Lapbook "Everything about the livestock breeder's profession" methodological development on the world around (preparatory group) on the topic. Livestock breeder who is it: livestock breeder profession, description of the profession Livestock breeder what work do people of this profession do

Specialties: breeding and fattening large cattle, pig breeding technology, sheep / goat breeding, rabbit breeding, fur breeding (fur breeds), poultry breeding

Specializations: cattle, pig breeding, sheep breeding, poultry breeding, rabbit breeding, horse breeding

Required education(level of education, type of educational institution):

Initial professional (operator machine milking, an adjuster of livestock equipment - drinking, milking, feeding, harvesting and other automatic machines with CNC, an operator of automatic machines for cleaning a livestock complex, a feed distributor, a feed supplier, a cattleman - a vocational school of an agro-technical profile, or animal husbandry courses, or training directly at the workplace;

Secondary specialized (livestock specialist in the chosen specialization) - any livestock college, or an agricultural (agrotechnical, agro-industrial) college (technical school) for any of the livestock specialties

Higher education (animal engineer, manager of a livestock complex) - any agricultural (agro-industrial) institute (academy), or a university (institute, academy) in any livestock specialty or in the specialty "management and management of a livestock enterprise."

Specific abilities required for successful mastering of the profession:

No special abilities are required. However, it is necessary to have good health, without much stress to withstand long-term work, including physical, stress and love the land, animals, and also not be prone to allergies to animals and plants.

Major subjects of the school curriculum and additional education:

Biology, physical education, life safety *, geography, chemistry, physics, Latin *

A noble cause is akin to that of ordinary farmers, vegetable growers, procurers and everyone who feeds the country; stable nature of work, high demand for the profession in countryside, life in nature, the ability to create your own exemplary subsidiary livestock farm, the trend of salary growth in this industry.

"Pitfalls", its obvious disadvantages;

The work is nervous, often associated with extreme situations, the working day is ragged, often irregular, while the work is not always adequately paid; a high percentage of dependence of labor results on the weather and epidemic situation, the hardships of rural everyday life, a low probability of finding an interesting job in a specialty in the city, the risk of contracting sick animals

Possible occupational diseases: musculoskeletal system, allergic, osteochondrosis - low probability

Salary fork(in rubles per month) *

In Moscow: mainly in nurseries and zoological gardens - 15,000 - 35,000 (job search is difficult)

In large regional centers: the same - 10,000 - 20,000 (finding a job without leaving the city is difficult)

In the hinterland of Russia: 8,000 - 15,000

And this profession is for those who love animals. And not just pets, but animals that feed and clothe us. Briefly about the case of the livestock breeder is described in the article about the farmer, who, as the saying goes, "of all trades out of boredom." But unlike the farmer, just a livestock breeder, like an agronomist (and other specialists about whom it is written in this section), is not engaged in either the construction of a peasant (farm) economy, or the search for buyers of products, or reports in tax office, nor the procurement or procurement of animal feed. And in order to use his knowledge and experience of a livestock breeder in his work, he needs to get a job in a ready-made, working agricultural enterprise with a livestock profile.

But unlike an agronomist, livestock breeders are both with a diploma and self-taught. Just a man came to the farm and started looking after cows (pigs, etc.) or birds (chickens, ducks, ostriches, etc.), or even fur animals (foxes, arctic foxes - this branch of animal husbandry is called animal husbandry). A livestock breeder with a diploma in this case will give a livestock breeder without a diploma qualified tasks: when and how to give the animals feed, how to prepare this feed, how many times a day and how to clean up the places where animals are kept, and so on. If a livestock breeder without a diploma works on a meat and dairy farm (with cows), then such a worker is usually called cattleman... He not only feeds the animals and removes their manure from the farm, but also periodically cleans the animals themselves. This also applies to work with artiodactyls. But the title of such a position is usually different - pig, pig. You have already smiled. But there is nothing funny in this name, at least in the village it would never occur to anyone in the village that the word "pig" is capable of cheering someone up. And if you tell someone in the village that the pork smells bad, they will immediately tell you "but the ham and the ham smell very tasty."

