How to avoid typical mistakes when choosing and operating cultivators. How to avoid major mistakes when choosing a profession? Remember art

How to choose your integrator among numerous partner companies? What should you look for to make your automation run smoothly and cost-effectively? The company has conducted its research on integrators and is sharing it with readers.

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How to look for an implementation professional 99.9% of clients

Numerous customer surveys, forums and automation blogs have allowed us to identify 5 significant factors that entrepreneurs look at when choosing an integrator:

1. Terms of setting / updating the crm-system.

The faster the better - this is the main motto of every second client. Most entrepreneurs ordering crm customization are not ready to cooperate with an integrator if the implementation timeframe exceeds 2 months.

In this regard, some firms specifically indicate on their sites the minimum implementation time, which are extended already in the course of cooperation.

Therefore, if you want to comprehensively automate your sales department, integrate it with a website, telephony or 1C, count on a longer period of interaction with an integrator. And if you are offered to do everything in 1-2 weeks, it is better to find a more reliable option.

2. Cost of implementation.

It is important to understand that the final price directly depends on the volume of services provided and the time that the customizer spends on the client's company. Therefore, clearly define for yourself what you need - the basic setting of an IT product, its completion, setting up additional functionality or constant maintenance of crm by the integrator.

The basic setup usually includes setting up a sales funnel, setting tasks for managers and drawing a future deal card (the presence of certain fields, categories, multi-lists). The average cost of a basic implementation is 20,000 rubles.

All additional widgets, integrations and system maintenance (analytics, technical support, revision) are provided for a fee.

3. Availability of training for managers and employees of the firm.

It can be expressed in different ways - from professional lectures for managers to sending written instructions on the system, video tutorials or videos describing the functionality of the program.

4. Professionalism of managers.

This criterion is essential for entrepreneurs with no experience in automation. It is important for them that the consultant can explain step by step the stages of providing the service, its value and cost.

5. Regular and inexpensive technical support. Relevant for those who do not want to independently deal with technical problems, updates and system improvements.

And of course, don't forget about quality. After all, it is important for every head of the company that crm works without interruptions, is understandable to his employees and provides them with all the functionality necessary for sales.

And how things really are

To understand what exactly and on what conditions are offered by software professionals crm implementation, we spent a short marketing research of this market. 6 sites analyzed commercial firms, engaged in the professional setup of amoCRM, the names of the companies were not disclosed. All integrators work in Russia and are certified partners amoCRM.

As a basis for the study, we took 11 typical characteristics (price and implementation time, employee experience, availability of warranty and technical support, and other factors important for the client).

Most of the studied sites are overloaded with educational information - what is a crm-system, what business problems it solves and why it is worth implementing.

And only a few companies tell the client why setting up crm should be ordered from them: out of 6 companies studied, only 4 indicate the number of implemented projects, 3 show real cases, 2 give clear results, and only one company covers the cost of technical support.

Choosing the right crm integrator

Every manager should understand that the effectiveness of implementation automated system depends not only on professional qualities integrator. Determine in advance how much you are willing to spend on setting up, and what goals you want to achieve - to optimize current business processes or to automate the entire turnkey business.

If you want crm setup to be painless, carefully study the following criteria for companies implementing automated systems:

1. Experience in setting up and finalizing your chosen program (are there real cases on the site, customer reviews, written recommendations or thanks). It is even better if the company has previously worked with companies in the same field of activity as you.

Ask if the integrator has worked with the code of the program you need, if there are own programmers on the staff who can modify crm to suit your needs.

2. Availability of written guarantees for the provision of services. It is important that the cost of implementation is prescribed in advance in the contract, and does not grow in the process of cooperation.

3. The real goals of the company. It is more profitable to cooperate with companies that do not just sell basic packages of crm systems, but offer you design solutions based on the needs and tasks of your business.

How to understand the true purpose? Study the main stages of cooperation indicated on the integrator's website, ask how long the preparatory stage of setting up a crm system takes (do analysts study the client's business processes, do they draw a sales funnel in advance). Ask the company for visual diagrams of the described business processes, examples of past terms of reference.

