Day of Tatar national culture script. Script on the theme "wadded Tatarstan". Mari folk dance


"Vatanym Tatarstan!" "My homeland is Tatarstan!"

Registration. Projection screens on which state symbols of Tatarstan, ornaments of the peoples of Tatarstan are demonstrated throughout the program,

It is advisable to hold the holiday in two state languages ​​of the Republic of Tatarstan - Tatar and Russian, or in one of them, depending on the national contingent of participants in the holiday.

Children enter the hall to a Tatar folk melody.

Dear guys, dear teachers! We have gathered today to celebrate the holiday of the commonwealth of nationalities living in the land of Tatarstan. Our Tatarstan is a wonderful land. Many people of different nationalities live on its territory: Russians, Tatars, Chuvashs, Mari, Udmurts and others.

Kaderle ukuchylar, hөrmәtle ukytuchylar! Sezgә bүgen of Tatarstan yashәүche

tөrle millәt vәkillәreneң nichek yashәүlәre, nәrsә ben shөgyllәnүlәren, ostalyklaryn sylәp kitәsebez kilә.

Without ber ilneң balalars

Barybyz and duslar without.

Tatarlar, udmurt, marilar,

Bashkort, Chuvash, Ruslar without.

Khәzer sүzne ukuchylarga birә without

Vedas: Hәerle kөn, kaderle ukuchylar, hөrmәtle ukytuchylar, kunaklar!

Vedas: Good afternoon, dear students, dear teachers, guests!

Vedas: Tatarstan!

Bүgenem sin minem, үtkәnem sin,

Kilәchkkә baryr yulym syn.

Ayak terәp basar zhirem dә sin,

Susavimny basar suym da sin!

Vedas: Colors shine brighter today

The intertwining of songs and centuries!

My Tatarstan, I'm proud of you,

Your glory, your destiny.

By you - my beautiful homeland,

Nowhere in the world are you dearer!

Sin tәүge kat baskan җirem

Koyashym, that mine.

Min shat bulyp үskәn җirem

Tatarstan - a given mine

Is it possible to describe my edge with a pen,

And eh paint it on canvas with a brush?

Is there such an artist in the world

So that he could convey in the picture

Your beauty, about Tatarstan, my dear.

Sin saf hissem, yakty yazym

Wadded kurkem mine

Sin dunda tinsez ber il

Kanatym - irkem mine.

Sin - Vatanym, birdeң nuryң

Yashәvem өchen minem!

Tatarstan! Every day you are more wonderful

Factories smoke, fields rustle,

We sing to you, my Motherland!

Song "Tugan ilebez" (lyrics by Tufaylova, music by Zaripov)

(Without bәhetle sat balalar)

Ved: Tatarstan - a republic rich in resources, but its most important wealth is, of course, a talented, hardworking, multinational people who have lived and worked on this territory in peace and harmony for centuries.

Veda: Tatarstan - fat of asta baylyklary belәn danlykly, ә zur bailygy - talented, uңgan kүpmillәtle khalky: tatarlar, ruslar, chuvashlar, udmurtlar, mariilar hәm bashkal.

Vedas: All these years, the peoples of Tatarstan, overcoming incredible difficulties, strengthened their statehood, economy, developed science, culture, discovered new educational establishments, theaters, built the largest factories, industrial enterprises.

Tugan җirem minem Tatarstan

Үз irkeңdә mәңge shat yashә

Koshlaryң yes blueң gөlem diep

Saf tatarcha bezgә endәshә.

My dear land

You are famous today

By the miracle of their underground storerooms

The hard-to-come gold of oil

And the beauty of young cities!

Tatarstan - үз өbez,

Bezneң yakty ilbez.

Yanygyz yes, kөgez dә,

Ilebezne sөgez.

Kөmesh sularyң, zәңgәr urmanyң

Yakyn kelgә, Tatarstan.

Sin - tugan yagym,

Sin is a minem to that, Tatarstan!

My dear land

Where it comes true

Daring takeoffs of a winged dream

The feat-song of the poet Jalil-

The whole planet remembered you

Yashur өchen betmәs kөch alyrga

Olysyna һәm dә kechegә.

Mәrhәmәtle, yamle, mәhәbbәtle

Tugan yagy kirәk keshegә.

Dus yashibez without fat yөzendә,

Duslar kirәk hәrber keshegә.

Duslyk bulsa yashәү dә kүңelle,

Unay bula hәrber esheң dә.

Vedas: Historically, in our republic, “ model of friendship " between peoples, the core of which is respect for the traditions of the peoples living in our republic.

Vedas: Kaderle duslar! Mәktәbebezne kүpmillәtle Paradyn karshy alygyz!

Vedas:(music background) Dear friends, welcome the multinational parade of the peoples of our school.

Һәr kaisy үz tellәrendә isәnlәshәlәr.



Arumy sez karendәshlәr!

Wash yourself a!

(in Chuvash)

Veda: Bugen of Tatarstanda 115 millet of khalky yasha.

