We meet the autumn season positively: a selection of original pictures. We meet the autumn time positively: a selection of original pictures Autumn landscapes photos

When yellow leaves rustle under your feet, a cool breeze ruffles your hair and raspberries ripen on the bushes, this means one thing - autumn has come. Yes, the sun is still hot in the summer, trying to give passers-by unspent warmth, clouds float imposingly across the sky, but the air smells differently, as if reminiscent of the fact that September has come into possession.

Among the green grass, you can notice the first messengers of autumn - these are red, burgundy, gilded foliage. It is at these moments that you can take beautiful photos of autumn and keep a piece of this fabulous time for a long memory.

And soon all the crowns of trees will crumble and a huge, bright carpet will cover the earth self made woven by nature itself. All paths, paths, streets will be paved with a multi-colored pattern, along which passers-by will wander and quietly rustle their feet.

Looking closely, you can see that beautiful autumn gives us incomparable landscapes, sunsets and sunrises. She is beautiful when it rains heavily, when the first frost and snow appear. fur hat lays down on a mountain ash, when the neighbor's dog pokes his nose into his pant leg to keep warm, when the sparrows, already fledged, fight for a coke of fresh bread.

Looking at the sky, you can see the birds, they fly away to spend the winter, gathered in friendly flocks and cooing to the whole district, as if saying “goodbye”. They will disappear from sight, and people will hear their cheerful chirping and unceasing hubbub for a long time to come.

When it rains on the ground, you should not hide in cozy apartments, in these Beautiful moments can get beautiful photos of autumn. Then, when fallen grapes, an acorn and a fallen leaf from an old maple float in puddles. And if you're lucky, you can capture a ray of sunshine playfully peeking out from behind the gray clouds. He hints that soon it will get warmer and Indian summer will come.

In the morning, the sky is surprisingly transparent, a strong wind dispersed the clouds, berries ripen outside, this is the work of a beautiful autumn, it does not skimp on colors, generously painting every corner.

The largest berries attract the attention of birds that have not flown away, but also small animals. They carefully collect the gifts of nature and drag them to their mink, make supplies for the winter.

The air smells somehow in a special way, the aromas of mowed grass, ripe apples warmed in the sun hover, and a little more smells of rotten moss, it has already been wetted by rain.

Images, where beautiful photos of autumn are preserved for a moment, will help to reproduce such a wonderful time in memory. Even a warm breeze blows from glossy paper and seductively shimmers with raspberries, and you just want to bite off a piece.

And how funny the annoying insects look, in the summer they run so fast that it is difficult to catch up with them, and in the fall they begin to hibernate and become slow, clumsy. Here - then you can take a picture for memory.

Before it gets completely cold and the colors fade, the Indian summer will come, and the beautiful autumn will again open in all its luxury and wealth. The main thing is to have time to catch a moment while the sun is shining and flowers are blooming. And in winter, sitting in an armchair with a cup of tea, there will be an opportunity to remember autumn and admire its images.

See also: gifs: autumn.

Autumn is a wonderful time, which is sung in many works of famous poets and prose writers, of course, it is depicted in the works of artists and painters. Our selection of wonderful pictures will delight not only children, but also many adults with an abundance of colors, because in each of them you can find something special, something that will give rise to reflection and peace.

The golden time is not only fallen yellow leaves, but also the still warm rays of the sun, warming the soul. Reading statuses about autumn, you can be filled with warmth, feel real relaxation, because it is at this time of the year that the joy of life is truly felt. Original statements can be used as statuses about autumn, they have a hidden meaning that motivates you to think positively, meeting a new day, no matter what the weather is like outside the window.

In order to admire the beauty of nature on a rainy day, you can put photos or cool pictures on your desktop monitor. The background image, as well as statuses about autumn, will please the eye and cheer you up.

Cool pictures on autumn theme carry a romantic mood, because this is the golden time for love and forging new relationships. Statuses about autumn and love are connected by a thin thread, they exude some kind of warmth and nostalgia.