But if you are such a sissy and even an opponent of killing "poor" animals, we advise you to specialize in horse breeding. Horse meat in Russia (with the exception of Bashkiria and Tatarstan) is eaten in small quantities, and horses are bred mainly for use as auxiliary animals. In addition, these beautiful and kind friends of man are still needed by border guards, tourists and athletes. And in order to look after horses, it is not necessary to live in the countryside: stables and stud farms (where new breeds of horses are bred) exist in cities, even in regional centers.

But let's say right away: the need for horse breeding specialists, even for simple breeders without a diploma, today in Russia is many times less than the need for specialists in cattle, pigs, goats and sheep, as well as rabbits, nutria, other fur-bearing animals, etc. different birds... Poultry farms are developing at an unprecedented rate, most of which are located near the city limits. Moreover, serious prospects have emerged in the field of breeding ostriches, which, strange as it may seem, adapt quite easily to the Russian frosts, continuing to lay giant eggs even in winter (of course, in a warm room). True, working with ostriches requires special care and courage, otherwise, the hour is uneven, you will get such a kick from the impudent bird that, what good, you will end up in the hospital. But here, how it turns out. Some even cows butt (as these people think), and geese nibble, and turkeys peck. You are, I hope, not so clumsy in handling animals that they pounce on you?

But in the poultry industry (this primarily concerns chicken farms), bird diseases (bird flu is only one of the many life-threatening animals) also add the threat of mass death in the event of a sudden power outage at the poultry farm for several hours in a row, because without forced ventilation in the poultry fattening workshops, this bird, not used to moving, instantly falls asleep forever.

Well, here, it seems, we have told enough about livestock breeders. Forgot, perhaps, about the shepherd. But, as it seems to us, this profession is so specific and requires such dedication (after all, being a shepherd is, in fact, leading a nomadic lifestyle away from settlements) that it can hardly be called a mass one. People most often become shepherds by inheritance. That is, close relatives lead to this profession. Although, of course, there are also those among the shepherds who, having entered a veterinary institute or college, thought to heal pets, but, having got into practice in a sheep-breeding farm, “got used to” the sheep. By the way, modern shepherds are increasingly striving to get a veterinary education. The shepherd needs not only to be able to receive newborn lambs, but also to treat animals. Indeed, in a remote steppe, where large flocks often leave for grazing, you cannot quickly get help from anywhere. And you have to pay to call the veterinarian. Plus, the shepherd must have excellent health and be also a fearless person. Anything can happen in the steppe. Wolves are just one of the dangers. Ordinary robbers are much more terrible than wolves.

The same qualities should be possessed and reindeer herder ... But this specialty in animal husbandry is even more tied to the dynasties that have descended from time immemorial. In order to find oneself in it, so as not to escape one day from the tundra or taiga, it seems to us, one must either have family roots in reindeer grazing areas (simply, be born an Evenk or another representative of the northern peoples), or be a person out of this world.

How do people usually come to livestock farming? Let's dispel the sweet smoke of romance right away. Love for domestic kitties, dogs, ferrets, etc. this is clearly not enough. Natural-born townspeople, accustomed from childhood to city life, rarely become livestock breeders. Love for calves, piglets and ducklings-chickens is formed in a person usually from school. Most of today's livestock breeders school years after school, they ran to their parents on the farm in order to tinker with the calves at least a little, they are so cute. But if their urban peers, coming to the village on vacation, are usually just moved by looking at calves and piglets, then future livestock breeders get used to cleaning them up, cleaning them, and feeding them. This is a hard routine work that also requires a special attitude towards animals, which (the breeder realizes this clearly) are often raised for ... meat.

Do you want to become a livestock breeder? Will you run away from the village to the city? Then it makes sense to go after school to the appropriate college or institute. Learn better in all subjects. And most importantly - do not neglect physical education and sports. The physical strength and endurance of the livestock breeder will be very useful.

Agriculture is a separate branch of the economy aimed primarily at providing people with food. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this industry. There are many in-demand professions related to agriculture. And, of course, they all require certain knowledge and skills.

What are the professions of agriculture: a list

The most demanded specialties in this area are:

  • agronomist;
  • machine operator;
  • milking machine operator;
  • livestock breeder;
  • poultry house;
  • veterinarian.

To the question of which professions belong to agriculture, there is another answer - a beekeeper and a fur breeder. They are not as common as, for example, a milking machine operator or a livestock breeder, but they are also quite in demand.

