Relay race.

The players move to the mark and back, one foot in the bucket (mortar), one hand holding the bucket, in the other hand a broom. Which team is faster?

Game number 4

Inhabits the seas and rivers.

But it often flies across the sky.

And how bored she is with flying,

Falls to the ground again. (WATER).

Relay race.

Run to the mark with water in the spoon and who will fill the glass with water faster and faster.

Game number 5

When you come up, it will curl up in a ball,

If you move away, it will turn around.

All covered with needles

And in winter he sleeps under the snow. (HEDGEHOG).

Relay race.

Pass the ball on your back, holding it with your hands to the mark and back. Who quickly?

Game number 6

He loved the owner

That's right, he served him,

I wore boots and

The Evil Ogre was defeated. (PUSS IN BOOTS).

Relay race.

Participants (captain) move to the mark and back in oversized shoes. Who quickly?

We frolicked, played, learned a lot about fairy tales, the characters living in these fairy tales.

The appearance of the character of the fairy tale "……………………….".

Fairy tale character (Pierrot, Pinocchio)- “Guys, hello, I heard noise and fun here, so I decided to drop by, what kind of holiday?” (students' answers).

I love riddles, and now I will ask riddles

1. Early in the morning he sings

Doesn't let the guys sleep

Cleans a scallop with a foot

Who is this? (Cockerel!)

2. I found a ball, broke it

Saw silver and gold (Egg!)

The grandmother loved the girl very much. I gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name. Well, tell me her name.

Little Red Riding Hood

In a dense forest, in a swamp, you will certainly find her.

She is not a fish, not a frog, My dear friend.

A slender figure, her name is ... Snow Maiden?


I fly in a mortar, I kidnap children In a hut on a chicken leg I live, K

rasavitsa golden-haired, And my name is ... Vasilisa the Wise?

Baba Yaga

And this one was friends with Pinocchio himself, Her name is simply, guys, - ...


There is water inside him, they don't want to hang out with him,

And all his girlfriends are Leeches and frogs!

Algae overgrown Kind grandfather ... Frost?


Near the forest, at the edge, Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs, Three cribs, three pillows.

Guess without a hint Who are the heroes of this tale?

Three Bears

All the girls and boys managed to love him.

He is the hero of a funny book, Behind him is a propeller.

It flies high over Stockholm, but not to Mars.

And the kid will recognize him. Who is this? Cunning...


You know this girl, She's in old tale praised.

She worked, she lived modestly, I did not see the clear sun,

Around - only dirt and ash. And the name of the beauty ...


There is also one very important gentleman in the forest.

He was all overgrown with bumps, On the face only a nose is visible.

Maybe shy, like a bunny, And his name is ... Dunno?


For breakfast he only ate an onion, But he was never a crybaby.

Learned to write with the nose of a letter And planted a blot in a notebook.

Didn't obey Malvin at all Pope's son Carlo ...


Mixed on sour cream, chilled on the window,

Round side, ruddy side Rolled ...

Gingerbread man

I don't walk and don't fly, But try to catch up!

I am golden. Well, look into the fairy tale!

gold fish

The nose is round, with a patch, It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,

Small crochet tail, Instead of shoes - hooves.

There are three of them - and how similar the Brothers are.

Guess without a hint Who are the heroes of this tale?

Three pigs

He lives in the wilderness of the forest, Hero of my heart.

He rumbles with his bones And scares everyone around.

What kind of old man is this? Of course ... Piglet?

Koschei the Deathless

He is a dancer, he is a singer, He is a cheerful talker.

He's a funny toy, And his name is ...


She was a friend of the dwarfs. And you, of course, are familiar.

Snow White

My father had a strange boy, Unusual - wooden.

But my father loved his son. What a strange wooden man

On the ground and under water Looking for a golden key?

Everywhere he sticks his nose long. Who is this? ..


Fairytale character- Well done, I see you know fairy tales well and you are good at solving riddles. I would like to thank all of you for your active participation in the event.

