Work on improving product quality. Development of proposals for improving the quality of the product in the enterprise. Concept and performance indicators of products


LLC "FurnitureComplekt" is a developing enterprise with its unique style. Improving product quality contributes to an increase in production efficiency. To improve production efficiency in the furniture industry important role Plays a long service life of furniture. At this enterprise, modern equipment, which allows them not only with ease to take a large amount of sales, but also to perform complex orders.

In the second chapter, an analysis of the activities of FurnitureComplekt LLC was performed. For the identification of the strengths of the enterprise used SWOT analysis. During the analysis, the threats and the possibilities of the plant are revealed. The main threat is untimely control.

When analyzing the competitors, it turned out that "Gloria Furniture", uses other equipment that allows you to make multiple elements on both the glass and wood.

Reducing product quality is a collapse for all types of production. Applying Ishikava chart The following factors affecting product quality are identified: man, machine, methods, materials. Violations were identified in the input and output control, which entails the analysis of the work of the controllers.

The third chapter should develop measures to improve the organization of quality control. To analyze the job instruction. Conduct activities aimed at improving quality control organization.

Implementation of the 5S system

The 5S system includes 5 basic principles:

  • 1-Seiri - Sort. Selection of useful and useless things in the worker's workflow. Getting rid of superfluous.
  • 2-seiton - compliance with order. The correct organization of storage of things when the most necessary is always at hand.
  • 3-Seiso - content clean. The content of the workplace is always clean and order.
  • 4-Seiketsu - standardization, which is an important condition for performing each of the first three principles.
  • 5-shitsuke - improvement. Developing the habit of implementing all the above principles and improvement.

To improve quality control, one of the methods is the 5S method, because if the order in the head, in the workplace, everything is at hand and is performed on time, then the problems with production and marriage decreases.

I think it is advisable to introduce this method into the technical control department. For the introduction of this method, the responsible person director of quality, the deadlines for the introduction of three months. After each stage has passed, the quality department must summarize, analyze the activities carried out, identify positive parties.

Algorithm for implementing the method:

Stage 1: This is the preparation of a project to familiarize all controllers and the head of the quality department with this method. We define the leader and the command to implement and planning. Here are discussed proposals for implementation. In our case, the technical control department will be considered where the leader will be a quality director will be the leader, and the team will be a quality management department.

Term of execution one week. The responsible leader of the project.

2 Stage: Perform the workplace scanning. To do this, we make photographs of the workplace for a given period of time, the Group develops a system of indicators for the project and collects initial data on documents and elements with which I work in the technical monitoring department. Create an information booth.

Performance period for 2 weeks. Responsible Team of Implementation

3Tap: We begin with the first element of the sorting method. In order for the workplace not to be baked a bunch of useless things, you need to constantly sort things at hand, because the process of performing work every day is the same, and nothing should interfere. To do this, we consider the desktop of the controllers and the head of the department, give them red and yellow flags and during the week they should use them for documentation and other elements on their workplace to identify what things they enjoy more often, and what less often. Yellow checkbox - frequent use, red - once a month.

Term of execution one week. Responsible team of implementation.

4 Stage: rational location of things. One of the most important issues to which the worker himself should be approached, because from day to day he is produced by skill, and he already, as it were, the "automatic" takes the necessary tool. You should install a list of tools and their location scheme at each workplace so that any employee can find the tool you need. For this, controllers in quality and head of the department, a week must provide a quality director with the list of elements with which they work and on the basis of the sorting already carried out, positioning things by depicting all this in the location scheme. After that, at each workplace, we establish these schemes, lay out things in our places and during the week are observing the convenience, comfort and efficiency of the location. So within a short term, we deliver our workplace from unnecessary elements.

In order to test how effective our actions, you can two days to all workers to change with your workplaces and watch comfortably, easy and convenient will be each of the employees.

Deadline for two weeks. Responsible team of implementation and working in this department.

5Tap: Cleaning with simultaneous verification. At this stage, it is necessary to develop rules for cleaning. For example, all employees at the end of the work shift are allocated for 10-15 minutes to clean the workplace, both trash and tools that must lie according to the scheme, which is located at each workplace.

