Where is the exhibition rest. Preparation for the World Cup

On September 19, the Expocentre Fairgrounds opened the International Forum-Exhibition on Tourism REST 2017. The main official event of the business program of the first day was the Plenary Session “Open dialogue of tourism industry leaders. Tourism development is the agenda of the future. ”

The event was held in the format of a discussion panel, in which Alla Manilova, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Valery Ryazansky, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, Mikhail Degtyarev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs, were the main experts, and head of the Department for the Protection of Rights Consumer Oleg Prusakov, Head of the Federal Agency for Tourism Oleg Safonov and President of the PCT Sergey Shpilko. Experts discussed the main challenges facing the travel industry, summed up and announced plans for the coming year.

In her speech, Alla Manilova emphasized that tourism is a unique mechanism for promoting the territories: “Of course, many tourists choose resort vacations, but still the majority - and this is 80% - come for sightseeing. Seeking to satisfy demand in all directions, we faced serious challenges. The main ones are the state of tourism infrastructure, the promotion of domestic destinations and a change in the mentality of the entire hospitality industry. ”

“This year, the Russian Federation was elected among the five countries included in the World Tourism Organization, and also became the country that will host the 23rd WTO General Assembly in 2018 in St. Petersburg. This is a significant event for our country, ”Oleg Safonov told the delegates.

The head of Rostourism dwelt in detail on the results of the implementation of the Federal Target Program. So, for the period from 2011 to 2018 inclusively, 100 billion rubles from extra-budgetary sources, about 25 billion rubles from federal and regional funds will be invested in the Russian travel industry, about 18 thousand jobs have been created, the number of people employed in the industry amounted to more than 500 thousands of people. The number of rooms in collective locations has almost doubled. At the same time, work continues on the quality of tourist services and on the promotion of the Russian tourist product in Russia and abroad.

Within the framework of the exhibition, more than 30 regions of Russia are ready to present their projects and tourist opportunities to the forum guests. Players of foreign travel industry do not lose their interest in expanding partnership horizons with Russia - about 800 companies from 49 countries have prepared unique proposals for cooperation. Hall 1 was occupied by travel companies from Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa, Hall 2 - Europe, the CIS countries and Russian operators, and Hall 3 - the Russian regions, whose exhibition area increased by 3.5 times in 2017. The Dominican Republic has become the official sponsor of the International Forum-Exhibition; partners will be ART TOUR and Natalie Tours.

The exhibition consists of thematic exhibitions. For effective interaction between MICE and event agencies, travel companies and corporate clients, there is an exposition of business travel market participants REST MICE. The exposition on medical and recreational tourism REST Medical Tourism, Spa & Health will allow you to get acquainted with the possibilities of Russian and foreign sanatoriums and resorts, medical clinics and spa complexes.

The RELEASION Forum-Exhibition Opening Day has been declared the United Arab Emirates Day, which will be held under the auspices of the Natalie Tours tour operator. His key event was the conference "UAE: a million tourists from Russia - is already a reality."

The tourist authorities of Indonesia plan to change the existing image of the Russians in their country, which is associated primarily with holidays on the island of Bali. The Indonesian Ministry of Tourism is starting to promote new destinations, resorts and routes for the Russian tourism market - the Gili archipelago, the islands of Lombok, Java, Borneo, Sumatra and Komodo. Particular attention will be paid to outdoor activities, in particular hang gliding, as well as water sports, especially surfing.

On September 19, Moscow launched the international forum-exhibition "Rest-2017". It will last until September 21 and will be held in Pavilion 2 of the Expocenter exhibition complex.

The forum’s business program will be united by the main topic “Tourism industry - driver of economic development. The modern image of tourist Russia. " The event was organized with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Tourism.

During the exhibition, more than 30 regions of Russia and about 800 companies from 49 countries will present their tourism opportunities. Hall No. 1 will be occupied by travel companies in Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa, Hall No. 2 will be occupied by Europe, the CIS countries and Russian operators, and Hall No. 3 will house Russian regions, the exhibition area of \u200b\u200bwhich has increased 3.5 times this year. The official sponsor of the international forum was the Dominican Republic.

The exhibition will consist of thematic expositions. For effective interaction between MICE and event-agencies, travel companies and corporate clients, an exhibition of business tourism “MICE Vacation” will operate. To get acquainted with the possibilities of Russian and foreign sanatoriums and resorts, clinics and spa complexes will allow the exhibition on medical and health tourism "Recreation Medical Tourism, Spa & Health".