4. Ask if the company has its own IT-developments. Having your own projects speaks not only of experience in programming, but also significantly expands the capabilities of your automated system due to highly specialized widgets.

Another significant plus is that you do not need to overpay to the integrator for developing custom applications from scratch.

5. Find out if the company has its own sales department, how effectively it works. If the integrator has correctly set up the sales funnel in his company, then he will qualitatively set up crm for you too;

6. Does the consultant on the implementation of his own crm when communicating with his clients. What developments and chips does he use.

Pay attention, do you receive automatic messages if you do not get through to the integrator? Do you receive trigger letters with promotions, congratulations or important information in your inbox? How quickly does the manager call back if you do not get through to the company or they forget about you for 2 days?

7. Choose the beginning of cooperation that is convenient for you. It could be free consultation, familiarization with commercial proposal or calculating the cost of implementation. Compare 5-6 offers on price, terms and quality and choose the most optimal one.

Remember that complex customization cannot take 1-2 weeks. Yes, you will be introduced to the basic modules crm systems, transfer working information into the program and conduct initial training of employees. But this is not enough for crm to work at full capacity.

Ongoing maintenance, audit and product development imply long-term cooperation, and it is here that you should pay attention to promotions and bonuses that are offered to regular customers.

Conclusion: cooperate only with those companies that are genuinely interested in the result of their work. Such integrators do not try to sell the tariff at a higher price, but select the functionality individually, taking into account the specifics of the client's business processes, their complexity and the budget allocated for automation.

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There are many misconceptions and beliefs about choosing a profession. Here is some of them.

  1. Treating the choice of a profession as unchanging.

In any field of activity, there is a change of occupation, positions as a person's qualifications grow. At the same time, the greatest success is achieved by the one who has passed the initial stages well.

Analyze the situation in the labor market. Please note that new professions appear every year. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to regularly improve your qualifications, master related specialties. Do not be afraid that the choice of a profession now, in grade 11, will fatally determine your entire destiny. Change of choice, mastering new specialty will make you a valuable specialist in demand in interdisciplinary fields of activity. The first profession, even if you later change your mind and find something more attractive, will come in handy in unexpected situations. For example, the first education of an art critic will help a lawyer, according to his second education, to understand the complex issues of inheritance of antique values ​​...

  1. Common opinions about the prestige of the profession.

In relation to the profession, prejudices are manifested in the fact that some professions important for society, occupations are considered unworthy, indecent (for example: a scavenger).

An economist or psychologist is no more useful to society than a chemist or locksmith. The prestige of the profession should be taken into account - but after taking into account your interests and abilities. Otherwise, you will master (if you will) a "fashionable" but not enjoyable specialty. Or, what good, you find yourself unsuitable for performing basic work functions ...

  1. The choice of a profession under the influence of comrades (for the company, so as not to be outdone).

We choose a profession according to our "taste" and "size", just like clothes and shoes. A sense of the group, orientation towards peers are very positive characteristics of children of your age. They are needed to master the norms of behavior in society, form the image of "I" and self-esteem. So look back at others COMPARING (yourself with your friends), not blindly repeating. Try to see how you differ from your comrades - and where you are similar. This will help you understand that if Vasya goes to the fireman (and he is a risky person), you may not like this profession (you are very careful and judicious).

  1. The transfer of attitudes towards a person, a representative of a particular profession, to the profession itself.

When choosing a profession, you must first of all take into account the peculiarities of this type of activity, and not choose a profession just because you like or dislike the person who is engaged in this type of activity.

The charm of a teacher is especially dangerous (if you admire the soulfulness of a physicist, this does not mean that you like physics on its own, outside the "kit"). In addition, guys often make a mistake, trying to get the profession of an idol - an athlete, politician, journalist, artist.

  1. Passion only for the external or some private side of the profession.

Behind the ease with which the actor creates an image on stage, there is intense, everyday work. And journalists do not always appear on TV programs - more often they shove through a lot of information, archives, talk with dozens of people - before they prepare a 10-minute message, which, moreover, will be voiced by another (an announcer on television).