Vedas: Today more than 115 nationalities live in our republic.

Vedas: Idel jarlaryn nurlar sibep,

Matur bulyp ata bezdә taң.

Taң shikelle yakty, kүp milletle

Tugan ile without bezneң Tatarstan!

Vedas: How many of us, the peoples of Tatarstan

And Tatar and other bloods,

The names of the bearers are not easy

Your daughters and sons ...

Veda: Each nation has its own language, traditions, songs, dances, national dishes. (Now we will get acquainted with national dishes, word to you)

TOEveryone offers their own national dishes to the guests.

Halkybyznyn bay, hәm danly tarikhy bar, elektәn oly dәulәtlәr tөzep yashәgәn st, bek medәniyatle bulgan. Kurshe khalyklar belәn dus- tattoo gomer kichergәn.

Ata-babalarybyz bezgә "Bergәlektә kөch!" deep yytep kaldyrgan.

Veda: And today every resident of Tatarstan understands that the more varied the melodies and colors of our republic, the brighter and more interesting our life.

Vedas: (muses. background)

Danyanyң nigese - maturlyk

Berdәmlek, һәm Vatan,

Chәchәk ata gөlbakchaday, -

Duslyk Ile Tatarstan!

Vedas: One family, one impulse

We create and create

In the unity of souls and friendship of all peoples

Our world is beautiful and unique!

Vedas: Tatarstand tudyk without,

Chuvash, Tatars, Mari, Rus,

Mordva, bashkort, һәm dә udmurt,

Yashibez bergә, yashibez dus!

Vedas: Slightly less than half of the inhabitants of Tatarstan are Russians. An amazing fact is noted by scientists who have studied the ethnic composition of villages and cities of the TASSR. It turns out that only on the territory of the TASSR, even before the revolution, there were villages with a mixed Russian, Tatar, Chuvash population. They all lived as one family, respected each other's culture and traditions. There were no such villages and villages with a nationally mixed population anywhere in the USSR. Isn't this the roots of our friendship and tolerance ?!

We give the floor to Russian beauties

No. ___ (Russian)

Poem "Homeland"

Russia, Motherland, Motherland,

Native blooming Tatarstan.

My words come from the heart.

You have become my homeland.

There are villages and townships here

There are big cities here

And there is no sweeter Tatarstan,

After all, this is my homeland.

I write poems about you,

I sing songs about you

I love you with all my soul

I love my dear Tatarstan.

Russian folk dance "Valenki"

Song: _______________________----

Vedas: Mәңge yashә Tatarstanym,

Kүp milletle, olug khalkym

Vedas: Its history, culture,

We saved, we saved

Through the centuries, hard times

They saved it like a treasured treasure.

Tatar kyzlaryna withүfrom birwithout

№___(Tatar collective)

Milly moң bunk”G. Tukay shigyre

Tatar halyk biue.

Tugan tel ”Kyry

Vedas: And today we all love Tatarstan, we are proud of our republic and can say: "We are all your children, Tatarstan!"

No. -_____ (Chuvash ...)

Poem in the Chuvash language ________________

Folk Chuvash tributaries

Vedas: All the peoples of our wonderful republic live in peace today

No. _____ (Mari)

Poem in the Mari language ._____________________

Mari folk dance.

Vedas: Of my native land, the vastness

Slender birches, lakes and fields

We lived in Russia as one family for centuries,

And Tatarstan is a dear land for us!

No. _____ (Udmurt)

Poem in the Udmur language _________________________

Pritopes of the Udmurt people

Vedas: My Tatarstan, my republic,

Let the pages of your history be bright
May the ancient land be friendly

Fly over the world as a strong, free bird!

Song: May it alwaysthere will be sun!

You have become unrecognizable, Tatarstan!

You have become a happy land, Tatarstan!

Glory to Tatarstan! The edge is golden

Glory to the people inspired by the dream!

Glory to our multinational Republic of Tatarstan! Blossom eternal and eternally young Kazan!

Vedas: And may our republic always be an example of every person!

Vedas: Mәңge yashәsen bezneң silt!

Bezneң Vatan - Tatarstan!

№ –song "Min yaratam blue, Tatarstan"

Vedas: Sau bulygyz, duslar!

Sezgә nyk sәlamәtlek, bәhet һәm uңyshlar telibes!

Vedas: Goodbye, dear friends!

Good health, prosperity, peace to all!

Thank you for the attention!!

Scenario of the festival of national culture "Friendly round dance"

Author: Vershinin Valery Grigorievich, teacher at MBOU DOD DSHI No. 1, Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region.
dear Colleagues, I bring to your attention the script of the festival of national culture.
This material will be of interest to music teachers, head teachers for educational work, teachers additional education, teachers of art schools.
Target: acquaintance of children with the traditions and culture of the nationalities of our city.
Tasks: draw students' attention to common features in culture different nations,
develop in children a sense of understanding the beauty of the traditions of another people,
broaden the horizons of students,
foster respect for the culture of any nationality.
Preparatory work is carried out by a team of teachers and students. Interaction with the Azerbaijani, Armenian, Ukrainian, Tatar diasporas of the city of Dimitrovgrad; collection of slides for the projector, preparation of reciters, dance and musical numbers, an exhibition of folk art, decoration of the hall. Unfortunately, photographs of this event were lost during the school's double move to other buildings.

