How to prepare for the Unified State Exam. (prepared by specialists from the Ministry of Education and Science) - presentation. How to help your child prepare for the exam

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in social studies?

then with
what to start?
If with a tutor, then how to understand that
he is good?
Which courses are better?

Where to go? How to choose an item?


Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item?

Where to go? How to choose an item? Let's summarize:

1. Career guidance – choose
profession – what subjects
hand over
3.My education - what they teach
4. Map of universities - looking for where to study
5.University website – how many points are needed?
6.New cycle

If you prepare on your own, where to start?

If you prepare yourself,
then where to start?
How many
subject on

If you prepare yourself,
then where to start?

If you prepare yourself,
then where to start?

If you prepare yourself,
then where to start?
Social science
First TEST
First TEST
– October 26-27
– October 28-30
– December 4
– December 2-3

If you prepare on your own, where to start? COME TO US!



If you prepare for the Unified State Exam with a tutor, how do you know if he is good? ASK US!

Is the tutor familiar with the Unified State Exam?
Is he familiar with the new demo version of the Unified State Exam? WITH
codifier? With a specification?
How experienced is he in preparing for the Unified State Exam?
Is the tutor an expert in

If you prepare for courses, how do you know which courses are better? CONTACT THE EXPERTS!

Who are the Unified State Exam experts? (see booklet)
You pay money to
become better.
This is great value for the same
Pay for the chance to reveal and
outdo yourself


If you prepare for the Unified State Exam through courses, which ones are better? COME TO US!

Only experts

If you prepare for the Unified State Exam through courses, which ones are better? COME TO US!


If you prepare for the Unified State Exam through courses, which ones are better? COME TO US!

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Individuals only
Only to the best universities

If you prepare for the Unified State Exam through courses, which ones are better? COME TO US!

Only experts
Individuals only
Only to the best universities

If you are preparing for the Unified State Exam
courses, which ones are better?
How it works?
Free initial testing
Tracking everyone's progress in each lesson
Classes tailored to your needs
Effective teaching technologies
And your studies!

Parents about preparing their child for the Unified State Exam

  • The Unified State Exam as a form of passing school graduation and at the same time entrance exams to a university is relatively new for our country and causes a lot of controversy. Debates are conducted on the pages of newspapers and magazines, and television programs are devoted to the topic of the Unified State Exam.
the task of preparing a child for the Unified State Exam
  • creating conditions for the physical and mental health of the child during the period of preparation and passing exams;
  • attracting tutors for preparation, who will take part of the responsibility for the child’s level of readiness;
  • responsibility for your own emotional and physical state.
  • It is necessary to provide the child with a daily routine, and at the same time be as flexible as possible, because when creating a routine for the child, it is necessary to be guided by his interests, habits and wishes, and at the same time, the appropriateness of time distribution, a reasonable alternation of study and rest.
  • It is necessary to support the child constantly, especially in moments when he loses faith in his own strength, and during the stressful period of preparation for passing the Unified State Exam and during the surrender itself, such moments can arise quite often. Here it is very important to tell your child as often as possible about how much you love him and how much he can do, about what he does well, what he is successful in, about how the state of success can be transferred from one context to another. another.
  • They begin to be late for tutoring, confuse the appointed time, forget to do homework, carry out public assignments exactly at the time when you need to be with the teacher. This is a signal that the child is receiving a load that is significantly higher than usual for him, and that you have a task to support the child, create conditions for him to relax, and at the same time strengthen control over his preparation.
Attention - Exercise!!!
  • Your family is facing an important and responsible period - the period of your child passing exams. Remember that you are together, trust your child, and at the same time be there to support him at the right time and give him exactly what he really needs now.
Thank you for your attention!!! Sources
  • Shustanova T. A. What does an applicant need to know about the Unified State Exam: A guide for preparing for exams: The legal framework of the Unified State Exam, the Unified State Exam in questions and answers, psychological preparation for the Unified State Exam, features of preparation for the Unified State Exam in various subjects. - Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2004 (FGUIPP Kursk). - 347 p.
  • Images:
  • 5 slide
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  • 8 slide