September 19th was declared the United Arab Emirates Day, its key event will be the conference "UAE: A Million Tourists from Russia - Already a Reality."

The large-scale innovation of the forum-exhibition is the updated architecture of the business program, which will combine all the key business events of the industry. With the active participation of state authorities and representatives of the tourist industry, the main problems and trends that affect the development of inbound and domestic tourism in the country will be analyzed.

On the first day of the exhibition, September 19, a plenary meeting will be held in the format of the discussion panel “An open dialogue between the leaders of the tourism industry. Tourism development is the agenda of the future. ” It will be attended by Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy Valery Ryazansky, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs Mikhail Degtyarev, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Alla Manilova, Head of the Federal Tourism Agency Oleg Safonov and others. Representatives of 64 constituent entities of the Russian Federation confirmed their participation in the meeting; more than 200 delegates will attend the event. Based on the results of the meeting, on the basis of resolutions adopted in the course of work in certain areas, a single document will be created that will become a road map with a list of measures for the development of domestic and inbound tourism in Russia for 2018.

Industry leaders will also take part in the official events of the forum-exhibition. The opening ceremony of the cross year of tourism between Russia and Greece will be held by Alla Manilova, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, and Elena Kundura, Minister of Tourism of Greece. An agreement will be signed on the formation of a tourism product for the 2018 FIFA World Cup between the Federal Tourism Agency and Intourist Thomas Cook. With the participation of Ms. Manilova, there will be a presentation of the “Imperial Route” - a new project implemented under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Actual issues of the hotel sector will be discussed by the participants in the discussion panel “Hotel business today-tomorrow”. The moderators will be Vadim Prasov, Vice-President of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers, and Sergey Gruzd, Chairman of the Board of the Hotel Safety Association.

The conference on business tourism “Meeting Industry in Russia” will traditionally be held in an interactive format, including a discussion part, practical training on organizing team buildings and master classes.

One of the key events of the second day of the business forum will be an economic session. With the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Tourism, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and Russian regions, forms of state and private support in the implementation of tourism projects will be discussed.

In the format of a free discussion, a discussion of the results of the summer season and prospects for next year will take place at the round table “Tourist Summer 2017”.

A series of seminars will be devoted to forms of tourism that have great potential, but need active promotion - scientific, educational, rural and industrial tourism.

Within the framework of the forum, a competition of presentation materials and information videos of the Russian regions “Hello, Russia - My Homeland!” Is held. The finale of which will take place on September 20.

Measures to promote domestic and inbound tourism in Russia will be devoted to the sessions “Tourism potential of Russia and national branding” and “Territory marketing as a means of promoting the tourism potential of Russian regions / cities”. Presentations of the projects “Silver Necklace of Russia” and “Patterns of Russian Cities” will take place. Experts will discuss the prospects and difficulties in the interaction of tour operators and cultural sites at the annual round table “Museums and the tourist industry - the path to mutual understanding”.

The conference on medical and health tourism “Recreation Medical Tourism, Spa & Health” will become a highly professional expert platform for the exchange of experience between representatives of the spa industry and participants in the tourism market.

September 21 will be the final day in the business program and will be aimed at discussing the problems of children's tourism, training of young specialists in the tourism industry as part of the scientific and practical conference “You are our future”.

Problems and trends of the modern technology market traditionally become one of the central discussion topics of the exhibition. This year, e-commerce analytics in tourism, the latest travel product promotion tools, the specifics of implementing special projects online will be discussed at the conference "IT-Technologies in Tourism".

In order to promote the territories in the context of creating gastronomic brands, the Academy of Gastronomic Tourism will be organized at the forum. Its business program will allow to consolidate market participants - tour operators, restaurateurs, wineries and agricultural holdings, to discuss the potential and difficulties in building new-format itineraries as part of the Traveling with Taste international conference on wine and gastronomic tourism, September 19. One of the most important components of the planned open discussion will be a discussion of the specifics of the practical organization of such tours on the example of a successful case study - the “Gastronomic Map of Russia” project. The conference will be moderated by Leonid Gelibterman, President of the International Enogastronomy Center, member of the expert council for gastronomic tourism of the World Tourism Organization UWNTO.