Description of the event.

Dear guys and guests! Our festival is dedicated to the culture of the peoples of Russia.
We gave it a name: “A friendly round dance!” Why such a name?
Because in Russia, the Ulyanovsk region, in our small town of Dimitrovgrad, there are a lot of people of different nationalities, and in order to live with everyone in peace and friendship, everyone needs to know, respect and appreciate the culture of another people.
They say that if you want to understand the soul of a people, listen to its music, songs and dances; see how he lives.
So, we begin our festival with the music and traditions of the Azerbaijani people
(Watching slides on the big screen)

A traditional costume for women or a short shirt, the same short Arkhaluk (a kind of sweater), wide shalwar, a skirt or for special occasions a long dress, a headscarf or a hat, a chador. For men - a shirt, arkhaluk, belt, chukha (long outerwear with gathers at the waist), shalwar, hat.
Azerbaijani poet Samed Vurgun says about his homeland:
1 reader:
Oh, my country, the birthplace of music - you!
Your songs are like fruits poured in summer!
We listen to the Azerbaijani folk song, arranged by the composer Wolfenzon "My Chickens".

The lullaby has a special place in the culture of any nation.
2 reader:
With each baby she will be born again;
Though her words live for hundreds of years
Like the joy and anxiety of motherhood,
The lullaby is always new. (S. Vurgun)
We listen to an Azerbaijani lullaby performed on a pipe.
Folk singers, poets and musicians were called - Ashugs, they accompanied themselves on musical instrumentSaze(like a domra with a long neck), or Zurna(woodwind instrument).

Women's and men's dances are very different from each other. The development of female dance depended on the costume: a long skirt determined the smooth movement of the legs, all the dancer's attention was focused on the arms, shoulders and head. In the male dance, the dancer easily stands on his fingers, flies up and swiftly drops to his knee.
We listen to the dance song of the composer Hajibeyov “Don't go, beauty! Let's make it up!" performed by the domrist.
On March 20, Azerbaijanis celebrate the Novruz-Bayram holiday (celebration of spring). They grow greens, bake very delicious sweets stuffed with nuts - Baklava.
Mamedova Sadaggat Surkhay-kyzy prepared a treat for the children, which they tasted after the holiday.

Music and traditions of the Armenian people
The Armenian male and female costume is very similar to the Azerbaijani one. For women, an apron may be added.

The wealth of the Armenian land was shown in his works by the artist Martiros Saryan. Here we see mountains of amazing color, cotton fields, and a hot, clear day. Coolness blows from the water.

3 Reader:
We have wonderful songs
They are innumerable in the mountains.
But take the song in reserve
It is not heavy. (Rasul Gamzatov)
We listen to the Armenian folk song "Swallow". The melody is very humorous.
Armenian composer Aram Ilyich Khachaturyan- the property of the world musical culture. We immediately remember his bright impetuous Waltz from the music to M. Lermontov's drama "Masquerade".
We listen to an excerpt from a waltz (solo or orchestral version is possible).

Dwelling Azerbaijanis and Armenians have common features, similar to a stone fortress: two floors, a circular veranda, which saved from the exhausting heat.

Handicrafts The population of Azerbaijanis and Armenians was engaged in the cultivation of grain, cotton, fruits, grapes, wine was made from it, sheep were raised, wool was cut, yarn was made and carpets were woven.

Blacksmiths forged weapons, craftsmen - chasers created works from thin metal plates with the help of an instrument - a Chisel.

Music and traditions of the Ukrainian people

The basis of men's and women's suits was a long shirt - a shirt made of homespun cloth with embroidered wide sleeves. A sleeveless corset was worn on the shirt, which was sewn exactly according to the figure. The women covered their heads with a wreath with satin ribbons. An embroidered apron was tied over the skirt. Either red boots or slippers were worn on their feet. Wide trousers were typical for men's clothing - wide trousers, a belt (sometimes very long), a hat.
After working days, young people rested in perky dances and songs. One of my favorite dances is Hopak.

We listen to the Ukrainian dance Hopak performed by the violin ensemble. (Leader Yablokova L.N.) The music is joyful, bright, impetuous.
The houses of the Ukrainians were called huts, which were whitewashed for each holiday, the roof was covered with straw on which water rolled down during the rain. The house was surrounded by a fence made of wet tree branches (Russian artist Ilya Efimovich Repin wrote many beautiful paintings about the life of the Ukrainian village.

Music and songs of Ukrainians are distinguished by melodiousness, enthusiasm, unique originality.
A very common Ukrainian instrument is bandura and gusli.

