Examination tickets by profession as a compressor operator. Test tasks to check the knowledge of workers by profession: “Operator of pumping units. have practical experience


Ticket number 1
1. Compressors, classification.

2. The concept of bypass lines.

3. Fuel economy of compressors working with drives.

4. Types of plumbing work and their purpose.

5. General security requirements for placement compressor units in the premises.

Ticket number 2
l. Classification of reciprocating compressor units.

2. Insulation of pipelines, its purpose, types of insulation.

3. Compressor water management. Cooling towers and pools for water cooling, their devices and principle of operation. Filters for water purification.

4. Working tool of the compressor unit operator, appointment and care.

5. Basic safety requirements for the installation of compressors.

Ticket number 3
1. The principle of operation of reciprocating compressor units.

2. Concept of pipeline corrosion, anti-corrosion measures.

3. Compressor steam facilities. Schematic diagram of steam supply for turbine-driven compressors.

4. Control and measuring tool of the compressor unit operator, appointment and care.

5. Basic requirements for the safe operation of instrumentation and equipment.

Ticket number 4
1. Schematic diagram of the compressor.

2. Pipeline equipment, its purpose and marking.

3. Hoisting-and-transport devices of compressor installations.

4. The concept of the technological process.

5. Basic safety requirements for the cooling of compressor units.

Ticket number 5
1. The theoretical process of compression of a single-stage compressor.

2. Rules and places of installation of valves.

3. Basic rules for the operation of a working compressor.

4. Technology of locksmith processing of parts.

5. Basic safety requirements for the lubrication of compressors.

Ticket number 6
1. Multi-stage compression.

2. Design and principle of operation of taps, gates, gate valves, check and safety valves.

3. The main possible malfunctions during the start-up and operation of the compressor, their cause and remedies.

4. Basic operations of the technological process of locksmith processing of parts.

5. Basic safety requirements for air intake and purification by a compressor.

Ticket number 7
1. Compressor performance. Compressor efficiency

2. The concept of valves with electric, hydraulic and pneumatic drive.

3. The concept of diagnostics and maintainability of the compressor unit.

4. The concept of the dimensions of deviations and tolerances of parts

5. Basic safety requirements for moisture separators and air collectors.

Ticket number 8
1. Methods for regulating the performance of reciprocating compressors.

2. Testing of mounted pipelines for strength and density.

3. The procedure for the appointment of maintenance and repairs of the compressor unit.

4. Types of measuring and testing tools, device and rules of use.

5. Basic requirements of the instructions for the safe maintenance of compressor units.

Ticket number 9
1. Automatic regulation of compressor capacity.

2. Types of drives for compressor units. Choice of drives.

3. Planned preventive repairs, their characteristics and timing.

4. Compressor preparation for work.

5. List the cases requiring immediate shutdown of the compressor.

Ticket number 10
1. Lubrication systems for reciprocating compressors.

2. Electric drive of compressors. Types of electric motors.

3. Methods for detecting malfunctions and defects in machines and apparatus.

4. Sequence, methods of disassembling compressors.

5. Causes of fire at the compressor plant.

Ticket number 11

1. The use of oil for lubrication of compressors, their main characteristics.

2. Internal combustion engines used for compressor drives.

3. Sequence, methods of disassembling compressors.

4. Flexible, purpose. Cold and hot bending. Calculation of the workpiece for bending.

5. Occupational diseases and their main causes. Prevention of occupational diseases.

Ticket number 12
1. Oil pumps, their device.

2. Drive of compressors from steam and gas turbines.

3. Methods for flushing and cleaning parts. Branding parts.

4. Cutting, purpose and application of manual cutting. The angle of sharpening of the working part of the chisel of the bottom of steel, cast iron and non-ferrous metals.

5. Medical and sanitary services for workers at the enterprise.

Operator of compressor installations "4th grade

1. Classification of compressors.

Appointment. The compressor is used to compress, pressurize and move (transport) air or gas. A compressor is the basis of a compressor unit, which, in addition to it, includes auxiliary interstage units, a drive, gas pipelines and various systems (lubrication, cooling and regulation).

Compressors are used in chemical, metallurgical and mining industry, energy, mechanical engineering, construction, transport and other sectors of the national economy to ensure the technological process of production and for auxiliary purposes.

Classification. Compressors are classified according to purpose, principle of operation, final pressure, supply, method of heat removal, type of drive, type of installation.

By appointment Compressors are classified depending on the type of production in which they are used (chemical, gas-pumping, general-purpose, etc.), as well as for their immediate purpose (starting air, brake air, pumping, etc.).

By principle of action compressors are divided into volumetric and dynamic. The former include reciprocating piston compressors, rotary (vane ) with rotary movement of displacer pistons, screw with variable pitch rotors and diaphragm, in which the membrane plays the role of a piston. Dynamic compressors (turbocompressors) are divided into centrifugal with a gas flow directed radially from the center to the periphery, and axial with a gas flow moving in the axial direction when the wheel with blades rotates.

By final pressure distinguish between low pressure compressors that create a gas pressure of 0.2 ... 1.0 MPa (2 ... 10 kgf / cm 2), average -1 ... 10 MPa (10 ... 100 kgf / cm 2), high -10 ... 100 MPa (100 ... 1000 kgf / cm 2) and ultra-high pressure - over 100 MPa (1000 kgf / cm 2).

By filing compressors are divided into machines with small (up to 0.015 m: 7s), medium (0.015 ... 1,500 m 3 / s) and large (over 1,500 m 3 / s) feed, different for each type of compressor (volumetric or dynamic).

By method of heat removal compressors are subdivided into machines with cooling (air or water) of the compressor and the discharge gas;

on drive type- for compressors with an electric motor, steam or gas turbine, ICE;

on type of installation- on stationary (on a foundation or special supports) and mobile (on a chassis or frame). 2. Design and purpose of separators and filters included in compressor units and requirements for them.

Separators (Oil Water Separators) are used to clean the gas from oil and moisture (in turbochargers - from moisture). The separation occurs when a sharp change in the direction of the gas flow due to the different density of the gas and the droplets of oil and moisture contained in it. The direction of the gas flow is changed by installing additional partitions in the cylindrical body, placing the gas inlet and outlet pipes at an angle, or making the inlet pipe in the form of an outlet that changes the direction of the flow (Fig.

2.45. Air intake (suction) by an air compressor should be carried out outside the compressor station at a height of at least 3 m above ground level.

For air compressors with a capacity of up to 10 m 3 / min. With air filters on the machine, it is allowed to take air from the compressor station.

2.46. To clean the intake air from dust, the suction air duct of the compressor is equipped with a filter that is protected from atmospheric precipitation.

The design of the filtering device should provide safe and convenient access to the filter for cleaning and disassembly.

The filtering device should not deform and vibrate when air is sucked in by the compressor.

2.47. Filtering devices can be individual or common to several compressors. In the latter case, for each compressor, it should be possible to disconnect it (in case of repair) from the common suction pipeline.

2.48. For enterprises where a high dust content of the intake air is possible, compressor units should be equipped with filters and other special equipment in accordance with the project documentation.

2.49. In compressors equipped with end coolers, moisture-oil separators should be provided on the pipelines between the cooler and the air collector. It is allowed to combine an end cooler and a moisture-oil separator in one apparatus.

2.50. If it is necessary to have deeply dried air, in addition to end coolers, the compressors are equipped with special drying units. Dehumidifiers operating by the method of freezing moisture using refrigeration units must be located in rooms isolated from the compressor unit.

Dehumidification units operating on the method of moisture absorption by solid sorbents and using non-toxic and non-explosive refrigerants can be located in the machine room of the compressor unit.

3. Preparing to start, starting and stopping the reciprocating compressor.

Compressor preparation for start-up

To prepare the compressor for start-up, the following measures must be taken:

- make an external inspection of the equipment, make sure that there are no foreign objects in the compressor service area, that the compressor is complete with thermometers and manometers;

- check the reliability of tightening the fastening of the moving parts of the coupling halves, anchor bolts;

- check the level and quality of oil in the circulating lubrication oil tank and lubricators for lubricating cylinders and oil seals; the oil level should not be lower than the middle of the indicator glass, if necessary, add oil;

- check the cleanliness of the filter mesh of the oil tank, the circulating lubrication system;

- clean the filter of the circulating lubrication unit with scrapers;

- check the closure of the shut-off valve on the bypass pipes of the oil cooler;

- check the position of the three-way valve on the circulating lubrication pipeline - the valve must connect the pump pressure connection with the coarse filter;

- turn on the electric motors of the pumps for circulating lubrication and lubrication of cylinders and oil seals;

- check the oil supply to all points of the lubrication supply of the cylinders and oil seals, using the oil check valves;

- check the opening of the shut-off valves at all lubrication points, oil pressure for lubricating the movement mechanism;

- using the barring mechanism, turn the compressor shaft 3-4 turns to better distribute oil over rubbing surfaces and check that there are no foreign objects in the compressor

- turn off the barring mechanism by placing the handle in the "off" position and turn on the electric motor of the barring mechanism;

- turn on the instrumentation and automation systems;

- open the valves on the water inlet and outlet to the compressor;

- check the water flow to the compressor cooling points using test taps;

- open the shut-off valves installed on the return water pipelines near the bypass cooler;

- check the opening of the valves on the manometers;

- close the shut-off valves, the electric valve on the gas discharge line to the spark plug, purge valves on the purge manifold (valves on the low-pressure nitrogen purge pipeline must be closed and muted with passport plugs);

- open the shut-off valves on the TsVSG pipelines near the bypass cooler, the shut-off valves on the discharge and intake manifolds must be closed;

- turn on the compressor motor blowing system.

If it is necessary to purge the compressor unit system after carrying out any type of repair, perform the following measures:

- open the shut-off valves, the electric valve on the gas discharge line to the spark plug;

- remove the plugs and open the valves on the low pressure nitrogen supply line for purging;

- close the shut-off valves on the bypass pipeline between the intake and discharge manifolds;

- blow through the buffer tanks for the intake and discharge of the compressor;

- close the shut-off valves, the electric valve on the gas discharge line to the spark plug, purge valves on the purge manifold;

- open the shut-off valves on the bypass pipeline between the intake and discharge headers;

- close the valves and install plugs on the low pressure nitrogen supply line for the purge.

The compressor is started in the following sequence:

- open the shut-off valves and the electric valve on the intake manifold;

- displace nitrogen from the system of the compressor unit with the working medium into the atmosphere through a candle, blow through the intake and discharge manifolds, and the compressor discharge buffer tanks;

- close the shut-off valves, the electric valve on the gas discharge line to the spark plug;

- if there is permission to start - turn on the main compressor motor; within 5 ... 10 minutes, circulate the working medium through the bypass line, check the oil supply to all points of the compressor lubrication system, serviceability of the movement mechanism and intake and discharge valves.

- open the shut-off valves located on the compressor discharge manifold, smoothly reducing the flow area of ​​the shut-off valves on the compressor bypass line, circulate the working medium through the bypass cooler, close the shutoff valves on the compressor bypass line;

- gradually set the required flow rate of the working medium into the system of the reactor block, smoothly reducing the size of the flow area of ​​the shut-off valves on the supply line of the working medium to the bypass cooler;

- inspect the operating compressor, delivery and intake manifolds;

- after starting the compressor, make an entry in the rotational log about the start time and technical condition compressor.

