Games for the competition of readers about autumn. Reading competition “Golden Autumn. Conditions for participation in the school reciting competition

For older preschoolers "Autumn Masquerade"

Target: to foster children's interest in poetry, in an expressive, figurative word.

Course of the lesson

The jury consists of educators, parents, a graduate child, a teacher from school.

I. Introductory word of the educator.

Today we are holding a competition for the best reader of a poem about a beautiful time - golden autumn. Many writers have dedicated their works to describing autumn nature our homeland. The flora is the decoration of our planet, its breath, its life. Nature is good in its own way at all seasons. But especially the artist Autumn decorates the world of plants with magical colors, therefore often autumn time compared to a masquerade, where you can also observe an abundance of all kinds of colors and colors.

There is a knock at the door. A boy enters in a huge letter. He takes it out of a motley envelope and reads: "A choir recitation is required."

Readers enter the stage.

1st child.

Nature and homeland are inseparable,

Autumn colors are unique.

Red rowan brushes glow,

Leaves-coins fly off the birch.

2nd child.

Admire the masquerade!

The forest changes its outfit.

He took off the green one - measures a new one:

Yellow, red and purple

Going to the ball!

3rd child.

Maple and aspen swirled,

Ducks grunt over the willow.

The forest is dancing ...

Suddenly - tired.

Days are running after days

The forest calmed down and thinned out.

Pretended to be an old grandfather ...

Turned gray ... Cold ...

Vl. Prikhodko

The sound of rain is heard in the recording.

4th child.

Wet song

The day turned out to be weeping

Clouds floated across the sky

From aspen and birch

Tears flowed in streams.

Grasses oozed water,

The ditches are filled

There are only snails in the garden

Not soaked to the skin.

And the clouds were surprised

And the clouds parted

And into the blue windows

The sun has thrown arrows.

V. Viktorov

Cries of birds are heard in the recording. The cringing of cranes is especially prominent.

5th child.

The fields are empty for a while

Strong motors are silent

Starlings which week

Prepare for a long journey to squall.

And we have a rich harvest

They all owe a little bit

We accompany them to a distant land

And we are already waiting for the return journey.

M. Sadovsky

The music of PI Tchaikovsky is played: "The Seasons", the theme is "Autumn".

Educator... Many poets and writers dedicated their poems to the golden autumn. This is how the poet I. Bunin writes about it.

Leaf fall

6th child.

The forest, as if we were looking at a painted one,

Purple, gold, crimson,

With a cheerful, colorful wall

Stands over a bright glade.

Birch yellow carvings

Shine in the azure blue,

Like towers, Christmas trees are darkening,

And between the maples turn blue

Here and there in the foliage through

Clearances in the sky, that little window.

The forest smells like oak and pine

Over the summer he dried up from the sun ...

And Autumn is a quiet widow

He enters his motley tower.

7th child.

Today in an empty meadow

Among the wide courtyard

Air spider web fabric

Shine like a silver net.

Plays all day today

The last moth is in the yard

And like a white petal

Freezes on the web

Warmed by the warmth of the sun;

8th child.

Today it is so bright around

Such a dead silence

In the forest and in the blue heights,

What is possible in this silence

Hear the rustling of the leaves.

I. Bunin

Educator... Pushkin was very fond of autumn. Here is one of his poems.


It's a sad time! Charm of the eyes!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the lush wilting of nature,

Crimson and gold-clad forests,

There is noise and fresh breath in their canopy,

And the heavens are covered with a wavy mist,

And a rare sunbeam, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winters are threats.

Music from PI Tchaikovsky's album "The Four Seasons" and the play "October" are played.

Educator... Not only writers and poets spoke about the wondrous beauty of the golden autumn in their works, but also portrayed in paintings by Russian artists. For example, I. Levitan dedicated his paintings to autumn. His paintings of autumn are permeated with sunny yellow.

9th child.

Autumn beauty sprinkled fairy tales.

Heavenly blaze as if from a fairy tale.

Lilac linden and aspen flames,

Farewell cries of the crane family.

Leafs through the golden pages of October

And white birches are already dreaming about winter.

N. Nikulin

Educator... Even in the forest you can find chamomile and dandelion flowers. And on the flower beds of the city, asters proudly shake their heads.

