Events for the holiday. Events for the holiday Scenario on March 8 in Ukrainian


On the stage there is a style for the presidency to ask for veterans and honored women.
Briefly add to rob Marchenko V.D.
Congratulations to the Holy See of the Director of the Technikum V.A. Gerasimenko (handing out letters to that podyak).
You are in the ensemble "Arabesques" with the composition "Merry parasolki", Miska school of arts.

(behind the scenes)
Spring came! Just a little more
The gimp will last the winter song
And again the sun is yellow road
Will illuminate the green bed with herbs.

The birds will return to the empty nests,
Bird cherry will give its dope,
And the stars will glow brighter in the sky,
Lining up in a wondrous caravan.

Well, today is a mischievous breeze,
Brought here good news for us,
Happy Women's Day
For our lovely ladies - here today.

Gold mimosa trembles in my hand,
And the calendar of the page flipped ...
Attention, friends! We begin
And we are opening our spring ball!

1. Good day, dear friends, shanovny victories!
2. Holy to you!
1. Hear it, yak dzyurchat shvidki, see through the struma.
2. Do you see? Life to be repaired on the cob, with the arrival of spring.
1. Berezen is the first month of spring - the whole spring is light. It’s not just the little birds that fly in, but the first birds arrive.
2. Berezen - a chain of warmth, beauty, kohannya.
1. For that, spring is not sacred for the first time. Women's Day. Everything is the most beautiful, that є in the worlds ”is known to you, women.
2. Dear women! Congratulations to you on Saint 8 Bereznya! We have found everything in us: і the warmth of the soul, і nіzhnіst, і harmony of vitality, vitality.
1. Svyatkov's ode, reading Pisotska Olena gr. MON-II-B
1. For you to sound the song "Spring" at the visonanny Ryabokon Svitlani gr. PN-2-B
2. When the planet suddenly froze,
I would lie dead and cold
From the gaze of a woman
Warmed by the warmth
In moments she would thaw ...
1. In nature itself, the feminine principle
Stronger, perhaps, than all other principles.
Nature has generously endowed women,
And people were put on a pedestal.
2. Look how our girls grew up!
1. And as for the young and our garnishes!
2. For you to sound virsh at the Viconanna Ufremenko Petra gr NM-III-I
There are no ugly women! -
I declare to skeptics otherwise. -
In a woman, a man opens
That which is imperceptible to the rest.
Time is picking up
Like a motor on the runway ...
It's a pity that not everyone is happy.
In the overflow of rainbows and dewdrops
On the ground, under the blue sky
There are no ugly women
Among those who love and love.
For years, you have no control over a woman,
And, of course, this is no secret.
For children, all mothers are beautiful
This means that there are no ugly women!
Let the rains ring on the sidewalks
Let the snowflakes whirl, teasing
I know: there are no old women,
If there are friends of their youth.
Woman and in grief forgets
Bring your love to the line.
There are no ugly women
You just need to see the beauty.

1. All vіdomo, scho 8 Bereznya - the whole international life is holy. It is true to celebrate this only on the territory of the former USSR. The history of the saint of all saints is called by Clara Tsetkin, who opened the revolutionary zagin, only from one woman, to fight with the exploiters. Last day, turn the day, as if it could be the day of the people of the "Zhinochiy proletarіatu". Tse - 8 birch trees.
2. Women are strong, women are low, lagid.
1. At our technical office we will see the most beautiful women and children of all earthly bodies. Mi vitaєmo you on the Day of the Woman:
There are many holidays in the country
But women's day is given to Spring,
After all, only women are subject
Create a spring holiday with affection.
So be kind, simple,
Always with a smile on your face!
Well, in a word, be you
How befits Spring!

Light woman, bride and wife,
There is a seal of goodness and eternity on it,
She knows how to love and forgive,
And therefore nature keeps in it
Like a secret of secrets, eternal life is an ovary.
And you yourself suddenly become brighter
Her earthly magic hands touching.

On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you do not know sorrow
Even a slight shadow of sadness
So that your eyes always shine
And not only on this day!

With the first drop
With the last blizzard
Happy Young Spring!
Congratulations to you
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We sincerely wish:
Happiness, health,
Good luck, beauty!

Happy March 8!
Happy spring holiday!
Let it pour everywhere
Sound fun!
Let the sun shine!
Let the frosts go away!
Let the winter drive away
A sprig of mimosa!