  1. Identification of a school subject with a profession or poor distinction between these concepts.

There is such a thing as foreign language, and there are many professions that require the ability to speak - a translator, a guide, an international telephone operator, etc. Therefore, when choosing a profession, one must take into account what real occupations and professions are behind this subject.

To do this, it is best not just to study professiograms or vocational dictionaries. It is worth analyzing newspapers with vacancies at the labor exchange (they usually indicate what education is required for a particular vacancy). For example, a person with a linguistic education ("Russian language and literature", "foreign language" at school) can work as a teacher, translator, editor, and assistant assistant. Moreover, keep in mind that there are more professions than school subjects. You can become a lawyer, marketer, apparatchik. Professions can usually be associated with several school subjects (usually correspond to the university entrance exams for admission to this specialty). For example, a future economist at school may like both mathematics and geography at the same time.

  1. Outdated ideas about the nature of labor in the sphere of material production.

In all professions, and above all in workers, complex and interesting technology is being introduced, and the culture of work is increasing. And the computer is being introduced in absolutely all areas of activity - up to animal husbandry.

  1. Ignorance / underestimation of their physical characteristics, disadvantages that are significant when choosing a profession.

There are professions that may be contraindicated for you, because they can worsen your health condition. There are few such professions and they mainly include those in which prolonged stress of certain physiological systems is required. Computer scientists strain their eyes, and pilots strain their hearts ...

  1. Lack of knowledge of the basic actions, operations and their order when solving, thinking about the problem when choosing a profession.

When you solve a math problem, you do certain actions in a certain sequence. It would be wise to do the same when choosing a profession. Our site is just created in order to guide you, to show the main stages of solving the problem. However, do not take the instructions literally, it is even better if you are creative and develop your own own plan- a list of actions necessary for choosing a profession. This may include: analysis of offers on the education market, analysis of demand in the labor market, an objective assessment of one's abilities, inclinations, knowledge (using tests or otherwise), etc.

First. You cannot save on the project. No, we are not encouraging everyone and everyone to do a complete project, but to think in the slightest degree about this problem even before the walls are installed and everything is completed. civil works, necessary. Believe me, this will save you a lot of money and, most importantly, nerves during the subsequent installation of the system. How many times did our installers have to knock out openings ready for finishing, because it was impossible to bring the boiler or boiler into the room intended for them. How many times have you had to drill in a newly installed floor. But what can I say - it's all the time. And how many times have we had to redo almost the entire heating and hot water supply (DHW) system after the so-called “breadwinners” - private installers who promise to install the system quickly and cheaply. Miser pays twice. This truth has not yet been canceled.

Second. You cannot skimp on the quality of equipment. How many people spent a lot of money on re-repairs when, after finishing and parquet works The "cheap" tap burst, pouring boiling water over everything.

Third. You can't skimp on security systems. Only the "left" installer (the so-called "breadwinner") can offer the developer to install the boiler without a safety group. Why “breadwinner”? Yes, because after such, if I may say "specialists", it is a pleasure to talk with a client. How to be? The most reasonable way out is to contact a specialist. For some reason, no sane person would turn to an amateur dentist to save money. But in order to determine who is really a specialist and who is not, you need to understand at least the basics of the problems that need to be solved.

So, what to do if you don't want to freeze in winter or choke on the heat in summer. Let's work together to compose an algorithm of actions that should be followed, so as not to be among those who have gained rich experience, heroically overcoming problems that could have been avoided.

  1. Design work. Includes calculations of the heat loss of the building, computer hydraulic calculation of the heating system, budgeting. This will allow you to correctly select the power of the equipment and save on operating costs. Knowing the heat loss of each of the rooms, it is possible to clearly determine the power of the room heater and the power of the boiler.
  2. Selection of the piping layout and boiler connection.
  3. Heating system selection: radiator heating, warm floor, air or other.
  4. Selection of basic equipment(boiler, radiators, pipe system).
  5. Selection of the hot water supply scheme and the necessary equipment.
  6. Decision on the feasibility of using alternative energy sources(solar collectors, heat pumps).
  7. Integrated solution for ventilation and air conditioning.