Stopping the compressor

The compressor is stopped in the following sequence:

Slowly open the shut-off valves on the compressor bypass line while simultaneously closing the shut-off valves located on the compressor discharge manifold.

Close the shut-off valves located on the compressor intake manifold.

Stop the compressor main motor. After a complete stop of the compressor, it is necessary to stop the blower of the main electric motor, the unit for lubricating cylinders and oil seals, and the unit for circulating lubrication.

Open the shut-off valves, the electric valve on the gas discharge line to the spark plug.

In 5 ... 10 minutes after the compressor stops, it is necessary to stop the supply of circulating water to the compressor oil cooler. Record the time and reason for the compressor stop in the logbook. After stopping the compressor, make a record of the time and reason for stopping the compressor and its technical condition.

4. The system of scheduled preventive maintenance of equipment, its essence and goals.

The PPR system is a set of organizational and technical measures for the supervision, maintenance and repair of equipment carried out according to a pre-drawn up plan and contributing to an increase in its durability with optimal operating parameters, prevention of accidents, an increase in the culture of operation and the level of organization of repairs.

The PPR provision provides for the following types of repair and overhaul maintenance:

overhaul service



medium repair

major overhaul.

Maintenance is a complex of works on monitoring the technical condition of equipment, timely warning, manifestation of a malfunction, replacement of quickly wearing parts, which entails _ minor disassembly of the equipment. At the same time, the volume is specified

preparatory work for current, medium, and major repairs. For the period of maintenance, the equipment is turned off from the technological cycle (stopped). At the same time, only such equipment malfunctions are identified and immediately eliminated, in the presence of which it cannot be normally operated until the next repair. Maintenance is carried out by the repair personnel under the guidance of the mechanic of the repair service

5. Causes of fires during the operation of compressor installations and fire prevention measures.

At oil and gas refineries, where large quantities of flammable gases and liquids are processed and stored, fire-fighting measures are organically linked to the technological process itself. In factories, fires can occur as a result of various organizational and technical deficiencies, for example:

deviations from the established operating mode of the installation (temperature, pressure) and irregular preventive inspection of equipment;

failure to comply with fire safety requirements when placing and arranging the equipment of the installation;

non-compliance with the fire regulations established for this installation.

All fire safety measures can be divided into two groups - fire prevention (prophylaxis) and elimination of an already existing fire.

Fire prevention is a complex of measures aimed at preventing fires and limiting their size.

Elimination of the causes of fires is achieved by the correct choice and arrangement of technological and auxiliary equipment. Limiting the spread of fire is carried out: by measures of design and construction order and, among them, by proper planning and placement of buildings and equipment; the use of structures and materials that meet the requirements of fire regulations; the device of fire zones and embankments.

Measures are provided to ensure the evacuation of people and property in the event of a fire. These include: arrangement of the required number of stairs, doors, passages both on the territory of the installations and in the premises; placement of devices in compliance with the required width of the passage or passage between them; emergency lighting device and others.

Preventive measures also include those ensuring the successful extinguishing of a fire in the event of a fire.

For example, the device of roads for free access by roasting machines to buildings and structures; communication with the fire brigade; providing the enterprise in sufficient quantities with the necessary fire extinguishing means (fire extinguishers, water, sand, etc.).

An important role in ensuring fire safety is assigned to the heads of workshops, installations, and foremen. Being responsible for fire safety in their area, they are obliged to develop, together with the fire protection authorities, fire safety instructions, train their subordinate personnel on measures to be taken in the event of a fire, as well as the rules for using fire extinguishing agents.

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Rental block


"Operator of technological compressors of 5-6 categories"

  1. General Provisions
  1. Documents defining the content of the CMM package and the assessment procedure:

A) professional standard "Operator of technological compressors of the 3rd-6th category";

B) modular training program for the profession "Operator of technological compressors of 5-6 grade";

  1. List of evaluated ATP

Code OTF Name OTF Weight coefficient OTF,% 1 Regulation of the technological mode of operation of NCO, vessels, apparatuses. 532 Operational maintenance of NCO, vessels and apparatuses. 47 Total 100

  1. Assessment procedure
    1. The assessment of knowledge and skills in OTF is carried out at the end of the corresponding training modules
    2. Knowledge assessment is carried out under the supervision of an instructor
in a classroom equipped with computers, using a testing program or paper version of test items and expert scorecards (specified specifically).
  1. The assessment of practical skills is carried out at a specially prepared training ground, in a training and computer class (specified specifically).
  2. Evaluation results.

The test result is estimated as a percentage - the ratio of the number of correct answers to the total number of questions. The test is passed if the resulting score is at least 80%.

6. Structure of the CMM package

CodeOTFCode and name TFTeor. test, number of questions Duration min Practical test, number of tasks Duration min. 1. 1.1. Start-up and withdrawal of NKO, vessels and apparatuses to the technological mode from the reserve. 423531 hours 30 minutes (each) 1.2. Control of the parameters of the fuel pumping station, pumps, vessels and apparatuses. 2415 120 min 1.3. Shutdown and decommissioning of non-profit organizations, vessels, apparatus for repair / reserve. 1582 # 1 - 1 hour # 2 - 1 hour 30 minutes 1.4. Maintenance of technical documentation in accordance with the approved list. 116 110 min 2.2.1. Periodic maintenance of NCO. 2015 230 min (each) 2.2. Preparation of NKO, vessels and apparatus for repair, withdrawal from repair to reserve. 2015 110 min 2.3. Maintenance of technological pipelines 107 120 min. 2.4. Maintenance of vessels and apparatus operating under pressure 1010 120 min. 2.5. Maintenance of instrumentation and A2215110 min TOTAL: 17413

Test form (in case of testing on paper)

Name of OTF ______________________

Surname I.O. candidate ____________________ Date _____________

Question number Answer (1 point for a correct answer) 12345 .... ... .Total number of questionsNumber of correct answers% of completion

Applicant's signature _____________

Expert Signature ______________

Test package for the profession "Operator of technological compressors of 5-6 categories" for OTF 1.

OTF 1 Regulation of the technological mode of operation of the non-profit organization, vessels, apparatuses. 1.1. Start-up and withdrawal of NKO, vessels and apparatuses to the technological mode from the reserve 1.2. Control of the parameters of the operation of the TC, pumps, vessels and apparatus. 1.3. Shutdown and decommissioning of NCOs, vessels, devices for repair / reserve 1.4. Maintenance of technical documentation in accordance with the approved list

Theoretical test number 1

Each correct answer is worth 1 point. The threshold value of X points is 80% of the test.

Instructions for the candidate:

The test includes a set of questions and tasks, for each of which there are several answer options. You need in test form No. 1 under the number corresponding to the number of the question in the test, indicate the correct answer (answers) from your point of view.

SECTION 1. Regulation of the technological mode of operation of non-profit organizations, vessels, apparatus.

LEARNING MODULE 1.1. Start-up and withdrawal of NKO, vessels and apparatuses to the technological mode from the reserve.

1. The position of the valves on the suction and discharge pipelines before starting the 7VKG screw compressor should be:

  1. On the suction side - it is slightly open by 1/3, on the pressure side - it is closed;
  2. On the suction side - open, on the pressure side - closed;
  3. On the suction side - open, on the pressure side - open;
  4. On the suction side - it is open, on the pressure head - it is slightly open by 1/3;

2. The position of the valves on the suction discharge pipelines, as well as on the bypass line of the capacity before starting the reciprocating compressor should be:

  1. On the suction side - it is slightly open by 1/3, on the pressure head - it is closed, on the bypass one - it is open;
  2. On the suction side - open, on the pressure side - closed, on the bypass - open;
  3. On the suction side - closed, on the pressure side - closed, on the bypass - open;
  4. On the suction side - it is open, on the pressure head - it is slightly open by 1/3, on the bypass one - it is closed;

3.In what cases is it prohibited to start a screw compressor?

  1. Discharge gate valve closed.
  2. There is liquid in the suction line.
  3. The filter in the suction line is clogged.
  4. The compressor shaft cannot be turned by hand.
  5. True a, b, d;
  6. All options are correct.

4. What is the purpose of the check valve in the piping of the 7VKG screw compressor?

  1. To prevent the spinning of the compressor rotors in reverse direction in case of a sudden stop of the unit, as well as leakage of the valve on the discharge side;
  2. To start the unit when the discharge valve is open;

5. The discharge pressure of the compressor is maintained within the operating characteristic:

  1. By means of a valve on the suction pipe;
  2. By means of a valve on the discharge pipeline;
  3. By means of a regulating valve on the suction line;
  4. By means of a regulating valve on the discharge line;

6. At what stage of oil and gas separation is the largest amount of associated gas released?

  1. First;
  2. Second;
  3. Third;

7. What is the shut-off valve in the piping of the 7VKG screw compressor for?

  1. For use as a backup shut-off device in the event of a valve malfunction on the receiving line;
  2. To prevent spontaneous starting of the pump unit.

8. What is the bypass valve in the piping of the 7VKG screw compressor used for?

  1. To facilitate starting the compressor at subzero temperatures;
  2. To prevent the spinning of the compressor rotors in the opposite direction in the event of a sudden stop of the unit, as well as leakage of the flow valve;
  3. To block the oil inlet to the compressor when the oil system is under pressure when the compressor is not running;
  4. To prevent spontaneous starting of the pump unit.

9. Complete the sentence: "Radial loads in the 7VKG screw compressor are perceived ...":

  1. Angular contact bearings installed in the suction chamber;
  2. Angular contact bearings installed in the suction and discharge chambers;

10. Complete the sentence: "Axial loads in the 7VKG screw compressor are perceived ...":

  1. Roller bearings installed in the suction chamber;
    1. Angular contact bearings installed in the discharge chamber;
    2. Roller bearings installed in the suction and discharge chambers;
    3. Angular contact bearings installed in the suction chambers;

12. Set the sequence of actions when starting the 7VKG screw compressor:

    1. Turn the compressor rotors manually 3-5 turns clockwise behind the motor coupling half with a crank;
      1. Check the readings of instrumentation and automation devices on the local panel: discharge pressure, suction pressure, suction manifold pressure, discharge temperature;
        1. Press the handle with the inscription "Compressor start";
        2. When the oil temperature reaches 65 ºС, turn on the fan of the oil cooler
        3. Switch on the circuit breaker on the control panel with the inscription "Incoming switch";

Answer: 2-6-1-4-3-5

13. What is the number of the figure showing the shut-off and control valves?

  1. Figure # 1;
  2. Figure # 2;
  3. Figure №3.

14. List what the 7VKG compressor housing consists of:

  1. Cylinder block;
  2. Protective casing of the elastic coupling;
  3. Suction chamber;
  4. Discharge chamber;

15.What is the purpose of the gas inlet into the GS brand gas separator is made perpendicular to the cylindrical part of the body:

  1. To improve the capture of droplet liquid due to the forces of gravity;
  2. To improve the collection of droplet liquid due to inertial forces;
  3. To improve the capture of droplet liquid due to the selective wettability of oil.