Acquaintance with the gastronomic opportunities of ten regions will be held in the format of culinary master classes using local products.

September.  The holiday summer has grown noisy. For some reason, this particular period of the year in our northern country is considered vacation pay. Although it is better to go on a trip, in my opinion, when the days here are shorter and the asphalt is dirtier.
  Here is for fans of such a holiday and is intended moscow tourism exhibition in September. Of course, first of all, this is a meeting of professionals - those who earn on tourists, on our eternal desire to “see the world and ...”. You can continue as you wish.
  But there are among the visitors of the annual “Leisure Rest” and those who come here precisely Leisure - in their free time, at their leisure. See what they offer travel companies of Moscow, regions of Russia and Abroad for a private client - whether he is a VIP or arrived by subway. To be "in the know."

In 2020, the tourist exhibition "REST" is held from September 8 to 10 at the Expocentre Fairgrounds

In previous years, the exhibition also took place in September.

Exhibition schedule REST

Opening hours - 10.00–18.00

The dates of the tourism exhibition - from September 8 to 10, 2020 fall on weekdays - from Tuesday to Thursday. This, in general, emphasizes the business nature of the forum. But it does not bother to get to the exhibition and independent tourists, while - for free!

At the exhibition - for free.

The interests of exhibitors renting exhibition spaces from the owners of any exhibition center often do not coincide with the desire of the latter to earn more on entry tickets.
  At the largest exhibitions, this contradiction in recent years has been resolved simply - a chance to visit the exhibition for free is given to those who are with the Internet "at you" and think "a little in advance."
  To get a free invitation ticket, you must go to the site www.tourismexpo.ru  and fill out a short form. After that, you will immediately be sent an Invitation Card (Badge) and instructions for printing it. This badge will be your free ticket for all four days of the exhibition.
  Moreover, they confirmed to us over the phone that it does not matter if the visitor fills out the “Personal Interest” or “Professional Interest” questionnaire. We were also informed that all three days of its work will sell entrance tickets to the tourist exhibition REST-2018. Ticket price is still unknown.
  Official website www.tourismexpo.ru

REST Leisure Exhibition  over the years of its existence, it has become the most significant autumn tourism forum in Russia and the CIS.
Now the organizers of the tourism exhibition offer visitors and participants a number of innovations, among which the strengthening role of the Internet in tourism is particularly notable. A special exposition “IT-technologies in tourism” and a presentation of leading IT-companies were created, seminars of the Association for the Promotion of Tourism Technologies (ASTT) are held.
  In addition, in the fall of 2019, a new zoning of the exhibition will appear for the convenience of visiting.

24th International Tourism Exhibition-Forum "REST 2018"  will be held at the Expocentre Fairgrounds (Pavilion 2, Halls 1-3) in Moscow on September 11-13.

The exhibition is organized by the company Euroexpo  - A member of the National Congress Bureau and is carried out with official support from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Tourism, the Association of Tour Operators of Russia, the Russian Union of Travel Industry, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, and the Association for the Safety of Tourism Industry Facilities.

The platform of the forum-exhibition will be segmented into the exhibition, business, as well as the festival part.

In the exhibition part of the Forum this year, and the total area of \u200b\u200btheir stands has increased significantly compared to last year. Russian regions will be represented not only in the third hall, but will also occupy part of the second hall of Pavilion 2 of the Expocenter. Traditionally, the tourism potential of our country will be presented at the stands of the Republics of Adygea, Bashkortostan, Buryatia, Crimea, Karelia, Komi, Tatarstan, cities of federal significance - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Krasnodar, Perm, Stavropol Territories, Arkhangelsk, Vladimir, Vologda, Voronezh, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kostroma, Kursk, Leningrad, Moscow, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Penza, Pskov , Ryazan, Tula, Tyumen, Tver, Yaroslavl regions. For the first time in the exhibition "RECREATION"  The stand of Omsk region will be presented. An extensive business program is provided for representatives of regional branch ministries and committees, tourist information centers, including training seminars, conferences, round tables and events of the festival part of the Forum.