2. For you to sound the song "I am ready to kiss the sand" at the visonanny Mikitenko Igor, group EN-II-A
1. And at the same time, watch out: the super-woman of all hours - Verka Serduchka !!!
2. From a long time ago, from the V Art. BC the Greek philosopher, having deprived us of the message "Pam", yataite, that your children will be guided by you like that, as you are guided by your fathers ".
1. Inkoly mi rude, unimportant to their fathers. I'm going to torment you.
2. Be affectionate, kind, respectful sinami and daughters. Show love and hopefully until quietly, who gave you life, put you on your feet, and every day and night, the turbo boosted about you.
1. Mom! Chi є in light is the word beautiful? We have kind and good hands, the best and the best in our hearts. In new nicoli love does not go out. Vono nikoli do not get lost in baiduzhe.
2. To sound the song "Mama" at the visonanny Lyulyakinaya Tamari gr D-II-І.
1. In the Ukrainian language - a mother, in the Georgian Nana, in the Avar affectionately - a woman. Thousands of words on earth have a special share.
2. Woman-mother! The words turn the road itself and close to the skinned people. All mothers have a Christmas.
1. For you to sound the song "Mother's Heart" at the Vicon of Vazhkoya Marya Gr. D-I-1.
2. 8 Bereznya - nadovgo zapam ”yaayut tse sacred women, and more nadovіkami ... Infection you will feel the bits of turbot vipadaє for your share.

Woke up. I remembered. He jumped up. I got dressed. Grabbed a string bag. I ran. Grocery store, bakery, collective farm market. I took it. That, the fifth or tenth, and a magazine with a crossword puzzle - for the outlook. Suddenly I remembered - I forgot! Returned. Rolled. Bargained. I realized that the most precious thing is still not health and not even politeness, but flowers. Scraped up what was left. Bought. I came running. Pounding in my ears, dazzling in my eyes. Forced out a smile. He smacked. I handed it over. I caught my breath. Undressed. He pulled the oldest out of the washing machine, put the youngest on the pot - and into the kitchen.
I washed it. Cleaned it up. I adjusted it. Cut ... Cut my finger. I filled the wound, trousers and floor with iodine. I began to search. Fridge. Cupboard. Floor. Above. Under. Shelf. Oven. The mezzanine ... I took out the eldest from there. It turned out that the frying pan was on the stove. Included. I threw it away. Mixed it up. I added salt, pepper, onions, sour cream ... I pulled out a bottle of iodine from the sour cream. For this he spanked the oldest, took the youngest off the pot. I rushed to the phone. Of course, hers. Congratulations, wish ... Sniffed. I rushed to the kitchen. I turned off the gas, opened the window ...
The bell rings again. Met the guests. I sat him down. Spun around. Spun. Fed. He got me drunk. Amused - with a concert from Ostankino. Carried out. Collected the remains. Collected the fragments. He took the cognac from the oldest one, took the youngest one out of the cake. Took it. I washed it. Grind. He turned on the TV. Swept up. I put the youngest to bed. An hour and a half later, with the battle of the elder. I wanted to take a magazine with a crossword puzzle - I fell down. Before the eyes are multi-colored circles, ellipses, eights. And suddenly, very close to her eyes, so large, frightened ...
But this is only one day a year. She is all 364, seven days a week, like a squirrel in a wheel. And she always manages to feed, wash, iron, tidy up, mend, sew, sip ... and if God forbid the older one sneezes or the younger one coughs, she gives them tea with raspberries and puts on mustard plasters, and already the night does not sleep. Listens, worries.
She knows how, it seems, everything in the world: to make a massage, to loop the parquet, to solve an algebraic problem, to compose a lullaby and to fix an electric razor. She just doesn't know how to get tired. Perhaps that is why premature wrinkles have gathered in her eyes, early graying gleams in her hair.
What if you help her? No, not only today, on this single day, but on those 364. At least to the extent of their weak strength and feeble capabilities. Maybe then she too will have time to read a new novel, watch a sensational film and look at herself. And wrinkles will be smoothed out, and graying will disappear, and she will always be tender, fresh and beautiful, like those flowers that I almost forgot to give her today.

1. For you, dear women, to sound the song "This World" by the vocal ensemble.
2 To sound the song "Kohannya" at the visonanny Mischenko Dmitra, group NM-І-2, Volochaya V, yacheslav group NM-III-1.
1. At all our sacred end. For the first time it is said, “In the holy of you, dear women! Do not let you be too patient, as we will need you so at once.
2. Let your kindness bring warmth to the hearts of people close to you! Come to your house to sound music, music, kindness.
1. First and foremost, everyone will be amazed by your beauty. Bo vie - tse itself is beautiful, well є. You are the most beautiful, the most beautiful picture at the sights.
2. Additional information.

Veducha: Shanovnіgostі! We didn’t care about our sacred fun song. Aja, even in the spring before us, a miracle is sacred - 8 Bereznya is a day, if the few words that you want to do! I want to say more:
Good luck, happy, good luck,
Hai smіhlunaєvvashіyhatі!
Vita you are a very childish garden,
Svyatkovy concert - from our children!

1 dit. You can go to light-frosting:
Re-make the winter in summer,
You can sea and ocean,
I will find the mountain by storm,

2 dit. You can go through the blanks and hash,
Only without mommy can help.
Bonaydorozhchestoit behind words -
All at once: In the light of a mustache, repair with mothers!