This is only a small circle of those questions that are worth thinking about if you are interested in the result, and not the cheapness. For example, you have started construction or have already built a cottage. Before your inner ones begin Finishing work, you must already have a project, but it is best to have a solution to the previous seven points.

So, if you have not fulfilled design work on heating systems, water supply, ventilation, sewerage (OV and VK), then you need to contact the specialists who can do this. Usually, a normal company that successfully operates in construction business has such capabilities. By the way - this is an indicator of the level of the company. The cost of such work can vary widely, but if this company subsequently performs the work itself, then in most cases it is possible to negotiate a very symbolic price. As a rule, a competent designer will help or suggest the optimal piping and boiler connection scheme for your structure. You can go to step 3.

Which heating system to choose? Below is a table. 1, which provides a brief analysis of heating systems. Let's dwell on the two most popular systems.


The advantages of radiator systems are:

1. They are relatively easy to install and operate. What does it mean? Such systems "forgive" many more mistakes in design and installation. (An incorrectly selected or assembled radiator is easier to change, repackage the connections, replace with a more or less powerful one).

2. By placing a temperature regulator on each radiator, it is possible, as it were, to regulate the temperature in the room, but the quality of regulation is relative. For example, it is inconvenient to run from radiator to radiator and set the temperature on it, especially if there are 20-40 such radiators in the cottage. But anyone can do it.

3. They are relatively cheap. Why relative? Yes, because there are design-class radiators that can compete with any, the most expensive heating system.

4. It is not worth omitting the fact that radiator heating can compensate for all the flaws that could arise when selecting structural solutions for thermal insulation of buildings. In other words, if the builders saved on insulation, then the owner can simply increase the power or the number of radiators. (This, of course, is a controversial merit, but I consider it simply necessary to mention it).

And then what can be attributed to the minuses? There are more than enough of them. For example:

1. The distribution of the temperature field in the room is far from ideal, but also simply comfortable. For example, at a temperature in forgiveness of 23-25 ​​° C, fixed at the chest level of a person of average height (comfort zone, value according to SNiP), the temperature on the floor surface will be 14-16 ° C, and under the ceiling it will be about 30-35 ° WITH. That is, the popular wisdom that the legs should be kept warm, and the head cold, is carried out exactly the opposite.

2. How do radiator systems behave when there is no need for heating? They just rust and collect dust. It turns out that by installing a radiator heating system, you knowingly doom yourself to the need to purchase and install another system that will work for you in the summer - i.e. air conditioner.

3. Now about energy efficiency. The required amount of heat, as is known, is determined by the formula Q = cmΔt, where c is the heat capacity; m is the amount of heated substance; Δt is the temperature difference between the temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the heat exchange system. Thus, if a coolant with a temperature of 80-85 ° C is supplied to our radiators, and 60-65 ° C leaves, then Δt (temperature difference) is equal to 20 ° C. The amount and composition of the coolant are the same, so the heat capacity will be the same. And for systems "warm floor" such a temperature difference will be no more than 5-10 ° C.

4. Decor. This is, of course, a relative opinion, but some may like the very presence of "piece of iron" under the windows or on the walls, interfering with the placement of furniture, making it impossible to use the full design potential. Whoever likes radiators - we will not persuade those.

5. Radiators are dust collectors. Answer honestly, when was the last time you did a wet cleaning between radiator sections? Most likely - since the last renovation. In addition, with a certain placement of radiators in the room, strong air currents can occur, popularly referred to as "drafts".

Underfloor heating system

This is the most common case for area heating systems. Pros:

1. Comfortable temperature distribution. Heat rises from below - the classic "feet warm, and head cold." Comparison with radiators has already been discussed above. It can only be added that with such a temperature distribution, the heat losses of the building are reduced, which has a good effect on energy efficiency. Using the "warm floor" system, you can save energy up to 25%.