Dates one two days. Responsible group for the implementation and workers in this zone.

Stage 6: Standardization and information sharing. Standardization - is an important condition for performing each of the first three principles. It is necessary to develop and implement standards that ensure the perfect condition. Managing It is necessary to consider cleanliness standards, you can rely on ISO 14644 "Clean rooms and related controlled environments".

Time for 2 weeks. Responsible group and leader of the group.

7Tap: maintaining achieved and improving. Improving is the development of the habit so that the workers understand the whole of the importance of the above items and the need to perform them daily. Introduce 5S in other departments. Improvements can be performed in changing schemes.

Performance Term: Constantly.

Perform right organization And the introduction of the 5S system in the office or production is quite difficult. This system It does not have clear instructions for each individual employee, but defines the basic principles.

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Improving the quality range is an integral part of the enterprise strategy, the necessary condition for improving the efficiency of production and increase the amount of profit.

Product quality is the most important performance indicator. Improving product quality - one of the most important means competitive struggle, conquest and retention of positions in the market. The task of the technical policy of the enterprise is to accelerate the creation of new progressive products that meet their technical and economic parameters current and potential consumers.

In economic literature there are various formulations for determining product quality, they can be combined into two main groups:

  • 1) the characteristic of the quality as a set of product properties that determine its suitability to satisfy certain needs in accordance with its purpose;
  • 2) Determining product quality as a degree of satisfaction with these products of certain needs.

GOST 15467--79 identified product quality as a set of properties of a product that determine its suitability to satisfy certain needs in accordance with its purpose.

From this definition follows: product quality view:

first, as a totality of useful properties,

secondly, as the ability to satisfy certain needs.

This definition is the sign of equality between the quality and the set of properties.

Product quality is a combination of product properties that determine the degree of satisfaction of certain needs in accordance with its purpose and taking into account the costs of its production and consumption.

Under the quality of products, they understand the novelty, the technical level, the absence of defects, reliability and durability in operation.

All products are divided into four groups, belonging to each of which determines the level of quality:

  • - the highest;
  • - competitive;
  • - lowered;
  • - Low (non-competitive).

Superior quality products exceed similar goods-competitors in their technical and economic indicators. As a rule, it is fundamentally new products.

Competitive products mainly corresponds to a high level of quality, but may have an average level of quality among similar goods on the market. The competitiveness of such products is achieved at the expense of more efficient marketing activities for advertising, and sales stimulation will depend on the following factors: pricing, warranty service, advertising, sales of sales channels, etc.

Products with reduced quality have the worst consumer properties than the products of most competitors. To preserve its position in the market, the manufacturer can resort to price reduction strategy. Low quality products are usually uncompetitive. Such products or will not find buyers, or can be implemented at a very low price.

Since the quality expresses the properties of products to a certain extent satisfying one or another need, it is obvious that if this need is not satisfied, no matter how the quality cannot be said. The concept of quality is applicable to products suitable for consumption, i.e. Products whose parameters comply with all the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation. Products that are unsuitable for consumption are considered to be made with deviations from standards requirements, technical Conditions and other requirements.

To characterize the deviations of the entire set of properties or one of these properties from these requirements, the concepts of "marriage", "defect", "defective product", "defective product unit" are commonly used. Therefore, the concepts of "product quality" and "marriage" exclude each other.

There are corrected and incorrigible (final) marriage.

The main causes of marriage can be:

unsuitable outdated technology; incorrectly, with errors performed work;

incorrect adjustment of equipment;

bad design device;

poor maintenance;

faulty equipment;

defects in the processed raw materials, material;

incorrect instrument readings;

lack of experience on equipment;

low-quality drawings, instructions;

improper use of tools;

bad working conditions;

unqualified instruction;

lack of technical documentation or standards;

retreat and disregard by instructions;

conscious and malicious mistakes.

High quality products are issued stable enterprises that comprehensively solve quality assurance issues. The main task is to establish the causes of marriage, their escape and ensuring the production of better quality products, as the quality of products in conditions modern production It can be considered the most important component of efficiency, profitability of the enterprise.