Listening to the Ukrainian song Nich yak michyatna(What a moonlit night!) Performed by the Cheremshina ensemble
(supervisor S.G. Kochneva)
A wonderful painting was painted by the artist Arkhip Kuindzhi "Night on the Dnieper".

Many peoples of Russia are very fond of the wonderful food of the Ukrainians. These are dumplings with cottage cheese, potatoes and cherries.

Music and traditions of the Tatar people
The outer clothing of the Tatars was swinging. A sleeveless camisole was worn over the shirt. Women's camisole was sewn of colored velvet and decorated with braid and fur. The headdress of men is a skullcap or a hat. Women's hat - kalfak, embroidered with pearls, small coins, gold stitching.

The dances of the Tatar people are very interesting and bright.
Performance of the dance group of the choreographic department (leader N. Galiskarova). Dance
Epipe (Translated something like this: "Dance, girl, Epipe, or I will dance myself.)
From folk holidays Sabantui, the plow festival, is celebrated annually. On sabantui, there are always horse races in the villages, wrestling on the carpet, long jumps, tug-of-war, getting coins from a bowl of milk with your lips, fighting with bags on a log, songs and dances. Tatar dance was accompanied by playing a tambourine or harmonica.

The Tatar poet-hero Mussa Jalil wrote the following lines:
4 reciter:
The melodious speech flows and flows,
The heart of a Tatar beats in music,
Everything that they managed to save for centuries
Pours from the heart, sings from the heart.
Listening to the Tatar folk song Yalgyz agach ("Lonely tree") Performed by the ensemble "Sandugachlar" ("nightingale").

Each nation is famous for its cuisine. Tatar dishes - lush pilaf, sweet chak-chak are loved by everyone.

Music and traditions of the Russian people.
The men's clothing consisted of a blouse-shirt, which was worn over trousers (ports), belted with a belt. Caftans, zipuns, and fur coats were worn as outerwear. Summer shoes were bast shoes, and winter boots were felt boots. Women wore long shirts made of canvas, over the shirt they wore a sundress made of bright fabric, which was girded with a woven belt. On holidays, married women wore kokoshniks, crowns, clothes decorated with embroidery, brocade and pearls.

Since ancient times, the art of artistic processing of wood in the form of carving, sculpture, toys has been developed in Russia. The main plot of the toy was the fairy tale world, especially the bear.

The most famous are the products of the Khokhloma and Gzhel craftsmen. which differed in red and black and white and blue.

A funny clay toy (Dymkovo toy - a whistle) was very popular.

The toys were sold by Peddlers, who, with jokes and jokes, beckoned buyers.

We listen to the Russian folk song "Korobeyniki" performed by the bayan duet.
In the life of the people, the song played important role... Chastooshkas, brave, comic, play, lullabies and love songs were widespread.
5 reader:
The song of our river is flowing,
Sincere and simple
Just listen to this music
Your native land! (A. Yashin)
We listen to the song "Our Land" by composer D. Kabalevsky.
Musicians played along to singers and dancers on shepherd's wooden horns, on rattles, tambourines, wooden spoons. Since the 19th century, the folk accordion, balalaika, and then the guitar have been spreading.
Performance by the school's choreographic group. Folk dance "Lady". (Leader N. Galiskarova)

The dwelling of the Russian and Tatar people is very similar: the same strong houses, carved, with great love and invention, ornaments. There was always a nurse Kovushka near the yard.

Both Russian and Tatar cuisine are distinguished by delicious dumplings and manti, thin pancakes with different fillings.
Brief conversation with children, quick survey:
Each nation is free to practice its own religion.
1. What is the religion of Azerbaijanis and Tatars? Islam ("Submission to God")
2. What is God called? Allah (God)
3. What is the name of those who believe in Islam? they are called Muslims ("Surrendered to the Almighty").
4. Where do Muslims pray? in the Mosque ("Place of Worship"),
5. What is the name of the main Book of Muslims? Koran ("Reading, teaching").
6. Where is the Mosque located in our city? Khmelnitsky Street. She is over 100 years old.

Theme: Festival of the peoples of the world. Tatars.

Target: To acquaint students with the culture of the Tatar people.


Enrich the knowledge of students about the culture, customs, traditions of the Tatar people.

To foster tolerance, aesthetic taste.

Promote the development of a sense of rhythm, ear for music, memory, speech, attention.

Equipment: presentation of "Tatars", national costumes (male and female), a traditional dish.

The speech lasts 5-7 minutes and is accompanied by a presentation.

Slide 1.

The anthem of Tatarstan is played. Everyone is at attention.

Slide 2.

Kazan is our ancient city
Already millennial,
One of the best
There are cities in Russia.
Always with all the cordiality
Ready to meet friends.

Here is our city on the Volga,
Surrounded by a pine forest.

Slide 3.
And this is our old Kremlin,
It is surrounded by a white wall.

Slide 4.
And this is Kul Sharif shining
In the sky with a thousand lights
And at the same time it protects us
From gray and aimless days.