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Text content of presentation slides:
MIKHAILOVA ELENA VIKTOROVNA MOUNTAIN SCHOOL NO. 1 P. SELIZHAROVO TVER REGION “Why do our children cheat?” Target parent meeting: introduce the reasons and ways to eliminate such behavior * * Why do our children cheat and lie? There is probably no person in the world who has not asked the question: why do children lie? Honesty is a quality that, from time immemorial, caring parents have strived to instill in their children. Today, we have gathered to think together and analyze our educational methods. Questioning. 1.Have you ever heard a lie from your child? a) yes b) no c) repeatedly d) often e) systematically2. Has your son (daughter) admitted to lying? a) yes b) no c) in different ways 3. How did you act when catching a child in a lie.4. Have you ever been cunning or deceiving your child in small things? a) yes b) no c) difficult to answer The ability to determine when a child is lying and when he is not is necessary in order to find out whether the child has violated standards of decency, promises, prohibitions, or whether he will do something risky and to take timely measures Psychologists say that up to the age of 7, children often confuse what is really happening and what is pretending. Imagination is one of the valuable qualities of a person; it should not be destroyed, but directed in the right direction. However, by the age of 10-12, a child’s views on truth and lies change dramatically. For example, in one study, children aged 7-11 were asked the question: “Is it okay to lie?” Students primary classes They answered that “it’s impossible, it’s ugly.” But when the same question was asked to eleven-year-olds, 90% answered: “Yes, sometimes you can lie.” The difference, of course, is that by the age of 11 the child knows: there are different types of lies. For example, you can evade, prevaricate and hide the truth, but there are also innocent lies, and such lies “don’t count” - for example, if you tell a friend that you like her new hairstyle, even if in fact you don’t. So how do we know whether a child is deceiving us or not? A classic sign of lying is if a child avoids eye contact, that is, either does not look into your eyes at all, or tries to look away. However, if, on the contrary, he maintains eye contact too diligently and looks into your eyes without looking away, this also means: something not so. A person who lies usually makes fewer movements and gestures less than usual. He touches his face and mouth more often than usual. His movements seem constrained and unnatural. The child arranges himself to move away from you, trying to turn around if possible to the window or doors. He keeps his palms facing down or even puts them under himself if he is sitting. -Why do you think our children lie? Reasons for children's lies Psychologists say that the reasons for children's lies can be the following: - an attempt to avoid punishment; - the desire to attract attention; the child has problems that need to be solved; protection from stressful situations; a bad example for others - both children and adults. A few tips to help us cope with children's lies: 1. If a child lies, you should not bother exposing him, it is better to explain to him every time that lying is not good, analyze the situation and find a way out of it without lying. 2. Do not call the child a liar and a deceiver, especially in front of witnesses. It often happens that it is easier for children to follow the labels placed on them by adults than to act as others demand of them. 3. We adults very often deceive our children in order to avoid scandal. Therefore, try not to resort to deception in front of your child, even if he seems innocent to you. 4. Do not interrogate, “beating” the truth out of the child, do not scold him for a harmless lie. An aggressive reaction to his lies only exacerbates his desire to continue telling lies and dodging. 5.Never conspire with your child to deceive someone. For example: “Nothing bad will happen if you miss a week of school. If you accidentally hear that your child is lying in order to present himself in the best light in front of his friends, do not immediately rush to expose him. Wait for the right moment and explain why his lie looks funny. Your child has many qualities that deserve admiration. 6. When punishing a child for lying, do not hurt his personality. Decreased self-esteem and a feeling of worthlessness do not cure lies, but they create a loser complex. If you notice that your child has lied, immediately tell him: “Don’t you trust me at all? Are you afraid of me?” Explain the current situation to your child, tell him how you feel now. That you are offended because of his mistrust. After all, the baby can always trust you in everything and hope for your help, the ability to always fairly understand the situation. Behind deception in most cases is the child’s desire to look better, to present himself in a good light. So it's about his self-esteem. 7. You shouldn’t “hush up” a lie. Remember the story about the boy who constantly shouted: “Fire! Fire!” All the neighbors were so used to his “joke” that when a real fire happened, no one believed him and the house burned down. This story makes an impression on all children without exception. Work with a teenager and cultivate in him a love of truth. And the more you know about your child, the more likely you are to complete this task. The faster you establish a trusting relationship with your child, understand the reasons for his lies, explain that in many cases lies are completely unnecessary and you will encourage him for telling the truth. It is much easier to solve a problem while it is still small. Let the child get used to the idea that honesty is the most decent way behavior. Then, at an older age, he will be proud of his upbringing and pass on his love of truth to his children. I hope that through joint efforts we will make our children kinder, more honest and decent. Some useful tips We are not the masters of our children’s lives, we cannot know their fate. We do not fully know what is good and what is bad for their future, so we will be more careful in all decisions that may affect the child’s path. When we talk to children, we are always sure that this is the truth. But we don’t notice that sometimes we “look ugly” in the eyes of our children. Don’t be afraid of children’s doubts that you are right. Learn to control your intonation. When a child leaves the house, be sure to walk him to the door and tell him on the way: “Take your time, be careful.” This must be repeated as many times as the child leaves the house. Sometimes children take all school troubles to heart. Teach them to distinguish between what is important and what is not very important. Protecting or not protecting your child from offenders is one of the most difficult issues of education, but do not leave him alone if you feel that he is offended. Never reproach your child for his age: “You are already big.” !”, nor gender: “And also a boy!” Try not to criticize anyone in front of children. The most difficult thing in raising children is to teach children to be humane. Praise the child, but more often praise people in his presence. When you scold a child, do not use the words: “You always”, “You in general”, “You always” ...Your child is generally and always good, he just did something wrong today, tell him about it. Usually, when a child returns from school, he is asked: “Did they call you? What grade did you get?” It’s better to ask him: “What was interesting today?”