10th child.


Autumn over the shady park ...

Gold maples on the water of the pond.

Leaves are spinning ... The birds fell silent,

Looks into the cold sky

Aster, radiant aster is a star.

Aster with its straight petals

Since ancient times it has been called a "star".

That's what you called yourself,

In it, the petals scattered rays

From the core it is completely golden.

Sun. Christmas

The recording contains a song from the repertoire of the DDT group; sings Yu. Shevchuk, song "Autumn".

II. Lesson results.

Children exchange views with the teacher about the lesson.

The jury sums up the results and determines the winners of the competition. Awarding of diplomas and prizes to the participants of the competition.

Ekaterina Bodryagina

Reading competition

« Autumn time, eye charm

Target: increasing the speech activity of children, increasing the level of expressiveness of reading poetry.


develop the ability to tell and listen to new poems about autumn read by other children;

develop skills for emotional response to these verses;

continue teaching to recite poetry emotionally, loudly, with expression;

evoke a joyful, emotional mood in children.

Equipment: costumes of the participants competition, musical accompaniment, attributes for decorating the hall.

Event progress:

Hello dear guests. kind day guys.

In our kindergarten has become a good tradition of holding poetry reciting competition.

We are now inviting our main participants competition.

Music entrance

We have gathered in this hall today to please each other's ability to recite poems and perhaps there will be those among us who do it especially well.

The poems will sound different, but they are all enlightened by the same season. Which one? You will find out by guessing riddle:

The fields are empty

The earth gets wet

The rain is pouring down

When does this happen?

That's right, it's autumn... She gives us extraordinary beauty.

Well now it's time to introduce jury:

Kuznetsova Lyudmila Gennadievna - educator of the second junior group

Shakirova Svetlana Dmitrievna - educator senior group

Vafina Ekaterina Leonidovna-parent preparatory group

They will listen carefully and evaluate your performance.

Forest, as if we are looking at a painted

Purple, gold, crimson

Stands over a sunny glade

Fascinated by the silence.

This is how the poet Ivan Bunin speaks beautifully and soulfully about this time of year. I think that you, too, can enchant everyone by reading poems about autumn... And we will listen quietly and attentively.

And the first person we will invite to tell the poem is Alexandrina Shchetneva. The poem is called « Autumn» by Alexey Pleshcheev.

We invite Salmina Kirill « Autumn»

Next participant Kuznetsova Daria "Mischievous"

What is the name of the following poem, you will know if you finish line:

Only the needles are green pine trees

Afraid to paint them ... autumn

That's right, it's autumn.

About autumn tell Murinov Alyosha.

Next participant Marina Zhukova « Autumn»

We invite Dobrogorskaya Valeria.

Next participant Fedotov Kirill

Autumn is a damp time,

The rain is pouring down from above.

People are more likely to disclose

Multi-colored umbrellas.

We invite the next participant Urazakova Zarina.

And what is the name of the following poem, you will learn by guessing riddle:

He's everywhere: in the field and garden,

But it won't get into the house

And I'm not going anywhere.

That's right, it's rain.

Yarmolinsky Gleb will tell us about rain

We invite Baburin Gleb "Umbrella"

Next participant Khamatdinova Alina "Yangyr"

We invite Shaikhraziev Timur « Autumn»

And now we will have a little rest.

Dance performed by the older group "Umbrellas"

We continue on contest and now we invite the smallest participants of our competition.

We invite Goryacheva Ariana, who will tell the nursery rhyme "Like our cat".

The next participant Ilsiyar will tell us about what happened to the cat. Nursery rhyme "Tili-bom".

We invite Nika Kleschevnikova "Hen and Chickens".

Salmina Violetara will tell us a poem by Ivan Chukovsky "Fly Tsokotukha".

The clearer we feel the approach of winter, the more we appreciate the last fine days, the rays of the sun, the rustle of foliage under our feet.

We invite the next participant Sysoeva Darina.

October and November are the last months autumn.

Alyosha Krekov will tell us what happens in October and November.

Next participantMingalieva Alina "On the road"

We invite Fathulin Almaz "Old mushroom"

We invite Vafina Victoria "Already the sky it breathed in autumn»

Preparatory group dance "Leaf, leaf, leaf fall"

Autumn this is not only a great time of the year, but also the time of harvesting, animals store food for the winter.

