Richard Branson biography. Richard Branson "To hell with everything and do. Records of Richard Branson

Sir Richard Charles Nicolas Branson - Entrepreneur from the UK, the famous founder of the Virgin Corporation, which includes dozens of branches, including shops selling music discs, radio station, publishing, as well as aircraft and railway companies. Richard Branson himself won a very eccentric person to himself, repeatedly trying to put world speed records and organizing her own talk shows.

The Times London Newspapers applied the condition of this person in more than three billion pounds of sterling, and Branson himself in February 2007 promised to spend the fight against global warming at least this amount.


Branson was born on July 18, 1950 in South London in a maternity hospital called Stonefield Nursing Home Blackheath. Richard's family was that neither there is an aristocratic: his grandfather, sir journal Arthur Harin Branson held the position of Judge of the Supreme Court and was a member of the secret council, the father was called Edward James Branson, and Mother Eva Branson, to Marriage - Hunthli Flidt.

Richard began his education at the ScaitCliffe School school, which is now called Bishopsgate School. Boast of outstanding success in school, the boy could not, and all because of the annoying illness, who suffered Richard - Dysxia.

But, nevertheless, this did not prevent him from still at the very young age to organize two enterprises: for the cultivation of Christmas firs and breeding wavy parrotsBoth of which, though, suffered a full fiasco.

At the age of 16, Branson threw school and opened his first successful company in London - Student magazine. And in a year, the first charitable organization under his management - Student Advisory Center began work.

Sound recording business

Once, traveling by La Mansu, Richard bought a few boxes with audio recordings that were marked as defective. After his return home, he sold them to the point retail sales London. This was the beginning of a large-scale recording business. In 1970, the sale of records was carried out already with mailing.. Branson's clients had the opportunity to pre-listen to any entry, which became a fundamentally new condition for the sale, which did not provide any similar store before that time.

In addition, in the 50s-60s of the 20th century retail Went within the framework of special marketing agreements that limited possible discounts on the prices of many products. Branson was able to make changes in these agreements regarding audio records, which made it possible to sell music with quite significant discounts. When, finally, it's time to think about the name of the new enterprise, one of the colleagues of Richard suggested "Virgin", because they were all "virgins" in this new business.

Branson opened his own store record on Oxford Street, on which he managed to earn very well. The money received Richard invested in urban real estate, where he opened the recording studio, which he handed over novice musicians, among whom Michael Alfield was in due time. A little later, Branson together with Nick Powel organized a record label called Virgin Records. .

In 1971, Richard Branson fell into serious trouble with English customs. He was accused of selling music records, which belonged to the category of export goods. In order to resolve the case with customs and excise control, Branson had to pay customs duties and had fines by that time, for which his mother even had to restore their family home.

The first release released by Virgin Records was the album of Michael Oldfield Tubular Bells, who had developed a huge circulation and ranked first in the music charts of Great Britain. Branson, unlike many others, was not afraid to record music of such dubious groups, such as Sex Pistils.

Virgin Records willingly signed contracts with little-known avant-garde groups, for example, with bright paint-style representatives - FAUST and CAN. In the early 80s, Virgin has invested money in acquiring a night gay club Heaven.. And after ten years, Branson together with David Frost bought three ITV franchises to work under the name CPV-TV, but they were all unsuccessful.

In 1992, Branson turned his attention to the development of business related to air transportation. For this, he needed money, and he decided to sell the label of the Virgin EMI of a more conservative company, which, by the way, dissolved the contract with the SEX Pistols worth $ 1 million. Already after the completion of the sale transaction, Richard was very regretted about the decision. After a while he decided to return to the music business, founding the company V2 Records..

Business undertaging Richard Branson

Richard Branson became the founder of many enterprises: in 1984 - Virgin Atlantic Airways., in 1999 - Virgin Mobile., in 2000 - Virgin Blue in Australia. In the same year, he wanted to buy National Lottery, but this deal was not communicated to the end. In 1997, Branson took up the railway business, which, according to many, was very and very risky.

He organized the company Virgin Trains.who won the franchise for construction railways in countryside Intercity and West Coast for British Rail.