16. What a centrifugal compressor stage consists of:

  1. Impeller, confuser, guide vane;
  2. Impeller, annular diffuser, guide vane, reverse guide vane;
  3. Impeller, confuser, guide vane, reverse guide vane;
  4. Impeller, annular diffuser, guide vane;

17. What material are the piston gas engine compressor cylinders made of:

  1. steel;
  2. cast iron;
  3. bronze;
  4. aluminum;

18. What are the main stages of gas turbine operation:

  1. Compression: compression of atmospheric air;
  2. Combustion: the fuel added to the compressed air ignites;
  3. Expansion: the combustion gases expand, doing work;
  4. Exhaust: emission of exhaust gases into the atmosphere;
  5. All of the above is true;
  6. A and c are true;

19. What is compressed in the turbocharger of a gas turbine plant?

  1. methane;
  2. propane;
  3. air;
  4. nitrogen;

20. The single stage power turbine transfers power to the compressor:

  1. through a reduction gear;
  2. through a step-up gear;
  3. without gear;

21. The four support systems for the Mars installation include:

  1. fire fighting system, lubrication system, water cooling system, fuel system, control system;
  2. lubrication system, starting system, fuel system, control system;
  3. lubrication system, sealing system, water system, servo control system, fuel system;
  4. cooling system, fuel system, oil system, air system, starting system;

22. In a two-shaft gas turbine engine, the shaft power is regulated:

  1. by changing the position of the adjustable guide vanes;
  2. selection of an openable gas fuel shut-off valve (main or auxiliary);
  3. a change in the flow rate of the fuel supplied to the engine, which in turn changes the rotational speed of the gas generator turbine and the power turbine;
  4. opening or closing the air bypass valve;

23. Motor inlet air temperature (T1):

  1. measured at the nozzle of the third stage of the turbine;
  2. depends on the position of the throttle valve;
  3. affects the available rated motor power, as it is a measure of air density;
  4. does not affect the rated motor power.

24. If there is a heat recovery system in the exhaust system of a gas turbine engine:

  1. the bypass air valve must always be open;
  2. the engine and exhaust system must be thoroughly ventilated before starting the ignition stage during the start-up cycle;
  3. the unit must have an exhaust outlet valve;
  4. the time between starts must be at least 4 hours;

25. Purpose of the lubrication system:

  1. supply of lubricating oil to the drive equipment;
  2. lubrication and cooling of turbine bearings and starter clutch;
  3. oil supply at the required temperature and pressure to the servo control system;
  4. heating the air supplied to the engine inlet

26. What is the purpose of magnetic sensors?

  1. engine speed control;
  2. maintaining gear alignment;
  3. determination of engine speed and power turbine speed;
  4. determination of unacceptable vibrations;

27. Which of the following best describes an overrunning clutch?

  1. stays in engagement until the turbine reaches 100% of the speed;
  2. transfers the force of rotation from the shaft of the auxiliary drives box to the starter shaft;
  3. disengages when the turbine speed exceeds the starter motor speed;
  4. rotates clockwise and counterclockwise.

28. Which of the following best describes the starting system?

  1. turns on only for the time before the start of the ignition cycle;
  2. starts rotation of the gas turbine engine and accelerates the engine up to 65% of the rotational speed;
  3. disengages when the engine speed drops below 15%;
  4. rotates clockwise and counterclockwise;

29. Complete the sentence: After a normal shutdown of a running Mars-90S gas turbine engine, the lubrication system ..:

  1. turns off as soon as the engine speed drops below 15%;
  2. runs in a final lubrication cycle for approximately 4 hours;
  3. stops for 20 minutes after stopping the engine, and then turns on for 15 minutes;
  4. turns on to cool the lubricating oil only if the operator deems it necessary;

30. By means of which labyrinth seals prevent oil leakage from under the oil seals of the Mars-90S gas turbine engine.

  1. air;
  2. graphite rings;
  3. rubber rings;
  4. carbon dioxide;

31. What is the purpose of the adjustable guide vanes system?

  1. opens to eliminate compressor surge;
  2. equalizes the volume of air flow inside the compressor;
  3. cools the rotors in the turbine section;
  4. controls the position of the bypass air valve;

32. Complete the sentence: "Air bypass valve ...":

  1. closes by spring force;
  2. closed by an electrical signal from the control system;
  3. closed by compressor air pressure;
  4. opens when the speed rises above 66%;

33. Select the correct distribution of the power generated by the turbine:

  1. two thirds for the engine compressor, one third for the drive equipment;
  2. half for the engine compressor, half for the drive equipment;
  3. one third for the engine compressor, two thirds for the drive equipment;
  4. one quarter for the engine compressor, three quarters for the drive equipment.

34. Complete the sentence: "The inlet air temperature affects the available power rating because ...":

  1. cold air is less dense than hot air;
  2. hot air is less dense than cold air;
  3. the combustion chamber requires more fuel in cold weather;
  4. cold oil provides increased resistance to bearing rotation in cold weather.

35. Which of the following most fully describes the lubrication system of a gas turbine engine?

  1. drives the cooler fan;
  2. lubricates the engine;
  3. lubricates and cools engine bearings;
  4. cools the combustion chamber;

36. If signs of turbine engine surge are detected, the driver must:

  1. wait for the automatic controls to stop the engine;
  2. do not take any action if a flame does not appear from the inlet to the compressor;
  3. do not try to load the compressor until the symptoms disappear;
  4. stop the engine immediately.

37. What phases are carried out during the operation of a reciprocating compressor?

  1. Expansion, suction, contraction, ejection;
  2. Expansion, absorption, contraction;
  3. Suction, compression, ejection;

38. Multistage gas compression is used:

  1. To increase consumption;
  2. To increase pressure;
  3. To increase the temperature;

39. How do the pistons move the multi-piston pump?

  1. Crank mechanism;
  2. Crankshaft;
  3. Worm gear;

40. What are gear pumps for?

  1. For pumping easily solidified liquids such as paraffin and containing mechanical impurities up to 5%.
  2. For pumping oil products, easily solidifying liquids such as paraffin and others that do not cause corrosion of the working parts of the pumps and have a lubricating ability with a temperature of up to 100 ° C.
  3. All of the above;

41. How can you tell when starting a centrifugal pump that the flow line is blocked or frozen?

  1. Extraneous noise in the electric motor and pump;
  2. The pressure on the discharge line does not drop;
  3. Flow line pressure does not develop;
  4. Overheating of the bearings of the electric motor and pump;

42. What should be checked before starting the HB type submersible centrifugal pump?

  1. There is liquid in the tank according to the level gauge, the light and sound signaling is in good working order, the pump itself is in good working order and the grounding of the electric motor and pump is in good working order, the pressure gauges on the pressure pipe of the pump are in good working order, in the reliability of fastening the flange connections and bolted connections of the pump-motor coupling, in tightness of stuffing box seals.
  2. The direction of rotation of the motor shaft is correct and the pump plate is secured to the neck of the container.
  3. The non-return valve is in good working order and the shut-off valves on the pressure pipeline are open end consumer.
  4. The fact that the pump is in good working order and is in reserve.

LEARNING MODULE 1.2. Control of the parameters of the operation of the TC, pumps, vessels and apparatuses.

1. In the index of the screw compressor 7VKG50 / 7, the numbers indicate:

  1. 7 - compressor base number (diameter of compressor rotors), 50 - capacity in m3 / sec, 7 - pressure in atmospheres;
  2. 7 - compressor base number (length of compressor rotors), 50 - capacity in m3 / min, 7 - overpressure at discharge in kgf / cm2;
  3. 7 - compressor base number (diameter of compressor rotors), 50 - capacity in m3 / min, 7 - absolute discharge pressure in kg / cm2;
  4. 7 - compressor base number (length of compressor rotors), 50 - capacity in m3 / sec, 7 - discharge pressure in MPa.

2. How is the regulation of the suction pressure before the screw compressor 7VKG?

  1. Manually by means of a valve on the suction line;
  2. Installation of a union on the suction line;
  3. Installation of a control valve on the discharge line;
  4. Manually by means of a valve on the discharge line;

3. What affects the discharge pressure?

  1. Friction loss;
  2. Separation pressure;
  3. Gas consumption rate;
  4. All of the above.

4. How is the temperature of the outgoing gas-oil mixture in the screw compressor controlled?

  1. By changing the temperature of the oil at the injection;
  2. By changing the pressure on the suction line;
  3. By changing the amount of oil at injection;
  4. By changing the pressure on the discharge line;
  5. A and c are true;
  6. All of the above.

5. At what pressure will the SPPK safety valve work if the operating pressure in the apparatus is 10 kgf / cm2?

  1. When the working pressure is exceeded by 10%;
  2. When the working pressure is exceeded by 15%;
  3. When the working pressure is exceeded by 20%;
  4. When the working pressure is exceeded by 25%;

6. List what parameters of the oil-injected screw compressor should be controlled by the operator of technological compressors:

  1. Oil pressure in the grease manifold;
  2. Compressor inlet oil temperature;
  3. Voltmeter and ammeter readings on the power panel;
  4. B and c are correct;
  5. A, b, c are true;

7. List what parameters of the external piping equipment should be controlled by the operator of technological compressors:

  1. Separator oil level;
  2. Oil pressure before and after the filter;
  3. Oil pressure before and after the refrigerator;
  4. Oil pressure before and after the oil pump;
  5. Condensate level in the separator;
  6. That's all right;

8. What action should be taken to prevent overloading of the electric motor from overpressure at the suction:

  1. Open the discharge valve;
  2. Open the suction valve;
  3. Close the discharge valve;
  4. Close the suction valve;

9. When the rotational speed of the compressor shaft changes, the following changes:

  1. Compressor performance;
  2. Compressor power;
  3. Compressor discharge pressure;
  4. True a, b;
  5. All options are correct;

10. Which compressors are structurally displacement:

  1. centrifugal;
  2. rotary;
  3. axial;
  4. inkjet;

11. Which compressors are of the vane type by design:

  1. piston;
  2. rotary;
  3. axial;
  4. inkjet;

12. Name the way of capacity regulation only for reciprocating compressors:

  1. Gas bypass from the compression cavity to the suction cavity;
  2. Periodic compressor stops;

13. Name the way of capacity regulation only for rotary compressors:

  1. Suction throttling;
  2. Change of shaft rotation frequency;
  3. Change in the volume of dead space;

14. What data is used when choosing a compressor:

  1. Gas consumption mode;
  2. Volumetric gas flow rate at the compressor inlet;
  3. Properties of the pumped gas;
  4. Compressor drive type;
  5. That's all right;
  6. Only a and b are true;

15. Which part of the screw compressor is the arrow pointing to?

Answer: Compensator

16. How the operation of centrifugal compressors is regulated:

  1. Changing the rotor speed;
  2. Gas throttling on the suction side;
  3. Change in the volume of dead space;
  4. Squeezing out the suction valve plates;

17. What is the name of the Ajax reciprocating compressor device number 15?

Answer: Device for adjusting the volume of dead space

18. What happens when a gas is compressed?

  1. The temperature decreases and the pressure rises;
  2. The temperature rises and the pressure rises;
  3. The temperature rises and the pressure decreases;

19. What is the moisture dew point of a gas?

  1. This is a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius;
  2. This is a temperature equal to -4 degrees Celsius;
  3. This is the temperature below which condensation of water vapor and gas begins.
  4. This is the temperature above which condensation of water vapor and gas begins.