"Axis nareshty, spring came" ("Moscow windows")
\ go to the message \
3 dit. If you show up in my charms
On that kilimkovіzletіvbi until the stars,
Schobzirkunayasnish ​​for chmaramids by the way,
I dear matus.

4 dit. Vmivaєkіshkakoshenyat, vmivaєkіzkіzkakoshenyat.
Me with water with a cute little mummy puppy.
І we clean Sonechkovskaastodnya because of the sky,
І in nyogo, mabut, mom є, bohto yogovmivaє?

5 dit. ... Before mamibіzhitzaychenyatkovuhata
Є mom in the calf, at the gusset,
І navit, little six-legged bug
Great road to mamidol.

6 dit. Bo mom will tell the child,
We are hungry, we are hungry for the year,
Without mom, life would have frozen on the lights,
Prodigal family - little child!

7 dit. I will fall over, I will laugh,
I wonder at the sun - I bach my mother,
Kind, my dear mother, my son.

Carlson: I chuv, it's sacred here to go. You are supervised
potatanilo! I am the most beautiful producer in the world.

Veducha: Lyubiy Karlson, our mothers are holy
granny. I want to give you a gift.

Carlson: Sure, treba! I am fixing at your fellowship
TV program about talented children, and for participation in
nіymenіpotrіbnіpravzhnіartisti! I will propon to you
take a part in my program and take a part in television?
Veducha: Men like that, well, little kids, wants to drink in
TV show?

Carlson: Todіpochinaєmo! Assistant, TV viewer at the studio!
And you, charming madam, you will be our show
\ viduchazaymaєmіsce u televizorі \
Carlson: Axis, trimming scenes. And my need is in my
TV center, follow the robot cameras.
\ enter \

Veducha: Good day, dear viewers! In tseisvyatkovy
day, our TV channel "Vishenka" presents talanovites,
miracles, gifted to that old children of the old group
Kalinka. And fixing our concert is possible
"Dance with stars-3" - show the stars of the group "Kalinka".

"Dance with parasols"

Veducha: And at the same time - a report from the springtime, and itself - from
lisovoigalyavin, de prokidayutsya pershіproliski.

"Icicles were crying in the yard"

Veducha: Dear viewers, now and in our
Olenka TV channel popular program “Croc
to the age of 5-6 years at the nomination -
dance. Stink to dance us an arc
in vіnochkami.
Dance with vіnochki.

Veducha: Dyakuєmo! And at the same time, loved by all the mothers
cartoon pause. Children, you love cartoons
wonder? And what about you? And you know, de know,
Do you have a bag of cichmultics? About us
our salt.

Veducha: Would you like to think about it? I try to organize:
Divimosyanayvesselishu tanaysmishnishu transmission for
matured that child "Uralash".

Scene "Well, mother, well, that's it."

Veducha: Without help, there is no way you can go. Until who
turn for joy?

Carlson: You can’t sit behind the scenes, because you have duzhetsіkavo. I know,
shonaimudrіsha and rasumnіsha for all - tse granny.
Children, grate your grandmother garnimi
vіrshikami and pіsney.

"A song about a grandmother"
8 dit. If I get up early
For less than a woman's gazeє,
Read more
9 dit. Vaughn's mittens are in,
About a mustache menіrozazhe,
Yak my grandmother love -
Thank you, take a dip.

Veducha: And at the same time we will play at Veseleprannya,
help your grandmothers in the mastery. Treba bude
viprati and grow up
for help.

Carlson: If you will be grateful, maybe I will stay
leading? Dyakuyu. The fix is ​​a lot of fun.

Gra "Veseleprannya"

Frekєn Bok: \ z vibration \ A ..., axis ty de, anu, vilaz z tsyogo
box, I will
licorice life!
Carlson: You know the torturer Frecken Bock!
Madam, not a lamaitetelevizor!

Frecken Bock: Tsetivkravmoy buns, I'll show you!
\ bіgaє for Carlson \
Carlson: And your milk has gone bad!
Frecken Bock: Oh my milk! \ to live until the exit \ Milk?
I don't have any milk.
over me?

Carlson: Madam! I ask you, take it easy, shhovisobi
allow me on such a day?
Frekun Bok: Yakiyce "such day", tsetivkravmoi
Carlson: Me? That I’m for a whole day, I’m teaching
TV boys, so little kids?
Frecken Bock: So cool, artist?
Carlson: Well, slyly, axis, listen, whistupє
best at light
voices that disgusting \
Frecken Bock: Get grati here!
Carlson: I fix it here, I fix it there! \ enter
іnshybіkzali, that znovugraє \
Frecken Bock: \ curled up \ My head, right away
fall apart!
Veducha: Carlson, you’re talking about it yourself.
sacredly, pin your heart to our guest!
Carlson: Good, let's get started, that
bakeFrekun Bock smachnikhmlintsіv!