At the very beginning, Branson was not burned to the loud promises of the high-tech service level in the British Rail Class 390 trains, which should have been transporting passengers on new roads. But very soon, Virgin Trains began serious problems with rolling stocks left to British Rail, as well as their maintenance.

To ensure the reliability of the operation of trains, Branson could not, and as a result of its reputation was finally spoiled. There was practically no chance of chance of improving the modernization contracts of the West Coast Main Line line and the launch of new rolling stocks. Did not be ignored Branson and the air transportation sphere. In 1996, he acquired Euro Belgian Airlines - a European carrier specializing in meek distances.

In ten years, it was combined with SN Brussels Airlines. In addition, Branson became the founder of National Airlines in Nigeria, which was named Virgin Nigeria.. And in August 2007, another airline began its work - Virgin America, which made airfares in the United States. The versatility of Branson's interests simply was not the limit. At one time, he even developed, the truth is not very successful, brands such as Virgin Cola and Virgin Vodka.

Many of his undertakings could not be crowned with success, for which the Satyric British magazine Private Eye has repeatedly criticized both Branson himself and his company.

In 1992, Branson had to become a participant in a serious lawsuit with British Airways for the right to hold a label. Virgin Atlantic Airways.which was the consequence of the so-called "dirt tricks" campaign. The proceedings lasted until 1993, when Branson won a deafening victory over his opponents and received the right to pay 500 thousand pounds in his favor, and 110 thousand pounds in favor of its airline, as well as the right to legal deductions in total amount up to 3 million pounds sterling. Richard called this money "Bonus VA" and divided them between employees of their company. Richard Branson left his footprint in the space area. On September 25, 2004, he announced the conclusion of a transaction, according to which his company on Space tourism, Virgin Galactic, should have been licensed to the SpaceShip One ship construction technology, intended for the commercial transportation of passengers to Space's subborital flights.

It should be noted that Paul Alain was also involved in the creation of this ship - the Founder of Microsoft, and he was developed by the legendary USA engineer for airborne - Bertan Rutan. According to Branson calculations, flights to space were to become publicly available by the end of 2009. It was assumed that this pleasure would be about 200 thousand dollars.

Virgin FUELS - Another undertaking Richard Branson. The purpose of this company was to create a revolutionary, cheap fuel for cars, and then aircraft. It was done in response to global warming and sharp increase in fuel prices. As Branson himself confessed later, he was not very interested in such questions, but everything changed after his breakfast with El Mountain, who was able to infect a famous businessman with his ideas.

In business circles, Brass received the nickname "Leader of Transformations" due to the independence of its business strategies. In his work, he fully relies on Virgin Group., the development of which is largely determined by informal approaches. All this provides a sufficiently durable foundation, unlike strategies of suffocating management from above. According to the results of 2006, Richard Branson took the honorary 9 place in the Sunday Times Rich List list among people with a state of more than 3 billion pounds sterling.

July 4, 2006 Branson sold his company Virgin Mobile.providing broadband access On the Internet and telephony services. The amount of the transaction amounted to 1 billion pounds. He became the main shareholder of the new company, which, under the terms of the agreement, should pay 8.5 million puzzles annually for using the Virgin name. The company received a name Virgin Media. And began its work on February 8, 2007. This event loudly covered in the business circles of Great Britain and the whole world. Branson's share in Virgin Mobile accounted for 75%, and in the new Virgin Media it decreased to 15%.

In 2006, Richard Branson came to the sphere of entertainment, founding two companies - Virgin Comics and Virgin Animation. Their goal was to create new stories and new characters, which should become famous to the world. New projects were launched in conjunction with the author Dipak Choproy and director Shekhar Kaparom. Their financing also engaged in the same two private entrepreneurs - Sharad Devarajan and Gotam Chopra. February 1, 2007 began its work Virgin Health Bank. With its help, future parents can preserve the stem cells of the cord blood of children in private and public banks.