Slide 5.
And next door, renovated,
Our Cathedral of the Annunciation,

Slide 6.
And the Syuyumbike tower bowed
In his stony agreement.

Slide 7.
Everything is in harmony here, here is the heart
Our capital, our Kremlin.
And next to the city grows
The story will go about him in verse ...

Many people live in our city,
Peace and friendship are forever present here.
Together in sorrow and in joy together they
Divide their holidays for everyone.

Song "Tugan Yak".

Slide 8.

We have a lot of traditions:
To the bride and groom - Nikah,We cut a ram on a holiday,
So that there is no war in the world.

Slide 9.
Eid al-Adha and Ramadan,
There is still an uraza
And in summer Sabantuy holiday
Everyone is walking! Sing and dance!
Slide 10.

Sabantuy is a fun holiday!
Show yourself a horseman,
Be both dexterous and courageous
And prove your skill.

Slide 11.

Our costumes are good!
They were embroidered from the heart
Kalfak on our heads
And on the legs are boots.

The girls have an apron
The guys have a vest.
We keep traditions
We will hand them over to our grandchildren.

We are the ancient Tatars,
We have a lot of traditions.
We all know how to meet guests,
We sing and dance, just class!
We have fun here and there
Feet themselves go to dance!

Tatar dance.

Slide 12.

You have not seen such deliciousness anywhere else,
We have a kystyby,
We have gubadia.
The famous chak-chak is served to all guests,
Everyone loves balish
Everyone bakes echpechmak.

Dear jury, don't take it for a bribe,
Accept gifts from the people with respect.

Slide 13

“Festival of the Peoples of Russia.

Tatars. "

Target: Raising the culture of interethnic and interethnic relations among the younger generation, introducing students to the traditions of national cultures through the creativity of different peoples of Russia.

the formation of a tolerant consciousness and attitude in the younger generation,
rejection of intolerance,
fostering a benevolent attitude towards each other,
arouse interest in culture, national traditions and customs of different peoples,
develop creativity and communication skills,
to include large groups of students in the process of work on the project.

On the stage there is a Tatar wagon, an exhibition of Tatars' household items, national attributes, costumes.

All participants in Tatar national costumes.

A Tatar melody sounds.

1st Lead:

Russia! Words cannot measure you

You can't go around your open spaces even a year

2nd Lead:

With you as with a mother. Friendly family

My people live happily and happily!

2nd Lead:
-Without Tatarlar!
Shushy issem belәn
Җirdә yashәү үze ber bәkhet.
Without - Tatarlar!
Yashibez without irdә
Bar halyklar belәn gөrlәshep.
1st Lead (translation):

We are Tatars and we are proud of it!
Years passed one by one
We joked, we worked together always.
Our friendship cannot be broken forever.
We are strung on a single thread.
2nd Lead:
-Without Tatarlar!
Tatars and seeds without
Gorur yurtә tragan ber khalyk,
No Tatarlar!
Shulay diep bel
Bezne bөten dөnya, bar halyk.
1st Lead:
We made a trail on Russian soil,
We are a clear mirror of the past years.
We sang songs with the people of Russia,
There is something in common in our life and morality.
2nd Lead:

Bәyrәmnәrdәn bәyrәmnәrgә kүchep
Җyrlyik әle, biik әle, һai!
Eshebez dә bәyrәm kebek bulsyn
Һәr kөnez bulsyn alsu may.

1st Lead:

Tatars are one of the largest Turkic-speaking ethnic groups. The Tatar people have come a long way of historical development and had their own statehood in the past.

2nd Lead:

Tatars are a Turkic people living in the central regions of the European part of Russia, the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the Far East. The number in Russia is 5554.6 thousand people - 3.83% of the population of Russia. Tatars are the second largest people in Russia after the Russians.

1st Lead:

They are divided into 3 ethno-territorial groups: Volga-Ural, Siberian and Astrakhan Tatars. Each group has long existed and developed an independent culture that reached a high level for its time. The Tatar people value and cherish their cultural heritage.In the oral folk art of the Tatars, epics, fairy tales, legends, songs, riddles, proverbs and sayings are presented.

2nd Lead:

Agree folklore is not only folk wisdom. It is also a manifestation of the soul of the people. One cannot confuse a Ukrainian song with a Georgian one, just as one cannot confuse a Tatar melody with a Russian tune. Because each of them is a product of the entire life of the people, its history, its way of life. We present to your attention the Tatar song "Nightingale".

The song sounds.

1st Lead:

"The culture of every nation is a pearl on the carpet of civilization," said the writer Fazil Iskander.Each nation has its own characteristics, traditions, culture and language. All this distinguishes each nation from each other. This is what makes people proud of belonging to this or that nation.But they are united by their love for festivities and holidays.