20. When the temperature rises, the viscosity of the gas:

  1. decreases;
  2. increases;
  3. remains unchanged.

21. How is the performance of a 9 "-2HSE-2V-I-P" Dresser-Rand boxer, single-stage, two-cylinder compressor controlled?

  1. change in the length of the piston stroke;
  2. variable compressor chambers;
  3. changing the engine speed.

22. How can the flow of centrifugal pumps be regulated?

  1. Throttling the gate valve;
    1. Bypassing part of the liquid from the pressure pipeline to the suction pipeline;
    2. Changing the speed of the impeller;
    3. All options are correct.

23. How many driving gears does the gear pump have?

  1. One;

24. Which group of compressors according to the principle of operation are screw compressors:

  1. voluminous;
    1. bladed;
    2. inkjet;

LEARNING MODULE 1.3. Shutdown and decommissioning of non-profit organizations, vessels, devices for repair / reserve.

1. Indicate the possible causes of compressor vibration:

  1. Loose attachment to the foundation or frame;
  2. Incorrect connection of the compressor to the motor shaft, misalignment, excessive wear of bearings;
  3. Imbalance of pump rotors;
  4. All reasons are possible;

2. The results of the DHW analysis are recorded:

  1. In the shift log;
  2. In the air sample control log;
  3. In regime sheets;
  4. In special acts.

3. Set the sequence of actions when stopping the screw compressor 7VKG:

  1. Stop the fans of oil refrigerators;
  2. Stop the compressor from the local panel or from the control panel by pressing the “Stop general” button with the inscription “Compressor control;
  3. Close the shut-off valve.
  4. Inspect the installation;
  5. Switch off the power supply on the control panel with the "Power" circuit breaker;

Answer: b-a-e-d-c.

4. Which valve cuts off the oil supply when the 7VKG screw compressor stops?

  1. Back;
  2. Bypass;
  3. Cutoff;
  4. Safety.

5. In what cases should you stop the screw compressor 7VKG?

  1. If the discharge gas temperature has exceeded the permissible value;
  2. If the suction gas temperature is -5 ° C;
  3. When the motor is overloaded;
  4. When extraneous knocks, blows appear in the compressor;
  5. Everything is true except b;
  6. Everything is correct.

6. List the requirements when stopping the compressor unit equipment due to a malfunction:

  1. Disconnected from existing technological lines by means of shut-off valves;
  2. Exempt from work product;
  3. Marked with appropriate notices;
  4. Electrical installations must be disconnected from the mains supply;
  5. That's all right;
  6. True a, b, c;

7. Name the cases in which a normal shutdown of the compressor unit (GKU) is performed:

  1. For scheduled repairs;
  2. The coarse filter is clogged;
  3. Abnormal knocking and noises in the compressor;
  4. That's all right;
  5. A and d are true.

8. What is knocked out on the shank of the metal plug:

  1. Number, nominal pressure, nominal diameter, steel grade, thickness;
  2. Number, nominal pressure, nominal diameter, steel grade;
  3. Nominal pressure, nominal diameter, steel grade, thickness;
  4. Nominal pressure, nominal diameter;

9. Name in what cases an emergency stop of the compressor unit (GKU) is performed:

  1. When you stop accepting gas from the GKU;
  2. If the pressure gauge on the discharge line shows a pressure higher than the allowable;
  3. If the grease manifold pressure gauge shows the pressure below the allowable;
  4. When the supply of raw materials to the GKU is terminated;
  5. That's all right;
  6. B and c are correct.

10. Which group of compressors according to the principle of operation do centrifugal compressors belong to:

  1. Volumetric;
  2. Lobed;
  3. Inkjet;

11. What are the possible causes of knocking in the frame of the reciprocating compressor:

  1. Low oil pressure;
  2. Cold oil;
  3. O-rings are worn out;
  4. The piston rod is worn or scratched;

12. What are the possible causes of turbocharger surge:

  1. Contaminated oil filters;
  2. Excessive oil contamination of propane;
  3. Low speed of the turbine drive;
  4. The oil cooler is dirty;

13. How does the normal stop of the Ajax gas engine compressor take place:

  1. by short pressing of the "Stop" button;
  2. by long pressing the "Stop" button;
  3. by shutting off the fuel supply;
  4. by shutting off the pumped gas supply;

14. List the reasons for overheating of the Ajax gas engine compressor:

  1. The fuel gas pressure is too high;
    1. Overload;
    2. The air filter is clogged;
    3. The muffler or exhaust ports are clogged;
    4. Cooler ventilation duct is limited;
    5. Defective ignition;

15. Stop the centrifugal pump in the following order:

  1. The intake valve closes, the STOP button is pressed, the flap valve closes;
    1. The flap valve closes, the STOP button is pressed, the intake valve closes;
      1. The STOP button is pressed, both valves are closed at the same time;

LEARNING MODULE 1.4. Maintenance of technical documentation in accordance with the approved list.

1. In which document are the current parameters of the compressor units entered?

  1. Technological regulations of the GCS:
  2. Working Condition Check Log:
  3. Regime sheet, shift log;
  4. Accident elimination plan.

2. What works, carried out on the compressor unit, are recorded in the maintenance and operation form?

  1. Emergency renovation work;
  2. Preventive maintenance;
  3. Major overhauls;
  4. All renovation work.

3. What should the driver do before taking over the watch?

  1. To get acquainted with the entries in the rotational log of the previous shift;
  2. Check the condition of the equipment;
  3. Talk to the shift driver;
  4. Change into standard uniforms;
  5. Get acquainted with the entries in the rotational log after his last shift;
  6. That's all right;
  7. A, b and d are correct;
  8. B, d and e are correct;

4. Specify the duties of the compressor station operator at the end of the work.

  1. Sign in the rotational log;
  2. Together with the person in charge of the shift, check the condition of the equipment and sign the shift log;
  3. Report to the master;
  4. Report to the shift supervisor.

5. What compressor parameters are recorded in the logbook?

  1. Pressure;
  2. Temperature;
  3. Vibration magnitude;
  4. That's all right;
  5. A and b are true;

6. What documents are required to carry out work on the installation of plugs on pipelines, from which gas release is possible?

  1. Work permit for installation, removal of plugs;
  2. A permit for the installation of plugs and a permit for carrying out gas hazardous works;
  3. Permission to install plugs;
  4. A permit for the installation of plugs and a diagram of their installation sites;
  5. Permission to install plugs and a diagram of their installation locations.

7. Complete the sentence: “Information for the prevention of possible emergency situations at the installation, the operator of technological compressors must be brought and secured ...

  1. ... during training sessions ",
  2. ... when familiarizing with the emergency response plan against signature "
  3. ... during the period of passing the annual knowledge test "
  4. ... only after reading the newsletters and lessons learned from the incidents against signature. "

8. In how many copies of the permit is drawn up for carrying out gas hazardous work?

  1. in one;
  2. in two;
  3. in three;

9. How often and by whom is the technological map approved?

  1. Once a year, chief engineer of an enterprise (production);
  2. Once every six months, by the head structural unit;
  3. Once every two years, the chief engineer of the enterprise;
  4. Once every three years, the chief engineer of the enterprise;

10. Indicators of the operating mode of each unit of the installation are summarized:

  1. To the technological map;
    1. In the instruction on labor protection;
    2. The safety regulations;
    3. All of the above;

11. Each vessel must be supplied by the manufacturer:

  1. With a passport of the established form;
  2. With instructions for installation and operation;
  3. All of the above;
  4. There is no right answer;

Test package for the profession "Operator of technological compressors of 5-6 categories" for OTF 2.

OTF 2. Operational maintenance of NPO, vessels and apparatus.2.1. Periodic maintenance of NCOs. 2.2. Preparation of NKO, vessels and apparatus for repair, withdrawal from repair to reserve. 2.3. Maintenance of technological pipelines. 2.4. Maintenance of vessels and apparatus operating under pressure. 2.5. Maintenance of instrumentation and automation

SECTION 2. Maintenance of NPO, vessels and apparatus.

LEARNING MODULE 2.1. Periodic maintenance of NPO.

1. What should be indicated on the valve handwheel?

  1. Gate valve number according to the technological scheme;
  2. Direction of fluid movement;
  3. Gate valve number according to the technological scheme and direction of fluid movement;
  4. The direction of rotation is "open-close".

2. What groups are the pipeline fittings divided into?

  1. Locking, locking and regulating, safety;
  2. Shut-off, shut-off-regulating, signaling;
  3. Gate valves, gates, valves;
  4. Shut-off, shut-off.

3. Indicate the possible reasons for the increase in the gas temperature at the discharge of the oil-injected screw compressor above 100 ºС.

  1. Touching rotating parts of the compressor;
  2. The shut-off valve is faulty;
  3. Wear of the graphite ring;
  4. True a, b, c;
  5. B, c, d is correct;
  6. That's all right;

4. What is the possible reason for the drop in oil pressure in the lubrication manifold of an oil-injected screw compressor:

  1. Clogged fine oil filter;
    1. Check valve defective;
    2. Wear of the graphite ring;
    3. All reasons are possible;

5. Complete the sentence: "An increase in pressure downstream of the compressor 7ВКГ above the norm can occur as a result of ...":

  1. Contamination of the fine oil filter;
  2. Check valve malfunctions;
  3. Wear of the graphite ring;
  4. Correct b, c;
  5. True a, b, c;
  6. That's all right;

6. Complete the sentence: "An overload of the 7VKG compressor motor can occur as a result of ...":

  1. Suction pressure rise above normal;
  2. Increase in Discharge Pressure above normal;
  3. Failure of the compressor bearings;
  4. Oil ingress into the compressor through suction;
  5. True a, b, c;
  6. True a, b, d;

7. Name the possible reasons for increased oil leakage through the drain connection of the screw oil-filled compressor 7VKG:

  1. Wear of the graphite ring;
  2. Rubber rings are torn;
  3. Spring breakage;
  4. Suction pressure rise above normal;
  5. That's all right;
  6. True a, b, c;

8. What determines the reliability and durability of the compressor unit:

  1. Installed trouble-free operating time;
  2. MTBF is average;
  3. Installed resource up to overhaul;
  4. All of the above.

9. What is the criterion for failure of the compressor unit 7VKG:

  1. The life of the screw pair;
  2. Service life of the graphite ring;
  3. The resource of the rubber ring;
  4. Bearing service life;

10. Pipes, fittings, flanges, gaskets and fasteners used for pipelines, in terms of quality, technical characteristics and materials, must meet:

11. Name the resulting piston compressor lubricator does not pump oil:

  1. Gas regulator defective;
    1. Air lock in the oil pump;
    2. Lubricator drive malfunction;
    3. Oil level too high;

12. How are the cylinders located on multistage opposed reciprocating compressors?

  1. V-shaped;
  2. horizontally;
  3. rectangular;

13. Which of the following is fed to the compressor cooling jacket?

  1. compressor oil;
  2. methane;
  3. nitrogen;
  4. water;
  5. antifreeze.