Gra "Spechimlintsi"
Frecken Bock: Dyakuyu, I don’t have any puppies, tse
so nice ...
Carlson: Madam, I’m laughing, you and I
zatantsyuєmo. Malyata, let's get started
Carlson: Axis i our transmission has ended. To you
deserved it, little kids? And you, daddy!
Veducha: Dyakuєmo, dear Carlson!
Carlson: And you, madam, I will ask you for my guest.
Frecken Bock: Oh, dyakuyu! Good luck, little kids!
\ go \
Veducha: Ours will end! Doroginashіzhіnki!
We'll give you a hundred rocky life,
Without grief, tears and bubbly.
Hai you will be happy and healthy,
For many years, wait!

SCENARIO OF DEDICATION TO THE DAY OF WOMEN On the stage there is a style for the presidium in how veterans and deserved women are requested.
Briefly add to rob .........
Congratulations to the saint from the director of the technikum ..........
You are in the ensemble "Arabesques" with the composition "Merry parasolki", Miska school of arts. (behind the scenes)
Spring came! Just a little more
The gimp will last the winter song
And again the sun is yellow road
Will illuminate the green bed with herbs. The birds will return to the empty nests,
Bird cherry will give its dope,
And the stars will glow brighter in the sky,
Lining up in a wondrous caravan. Well, today is a mischievous breeze,
Brought here good news for us,
Happy Women's Day
For our lovely ladies - here today. Gold mimosa trembles in my hand,
And the calendar of the page flipped ...
Attention, friends! We begin
And we are opening our spring ball! 1. Good day, dear friends, shanovny victories!
2. Holy to you!
1. Hear it, yak dzyurchat shvidki, see through the struma.
2. Do you see? Life to be repaired on the cob, with the arrival of spring.
1. Berezen is the first month of spring - the whole spring is light. It’s not just the little birds that fly in, but the first birds arrive.
2. Berezen - a chain of warmth, beauty, kohannya.
1. For that, spring is not sacred for the first time. Women's Day. Everything is the most beautiful, that є in the worlds ”is known to you, women.
2. Dear women! Congratulations to you on Saint 8 Bereznya! We have found everything in us: і the warmth of the soul, і nіzhnіst, і harmony of vitality, vitality.
1. Svyatkov's ode, reading Pisotska ............
1. For you to sound the song "Spring" at the Vicon ................
2. When the planet suddenly froze,
I would lie dead and cold
From the gaze of a woman
Warmed by the warmth
In moments she would thaw ...
1. In nature itself, the feminine principle
Stronger, perhaps, than all other principles.
Nature has generously endowed women,
And people were put on a pedestal.
2. Look how our girls grew up!
1. And as for the young and our garnishes!
2. For you to sound virsh at the viconanna ...............
There are no ugly women! -
I declare to skeptics otherwise. -
In a woman, a man opens
That which is imperceptible to the rest.
Time is picking up
Like a motor on the runway ...
It's a pity that not everyone is happy.
In the overflow of rainbows and dewdrops
On the ground, under the blue sky
There are no ugly women
Among those who love and love.
For years, you have no control over a woman,
And, of course, this is no secret.
For children, all mothers are beautiful
This means that there are no ugly women!
Let the rains ring on the sidewalks
Let the snowflakes whirl, teasing
I know: there are no old women,
If there are friends of their youth.
Woman and in grief forgets
Bring your love to the line.
There are no ugly women
You just need to see the beauty. 1. All vіdomo, scho 8 Bereznya - the whole international life is holy. It is true to celebrate this only on the territory of the former USSR. The history of the saint of all saints is called by Clara Tsetkin, who opened the revolutionary zagin, only from one woman, to fight with the exploiters. Last day, turn the day, as if it could be the day of the people of the "Zhinochiy proletarіatu". Tse - 8 birch trees.
2. Women are strong, women are low, lagid.
1. At our technical office we will see the most beautiful women and children of all earthly bodies. Mi vitaєmo you on the Day of the Woman:
There are many holidays in the country
But women's day is given to Spring,
After all, only women are subject
Create a spring holiday with affection.
So be kind, simple,
Always with a smile on your face!
Well, in a word, be you
How befits Spring! 2
Light woman, bride and wife,
There is a seal of goodness and eternity on it,
She knows how to love and forgive,
And therefore nature keeps in it
Like a secret of secrets, eternal life is an ovary.
And you yourself suddenly become brighter
Touching her earthly magic hands. 3
On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you do not know sorrow
Even a slight shadow of sadness
So that your eyes always shine
And not only on this day! 4
With the first drop
With the last blizzard
Happy Young Spring!
Congratulations to you
We sincerely wish:
Happiness, health,
Good luck, beauty! 5
Happy March 8!
Happy spring holiday!
Let it pour everywhere
Sound fun!
Let the sun shine!
Let the frosts go away!
Let the winter drive away
A sprig of mimosa! 2. For you to sound the song "I am ready to kiss the sand" by the Vicon .........
1. And at the same time, watch out: the super-woman of all hours - Verka Serduchka !!!
2. From a long time ago, from the V Art. BC the Greek philosopher, having deprived us of the message "Pam", yataite, that your children will be guided by you like that, as you are guided by your fathers ".