2. It can also be attributed to the asset that by investing in a warm floor, the consumer not only receives a heating system, but also sound and thermal insulation of the floor. If we compare the costs of underfloor heating systems and radiator systems, then this aspect cannot be discounted if we want to correctly make such a comparison.

3. Again, those who like "pieces of iron" under the windows cannot be persuaded by "dust collectors" (the list of epithets for radiators can be continued). But walk up to almost any of the newer glazed buildings and take a look. If you like the radiators that are visible there, then I'm afraid there is no way to find arguments for further persuasion.

4. And this is where the fun begins. We can assert that in operating costs the "radiator system + boiler" will always lose to the "warm floor + heat pump" system. This is a topic for a separate article.

And what are the disadvantages of heating systems with an area? They are as follows:

1. First of all, this is the fact that such systems are more difficult to install in comparison with radiator systems and require a mandatory computer calculation. How much more difficult are they? There may be discrepancies. Those who are engaged in the installation of such systems at a fairly professional level will say that there is no difference. But if radiators can be supplied by any "Soviet" plumber, then the underfloor heating system must first be calculated and then correctly assembled. Thus, not every contractor can undertake underfloor heating systems. Although, maybe this "minus" can easily turn into a "plus" for a simple consumer. If someone does not undertake the production of such work, then this will give an additional reason for thinking about who you turned to for a solution to your problems of creating comfort.

2. Now with regard to the use of such systems instead of air conditioning systems. Theoretically, such a possibility exists. But the solution to such a problem may run into certain, purely technical, difficulties - limited heat removal from the floor surface (it is impossible to cool the floor surface below 18-19 ° С). This is because a cold floor is not compatible with the concept of comfort. That is, using a warm floor, you can do without air conditioning, but it is difficult. (Or difficult, but you can - as you like). This is where the ProKLIMA system appears, which has absorbed and combined three systems in one.

3. Now about the price. Unfortunately, cheap radiators are cheaper than cheap floor heating! Sorry for the tautology. But here I would like to recall the well-known saying “what you pay is what you get”.

We have already smoothly moved on to the next item - the selection of equipment.

Equipment selection

Even an experienced person can be confused by the choice of a boiler. Which boiler: gas, electric, liquid fuel? Made in Germany, Italy, Czech Republic or domestic? Brief analysis You can see different heating devices by fuel type in the comparative table. 2. The selection of a boiler (or other heat source) must be made based on the results of calculating heat loss and the selected heating system. If you do not have radiators or other "high-temperature" heating devices, and you have chosen area heating ("warm floor" system), then it would be wise to choose a condensing boiler. What will it give? First, savings on gas consumption (up to 30-35%). Secondly, savings in chimney construction. Well, the dimensions of the condensing boiler are smaller than those of a conventional one of the same power.

A few words about the manufacturers. Each boiler seller often imposes his own brand, convincing of its advantages and not giving a choice. The best thing is to get comparative analysis ratio "price / quality" of different manufacturers, paying great attention to the issue of service of the selected brand of boilers in your region. This indicator, not the price, is the most important in making a decision. Another factor that should not be underestimated when choosing equipment is pipes. Experience has shown that a cottage with a total area of ​​200-250 m2 requires about 300 rm. pipes of different diameters, and in the presence of a "warm floor" system, this number increases two to three times. Here is a very brief comparison of the main types of pipes (Table 3).

Which pipe to conduct the distribution of the heating system in the end - you will be offered by the installation organization based on their own experience. The main thing is what kind of guarantee for pipes and work is given by the installation organization, because pipes and joints are mutilated into walls and floors.

An important question: what is the scheme for the hot water supply system? If you have more than two hot water tapping points, then we recommend that you refuse instantaneous water heaters. In this case, it is better to install a storage boiler (with heating elements or indirect heating from the boiler), which will allow you to always have an adequate supply of hot water at a stable temperature. And this is very important for comfort. Again, if you have a length of the main line to the points of water intake (washbasin, bathroom) more than 5 m, it is appropriate to conduct a DHW recirculation line, which will allow you to get hot water almost instantly when you open the tap. The main thing is to correctly state your requirements to the installers, and not rely on their approval "everything will be fine ...".