In June 2006, an antitrust investigation of the United States and Great Britain was initiated on the basis of a conspiracy fixation of a conspiracy between Virgin Atlantic and British Airways. A year later, a decision was made, according to which British Airways was recognized as the guilty Party, which eventually paid a fine of 271 million pounds. Branson received immunity for promoting the authorities.

On February 9, 2007, the beginning of Richard Branson was established a prize for global scientific technologies - Virgin Earth Challenge.. The businessman is confident that this will contribute to technological improvements in the interests of all mankind. The owner of this prize in $ 25 million will be a person, or a group of persons who will be able to develop a commercially effective project aimed at removing anthropogenic atmospheric gases causing a greenhouse effect.

This technology should allow the removal of gases from the atmosphere over ten years at least and does not have any impact on the environment, providing a positive effect on the climate of the Earth. Branson stated that the prize award would be carried out taking into account the opinion of five well-known personalities who received world recognition, each in their field, including El Mountains, Sir Crispin Tikell, Tim Flannery, Jim Hans and James Lavlock, as well as their assistant - Steve Howard.

Branson and Sport

Richard Branson became interested in football in 2006, when he became a sponsor of the Nuneaton Borough A.f.c.
And in August 2007, he expanded his presence in the aircraft business, becoming the owner of 20% of the Malaysian Airasia H.

On October 13, 2007, Branson joined Northern Rock to his huge empire, receiving 30% of the company in his personal possession. Immediately after that she was renamed Virgin Money.. Daily Mail made it categorically against the completion of a merger transaction. Vince Cable, speaking in the House of Commons, said that Branson's evasion from paying taxes, being a serious criminal offense, represents a good reason not to trust such a public money.

January 10, 2008 Virgin Healthcare. Announced the opening of the network of therapeutic clinics, which were supposed to provide not only the services of traditional medicine, but also to engage in homeopathy and additional types of therapy. Ben Breedshow, Minister of Health of the UK, expressed deep satisfaction about this, noting that the cooperation of Virgin Healthcare with the Ministry of Health will develop and implement additional integrated services for patients. In March 2009, Branson invested his money in new team Formula 1 - Brawn GP.

The start turned out to be very successful, which affected the sum of the sponsorship contract. It has increased so much that the second season of Branson simply did not dare. Instead, he bought another newcomer team - Manor, renaming it into Virgin F1.

Humanitarian initiatives

In the late 90s, Richard Branson, Peter Gabriel (Activist Musician) and Nelson Mandela tanned the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a small group of leaders who would be absolutely independent and impartial in solving global world conflicts.

July 18, 2007 Nelson Mandela, pronouncing speech in honor of his 89th anniversary, announced the creation of a group that was named The Elders (in translation - elders), which included Desmond Tutu, Grass Machel, Kofi Annan, Ela Batt, Gru Harlem Brundtland, Jimmy Carter, Lee Zaoxing, Muhammad Yunus, as well as Branson and Gabriel. This group should have become absolutely financially independent.

The Chairman of the "Elders" was the Desmond Tutu, the responsibilities of which include the development of peaceful resolutions and the definition of goals in protracted global conflicts that damage the large number of people. His experience and wisdom should help him combine voices around the world. After the punishment of Mandela, the band had to decide for several months, in which world conflicts they would have to take part.

In September 2007, the first competition took place Picnic Green Challenge. With the main prize of 500 thousand dollars for the best new "green" initiative. The competition was organized by Dutch Postcode Lottery and Picnic Network, and the jury headed Richard Branson. The first owner of the main prize was Qurrent with QBox. In March 2008, Richard Branson became the initiator of a meeting on his island in the Caribbean of several famous businessmen, world leaders and just famous people.

They discussed questions ambient, including global warming problems. The purpose of this meeting was to launch the process, the result of which the thematic discussions should be conducted on this issue. Tony Blair (British Prime Minister), Jimmy Wayls (co-founder of the Wikipedia portal) and Larry Page (Co-Founder of Google) entered the number of guests.

Attempt to establish world records

In 1998, Branson, together with Fosset and Lindstrend, made a flight attempt to hot-air balloonwhich crashed in the Pacific Ocean on December 25, 1998.