2nd Lead:

The Tatar people have many religious holidays: Nauruz, Haid Beireme, Ramazan, which are celebrated after Uraza - the great Muslim fast, which is observed not only by Tatars, but also by all Muslims.And Sabantuy is the most famous National holiday Tatars, which is held in June. What is Sabantuy and what does it mean for the Tatars? This is truly a nationwide entertainment and at the same time sport's event... On it, all people have fun and move out. They cook and eat national traditional dishes, play, sing and, of course, dance!

Pupil :

The soul of the Tatars, the Bashkirs are hidden in Sabantui,
Wherever they lived, in Kazan, in Moscow.
From Astrakhan to Perm, from the Volga to Kamchatka
We give a holiday to our entire country.

Tatars of Astrakhan and Kazan
Siberia, Crimea, Penza and Perm,
We are one language, a song, a dance,
And we cherished our holiday for centuries.

Dance "Sabantui" is being performed

1st Lead:

The family ritual of the Tatars has evolved for centuries on the basis of life cycle people: birth, naming, circumcision, wedding and funeral rites. Over the centuries, the circle of family rituals changed, much was forgotten, but birth and naming were important in the life of a Muslim.

2nd Lead:

The first family holiday of the newlyweds is the rite of naming the firstborn. Old people call this day "Byabi May" or "Child's Feast".

After three days of life, the baby is supposed to give him a name.

1st Lead: Parents, having decided what name they will give to their child, are preparing for this day. They are afraid of the evil eye and for this they paint a red or black speck on the child's forehead. The child's parents need to make a sacrifice: slaughter a good fatted sheep. The meat needs to be divided into three parts: one part to distribute to the poor, the second to the neighbors, and the third to keep for yourself.

2nd Lead A: The father had to greet the mullah and all the guests with great respect.

Scene "Naming".

1st Lead: No Muslim holiday is complete without refreshments. Festive food should be tasty and varied, high-calorie and rich in vitamins. A beautifully set table, elegant dishes, the aroma of hot dishes, and bright colors of juicy fruits and oriental sweets add special joy to the common meal.

2nd Lead: The phrase "Tatar hospitality" has almost become catchphrase, a symbol that the guest will have a great time and go home happy and contented.

1st Lead:

The higher the national self-awareness of a person, the more careful his attitude to the culture and traditions of another nation, the more respectful and fruitful his relationship with people of another nationality. You cannot know someone else's culture by renouncing your own.
2nd Lead:

The Fatherland gave birth to us,

Friendship is strong like granite.

This friendship is our strength.

Our friendship for centuries.

And let the fun go

Every year again and again.

To our brothers, our sisters

We give songs and love!

Tatar folk melody sounds, the participants treat the audience with national delicacies, distribute booklets.

Scenario of the festival of the peoples of Russia

"We are different, we are together, Russia is our common home"

Lead 1:

I love you, Russia!

I want you to bloom!

Lead 2:

Like a bird in the blue sky

Spreading two wings

You have warmed half of the planet -

One hundred nations! One hundred tribes!

Lead 1: We are your own children

Lead 2: Let the sky turn blue!

Lead 1:

Germans, Russians, Bashkirs,

Both Kazakhs and Mordovians,

We live in a kind world

Like foliage on a tree.

Lead 2:

And dozens of different

Nations, villages and cities!

Lead 1: This day is our common holiday!

Lead 2: This land is our common home!

Lead 1:

Our common home is called Russia -
May everyone in him be comfortable
We will overcome any difficulties together,
Our unity is our strength

Performance by the choir of teachers with the song "Khokhloma"

Lead: 1

Hello dear friends! Today is a holiday in our school - the festival of the peoples of Russia. Russia is a multinational country. In total, people of 160 nationalities live in the country, 23 peoples numbering over 400,000 each.

Host: 2

These are Russians (115.869.000 people - 80% of the country's population), Tatars (5.558.000), Ukrainians (2.943.500), Bashkirs (1.673.800), Chuvash (1.637.200), Chechens (1.361.000), Armenians (1.130.200), Mordvinians (844.500), Belarusians (814.700), Avars (757.100), Kazakhs (655.100), Udmurts (636.900), Azerbaijanis (621.500), Mari (604.800), Germans (597.100), Kabardins (520.100) , Ossetians (514.900), Dargins (510.200), Buryats (445.300), Yakuts (444.000), Kumyks (422.500), Ingush (411.800), Lezgins (411.600).

Lead 1
At the same time, there are 60 small peoples, of which 39 are northern. Total number indigenous small-numbered peoples - 500,000 people, including the northern ones - 200,000. About 140 thousand inhabitants of Russia call themselves Cossacks. 11 peoples of Russia are represented at the festival.

Lead 2

Friendship of peoples is not just words,
Friendship of peoples is forever alive.
Friendship of peoples is happy children,
Ear in the field and strength in bloom

Lead 1

Russians, Tatars, Adyghes and Armenians,
We are black and fair-haired and dark-skinned and white.
In Russia - on the native land,
We all live in a big and friendly family.

Lead 2. Our esteemed jury will be able to evaluate the performances of our guys.

    Zharenova Tamara Nikolaevna -director of our school, honored teacher R.F.