14. Why are all reciprocating compressors always made with dead space?

  1. to avoid the piston hitting the cylinder cover;
    1. to adjust the compressor capacity;
    2. to avoid wear of the cylinder O-rings;
    3. to regulate the pressure on the discharge line;

15. How are the crankshaft and countershaft assemblies lubricated for the Ajax gas engine compressor?

  1. splashing oil;
  2. a combination of oil splash lubrication and oil immersion lubrication;

16. How are the cylinders of the Ajax gas engine lubricated?

  1. splashing oil;
  2. using a manual lubrication system;
  3. using a pressure lubrication system;
  4. oil immersion lubrication;

17. At what stage does the piston compressor slave cylinder have the largest volume?

  1. First;
  2. Second;
  3. The volumes of the cylinders are the same;

18. What pistons are used primarily in reciprocating compressors?

  1. Plunger;
  2. Disk;
  3. Differential;

19. Is compressor cooling required for staged compression:

  1. Does not matter;
  2. There is no right answer;

20. What valve should be installed on the line after the SPPK gas separator if the pipe diameter is 114 mm?

  1. ZKL 100-16.
  2. ZKL 100-25.
  3. ZKL 150-16 ..
  4. There is no right answer.

LEARNING MODULE 2.2. Preparation of non-profit organizations, vessels and apparatus for repair, withdrawal from repair to reserve.

  1. Determine the order of operations when taking the device for repair:

Depressurization of apparatus;

Steaming containers, apparatus;

Emptying containers, devices;

Disconnection of equipment with shut-off valves from supply pipelines;

Answer: d-c-b-a

  1. Emptying containers, devices from condensate should be carried out:

technological pumps into a closed system;

technological pumps into an open system;

technological compressors into a closed system;

  1. When disconnecting the equipment from the supply pipelines, the installation of metal plugs should be carried out at a pressure equal to:


1 kgf / cm2 overpressure;

a worker;

  1. Steaming of containers, devices should be carried out:
  2. without raising the pressure in them with open hatches;
  3. with a rise in pressure in them to the working one;
  4. with an increase in pressure in them to the permitted one;
  1. After preparing the installation (apparatus) for repair, it is compiled:

List of works to be carried out;

The certificate of readiness of the object for repair;

List of materials used;

6. Complete the sentence: “Flange connections with paranite gaskets are tightening ...

  1. ... a roundabout way "
  2. ... by the way of a cruciform bypass "
  3. … By pulling through one pin ”.

7. Which of the compressor screws is the leading one:

  1. Left;
    1. Right;

8. Is it necessary to install metal plugs when replacing the heat exchanger tube bundle if the shut-off valves are in good working order?

  1. Does not matter;

9. Is it necessary to install metal plugs when replacing the bearings of a gas compressor if the shut-off valves are in good working order?

  1. Does not matter;

10. What valves must be opened to release gas to atmosphere before repairing an Ajax compressor?

  1. purge valves only;
  2. bypass valves only;
  3. purge and bypass valves;

11. At what changes in the cross-section of the current-carrying lightning protection elements due to corrosion or flashing is it necessary to immediately notify the installation management and reflect the defect in the log?

  1. When the section is reduced by more than 40%.
  2. When the section is reduced by more than 50%.
  3. When the section is reduced by more than 30%.

12. Choose the correct wording of the concept of maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of harmful substances in the air of the working area:

  1. Concentrations that, during daily work for 8 hours or for a different duration, but not more than 41 hours per week, during the entire working experience cannot cause diseases or deviations in the state of health, detected by modern research methods during work or in remote periods of life present and future generations;
  2. Concentrations that, during daily work for 9 hours with a lunch break or for another duration, but not more than 45 hours a week, during the entire working experience cannot cause diseases or deviations in health;
  3. Concentrations that, during daily work for 11.5 hours or for another duration, but not more than 51 hours per week, during the entire working experience cannot cause diseases or deviations in the state of health, in the process of work or in the remote periods of life of the present and subsequent generations.

13. Complete the sentence: "Zones class B-I- this is…

  1. ... zones located in rooms in which flammable gases or vapors of flammable liquids are emitted in such an amount and with such properties that they can form explosive mixtures with air during normal operation, for example, when loading or unloading technological devices, storing or transfusing flammable liquids located in open containers "
  2. ... zones located in rooms in which, during normal operation, explosive mixtures of flammable gases (regardless of the lower concentration limit of ignition) or flammable liquids vapors with air are not formed, but are possible only as a result of accidents or malfunctions "
  3. ... zones located in rooms in which, during normal operation, explosive mixtures of flammable gases or flammable vapors with air are not formed, but are possible only as a result of accidents or malfunctions and which differ in one of the following features "
  4. ... spaces near outdoor installations: technological installations containing flammable gases or flammable liquids of aboveground and underground tanks with flammable liquids or flammable gases (gas tanks), racks for unloading and loading flammable liquids, open oil traps, settling ponds with a floating oil film ”.

14.What is the lower explosive limit (LEL)?

  1. NKPV is the concentration of gases and vapors in a liquid at which an explosion is possible;
  2. NKPV is the lowest concentration of gases and vapors in the air, at which an explosion is already possible, with an ignition pulse;
  3. NKPV is the concentration limit of explosiveness, at which an explosion is always possible at any concentration of vapors and gases in the air.

15. What does the upper explosive concentration limit (UCPL) mean?

  1. VKPV is the highest concentration of gases and vapors in the air, at which an explosion is possible with an ignition pulse;
  2. VKPV is the lowest concentration of gases and vapors in the air, at which an explosion is already possible, with an ignition pulse;
  3. VKPV - concentration limit of explosiveness, at which an explosion is always possible at any concentration of vapors and gases in the air;

16. The pump must be prepared for repairs:

  1. It is muffled from pipelines, freed from the pumped product, washed and steamed;
  2. The pump motor must be de-energized and a warning sign posted;
  3. All of the above;

17. What work should be done before carrying out repairs that require opening the pump cavity?

  1. Released from the product;
  2. Power outage of the engine (the starting circuit of the pump electric motor must be disassembled);
  3. Installation of metal plugs;
  4. All of the above;

18. Which bolts should be loosened first when separating the flanges?

  1. lower;
  2. medium;
  3. upper;
  4. does not matter;

19. What work should be performed before carrying out repairs that require opening the compressor cavity, which is driven by an electric motor?

  1. Released from the product;
  2. Power outage of the engine (the starting circuit of the compressor electric motor must be disassembled);
  3. Installation of metal plugs;
  4. Shut off the fuel gas supply;
  5. All of the above.

20. What is the maximum permissible concentration of hydrocarbons?

  1. 300 mg / m3
  2. 100 mg / m3
  3. 0.3 mg / m3
  4. 3 mg / m3

TRAINING MODULE 2.3 Maintenance of process pipelines

1. In what ways is the ice plug in the pipeline heated up?

  1. Steam or hot water starting from the end of the frozen area;
  2. With steam only, starting from the end of the frozen area;
  3. Using hot water and a gas burner, starting from the end of the frozen area.

2. What pressure is used for strength testing of pipelines?

  1. 1.1 times the maximum working pressure;
  2. 1.25 times the maximum working pressure;
  3. 1.5 times the maximum working pressure;
  4. 1.75 times the maximum working pressure.

3. What is indicated on the process pipeline fittings tag?

  1. Number according to the technological scheme;
  2. Serial number;
  3. Gate valve brand;
  4. Maximum pressure.

4. When choosing materials and products for pipelines, one should take into account:

  1. design pressure and design temperature of the transported medium;
  2. properties of the transported medium;
  3. properties of materials and products;
  4. negative ambient temperature for pipelines located outdoors or in unheated rooms;
  5. positive ambient temperature for pipelines located outdoors or in unheated rooms;

5. Why should shut-off valves be opened and closed slowly?

  1. To avoid jamming of the gate;
  2. To avoid water hammer;
  3. To avoid stripping the thread on the stem;
  4. To avoid sudden stress on the system.

6. Pipes, fittings, flanges, gaskets and fasteners used for pipelines, in terms of quality, technical characteristics and materials, must meet:

  1. the properties of the transported medium;
  2. normative and technical documentation for their manufacture;
  3. maximum pressure of the transported medium;
  1. Flanged;
  2. Coupling;
  3. Tsapkovaya;
  4. Welded;

8. What fittings are not allowed to be used on pipelines exposed to vibration?

  1. Made of gray cast iron;
  2. Ductile iron;
  3. Carbon steel;
  4. Alloy steel;
  5. Bronze;

9. Pipelines passing through walls or floors of buildings should:

  1. Enclose in thermal insulation;
  2. Apply external polymer insulation to them;
  3. Enclose in a protective casing;

10. What is called the working pressure of the pipeline?

  1. Safe overpressure, at which the specified operating mode of valves and pipeline parts is ensured;
  2. The greatest overpressure at a substance or ambient temperature of 20 ° C, at which a long-term operation of fittings and pipeline parts, justified by strength calculations, with the selected materials and their strength characteristics corresponding to this temperature is permissible;
  3. Excessive pressure, at which a hydraulic test of fittings and pipeline parts for strength and density with water at temperatures from + 5 ° C to + 40 ° C should be carried out;

TRAINING MODULE 2.4 Maintenance of pressure vessels and apparatus

1. Depending on the corrosion rate of steels, medium aggressive media include media with a corrosion rate:

  1. 0.01 - 0.05 mm / year;
  2. 0.1 - 0.5 mm / year;
  3. 1 - 5 mm / year;

2. What marking should be applied to the valve body?

  1. Nominal bore in cm, nominal pressure in kg / cm2, flow direction;
  2. Trademark or brand of the manufacturer's plant, brand of body material, direction of movement of the medium and conditional pressure in mm;
  3. nominal passage in mm, nominal pressure in MPa, trademark of the manufacturer, brand of body material, direction of movement of the medium.

3. If the working pressure in the gas separator is 2 kgf / cm2, then to what pressure should the SPPK safety valve be calibrated?

  1. 2.3 kgf / cm2;
    1. 2.4 kgf / cm2;
      1. 2.5 kgf / cm2;

4. In what cases should an operating gas separator be shut down immediately?

  1. When the pressure rises above the permitted technical characteristics;
  2. When the level rises above the permitted by the technical characteristics;
  3. If the level indicator fails, gas-hydrocarbon condensate;

5. Complete the sentence: “The height of the protruding end of the bolt and stud above the nut must be ...

  1. ... not less than 1 and not more than 3 steps of a thread "
  2. ... not less than 3 mm "
  3. … Depending on the thread pitch, but not more than 5 mm. "

6.What is the target process for the heat exchanger?