Since 1985, Branson undertook several attempts to get the Blue Atlantic Tape for the fastest intersection of the Pacific Ocean. The first of them ended in failure. Then Richard on his vessel Virgin Atlantic Challenger. turned over in the waters of Britain. Fortunately, the helicopter of the royal air force managed on time. This event was widely publicized in the global press. Some of the periodic publications even entered the initiative to recover from Branson all costs associated with the rescue operation.

A year later, Richard took the second attempt, already on the vessel Virgin Atlantic Challenger II Under the command of Daniel McCarthy, a high-class swimming expert. This time, Branson smiled good luck. He was ahead of the previous world record for useful two hours.

Another one year later, the businessman flew through the Atlantic in his balloon Virgin Atlantic Flyer.which became the biggest balloon in the world and the first hot gas ball, crossed the Atlantic. In January 1991, Richard Branson crossed the Pacific Ocean, overcoming the distance of 10.8 thousand km. With a record speed of 392 km per hour.

In 2004, in March, Branson faster than all in the world crossed La Mans, spending 1 hour 40 minutes and 6 seconds. The previous record was as many as 6 hours.

In September 2008, Branson, together with his son, decided to establish a new record for the intersection of the Atlantic Ocean on the Virgin Money boat, the length of which was 30 meters. The boat fell into the storm, lost the sail and was forced to stick to the shore in the Bermuda Islands.

Television, film and publishing

Branson was not once invited as an actor, who, in most cases, played himself.

It was remembered by the audience for such projects as friends, Malibu rescuers, one field of berries, the fools are lucky, today, as well as in episodes in Comedy, God gracious and stumbling. In the 90s, he became a member of the morning show several times walking on the BBC channel on the Saturday's ester, depicting a "pickler" from the popular Comedy Trevor and Simon.

Branson became the main character of the realistic show Millionaire Buntar, who passed on the Fox channel in 2004, where several people had to show their enterprise's enterprise and the strength of the Spirit. Of great success, this show at the audience did not work out and everything ended only in one season. Richard Branson has and back side - He is constantly becoming a target for ridicule.

Those who wish can find many comics in which Branson is the main hero. For example, one of the series called 2000 AD, released by Zenith, represents Branson as a wealth of a global scale. In the series Simpsons, you can also see the caricature on this famous businessman. The episode is called "Monty will not be able to buy my love." In it, Richard is represented as Magnate Arthur Fortyun, as well as aeronautics with Majuity Mania - Richard Khotny in the episode "Vera in Nothing." The famous writer Terry Pratucht in his book "Wings" used Branson's figure as a prototype of one of the heroes - Greenson Richard. Lifestyle, projects, ideas Richartda Branson can like it or dislike, but we are not the right to deny that this person lives interesting, full of events with life. Branson leaves the trail on this planet, embodying all his most bold dreams and ideas. And it is expensive ...

The world-famous operator Virgin Richard Branson will soon earn in Russia.

This is a successful entrepreneur who won the hearts of millions with its extraordinary outcomes and interesting facts from life. We will tell about them a little more.

1. How many companies he owns - unknown

According to several research companies in the Virgin Group. More than 400 companies are included. It's funny that Branson himself does not know exactly how much they really are. He bursts and opens everything in a row.

In fact, this is not so important. The quality of services is important - it is at a high level.

2. School teachers considered him an idiot

Despite broadly fame now, the multimilliardera at school was not perceived seriously.

Even the teachers considered Richard to clinical idiot. After a couple of months, they realized that the boy had a myopia and picked up his glasses. He began to see what was written on the board, but the numbers and letters did not have the meaning.

3. The first Branson office was in a hostel

Branson was allowed to "figure out" a certain office for his company in the school hostel. True, the phone was not given.

A telephonist combined the entrepreneur with the right number and said: "Mr. Branson will talk to you!". All accepted her for the secretary of a big boss.

4. He loves to beat records, but not always successfully

Since 1985, Richard Branson tried to beat world records. Initially, he wanted to get the blue ribbon of the Atlantic for the fastest crossing of the Atlantic Ocean.