Players of foreign travel industry do not lose their interest in expanding partnerships with Russian colleagues - companies from more than 30 countries of the world have prepared unique proposals for cooperation. The exhibitors will be Thailand, Cyprus, India, Tunisia, Spain, and Bulgaria, which are among the top Russian tourists in demand over the past few years. For the first time, the Ministry of Tourism of Palestine and the National Tourism Office of Taiwan will participate in the exhibition of the foreign countries pavilion in 2018. The guests of the forum-exhibition will be able to strengthen existing and establish new business contacts with representatives of Egypt, Georgia, Morocco, Cuba, Maldives, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Serbia, Hungary, China and other countries. The CIS countries - Belarus and Uzbekistan will also be represented. For convenience, the exhibition is divided into thematic zones. Hall 1 will be occupied by travel companies in Southeast Asia, Latin America and Africa, Hall 2 - Europe, CIS countries and Russian operators.

Stable popularity Forum-exhibition "REST"  among industry professionals, it is confirmed by a sponsorship partnership with it of foreign countries and regions of Russia, consolidating their positive image in the tourism market of our country by expanding the presentation of their opportunities to exhibition guests and participants in the Business Program.

2018 - Cross Year Russia - Japan. As part of the events dedicated to this event, the Land of the Rising Sun acts as a partner country of the REST exhibition. The national stand of Japan will become part of the program for promoting travel services in the Russian market Enjoy my Japan. Visitors will be presented traditional Japanese art, gastronomic brands, reserves, museums and parks, as well as talk about leisure opportunities in both popular and little-known regions of the country.

Official Sponsor of the Forum-Exhibition "REST 2018"  this is not the first time that the Dominican Republic has become. As part of the REST 2018 exhibition, employees at the stand will introduce visitors to the festivals, music and recreational opportunities of the region. This year, the Dominican Republic booth will be twice as large as in 2017, which will present many travel options and make business communication with colleagues and partners as comfortable as possible.

Partner Region of the Exhibition "REST 2018" became the Vologda region. The tourist information center and tourist companies of the region will present the possibilities of cultural, educational, spa, active, children's, rural, gastronomic and other types of recreation. In addition, on the eve of the winter season, the partner region will announce the beginning of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the project “Great Ustyug - Fatherland of Santa Claus”, and all visitors to the Forum will have the opportunity to communicate with him personally.

Along with the participants of the main direction of the exhibition - LEISURE, thematic expositions of other segments of the tourism industry will be presented at the exhibition-forum. The exposition on medical and recreational tourism REST Medical Tourism, Spa & Health will allow you to get acquainted with the possibilities of Russian and foreign sanatoriums and resorts, medical clinics and spa complexes. International exhibition and conference on wine and gastronomic tourism REST GOURMET & WINE TRAVEL is the only exhibition in Russia with a section on wine and gastronomic tourism, where countries and regions present themselves through acquaintance with their national food and drinks. Professional operators have the opportunity to familiarize with their gastro- and energy routes Russian specialists and private clients.

We are waiting for travel industry professionals at the leading industry event of the country from September 11 to 13, 2018 at the Expocentre Fairgrounds on Krasnaya Presnya!

The exhibition program is very eventful. Attention is paid not only to inbound and outbound tourism, but also to domestic tourism, which is gaining momentum in recent years. The gastronomic and religious tours, cultural and educational, medical and pilgrimage, family, group and individual tours will not be left behind. In a word - everything will be!

Separate extensive sections will be devoted to air, railway and bus transportation, hotels and rest houses, resorts and recreation centers. If you are an active traveler, then this event should be interesting to you.

The exhibition will be held from September 19 to 21 at the Expocenter, you can visit it for free by registering on the site tourismexpo.ru.

Let me remind you that the theme of the forum is impressive and quite extensive, and the capabilities of our and the global tourism industry can not only interest, but also captivate, turning a hobby into a job or vice versa. At REST-2017, we will be able to personally see the potential of each represented region, so that in the near future we will be able to discover the beauty and nature of new places with our own eyes.

As a resident, first of all, it will be interesting for me to find out about the tourism plans of my native region. At the exhibition, the Moscow Region will be represented by more than 60 tourism enterprises from 30 municipalities, showing all the rich tourism potential. Guests of the exhibition will have access to information on sightseeing, health and weekend tours, pilgrimage trips, new tourist routes of the Moscow Region, and will be told about events in the region. We have a rich culture, beautiful nature and a lot of interesting places that are easy and convenient to get out at any time of the year.

And yes, I will not tire of repeating the slogan so beloved by me:

Stop dreaming, time to travel!


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