One of the main management of production efficiency is a continuous improvement of product quality. It can be characterized as a systematic, continuous and objective process.

Quality should be considered from various positions.

First, improving product quality is a form of resolution of complex contradictions between higher needs that are constantly generated during the development of production, and new requirements imposed in this regard to the production.

Secondly, improving product quality is a change in the consumer properties of products in order to maximize certain needs with minimal labor and capital costs.

The costs associated with unsatisfactory quality products are divided into costs of circulation and consumption. Production costs: Correction of operational marriage, alteration of manufactured products of unsatisfactory quality. Costs in the field of treatment: repair of products in a warranty period, consumer complaint.

To ensure quality with optimal costs, two prices should be distinguished: the price of compliance with the consumer and the price of the inconsistency. The compliance price includes the costs of identifying or preventing marriage, testing and testing, training and training, keeping accounting and reporting, etc.

The inconsistency price is consistent from the cost of correction, repaid costs during the period of the warranty period, the costs associated with the final (incorrigible) marriage, as well as the costs associated with the delay in payments on accounts and amending the production technology, supply fees, etc. d.

To improve product quality, it is required to use a systematic approach, i.e. The requirement to preserve the initial product quality (scientific and technical level of products) in the process of manufacturing products and maintain it at all stages life cycle Production (development, manufacturing, implementation, operation, circulation).

Improving product quality in production means the best use of production funds, raw materials, reduced cost, reduction of marriage losses, improving production efficiency, accelerating product promotion. The main task in all enterprises should be a study of the impact of the implementation of measures to improve product quality on the most important indicators of production activities.

To do this, it is necessary to establish close information links of developers and manufacturers with consumer enterprises; Improve the method of comparative quality assessment; Enter analytical accounting of costs and effects from events on this basis to determine the impact of improving product quality on the main performance indicators of production activities.

Improving product quality is directly related to the product sales process. The peculiarities of the implementation process are determined by the life cycle of goods. The life cycle of goods is the period of time during which it is developed and sold on the market. The concept of the product life cycle is used in the creation of products, developing a marketing strategy from the date of receipt of the goods to the market before removing it from the market.

The product life cycle can be represented as a certain sequence of various stages of its existence on the market, limited to certain temporary frameworks. The dynamics of the life of the goods determines the volume of possible (actual) sales in each period of the time of the existence of demand for it.

The life cycle is more clearly visualized in the dynamics of a particular type of product and can be modified depending on the specifics of products, the degree of its use or attractiveness, the periodic return of fashion on it and other factors.

The life cycle consists of four stages:

At the first stage there is an introduction of products to the market.

The second stage is a growth stage: sales expands, the profit from the sale of products is increasing, the number of consumers is growing.

The third stage is the stage of maturity, it has a slowdown and gradual braking.

The fourth stage is the stage of the decline - is to reduce sales and gradually displacing this product from the market with new products.

The following types of life cycles are distinguished:

  • 1) traditional (gradual growth and drop in demand);
  • 2) boom (fashion - rapid growth in demand and its preservation at a high level long time);
  • 3) passion (rapid growth and fall in demand);
  • 4) seasonality (the rhythm of preserving the demand at a high level at the time of the year).

Product quality is determined by a wide range of properties:

The destination indicators characterize the properties of products that determine the basic functions to execute which it is intended, and determine the area of \u200b\u200bits application.

Indicators of the economical use of raw materials, materials, fuels and energy characterize the properties of the product reflecting its technical perfection in terms of or degree of raw materials consumed by them, materials, fuel and energy.

Examples of indicators can be:

specific consumption of the main types of raw materials; the specific mass of the product;

coefficient of use of material resources;

efficiency and the like.

Reliability indicators are a wider group.

Reliability is the property of the object to save in time within the set limits of all parameters that characterize the ability to perform the required functions in the specified modes of conditions for use, maintenance, repairs, storage and transportation.

Ergonomic indicators characterize the convenience and comfort of consumption or operation of the product at the stages of the functional process in the system - "Man - product - a medium of use."