  1. Cooling and condensation of the hot heat carrier;
  2. Heating and evaporation of cold coolant;
  3. Heating of cold and cooling of hot coolant;

7.The apparatus is called a heat exchanger:

  1. Designed for oil and gas separation;
  2. Designed for heating and cooling oil and gas;
  3. Designed for pumping oil and gas;

8. Mesh gas separators GS are designed:

  1. For preliminary purification of natural and associated petroleum gas from liquid;
  2. For final purification of natural and associated petroleum gas from air;
  3. For final purification of natural and associated petroleum gas from liquid;

9. How many phases are separated in gas separators of the GS type?

  1. One;

10. Gas separator of GS brand is located:

  1. Vertically;
  2. Horizontally;
  3. At an angle of 45 ° C;

LEARNING MODULE 2.5. Maintenance of instrumentation and automation

  1. What pressure gauges are most widely used in oil production?
  2. Liquid;
  3. Spring loaded;
  4. Devices with remote transmission of readings;
  5. Deadweight.
  1. Complete the sentence: “The sensitive element of the differential pressure gauge is ...
  2. … Bellows ";
  3. … Tubular spring ";
  4. ... U-shaped tube ";
  5. …membrane".
  6. Finish the sentence: “A pressure gauge with a tubular spring by the way of presenting information about the value of the measured pressure is ...
  7. ... showing ";
  8. ... registering ";
  9. ... signaling ";
  10. What pressure is created by the mass of the air column of the earth's atmosphere?
  11. Absolute;
  12. Barometric;
  13. Excess;
  14. Vacuum (discharge);
  15. Complete the sentence: “The action of deformation pressure gauges is based on the use of the relationship between ...
  16. … Plastic deformation of the sensing element and pressure ”;
  17. ... by plastic deformation of the sensing element and its movement ";
  18. … Elastic deformation of the sensing element and pressure ”;
  19. Complete the sentence: “The principle of operation of expansion thermometers is based on ...
  20. … Change in body weight depending on temperature ”;
  21. ... changes in the density of bodies depending on temperature ";
  22. … Change of linear dimensions or volume of bodies depending on temperature ";
  23. Complete the sentence: “The principle of the thermocouple is based on ...
  24. ... on the fact that different metals expand in different ways when heated ”;
  25. ... on the fact that heating or cooling of contacts between conductors with different chemical properties is accompanied by the appearance of a thermoelectromotive force ”;
  26. … On the fact that the volume of a liquid changes with a change in its temperature ”;
  27. … On measuring calibrated copper or platinum resistance ”;
  28. What is 20 ° C on the Kelvin scale?
  29. 323 K;
  30. 293 K;
  31. 295 K;
  32. 325 K;
  33. Complete the sentence: “The principle of operation of manometric thermometers is based on ...
  34. ... change in the mass of the thermal system filler depending on the ambient temperature ";
  35. ... on the change in the pressure of the filling of the thermal system depending on the ambient temperature ";
  36. … On the measurement of calibrated copper or platinum resistance ”.
  37. Complete the sentence: “The principle of operation of a bimetallic thermometer is based on the fact that ...
  38. … Different metals expand differently when heated ”;
  39. ... heating or cooling of contacts between conductors with different chemical properties is accompanied by the appearance of a thermoelectromotive force ";
  40. … There is a change in the linear dimensions or volume of bodies depending on the temperature ”;
  41. Complete the sentence: “The principle of operation of radar level transmitters is based on:
  42. ... measuring the re-reflection time of high-frequency radio waves ";
  43. ... the principle of a hydraulic seal ”.
  44. How do visual level gauges work?
  45. A body immersed in a liquid is acted upon by a buoyant force equal to the weight of the liquid in the volume of the body;
  1. What is the principle of float level gauges?
  2. Differential pressure principle;
  3. By the principle of communicating vessels;
  1. Complete the sentence: “The operation of this type of ultrasonic and acoustic level gauges is based on measurement ...
  2. … The transit time of an ultrasound pulse from the emitter to the surface of the liquid ”;
  3. ... the time of reflection of high frequency radio waves;
  4. ... the transit time of an ultrasound pulse from the emitter to the surface of the liquid and back ";
  5. How do hydrostatic level gauges work?
  6. By the principle of communicating vessels;
  7. In accordance with the physical law "The pressure of a liquid is proportional to its depth";
  8. In accordance with Newton's law "A buoyant force acts on a body immersed in a liquid, equal to the weight of the liquid in the volume of the body";

16. Which part of the reciprocating compressor does the arrow point to?

Answer: local control panel

17. What is the distinguishing feature of associated gas from natural gas?

  1. High methane content;
  2. High nitrogen content;
  3. High content of carbon dioxide;
  4. High content of methane homologues.

19. How does the gas mass flow rate change at a steady isothermal flow in the pipeline?

  1. Increases;
  2. Decreases;
  3. Remains constant;

20. The dew point for hydrocarbons, ° C, is the temperature:

  1. below which, at a certain pressure, there is no condensation of hydrocarbon vapors from the gas;
  2. above which, at a certain pressure, there is no condensation of water vapor from the gas;
  3. below which, at a certain pressure, there is no condensation of water vapor from the gas;
  4. above which, at a certain pressure, there is no condensation of hydrocarbon vapors from the gas;

21. At what height is it allowed to use a technical pressure gauge with a nominal diameter of 160 mm?

  1. 2 to 3 meters;
  2. Up to 2.30 meters;
  3. More than 3 meters;
  4. Up to 2 meters;

22. What is indicated on the technical gauge calibration stamp?

  1. quarter, year of verification, sign of the state verifier;
  2. month, year of calibration, mark of departmental verifier;
  3. day, month, year of the next verification;
  4. year of gauge verification.

General expert opinion on OTF _____


Expert / experts signature _______________________

Applicant's signature _______________________

Annex 1

Practice test # 1

Instructions for calculating the results:

For each correctly performed action, the candidate receives ... .. point (a scale for assessing the results is given). The threshold value is X points (80%).

FULL NAME. candidate: ______________________________ Date ________

Task 1. Preparation for start-up and start-up of the Ajax piston motor compressor after repair

The duration of the preparation for starting the Ajax piston motor compressor is 1 hour 30 minutes. Technical means and equipment - piston motor compressor Ajax, flow chart of gas compressor unit, flow chart of gas compressor unit….

Observation parameters (criteria for evaluating actions) Done correctly (2 points) Done with violations (1 point) Not done (0 point) Check personal protective equipment for suitability for use, in accordance with the current safety instructions. on the work of previous shifts Prepare gas analyzers and take an analysis of the air environment at the site of the gas compressor unit in the presence of a backup. Inform the manager about the start of operations to start the gas compressor unit Carry out an external inspection of the gas compressor unit. Disconnect the magneto ground (so that ignition does not occur in the power cylinders when manually turning the flywheel). Inspect the crankcase and make sure it is free from sand, water and other foreign substances. Fill the crankcase with oil to the correct level. Remove the side covers and pour oil on all crosshead guide surfaces and all piston rods until the reservoirs around the connecting rod head are full and oil drains to the bottom of the crankcase. Fill the control box with oil. Fill the cooling system with an aqueous solution containing a rust inhibitor or antifreeze to be added before pouring solution into the cooling system Disconnect the oil lines and manually prime the oil pumps so that the oil completely fills the oil lines. Bleed gas through the fuel line as close to the engine as possible so that the gas completely expels air from the gas supply line. mud tank and hydraulic lines. If necessary, clean, fill with Ajax hydraulic fluid and bleed air from the hydraulic lines. Call a mechanic to pre-start the cylinders of the motor compressor. Before starting the installation, the main bearings should be lubricated with a manual oil pump, making 50 strokes. Manually rotate the flywheel one turn to make sure in the free course of the internal parts. Open the valve on the starting motor supply line. After the flywheel reaches 50 rpm, open the fuel gas valve to allow fuel into the system. After ignition in the cylinders begins, close the gas supply valve to the starting motor. Use the regulator knob to adjust the engine speed, check the oil supply and adjust if necessary. Let the engine run for 30 minutes. Open the shut-off valves in the discharge line Close the bypass line Open the shut-off valves in the suction line Check the water circulation in the cooling system Visually inspect the compressor package for gas and oil leaks and for abnormal noises. the technological mode of operation of the compressor unit in the regime list. Report on the start-up of the compressor unit in operation and the identified remarks to the head of the installation. Make a record of the work done in the rotational log.

Task 2. Preparation for start-up and start-up of a gas turbine unit "Solar Centaur" 40 S with a compressor "YORK-M 538 A" C-1400 A / 1410.

Observation parameters (criteria for evaluating actions) Done correctly (2 points) Done with violations (1 point) Not done (0 point) Check personal protective equipment for suitability for use, in accordance with the current safety instructions. on the work of previous shifts Prepare gas analyzers and take an analysis of the air environment at the site of the gas compressor unit in the presence of a backup. Inform the manager about the start of operations for starting the gas turbine unit Conduct an external inspection of the gas turbine unit. the parts of the equipment do not come into contact with any foreign objects. Check the oil levels in the oil tanks of the compressor and turbine, as well as the level in the oil nozzle of the starting engines, top up if necessary. The oil levels in the oil tanks should be at the upper marks. correct work oil heaters in the compressor oil tank, which must be put into operation 24 hours before starting. The oil temperature must not be lower than 60 ° C. Check the oil temperature in the turbine oil tank: not lower than the setting for turning on the oil heater in the tank at 18.3 ° C. Set all manual valves of the compressor and turbine to their normal operating position. Open all valves on pressure gauges and sensors. and control devices. Open the taps and valves on the gas supply and return lines to the compressor oil cooler. Set all regulators to the "Auto" position and make sure they are correctly set to normal operating parameters. the corresponding power cells of these pumps must be set to the "Auto" position. Make sure the charger switch is in the ON position, check the charger operation, the DC voltage must be within 24V. Make sure the oil filter bypass valves are locked in position compressor and turbine, should be in operation One of the compressor and turbine filters. Make sure the drain valves of the oil filters are closed. Make sure the manual gas supply valve to the turbine is open. Open the pneumatic cutoff for the fuel gas supply to the turbine ROV-1500A / 1525A, opened from the central control room. Check the fuel gas pressure, it should be between 1172 ÷ 1551 kPa. The starting gas supply valve is adjusted to supply a certain amount of gas to the starting engines and it is not allowed to change its position. Check the opening of the oil supply and return valves from the oil cooler. In cold weather, the oil cooler must be preheated with thermal fluid before start-up. Check the closed ON position of all control switches mounted inside the control console. Make sure the OFF / RUN key switch is in the RUN position. ... Press the Local switch and check that the LED is on. Verify that the menu selection screen appears on the driver's display. If there is no problem and the system is ready to start, the READY indicator light will illuminate. If the READY LED does not light up, press and release the ACKNOWLEDGE switch and the RESET switch. The READY indicator should light up. This indicator will not illuminate for any remaining and displayed faults. After troubleshooting, the ACKNOWLEDGE and RESET switches must be pressed again to clear the error messages. The XCV-1400 / XCV-1401 antisurge valves can only be controlled from one of the two control consoles. On the display of the control console of the required compressor, set the "Program constants" screen and set the constant at number 60 with the cursor. suction lines from V-1450A, V-1460A, V-1470A and discharge lines in E-1420A must be in the closed position, and when C-1410 is in operation - in the open position. Equalize the pressure in the suction and discharge lines of the compressor by opening the manually operated valve K-140 / K-141. After the pressures equalize (gas hissing stops), close the valve. Drain the liquid propane from the compressor housing. To do this, set the "operating summary" screen on the control console display, set the "asterisk" to the "Drain" inscription and simultaneously press the Ctrl and Enter buttons to open the electro-pneumatic valve on the drain line from the YV 402 compressor. propane from each compressor stage, monitoring the flow through the sight glass FG 402, until only propane gas escapes from the compressor housing. Close the manual valves and close the ROV 402 on the control console by pressing the Ctrl and Enter buttons. Set the operating mode switch of the E-1500/1510 oil cooler on the oil cooler control panel to the "Auto" position. Start the oil cooler fan from the central control room. Check that the manual dampers are set to the position required for the given ambient temperature Set the required compressor suction pressure setpoint. To do this, set the "Process control" screen on the control console display, set the "asterisk" to the "suction" label and use the Increase and Decrease buttons on the control panel to set the required suction pressure setting value. system operation mode to "Normal" position. Make sure that the compressor input vane control is in the "Auto" position. Make sure that the valve control system is in "Auto" mode on the F5 "Valve system" screen. is in the turbine cranking mode and the water flushing mode is disabled. Briefly press the start switch. Once the start sequence has begun, the Local / Remote switch must be switched to Remote. After displaying the gas turbine unit mode, visually inspect the gas turbine unit and make sure there are no gas or oil leaks, as well as in the absence of abnormal noises. Record the technological mode of operation of the gas turbine unit in the regime sheet. Report the start-up of the gas turbine unit in operation and the identified remarks to the head of the installation. Make a record of the work done in the rotational log.