And how ants prepare for winter, Ilina Zalyaeva will tell us "Anthill"

What do they do in the fall sparrows will tell us Murinova Margarita "Sparrow"

We invite the next participant Ziganshina Arina.

It gets cold in the fall, people wear warm clothes, but if mom is near, then we are not afraid of cold autumn.

We invite Paranev Danila

We'll take a little rest now

Song middle group « Autumn knocked on us like a golden rain "

We invite the next participant Gilfanova Lilia "Kozge tabyn"

Next participant Ushakova Anastasia "Yafrak beyreme"

And in conclusion, we invite the last participant Nizamov Aydar "Mischievous"

So all the participants performed, and while the jury is summing up the results, your attention is given to the song of the girls of the preparatory group

Song "I'm sitting in the rain by the window"

Following August comes

Dances around with falling leaves

And he is rich in harvest,

We know him, of course!

September -

Our queen Autumn,

We will ask you together:

Open your secret to the children

Who is your second servant?

October -

The field turned black and white:

It rains and snows.

And it got colder -

The waters of the rivers were frozen in ice.

Winter rye is freezing in the field.

What month, tell me?

November -

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are raining down

Rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly ...

- autumn -

The fields are empty

The earth gets wet

The rain is pouring down.

When does this happen?

- autumn -

Red Egorka

Fell on the lake

I didn't drown myself

And the water did not stir.

- autumn leaf -

Leaves fall from aspens

A sharp wedge rushes in the sky.

- autumn -

Orange, red

shine in the sun.

Their leaves are like butterflies

circling and hovering.

Trees autumn -

The forest is undressed

Light up the sky

This time of year is ...

- autumn -

Grow - turn green

Fall - turn yellow

Lie down - turn black.

Leaves -

The floor is given to the jury ...

Rewarding participants

We thank autumn, for bringing us all together for the holiday.

Know autumn- it's not only rain,

This is a colorful, elegant umbrella.

Host: Good afternoon, dear guys and dear adults!

We are glad to see you in our cozy hall! Today is an extraordinary day! Today, as part of the Year of Literature, we are holding a reading competition! I would like to wish you a great mood and pleasant impressions.

Host: And what is a competition without a competent jury? Let me introduce you to the jury. Today they have a very responsible job - to choose the best ones. Therefore, wise and fair adults will evaluate our participants.

  • The head of the preschool educational institution is Nadezhda Vladimirovna Leksakova.
  • Educator-psychologist - Tatyana Yurievna Makshchantseva.
  • Parental Representative - ...

Host: So, the participants of the competition are ready to show their skills. The jury is ready to evaluate the participants of the competition. The audience is ready to listen and cheer for their friends. Then the reading contest is announced - open!

Host: And we will begin our competition program a cycle of poems about childhood, friendship and of course mom.

Egor A. pupil of the 3rd speech therapy group "Where did I come from?"

Artem Sh. “Velcro-why” by T. Bokova.

Mom ... Mommy ... These words are the most important in all languages. Mom is the first word a person utters. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart, love never goes out in it. Many good poems have been written about mothers. And one of these poems will read

Olya B. "My Mother".

Ulyana E. A. Borto "Take care of the children".

Appreciate your mothers, love them, give them moments of joy, be kind and obedient children!

Host: And now there is a musical pause. Sabina T. will perform the song "Pink Cloud".

Host: Listen to what the next poem will be about:

I paint with yellow paint

Field, forest, valleys.

And I love the sound of the rain

Call me!

That's right, autumn!

And about this wonderful time of the year Lesha K., a pupil of the 1st speech therapy group, will tell A. Bogdarin's poem "Autumn".

Sasha K. A. Bogdarin "Autumn". Thank you for the wonderful poem about autumn.

Host: In autumn, nature prepares for winter; animals, birds, and trees are preparing. One forest dweller is curious to know how to prepare for winter? And who is she you will learn from E. Trutneva's poem "Belkina's pantry", which will be read by Sonya Ya., A pupil of the middle group.