Leading: Persian story ... .. right, you guys know fairy tales well, now we will find out who won our game, and who will get 1 place, and who 2 for participating in our wonderful event ..

Musical-rhythmic composition

"Little Country" (N. Koroleva)

So our journey to the land of fairy tales has come to an end.
I believe that with a fairy tale
You kids won't part
You will always remain faithful friends with her!

I wish: that you grow up as good children
Were kind, but good-looking!

The final song of all participants and guests is played."On the road of good!"

Game "Change one letter"

In the name of the Russian folk tale, only one letter has been changed. For example, "Turnip" - "Modeling". Find these letters and "restore" the true names of the fairy tales:

... "Cat and Kitty" ("Cat and Fox").

... "Fox and Poppy" ("Fox and Cancer").

... "Murochka" ("Hen").

... "Golden Cabin" ("Golden Fish").

... "Skin" ("Goat").

... "Foot" ("Goblin").

... "Tsar Singer" ("Tsar Maiden"),

... "Quiet one-eyed" ("Quiet one-eyed"),

... "Two moles" ("Two lobes"),

... "Prophetic Tooth" ("Prophetic Oak"),

... "The regiment and the seven kids" ("The wolf and the seven kids"),

... "Two from the Duma" ("Two from the bag"),

... "Ivan is a soldier's dream" ("Ivan is a soldier's son").

... "Child of the Forest" ("Miracle of the Forest").

... "Marko the Horned" ("Marko the Rich").


Competition for schoolchildren and adults

There are two teams of 9 people each (7 children, 1 teacher, 1 parent). A playing field of 3x3 squares is being prepared, in which the names of the contests are inscribed. Competition program consists of nine contests and eight pauses, during which the conditions of the contests are explained, an advertising contest is held, and a black box game is held. The teams are given the same task, the right to answer is given to the team that draws the lot of the first performance. The winning team puts their mark ("X" or "O") on the playing field in the corresponding square. When summing up the results, two options are possible: 1. Play to the bitter end, when all nine contests are played. In this case, the team that has the most signs on the playing field wins; 2. The winner is the team that succeeds in building three of their marks horizontally, vertically or diagonally. In this case, the game is considered over.

Competition 1. "Mary the Master" (folk tale)

As you know, Marya the artisan was distinguished by her ability to embroider carpets of amazing beauty. The competition offers to draw an elegant carpet. Each team is given a sheet of Whatman paper cut into 9 parts. The parts are numbered in the same way as the field of play. Each of the participants must draw their own part of the overall plot. The drawings show fairy tale characters, vehicles, flowers, objects, etc. Drawings can be done "blindly". At the end, the carpet is folded according to the numbers. During the work of teams, music sounds. At the end of the competition, the jury evaluates the quality of the painted carpet.

Competition 2. "Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything" (AA Milne)

Teams line up in two columns on either side of the leader. The first team member to open the competition starts a story on a given topic and continues it for 20 seconds. After that, the word is passed to the opposite team, which begins its story with the last phrase of the previous narrator, and so on. Each team should develop only its own plot line: for example, the team of "crosses" talks about how Winnie the Pooh went to visit the Rabbit, and the story is conducted on behalf of Winnie the Pooh, and the team of "zeroes" tells how Kanga soap Piglet, on behalf of Piglet. The jury evaluates the wit, resourcefulness, consistency of the plot.

Competition 3. "Little Muck" (V. Gauf)

If it were not for the ability of little Muk to correlate the difference of events and put everything in its place, he would never have been able

get rid of donkey ears. Participants of the competition are invited to try their hand at solving the same problems: both teams are given leaflets with a fileword.

Then the teams (at an average pace) are read out five questions to which they need to answer and cross out the answers from the grid of the fileword. Teams are warned that the competition is for speed and questions will not be repeated.


1. What else was Little Flour called? (Dwarf)

2. Who really was Little Muck? (Old man)

3. The headgear that Little Muck wore? (Turban)

4. Who did Little Muck become after winning the race at the royal palace? (Skorokhod)

5. What parts of the body changed in the king and his courtiers when they ate the magic berries? (Ears, nose)

The team that completes the task faster and correctly wins.