Features of the profession of an agronomist

Agricultural technologies are constantly being improved and changed. The responsibilities of an agronomist primarily include correct organization production processes, growing crops, collecting and transporting crops in these conditions. Also, people of this specialty are engaged in the preparation of various kinds of reporting and scientific documentation. Veterinarians usually have higher education. By now, the profession of an agronomist is on the list of the most demanded in Russia.

Machine operator

This is one of the main specialties of such a sphere of economics as agriculture. The professions of a combine operator and a tractor driver have always been among the main ones in the countryside. A machine operator is a specialist who is able to operate all types of agricultural machinery. In addition, the duties of these workers include knowledge of the design features of the machines, as well as the implementation of their scheduled maintenance and repair.

The profession of a machine operator is considered one of the most difficult in the countryside. People of this specialty often work in extremely unfavorable conditions - in heat, rain and cold. In addition, they usually have to work overtime during the sowing and harvesting periods. Fortunately, in recent years, increased demands have been made on the design of tractors and combines in terms of convenience specifically for machine operators. The cabins of the new models are insulated, equipped with air conditioners and heaters. But all the same, the work of a machine operator will always remain difficult, and therefore honorable.

Milking machine operator

There are many answers to the question of which professions in agriculture are the most common. But the most famous is the milking machine operator. About the people of this specialty in Soviet times many films were shot and a huge number of poems and songs were written. The profession of a milkmaid was then unusually honorable. Women of this specialty appeared on blue screens in the form of healthy, cheerful, ruddy girls in headscarves. However, of course, the profession of a milking machine operator is actually very complex, and there is not much romance in it.

The milkmaids have to get up before dawn - at five o'clock in the morning. Their duties include wiping the udder of a cow, feeding it. But the main occupation of the representatives of this profession is, of course, the milking of animals. This operation is performed three times a day. Like a machine operator, the profession of a milkmaid is very important in agriculture.

Livestock breeder

It is also a very common profession in the countryside. Agricultural specialties can be livestock or crop production. The main activity of a zootechnician is, as the name suggests, breeding and raising all sorts of farm animals. Workers in this specialty must provide them with the most comfortable conditions for keeping and breeding. In addition, the duties of the breeder include monitoring the health of the "wards" and maintaining the purity of the breed. Also, people of this specialty make sure that all the necessary components are present in the diet of cows, pigs, sheep, horses and goats: vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc.

Among other things, livestock breeders clean and disinfect barns and pigsties, take part in preventive measures in order to prevent the spread of epidemics. They also monitor the procedure for grazing animals in the summer season, as well as the process of preparing food for them for the winter.

Poultry house

The duties of the representatives of this profession are practically the same as those of the livestock breeder. The only difference is that the poultry house takes care of representatives of birds: chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, etc. This is also one of the most common specialties in such a sphere of the country's economy as agriculture. The professions associated with caring for a bird are very complex and responsible.


Man began to raise and breed animals thousands of years ago. The veterinarian profession has existed for about the same time. In ancient times, people of this specialty accompanied caravans and armies, monitoring the health of horses and camels, and in the Middle Ages, professional veterinary schools were opened. In our country, this specialty appeared on the initiative of Peter the Great. It was this emperor who once brought highly qualified veterinarians from Europe to Russia.

Today, as in the past, the main task of the employee is Agriculture this profession is the treatment of animals. Also, his responsibilities include the implementation of preventive measures. Veterinarians give birth to animals, vaccinate, sterilize or inseminate. Representatives of this profession also exercise control over the use of various kinds of chemicals in the cultivation of crops intended for animal feeding.

Currently, there is a veterinary point in almost every locality... There are similar clinics even in cities. True, they are engaged in the treatment of not agricultural, but ordinary domestic animals - cats and dogs.


There are different agricultural professions. On modern enterprises this industry not only breeds animals and grows plants. Beekeeping also refers precisely to this sphere of the national economy. The specialty of a beekeeper is quite rare in our country. However, this does not mean that it is uninteresting or unclaimed. This is an exciting profession, but, like any other agricultural one, it is quite difficult and very responsible.

The duties of the beekeeper include the formation of new families of bees, ensuring their wintering and collecting honey. Also, people of this profession fight against diseases of the insects entrusted to them, repair hives and equipment. Despite the relative rarity, the profession of a beekeeper will always exist, because many people love honey. In addition, this product is very useful.