The range of ergonomic quality indicators applies to industrial products in which: equipment for the interior and workplaces, control and control panels, montmoshem, devices and alarms, dial and indexes, furniture manufacturing and household, etc.

Aesthetic indicators characterize the aesthetic properties of products, namely:

information expressiveness;

rationality of the form;

the integrity of the composition; Perfection of production performance.

For the reference criterion of aesthetic assessment, a number of products of the same class and destination are taken, compiled by experts based on basic samples.

Examples of aesthetic indicators are:

harmony, originality, style unity;

functional-structural fitness and feasibility; Organizations of structure, plasticity;

the care of the surface and finishing of the surface, the clarity of the execution of signs, pointers, packaging, etc.

Aesthetics is an integrated property that affects the sensual perception by a person of the whole product in general from the point of view of its appearance. A less aesthetic product tires a person, distracts his attention from the labor process, oppressing the psyche. As a result, the use of the product in time deteriorates, marriage increases in the work, its productivity is reduced. Aesthetics is determined by a number of simple properties, such as form, harmony, composition, style, etc.

The technological indicators characterize the composition and structure or design of products, determine its adaptability to achieve optimal costs disposal, operation and restoration for the specified values \u200b\u200bof product quality indicators, the volume of its release and the conditions of work. Examples of technological indicators.

Indicators of transportation characterize the fitness of the product to transport and the ability to maintain the properties unchanged. For instance:

  • a) the average duration of product preparation for transportation;
  • b) the average duration of the installation of products to the means of transportation;
  • c) the average labor intensity of product preparation for transportation;
  • d) the coefficient of use of the volume of means of transportation;
  • e) the average duration of the unloading of the party, etc.

The most fully indicators of this group are estimated by the cost indicators. Environmental indicators characterize the level of harmful effects on the environment arising during operation or product consumption. For example, the content of harmful impurities in the product.

Security indicators characterize product features that ensure human safety during operation or product consumption. These are the indicators:

  • - time of operation of protective devices, noises, vibrations, radiation;
  • - Time and life of the product.

Patent indicators characterize patent protection and patent cleanliness of products, are a significant factor in determining competitiveness. In determining patent performance, the availability of new products should be taken into account technical solutions, as well as decisions protected by patents in the country, the availability of registration of an industrial design and trademark, both the retainer-producer and in the countries of the alleged exports.

All discussed product quality prepayments are ranked according to the degree of importance in such a sequence:

  • 1) appointment;
  • 2) reliability;
  • 3) environmental friendliness;
  • 4) ergonomics;
  • 5) manufacturability;
  • 6) aesthetics;
  • 7) standardization of the enitation;
  • 8) Patent and legal indicators.

Quality Improvement or improving the performance of its work is the natural need of almost any employee associated both with the accumulation of production experience and with an increase in the level of knowledge in the field of its activities. In many cases, improving activity is caused by bringing the body into less intense state with less energy costs.

At the same time, systemic, and most importantly, a continuous improvement in the quality of the process in which not one employee is involved, but the entire team requires organizational and methodological impact, which is directed not only to improving the state of the body of working, but also to satisfy the consumer's requirements. Practice TQM has shown that continuous many years of improving quality can lead to outstanding results. For the Japanese economy of the last decades, the principle of searching for the quality of new methods, taking into account changes in the conditions in the economy and society, is inherent.

For the first time, the substantiation of the concept of continuous improvement of quality gave V. Shukhart in the form of a closed cycle. The development of the ideas of Shujhart by the American scientist E. Deming led to the creation of a PDCA cycle, called the Cycle of Shukhart - Deming (Fig. 2.1). The PDCA abbreviation is decrypted as Plan - Do - Heck - ACT (Planning - Perform - Check - Correct). In modern literature, there is a large number of modifications of this cycle, but the essence of continuous improvement due to consecutive actions from the idea to implementation remains unchanged.

What could be the object of constant improvement? Obviously, the nomenclature of objects that can be improved is notisher. In this case, we define the area or direction of improvement that will contribute to the satisfaction of the consumer requests:

  • - product design processes;
  • - production processes;

Fig. 2.1.

  • - quality management processes;
  • - business processes of the enterprise;
  • - Environment.

