"The decoration of a Russian hut." Presentation of the decoration of a Russian hut “What new concept did you learn about in class?”

Completed by: Kostromina S.N.,

art teacher,

MAOU "Gymnasium No. 1" Syktyvkar

Among the fields, surrounded by forests, on the hilly banks of rivers - the oldest waterways, there are majestic huts darkened by time.

Northern huts look majestic mansions. The huts in central Russia are a completely different matter. In comparison with the northern ones, they look more squat and short, but they have their own special beauty and stature.

Komi hut

Verb, purse and timber

The house was built with a carved porch,

With deliberate masculine taste

And each with their own face.

V. Fedotov

Arkhangelsk hut

Man sought to bring order to the structure of his home, conceptualize it, which meant to display, to fill with images. This was done to attract the forces of light and goodness to the house, and to protect ourselves from evil forces.

Facade of the northern hut of the 19th century.

Decorative elements of the hut: a) horse-stupid; b) towel; c) prichelina; d) casing

Izba Volga region

Komi hut

Practical work

“Using watercolors or gouache, depict a fragment of the decoration of a wooden house - the platband. Make the trim decorations intricate, elegant, weaving familiar images into the pattern. Try to maintain symmetry."

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“What new concept did you learn about in class?”

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Decoration of a Russian hut Performed by: Nadezhda Nikolaevna Okhapkina, fine arts teacher of MBOU “Secondary School No. 35” Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region

For centuries, peasants lived in the vast expanses of our Motherland.

Our great-grandfathers settled along the banks of rivers, lakes, and in wooded areas.

The direct connection with the land-nurse laid down the main traits of the Russian character: hard work, frugality, patience.

The breadth of open spaces and amazing nature gave rise to the scope and prowess of the Russian character and were reflected in the dissimilarity of folk crafts.

Our ancestors created their own unique way of life. Its core was a peasant house, a home. A hut, a cage, a barn, a bathhouse - that’s what a peasant estate is.

Pine and spruce were more suitable for construction: the trunks were straight, the wood was strong and reliable.

The house was a small Universe for man, symbolizing man’s connection with the cosmos. The roof is the sky, the cellar is the earth, the basement (cellar) is the underworld. Fathers, grandsons, great-grandsons all lived together under one roof: A family in a heap is not a terrible cloud. The houses were built large, taking into account the addition to the family, and on two floors, with light. “A family is strong when there is only one roof” - this is what our ancestors believed. The northern huts look like majestic mansions.

A hut on the middle Volga, in our Nizhny Novgorod province, is a completely different matter: small, paneled, often painted blue, decorated with wooden lace. In comparison with the northern ones, they look more squat, but they have a special beauty and stature.

“If you don’t take an ax, you can’t cut down a hut.” Up to twenty people went to build the estate. “The more hands, the easier the work.” Construction began with felling the forest. The trunk was cleared of branches and bark, and then, placing the log and stepping back a little from its end, they “chose” the hole. Four logs tied into a square formed a crown. That’s how crown upon crown was built, and the hut was erected.

Harsh winters forced the peasant to combine housing and outbuildings under one roof. The residential part was called the hut. Russian huts amaze with carpentry: there is not a single nail, but they stand and cannot be moved. A lot of patience was required to build the roof. The boards for it were hewn with an axe. They were laid so that any one could be replaced without dismantling the entire roof.

The two slopes of the roof were connected at the top by a log, at the end of which a horse's head (horse) was planed. The roof slopes were very reminiscent of wings. It seems that the horse-bird is guarding the hearth. The horse was the personification of strength, beauty and goodness.

The horse was often a symbol of the sun moving across the sky. Various symbols of the sun in the form of rosettes and half-rosettes decorated the boards - balconies and towels. The skate and sun signs on the towel symbolized the midday sun at its zenith. The left end of the pier is morning, rising, and the right end is evening, setting.