Pet breeder

Breeding rabbits, nutria, polar foxes is also one of the specializations of such an industry as agriculture. The professions associated with caring for such animals are also quite in demand. Animal breeders are responsible for keeping and breeding rabbits and nutria. Their responsibilities include monitoring the preservation of the livestock, the purity of the breed, procedures such as feeding, disease prevention and care.


This profession appeared in agriculture not so long ago. However, today it is almost impossible to imagine crop and livestock production without it. First of all, the agroecologist monitors the use of fertilizers and all kinds of chemicals in the fields when growing agricultural plants. The task of this specialist is mainly to develop recommendations for minimizing harm from them. Also, agroecologists in agricultural enterprises are engaged in the restoration of depleted and eroded soils.

Where can I get an agricultural specialty

Today in our country there are many educational institutions of different levels, whose tasks include training workers in such an industry as agriculture. Professions of this orientation can be obtained in many cities of our country. Agronomists and veterinarians usually graduate from universities and technical schools. Machine operators are trained in technical schools and colleges. The same goes for milkmaids and poultry women.

The most famous higher educational institutions in which you can get the profession of agricultural workers in our country are agricultural universities:

  • Orenburg.
  • Kuban.
  • St. Petersburg.
  • Altaic.
  • Voronezh, etc.

Also, highly qualified specialists are trained by the National Agricultural Academy named after I. Timiryazev. Of course, the success of the development of such an industry as agriculture directly depends on the quality of training for young specialists. Professions (examples of them were given above) of this group require a person to have ingenuity, dexterity, quick thinking, and often physical endurance. In any case, the process of training future veterinarians, agronomists, milkmaids and machine operators should be approached with full responsibility.

Studied in primary school within the framework of the subject "The World Around". In such lessons, children receive information not only about one of the professions, which, perhaps, they will have to choose for themselves in the future.

They also get acquainted with the peculiarities of the area in which they live. This knowledge is part of the overall picture that the student must develop in the process of passing through topics such as "The Art of My People", "The Nature of Our Area" and so on.

Observing the labor of livestock breeders

One of key points in teaching this section of the discipline, the whole class visits one of the farms specializing in breeding any zoological species. Such an excursion can be undertaken individually for schoolchildren accompanied by their parents.

In any case, according to the results of the campaign, a report on the work of the livestock breeders is usually written. Despite the fact that the Internet is replete with information to prepare for various educational tasks, further information will be posted that will be of interest to both teachers of the lessons of the "World Around" and for children during the execution homework.

How do I prepare to respond in class?

Usually the teacher in the subject "The World Around" suggests writing a short report on the work of livestock breeders. If the excursion is not conducted by the teacher himself and the whole class does not participate in it, then such a trip and the whole organization completely falls on the shoulders of the parents, who must explain to the child the essence of the topic and choose a place for a future trip.

Livestock industries

First of all, it is worth asking students a question about which pets living side by side with a person are familiar to them?

If they find it difficult to answer, then it is worth recalling, firstly, about those animals that may live in their family, and secondly, ask the class if there are any guys among them who are in village, for example, visiting grandparents.

When such students are found, then it is necessary to find out what kind of animals they see during such visits. Children will certainly list the most popular species in our country, found in almost any household.

Exotic animals

It is necessary to tell the students that in addition to raising these pets, the work of a livestock breeder can also consist in breeding rather unusual four-legged animals.

So, in the desert and some steppe zones the former USSR Camel breeding is widespread, and in the reservoirs of almost all regions, fish are often raised, intended for people to subsequently catch and eat it.

Horse breeding

One of the industries where observing the work of livestock breeders will certainly be very interesting and will cause a lot of positive emotions in a child, is horse breeding.

If the school is located in a large city, then, undoubtedly, there is a hippodrome in this settlement, where grooms will gladly tell visitors about the peculiarities of caring for horses, and also show the best thoroughbred inhabitants of their farms.

Getting to know the horses

The topic "The work of a livestock breeder" in grade 4 will be perceived with interest by a child and will be remembered for a long time if, during an excursion to the hippodrome or stud farm, he is ridden on a horse or in a team. However, such an excursion should not be limited to purely entertaining moments.

During entertainment, it is worth focusing the attention of children on the fact that they should remember all the information that the employees of the institution give in order to prepare as best as possible for writing a report on the work of livestock breeders in a concise form.