Few people now know or guess how much we will pay for gas or electricity. Why not spend an absolutely real amount once and get hot water for free four months a year, and the rest of the time - 25-40% of the need. Solar collectors can also be used to compensate for heating needs. And the use of a heat pump in combination with solar collectors and the "warm floor" system generally works wonders: from 1 kW of consumed electricity, we can get up to 4-7 kW of thermal energy. These are not fairy tales, but real, already implemented projects. Unfortunately, the format of the article does not allow me to dwell on air conditioning and ventilation systems in detail, but in no case do not leave this issue unattended. In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about who to entrust the installation.

Think whether the reduction in the cost of work by 10-15% is worth the fact that in case of problems you will find yourself with them one-on-one? How and where to look for that "plumber Vasya (Petya, Kolya, Sasha)", which did not quite high-quality installation without calculations, by eye? And a reputable company is always at hand, with its own staff of specialists. It should be recalled that the installation company must necessarily have a license and permission to perform work with sophisticated equipment and always gives a guarantee for the work performed. Therefore, the most reasonable decision is to contact the specialists of the company, which will provide you with a complete set and execution of work on a turnkey basis, provide a guarantee for materials and work performed, while giving comprehensive advice. Only armed with complete information, you will be able to make the right decision - to whom and for what to pay.

>>> Also read on the topic in the magazine

Buying furniture is a rather difficult business, especially when it comes to an expensive headset, purchased at a sufficient long term... If the purchase was successful, then the furniture becomes a highlight of the house for a long time, creating coziness and giving aesthetic pleasure to the owners and guests. A wise and prudent owner will always prefer to buy it from a reputable manufacturer with an impeccable reputation. Our company has existed for several decades and all this time pleases customers with products of exceptional quality.

Our assortment includes amazingly beautiful furniture collections made in classic Italian style. We offer luxury products for the living room, bedroom, home study, dining groups and hallway furniture. You may want to purchase from us, which makes it possible to arrange modules according to the type of a designer, collecting unique furniture compositions, based on the characteristics of the premises and the taste of the buyer.

In our stores you can purchase finished goods, as well as order the production of your favorite collection of modular furniture. Manufacturing custom-made modular furniture is a convenient service, thanks to which you can purchase modules gradually, if it is not possible to buy the entire set at once. We offer several payment options, including obtaining a loan and purchasing by installments without overpayment, paying for purchases online on our website. For regular customers we provide a system of cumulative discounts.

The MIASSMOBILI "Interiors of Italy" team wishes you pleasant shopping, and so that new furniture will delight you as long as possible, we will give you some tips to help you avoid mistakes when choosing it.

Always measure the room carefully before purchasing.

Neglecting this rule can lead to sad consequences, since the furniture may be too bulky and create cramped conditions. Therefore, arm yourself with a tape measure and meticulously measure the room, including the dimensions and location of windows, doors and ceiling heights. When ordering, you can use the services of experienced measurers of our company, which are paid separately.

Based on the measurements, our designers will build a three-dimensional model of the room and enter the furniture you like into it. And if in our or furniture showroom If you like several headsets at once, the designers will make several 3D projects of their arrangement so that you can clearly imagine how this or that headset looks in your home, see the room in various projections and make the best choice.

If desired, our clients can become interior designers themselves, creating a three-dimensional model of a room in a convenient and understandable editor. You can load 3D models of any furniture from our catalog into it, rotate and move them around the room model, which in itself is very exciting and interesting.

It is unacceptable to make measurements in rooms without finishing.

If you want to order furniture for a renovated apartment or house in advance, then it is best to do this after the flooring and ceiling finishing are ready, and the walls are prepared for wallpapering.