Improving processes product design achieved by permanent quality innovation due to the careful study and forecasting of future needs and potential customers. Product Improvement is rather the formation of new needs than just to improve the characteristics and properties familiar to the consumer.

Consumer quality products are laid in design documentation developed on the basis of data obtained in the market research and its own design experience. It is their insights and intuition that supported by innovative developments, the results of the benchmarking of competitors, reviews and advertising of consumers to the preceding products of similar purpose, determine those operating indicators of the quality of the future product that will be laid in his passport. All the subsequent stages of the life cycle of the product aimed at its production and operation will at best preserve the design indicators, and at worst, they will be reduced significantly.

The continuous improvement of the design activity is laid out in the attributes of this profession. The use of FMEA and QFD methodologies helps to greatly improve the qualitative characteristics of the project. But it is impossible to overestimate the regular activities of the Organization to study the change in the needs and expectations of consumers.

Improving production processes is achieved by:

  • - changes in technology (technical innovation);
  • - timely repair or replacement of equipment;
  • - changes in management methods (for example, the introduction of statistical methods of processes management);
  • - Improvements work techniques;
  • - increase of technological discipline;
  • - reengineering;
  • - Improvements in the production infrastructure.

The main goal of improving processes is a decrease in variability (variability) characteristics of the quality and elimination or decrease in the degree of influence of the causes that generate variability (but not to combat the level of defectiveness). Reducing the level of defectiveness is the result of a decrease in variability.

In our opinion, the most successful algorithm for continuous improvement of processes is given in operation. Figure 2.2 shows the phases of continuous improvement in the quality of the process, and in Fig. 2.3 Typical stages of critical process analysis are given. Considering the stages of critical analysis, it can be noted that the first six steps are aimed at identifying losses or costs of the current process. The most important 7th and 8th stages are the result of the intellectual activity of one employee or a whole team.

Methods of "Brainstorming" help to find the most profitable decision, but today the practice has been developed enough and simpler solutions to quality improvement problems, using which you can significantly reduce the time and costs. Figure 2.4 shows the methods and target directions of their application, and in Table. 2.1 Briefly discloses the essence of simple methods.

Table 2.1.


  • 1. Simplify (simplification) - separation and elimination of unnecessary actions.
  • 2. Straighten (Bringing in order) - the location of the necessary things so that they are easily accessible.
  • 3. SCRUB (clean) - content in the purity of equipment and workplace.
  • 4. Stabilize (stability) - the transformation of cleanliness and order activities in everyday practice.
  • 5. Sustain (fix) - standardization of activity on the first four "s" in order to ensure that this process never

did not end


Analyzing the problem, ask the question "Why?" five times, then you can find true reasons for the problem




The concept of building production, in which information is easily accessible and understandable to each employee to apply it for continuous improvement. Examples of this approach: Color marking of stamps, shortcuts in the application zones of the Canban techniques, labeled tool storage boxes


The process of continuous improvement transfers efforts with traditional methods of management, the implementation of which managers and departments of the enterprise were engaged in the activities of special teams created during the process changes.

Quality tools

Include block diagrams, frequency histograms, Pareto diagrams, causal charts and control cards


Visual "Tips", Alarms, Limiters, Counters, Memories and other simple devices that help to eliminate or reduce defectiveness, prevent possible errors

Seven types of loss

  • 1. Overproduction - production of products in the amount exceeding the necessary.
  • 2. Easy - it is useless to the time spent by the operator or mechanism due to the non-heavenly process.
  • 3. Unnecessary transportation - moving materials that are not related to the actions to add "value" into the products produced.
  • 4. Useless actions - any process that does not add any "value" into the products produced.
  • 5. Excessive stocks - excess purchased products (which do not correspond to the necessary amount of products).
  • 6. Useless movements - moving people and mechanisms that do not add "values" into products.
  • 7. The release of defective products that causes the need to finalize to meet the requirements of the customer

Comprehensive equipment to maintain equipment

Oboh-equipment maintenance program in such a working condition that provides it effective work throughout the life cycle, which requires participation in the program of each worker