Host: Guys, tell me, what kind of wild animals do you still know? Well done! Children of the 2nd speech therapy group: Vlad Z., Yuliana F. and Andrei L. prepared a comic poem called "The Fox, the Hare and the Hedgehog" by T. Marshalov.

Moose. pause

Veronica S., pupil of Children's Music School # 7, will perform the "Spanish melody" instrument - flute.

Roman B., pupil of the Children's Music School No. 7, will perform Ober Tambourin on the violin.

Host: Guys, what is the name of the country in which we live? (Russia.)

And how do you understand what the Motherland is? (Answers of the children.)

The word Motherland has been familiar to us since childhood. This is the place where we were born, where our childhood passes. Here they speak our native language and everything in it is native to us. And now I invite Artemy K., a pupil of the senior group, who will read T.Bokova's poem "Motherland".

Host: Yaroslav T., a pupil of the senior group, will read the poem by IA Maznin "Our Planet".

Host: Our reciting competition has come to an end and while the jury is summing up the results of the competition, we invite our guests from the music school №7 to the stage, the ensemble of orchestral instruments that will perform the work of Metallidi "Village Musicians" teacher Anikina Lyubov Stepanovna, accompanist Olga Vasilievna Shcherbakova.

Summing up, rewarding!


"The most charming performer";
"For the sincerity of performance";
"For the original reading of the poem";
"Best Image";
"The Most Joyful Performance";
"The most soulful performance";
"The Brightest Performance";
"The most lyrical performance";
"The most perky performer";
The Most Emotional Performer;
"For the artistry of performance."

Host: Thank you all for your attention,

For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter.

The moment of goodbye has come

We say "Goodbye!"

"See you happy, new meetings!"

State budget educational institution

Ishimbay correctional school No. 7 for students with disabilities

reading competition

"Golden autumn"

Prepared by:

Kalimullina D.F, Bulatova L.A

The date of the:

Ishimbay - 2016

Scenario of the competition of reciters "Golden Autumn"

Target: fostering a positive emotional attitude towards literary poetic works; the formation of expressive speech in schoolchildren through the artistic and poetic word.

Tasks: a) correctional and educational: Creating conditions for expanding students' knowledge about autumn.b) correctional and developmental: developmentchildren's ability to expressive reading by heart, the development of poetic ear, the ability to understand the musicality of poetic speech; feel and display poetic images;v ) correctional and educational: To cultivate an aesthetic taste; to the poetic genre of fiction, a sense of rhythm and rhyme.Registration : multimedia; the hall is decorated in autumn style, on the stands, students' drawings on autumn theme... The contestants have a maple leaf with the performance number pinned on their chests.

Event progress Today our competition is dedicated to a wonderful, gentle, a little sad season, and which one you will learn by guessing the riddle.The fields are empty, the earth is wetThe rain is pouring ...When does this happen? (in autumn)Correctly autumn, which took possession of the land, gardens and rivers, forests and fields. Everything became autumnal at once... (slide number 1) (Waltz sounds) Autumn, the most picturesque time of the year. She pleases us with her colors. When clear and quiet days are issued, peace and quiet joy settles in the soul of everyone who meets nature. Today we will admire the wonderful pictures of autumn nature, learn to see the beauty in everything that surrounds us, listen to music, and, of course, the poems that you have prepared for this holiday. And your entries will be judged by our competent jury, which includes Abaidullina S.N., Smolenkova A.K., Yanmurzin I.I.

Our reciting contest opens: 1st grade student Roman Kulyasov. He will tell us a poem"Autumn has come to visit us" (slide number 2)

Hush, hush, silence
Autumn has come to visit us.
The rain sings a song
And tears are pouring on the ground.

Together we will take umbrellas,
Let's go for a walk in the rain.
More fun, more fun
Rain drip, do not regret it.

Guys, I suggest we play. I say a sentence, and you say yes or no.The game "Yes or no" * in autumn children wear panama hats, shorts, sandals * in autumn birds fly to the south * autumn months: February, March, June. * autumn weather is clear, sunny and warm

Autumn is different. The most beautiful is the golden autumn. Why do they say "golden autumn"? Many poets admired the golden autumn. The next reader is a student of the 2nd grade Kalimullina Diana(slide number 3) She will tell us a poem"Autumn"

I walk, sad alone:
Autumn is near somewhere.
With a yellow leaf in the river
summer drowned.