Ancient art

Should be given to children the following information, which, of course, will be interesting and useful in the work on the essay.

There is a lot of scientific literature on horse breeding, as well as on the topic of raising other animals. However, it appeared relatively recently. The first fundamental works of zootechnicians saw the light only in the nineteenth century.

The practice in agricultural labor of livestock breeders was far ahead of theory. So, in horse breeding, the first results were achieved already in ancient times. For example, the world famous Arabian horses were the pride of some states even before our era.

Sports results

The work of breeders in the field of raising horses consisted not only in the education of hardy and strong helpers in agriculture, but also in the preparation of excellent runners. Despite the fact that the first racing horses were known in Ancient Greece, they performed at the ancient Olympic Games, in the early and late Middle Ages horse breeders forgot that their pets were able to achieve excellent results in professional sports.

Then this species was used mainly in.However, with the growth of technical progress and the introduction of its achievements into everyday life in the 19th century, the records of tetrapods were remembered again.

Famous breeds

The Americans and the Dutch were the first to organize horse racing competitions. It was in these countries that some of the world's most famous horse breeds appeared.

In preparation for the assignment about the work of livestock breeders, you can visit a stud farm or a hippodrome. There, highly qualified specialists will provide all the necessary information to complete such a task. They can provide the following information, which is summarized in this chapter.

Horses are usually fed five to six times a day. In addition to plant foods such as hay, their diet should contain some vegetables, as horses need to get the necessary vitamins. However, overfeeding these animals is highly discouraged due to the fact that they may lose the bearing and shape necessary for sports and work.

Horse dwelling

Horses can be kept both outdoors and in special rooms designed for their existence. But spending all the time outdoors, as a rule, is not allowed. climatic conditions most of the regions of our country. Therefore, most likely at the stud farm, where the excursion will be made, these wards of livestock breeders live in covered and sufficiently insulated pens, equipped with a drinking bowl, a feeder, and also everything else necessary for their development and existence.

In addition, near such buildings, a fairly large courtyard should certainly be equipped, designed so that the horses can run ample in their free time from work and other activities.


In this article, readers were provided with concise information about the work of livestock breeders in agriculture, which can be useful and school teachers, and children to prepare for classes.

In the process of writing a report on an excursion to such an enterprise, you can use other materials that are contained on many educational sites.

Lapbook "All about the profession of a livestock breeder"

1. Riddles about village workers.

2. Game "Professions in animal husbandry"

3.Game "Find Mom"

6. "Continue the proverb"

7.Game "Collect the picture"

8. The game "Guess"

1. Riddles about village workers.

They feed us every day
They are not too lazy to get up at three in the morning,
Without their care and skill
Lovely cows would be gone.
Their work is hard and honorable,
All are worthy of high awards.
Are not afraid of any work
Our humble (livestock breeders)

Who can not do without,
At least spinning, at least not spinning
Not to gobies and not to calves,
Not to cows, pigs,
The penguin il rook fell ill
All will be cured by our ... (veterinarian)

Early in the morning on my feet
And all are poor in business!
Then calculate the whole diet,
Take that meat, milk,
Put things in order everywhere, bring reports on time,

and with a calm soul
The wait is great again!
They are milkers, feeders and technicians ...
We must cope with everything ...


The skill unites them all,
Everyone respects them for this,
Anyone can be replaced
And they will help everyone everywhere.
In mechanization, in animal husbandry - commanders,
The most responsible people! Your ...


They are for mother - earth - parents,
And bread are the main connoisseurs!
They disc, sow, plow, harvest,
And then (from the word "sweat") each ear is watered
In their cars, like the operators at the control panel,
Working in the fields ... (machine operators)

He looks stern and businesslike,
My soul hurts for every screw, where to buy what, what to sort out,
What technique to drive
And if you count everything?
That's where the millionaire is!
Your most important ... (engineer)

This specialist is excellent!
The management knows personally.
From morning to night on the field
There is no rest for anyone!
Hard workers are respected:
The stones are removed from the fields,
They sow, plow, harrow,
In general, they do not sit idle,
Who are we talking about now?
Of course ... (agronomist)

I'll tell you no secret
He has authority!
Sensitivity and dedication,
Competence and to boot
Fidelity to the word and skill
Issue an exact solution,
To select the desired path,
Go ahead and do not collapse!
He is the driver of the whole household
Responsible ... (leader)

2. Game - "Professions of the village" (professions are called, and children find and show illustrations)

3. Game "Find Mom" ​​- you need to find animals and their babies.

4. Mini-booklet on the topic: "The history of the appearance of the first livestock breeder"

Animal husbandry is a very ancient craft of mankind, it appeared after hunting. Man decided to make some animals domestic. So the first livestock breeders appeared. The domestication and domestication of animals began 15-20 thousand years ago. It was not easy labor of people in the domestication of wild animals.

