Phoenix risen from the ashes is a legend. The Legend of the Immortal Phoenix. Fire bird in the myths of ancient Greece and Rome

April was a very difficult energy month for me. Fate just tested me for strength.

Events happened so quickly and unpredictably that I felt like a surfer trying to ride the fiery wave of change.

And one day, after a difficult emotional test, I had a desire to express this on the canvas.

I wanted to portray the bird PHOENIX. It just came into my mind that I am a fire bird. I knew from childhood fairy tales that there is a Firebird and Finist the Clear Falcon, but my imagination grabbed this particular Phoenix from the memory of the soul.
I took paints and created on the canvas what my imagination drew: somewhere I saw it, maybe I dreamed, but this image was clearly in front of me.

When the picture was finished, I felt so light and free, as if I breathed fresh air.

An interesting transformation, I thought, and studied in detail the information about this miraculous bird called PHOENIX.

Phoenix(possibly from the Greek φοίνιξ, “purple, crimson”) - in some ancient mythologies: a bird that has the ability to burn itself and be reborn from the ashes, a symbol of eternal renewal.

(Ben-Ben) - in Egyptian mythology, a bird is an analogue of a phoenix.

According to legend, it is the soul of the sun god Ra. The name is related to the word "veben", meaning "shine".

Bennu personified the resurrection from the dead and the annual floods of the Nile. Symbolized the beginning of the sun.

Yuan-chu- Phoenix bird in Chinese mythology.

It was believed that her appearance personifies prosperity and a high level of morality in the state.

The legendary phoenix bird is the most striking symbol of rebirth, renewal, immortality and eternity of time.

Firebird - fairy bird, character of Russian fairy tales.


Firebird- fabulous bird Slavic mythology, the embodiment of the radiant sun god and at the same time the angry thunder god.

In the popular imagination Firebird is inextricably linked with the heavenly fire-flame, and its radiance is as blinding to the eyes as the sun or lightning. Behind firebird fabulous good fellows are sent, and great happiness comes to those who master at least one of her pen.

lives in a distant kingdom, a distant state in a beautiful garden surrounding the tower of the Tsar Maiden (or near Koshchei the Immortal in stone caves among other treasures that he guards). Golden apples grow in that garden, restoring youth to the elderly. Happy Firebird sits in a golden cage, sings heavenly songs to the Tsar-maiden. When sings Firebird - from the beak, scatter pearls are pouring. At night, the Firebird flies through the garden, all burning like a fever; fly somewhere - everything around will be lit up at once. her alone Peru the price will be more than the whole kingdom, but the Firebird itself will have no price at all.

Leaving aside arbitrary mythological explanations, one can compare the firebird with medieval stories about the Phoenix bird, very popular in both Russian and Western European literature, reborn from the ashes.


There is in the far East - at the very edge of the earth, where the gates of dawn never close - land of eternal happiness. This country is not located where the sun rises in cold winters or hot and stuffy summers - it lies near the gate, from which the sparkling chariot of the great luminary pours life-giving light on the earth in a sweet spring time.

There are no hills or valleys in that land, but a radiant plain opens up there to the gaze of a fortunate person.

Above the highest mountains rises this plain twice by six measures.

A forest grows in that country, planted in honor of the great sun, and it never loses its green cover.

When the impudent Phaethon, enveloped in fire, not a single tongue of deadly flame touched that land, and when the flood filled the earth, punishing sinful mankind, this land towered like a wonderful island above the raging waters of Deucalion.

There is no sickness, no old age, no death in that land, there is no fear there, and not a single atrocity has defiled the boundaries of this land. There is no place there for either the money-loving Hermes or the bloodthirsty Mars, for there is neither anger that breeds bloodshed, nor poverty that breeds love of money, nor worldly worries, nor evil hunger.

The storm does not rage there, and the wind does not break the trees, and the frost does not bind the earth. The clouds do not cover the sky, and the rains do not wash away the roads.