Don't buy furniture influenced by emotions

Probably, many, especially women, are familiar with the situation when they like some thing so much that the world becomes not nice without it, and their hands themselves reach for the wallet, just to quickly bring the desired purchase home. Unfortunately, in the case of furniture, such emotional decisions are not always successful. It happens that the product you like is completely unsuitable in size, style or color scheme to the interior of the room. As a result of the disharmony that has arisen, both the newly acquired novelty and the existing interior items, no matter how beautiful they are, will make an unfavorable impression. Therefore, we always advise clients not to neglect the services of our designers and draw up 3D interior projects, especially since we do them for free.

Before buying, be sure to check how comfortable the furniture is.

Fine quality and splendid appearance products, of course, strong arguments in favor of buying, however, crucial has convenience. Having chosen a collection of furniture on the site, be sure to pay a visit to our company salon, where you will be kindly offered to test any products. Sit on chairs, feel how comfortable you are at the table, pull out the drawers of dressers and nightstands, imagine how you put your things in them, estimate the volume of the inner space of the cabinets. Lie down on the bed you like and appreciate how comfortable it is to lie on the mattress. You may need to try several mattress models before deciding on a choice.

Take wallpaper and flooring samples with you to our brand showroom

It is highly advisable to also bring a sample of the upholstery fabric upholstered furniture, and in its absence at least take a photo of the upholstery. Samples and photographs will help our consultants to choose the best combinations of colors, textures and textures of materials. You can only be guided by the photographs of the products in our catalogs, since the photos were taken in high light, and the color of the furniture may differ slightly from the real one.

Choose furniture taking into account the characteristics of the room

A properly selected headset can visually correct such room imperfections as lack or excess of light, a small area, low ceilings, etc. If you buy furniture for a room on the ground floor, and even with windows to the north, pay attention to the collections made in light beige. Such furniture adds light to the interior, visually makes the room more spacious, creates a optimistic mood... Excessive light in very sunny rooms can be corrected with furniture in dark shades. Furniture in warm golden brown tones visually slightly narrows the space, so it is more suitable for spacious rooms. If there is a low ceiling, it is recommended to add vertical elements to the interior, for example, place tall and narrow showcases, and create a contrast in heights by picking up small dressers and bedside tables, low upholstered furniture.

Do not reject the help of our sales consultants

Seen from the outside, there is nothing easier than purchasing furniture for family dinners or holidays, but this is until you have to face the choice yourself.

Experts reveal the secret of a competent choice of a dining table, which will not only perfectly fit into your interior, but will be comfortable and functional. One of the most important criteria by which the choice will be made is the location of the table. Therefore, from the very beginning, you need to decide exactly where he will stand: in the kitchen or in the dining room. Designers advise choosing dining tables for the kitchen, starting from the size of the room. Of course, when decorating a dining room, you can use larger and more expensive models, because in this room you can avoid exposure to moisture and other harmful factors.

It is quite easy to calculate the optimal table size. It will depend on the number of people who sit down at it. Usually the number of households plus two or three guests is taken as the norm. Normally, each person sitting at the table should have about 60 centimeters of free space, the same should be the distance between the table and the wall. The next step is to choose the shape of the dining table. The range of furniture on the market is so large that you can afford even the wildest dreams. However, it doesn't hurt to look at the different options first. Profile sites on the Internet will help with this. For example, a specialized portal will offer many models of furniture for the home, including dining groups and transforming tables, so you only have to make a choice based on your wishes.

Useful information posted on the site will help you understand which table you need: rectangular or round, or maybe the most the best option will become a transforming table. The classic rectangular model is ideal if there will be big company... The round table will help create a peaceful and cozy atmosphere in the house, in which it will be very easy to get around sharp corners both literally and figuratively. The transforming table does not take up much space and is perfect for arranging studio apartments.

When choosing a dining table, be sure to pay attention to the table top. A glass-topped table will adorn a small kitchen with a modern design. In this case, it must be remembered that the glass tabletop needs constant maintenance. The solid wood dining group is best placed in a separate dining room, where natural wood can "showcase" all of its natural beauty. And finally, one more secret from the designers: do not seek to choose chairs under the table, do the opposite or place chairs from various sets around the table, this will become a creative solution to the design of the room.

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