Domestic chickens began to breed 4 thousand years ago. During this time, they became very different from their ancestors - wild chickens. Currently, in the forests of India, there are wild bank hens - the ancestors of domestic chickens. The voice of these birds was shrill. They shouted in the evening, seeing off the sun, and at dawn they bawled again. The ancients decided that these birds awaken the sun. They called these birds sunny and brought them home. Sunbirds were respected then, they were afraid to kill and eat them. They were looked after, fed nourishingly. The birds grew larger and fatter and laid more and more eggs. Gradually they became domesticated.

It is known that the ancestors of cows were animals similar to them - ancient tours. Once upon a time there were large fierce tours on earth. Tours were hunted for delicious meat. 400 years ago, the last female of the wild tur was destroyed on a hunt. It was impossible to accustom the tour - they lifted the hunter on the horns together with the horse. Sometimes the hunters brought the little turrets home. From them our cows also went. Over the years, they became meek, grazed near the house in a green meadow, and ceased to be afraid of a person. They gave very little milk. So little that it was considered a medicine and a delicacy. It was supposed to drink, diluted with water. People took care of the cows, fed them well, and the cows gave more and more milk..

Domestic horses are descendants of the wild Przewalski's horse and tarpan, which at the beginning of the last century was found in the steppes of Europe. Przewalski's horse was discovered more than 100 years ago in the deserts of Central Asia by the Russian traveler N.M. Przhevalsky. Horses have long been bred and used for transporting goods, riding, performing various works. With the development of transport, the appearance of powerful agricultural machines on the fields, horses lost their former importance.

The closest relatives of the domestic pig are the wild boar. The ancestors of domesticated sheep are considered to be wild rams - mouflons and argali. Domestic geese are descended from the wild gray goose.

5. Mini-book on the topic: "The work of a livestock breeder."

Livestock breeder - a specialist who takes care of animals (breeding, feeding, raising). What is his task? Raising animals so that they can meet all the requirements and standards of their breed. Another task of the owner of this profession is to increase the vitality and productivity of animals. It often happens that a livestock breeder provides assistance in the diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases. Such a person should be a caring friend of animals. In their condition, irreparable changes are possible, and the livestock breeder must warn about this process in time.livestock breeder cannot exist as a worthy specialist - this is love for nature. Earlier in the work of livestock breeders prevailed manual labor... Now many labor-intensive processes perform mechanisms for them. They prepare and distribute food to animals, clean livestock buildings, milk cows, shear sheep. Millions of milkmaids, pigs, horse breeders, sheep breeders, livestock specialists, veterinarians and people of other professions work in animal husbandry.

6. "Continue the proverb"

7.Game "Assemble the picture" (collect the illustration)

8. Game "Guess", which contains puzzles, crosswords of the game "Find the Differences".


Lapbook "All about the profession of a livestock breeder"

There are many professions in the world,

And they are very important to all of us:

Doctor, teacher, plumber, professor,

Engineer, acrobat and worker.

All professions are very different-

It is difficult to make a choice at times.

Interesting and dangerous

They can become destiny for someone.

For making a laptopI used a drawing folder, which I pasted over with self-adhesive. And here's what I got:

And this is how it looks inside:

On the first page there are riddles about rural workers, a game - "village professions" (I name the professions, and the children find and show illustrations) and the game "find a mother."

In the center there are mini-books on the topics: "The history of the appearance of the first livestock breeder" and hidden behind the photographs "The work of the livestock breeder".

Well, on the third page there are games "Collect the picture", "Guess", which contains puzzles, crosswords and games "Find the differences", "Continue the proverb".

During the development of mankind, about 27 species of animals have been domesticated. They were kept for helping with the housework, making a wide variety of products, including medicines.

At the same time, over the millennia of cattle breeding, serious breeding work has been carried out, breed standards have been approved and adopted. Some animals (for example, dogs) have completely changed beyond recognition.