I throw a circle to him
your last wreath.
Only summer cannot be saved
if the day is autumn. And what signs of autumn do you know? I say a sentence, and you pick up opposite words in meaning: * the sun shines brightly (dimly) * it rarely rains (often) * leaves bloom (fall) * the days have become longer (shorter) * a warm wind blows (cold)

Next student 3 classBurmistrov Pavel(slide number 4) He will tell us about the signs of autumn

Late autumn signs:
This maple is completely naked
Poplar with linden all clothes
Thrown into the tracks.
The house is chilled in the rain-fog,
And the girl has in her pocket
There is a handkerchief with a handkerchief,
That got wet from a cold

Guys, I'll read the quatrain, and you say the last word in chorus.

I carry the crops, I sow the fields again, I send the birds to the south, I undress the trees. But I don’t touch the pines, And I’m called …… .. (autumn)

And here's another about the wondrous time, a student of grade 4b will tell usYamasipova Diana(slide number 5)

Golden, quiet
Groves and gardens
The fields are fruitful,
Ripe fruits.
And you can't see the rainbow
And the thunder is not heard.
The sun goes to sleep
Earlier every day.
(E. Trutneva)

One of the first signs of autumn, you called the phenomenon when leaves fall from trees and cover the ground with a beautiful carpet. What is the name of this phenomenon? (leaf fall)

Leaves flying parade We call the word autumn ... ....(slide number 6)

Leaf fall

The forest, as if we were looking at a painted one,
Purple, gold, crimson,
With a cheerful, colorful wall
Stands over a bright glade.

Birch yellow carvings
Shine in the azure blue,
Like towers, Christmas trees are darkening,
And between the maples turn blue
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that little window.
The forest smells like oak and pine
During the summer it dried up from the sun.

The next poem will tell us a student of grade 5 Mukhtarov Timur

(slide number 7)

Alexey Pleshcheev "Autumn" Autumn has come
The flowers have dried up
And they look sadly
Bare bushes.

Withers and turns yellow
Grass in the meadows
Only turns green
Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky
The sun doesn't shine
The wind howls in the field
The rain is drizzling ..

The water rustled
Fast stream
The birds flew away
To warm lands.

What autumn months are discussed in riddles.

The garden is empty in the village, Spider webs fly into the distance. And the cranes stretched to the southern edge of the earth. School doors swung open. What month has come to us? (September)

Nature is becoming gloomier in its face: Vegetables have turned black, forests are bare, bird voices will be silent. The bear fell into hibernation. What month did he come to us? (October)

The field became black and white: Now it is raining, now it is snowing. And it got colder Ice bound the waters of the rivers. Winter rye is freezing in the field. What month, tell me? (November)

The next poem will be told to us by a 6th grade student Akhiyarov Damir

(slide number 8)

Alexander Pushkin " Autumn" October has already come - the grove is shaking off
The last leaves from their naked branches;
The autumn cold has died - the road freezes.
The stream is still running behind the mill,
But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry
Into the fields away with desire,
And they suffer from wild fun,
And the barking of dogs awakens the sleeping oak groves

Guys, what vegetables and fruits do you know?
Guys, do you recognize the taste of these blindfolded fruits? Let's play a game"Guess the taste" (slide number 9)

A 7th grade student Shaibakov Vadim will tell us the following poem(slide number 10)

Ringing with a frosty string Ringing with a frosty stringThe shivering air of November.Nature chose peaceThe color is white, the color of amber.The last leaf has been swept from the ground,

The sidewalk is strewn with sand, The dress of gray trees is clean, Like the Snow Lady's boudoir. And yet November is not January, In the sky of heavy clouds,

The sun is leafing through the calendar

Stretching a beam to the ground.

One of the signs of autumn is the birds are flying away. What birds fly away? I will read poetry to you, and you listen carefully and, if you hear an “extra” word, you start clapping your hands.

The birds flew away:

Doves, martens.

The birds flew away:

Doves, tits, flies and swifts. Birds flew away: Pigeons, tits, Lapwings, siskins, Jackdaws and swifts, Mosquitoes, cuckoos.

Birds flew away: Pigeons, tits, Jackdaws and swifts Lapwings, hedgehogs.