Competition 4. "Cinderella" (Ch. Perrault)

Everyone knows that the prince found his beloved girl, who disappeared from the ball, on a slipper. Each team forms a circle, all team members (or representatives) remove one shoe (shoe) and put it in the middle of their circle. Then the participants are blindfolded, the presenter shuffles the shoes lying in the circles, and at his signal the competition begins: who will find his pair of shoes faster?

Competition 5. "Fire" (H.C. Andersen).

In the dungeon, where the flint and money were hidden, and where the soldier went down, sat three dogs. They were sure that anyone who entered the dungeon was superfluous. In this competition, participants must identify the extra of the four named words. The presenter reads out four words, and the first two participants from both teams must say what they think is superfluous word. Then the words for the second pair of participants are read out, etc.

Variants of words:

Milk river. Apple tree, Stove, Baba Yaga. (Baba Yaga is a negative character.)

Christopher Robin, White Rabbit, Troubadour, Kid. (The white rabbit is not human.)

Pan Blueberry, Leek, Count Cherry, Grape. (Leek is not a berry.)

Artemon, Tortila, Pierrot, Malvina (Tortilla is not a doll.)

... Ole Lukkoye, The Cat That Walked By Itself, Mowgli, Rikki-Tiki-Tavi. (The author of Ole Lukkoye is not Kipling.)

... "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "Aybolit", "Twelve Months", "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel". ("Twelve months" is not a poetic form.)

Ellie, Stella, Gingema, Bastinda. (Ellie is not a sorceress.)

... "Seven Simeons", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes", "Seven Underground Kings". ("The Tale of the Dead Princess" - in verse.)

Lamplighter, Pilot, King, Businessman. (The pilot is an earthling.)

Competition 6. "Town in a Snuffbox" (V.F. Odoevsky)

Until Misha got into the snuff-box and asked his questions to the bell-boy, he could not find out what was inside the snuff-box. In this competition, the players have to guess what is in the black box using questions to which the presenter answers "yes" or "no". First, one team asks questions about their subject (each team member can ask one question), and then another. Game participants are warned that the box contains items that are directly related to Russian folk tales. For one team, a tablecloth (self-assembled tablecloth) is prepared in the box, for the other - a needle (in which the death of Koshchei the Immortal was hidden). The team that guesses their subject wins. If both teams have guessed right, then the one that did it faster wins.

Competition 7. "Kid and Carlson" (A. Lindgren)

In the fairy tale "The Kid and Carlson", Carlson constantly boasts of his abilities. By the end of the tale, we get the impression that he is indeed the most educated, moderately well-fed, etc. What is this, if not good publicity? In this competition, teams are asked to advertise two items they receive from the host, such as a broom and a ball of wool. Any items related to fairy tales are possible. Advertising should be fabulous. One minute is given for preparation.

Competition 8. "Dunno and His Friends" (N. Nosov)

Dunno learned a lot of interesting things during his adventures. Participants of the competition are invited to list the names of fairy tales, in which one of the actors is the king. The team that named the most such tales wins.

Competition 9. "Alice in Wonderland" (L. Carroll)

Curious Alice always tried to get to the bottom of the issue. Sometimes she got very interesting logical chains. The rules of the competition are as follows: the first participant of one of the teams is asked a question. His answer is reworked into the next question and asked to a second member of the same team. Participants are warned: the cleverer the answer, the higher the jury score.

For example:

Host: Why does Baba Yaga have a bone leg?

1st participant: Because she broke it.

Host: Why did she break it?

2nd participant: Because she fell, etc.

Variants of questions for the teams: Why did the pike fulfill Emelya's wishes? Why did the Little Humpbacked Horse help Ivanushka the Fool?

Bulletin board

Ask the groups or couples to answer the question which fairytale hero could make such announcements. Then offer to pull out the cards with the names of the heroes of fairy tales from the bag, as well as give your options for announcements.