In agriculture, a whole branch is devoted to selection and breeding - animal husbandry. Despite the seeming simplicity of working with animals, this profession requires a long and serious study, so it is best for qualified specialists to work in it. One of them is the livestock breeder.

Livestock breeder - profession or vocation?

A livestock breeder is a specialist in breeding and keeping animals. Depending on their type, narrower directions can be distinguished. Here are some examples:

    poultry farming;


    fish farming;

    fur farming.

Narrower areas are also divided according to the types of animals: pig breeding, horse breeding, cattle breeding, etc. Of course, here you should be well versed in your business. Understand the characteristics of various breeds, their correct conditions of keeping, feeding.

However, knowledge and skills alone are not enough for a livestock breeder - a great desire to work with animals is also needed. A good specialist in this industry one can name someone who knows how to find a common language with their wards, sincerely strives to create the most comfortable conditions for them. A specialist in this field should show respect for his "wards", understand the importance of their life for society as a whole, and not be treated with consumerism or disdain.

So it turns out that a livestock breeder is not so much a profession as a vocation.

Obligations of a livestock breeder

The main place of work of this specialist is farm where he has to do a lot of different things. An approximate list of them includes the following:

    complex animal care - feeding, cleaning, health monitoring;

    selection of individuals for mating, slaughter, sale;

    work with young animals (nursing calves);

    provision of the necessary veterinary care, including assistance during childbirth;

    control of compliance with breed standards;

    control of the quality of feed, conditions of detention;

    creation and repair of cages or other premises where animals are kept;

    walking animals.

In order to perform all these functions, the specialist must be knowledgeable in the following matters:

    the basics of veterinary medicine - determining the first signs of the most common diseases in different types, skills of providing first aid to the injured animal;

    accepted standards of various breeds;

    features of the reproduction of various species, the rules for their maintenance;

    fundamentals of agriculture in the context of the modern market;

    general zoology.

In addition, representatives of this profession often work in various nurseries. For example, in kennels for dogs of various breeds. In this case, the duties of the livestock breeder will also include the preparation of "wards" for various exhibitions.

Requirements for livestock breeders

Only an adult who has passed special education can work as a livestock breeder. Also, a person without a medical record and a certificate of the absence of contraindications to work cannot be allowed to work. For example, the presence of an allergy to animal hair becomes a serious reason for refusing employment.

Also, such work requires endurance and physical strength, since a lot of the worker needs to do on his own, without the help of any machines. For example, distribute feed, clean up corrals.

Where to learn the profession of a livestock breeder?

Of course, you can get a job on a farm without a specialized education. But in this case, only the most simple work- cleaning, feeding. Such a specialist will not be able to engage in selection, to select animals for the competition.

Therefore, it is best to get a secondary vocational or higher education in the field of animal husbandry or agriculture. Educational institutions There are quite a few that offer similar directions, so you can choose the most suitable option according to the conditions of study, form and location.

In addition, quite often large farms or nurseries employ veterinarians, as well as those who have an incomplete education in this field. But in this case, the specialist, of course, will not be a livestock breeder in the full sense of the word.

The ranks of the livestock profession

The qualification level of a specialist determines his area of ​​responsibility.

Livestock breeder 3 category

He is engaged in auxiliary work on the issues of care and maintenance.

Livestock breeder 4 category

Works with cattle most often.

Livestock breeder 5 category

Caring for pregnant animals, as well as cubs. Must be able to deliver and assist with treatment.

Livestock breeder 6 category

Most often works with bulls-producers. Provides comprehensive care.

Personal qualities of the livestock breeder profession

Of course, the most important quality for a representative of this profession is love for animals. But no less important will be the absence of disgust, a calm attitude towards various biological waste, as well as carrying out some specific veterinary procedures.

Also, the list of qualities can include the following:

    hard work;

    a responsibility;

    emotional resilience;



The level of wages of the livestock profession

Let the work of a livestock breeder be both responsible and important for the entire agricultural sector, but the level wages these specialists are quite low. So, on average, representatives of this profession receive about 20,000 rubles.

Pros and cons of the livestock profession

The positive aspects of the profession include the following:

    the opportunity to work with animals;



The disadvantages of the profession include:

    hard physical labor;

    stressful situations;

    low wages.


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