    - deputy director for educational work.

    Perfilova Yulia Vyacheslavovna - Deputy Director for Research.

    Filatova Irina Genadievna - Deputy Head of the City of Lakinsk

    Zharenov Nikita Evgenievich - teacher-organizer

    Gogoleva Vera Genadievna - social teacher

    Olga Rodichkina - librarian

    Alekseeva Olga Nikolaevna - Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

Lead1: In the competition estimated:

Compliance of the content with a given topic;

Stylish solution;

Musical arrangement;

Artistry, sincerity, connection with the audience, simplicity, active position performer;

Performance culture ( appearance participant, aesthetics);

Preserving traditions.

Stage culture, props, costumes, matching musical material

Lead 2:

Culture is what justifies the existence of the people and the nation, it is the shrine of the nation, which it collects and preserves. Today we will get to know different national cultures.

Lead 1:

Russia! Russia! My native country,

You are one forever holy to me,

I bow low to you.

She led her friendly people,

You believed them with your heart without a doubt

I did good deeds with people!

Lead 2: We begin our festival with a presentation of Russian culture

Lead 1:

We are Tatars and Russians,

Georgians and Karelians.

We are black and fair

We are dark and white

We are schoolchildren of the same age

Good friends!

We live in Russia together -

We have one family!

Lead 2:

Tatar land ...

We do not count your traditions.

We do not know the other edge,

Where would also honor them.

Tatar national culture is represented by students _______________

____________________________________ class performance

Lead 1:

Armenia, beautiful country,
There is a great mountain
And the lake is where the water is clear as the blue sky.

There is a bright country in the world
There she is full of wonderful days.

Lead 2:

Armenian the people are one of the most ancient modern peoples. The Armenian nation is represented by students ________________

____________________________________ class performance

Lead 1:
Uzbekistan, star of the East -
The land of smiles, songs, light.
So sad, lonely far away
Without hot summer kisses!

Lead 2:

_______________________ will introduce us to the culture of Uzbekistan

____________________________________ class performance

Lead 1:

Who lived and grew up in Kyrgyzstan,
He will never forget
In the spring - blooming tulips,
And the taste of a river spring. :

Lead 2:

Please welcome! Students ___________________ will introduce us to the people of Kyrgyzstan.

____________________________________ class performance

Lead 1:

How many of us, non-Russians, Russia has -
And Tatar and other bloods,
The names of the bearers are not simple,
But simple Russian sons!
Let others do not favor us,
But forever - not tomorrow, not now -
You cannot separate us from Russia -
Homeland is unthinkable without us! ..

Lead 2:

When the Almighty distributed the land,

Tajiks drank tea.

But, caught up,

Someone came running first:

"Where is ours?"

"Here's what's left - get it!"

Then others came up:

"Where are the meadows, fields, where is the forest?"

Yes, there is essentially no land here.

There are only mountains to the skies. "

“Friends, Tajiks, it's not my fault,

Here in this business - do not yawn.

Who got Ploskograd,

Well, to whom - green tea.

The class will talk about the sunny Tajikistan

____________________________________ class performance

Lead 1:

If you have been to Kazakhstan, but did not see the white Kazakh yurt on the green meadows of Dzhailau, you will not be able to feel the real full life of the Kazakhs.

Yurt- one of the oldest and greatest inventions of the Eurasian nomads. At all times it was practical and comfortable accommodation
Kazakh yurt. A snow-white dome in the greenery of the foothill dzhailau, fabulous play of carpets and tekemets, an ideal collapsible construction of a nomad's dwelling, what is this - a legend or a reality? Perhaps all together and many other miracles and mysteries contain a unique, polished over centuries phenomenon of the traditional portable house of Kazakhs.

Lead 2:

And what besides wonderful portable housing do Kazakhs have? We will tell you about this guys from _______________________________________________

____________________________________ class performance

Lead 1:

Azerbaijan land of lights
Land of Yids and Friends
Land of open doors
Country of Babek, Korogly,
The land of Novruz and spring

The people of Azerbaijan, which are one of the most ancient peoples of the world, are rightfully proud of their historical monuments of material culture, their rich literature, art and musical culture.

Lead 2:

Quite interesting information. I would like to see something from the culture of this people.

Lead 1:

Your wish will be granted. Now the pupils of the _________________ class will introduce us to the culture of the people of Azerbaijan.

____________________________________ class performance

Lead 2:

And now let's say with the verses of the wonderful Russian poet A.S. Pushkin

Night haze lies on the hills of Georgia;

Aragva rustles before me.

I'm sad and easy; my sorrow is light;

My sorrow is full of you ...

Lead 1:

Georgia- a country with the oldest and richest original culture, the thickness of which extends deep into the millennia. Knowledge about it and recognition of its wealth has long crossed national borders and reached the international level, as it is a cultural heritage and heritage of all mankind.