Task 3. Start-up of gas separator ГС

The duration of the start-up of the gas separator ГС - 1 hour 30 minutes. Technical means and equipment - gas separator ГС, control and regulation devices, flow chart of the installation, flow chart of the installation, process regulations.

Observation parameters (criteria for evaluating actions) Done correctly (2 points) Done with violations (1 point) Not done (0 point) Check personal protective equipment for suitability for use, in accordance with the current safety instructions. on the work of previous shifts Prepare gas analyzers and take an analysis of the air environment at the gas separator site in the presence of an understudy. Inform the manager about the start of the gas separator start-up operations Carry out an external inspection of the gas separator. Switch on the automatic monitoring and control system together with the instrumentation and automation service employees. Make sure the drain valve is closed. the valve of the gas outlet from the separator and gain pressure up to the working pressure in accordance with the technological regulations. The pressure increase should take place smoothly, without hydraulic shocks in the following order: by 0.25 Rrab; by 0.5 Rrab; by 0.75 Rrab; on Rrab. With delays at each pressure for 15 minutes Inspect the separator and equipment for leaks Explode the safety valve by short-term forced lifting of the valve gate with a manual drive Open the gate valves after and before the valve - regulator of the condensate drain drain line (if there is a regulator valve) Open the gate valves of the gas inlet mixture on the inlet pipeline. When opening the gate valve at the inlet to the separator, follow the readings of the pressure gauge, the liquid level in the separator After commissioning, re-inspect the equipment of the separator for any comments in its operation, in accordance with the requirement of the rules. Report the start-up of the separator into operation to the person responsible for the safe operation of this vessel Every two hours, inspect the equipment with a record of the operating parameters in the mode. Fix the technological mode of operation of the gas separator in the operating list. Report the start-up of the gas separator into operation and the identified comments to the head of the installation. Make a record of the work done. work in the shift log.

Task 1. Determine the malfunction of the installed manometer, replace the faulty manometer. Installation site - gas separator ГС with a working pressure of 2 kgf / cm2.

The duration of the installation of the pressure gauge is 20 minutes.

Technical means and equipment - gas separator GS pressure gauge, control pressure gauge, three-way valve, open-end wrenches, FUM tape, flow chart of the installation, flow diagram of the installation

Observation parameters (criteria for evaluating actions) Done correctly (2 points) Done with violations (1 point) Not done (0 point) Check overalls, safety footwear and personal protective equipment Check the safety of work (the union and the selection valve for leaks and freezing , the completeness of the lambs and their fastening.) Set the three-way valve to the "closed" position. Set the three-way valve to the "open" position. Record the manometer readings. If the pressure drops to zero, then the pressure gauge is in good order. The actions are completed. If the pressure has not dropped to zero, then the pressure gauge is faulty. The pressure gauge is changed. Select one serviceable, calibrated pressure gauge with the correct scale and working pressure measurement range from the proposed revolving fund. Select the correct technical means for the work (gasket, intrinsically safe tool) Close the pressure take-off valve on the pressure gauge of the three-way valve. Open the purge valve. of the three-way valve, release the residual pressure at the take-off and pressure gauge to "0". Check that there is no passage through the shut-off element of the take-off valve Using an S19 wrench, unscrew the faulty pressure gauge, remove the old gasket, clean the threaded connection and the gasket installation location Install the new gasket correctly. Wrap a new pressure gauge on the take-off nipple by hand, then tighten the threaded connection with an open-end wrench. Close the take-off valve, open the take-off valve of the three-way valve, check that there are no leaks at the connections. Using the control pressure gauge, make sure that the readings of the installed pressure gauge are correct. workplace.Number of points

Task 1. Stopping the Ajax piston motor compressor

The duration of the shutdown of the Ajax piston motor compressor is 1 hour. Technical means and equipment - piston motor compressor Ajax, flow chart of gas compressor unit, flow chart of gas compressor unit….

Observation parameters (criteria for evaluating actions) Done correctly (2 points) Done with violations (1 point) Not done (0 point) Receive a task to stop the compressor from the installation manager (foreman) Check personal protective equipment for suitability for use, according to the current instructions To review the records in the rotational log on the work of previous shifts Prepare gas analyzers and take an air analysis at the site of the gas compressor unit in the presence of a backup. Inspect the compressor unit and make sure that there are no gas and oil leaks Close the suction and discharge valves Call instrumentation and control personnel to turn off the automatic monitoring and control system of the compressor unit Report the compressor unit shutdown and detect These remarks to the head of the installation. Make a record of the work done in the rotational log.

Task 2. Shutdown of the gas turbine unit "Solar Centaur" 40 S with the compressor "YORK-M 538 A" C-1400 A / 1410.

Duration of preparation for start-up of a gas turbine unit "Solar Centaur" 40 S with a compressor "YORK-M 538 A" C-1400 A / 1410 - 1 hour 30 minutes. Technical means and equipment - gas turbine unit “Solar Centaur” 40 S with compressor “YORK-M 538 A” C-1400 A / 1410, flow chart of gas compressor unit, flow chart of gas compressor unit….

Observation parameters (criteria for evaluating actions) Done correctly (2 points) Done with violations (1 point) Not done (0 point) Receive a task to stop the gas turbine unit from the installation manager (foreman) Check personal protective equipment for suitability for use, in accordance with the current To review the records in the rotational log on the work of previous shifts Prepare gas analyzers and take an air analysis at the site of the gas compressor unit in the presence of a backup. Inform the supervisor about the start of operations to stop the gas turbine unit Press the STOP switch briefly After a complete stop, conduct external inspection of the gas turbine unit and make sure that there are no gas and oil leaks Call instrumentation and control personnel to turn off the automatic monitoring and control system of the compressor unit Report the compressor unit shutdown and any remarks identified to the unit manager. Record of the work done in the rotational log.

Task 1. Take readings from the secondary instrumentation and automation devices and fill in the regime sheet of the compressor installation. The venue is the control room.

Technical means and equipment - compressor unit, flow chart of gas compressor unit, flow chart of gas compressor unit, clean regime sheets, pen, pencil….

Observation parameters (criteria for evaluating actions) Done correctly (2 points) Done with violations (1 point) Not done (0 point) Take readings from secondary devices in the control room Fill in the regime sheet Report to the shift supervisor about the changes in work Total:

Task 1. Perform an external inspection of the screw gas compressor unit 7VKG-50/7, justify your actions

Technical means and equipment - screw gas compressor unit 7VKG-50/7, control and regulation devices, flow chart of the installation, flow diagram of the installation, process regulations.

Observation parameters (criteria for assessing actions) Done correctly (2 points) Done with violations (1 point) Not done (0 point) Check overalls, safety footwear and personal protective equipment Read the records in the rotational log on the work of previous shifts Prepare gas analyzers Take air analysis at the site near the gas compressor unit in the presence of an understudy Check the availability and suitability of fire extinguishing equipment Check the condition of the grounding devices on the gas compressor unit and process pipelines; Check the condition of the stairs and service platforms Check the approaches to the equipment for foreign objects interfering with operation and maintenance; Check the presence and serviceability of fences, protective covers of rotating parts of the equipment, protective equipment; Check the serviceability of lighting, the presence of explosion-proof plafonds on the lamps, the integrity of the pipe wiring and switch housings .Check for the presence of inscriptions on the supply and discharge pipelines indicating the nature of the transported medium; Check the operation of the supply and exhaust ventilation (if the compressor is in the room); Check the condition of the compressor equipment, apparatus, pipelines, the integrity of racks and pedestals, protective grounding and shut-off and control valves for oil and gas leaks; Check the serviceability of the shut-off valves, the presence of numbers on it according to the diagram and arrows indicating the direction of rotation of the steering wheel when opening and closing. Make sure that there are no oil and gas leaks through the stuffing box seals. Check the presence, serviceability and suitability of the instrumentation of the compressor unit on the control panel, remote and local control unit; Check the integrity of the seals on the valves: safety, shut-off, bypass, safety (SPPK); Check the serviceability of the SPPK by forced opening (explosion), Checks a plate on the SPPK indicating: Serial number of the valve Set pressure, RuDates of the next revision and calibration Based on the results of the inspection, draw a conclusion about the technical condition of the gas compressor unit and the possibility of its further operation. ) Number of points

Task 2. Perform an external inspection of the gas turbine unit "Solar Centaur" 40 S with the compressor "YORK-M 538 A" C-1400 A / 1410, justify your actions

Duration of execution - 30 minutes.

Technical means and equipment - gas turbine unit "Solar Centaur" 40 S with compressor "YORK -M 538 А" С-1400 А / 1410, control and regulation devices, flow chart of the installation, flow diagram of the installation, process regulations.