In the rich decoration of the piers you can see zigzags and various protrusions. They are complemented by small holes that look like drops. Our agricultural ancestors believed that rain comes from some celestial water reserves located above the sun and moon. Elegant ornamental rows are a figurative expression of heavenly water, i.e. "heavenly abysses"

How elegantly the huts of our Nizhny Novgorod region are decorated! The surface of the pediment seemed to have grown with fancy herbs and flowering bushes. On the frontal board, which runs along the top of the log house, plant branches spread and fantastic creatures live.

The huts of our region were cut and decorated by carvers and carpenters, who in the winter were engaged in shipbuilding and ship carving. In Gorodets, entire streets of houses covered with lace carvings have been preserved.

The hut was located “facing” (facade) to the road or river, lake. As a rule, a porch was placed on the side southern facade of the house. It faced the street. It was supported by carved pillars on which the roof was attached.

The entire porch was decorated with carved openwork valances. There were steps leading up to the porch. The porch is the “open arms” of the house. It connects him with the street and neighbors. “Living as neighbors means being in conversations.”

Windows are the “eyes” of the house. One crooked window ruins the entire façade. Canopies-platbands – “eyelashes” – were attached above the windows. They covered the windows from rain and snow. Later, “rosy cheeks” appeared - overhead platbands with shutters. The platbands with a lush finial looked like a precious setting.

The shutters served another function. From the street, everyone could see: open shutters meant the owners were already up, and closed shutters meant they were still sleeping or had gone somewhere.

Here is a casing-teremok, which once decorated the window of an upper room in the Nizhny Novgorod province. The lower tier of the casing is inhabited by fantastic creatures: there is a mermaid-bereginya (“pharaohs”, as they are called in Gorodets) - a symbol of the water element, and terrifying maned lion dogs. The fabulously outlandish images personified the lower, underground world.

These are images of animals and birds that decorated the upper part of the platbands. The images of animals are sometimes barely recognizable: they are solved so generally and decoratively. They intertwine and develop into a floral pattern.

How plastic is the wavy line outlining the images of fairy-tale creatures on the front board.

In the patterned decoration of the huts you can see symbolic images of the sun, birds, plants, animals, fantastic creatures that personified the celestial sphere, earth and the water element. Everything touched by the hand of a talented craftsman acquired festive elegance.

Our great-grandfathers lovingly hewed logs with an axe, hammered nails firmly, sang songs loudly. The shutters are patterned, fine carving. What a spacious Russian hut. Others grin, but the hut still stands today, Not broken, not burned, just a little older. We value antiquity; it has become dear to us. The work of great-grandfathers will always make someone happy.

The traditions of the old masters are still alive today. This is what a wonderful city was built by modern Gorodets carpenters and woodcarvers!

Since ancient times, people have respected their homes. There are many proverbs: “My home is my fortress”, “In one’s own home even the walls help”, “It’s good when visiting, but at home it’s better.” The house was called “native”, “darling”. A hundred years ago such houses were called huts. And they built them from wood, since there were a lot of forests around, and this material was durable and warm. The huts were built from logs stacked in rows. Such rows were called crowns. Not far from the end of the log, a hole was cut out with an ax. With the help of these recesses, the logs were firmly connected without nails. Moss was laid between the logs for warmth.

Cyberlink You Cam To keep the hut warm, a low lintel was made above the door, and a high threshold below. The porch (in our opinion, the hallway) began from the porch. Outer clothing was stored there, and in the warm season one could sleep there. The floors were laid from halves of logs - floorboards.