The first attempt was not successful because his ship Virgin Atlantic Challenger turned over in the waters of Britain.

5. At the presentation of the wedding salon Branson came in a wedding dress

Richard Branson is an ambiguous personality. He likes to organize unexpected appearances in public places.

So, on the presentation of the salon for newlyweds Virgin Bride, the company's owner appeared in the wedding dress and with full make-up. Say that guests were shocked - say nothing. ;)

6. He turned upside down his wife Trump

When Donald Trump was not yet president, Branson at one of the secular techniques literally turned the wife of Trump.

He grabbed her legs and turned down the head of Ivonna Trump. He did it to maintain the conversation and demonstrate the underwear of a woman.

7. He struck Coca Cola's advertising shield from tank

Such behavior The company's head explained simply:

8. He went naked skiing

Branson was looking for a person for a long time with whom could argue.

Idea: Drive naked on skis for 10 pounds.

The debaters did not find it, but still chose one of the most beautiful Swiss snow slopes. Separated and demonstrated its ski skiing.

9. He deliberately poured the champagne Princess Diana

At one of the ceremonies of introduction to the Virgin Atlantic Airpark of the new liner, Princess Diana was present.

Branson could not resist and scored a bottle of champagne, and then poured to them a crown representative. Diana estimated the joke and even posed to photographers in the company's brand jacket of airlines.

10. For advertising phones Virgin Mobile Branson had to be able to unders

11. Having lost a bet, Branson dressed a flight attendant

Billionaire lost bets by Malaysian businessman Tony Fernandez: Virgin ranked 12th place in Formula 1 in 2010. She was ahead of the Team Lotus team.

As a result, the loser had to change the stewardless airline Air Asia.

12. Branson does not like Russian homophobes

Branson believes that Russia intolerabically refers to things that are considered normal worldwide.

I often hear from educated, wealthy, refined, well-dressed Russians completely insane homophobic or nationalist statements - such that you will not hear in the conversations of the British or Americans for about 40 years. It sounds very offensive.

13. Billionaire suffers from dyslexia

To the great regret, Branson does not know how to realize the meaning of letters and numbers, and also has partially broken coordination of movements.

Such a person is almost impossible to teach read and write.

14. He flew to the ground at a flying saucer

As we have said, the businessman loves to work for the public. Therefore, in 1990, he landed on an unidentified flying object in the vicinity of London.

The landing site was instantly surrounded by a hundred zooak, police and military. To their surprise, not aliens came out of a round flying plate. :)

15. There are no official in Branson

Richarda alien official. His companies unites not only the name of the founder and the name of the holding, but also the total corporate ethics.

No suits and ties, formalities in relations between subordinates and managers (all on "you", all clap each other on the back and drink beer almost in the workplace).

16. He is very generous

After the Virgin Group won the court from British Airways, the billionaire divided his compensation of 500 thousand pounds between his staff.

17. Branson - Kumir Tinkova

Oleg Tinkov is almost 10 years old with Branson, but he began his idol back before that.

Richard-real entrepreneur, I love him very much, and most importantly loved before I got acquainted with him, for those 14 years before the meeting, and most importantly he is the same in life as in the media, I am such an except for myself, no more I met. Everyone is lying and pontoon, want to be better, and lie and hypocritical on the camera.

Richard- Super source of inspiration, I am grateful to the Lord God that I was lucky to meet him and be friends, I am absolutely not interested in doing business with him, I just like to communicate with him.

Richard Branson is a bright person, a person who is used to challenge. He studied poorly at school because of dyslexia and created his magazine. He crossed the Atlantic in a balloon and changed into a woman. It now owns more than 350 companies around the world, united under the Virgin brand.

He made round-the-world travels, beat the speed records, sent people to space, lived in a floating house, built a submarine, performed in a wound dress, rolled to Coca-Cola, demonstrated a bare ass in advertising, saved the British hostages and helped Kuwaiti refugees ... And this is not a complete list of outstanding actions Richard Branson. The history of business development is permeated with eccentric outcomes and rebellious acts.