Method or process that allows you to move from the release of one type of product to another, without reducing productivity, and without excessive increase in the costs associated with loss of reference of the equipment

Streamlining workers

Approaching the duration of working operations to "clock time" in order to improve the effectiveness of operators




The optimal location of the equipment that allows you to achieve production goals and minimize the time of the production cycle

Movement "one by one"

Such a construction of a production process in which the operator is busy on one part of the process, and then then proceeds to the next one. This reduces the number of movements and transportation and allows you to ensure quick feedback when defects appear

A mechanism that synchronizes production with the requirements of the customer in terms of volumes and shipments; Provides the production of the necessary parts in the required quantities during the required time

We highlight the main factors affecting the quality of processes or an increase in the cost of their implementation:

  • - changes in technology;
  • - wear of equipment and cutting tools;

Fig. 2.2.

Fig. 2.3.

Fig. 2.4.

  • - improving management efficiency;
  • - change process management methods (for example, the use of statistical methods);
  • - changes in standards;
  • - disorders of technological discipline;
  • - instability of the technological system;
  • - Improving production working conditions.

How can the enterprise find such a number of problems in order to continuously solve them during the entire production activities of the personnel? Any process in production can be expressed by a chain of operations or individual stages. The results of the chain output are determined by the trouble-free operation of all operations without exception. Refusal even one of them practically leads to loss of time, resources and funds. As a rule, in each chain there is a weak link that brings the highest hassle. Improving quality (reliability, durability, etc.) of this link and there is a solution to the problem we wanted to find.

Now this superior, a more reliable process can ensure an increase in labor productivity. But even higher productivity now can not provide another weak link in our chain. So, now the improvement of the quality of this link (workplace) is a new, up-to-date problem, which is facing the creative team. And "twisted" the wheel of Shukhart - Deming.

But improving the quality of a weak link puts its problems on the agenda: it is necessary to determine the cause bad work This link, find the most economical way to eradicate its causes, find a new decision to improve the weak link, check it on working capacity, document a new solution.

At the enterprise, many different processes (chains of operations) both at the main production and auxiliary. These chains do not have to be manufacturing, it can be control chains, supply chains, etc.

The search technique root cause may be different. Table 2.1 shows simple solutions search methods. But the most widely used in today's practice when identifying the reasons for failures, seven simple statistical methods, of which it is especially possible to identify causal charts, also called Isicaw diagrams (by the author). It is they who allow you to clearly systematize all the potential reasons, allocate the most essential and systemic search of the root cause of reference.

The area of \u200b\u200bfinding the reasons for failures in production processes is limited by the main factors that may be reasons for failures: technology (modes, equipment, tool), equipment, materials, personnel, external environment. On initial stage Separating, in order to reduce time and costs, it is important to highlight the most likely factor of failure or zone of causes of defectiveness.

Suppose statistics or expert assessments confirmed that the most likely zone (90%) of the refusal (defect) is the poor quality of personnel (Fig. 2.5). Naturally, the investigation cannot be completed on it, since it is not yet possible to take concrete measures to eliminate defectiveness. The investigation must be continued in the detected zone. We build a new diagram (Fig. 2.6). In this diagram, the most likely zone of failure is the low qualification of the employee. But here it is necessary to identify another level of causality among the following factors: ignorance of the official instruction, a low source level of education, high staff turnover, no skill system (Fig. 2.7). With accurate prediction of the most likely reasons for the detection of root causes can be significantly reduced.

Manage. ™ Enterprises and units committed to the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuous improvement of the quality of processes must be persistent

Fig. 2.5.

Fig. 2.6.

Fig. 2.7. Diagram of Isicawa (qualification) tolerant, maintain the efforts of others and recognize their right to make a mistake. Uspekhi (as well as disadvantages) should become publicity so that employees feel the support of the leadership. The difficulties of the transition to the new culture of quality management, both for leadership and ordinary performers, are explained, among other things, rooted in the existing practice of stereotypes. The latter refers to the indispensable view of the culprit of the mistake made instead of establishing its actual cause. The results of such a stereotype are expressed in the adoption of measures of a predominantly punitive nature and enshrine the desire of employees if possible to hide the defects of their work. This, in turn, does not allow to detect the causes, which means that the process of improvement slows down and increases many times.