Especially beautiful is the early autumn time, when nature is just beginning to prepare for the change of weather. The beauty of the golden garden can be enjoyed for a very long time. You can select pictures on the phone "Autumn in colors", as well as on the desktop, on our website. A wide variety of images will allow you to select the most beautiful, cool, where nature is captured in all its glory.

Well-chosen statuses about autumn will help convey your mood, feelings. For this purpose, you can choose famous people, they capture the comparison of human relations with how nature itself changes. And in fact, you can see that the passion smoothly between lovers, comparable to a hot, sultry summer, soon turns into a warm autumn - a melancholy, calm period of life. It is during this interval that they manage to fully enjoy each other.

Beautiful autumn photos and statuses about autumn are quite difficult to imagine without children, they look so harmonious among golden foliage or a garden. Against the background of a children's image, you can place beautiful statements of famous prose writers. It is worth noting that a photo of children on crimson foliage can be compared with spiritual wealth. After all, for happiness we need quite a bit, this is evidenced by unique statuses about autumn.

What could be more beautiful than flooded children's laughter? It is at this moment that you can feel complete spiritual harmony. So why not place a thematic picture on your desktop? Thanks to this, you can feel the fullness of children's happiness.

We suggest you pick up cool statuses about autumn against the background of an image of an autumn landscape or a garden. Form a whole collage of various photos, and then install on your desktop. Looking through statements, reading statuses about autumn, contemplating the image of the garden at this time, you can quickly cheer up not only yourself, but also those close to you.

Very soon, warm hot days will change to rainy, windy days, which give us the opportunity to immerse ourselves in our own thoughts, summing up the year. The change of the seasons is only a temporary event, which is beautiful and unique in its own way. For children, autumn time is a time to have fun and rejoice, this is an excellent occasion for adults to feel all the colors of life, to realize how beautiful nature is. Contemplation of sincere children's fun will not leave anyone indifferent.

A photo of how quickly the seasons change and the weather changes allows us to draw an analogy with human life. Indeed, throughout life there are different periods, each of them very soon passes one into one, but still there are more warm days than cold ones.

Many of us adore autumn for its bright colors, for its rich palette, for the diversity presented to others. And if it is difficult to keep in memory, then by taking a beautiful photo of autumn, there is an opportunity to admire the amazing nature presented to us by this time of year.

Let's talk about how we see autumn. At first, nature bathes in golden rays, between branches and amber foliage, sunbeams jump briskly, the breeze drives acorns, cones and wild roses through the still green grass.

A little time will pass, and gray rains will pour, the sky will be covered with purple clouds, bored children will look out of the windows, and gloomy passers-by will rush to work under umbrellas through puddles. But nevertheless, each period is beautiful and it can be saved by pressing the button and taking a photo of autumn.

On cold evenings, sitting on a cozy sofa, under a blanket with a cup of tea, someone will spend hours looking at a glossy picture of a carpet of fallen leaves covering the ground, a cobweb sent by a spider in a hurry to hide in a warm mink, where you can wait out the cold. I must say that a lace gossamer made of silver threads always attracts the attention of true fans of autumn.

Let's not forget about the luxurious flowers growing in the autumn. These are pink and purple lush asters, yellow and orange dahlias, white and blue chrysanthemums.

Quite often, we notice how young people stealthily pick autumn flowers and give them to their loved ones. It's incredibly touching and sweet. A girl will dry such a bouquet between the pages of a book as a keepsake and will inhale the aromas of Indian summer for a long time to come.

There is a lot of harvest in the gardens, you just have to stretch out your hand and fragrant apples, ripe grapes, late raspberries, as well as juicy pears and strong nuts will appear in the basket.

It's great to eat the gifts of nature and enjoy sweet fruits or make jam for the winter. Just imagine how wonderful it will be to open a jar in winter and eat the food along with pancakes.

Often the weather does not indulge those who want to capture its beauty - there is a light rain or a heavy downpour, it is annoyingly drizzling, and it can go on all day without stopping. But some still manage to take beautiful pictures that you can admire for hours.


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