Observation parameters (criteria for evaluating actions) Done correctly (2 points) Done with violations (1 point) Not done (0 point) Check overalls, safety footwear and personal protective equipment Read the records in the rotational log on the work of previous shifts Prepare gas analyzers Take analysis of the air environment at the site near the gas turbine unit in the presence of a backup check the availability and suitability of fire extinguishing equipment Check the condition of the grounding devices on the gas compressor unit and process pipelines; Check the condition of the stairs and service platforms Check the approaches to the equipment for foreign objects interfering with operation and maintenance; Check the presence and serviceability of fences, protective covers of rotating parts of the equipment, protective equipment; Check the serviceability of lighting, the presence of explosion-proof plafonds on the lamps, the integrity of the pipe wiring and switch housings .Check the presence of inscriptions on the supply and discharge pipelines indicating the nature of the transported medium; Check the operation of the supply and exhaust ventilation (if the compressor is in the room); control valves for oil, gas and air leaks; Check the serviceability of the shut-off valves, the presence of numbers on it according to the diagram and arrows indicating the direction of rotation of the steering wheel when opening and closing. Make sure that there are no oil and gas leaks through the stuffing box seals. Check the normal operating conditions of the compressor and turbine (temperatures, pressures, smooth operation without knocks and vibrations, oil and propane flow through the sight glasses). Check the oil levels in the oil tanks of the compressor and turbine and, if necessary, add oil. Check the oil level in the collection tank. oil leaks through the drive shaft. If the level in this tank rises rapidly, this indicates wear on the mechanical shaft seal Check the turbine air intake and exhaust piping, the inlet strainer and all transition connections, check the pressure drop across the inlet air filters Check the voltage and electrolyte level in the batteries. condensate on the stages of the standby compressor. If there is condensate on the steps, purge into the drainage tank V-4900.Check the presence, serviceability and suitability of the instrumentation of the compressor unit on the control panel, remote and local control unit; Check the serviceability of the SPPK by forced opening (detonation), Check the nameplate on the SPPK indicating: Serial number of the valve Set pressure, Ru Date of the next revision and calibration Based on the results of the inspection, draw a conclusion about the technical condition of the gas compressor unit and the possibility of its further operation. Make an entry in the rotational log about the results of the walk-through Report the results of the inspection to the facility manager (shift supervisor) Number of points

Task 1. Select a valve from the proposed ones and prepare fittings according to the specified technological parameters. Justify your choice.

Conditions: pick up ZKL for pipeline Ø219 with Rrab. = 8.2 kgf / cm2 and Work. = - / + 50 ° С, the working medium is gas condensate.

Instructions for calculating the results:

The threshold value is 5 points (80%).

Duration of execution - 10 minutes.

Venue: UKK polygon

Technical means and equipment: cast iron, steel valves with a symbol on the body DN150,200,250.

Observation parameters (criteria for evaluating actions) Done correctly (2 points) Done with violations (1 point) Not done (0 point) Defined legend on valves The valve is selected in accordance with technological parameters(steel, wedge, cast, 2nd modification, Du-200, Ru-16) The designations have been deciphered and the characteristics of the use of this valve are described. The choice is justified Number of points

Task 1. To carry out cleaning of the oily pipe and cleaning the section of the intake and distribution pipeline from rust and corrosion.

Instructions for calculating the results:

2 - actions fully meet the criterion, 1 - actions partially meet the criterion, 0 - actions do not meet the criterion.

The threshold value is 11 points (80%). Double check

Venue: training ground of the UKK.

Technical means and equipment are presented: Pipeline section, overalls, PPE, household inventory, bucket, metal brushes and scrapers, cleaning material and HB rags, boxes for rags, a can of oil, paint and a brush.

Expert Observation Map

Criteria for evaluating labor actions Registration of actions Expert's comments Compliant (2 points) Partially compliant (1 point) Not compliant (0 points) The necessary special clothing and protective equipment are selected, put on correctly Oiled area is fenced with tape From the proposed inventory, an intrinsically safe (shovel, scraper and brush) and work is done only by him. Rust from the pipe is cleaned with a scraper, corrosion - with a brush. The cleaning product is collected in a bucket. A clean cleaning cloth is correctly selected, the oily section of the pipe is wiped dry, the cloth is put into a box with dirty cloths. The oily soil was collected in a bucket. The surface of the pipe, cleaned from corrosion and rust, was painted over with paint. The workplace was cleaned. Equipment and tools are cleaned and placed in storage areas. Overalls removed. Points

Task 1. Perform an external inspection of the GS gas separator, justify your actions

Duration of execution - 20 minutes.

Technical means and equipment - gas separator ГС, control and regulation devices, flow chart of the installation, flow chart of the installation, process regulations.

Observation parameters (criteria for assessing actions) Done correctly (2 points) Done with violations (1 point) Not done (0 point) Check overalls, safety footwear and personal protective equipment Read the records in the rotational log on the work of previous shifts Prepare gas analyzers Take an analysis of the air environment at the site of sedimentation tanks Check the availability, completeness and suitability of primary fire extinguishing equipment. Check the condition of the grounding devices on the gas separator and pipelines, the reliability of their connection to the common grounding circuit. Check the condition of the industrial and storm sewers, the absence of oil contamination and foreign objects at the gas separator site. Inspect the stairs and service areas of the gas separator equipment. Check the health of lighting, the presence of explosion-proof plafonds on the lamps. design, the integrity of the electrical piping and switch housings.Check the presence of inscriptions on the supply and discharge pipelines indicating the nature of the transported medium and arrows indicating the direction of gas and liquid movement, the tightness of the pipelines.Check the condition of all hatches and flange connections on the device, the absence of gas and liquid leaks , whether they are complete with fasteners and fastening. unions of valves. There should be arrows on the handwheel indicating the direction of rotation when opening and closing the valve. Check the presence of plates indicating the valve number according to the technological scheme. Make sure that there are no gas and liquid passes through the stuffing box seals. If there are gaps, tighten the stuffing box. Check the data on the registration plate, which should indicate: - technological index of the device - serial number - registration number - permitted working pressure - timing of the next internal inspection and hydraulic test Check the presence, serviceability and suitability of control Check the serviceability of the SPPK by forced opening (undermining), the presence of a seal and a plate on it indicating: - Serial number of the valve - Setting pressure, Ru - Date of the next revision and calibration Based on the results of the inspection, draw a conclusion about the technical condition of the gas separator and the possibility of its further Make an entry in the shift log about the results of the walk. 21. Report the inspection results to the facility manager (shift supervisor).

Task 1. Choose from the offered technical manometers suitable for measuring the working pressure and explain your choice. The place of installation of the pressure gauge is a gas separator GS with a volume of 8 m3 with a working pressure of 4 kg / cm2. The level of the observation platform is 2 m from the place where the pressure gauge is installed.

Duration of execution according to the choice of a suitable pressure gauge - 10 minutes. Technical means and equipment - pressure gauges different types, suitable and unsuitable, plant flow chart, plant flow chart….

Criteria for evaluating labor actions Registration of actions Expert comments Compliant (2 points) Partially compliant (1 point) Non-compliant (0 points) : damage to the case; damage to the threaded connection; glass damage; the arrow readings are not at zero; lack of a seal; no stigma; verification period. Draw a red line or set a red arrow in accordance with the permitted pressure on the selected pressure gauge. Make sure that the arrow of the selected pressure gauge is at zero.

Control and measuring materials are a tool for assessing the compliance of a candidate's professional competencies with the requirements professional activity presented in the professional standard.

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Examination tickets are drawn up according to the requirements of the professional standard on demand qualification requirements to professions and professional training standards

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2015 N 619n "On the approval of the professional standard" Worker for the operation of compressor units of a thermal power plant "

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of December 21, 2015 N 1070n (as amended on 03/17/2016) "On the approval of the professional standard" maintenance pumping or compressor installations of engineering infrastructure of housing and communal services (in water and heat supply systems) "

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 08/02/2013 N 917 (as amended on 03/25/2015) "On the approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education by profession 240101.02 Technician of technological pumps and compressors"

The requirement of the professional standard (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 02.08.2013 N 917)

PM.01 Maintenance and repair of process compressors, pumps, compressor and pumping units, equipment for gas dehydration

have practical experience:

maintenance and repair;

performing locksmith work;

ensuring safe working conditions;

be able to:

comply with the rules for the maintenance of pumps, compressors, gas dehydration equipment;

prepare equipment for repair;

repair equipment and installations;

comply with fire and electrical safety rules;

prevent and eliminate malfunctions in the operation of pumps, compressors, gas dehydration equipment;

monitor the waste generated during the production of products, waste water, emissions into the atmosphere, methods of disposal and recycling;

fulfill the requirements of labor protection, industrial and fire safety during the repair of equipment and installations;

assess the state of safety, environmental protection at gas dehydration plants, pumping and compressor plants;

draw up technical documentation;


device and principle of operation of equipment and communications;

maintenance rules;

layouts of pipelines of the workshop and inter-workshop communications;

rules and instructions for the production of hot and gas hazardous work;

rules for maintaining technical documentation;

technology for draining and pumping liquids, gas dehydration;

rules of preparation for repair and repair of equipment, installations;

pipelines and pipeline fittings;

methods of preventing and eliminating malfunctions in the operation of pumps, compressors, gas dehydrators;

labor safety rules during repair

PM.02 Operation of process compressors, pumps, compressor and pumping units, equipment for gas dehydration

As a result of studying the professional module, the student must:

have practical experience:

conducting the process of transportation of liquids and gases in accordance with the established regime;

regulation of the parameters of the process of transportation of liquids and gases in the serviced area;

conducting the gas dehydration process; regulation of the technological regime of gas drying;

operation of electrical equipment;

ensuring the safe operation of production;

be able to:

ensure compliance with the parameters of the technological process;

operate equipment for transportation of liquid, gas and gas dehydration;

monitor the consumption of transported products according to the instrumentation readings;

take samples for analysis; to carry out filling, packing and transportation of products to the warehouse;

keep records of the consumption of products, used and fuel and lubricants, energy resources;

keep reporting and technical documentation;

comply with labor protection, industrial and fire safety requirements;

comply with environmental safety rules;


basic laws of technology for transportation of liquid, gas;

basic laws of gas dehydration technology;

technological parameters of processes, rules for their measurement;

purpose, device and principle of operation of automation equipment;

schemes of pumping and compressor installations, rules for their use;

gas dehydration plant diagrams;

industrial ecology;

basics of industrial and fire safety;

labor protection;

metrological control;

sampling rules and methods;

possible violations of the regime, causes and remedies, warning;

maintenance of reporting and technical documentation on the operation of equipment and installations MDK.02.01. Operation of equipment for transportation of gas, liquids and gas dehydration OK 1


Topic 1. General requirements for compressor units and pipelines

Topic 2. Monitoring system, control and emergency automatic protection of compressor units

Topic 3. Operation of electrical equipment of thermal power plants

Topic 4. Maintenance and repair of compressor units

Regulatory and technical literature:

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of September 9, 2015 N 619n "On the approval of the professional standard" Worker for the operation of compressor units of a thermal power plant "

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of December 21, 2015 N 1070n (as amended on 03/17/2016) "On the approval of the professional standard" Maintenance worker for pumping or compressor installations of the engineering infrastructure of housing and communal services (in water and heat supply systems) "

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 08/02/2013 N 917 (as amended on 03/25/2015) "On the approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education by profession 240101.02 Technician of technological pumps and compressors"

PB 03-581-03 "Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Stationary Compressor Units, Air Ducts and Gas Pipelines"

PB 03-582-03 "Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Compressor Units with Reciprocating Compressors Operating on Explosive and Harmful Gases"


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