Birds flew away: Pigeons, tits, Jackdaws and swifts, Lapwings, siskins, Storks, cuckoos, Swans and ducks And thanks for the joke.

But who flew away in the poem will tell us: a student of grade 8b Khasanov Azat(slide number 11)

E. Blaginina "Fly away, flew away"

White blizzards are coming
Snow will be lifted from the ground.
Fly away, fly away
The cranes flew away.

Do not hear the cuckoo in the grove,
And the birdhouse was empty.
The stork flaps its wings -
Flies away, flew away!

Patterned leaf swinging
In a blue puddle on the water.
A rook walks with a black rook
In the garden along the ridge.

Crumbled, turned yellow
The sun's rays are rare.
Fly away, fly away
The rooks also flew away.

Many people like to walk in the autumn forest. What happens in autumn forest, a student of grade 8 will tell usTretyakov Yura(slide number 12)

V. Berestov "Autumn in the forest"

Autumn forest every year
Pays in gold to enter.
Look at the aspen -
All dressed in gold
And she babbles:
"I'm cold ..." -
And shivers from the cold.
And the birch is happy
Yellow along:
"What a dress!
What a delight! "
Leaves flew quickly
Frost came suddenly.
And the birch whispers:
"Chill! ..."
Leaked by the oak
Gilded fur coat.
The oak caught on, but it's too late
And he makes a noise:
"I'm cold! I'm cold!"
Deceived the gold -
Not saved from the cold.

Guys, name the wild berries. (blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, cranberries). Basically, these berries ripen in summer. And what kind of berries can we meet in the fall? (mountain ash, viburnum, lingonberry)

9th grade student Korzhukov Pavel(slide # 13) K. Balmont "Autumn".

Lingonberries ripen, The days have become colder, And from the bird's cry In the heart it became sadder. Flocks of birds fly away Away, beyond the blue sea. All trees shine In a multi-colored headdress. The sun laughs less often, There is no incense in the flowers. Soon Autumn will wake up And cry sleepily.

Yesenin and nature are in no way separable. Any time of the year is loved in his poems.

Grade 10 studentIlya Lozhkin will tell a poem

S. Yesenin "The fields are squeezed, the groves are bare" (slide number 14)

Nivacompressed, grovesgoals, Water fog and dampness. The quiet sun rolled down with a wheel behind the blue of the mountain. The blasted road slumbers. Today she dreamed that quite, quite a bit To wait for the gray winter left. Ah, and I myself am in the often ringing

I saw yesterday in the fog: The red-haired month as a foal Harnessed to our sleigh

Poets dedicated many poems to autumn. They praised this time of year. Autumn is so different, cheerful and sad, early, golden and late.

The next poem will be told to us by a student of grade 11 Shaybakov Edik(slide number 15)

There is in the autumn of the original ...

There is in the initial autumn A short but wondrous time The whole day is like a crystal, And the evenings are radiant ... Where a vigorous sickle walked and an ear fell, Now everything is empty - space is everywhere - Only a cobweb of thin hair Shines on an idle furrow The air is empty, no more birds can be heard, But it is far from the first winter storms - And clear and warm azure is pouring On the resting field ...

(slide number 16) Today we saw autumn through the eyes of people of art. Autumn never repeats itself, every year it brings us something new, unknown, delighting and delighting people with a wonderful sight. You just need to be attentive and be able to see the unknown.

While the jury members are consulting, choosing the winners, we will guess riddles.

What an invisible man Slamming a wicket in the garden, Leafing through a book on the table, Scaring a mouse with a rustle, Tore off a kerchief from his grandmother, Shook Dimka in a stroller, Played with foliage, believe me! Well, of course it is ... (wind)

Autumn rain walked around the city, Mirror lost its rain. The mirror is lying on the asphalt, The wind will blow - it will tremble. (puddle)

A silvery curtain suddenly descended from the sky. The silver curtain spilled in drops. A cloud dropped the curtain, can you imagine? What a wonderful curtain? Maybe you can guess? (rain)

Now let's play a game"Squirrels" (slide number 17)

Jury word (slide number 18)

So, this concludes our competition. Let's thank everyone for the great performances with a friendly applause. Thanks!!!


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