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Be firm and kind at the same time, but do not act as a judge - Support your child, demonstrate that you understand his feelings. - Be firm and kind at the same time, but do not act as a judge. - Support your child, demonstrate that you understand his experiences. * Don't worry about the number of marks your child will get in the exam, and don't criticize your child after the exam. Instill in your child the idea that the number of points is not a perfect measurement of his abilities. * Do not increase your child's anxiety on the eve of exams - this may negatively affect the test result. The parents’ excitement is always transmitted to the child, and if adults can cope with their emotions at a crucial moment, then the child, due to age characteristics, can emotionally “break down”. * Encourage children and praise them for what they do well. * Increase their self-confidence, because the more a child is afraid of failure, the more likely they are to make mistakes. * Monitor the child’s well-being; no one but you will be able to notice in time and prevent the deterioration of the child’s condition associated with overwork. * Monitor your child’s training regime, do not allow overload, explain to him that he must alternate classes with rest.

Advise children to pay attention to the following during the exam: Advise children to pay attention to the following during the exam: scan the entire test to see what type of tasks it contains, this will help to get ready for work; read the question carefully to the end and understand its meaning ( characteristic error during testing - without reading to the end, they already assume the answer based on the first words and are in a hurry to write it down); if you don’t know the answer to a question or are not sure, skip it and mark it so you can come back to it later; if you were unable to answer the question within the allotted time, it makes sense to rely on your intuition and indicate the most likely option.

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How to help prepare for the Unified State Exam.

The word "exam" is translated from Latin as "test". And the Unified State Examination for eleventh-graders becomes a test, difficult, sometimes dramatic and unknown. At the Unified State Exam, a graduate or applicant finds himself face to face with the commission. And parents can only worry about their child, scold him according to Russian tradition, or try to support him from a distance. The adults have already done everything in their power. It is you, the parents, who can help your eleventh-grader use his time and energy most effectively when preparing for the Unified State Exam. The help of adults is very important, since a person, among other things, also needs psychological readiness for the situation of passing serious exams.

Long before the exams, discuss with your child what exactly he will have to take, which disciplines seem most difficult to him, and why? This information will help you jointly create a preparation plan - which subjects will need to spend more time on, and which only requires repetition. Together with your child, determine his “golden hours” (whether he is a morning person or a night owl). It is better to study complex topics during the rising hours, and well-known topics during the falling hours. Let the graduate enlighten you on certain topics, and you ask as many questions as possible. The more he has time to tell you, the better. Agree with your child that the evening before the exam he will stop preparing, take a walk, take a swim and go to bed on time. The last twelve hours should be spent preparing the body, not knowledge. Discuss the harm and unnecessaryness of using cheat sheets in exams. The child will be interested to know your opinion on this matter (perhaps he will even be surprised that you also used cheat sheets and generally know what it is). Practical recommendations for PARENTS

On the weekend, when you are not in a hurry, give your child a rehearsal for the written exam. For example, take one of the options for online math test problems from the Federal Bank test tasks(open segment) ( Agree that a certain amount of time is given to complete the task, sit you down at a computer free of unnecessary objects, note the time and announce the start of the “exam.” Make sure he is not distracted by the phone or relatives. Stop the test when the time runs out, give the student a rest and check with him that the tasks are completed correctly. Try to correct errors and discuss why they occurred. Talk about the feelings that arose during the home exam: was he funny or uncomfortable, was he able to concentrate on the task and not be distracted, what distracted him? And then tell us in detail what the atmosphere will be like when taking the real Unified State Exam: unfamiliar graduates, organizers and the absence of parents.

Make sure your child takes regular short breaks during preparation. Explain to him that resting without waiting for fatigue is the best remedy for overwork. It is important that the eleventh grader does without stimulants (coffee, strong tea and valerian tincture), since the nervous system is already on edge before the exam. Trying to concentrate on textbooks in the same room with a working TV or radio can also cause a lot of harm. If a student wants to work to music, there is no need to prevent this, just agree that it should be music without words. If your child got a lower score than you would like, or completely failed the Unified State Exam, help him cope with this misfortune. Don't judge or mock him; instead, take the opportunity to understand the reason for the failure, discuss what conclusions can be drawn and what the proverbial "bad luck" means in this case.