But in the very a heart wonderland beats out of the ground miraculous spring also called the fountain of living water. This source is quiet and transparent, and the waters are pure and sweet in taste, and spilling over the earth once a month, twelve times it manages to irrigate this earth with its life-giving streams.
Is in that country grove where tall trees grow, bearing juicy fruits that do not rot or fall to the ground.

In this wonderful grove lives only one Phoenix.

The Phoenix lives alone, leaving behind no offspring except through death.

Phoenix is ​​not a tame bird and obeys only one owner - the bright-faced Sun.

And this bird is also very unusual, although its habits are given to it by nature and being learned from its ancestors.
When the dawn paints the sky in scarlet and red colors, when the morning drives the night stars from the sky with its purple radiance, the Phoenix plunges into the sacred waters three and four times, drinks from the life-giving source three and four times.

Then he flies up to the tallest tree in the grove, and, towering over the whole world, looks to where the dawn breaks, in anticipation of the first rays of the rising sun.

When the sun crosses the threshold of its radiant gates and the brilliance of the first rays illuminates the earth, an amazing bird starts to sing, welcoming the light of a new day.

Beautiful is the chirping of the nightingale, and the flute of the Muses, the cry of the dying swan, and the lyre of Mercury, the herald of Heaven, but no song on earth or under heaven. can't compare to the one Phoenix sings in the rays of the rising sun.

When the shining chariot emerges from the horizon and, rising higher and higher above the earth, sets off on its daily journey, the wonderful herald in reverence bows his head, blazing like fire, and, flapping his wings three times, falls silent.
For a thousand years the Phoenix has been living in a blissful country among the trees of a sacred grove, unmistakably distinguishing the course of hours and minutes, the ruler and priest of the Gardens of Eden, the only one in charge of the whole earth secrets of the sun.
But a thousand years pass, time becomes a burden to the wonderful bird.

AND to renew the old and bring back to new life the dead, obeying fate, Phoenix leaves his native garden and holy land.

He flies into this world full of sorrow and death, and his path lies in the Syrian deserts, in a place to which Venus herself gave a name similar to his name - Phoenicia.

Flying over the endless deserts, where no human foot has set foot, he is looking for where between the lifeless mountains, in some valley, he hid, retired from the whole world a forest or a grove.

Having found such a place, the Phoenix sits on the highest palm tree, whose top rises to heaven, where neither a predatory beast nor a snake, nor even a bird, a tree named after him, can climb - date.

Then Aeolus shuts the winds in his caves, forcing them to be silent, so that their impulses do not disturb the air and so that not a single cloud obscures the rays of the beautiful sun from the bird.
And there the Phoenix builds its nest - a nest that will serve as his grave, for without losing life, you will not save it and you will not rise again if you do not die.

He collects funeral oils and incense, which are mined in Assyria, with which the rich of Arabia are rubbed and which are collected by African pygmies / The following is a long list of perfumes and incense with which the Phoenix rubs itself and its nest /.

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Covering the nest with fragrant leaves, the bird, like tears, sprinkles himself with oil and, having celebrated his own funeral, prepares for death.

Yes, surrounded aromas funeral herbs, he parted with life - without fear and full of faith, as one parted with a seed, planting it in the ground.

His body, defeated by death, is heated by the sun's rays and becomes so hot that the heat generates a flame. The body of the bird disappears, enveloped in flames, and there it turns into seed-like mass, from which, they say, worms as white as milk or animals that have neither wings nor paws are born.

But behold, this seed turns round egg, in which all the members of the body that the bird should have are re-formed.

And finally former Phoenix emerges from this egg, just as caterpillars in the fields, curled up into pupae, fly out from there as beautiful butterflies.
Earthly food is not suitable for a bird of paradise - and who will take care of a fledgling chick - and for the Phoenix from the starry regions falls food of the gods - ambrosia and nectar.

See also Master class, where you can activate your stellar memory with the help of aromas and this will help you live consciously.