Lead 2:

Yes, this nation, I heard, has a very interesting culture. It would not hurt to see . Students are invited to the stage __________________________

____________________________________ class performance

Lead 1:

Gypsies for a number of centuries remained a kind of mystery for science. Centuries have passed since they left their ancient homeland and scattered all over the world, and now you can hardly find a state,

Lead 2:

Near the river,
Colorful tents.
The horses are hobbled
Bonfires are lit.

Strange under the trees
Meet the free camp -
With ancient nomads
The surviving gypsies!

Gypsy is a collective name for about 80 ethnic groups united by a common origin and recognition of the "Gypsy law". The guys will tell us about this and much more ________________

____________________________________ class performance

Lead 1:

We love the steppes, their free space
And the trill of a grasshopper in the evening hour.
And you are the bulk of the snowy mountains,
The Caucasus thrown up with ridges to the sky.
And who will be able to blame us,
That you and I are not singing about one thing, -
Steppe expanse and snowy ridges -
Isn't this what we call the Motherland?

Lead 2:
How many backgammon do the Caucasus have -
Proud Yezidis, Ossetians

Strict Chichen, Ingush
You cannot be separated from Russia

After all, it is not for nothing that Russian poets,

Dedicated to you their poems!

Meet _________________________________________________

____________________________________ class performance

Lead 1
We were united in the struggle for will,

We take care of our work and our home together,

And in the days of celebrations, and in the calamities of the year

We are united, walking shoulder to shoulder.

Lead 2

Chuvash (self-name - chăvash) - indigenous population Chuvash Republic... The Chuvash are divided into two sub-ethnic groups - northwestern (viryal, "riding") and southeastern (anatri, "grassroots"), which have their own cultural and dialectal differences.

And about the rituals, customs of our Chuvash will tell ________________________

____________________________________ class performance

Lead 1

Now let's talk about the Kalmyks. Until the beginning of the 20th century. the traditional settlements of the Kalmyks (khotons) had a family-related character. They were characterized by a layout in the form of a circle of portable dwellings, cattle were driven into the center, and public gatherings were held there. The traditional economy of the Kalmyks was based on nomadic cattle breeding.

Lead 2

Fisheries played a significant role in the Volga region and in the Caspian. Hunting was of no small importance, mainly for saigas, as well as for wolves, foxes and other game. Some groups of Kalmyks have been engaged in agriculture for a long time, but it did not play a significant role. Only with the transition to settled life did its importance begin to grow.

Lead 1

Yes, Kalmyks are fewer in number than Gypsies, but I think they have, like every nation has its own customs and traditions, about which pupils will tell us __________________________________________________________ class

____________________________________ class performance

2 presenter:

Among the Don steppe fields

And the Kuban feather grass,

Where Kuban and Don flow

Cossacks have been living for a long time.

1 presenter:

A proud and dashing people

Has earned himself the honor:

Courage, courage, courage

Carries on his shoulders.

The guys of the __________________ class are invited to the stage.

____________________________________ class performance

2 presenter:

My Yakutia is a spacious region of Russia.

And he stretched out mighty and wide, -

With green taiga and dark blue sea, -

Far, far in the northeast.

In Yakutia, the dawn is like the tail of a red fox,

And her evenings are like sable fur.

In spring, the smoke of foliage hangs in the clear sky,

In winter, snow sparkles like a fox.

1 presenter:

Although they say that our edge is harsh:

Blizzards, permafrost and few warm days, -

But I say that our region is healthy,

That there is no better edge and no more generous.

Like a swallow to its nest, like a sailboat to the dock,

So with my heart I reach out to my native land.

Sometimes it seems to me that this is where it starts

Russia is my great homeland

____________________________________ class performance

2 presenter:

Mordovia ...

I can see in this word

The vastness of green forests and meadows

And the singing of birds flying in the wild,

The murmur of rivers carrying their flow.

1 presenter:

Here people love to help each other

All together we will bypass a lot of troubles.

I live in Mordovia and am proud of it!

After all, there is no better edge in the world!

____________________________________ class performance

2 presenter:

Russia! Russia! My native country!

I share pure love with you

You are one forever holy to me.

I bow low to thee.

1 presenter:

You have raised many generations

You always led the people

You believed with all your heart without a doubt

She did good deeds with people.

Lead 2:

Tolerance is a foreign word,

But for all that was clear for a long time,

Be tolerant of the distant or the strange

Detached, as if in a movie.

This is not about indifference

And no one talks about callousness.

Delicacy and patience for the living

Nearby, it won't hurt us at all.

Lead 2:

Be tolerant of everything else:

To faith, views, thoughts and clothes

And then, perhaps, it is clear to everyone,

Silent hope will light up.

That we can live so different

In this world of perpetual motion

And to gain tolerance

You just need a sense of respect.

The song "I, you, he, she ..."

Leading 1. So our journey to our big and not embraced country of Russia has ended! The results will be announced on the lineup.

Lead 2. We wish everyone peace, happiness, friendship, harmony. Clear sky bright sun.

Leading: Many thanks to the participants and organizers of our festival. Until next time!


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