1. Inkoly mi rude, unimportant to their fathers. I'm going to torment you.
2. Be affectionate, kind, respectful sinami and daughters. Show love and hopefully until quietly, who gave you life, put you on your feet, and every day and night, the turbo boosted about you.
1. Mom! Chi є in light is the word beautiful? We have kind and good hands, the best and the best in our hearts. In new nicoli love does not go out. Vono nikoli do not get lost in baiduzhe.
2. To sound the song "Mama" by the Vicon ................
1. In the Ukrainian language - a mother, in the Georgian Nana, in the Avar affectionately - a woman. Thousands of words on earth have a special share.
2. Woman-mother! The words turn the road itself and close to the skinned people. All mothers have a Christmas.
1. For you to sound the song "Mother's Heart" at the Vicon ...............
2. 8 Bereznya - nadovgo zapam ”yaayut tse sacred women, and more nadovіkami ... Infection you will feel the bits of turbot vipadaє for your share. He.
Woke up. I remembered. He jumped up. I got dressed. Grabbed a string bag. I ran. Grocery store, bakery, collective farm market. I took it. That, the fifth or tenth, and a magazine with a crossword puzzle - for the outlook. Suddenly I remembered - I forgot! Returned. Rolled. Bargained. I realized that the most precious thing is still not health and not even politeness, but flowers. Scraped up what was left. Bought. I came running. Pounding in my ears, dazzling in my eyes. Forced out a smile. He smacked. I handed it over. I caught my breath. Undressed. He pulled the oldest out of the washing machine, put the youngest on the pot - and into the kitchen.
I washed it. Cleaned it up. I adjusted it. Cut ... Cut my finger. I filled the wound, trousers and floor with iodine. I began to search. Fridge. Cupboard. Floor. Above. Under. Shelf. Oven. The mezzanine ... I took out the eldest from there. It turned out that the frying pan was on the stove. Included. I threw it away. Mixed it up. I added salt, pepper, onions, sour cream ... I pulled out a bottle of iodine from the sour cream. For this he spanked the oldest, took the youngest off the pot. I rushed to the phone. Of course, hers. Congratulations, wish ... Sniffed. I rushed to the kitchen. I turned off the gas, opened the window ...
The bell rings again. Met the guests. I sat him down. Spun around. Spun. Fed. He got me drunk. Amused - with a concert from Ostankino. Carried out. Collected the remains. Collected the fragments. He took the cognac from the oldest one, took the youngest one out of the cake. Took it. I washed it. Grind. He turned on the TV. Swept up. I put the youngest to bed. An hour and a half later, with the battle of the elder. I wanted to take a magazine with a crossword puzzle - I fell down. Before the eyes are multi-colored circles, ellipses, eights. And suddenly, very close to her eyes, so large, frightened ...
But this is only one day a year. She is all 364, seven days a week, like a squirrel in a wheel. And she always manages to feed, wash, iron, tidy up, mend, sew, sip ... and if God forbid the older one sneezes or the younger one coughs, she gives them tea with raspberries and puts on mustard plasters, and already the night does not sleep. Listens, worries.
She knows how, it seems, everything in the world: to make a massage, to loop the parquet, to solve an algebraic problem, to compose a lullaby and to fix an electric razor. She just doesn't know how to get tired. Perhaps that is why premature wrinkles have gathered in her eyes, early graying gleams in her hair.
What if you help her? No, not only today, on this single day, but on those 364. At least to the extent of their weak strength and feeble capabilities. Maybe then she too will have time to read a new novel, watch a sensational film and look at herself. And wrinkles will be smoothed out, and graying will disappear, and she will always be tender, fresh and beautiful, like those flowers that I almost forgot to give her today. 1. For you, dear women, to sound the song "This World" by the vocal ensemble.
2 To sound the song "Kohannya" by the Vicon .............
1. At all our sacred end. For the first time it is said, “In the holy of you, dear women! Do not let you be too patient, as we will need you so at once.
2. Let your kindness bring warmth to the hearts of people close to you! Come to your house to sound music, music, kindness.
1. First and foremost, everyone will be amazed by your beauty. Bo vie - tse itself is beautiful, well є. You are the most beautiful, the most beautiful picture at the sights.
2. Additional information.


WITH ceremonial price

Leading : Hello, dear viewers, dear mothers and grandmothers! Today we met again in our festive hall to celebrate the first spring holiday - a holiday of kindness, light, life and love!

So here we go!

To the soundtrack of the song "Today is a holiday" children, holding hands, run into the music hall and are located throughout the hall in a checkerboard pattern, facing the audience. The children are holding flowers, balls, willow twigs, ribbons. They sing.

On the losing streak, several children recite a verse, one line each:

Dear mothers, grandmothers and aunts,

It's good that at this hour

You are not at work, not at work,

In this room, look at us!