So, among the fragrant trees and strengthening its strength with manna, the Phoenix grows until it takes on its former beautiful appearance. And as soon as the forces return to him again, he again rises into the sky, as in previous years, for the time has come to return home.
But before flying to the wondrous homeland, Phoenix collects all the remains from his former body, covers them fragrant herbs and oils and rolled into a ball, carries with him to the sacred temple that lies in distant Egypt.

There he flies to the altar and, having laid his remains on it, he appears to the admiring glances of people, enchanted in reverence for the beauty of the bird, risen from the shackles of death.

The color of her plumage is scarlet, like scarlet ripe pomegranates and poppy in the fields, on the scarlet tail it mixes with flashes of yellow, and a bright mark shines between the wings - as if a cloud descended from heaven and left its mark on the back of the Phoenix.

His eyes glow like two hyacinths, and on his head is a sparkling crown, a reflection of the glory of the Sun. The legs of the bird are covered with scales, and the claws are pink. There is no bird or beast in the world that could compare in beauty with this wondrous creation.

Seeing the Phoenix in the temple, all the Egyptians converge to look at such a great miracle.

They also honor him with their own bird friends - a discordant choir does not stop in the sky, and a magnificent retinue accompanies the flying Phoenix- none of the birds is there with evil or cunning intent, no one flies there out of fear, but each considers it an honor to be in that retinue.
But the Phoenix does not stay long among honors and glory, noise and fuss - having pleased people and birds, he flies home, to their abodes, inaccessible to uninvited guests, to live there again, eating from sacred fruits and a source of living water.
That's what you are Phoenix, bird of good fortune who received from God such an extraordinary lot - to be born from himself, passing through the gates of death. Alone in the whole world, he does not know love for his own kind, and his only bride is death, death desired. For only by dying, giving up his life, can he find it again in order to rise alive from the shackles of the grave - dead but resurrected, former, and at the same time different, similar to himself, and not similar, not being afraid of the gift of God - death and gaining eternal life through it.

See also, on which you will undergo a powerful transformation, going through all areas of life. This is a training of knowledge, awareness and change of one's inner world. Reborn like a Phoenix.

So the Phoenix lucky fortune bird. His ability to ascend to Heaven and be reborn from the ashes helps to realize that a person must fight against all odds and not lose heart, discover your hidden reserves. They say that if you hang images of the Phoenix in the living room or hallway, then all your goals, dreams and desires will begin to come true. Great! So I did)))

The most important thing that brought me interaction with these energies, uh then readiness for changes, and I accept them with joy!

I was particularly struck by the fact that Phoenix is ​​very connected with essential oils. This is so close to me, I have been doing them for so long that they are present in my life in all spheres, almost without exception. This is cuisine, and travel, and relationships with close and dear people, and health, and money, and magic ...

I decided to make composition entitled "Phoenix". And it will be an amazing composition, I promise. As soon as I create, you will find out the recipe on the page of the group in contact

phoenix; possibly from Greek. φοίνιξ , "purple, crimson") - a mythological bird with the ability to burn itself and then be reborn. Known in mythology different cultures, often associated with the solar cult. The phoenix was thought to have an eagle-like appearance with bright red or golden red plumage. Anticipating death, he burns himself in his own nest, and a chick appears from the ashes. According to other versions of the myth, the Phoenix itself is reborn from the ashes. It was generally believed that the Phoenix is ​​the only, unique individual of its kind. In a metaphorical interpretation, Phoenix is ​​a symbol of eternal renewal, immortality.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Who is: Phoenix

    ✪ Special operation "Phoenix" to revive the USSR (S.V. Taraskin) (Part 1) - 10/18/2018


In heraldry

In Jewish Kabbalah there are some interpretations of the events that took place in Gan Eden (Garden of Eden), which say that Chava (Eve) fed the fruit from the Tree of knowledge of good and evil to her husband Adam and all animals and birds and beasts. Only the Phoenix bird did not succumb to the temptation, which subsequently retained its relative immortality because of this. This bird lives forever, every thousand years burning in the flames coming out of its nest, and again reborn from the ashes. It also mentions the giant bird Ziz, which with one of its wings is able to cover the entire sun. Both of these birds, according to legend, were the inhabitants of Gan Eden (Garden of Eden) during the stay of Adam and Eve (Hava).