A process-oriented approach to the management of an enterprise allows to obtain a structure whose activities are aimed at continuous improvement in the quality of the final product and customer satisfaction. Such a process is based on the concept of a business process.

Buisness process consists of a set of operations. The procedure for their implementation within the framework of the business process, as a rule, is clearly defined by technology or relevant rules and instructions. Therefore, the concepts such as routes and rules that determine the business logic of the process are the necessary characteristics.

Internal business processes of the enterprise are divided into basic, auxiliary and management processes. TO basic Reference processes that create added value and related to the life cycle of products or services provided:

  • - marketing, market research and customer requests;
  • - design and development of products and services;
  • - interaction with suppliers;
  • - production processes, storage and delivery of products;
  • - Sales and maintenance service.

TO auxiliary (or subordinate) processes include those that ensure the implementation of the main processes and form the infrastructure of the enterprise:

  • - selection and personnel management;
  • - collecting data and information, its storage, processing, evaluation;
  • - ensuring funding and infrastructure;
  • - control and current improvement of work and processes.

TO management processes You can attribute:

  • - strategic planning;
  • - management of the reorganization of processes and structure of the enterprise;
  • - Analysis of reports on the economic situation of the enterprise, etc.

It can be noted that if the management processes determine

ultimately, the development vector of production (basic) processes, then auxiliary, as it were, support production processes, ensuring their necessary resources.

Among production processes often allocate so-called key (or basic) for this industry or enterprise. Keywords are the processes that:

  • - determine the creation of products and services;
  • - bring consumers an obvious benefit, for which those are ready to pay;
  • - are original for this industry or enterprise;
  • - It is impossible to easily simulate easily;
  • - Unique and cannot be replaced by other solutions.

From the given classification of processes, it is obvious that the greatest gain for the enterprise is achieved with the improvement of the main processes, and from them the priority is to improve key processes.

Before starting improving the processes, you need to know how they currently flow. It is necessary to understand the various tasks and types of activity in the process and identify their connection with the other stages. For the image of the processes and their simulation, there is a large number of supporting tools and tools, including software. Among the current software (software), four basic class of software products can be distinguished:

  • 1) universal standard software computer graphicswhich can be applied and to display processes, such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point, Micrografx Designer, Corel Draw;
  • 2) Special standard software for displaying processes in the form of so-called flow charts (Flowcharts), for example, ABC Flowchart, FlowModel;
  • 3) special software for general description and modeling processes, for example, ARIS, Micrografx Optimal, process modules from SAP;
  • 4) Special software for a general description and functional modeling of processes (IDEFO methodology), for example, BPWIN.

One of the most common graphics (tools) for the description and visual presentation of workflows are the so-called flow charts (block diagrams of the process of execution of the process) that can be used as in said above softwareAnd for the construction of "manually".

The construction and use of flow charts is one of the most important actions in the management of both administrative and production processes. Obviously, before driving (and even more so improved), any process should be understood what kind of process. However, many enterprises are trying to solve problems and improve their workflows without aware of how important the flow schemes as the first step of analysis are.

Conflaks consulting firm (St. Petersburg) conducted a survey of 37 large and medium-sized Russian enterprises of the machine-building, metallurgical and woodworking profile for the effectiveness of working in these enterprises of continuous improvement mechanisms. All these enterprises have "age" for at least 20 years. More than 50% of enterprises have a QMS according to ISO 9000 standard.

Studied the following indicators Activities:

  • - the prevailing type of improvement (Fig. 2.8);
  • - methods for ensuring the continuity of improvements (Fig. 2.9);
  • - the most frequently used statistical methods in quality improvement (Fig. 2.10);
  • - Factors affecting the functioning of a continuous improvement mechanism (Fig. 2.11);
  • - Motivation of participation in improvement activities (Fig. 2.12).

Fig. 2.8.

Fig. 2.9. Methods for ensuring the continuity of improvements, %

Fig. 2.10. The most commonly used TQM methods with a reactive type of improvement, %

Fig. 2.11.