Who he: Sir Richard Charles Nicolas Branson is a famous British magnate, whose condition for 2016 was estimated at $ 5.1 billion. The founder and owner of the Virgin Group multi-industrial corporation, under the brand of which are combined more than three hundred of various companies.

In the photo: Business in the style of Virgin Richard Branson is building according to his own rules

In Russia, Richard Branson gained fame due to his books in which it tells about business, describes his biography, gives motivating advice and shares its own success rules. The most famous books: "To hell with everything! Take and do! "," Losing innocence "," achieving heaven "," Business in the style of Virgin "," My Rules "," To the line of business as always "," naked business "and others.

Businessman with diaper

A future billionaire was born on July 18, 1950 in the area of \u200b\u200bLondon Blackhate. Branson's mother constantly invented ways of additional earnings: she organized business in its own garage And at home. Her uncounting will and perseverance in achieving the goals had a huge influence on Richard.

Children's photo Richard Branson - Future billionaire

He studied Branson in a private school, and the teachers considered him behind, and even lazy. The dyslexia was failing - the boy was difficult to master the skills of reading and writing. At 8 years old, he has not even been able to read. In the same age, Henry Ford was ill - the world legend of the automotive industry.

In 9 (!) The years Ricky decided to do business selling Christmas trees. With the other, they bought the seeds, dug holes and planted ate. But the seeds died rabbits and ate. Then Richard realized that money was not growing on the trees.

In the next Christmas, he came the idea to breed and sell wavy parrots. The father even built an aviary for these purposes, but here the boy was postgraduated - the demand was low, and after some time and at all, the rats attacked the rats and destroyed the birds.

At the age of 15, he decided to leave the school and embody the next idea of \u200b\u200bthe business together with the buddy - to create a magazine for young people. Parents supported the boy, making the decision that he would only visit the lessons of ancient history that brought him pleasure.

His life credo: to do what you get joy. He admits that he never built plans to become rich. All he wants to rejoice in life and overcome the tests.

In the photo: Richard Branson: "I achieved everything I dreamed of, at 20 years old"

The first success in the entrepreneurship was the magazine for British youth "Student", over the creation of which Branson with a friend worked in the semi-basement of the friend's parents at London. For days, Richard called from the phone-machine to potential advertisers and offered accommodation in its yet a non-existent magazine. Together with the other, they sent hundreds of letters with a proposal of advertising sites (money for the purchase of brands was given by Mom Richard).

They met with celebrities and took interviews from them. Branson managed to talk with Jame Baldwin, Jean-Paul Sartreh, Mick Jagger, John Lennon and many others.

Then Branson did not think about how celebrities of such a scale agreed to talk with a 16-year-old teenager and publish free in the journal "Student". He just took and did, however, like everything else in his life and business.

In the photo: Brenson with the fruit of his first serious undertaking - the magazine "Student"

About those times Richard writes that their lives turned into a brilliant chaos, to a party that never ends. They drank beer, met with girls and took interviews from celebrities, but also worked pretty.

Branson did not read book books and did not study in business schools, he is sure that the rules exist to violate them. It is recognized that if I had to delve into all the pros and cons of entrepreneurship, it would never be perfected to start a business. For several years, Branson and his wife lived in a floating house. The main places for work were: house, yacht, hammock.

Advertisers appeared, the first thirty thousand copies of the journal "Student", who received from the printing house, had to be sold. Branson hired students by offering them a pack of magazines for half a camp, they could pick up their profits. Some students took magazines to implement and often forgot to return duty. But it was no matter. The main thing is that the magazine has gained popularity, they learned about him.

When the circulation has become huge, friends decided to expand the business and selling records. They posted the first announcement in the last issue of the magazine. It was decided to open a record of records. Friends agreed with the owner of a shoe store to give them a free area ...

Birth of "Virgin"

The question arose how to call the future store of records and brand in general. Comrades came through options. So the name of the legendary brand was born - Virgin, which is translated from English as a "virgin".

At one of the parties in the late 70s, Branson asked: did he call his business in honor of the Vergin Islands? He answers: that at that time he has never been to the Vergin Islands, but called his company so, because he himself was in those days a virgin in business. Later, businessman bought the island of Nember, located in the Vergin Islands.