There is another legend about the immortal bird. During the 12-month stay of the righteous Noah (Noah) in the Ark during the flood, he fed the animals staying there. Of all the inhabitants of the ark, only Phoenix lay modestly crouching in a corner, and to the question of Noah (Noah): Why do you not demand food for yourself, he answered: - I saw how much trouble you have with others, and did not dare to disturb you. - Touched by these words, Noah (Noah) said: - You regretted my work, condoling with my sorrows. May the Almighty send you eternal life!

It should be noted that, along with the Phoenix, this bird is in some places referred to as "Chol" - the name of the Phoenix in Hebrew is "Ofkhol" (עופחול) (from Hebrew - "of" עוף - "bird" and "khol" חול - sand, dust, ashes) and Orshin.

In works of art

  • The Phoenix Clan appears in the 3rd season of the animated series Legends of Chima.
  • In the book "

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

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The Phoenix bird looks like an eagle with red and golden feathers. For many centuries, she managed to amaze the imagination of people with her amazing qualities - to be reborn from the ashes after self-immolation and live for an unusually long time. The phoenix bird is a beautiful legend that exists in several versions.

In the main version, which has become a classic, with a frequency of five hundred years, she flies from India to the Libyan temple of the sun, located in Heliopolis, and throws herself into the fire of the sacred vine, kindled. Wings soaked in incense flare instantly, and the victim burns in the fire. A new phoenix rises from the ashes after three days, thanks the priest for his work, and flies to India.

Bennu bird from ancient Egypt, which with its appearance resembled a heron, was also reborn after self-immolation, similar to the example described above.

Since ancient times, people have strived for immortality, and the Phoenix was the personification of this dream. In the ancient world, his images could be found in heraldry and sculpture, on seals and coins. This symbol in poetry and prose is strongly associated with after the execution.

Chinese Phoenix

IN Ancient China there was a legend. The mythical bird with colored plumage was called Feng Huang, had a cock's beak and goiter of a swallow, the color of a dragon, a torso, a snake's neck, and a fish tail. From the back, she resembled a unicorn, and in front of a swan. She lived in the realm of perfect people, hovering over mountains and seas.

The first mention of the Feng Huang bird appeared in the 15th century BC. e. The word "Feng" meant the divine wind, and the word "huang" - the crest of a bird in the form of the sun with rays like a trident. This confirms the origin of "Feng Huang" (from the light of the sun).

According to some reports, the arrival of the Phoenix coincides with the beginning of the rainy season. In China, the phoenix bird, according to legend, knows the seasons.

The Chinese "Catalogue of Seas and Mountains" also contains a mention of this miracle. In it, among the gold and jade, on the top of the mountain lives a five-colored bird. She sings wonderfully and dances beautifully to the beat of her song. On her wings is the hieroglyph "i", which means justice, the hieroglyph "jen" is inscribed on her chest - perfection. The hieroglyph "blue" flaunts on the belly of the bird - honesty. The back is decorated with the hieroglyph "li", meaning good manners, the head - "te" - virtue. According to an ancient legend, at the moment when the whole Celestial Empire sees the Feng Huang bird, calm and peace will reign in the country.

Phoenix bird legend of rebirth

German scientist F. Wolf in his book "On the Foolishness of Animals" systematized all the information about the miracle bird. According to the work of Wolf, the life expectancy of the Phoenix is ​​160 years, the feathered one cannot reproduce, but is able to be reborn from its ashes. The head is decorated with a golden tuft, the neck is shiny, the feathers in the tail are pink, the size of the individual is from an eagle.