1. I sell leeches. The price is negotiable. (Duremar)

2. We organize survival courses for those traveling to the jungle. (Mowgli and Tarzan)

3. The one who finds the key made of precious metal is guaranteed a reward in wooden rubles. (Pinocchio)

4. I sell chicken legs left after the redevelopment of the hut. (Baba Yaga)

5. Challenge the knights to a duel. Lancelot, please don't worry. (The Dragon)

6. Teaching artistic whistle. (Nightingale the Robber)

7. Tour operator offers an exclusive journey "Riding a Wolf". (Ivan Tsarevich)

8. Veterinary services with a trip to any part of the world. (Aibolit)

9. I sleep and see the prince. (Sleeping Beauty)

10. Security agency on permanent job 33 robust staff members are required. (Chernomor)

11. New shop"Vegetables-Fruits" invites buyers. (Cipollino)

12. Renting a roof. Payment confectionery... (Carlson)

13. Non-traditional types of assistance in passing exams. (Old Man Hottabych)

14. Golden eggs. Expensive. (Chicken Ryaba)

15. I'll take the pies to your grandmother. (Little Red Riding Hood)

17. I will take a rent from everyone, even from the devils. (Balda)

Elena Metallova
Game program "Visiting a fairy tale"

Game program"V visiting a fairy tale»

Target: create conditions for the formation of children's ideas about the diversity of Russian folk fairy tales.


To develop the skills to competently, expressively express their thoughts, logical thinking, train memory; - develop vocabulary; - instill a love for fairy tales; - across fairy tale bring up in children best qualities human: honesty, loyalty, kindness, camaraderie; - through the elements of theatricalization, give children the opportunity to express their feelings, emotions, fantasies.


Cards with excerpts from fairy tales;

Puzzles with kazki; - things from fairy tales(see Attachment); - illustrations for Russian folk fairy tales; costumes for fairy tales and fragments of costumes; - tape recorder, magnetic boards, magnets; - costumes heroes: Storyteller, Baba Yaga, Alyonushka.

commemorative medals "To a connoisseur fairy tales» .

The storyteller meets the children

Storyteller... Hello guys! Let's get to know, my name is Storyteller... In ancient, ancient times, people could neither write nor read. And in order to amuse their children, adults began to invent for them fairy tales, nursery rhymes, jokes. Children grew up, their children told, passed "from mouth to mouth." And these children are for their children. Everyone has something of their own added fairy tales... So they reached us fairy tales through the ages... And who can say why they are called Russian - folk?

Have fairy tales pure soul, She comes slowly In the cool hour of the night. The native people of its creator, the People-cunning, the people-wise, In her put his dream, Like gold in a chest.

And today, I suggest you hit the road- path: see the white light, see people, meet Russian folk fairy tales... Let's listen to the song and guess who sings it and in which cartoon?

(from the cartoon - The Little Engine from Romashkov)

A locomotive from Romashkov appears

The locomotive. Hello guys, I'm glad to see you. I know you need my help. But I have to make sure that I take the kids who know Russian folk fairy tales.

Storyteller... Guys, let's prove to the Engine that you understand fairy tales?

The guys answer the questions of the Engine. Warm up

(see appendix 2)

The locomotive. You did a good job. We will make stops on the way. Left speak the rules of the game:

Listen carefully; - not sure about the answer - better think about it; - for correct answers players receive tokens and at the end of the game we will determine the best experts fairy tales.

The children get up one after another and, together with the Engine, set off on the road. The phonogram of the Little Engine song sounds.

Attention! The train arrived at the station "Literary"

Storyteller... So, we arrived at the site. find out fairy tale.

Children read passages fairy tales and call a fairy tale.

(see appendix 3)

Children play a game "Decorate a birch tree"

(see appendix 4)

The locomotive. The train is leaving, please take your seats.

The phonogram sounds.

The locomotive. Attention! next station "Theater"

Alyonushka meets the children.