Graduate's daily routine How to make sure that you have enough time for everything, to do a lot without getting tired, to get enough sleep not only on weekends? There is only one recipe - you need to learn to plan your time wisely. And for this you need the right daily routine. The right one is when there is enough time for all the necessary components of life: work, study, relaxation, communication with friends, household chores, food, sleep, etc. But, no less important, the correct daily routine allows a person to maintain high performance throughout the entire waking period. As a result, he manages to do much more in the same time than without a regime, and at the same time gets tired much less. The fact is that if you follow a daily routine, stable conditioned reflexes are developed over time. Thanks to this, the body is “prepared” at every moment for the type of activity that awaits it, which makes it especially productive.

The daily routine should include time for self-care, hygiene procedures and leisure. So, optimal time to complete homework - 3-4 hours. At the same time, as in school, after 30-40 minutes a short break is necessary, when it is useful to move vigorously. It has been proven that performance increases significantly if classes are preceded by rest in the air (this can be just a walk). This is optimal (scientific) planning of the day, taking into account the characteristics of adolescence. By analyzing your day and comparing your routine with this pattern, you can, even if you are short on time, try to improve the distribution of your tasks. For example, do not forget about regular breaks in classes. It’s better to spend even a short rest time not lying on the couch and watching TV, and not being too lazy to go outside and at least take a walk. It would be wise to come up with a set of pleasant, energetic movements and perform them in between classes. The result will be a noticeable reduction in fatigue.

Little recommendations about sleep. Observe yourself and you will notice that at about 21.30 you begin to feel sleepy. But after 22.00, the further you go, the less you want to sleep. This is how biorhythms “work” for most people, and it is necessary, if possible, to adapt to this natural need. But what if you go to bed later and have trouble falling asleep? Tip one: don't watch TV. Tip two: don't eat before bed. Tip three: ventilate the room properly. Tip four: drink a glass of warm milk. Tip five: read a short story (for example, one of the stories by A.P. Chekhov). And - be healthy!

An approximate daily routine for high school students is as follows: 7.00 Wake up 7.00 - 7.30 Morning exercises, hardening procedures (shower, wiping), making bed, washing 7.30 - 7.40 Breakfast 7.40 - 8.00 Walk before school and road 8.00 - 14.30 Classes at school 14.30 - 15.00 Way home (walk) 15.00 - 15.30 Lunch 15.30 - 17.00 Stay outdoors (walk, sport games, skates, skis, sleds, etc.) 17.00 - 20.00 Preparing lessons 20.00 - 21.30 Dinner and free activities (helping the family, reading, music, creativity) 21.30 - 22.00 Getting ready for bed 22.00 - 7.00 Sleep

Dear parents. To show faith in a child, a parent must have the courage and desire to do the following: - Forget about the child's past failures, - Help the child gain confidence that he will cope with a given task, - Remember past successes and return to them, not to mistakes. There are words that support children, for example: “Knowing you, I am sure that you will do everything well,” “You know this very well.” You can support through touch, joint actions, physical participation, facial expressions. So, to support a child, you need to: - Rely on strengths child, - Avoid emphasizing the child’s mistakes, - Show faith in the child, sympathy for him, confidence in his abilities, - Create an environment of friendliness and respect at home, be able and willing to demonstrate love and respect for the child,

Be firm and kind at the same time, but do not act as a judge - Support your child, demonstrate that you understand his feelings. * Don't worry about the number of marks your child will get in the exam, and don't criticize your child after the exam. Instill in your child the idea that the number of points is not a perfect measurement of his capabilities. * Do not increase your child's anxiety on the eve of exams - this may negatively affect the test result. The parents’ excitement is always transmitted to the child, and if adults can cope with their emotions at a crucial moment, then the child, due to age characteristics, can emotionally “break down”. * Encourage children and praise them for what they do well. * Increase their self-confidence, because the more a child is afraid of failure, the more likely they are to make mistakes. * Monitor the child’s well-being; no one but you will be able to notice in time and prevent the deterioration of the child’s condition associated with overwork. * Monitor your child’s training regime, do not allow overload, explain to him that he must alternate classes with rest.

Advise your children to pay attention to the following during the exam: · skim the entire test to see what type of tasks it contains, this will help them get ready for work; · carefully read the question to the end and understand its meaning (a typical mistake during testing is that without reading to the end, they already assume the answer from the first words and rush to enter it); · if you don’t know the answer to a question or are not sure, skip it and mark it so you can return to it later; · if you were unable to answer a question within the allotted time, it makes sense to rely on your intuition and indicate the most likely option.

And remember: the most important thing is to reduce the child’s stress and anxiety and provide suitable conditions for classes.


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