We love you very, very, very,

Very, infinitely - it's not a secret;

However, in short:

You have never been loved and are not!

Children take seats, sit down. 2 boys come out - presenters.

1st presenter: Hello dear mothers and grandmothers!

2nd presenter: Our compliments, dear girls!

1st presenter: Today, on the eve of the spring holiday, we, men, want to express to you our deep love, respect and great gratitude.

2nd presenter:

When everything shines around

Let us congratulate you

Happy International Women's Day!

1st presenter:

We wish you health, happiness,

So that they never feel sad

So that you always prosper

In the name of happiness and goodness.


Dear girls, mothers, grandmothers! We congratulate everyone on the first spring holiday, on International Women's Day. This is a holiday glorifying a woman, a woman-worker, a woman-mother, a keeper of the hearth. There is nothing in the world lighter and more disinterested than a mother's love. Mother's love warms, inspires, gives strength to the weak, inspires heroic deeds. In all languages, all over the world, only one word sounds the same, the great word is mother!

All the children sing the song "Mom" . After the song, a group of children recites poetry.

With the first rays at this bright hour!

Dear mothers, we love you very much

And we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

1st boy: If mom is at home, the sun shines brighter,

If mom is not there, it’s bad alone;

I promise you, let's finish the holiday,

I will hug my mother tightly.

( WITHpore children about whose mother is better)

2nd girl: My mom sings the best

3rd girl: And mine tells fairy tales!

4th girl: Do not boast, because you do not know

How much my mother gives affection!

2nd girl: I have the same mom's nose

And the same, by the way, hair color!

And although I am shorter, but still

Our eyes and nose are alike!

3rd girl: Joy and sadness is a must

we share with mom again and again,

Because a daughter for every mother is

Faith and hope and love.

4th girl: Like two drops, with my mother we are alike,

And when we leave the yard,

Passers-by often say

That she is my older sister.

2nd boy: Well then my turn has come,

Without hesitation, I’ll tell you straight away.

With mom we are generally one to one,

Even I also frown stubbornly.

Leading: You don't have to argue

Trust me without hindrance,

I confirm to you in detail,

Your moms are really the best!

1st girl: And now relatives, loved ones, affectionate

We would like to congratulate you on this important day.

And wishing beautiful, fabulous days

We will sing a song for mummies.

Song about mom. All children perform.

1st presenter: Today is a holiday for mothers, but grandmothers are also mothers ?!

2nd presenter: Of course, and therefore now is the time to say kind words for our grandmothers.

1st presenter: Happy holiday, grandmothers, mothers mothers,

A woman's heart cannot grow old

Let not the wounds of the soul disturb

And you shouldn't regret the years!

Girl: Very my grandmother,

I love my mother!

She has a lot of wrinkles

And on the forehead a gray strand.

I just want to touch

And then kiss!

2nd presenter: I, guys, am not rude to grandmother,

Because I love my grandmother!

So let's congratulate grandmothers,

We wish grandmothers not to be ill!

Girl: There are many different songs about everything.

And now we will sing about grandma!

A song about a grandmother.

Scene "Three Moms"

I rewrote the words a little, this is what happened:

In the center of the hall or on the stage there is a table, three chairs. On one of the chairs is a doll. On the table are a tablecloth, a dish with four cheesecakes, a samovar, mugs, saucers.


Dear mothers, dear grandmothers. What wonderful our guys today, what kind, sunny! Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Our children are often so stubborn!

Each of the mothers knows this.

We say something to our children

But they don't hear their mothers at all.


Tanya came from school about the bottom

She lowered the heavy briefcase.

She quietly sat down at the table

And the doll Manyasha asked:

Tanya enters, goes to the table and sits down on a chair, picks up the doll in her arms.


How are you, daughter? How is your day, fidget?

You were probably tired of waiting for me?

Sit out all day without lunch again?

Did you go for a walk without a hat? Get the belt.

Oh, it's just trouble with these daughters,

Go to dinner, turntable!

Eat everything, get well while you are young.

There will be a cheesecake for sweet!


Tired mom came home from work

(slow music sounds)

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Brightly marked for centuries.
The most beautiful of women -
May the sun always applaud her
So she will live for centuries,
The most beautiful of women
A woman with a child in her arms!

Hello, today we are glad to welcome our dear guests, all the guys, and, of course, the sweetest, beloved, dear and beloved mothers!

“Oh, how wonderful is this word“ mother ”! Today we would like to give pleasant moments of joy to sitting mothers and twice to mothers - grandmothers. Today, all the attention is only to you - our relatives!

This word sounds the same
In various earthly languages
Whispers - mom! - caressing baby,
Dozing off in her arms.
The first step is the first fall
And through his tears he calls his mother,
Mom is a true salvation
Only mom can save you from pain.

Mom, Mom! How much warmth is concealed by the magic word, which is called the most dear, close, dear and only person. Mom follows our path in life. Mother's love always warms us!