The stove occupied an important place in the house and was located in the center of the hut. The stove was built at a certain distance from the wall to prevent fire. There were floors between the stove and the wall. Property was stored there. According to Russian belief, a brownie lives behind the stove. He protects the house and his owners from harm

Wood was burning inside the stove. This part was called the mouth. It was closed with a flap with handles. The stove warmed and fed. They cooked food in it, baked pies, dried mushrooms and berries. The soup and porridge turned out especially tasty. The food remained warm in the stove for a long time, so it could be eaten throughout the day without heating. On the other side of the stove there was a bed where old people slept and children warmed themselves. For this, everyone loved the stove. But the mistress of the house spent most of her time there. The place near the mouth of the stove was called the women's corner. The stove always had a shelf where pots and cast iron pots were placed. To put them in or take them out of the oven, a grip was used - this is a “horned” semicircular device with a handle. A large wooden shovel was used to place the bread in the oven. When the wood burned in the stove, it was necessary to remove the ash. A poker was used for these purposes. Next to the stove there was a washstand - a clay jug for washing hands.

Red corner But the main place in the house was still the red corner. Here hung a special shelf with icons - a shrine, and under it there was a dining table. When a person entered the hut, he always directed his gaze to this corner, took off his hat, crossed himself and bowed low to the icons. And only then did he say hello. Such people were called "peasants" from the cognate word "Christian." Without praying, they did not start any business; they loved icons very much: they were carefully preserved and passed on from generation to generation. Lamps were lit near the icons - special small vessels with oil. The goddess was decorated with embroidered towels - towels.

In everyday life it was impossible to do without dishes. It was made of wood. Most often from aspen, less often from birch, maple and linden, and of course they used clay. Spoons, plates, bowls, salt shakers, scoops, ladles, buckets, and barrels were made from wood. Wicker products were in use - baskets, baskets made of bast and twigs. The Russian hut was distinguished by cleanliness: cleaning was done regularly.

Having carried out this research work, we were convinced of the correctness of our hypothesis. The Russian hut is truly an amazing creation of human hands. This work helped to learn interesting facts from the historical life of our people and gave rise to the desire to know our land, our homeland.

In a person’s life, a house is of great importance, because all the main family rituals are associated with the house: homeland, wedding, funeral. The beauty of a Russian village hut lies in the feeling of the warmth of human hands, the love of a person for his home. And the interior of a house is the inner world of a person. A house is a residential building, but a house is also a homeland, family, relatives. The presentation shows the main types of peasant buildings, carpentry tools, log cabin construction, wooden lace decorations for the pediment and many beautiful photographs and sketches of the "golden log cabin."



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Slide captions:

Russian Izba Izba - it contains age-old wisdom... Full of mysteries and simple! She is still alive, a holy chronicle of the people, the purity of our Universe! Semina Oksana Anatolyevna MBOU DOD DDT No. 1 Nickel, Murmansk region, 2012

With verb, purse and timber, the house was built with a carved porch, with deliberate peasant taste, and each with its own face. V. Fedotov

“Brus” - the utility part is located behind the living quarters four-walled five-walled six-walled twin hut “Koshel” - the utility part is located to the side and behind the living space Main types of peasant buildings

“verb” “purse” “brus north” “brus-south”

Carpentry tools 1 - ax and its parts; 2- a - plane, b - drach, c - adze, d - hacksaw, d - line, e - scraper, g - chisel, h - drill, i - two-handed saw, k - hammer, l - spirit level, m - weight (plumb line), n - drop, o - opalka, p - compass, p - meter; 3 - awl, devil, saw, chisel and knives.

Hut design plan

In the okhryapka in the okhlup in the cut in the paw chopping Methods of connecting logs of a log house

S. Yesenin And now, when the new light has touched my life and destiny, I still remain the poet of the Golden Log Hut. Log house decorated with carvings

Carved platbands.

Pediment of the house

Saw carving of balconies and cornices

My village...

Just beautiful…

house of the blacksmith K. Irillov

Sketch of a house

Sketch of roof decorations

Sketch of the roof ridge

Sketch of carved frames and windows

Outbuildings well bathhouse mill

We design...

Thank you for your attention. The hut is the sanctuary of the earth, With baked secrets and paradise; By the spirit of dewy hemp We learn the secret. N. Klyuev.