Alyonushka. welcome dear guests! I really love fairy tales, I hope you love them too. You recognized me? I'm from fairy tales"Swan geese" There are many theatrical costumes at our station. Let's split into three teams. Children stage fairy tales"Kolobok", "Teremok" and "Turnip"

The locomotive. The train is leaving, please take your seats. The phonogram sounds. The locomotive. Attention! The train arrives at the station "Guess"

Storyteller... Something nobody meets us. Try to guess the riddle.

I'm charming creepy

And I have a sensitive scent,

I am famous for my unearthly hairstyle,

I can fly above the ground

Iron teeth, bone leg

All people know - I….

Baba Yaga comes out

Baba Yaga. Hello kids, why are you here? I wasn't expecting anyone.

Storyteller... V guests we have come to your grandmother. We are interested in fairy tales... Baba Yaga. So you can drive back like modern children don't read fairy tales. Storyteller... These kids know very well fairy tales... Baba Yaga. Let's check it out? I will ask you riddles, and you call me fairytale heroes... These fabulous the heroes used magic items. Guess them. (watch appendix5)... Children guess riddles

Baba Yaga. Here I have fabulous box, and in it - magic items. There you are exercise: you have to guess from which fairy tales this subject.

(egg, pike, jug and plate, bird feather, tablecloth, broom, turnip, pie, ax, arrow, ball of thread, needle, mirror)

The locomotive. The train is leaving, please take your seats. The phonogram sounds. The locomotive. The train arrives at the station "Artistic".

Storyteller... Guys, do you read carefully fairy tales? Now you have to complete a difficult task. It is necessary to divide into groups.

Children are invited to collect puzzles to fairy tales, consider illustrations for fairy tales and find the artist's mistakes.

The soundtrack of the song sounds Hello childhood

The game: "Baba Yaga" (see appendix 6)

The locomotive. The train is leaving, please take your seats. The phonogram sounds. The locomotive. Attention! The train has arrived at the station "Cognitive" Children are met by Mashenka

Masha. Good afternoon. My name is Mashenka. I live with my grandparents. Once I was in visiting a bear ... oh, what am I telling, because you already know what I am from fairy tales? I have prepared for you too exercise: 1. It is necessary to correct errors in the names fairy tales... 2. You must restore correct order events in fairy tales.

The song is playing "Come to guests to us» . (see appendix 7.8.9)

The locomotive. The train is leaving, please take your seats. The phonogram sounds. The locomotive. Attention! The train arrived at the terminal station.

Storyteller... Now let's summarize. Count your tokens.

Appendix 2 Warm-up

1. What is it called aircraft, on which the woman first took to the air?

2. The object thanks to which the prince found a wife?

3. The bear was carrying a girl with pies in what?

4. Who helped the girl escape from Baba Yaga when the old woman went to heat the bathhouse to fry her own guest?

5. At its tip is the death of one of fairytale heroes?

6. In what fairy tale for disobedience the boy turned into a kid?

7. From which word tales: “Chickens bite, cocks are not given

8. Because of what the man and the bear got into enmity?

9. In what fairy tale the gray wolf helps Ivan Tsarevich?

Appendix 3. "Find out fairy tale»

1. - I-Mouse is a louse, and who are you? - And I - Frog - frog - Come live with me. And they began to live together.

2.…. They pull, pull, but cannot pull. Granddaughter called Bug ...

3. -River, mother, hide me! - Eat my simple jelly with milk! Girl ate and thank you said... The river and covered it with a bank.

4. - At the pike's command, at my request, go, buckets, home yourself!

5. – The fox carries me, beyond the blue forests! Kitty, brother, help!

6. The sun is high, the well is far away, the heat pesters, the sweat comes out. There is a horse's hoof full of water.

7. - Thank you, Ivan Tsarevich, for getting me a bride. Get a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

8. – I see, I see! Don't sit on a tree stump, don't eat a pie! Bring it to grandmother, bring it to grandfather!

9. - Goats, guys, Open up, open up I'm a goat, I was in the meadow, I ate silk grass, I drank iced water ...

10. Lived - there was an old man with an old woman, they had neither children nor grandchildren. So they went out of the gate on a holiday to look at other people's children, how they roll lumps out of the snow, play snowballs. The old man picked up the lump and spoke.