Mom is the sunshine
The look of wonderful gentle eyes.
Will save from a thousand troubles
And it will help a thousand times.

Childhood is a golden time.
How wonderful to know what's wrong with me
Mom, like an angel, is kind
My best friend, dear.

Children sing a song to the tune "Little Country"

Mommy is the best in the world
We love mom
Mommy, all our smiles
The best dreams in the world.
Mom is always at home
She has a lot of worries
We know that mom is very strong
Tired by evening

Mom is no dearer
Mom is no dearer
What is our beloved mother
A secret of youth?

We will raise our children
And many years later
We will also find out the most important
Mom's big secret.
Only love big mom
Doesn't let me get old
May she be our dear
He still lives for a long time.

Chorus: the same

Our mothers are such good ones!
Our mothers are lovely, dear!
We swear to be protection
And this vow will not be forgotten!
Forgive us for every wrinkle
After all, because of us, it is not sweet for you
Forgive us for every tear
From my own cheek, furtively rubbed.
And no matter how hard it is for us in life
When melancholy frightens with a black shadow
Protects us from all troubles
Beloved mothers blessing.

Competition "Hunters" with a ball tied to the left leg, try to burst the ball of another

From the heart, in simple words,
Let's talk, friends, about mom.
We love her like good friend,
Because we have everything together with her.
For the fact that when we have a hard time,
We can cry on our own shoulder.
We love her also for the fact that sometimes
Eyes become stricter in wrinkles.
But it is worth confessing to come with your head -
Wrinkles will disappear, a thunderstorm will rush.
For the fact that always, without concealment and directly
For the fact that always without concealment and directly
We can trust her with our hearts.
And just because she is our mother,
We love her dearly and dearly. \

Us early this morning

The ringing of the drop woke me up.

The long-awaited one has arrived.

Spring day, not frosty,

The day is cheerful and mimosa,

Cloudless day, not snowy,

An excited and tender day.

Day of surprises and gifts

Nothing is pity for you!

Sun shining bright

Obedience, adoration!

Inspiration and colors

The best, kind words!

On this day for all men

There are a hundred reasons for excitement.

Spring day


Happy day

And beautiful -

It's mom's day.

Solemn day,


Gift day,

Award -

It's mom's day!

Excited day


Flower day,

Kind, gentle -

It's mom's day!

The whole city is filled with flowers, very different: white, red, yellow; tulips, roses, carnations. And what could that mean? The answer is simple: spring has come, and with it comes a wonderful bright holiday - International Women's Day, a holiday loved and expected by everyone. We all celebrate it with joy, say beautiful words to each other, give gifts, but what kind of holiday is it and where did it come from?

Women's day appeared back in Ancient rome... Each representative of the fairer sex on this day could feel truly happy. Love, care, attention of men and even gifts - all this was addressed to women. Everyone could feel like real women on this day, even slaves on this day could receive gifts and be released from work, if the hostess gives consent.

A peculiar ritual on this day was a visit by all the women of Rome to the temple of the goddess Vesta - the keeper of the hearth. Fragrant wreaths and beautiful outfits on this day could be seen on the Romans.

Competition "Cinderella" to separate rice from buckwheat

The winter cold is still crumbling -

The eighth is just the day of spring -

But entirely with golden flowers

All the streets are already full.

It's not a holiday for us,

Men have a hundred worries:

Spring first holiday

Walking along the streets.

In a fluffy yellow dress

He entered every house.

Eight on the pavement

Displays the student.

Into the cloudless blue

The brave pilot took off

A huge number, eight,

I drew the whole sky.

Who do we learn from


Have smoky blueberries

On the bush

At the starling flying

With a worm

By the meadows combed

By the breeze,

At the ears ripening

On the fields,

By the rain that has come

In the clouds,

At the jester giving

Laughter to people

And the sun is affectionate

For all,

At the big nodding

Us elephants

And daddy's song

That without words -

Everything open

Around us

But first - at my mother's

Good hands.

Guys and adults, and what proverbs do you know about the mother.

Contest "Rezinochka"

Mom - not only does not get enough sleep at night, is worried and takes care that the child is healthy and happy. Mom is a window into Big world! She helps the child to understand the beauty of the world. Mom is with us all our life! And no matter how old you are - five or fifty - you always need a mother, her affection, her look. And the more your love for mommy, the brighter and more joyful life.

I smile like mom
I also frown stubbornly.
I have the same nose
And the same hair color
I'm shorter than me
But still, the eyes and nose are alike
We walk in step: me and mom.
So similar - they say.
Only mom looks straight
I'm left and right
And I also look back!
I don’t want to argue with you.
Trust me so.
My mom is the best
Best of all in the world!

The month of March.
The eighth number.
There is no rest for me and dad.
What should we give mom to us?
What to buy for the holiday?

We bought her some candy
And a bouquet of snowdrops.
We came home with a bouquet
We laughed, drank tea,
Together with mom candy
We ate by chance.

And then a pile of dishes
The three of us washed.
Have washed all the dishes
And they rubbed the floor afterwards.

Mom said in the evening:
- I'm not tired at all,
So little business today!
I just got younger.
What an event!
I was lucky today.
It's a pity that tomorrow is not the eighth,
And the ninth.

We answered her directly:
- We are not too lazy to help you,
We agree that mom
Younger every day.

Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

Our mothers have one more profession - housewife. The house is supported by my mother. They take care of their children and husband, cook, clean and do a lot.

Did you know that during the year mothers wash out 18,000 knives, forks and spoons, 13,000 plates, 8,000 cups.

The total weight of the dishes that our mothers carry from the kitchen cabinet to the dining table and vice versa reaches 5 tons per year.

During the year, our mothers go shopping for more than 2,000 km.

You give the mystery of the dawn
And kiss the warmth!
Streams of sunlight
Your holy kindness!

Know, mommy, that you are priceless
Be young and cheerful!
Your smile is precious
And you do not care about the year!

You know, mom, it's a normal day

We can't live without you!

The word mom is so familiar

Talk to us from the first days!

One has only to look closely -

The whole world will warm around

With the warmth of my mother's heart

Gentle, kind hands ...

Our troubles and adversities

Retreat before you

It becomes clearer to us every year

How are you fighting for us!

Mom, - there is no friend dearer -

Do you believe in our every takeoff!

Who else will help you ?!

Who else, like you, will understand ?!

Competition "Table for two" blindfolded feed an apple

Know, mom, you are necessary
I need every moment and hour!
You are adored, loved,
Always and right now!

I wish you to be always beautiful
Cheerful, sincere, dear!
Happy life and happy
Careless, joyful - with me!

You are a wonderful mistress, a wonderful mother,
You can neither add nor subtract!
Caring is in the blood, you are full of love,
She was born beautiful and wise!

Thank you, dear, you are our amulet,
In any weather - in the heat, in the slush, in the snow!
You are our sun, you are our amulet,
We wish you long, happy years!

Thank you mommy for your childhood
Your love and tenderness of hands!
You left me a legacy
A palette of feelings and heart beat!

Be generous as always
Your world has arisen from tenderness!
Be all the same - good-natured
Beautiful, clean, like a spring!

My mum

1.You will wake me up at dawn

You will gently touch your hair.

Loving kiss as always

And a smile will warm me.

When you are next to me, I feel warm!

And calm at heart and light!

In the whole world, only we - you and me!

And I sing about it, my mother!

My mom is the best in the world.

She shines like the sun in my life

Mom is the best friend in the world 2 times

How I love the warmth of her hands

Mom, mom, my mom! 2 times

2. You will always understand everything and forgive

I know you don't sleep at night.

Because you love me

Because I'm your daughter!

Competition "Do not let yourself dry" drink juice through a straw at a speed

Have fun, don't get bored
And rest more often
To at home, at work
You have always been held in high esteem.
My dear grandmother
I wish you happiness
Lush pies, sweets
Know that there is no better than you!
Mother's Day - Women's Day
The prankster congratulates you
Flowers will give you fate
And I, of course, as always
I congratulate you with all my heart
So that you shine with beauty
I wish you happiness forever
So that you never get sick.

Babushkin's dressing gown

Oh how it smells

Your robe!

Like a salad

And chocolate,

Smells like pike


And cabbage


Smells like dumplings

And greaves,

And Sunday


White plump


And sesame seeds

And halva ...

In this smell


Our whole house ...

We wish our mothers
Never lose heart
Every year to be more beautiful
And scold us less.
We wish you dear
Always be healthy
So that you live a long, long time
Never got old.
We want for no reason
You would be given flowers
Men would smile
Everything from your beauty.
May adversity and sorrow
Will bypass you
So that every day of the week
Was like a day off for you.


For giving life
What is patient and kind!
What's on the attention and care
You are amazingly generous!

For the fact that with my sensitive heart
You warm every moment!
For giving selflessly
Holy spring of your soul!

For sharing the joy of a joke,
That you appreciate help and success!
May God send you health
More happiness, long years!

Competition "Black cat" find a ball blindfolded

God created a Woman once from a rib,

Having put all the best creations into it:

Love planet, spaceport of Good,

Galaxy of Care and Patience,

Beauty comet, meteor of Passion,

Coquetry nebula and coquetry,

Mystery rainbow shadow

And other space vehicles.

And with the Cosmos a magical connection

You have unconditional for all households.

After all, you have been given cosmic power

To solve problems of enormous complexity!

Behind you, like behind a stone wall,

May you always - not only on a spring day -

Failure is bypassed!

Oh, Woman! Congratulations!

Today we are convinced once again that our mothers are the most creative, funny, resourceful, artistic, the most-the most ... Thank you for taking the time and coming to us today. Come more often, because school is your children's second home, and therefore your home. Goodbye!


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