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Slide captions:

The inner world of a Russian hut Completed by: Okhapkina Nadezhda Nikolaevna, art teacher at MBOU “Secondary School No. 35” Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region

Russian villages fit surprisingly harmoniously into the surrounding nature. Feeling his home was a part of nature, where everything is subordinated to order, purposefulness and beauty, the peasant felt protected and strong, and therefore free.

The peasant perceived his home as a special world. The house had three vertical tiers, reminiscent of three worlds. The ceiling, attic and roof were likened to the world above, bright, transformed.

The hut was reminiscent of the mastered, earthly, sanctified world in which human life took place.

The basement (underground) reminded of the world of evil, evil spirits. It was considered a great punishment if the prankster was locked underground.

The entire porch was decorated with carved openwork valances. There were steps leading up to the porch. The porch is the “open arms” of the house. It connects him with the street, his neighbors. “To live in neighbors is to be in conversations.” Let's go up to the porch and open the door.

Entering the hut, willy-nilly, everyone must bow to the owners, otherwise you might get a bump on your forehead: the door to the hut is low. And the threshold, on the contrary, is high, so that there is less wind. The threshold was given special significance: it was considered the boundary between the internal and external worlds. They crossed it with prayer and the sign of the cross.

The air in the hut is special, spicy, filled with the aromas of dry herbs and baked dough. Upon entering the hut, you will immediately notice the stove; it occupies almost half of the hut. The whole way of life, the whole life of a peasant, is connected with the stove. It’s not for nothing that they say: “The oven heats and cooks, bakes and fries. She will feed, dry and delight the soul.”

In front of the mouth of the stove there is a well-arranged shelf - a wide thick board on which pots and cast iron pots are placed.

Near the mouth of the oven there are iron grips at attention, which are used to place pots in the oven and remove them.

There was also a wooden tub with water near the stove.

The stove was covered with a wall on the side or a box was attached in the form of a cabinet with doors - a golbets. It was often painted with bright colors and birds and animals were depicted on it.

The corner to the right of the stove was called the woman's kut. The hostess was in charge here, everything was equipped for cooking.

The other corner, to the left of the stove, was called red, that is, beautiful. The red corner was facing southeast. He received the first rays of the sun and, as it were, personified the dawn. Here, on an elegant corner shelf (shrine), icons were placed and a lamp was burning. In the red corner there was a table where the whole family dined. This part of the house was the most honorable. If the owner wanted to show special respect to the guest, he invited him to the front corner.

From the door to the side wall there was a shop - a horse shop, this was the place of the male half. Here, on autumn and winter evenings, men repaired shoes, made crafts, and repaired horse harnesses.

Shelves with utensils were strengthened under the ceiling, and wooden floorings were arranged near the stove - floors, on which people slept. And during get-togethers or weddings, children would climb in there and gaze with curiosity at everything that was happening in the hut.

A significant place in the hut was occupied by a wooden weaving mill - krosno, on which women weaved. Its individual parts were often decorated with round rosettes - signs of the sun, as well as sculptural images of horses.

For a newborn, an elegant cradle was hung from the ceiling. Rocking gently, she lulled the baby to the melodious song of a peasant woman.

When dusk fell, they burned a torch. A forged light was used for this.

Rainbow homespun rugs stretched across the floor. They truly resembled a road running along the ground. In many northern villages, houses with painted interiors have been preserved. Sometimes it seems that the whole world fits into an ancient house: trees and grass, birds and animals, earthly and heavenly, visible and invisible.

The house resembles a ship on which a family sails and escapes on the troubled sea of ​​everyday life, where everyone lives in harmony with each other and in harmony. A simple village hut, but how much wisdom and meaning it has absorbed! The interior of the hut is as high art as anything created by the talented Russian people.

Literature Goryaeva N.A., Ostrovskaya O.V. Decorative and applied arts in human life: A textbook on fine arts for grade 5. 2013.

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