As death approaches, she builds a nest of rare plants and fragrant herbs that are easily flammable, such as myrrh, coffee, aloe. One day, the nest catches fire, and the Phoenix bird burns down with it. Then a small worm appears on the ashes, and an adult grows out of it.

References to the Phoenix bird in other books

The time comes when the Phoenix carries the ashes to Heliopolis and lays them on the altar. This is how Ovid described his renewal.

According to the book "Physiologist", a crown adorns the head of a phoenix, and royal boots on its feet. This creature feeds on the holy spirit and lives on the Lebanese cedar for 500 years. Hearing the bell ringing on the day of its death, it turns to ashes on the church altar.

In the morning, a chick is found at this place. He gets back to normal in a day. In Russia there is a description of this miracle. It is contained in the "pigeon book", according to which, Phoenix is ​​the mother of all birds. Its outlandish feathers are stronger than damask steel - they cut stones and bones, and overseas merchants buy feathers for cutting satin and velvet. In Christianity, the Phoenix symbolizes the resurrection of the flesh.

Phoenix- a wonderful bird, the origin of which is described in the mythology of many ancient peoples. Most often it is believed that outwardly this character looks like a beautiful eagle, the plumage of which glows and shimmers with bright red or gold hues. Translated from the ancient Greek language, the name of the bird has exactly this meaning - “purple”. The bird has a small crest on its head, shining in the sun.

The uniqueness and originality of this mythical character due to its ability to multiple revival. This bird lives for many years. Various sources different durations are called: from 160 to 500 years. Some philosophers imagine the duration of the existence of this creature to be similar to the period during which the sun with the moon and some planets will go through a full cycle in the sky and return to their original place.

What does the phoenix symbolize

For different nationalities, this creation is unequivocally inextricably linked with the cult of the great solar luminary, which has always been a symbol of eternal cyclic renewal and immortality.

Phoenix does not need food familiar to other living beings. Fresh morning dew is enough for him to replenish his strength. He harms no one and destroys nothing. The immortal bird is an exceptionally positive character, bringing goodness and creation, symbolizing meekness and humility. In the legends, he acts as a messenger of heaven, higher powers. It was Phoenix who witnessed how Eve, who disobeyed the commandments, tasted the forbidden fruit from the tree in Garden of Eden. In Christianity, this bird often symbolized eternal life and was even depicted on tombstones, foreshadowing the coming resurrection of all the dead.

Among the ancient Chinese, the Phoenix was a bright symbol of the fidelity of the spouses, their life in peace and spiritual balance. Often the image adorned the wedding dresses of the newlyweds.

Phoenix risen from the ashes

The process of the revival of the Phoenix is ​​described very interestingly in ancient sources. When the time of death begins to inexorably approach, the Phoenix bird feels it herself. In advance, she begins to collect herbs, twigs of various rare and valuable plants that can easily catch fire, and builds a nest from them. Sensing the imminent end, the Phoenix settles on a makeshift deathbed and waits for it to ignite. It should be noted that this bird does not reproduce in the usual way for most living beings. It is at the moment when the adult individual burns out that the new life in the form of a small worm. From it subsequently grows new bird, similar as two drops of water to the burnt one.

Therefore, several such individuals cannot simultaneously exist on earth. And to see this rare curiosity is almost impossible. There is even a saying characteristic of this case, in which an extremely rare event or person is called "rare than the Phoenix bird."

Ovid colorfully described the ritual of burying the ashes of a bird that had died in the fire. The creature born again weaves an oblong vessel from the branches of a palm tree, which carefully fills the nest that burned down with the bird with ashes. After that, he delivers a heavy burden to the city of Heliopolis, which is located in Egypt, where he places it on the sacred altar.

According to one of the sacred traditions of antiquity, the Phoenix was one of the living beings on Noah's ark. Unlike all animals that demanded care and food, the meek and humble bird sat quietly in a corner, not daring to disturb the already busy Noah. For this, the builder of the ark heartily thanked the humble creature and asked the Almighty eternal life for the bird. Similar characters in Russian legends were Finist and the Firebird.


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