11. Once upon a time there was a cockerel and a hen. The cockerel was in a hurry, everything was in a hurry, but the hen should know for yourself condemns: - Petya, take your time. Petya, take your time.

12. Once upon a time there was an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a klokhtushka chicken and a little mouse. Every day they went to fetch water. The grandmother had big buckets, the granddaughter had smaller ones, the chicken had a cucumber, and the mouse had a thimble.

13. There lived a man and a woman. They had a daughter and a little son. - Daughter, - said the mother, - we will go to work, take care of the brother. Don't go outside, be smart - we'll buy you a handkerchief.

Appendix 4. Game "Decorate a birch tree"

2 birch trees are drawn on a sheet of Whatman paper. Children are divided into two teams. Leaves are distributed to children, they write the names of Russian folk fairy tales and glued to their birch. Whoever has a birch tree that turns out to be more elegant is the one who won.

Appendix 5.

She is the most important in a mystery,

Although she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

I helped my grandfather and grandmother.

They were waiting for mom with milk

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children?

Gobbling up the rolls

The guy was driving on the stove.

Rolled through the village

And he married the princess.

This tablecloth is famous

By feeding everyone their fill

That she herself

Full of delicious food.

Sweet apple flavor

Lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And it is light around, like during the day.

The duck knows, the bird knows

Where Koshcheya's death lurks.

What is this subject?

Give me a quick answer, my friend.

Like Baba's Yaga's

There is not one leg at all

But there is a wonderful


Sitting in the basket is a girl with a bear behind her back. He himself, without knowing it, Carries her home.

There is no river, no pond Where to drink water. Delicious water In the fossa of the hoof!

Was not lying on the window -

Rolled down the path.

Appendix 6. Game "Baba Yaga"

Props: 3 stupas (3 buckets, 3 brooms.

One foot is in the bucket, the other is on the ground, one hand is supporting the bucket, the other is the broom, walk the distance.

Appendix 7.

* "Ryaba Cockerel""Ryaba Chicken".

* "Dasha and the Bear""Masha and the Bear".

* "The Wolf and the Seven Lambs""The wolf and the seven Young goats".

* "Cockerel and a seed of peas""Cockerel and a bean seed".

* "Ducks-swans""Swan geese".

* "Chanterelle with a saucepan"- “Chanterelle with a rolling pin.

* "At the behest of the fish""By magic".

* "Fear has huge eyes""Fear has big eyes".

* "Zayushkin house""Zayushkina hut".

Appendix 8.

"The Fox and the Hare".

* The bunny met a bear.

* Cockerel drove the fox out.

* The bunny had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut.

* The bunny met the dog.

* The fox drove the hare away.

* The bunny lives with a cockerel.

* The bunny met the cockerel.

"Swan geese".

* Mashenka met the river.

* The girl in the hut of Baba Yaga.

* The sister brings her brother home.

* The girl met the stove.

* Geese-swans carried away Ivanushka.

* The mouse helps Masha.

* The girl met an apple tree.

* Mashenka rushed to catch up with the geese.


1. Travel to the country of road signs and fairy tales / aut... - comp. O. V. Kalashnikova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006 .-- 70 p.

2. Travel to Chitai- town: event scenarios, library lessons. 1-4 grades / auth. comp. Z. A. Churikova, M. A. Bagaeva, I. A. Khapilina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009 .-- 173 p.

3.S.M. Kurgan. Travel to the planet of knowledge. Organization of leisure activities for minors schoolchildren: main aspects, scenarios of events. 1-4 grades. - 2nd ed. - M .: "5 for knowledge", 2007 .-- 192s. - (To the class teacher)

4. « Fairy tales for children's theater» .// Pedagogical Council № 8, 2004.

5. KVN script by fairy taleshttp: //scenario.fome/ru/ras-6-12/html

6. Reading lesson in grade 2 http://krasnoflotckay.narod.ru/nahl.htm


It might be helpful to read: