Galchev Filaret Ilyich Biography. Why Philaret Galchev's condition collapsed from $ 5.6 billion to $ 305 million. Galchev is not in a hurry to help

Why Philaret Galchev's condition collapsed from $ 5.6 billion to $ 305 million

The owner "Eurocement Group" has developed all his life on credit, despite the crisis

Philaret Galchev invested little in the modernization of his Russian factories and took a lot of loans that he looked / Andrey Rudakov.

About the relationship of the main owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Euro-Section Group Philaret Galchev with bankers here is such a story. He was not at one of the credit committees of Sberbank during the discussion of the debts of Eurocement. Businessman wanted to fly into space and was trained in the center of training cosmonauts. Sberbank President Herman Gref allegedly immediately called the leaders of Roscosmos with a request to leave Galchiev on Earth, because "he has many problems here." The representative of Sberbank did not confirm the fact of the bell of Gref in Roscosmos. His colleague from the center of training cosmonauts comment did not. "I heard that the lenders appealed about Galchev, but I would not assign that Gref himself called," said the center of the center. According to another employee, Galchev really passed training, but now there is no place in the list of space tourists.

Be that as it may, solve the problem with Sberbank managed: a loan is restructured on favorable terms. But it is half of the overall company debt.

Exactly 11 years ago, consolidating cement plants in the central part of Russia, Galchev planned to seize the leadership in the world market and seemed to go on the right track. Eurocement Group entered the top 10 world manufacturers (excluding China), and he himself became the shareholder of the world's largest cement company Lafargeholcim. But in just 1.5 years, he lost most of his condition: if in the middle of 2014, Bloomberg Billionaires Index estimated it at $ 5.6 billion, now - at $ 305 million. Why?

Great expectations

The history of the businessman Galchev began in 1996, when he, together with George Krasnoy, created Rosuglesbyt, soon became one of the leading coal traders of the country. In 2000, Galchiev, together with the former fuel minister, Sergei General, participated in the privatization of the Krasnoyarsk coal company. At that time, she seemed bankrupt: 1 t coal was sold for 34 rubles. At the cost of 42 rubles, the workers did not receive salary for eight months, debt before budgets of all levels was about 5 billion rubles. "For the second month we have exercised the debts on the salary, in 2001 they paid 1.8 billion rubles. Taxes, increased production from 28 million to 37 million tons, "Galchiv" Vedomosti "was boasting.

Two years later, Galchev sold his share in the MDM Group of MDM and immediately, using the conflict between the shareholders, acquired the Shares of Stern Cement, which was then four cement plants. "In 2002, 1 tons of cement in Russia cost $ 30, and in Europe - 60-70 euros. Galchev saw great potential in this industry, "explains the interest of the former coal magnate to the cement industry his friend.

Only in it it was necessary to clean up. "Stern cement", according to Galchev, owned in each of the four plants with minority packages, the rest were listed on offshore. The plants themselves were "killed", the revenue was called profit, taxes were not paid, all cash was worn in suitcases. "Nobody dreamed of how much dirt was around these plants," said Galchev. However, the founder of the "Stern Cement" Vladimir Sternefeld refuted this information. Just as the transaction named by the Galchiev - $ 100 million. Former owner's colleagues "Eurocement" believe that it was about $ 50 million. Later, Galchiv bought three more plants, and in 2004 his cement holding has already produced 9.6 million tons Products.

In 2005, the businessman concluded the main deal of his life. He acquired the spouses of the then mayor of Moscow, Yury Luzhkov, Elena Baturina Seven cement factories7.5 million tons of production for the previous year, and became a unconditional industry leader.

For the market, the deal has become a surprise. Moreover, in the Inteko's investment memorandum in 2005, a goal was set - to become a voluminous with "euro-cement". But the race was expensive: the two largest cement companies competed primarily in price, so it did not rise for several years, the plants worked on minimal profitability and this limited the development of the market, recalls one of the participants of the transaction. "It was clear that you need to consolidate," he adds. Baturin decided to get out of the fight, but Galchev was not suiced. The amount of the transaction was $ 850 million.

The transaction "EUROCEMENT" with Inteko fully financed Sberbank. Galchev generally preferred to develop on credit money. To the question of "Vedomosti", where he will take funds to implement his large-scale plans, the businessman answered: "I have a good credit history."

In December 2005, Galchev bought the "Caucasian" from the son-in-law of the former head of Karachay-Cherkessia Ali Kaitov. Baturin has previously abandoned this transaction. Caita was arrested in October 2004. After seven representatives of Him-type were killed at his cottage under Circassian. Tsakhilov led by the deputy of the Republican Parliament Rasul Bogatyrev. Later, their burnt corpses will find in one of the mines "Caucasian". One of the main advantages of Galchiev is the ability to risk, to go Wa-Bank, one of its competitors believes.

Golden age cement

2005-2007 became the golden age for the cement industry of Russia: the construction boom raised prices and the largest businessmen of the country, inspired among other things and an example of Galchev, rushed to invest in this business. Galchev himself then saw the future in the rainbow light. "World Company No. 1 LAFARGE costs $ 42 billion and produces 110 million tons. Achieve such indicators - we will cost as much," he explained in an interview with Vedomosti in 2006

Bringing out the leaders of the cement industry, Eurocement Group led herself tough: the company refused to let the products without prepayment, and another month announced the price increase. If in April 2005 cement cost 1150 rubles. For 1 t, then in May - already 2000-2100 rubles. And in summer, prices for cement in separate regions reached 4000-5000 rubles. For 1 t. The manufacturer has justified the price increase of gas and electricity tariffs and the need to upgrade the plants. "Now the wear is 80%, and plants from 45 to 100 years. What then will be with these plants?<...> If we reduce the price, all cement plants die, "explained Galchiv. The builders decided that Galchiv was trying to bring off the cost of buying factories at their expense, they calculated losses and complained about the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS). At the end of 2005, the FAS acknowledged the "Eurocement Group" by a violator of the antimonopoly law and punished with a fine of 1.9 billion rubles. True, after several months of trials, the FAS agreed to reduce the penalty more than 7 times and allowed the "euro-cement" to raise prices.

"Pikalevsky cement" / Interpress / PhotoXpress

Until the end of 2006, Galchev bought on the plant in Uzbekistan and in Ukraine. His empire has already consisted of 16 enterprises with a total capacity of 35 million tons (of which the Russian capacity of Eurocement accounted for 29.6 million tons, despite the fact that total capacity in the country was 68 million tons), and Holding itself became the eighth among the world's largest manufacturers. cement.

Galchev promised to invest a fantastic $ 6 billion in the development of the cement industry, increasing the annual production in the country by more than 9 million tons. Although the net profit and even the consolidated revenue of Eurocement never revealed, its enterprises allowed to talk about such investments: at cost in 900-1000 rubles. They sold cement on average 2500 rubles. for 1 ton

Error price

It was an increase in prices that became the main mistake of Galchiev, experts and competitors consider. After that, a foreign cement hurried to the Russian market, which was now comparable in cost with the products of Eurocement. In 2008, the need for imports was estimated at 5 million tons, while the real volume of the cement importation was about 9 million tons, recalls one of the manufacturers. Besides, high profitability Business attracted new investors to the industry: plants began to build not only profile players, but also Metallurgists Oleg Deripaska and Lion Swirl, creator of the LSR Group Andrei Molchanov, businessman Alisher Usmanov. "Galchev made a big deal - consolidated the market, raised the quality of cement, seeks to transparency of relationships," explains Molchanov. He recognizes that it is the high prices for cement, which for LSR had 1 million tons per year, they advocated him to build a cement plant. "When we started to build, the price for 1 ta reached $ 200. But global experience shows that the players in this market do not own individual plants, "he explains now. At the end of 2014, Molchanov sold LSR-Cement Galchevu for about 18 billion rubles. Excluding debt before VEB, which switched to the buyer.

Non-easy partners

Galchevo had to spend the order to resolve conflicts with partners. In 2009, he paid about $ 150 million Millhouse Roman Abramovich. Millhouse has become a partner of Galchiev at OJSC Eurocement at the end of 2006, having bought the RUSSIA Partners Foundation package, which many years before that conflicted with Galchiev. RUSSIA Partners has invested money in the "Stern Cement" back in 1996, but Galchev did not want to buy them out. The Foundation blocked several decisions of Evrocement OJSC on additional emission, in response the main owners have ceased to give the fund information about the company. In 2004, legal processes began - first in Moscow, then in Cyprus and in England. In 2005, the Foundation asked for help to Alpha Groups, but she did not manage to find a common language with Galchiev. The Krasnoyansky 23.8% of the "Eurocement" Galchev bought about $ 1 billion. The transaction was also difficult. Krasniansky agreed with Galchiev about the sale of a share in May 2007, according to the terms of the transaction, the buyer was supposed to transfer the company Krasnoyansky GLK Investments for $ 200 million. However, everything was limited to paying $ 400 million, the payments ended in 2009. Then Krasninsky sold the right to demand a businessman to Pavlu Krotov, who was the trustee of the State Duma Deputy Adam Delimkhanov. To find a common language with Krotov, Galchevo had to seek help from Kerimov, who, as we assured several sources of "Vedomosti", Galchiev handed over a major package of "eurocement", and then bought it back. In 2010, Krotov and Galchev announced the restructuring of debt.

As a result, according to the calculations of the Evrocement itself, since 2008, about $ 10 billion in Russia was invested in the creation of 31 million tons of new capacity of cement plants, after which the total production facilities in cement increased by 40% to about 103 million tons per year.

But among the leaders of the modernization of the structures of Galchev.

In the ranking of investment activity on russian market Cement, compiled by a consulting company "SM-PRO", Eurocement Group is located on the eighth line: Galchev built only one technological line for 11 years - "Podgorensky cement" in Voronezh by 2.2 million tons. For comparison: Leader on investment Lafargeholcim Built two lines by 3.8 million tons, completes another 1.5 million tons. The "Gazmetallproekt" plot is fully upgraded by Novoroscement: his first line with a capacity of 2.2 million tons was launched in 2014 ., the rest of two 2.9 million tons must be opened in 2018.

Now Eurocement is forced to reduce the capacity: he closed the Savinsky cemzavod (power - 1.2 million tons), reduces the staff at the Zhigulevsky building materials (1.7 million tons) and Belgorod cement. "Pikalevsky Cement" is part of the Pikalevsky production complex, in a situation where the President Vladimir Putin came seven years ago, - now translated on a two-hour working day, his staff is twice. Why did Eurocement, the industry leader, was among the outsiders on investment?

Dear ambitions

Money from "Eurocement" was. EBITDA "Eurocement Group" in 2006 amounted to $ 600-700 million, in 2007 - already $ 1.7 billion, tells a person close to the company. But Galchev, who wishes to become the largest manufacturer of cement in the world, decided to assemble a block package of the global industry leader - Holcim. For this, the company's funds lacked, loans were again needed. His business partner Georgy Krasnyansky, who owned the "Euro-cement" by the block package, did not approve this idea, tells familiar businessmen. Krasninsky insisted on the modernization of plants and the construction of new ones, Galchev believed that it was necessary to acquire assets, tells one of their acquaintances. In 2006, the Optional program was launched in Eurocement Group, the Optional Program, which blurred the share of Krasnoyansky was launched: 4.8% of shares received managers of the company, including President Mikhail Skoroshod - 1.5%. The package of Krasnoyansky decreased to 23.8%.

In 2008, Galcheva Eurocement Holding AG, registered in Zurich, said that 6.52% of Holcim shares were bought in the market, and in 2011, this share increased to 10.11%. The package could do about $ 2.3 billion.

Other co-owners Holcim Galchevo were not happy. FT wrote that the Russian businessman "Ice" relationships with the largest shareholders of Holcim, the Schmidhein family, hostile attempted Galchev to grow a share in the company. Since July 2013, Holcim began to negotiate a merger with another largest cement producer - Lafarge. The deal liked the family of Schmidheiny also because he blocked the share of Galchev, wrote ft. According to the results of the merger, Galchev received Lafargeholcim 6.12% in the new cement giant.

In 2008, the crisis struck and since then the market has not restored, recalls the general director of the company "SM-PRO" Vladimir Huz. In 2015, cement consumption decreased by 12% to 62 million tons - because of this, most factories are loaded by 60%. The dollar price of cement fell more than 3 times: from $ 178 for 1 ton to $ 55, the goose continues. "The profitability in the cement industry is now on the verge: for several years, the price after falling in 2008 was trampled in place, while the cost of steadily grew, growing and growing will increase rates for energy carriers, carriage, etc., increases. - General Director General of the Baselcement Holding Vyacheslav Shmatomov agrees.

Galchev continues to lead the production: from "Euro-cement" now 19 cement factories in Russia, in Ukraine and in Uzbekistan, as well as plants for the production of concrete, concrete, careers for the extraction of nonmetallic materials. However, only five of its factories ("LSR-Cement", "Podgorensky Cementnik", "Mordovcement", Sengileevsky cement plant and "Nevyansky Cementnik") can be attributed to modern working on the so-called dry method of production. On average, the cost of cement production in Eurocement is estimated at 1800 rubles. (without managerial and investment costs). The cost of cement production by a dry way in modern plants of competitors by 20-30% lower, says the goiness. According to the calculations "CM-Pro", for each ton of the cement sold - at a price of about 2900 rubles. - It lies in an additionally at least 900 rubles. interest on loans and about 800 rubles. Costs for implementation. It turns out that the final cost of each ton for "eurocement" is 3,500 rubles, i.e., on its sale, the group loses 600 rubles., CM-PRO experts are considered.

In the cement business, Euro-cement today is more like an outsider and is inferior to other market leaders at cost, profitability, capacity utilization, development dynamics and level of modernization, one of the competitors of Galchev is convinced. To this you need to add a specialty control style, characterized by a high dependence on the position of the company's owner, and its "family" character: among the company's top managers, many relatives Galchev - for example, the Vice-President of the Safety of Kuzma Grigoriadis and Vice President Romeo Galchev adds a source "Vedomosti". The mistake was the underestimation of the investment potential of the industry, which led to the emergence of competitors in the household markets "Eurocement", he continues.

Credits asked

Problems with the effectiveness predictably followed problems with loans. The total debts of the Russian Yurlitz "Eurocement Group" exceed 150 billion rubles, CM-Pro calculated. Employees of banks - lenders Galchev say that the total debt of the businessman reaches 300 billion rubles. Only half of them - $ 2-2.5 billion - falls on Sberbank. According to Spark Interfax, most of the Eurocement Group factories are laid in Sberbank. At the end of last year, the company restructured the debt to Sberbank: in 2016-2017. "EUROCEMENT" is quenched only half of interest (the rest are capitalized to the amount of debt), and in 2018 it begins to repay the body of the loan. The representative of Sberbank CIB refused comment.

Galcheva has a good relationship with Gref, assures the familiar owner of Eurocement. Rarely, who succeeds in such conditions to restructure the problem debt, continues the interlocutor of the Vedomosti. In addition to Sberbank, "Euro-cement" debts before VTB and UniCredit Bank. According to various data, the first bank of the group should be about $ 500 million, the second is $ 200 million. The press service of VTB calls "Eurocement Group" by a conscientious borrower, in UniCredit Bank, did not comment on the relationship with the borrower.

At the end of January 2016, Eurocement Holding AG was forced to sell Sberbank CIB on a repo transaction 6.12% of Lafargeholcim shares due to need to increase the Bank of America Merrill Lynch, provided by Eurocement. Already in early February, Sberbank announced Martin-Call on this loan and sold the stock for about $ 1.5 billion, whereas at the time of the repo transaction the package was estimated at $ 1.6 billion. Considering that the share price of Lafargeholcim fell by more than 40% for the last For half a year, only about $ 700 million could lose about the transaction of Galchev, the goiness was calculated.

With Ukrainian plants "Eurocement" is also difficult. Previously, they worked on a clinker, exported from Russia, and now stand, says familiar Galchev.

Future plans

The easiest way out of the crisis for Galchiev is to try to monopolize the market, one of his competitors fears. And not in vain. Galchev in January appealed to the head of the FAS Igor Artemyev with a proposal to increase the cost of railway transportation of cement at a distance of more than 720 km 5 times. He justifies his idea of \u200b\u200bthe ineffectiveness of the use of railway infrastructure: now cement is taken to a distance more than 2,000 km, which prevents local players, they told several people who know about the content of the appeal.

"Speech in this case is not about the support of the industry, but on the support of a specific player. The plants "Eurocement Group" benefit from such a billing. Regional monopolies will be created, where other players will not be able to pass, "the general director of the" Baselcement-Pikalevo "Maxim Volkov is confident. In this case, for consumers, for example, in apatites, where "Baselcement" carries out products for 1126 km, cement will rise in price by more than 50%, and wolves indicate. In the regions with low cement production, the rise in prices will significantly increase the cost of construction, and in regions with excessive volumes, the profitability of cement manufacturers will significantly decrease, which will lead to the closure of production, reducing jobs and dismissing personnel, the representative of Metalloinvest believes (50% in it belongs to Usmanov). This is especially critical for monogenic, he notes. For example, Novotroitsk, where the manufacturer of cement belonging to Uralov, the Ural Melting Company LLC, is one of the alternatives of the city-forming "Ural Steel" (enters Metalloinvest). "The localization of the market due to the growth of logistics expenses will lead to regional monopoly and, as a result, to the increase in prices for cement," the representative of "Metalloinvest" summarizes.

FAS rejected the offer of "Eurocement", the representative of the service said: "It limits the competition - we see risks and cons, and the benefits are not so obvious." The offer "Eurocement Group" is to make cement by a regional product, and this will change the configuration on the market: for example, "eurocement" in the Central Federal District, the share will exceed 50%, it continues. In addition, the FAS previously coordinated the transaction "Eurocement" to acquire competitors, provided that the market is very highly conserved. If Galchev continues to insist and lobby the ideas about the localization of the markets, it will be interpreted as an attempt to monopolization and the state can reconsider its decisions on the approval of the recent acquisitions of a businessman, assures a federal official.

Despite strategic mistakes, in general, Galchiv still moves to the achievement of the main goal, the Guz believes. The company is forced to continue expansion, otherwise it will lose the dominant position in all regional markets. "If the volume of the market does not seek below 45-50 million tons with the passive position of other manufacturers and loyalty of bankers, Euro-cement will be able to hold out. On the other hand, if the current situation lasts 3-5 years, Galchev may lose control of the business, "the goose believes.

"The main consumption of cement is housing construction. Therefore, the demand will increase when the real incomes of the population begin to grow again, and mortgage rates - decline. In the meantime, these lines go completely on the contrary and, like scissors, cut the market. This year, the market capacity will most likely decline, and competition, accordingly, will be tougher, "says Shmaty from" Baselcement ".

The representative of Eurocement Group refused to answer the questions of the Vedomosti.

"If Galchev Initially, I bought shares under Bofa credit money, he could face the need to make additional security in the summer when Lafargeholcim shares fell more than 30% from July by September, "explains the senior portfolio manager GHP Group Fedor Bizikov.

Since the beginning of 2016, Lafargeholcim shares fell more by 29%, and the capitalization of the company decreased by $ 9 billion. It happenedagainst the background of strengthening the Swiss franc. D.the company's goals declined due to the slowdown in the growth of the economies of Brazil and China and the weakening of the Russian ruble (the company has assets in Russia), notes Bloomberg.Therefore, after two weeks, in early February, Sberbank has sold 6.12% of Lafargeholcim Limited shares with a 9% discount (at a price of 36.25 Swiss francs, while I purchased them 41 franc), writes ft.

Margin-Call in the 2008 crisis

Deripaska and Magna.

Oleg Deripaska became one of the most notable victims of the Crisis of 2008, which was then lost the 20% stake in Canadian Magna, the world's largest manufacturer of autocomponents. A year earlier, BNP Paribas bank expressed his willingness to allocate up to $ 1.22 billion Russian cars owned by Deripaska, to buy shares. As "Kommersant" wrote, in September 2007, the Bank issued "Russian cars" the first tranche in the amount of $ 880 million under the terms of the loan, Magna shares were pledged and in the event of a fall of Magna quotes on the New York Stock Exchange Returned Losses from the depreciation Pledge. The Bank also had the right to demand early repayment of the loan in the event of an allocation of shares by more than 30%. According to the publication, then, from the moment of the selection of the first tranche of the loan, the quotations fell by 50.6%, from the moment of the purchase of papers "Russian machines" - by 38.3%.

Deripaska and Hochtief

Following the loss of Magna Deripask, for the same reasons, it was necessary to part with almost 10% of the shares of the German Hochtief Construction Holding. In May 2012, thanks to the COMMERZBANK loan, Oleg Deripaska and its Rasperia Trading bought 3% of Hochtief shares. According to Vedomosti, the cost of the package at that time could reach € 160 million. After some time, the company increased its share to 9.9%, paying for about € 390 million for this. However, in October 2012, the cost of shares fell to € 169, 2 million, with the result that Deripaska decided to exit joint Stock Capital Companies. Presumably, businessman losses could be € 340 million.

Zanastorov and "Seventh Continent"

The victim of the 2008 crisis has become grocery stores "Seventh Continent". Then its main shareholder Alexander Zanadvorov, according to Vedomosti, received from Deutsche Bank Margin-Call on a loan for $ 560 million, the provision of 74.81% of the shares of the Seventh Continent. But the businessman managed to keep the package - the former business partner Vladimir Gruzdev helped him (through his family fund).

Alpha and VimpelCom

Margin-Call also ranked for the Alpha Group telecommunications division Altimo Holding. In the 2008 crisis, he had to save 44% of VimpelCom shares in Deutsche Bank. Then Vnesheconombank came to the rescue, agreed to refinance a loan of $ 2 billion.

"Alpha" and x5

At about the same, "Alpha" almost lost 47.2% x5 Retail Group. As "Vedomosti" wrote, the company agreed with the bank consortium headed by Deutsche Bank and BNP Paribas about a loan worth up to $ 1 billion, secured by Retailer shares. In the spring of 2008, GDR X5 shares fell from $ 27.3 to $ 8, so banks demanded a debt from "alpha" or increase the provision. Alfa managed to maintain a stake in X5.

The source RBC, familiar with the terms of the Galchian deal with Sberbank, suggests that the entrepreneur could not make the necessary additional security on the loan, therefore, against the background of a decrease in the value of Lafargeholcim's shares, the Bank decided to sell a deposit.

The exchange of such volumes did not pass, confirms the senior portfolio manager of the GHP Group Fedor Blaise. According to him, the day to sell 37.2 million shares to the market is impossible, since the volume of exchange trades is limited to units of millions per day.

Investbankir, familiar with the organizers Lafargeholcim Asset Sales Transactions, told RBC that the sale of a company's share package with a discount of 9% can be considered successful. "In thisneliquid The market to implement a deposit with such a low discount is a success, "he is sure. According to the financier, the transaction can be called market, since buyers of former assetsGalchev Not one investor became not one.

He clarified that UBS, speaking an agent for the sale of a lafarge package, managed to collect a book of applications from various investors.The buyer of the package in Lafargeholcim, according to FT, has become a group of international investors from the United Kingdom, Switzerland, USA and other countries. Source close to Sberbank said that the sale of Lafargeholcim shares was a bank business decision that does not cancel further cooperation With Galchiev. "We have a fairly large loan portfolio on his company," he said.

Representatives of Eurocement, Sberbank and Lafargeholcim refused to comment. The phone Galchev did not answer on Tuesday.

Among the major shareholders of Lafargeholcim, according to the company, Schweizerische Cement-Industrie-Gesellschaft, controlled by Tomas Schmidhein (controls 11.87%), family Demare through Groupe Bruxelles Lambert (9.84%), NNS Jersey Trust (4.99%) of Egyptian Entrepreneur of Nasefa Saviris, Dodge & Cox (3.41% of shares), Harbor Funds (1.86%). Philaret Galchev was the third largest packet with a shareholder of Lafargeholcim, created by the merger of two leading manufacturers of building materials - Lafarge and Holcim in July 2015, but after a transaction with Sberbank he had only 0.27%.

Negotiations on the merger of Swiss Lafarge and French Holcim were conducted from July 2013. According to FT, Galchiv did not participate in the negotiations at the first stage due to cooling in relations with the Schmidhein family, which arose after he tried to increase the company in 2008 and 2011. However, in May 2014, Galchev approved the merger of companies to get the opportunity to buy an assets for sale as a result (then he was the second largest shareholder of Holcim with a fraction of 10.8%).

Lafargeholcim is present in 90 countries. The company's headquarters is located in Switzerland, and trade in shares is carried out on stock exchanges in Paris and Zurich.

Last year, Forbes rated Galchiev's condition at $ 4.4 billion in the rating of Forbes "Racheth Businessmen of Russia" 2015 he held 23-e place.

Galchev Filaret Ilyich

Philaret Galchev - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Euro Cement Group.





In 1991 he graduated from the Moscow Mountain Institute in the specialty "Mining Engineer-Economist". In 1995 he defended his dissertation on the topic " Economic justification Formation of the regional market for sales of coal. "

He is a valid member of the Academy of Mining Sciences, a member of the International Energy Academy, has more than 22 scientific works, one of the first in its scientific works He considered the problem and substantiated the methodology for segmentation of the coal market and the formation of a competitive price for coal products.

In 1997, a monograph "Marketing coal in Russia" was published, and later the book "Marketing coal in Russia" was released. At the end of 1998, she completed work on a doctoral dissertation on the topic "Development of the coal market of Russia", which was successfully defended on January 22, 1999 at a meeting of the dissertation council of the Academy of National Economy with awarding the degree of doctorate economic Sciences.

In 2003, the book "Actual problems of the mining economy" was published. October 20, 2004 was awarded the scientist of Professor at the Department of Economics and Mining Production Planning of the Moscow State Mining University.

Currently continues to conduct scientific work, it is engaged in the preparation of young professionals for the cement industry. Reads lectures on the economy to students of the Moscow State Mining University, communicating with modern scientific research With the practice of cement production.


From 1992 to 1993 - General Director of the International Trade House of the Mining Industry.

From 1993 to 1997 he headed the Office of the Coal Market Organization State enterprise Russian coal company Rostugol.

From April 1997 - the Director General, and since 1999 - Chairman of the Board of CJSC Rosuglesbyt.

Since 2000, Filaret Ilich Galchev - Chairman of the Board of Rosuglesbyt, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Krasnoyarsk Coal Company. In partnership with Sergey General, the control package of the Krasnoyarsk coal company bought. Subsequently, this package "Industrial MDM Group" has been sold.

Since 2002 - President of Rosuglesbyt OJSC, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Eurocement, from 2004 to the present - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Eurocement Group CJSC.

Public and political activities

A recognized specialist in the field of coal market was a member of the Interdepartmental Working Group under the Government Russian Federation For prompt consideration of issues to ensure fuel vitally important objects. Repeatedly participated in meetings held in the Government of the Russian Federation on the preparation of EC enterprises to work in winter conditions.


Per successful work It has the following awards and titles:

  • Sign "Miner's Glory" III degree (1995);
  • Memorial sign "275 years of the coal industry of Russia" (1997);
  • Sign "Miner's Glory" II degree (2000);
  • "Golden Minor Sign" (2003);
  • Honorary sign of the Governor of the Bryansk Region "For Mercy" II Degree (2004);
  • Order of the Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow (2005);
  • Commemorative medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "For Assistance" (2006);
  • The title of "Honorary Builder of Russia" (2006);
  • Golden sign of sv. Velikomi Martyr Varvara (2007);
  • On March 21, 2008, he was awarded the International Federation of United Styles of Combat (FILA) of the Higher Award of the Organization - the Golden Order of FILA.
  • At the end of 2011, the decision of the editorial composition of the leading international sectoral publication "Cemweek" declared a person of the year, as the most influential in the cement sector in 2011.

Philaret Galchev - Entrepreneur, Businessman, Shareholder, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Eurocement Group, Professor, Author of several books, awarded the title "Honorary Builder of Russia". In the rating of Forbes "Racheth Businessmen of Russia" in 2015 it takes 23 place with a state of $ 4.4 billion.

Biography of Philaret Galchev

In 1991 he graduated from the Moscow State Mining University with a degree in Mountain Engineer-Economist. Immediately became the main expert on commercial issues at the Institute of Mining. Skohinsky. A year later, took the post general Director International Trade House of the Mining Industry.

In 1993, he became the head of the department of the organization of the coal market in the company "Rosugol". And after three years, in 1996, created his own company Rosuglesbyt, which was renamed Eurocement.

In 2002, together with the partner, Krasnoyansky bought the Stern Cement company, which owned several cement plants. And then combined 16 cement plants by creating the Holding "Eurocement Group". These were the plants of Russia of Uzbekistan and Ukraine. In 2005, Galchev bought the Intec cement plants, which belonged to the ex-wife Yuri Luzhkov - Elena Baturina. For several years, the Holding has become one of the largest cement producers not only in Russia, but also all over the world.

In 2007, a long partner of Galchiev Georgy Krasninsky sold it 23.8% of the shares for 1 billion dollars, but the money could not immediately receive. Conflict broke out. As a result, the deal was completed only after the proceedings in the Swiss arbitration court.

In 2013, Philaret Galchiv rejected his 10% stake in Uralkali Dmitry Mazepine.

Also on the eve of the Universiade 2013 in Kazan, there were a lot of questions about the relationship between the businessman and the leadership of Tatarstan. The media said that an agreement was concluded between them, according to which "Eurocement Group" will be able to get all major orders for the construction of objects, as well as increase the volume of supply by 25%. True, the information remained closed.

Today, the businessman's capital is 100% of the shares of Eurocement Group CJSC, which is the largest manufacturer of cement in Russia. And Philaret Galchev is the second largest shareholder of the Swiss company-producer of Cement Holcim (10.8%).

According to experts, last year 16 Eurocement factories have released more than 25 million tons of cement, which amounted to 29% of the share in the Russian market. In addition, it is known that the FAS gave permission to acquire two more cement plants. This means that the proportion of the group in Russia will grow to 47%.

It is planned a complete transition of all plants for production by dry way by 2018. This investment program is estimated at two billion dollars.

Personal and social life

Married, two children. At the businessman's citizenship of Greece.

Passion Galchev - glasses. He wears glasses of the famous Danish Lindberg brand. As you know, they cost at least 160,000 rubles.

He is the author of 22 scientific publications. Businessman wrote two books: "Actual problems of the mining economy" and "coal marketing in Russia". Until now, he teaches in MGGU at the Department of Economics and Planning Mountain Production, conducts scientific work. In addition, Galchev is a doctor of economic sciences, professor, as well as a valid member of the Academy of Mining Sciences and the International Energy Academy. Over the years, he was a member of the interdepartmental working group under the Government of the Russian Federation to ensure fuel vital objects of the country.

The entrepreneur has several ranks and awards. He was awarded the medal of the Order "For Stupid Before Fatherland Sirepeni", the Order of the Blessed Prince Daniel Moskovsky, the "Miner's Glory" signs of the IIIIs IIIs, "Golden Magnifier", "Golden Sign of St. Great Martyr Barbara", as well as awarded the title of "Honorary Builder of Russia".

In March 2008, the International Federation of United Styles of Fight was awarded the Golden Order of Fila.

In 2011, according to Cemweek, he was adopted by a man of the year, as the most influential in the cement sector.

An interesting fact of the biography of a businessman: it became known that he is preparing for the flight on the ISS. He is one of the applicants for the place, from which the singer Sarah Brightman refused. Preparation is very serious, departure is planned on September 1. However, according to independent sources, chances to occupy vacant Galchev is small in mind the lack of sufficient time for training and training. Although the billionaire is ready to spend 50 million dollars for this flight. Although in the press service of the holding, this information is not commented.

Philaret Galchev - famous russian entrepreneur, billionaire, the only shareholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Eurocement Group CJSC.

Born on May 25, 1963 in the village of Tarsoni (according to another version - the village of Gumbati (Kumby))) of the Central District of the Georgian SSR. Father - Ilya Azarevich, Mother - Balabanova Elizabeth Agapesimovna. There is an elder brother - Romeo, born in 1958, is now held by the post of vice president of Eurocement.

Education and scientific activities

In 1991, he graduated from the Moscow State Mining University.

In 1996, he defended his thesis on the problems of the formation of regional coal markets, and in 1999 he received a doctorate degree of economic sciences, defending the dissertation "Development of the coal market in Russia" at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2004, he became a professor at the Department of Economics and Planning Mining Production MGU, he also deals with teaching. In an interview with 2005, he said that the salary of the teacher at his personal request is automatically listed in the student fund.

He is a valid member of the Academy of Mining Sciences and the International Energy Academy.

Labor activity

As he told the "Vedomosti", while studying in the MYGU, the future "cement king" managed to all: to carry out the functions of the Commandant of the Institute, Deputy Chairman of the trade union committee, to engage in scientific work and even sometimes unload wagons.

At the end of the university, she got a mining institute named after Skochinsky to the position of chief expert on commercial issues.

In 1992 he headed the international trading house Mining industry as a general director.

A year later, in 1993, settled in Rosugol to the position of the head of the department of the organization of the coal market.

In 1996, the entrepreneur founded his own company - Rosuglesbyt. In 2000, together with the partner - Sergey General, they bought OJSC Krasnoyarsk Coal Company, and Philaret Ilyich headed his board of directors. After a while, the businessman sold his assets in both enterprises, receiving $ 120 million for them.

In 2002, jointly with the partner George Krasnoyansky bought Stern Cement, which owns several cement plants, then she was renamed Eurocement. Holding united 16 cement plants in the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. In 2007, I bought 23.8% of the shares in Krasnoyansky.

Today, Eurocement Group produces the third part of the entire cement produced in the Russian Federation, and the billionaire is the sole owner of the holding (100% of the shares).

It is known for several years a billionaire was in the interdepartmental working Group under the Government of the Russian Federation to ensure fuel vitally important objects of the country.

In December 2013, he entered the NITE "MISIS".

Member of the Management Board of the RSPP and the Moscow English Club.

He is a citizen of Greece.


Wears the title "Honorary Builder of Russia".

In the piggy bank of his awards also
- the medal of the Order "For merit to the Fatherland of II degree";
- Order of the Blessed Prince Daniel Moscow;
- "Golden Minor Sign";
- Signs "Miner's Glory" III and II Art.

In the list of the richest people of the Russian Federation according to Forbes magazine since 2006. It is included in the top 50 richest businessmen (with the exception of the post-crisis 2009 - then his capital amounted to only $ 600 million). The maximum assessment of his condition reached in 2013 - $ 6.7 billion and the 22nd ranking. At the beginning of 2016, it takes the 47th line with a marker of $ 1.5 billion.

Family status

It is official marriage. Spouse - Markitanova Elena Nikolaevna, children - Alina and Ilya.


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