Virgin Group's presence regions: Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Russia (Internet Provider), United Kingdom, USA.

The total turnover is calculated by tens of billions of dollars and continues to grow ($ 24 billion in 2012).

Personal life

Branson is married for the second time he has two children. He admits that his wife Joan, with whom he for more than 40 years, supports all his crazy ideas and undertakings and he was happy that he met such a woman in his life. He has two children: the daughter of Holi and Son Samuel.

In the photo: Wedding Richard Branson and Joan Templeman

Richard Charles Nicolas Branson was born on July 18, 1950 in the county of Surrey, England. His father, Edward James Branson, was a lawyer of top rank, and his mother, Eva Branson, was a stewardess. Due to dyslexia (violation of the ability to master the reading skill), Branson had problems with educational institutions.

Because of her, he was almost expelled from school for boys "ScaitCliffe", which he visited up to 13 years. Then he was translated into the boarding school "Stowe" in Bukinghamshire.

"Virgin Records"

The first musician who was recorded at the studio "Virgin Records" was Mike Oldfield. With the help of the Branson team, Mike Oldfield recorded his Single "Tubular Bells". The song has become a real hit and stayed at the top of the ratings of 247 weeks. Using the success of Oldfield, Branson concluded a contract with another sudden hope group - "Sex Pistols". Later, such musicians as "Culture Club", Rolling Stones and Genesis worked with the company, which made it possible to become "Virgin Records" one of the six largest recording companies in the world.

Business expansion

Applying their entrepreneurial abilities, in 1980, Branson added to the list of his companies Voyager Group, the airline Virgin Atlantic in 1984, as well as various shops "Virgin Megastores". But not always Branson accompanied success. By 1992, Virgin Records had financial difficulties. A year later, the record company was sold by Thorn EMI for one billion US dollars.

Branson was very frustrated because of the sale. It was reported that he repeatedly cried after the signing of documents for the sale, and had a hard desire to stay in the music business. In 1993, he founded the station "Virgin Radio", and a few years later, he founded the second sound recording company - "V2".

The company, founded in 1996, now has contracts with such musical teams as "Powderfinger" and "Tom Jones".

Today, the group of companies Virgin Group has more than 200 companies in more than 30 countries, including in Great Britain, USA, Australia, Canada, Asia, Europe and South Africa. Branson expanded his business to the railway company, the company on the organization of elite hunting, companies engaged in mobile phones, as well as to the "Virgin Galactic" - a company that is engaged in space tourism.

Branson is also known for its sporting achievements: he restrains the Atlantic Ocean on the Virgin Atlantic Challenger II ship in 1986, and was the first to drive around the Atlantic Ocean in 1987 and the Pacific Ocean in 1991.

Branson received a knight's title in 1999 for the contribution to entrepreneurship, and in 2009 he took 261 place among all billionaires of the world according to Forbes magazine. His condition was rated in two and a half billion US dollars, including two private islands.

"Virgin Galactic"

In recent years, in life, the seeming adventure of Branson, a lot of attention was paid to the idea of \u200b\u200bcosmic tourism. He entered into an affiliate agreement with "Scaled Composites" to create a "SpaceShip Company" - an organization that at the moment creates a subborital space aircraft. In April 2013, the work has greatly advanced thanks to the test launch of the Spaceship 2 aircraft.

Branson was very pleased with the results of the first flight of the aircraft, what and said the NBC TV channel. "We are absolutely happy that the aircraft overcame the sound barrier in its very first flight, and that in general the flight went well," he shared. Branson expected the testing of the aircraft will be completed by the end of 2013. And by April 2013, more than 500 people bought tickets for the space flight from Virgin Galactic.

Personal life

Branson is married to Joan Templeman, his second wife. Couple has two children: Holly and Sam. The family lives in London, England.


"I believe in a good dictatorship, but if I be a dictator."

"Business opportunities as buses - will always be the next."

"We learn to walk without observing the rules, but trying to stay on the legs."

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