Visual analysis of diagrams very clearly shows the results of the study. Several results would like to comment.

Thus, among the methods of ensuring the continuity of improvements, the direction of strategic and tactical planning is allocated (see Fig. 2.9). At the same time, the plans for the improvement and development of the QMS are different: 70% - a plan for advanced training of personnel, 50% of the equipment modernization plan (i.e., improving technological systems), 40% - planning for new products and technologies. Such results of the sample survey show that at least half of Russian enterprises seriously engaged in the processes of improving products and processes.

Unfortunately, in the processes of improvement activities, largely seven simple methods are used, which indicates a population

Fig. 2.12. Motivation of participation in improvement activities %

from Western firms, widely using the QFD method and seven new methods (communication diagram, tree diagram, matrix diagram, affinity chart, etc.).

Very interesting information on factors affecting the functioning of a continuous improvement mechanism (see Fig. 2.11). Note that a fairly wide range of factors is applied. It is gratifying that among them prevails "training personnel methods of quality management".

As for the motivation of participation in improvement activities, the American path is chosen mainly: first the result, then money (see Fig. 2.12). At the same time, the Japanese path (Kaisen-Transformance), which is discussed below, allows you to attract a significant part of the production personnel to creative activities.

Japanese firms earlier than others switched from individual methods of improving the quality to the system of continuous improvement of products and processes (SNUPP), which is based on Kaisen-transformation. Unlike generally accepted until the 1990s. Principles of improving the quality of products involving one-time, substantial innovative investments, Kaisen-transformation is based on the continuous and gradual accumulation of small improvements produced by all employees of the enterprise, including the highest management and managers of all levels of the company. If significant innovation requires often huge investments and special technology, the Kaisen-transformation requires, as a rule, only "a certain portion of common sense and the ability to qualified labor - i.e. what everyone is able to do. "

Why is there so much the participation of all employees? The reason is that Kaisen-conversion is based on trust in the natural aspirations and abilities of each person. This approach allows employees to independently develop and improve improvements, without fearing that there are more than them. The SNUPP system based on a kayisen transformation is aimed at achieving the following purposes:

  • - development and activation of the organizational structure;
  • - raising potential abilities, improvement production indicators employees;
  • - Getting useful results - material and intangible.

The objectives formulated above correspond to the three stages of practical activity:

  • - the prompting of employees of the company to participate;
  • - the creation of opportunities to develop their creative abilities and develop proposals;
  • - Getting a useful effect from the introduction of proposals.

In accordance with the objectives of Kaisen-Transformation, proposals should be aimed at improving the profitability of the company. Since there are only two ways to increase profits, then the supposed proposals can be classified according to two target areas: ideas that contribute to increasing turnover, and ideas that contribute to reduce costs. The company can work with low costs if production is functioning without defects, overloads, unnecessary material costs, interruptions, etc. All proposals aimed at the intensification of processes can be attributed to this category, i.e. Increase productivity, as well as improving the quality of processes. Constant improvements in order to increase turnover include suggestions for improving the service, increased advertising, improving marketing quality, etc.

In many enterprises, including Russian, the work of the rationalization and inventiveness bureau is quite well established, as for the mainly creative activity of workers. The process by consideration is much weaker rationalization offers And their introduction. The strongest side of the SNUPP system is an exceptionally clear and operational reaction of the relevant divisions of the company for Kaisen-Transformation, including the payment of monetary remuneration. This side of the case is the most important to preserve the continuous flow of proposals.

The system of proposals for the cayisen-transformation base forms a closed cycle Of the four main components (Fig. 2.13).

Fig. 2.13.

It is necessary:

  • - Motivate its employees to participate in solving problems and at the same time do not forget about their daily responsibilities;
  • - Motivate employees to fix their suggestions on paper;
  • - check and evaluate proposals, provide employees with the necessary assistance;
  • - Provide recognition and material remuneration of proposals.

With uninterrupted implementation of this cycle, the sentences smoothly go one into another. Each idea entails the next idea, and the achieved improvements overlap further improvements. Of course, it is necessary to initiate creative activities of employees.

Methods of impact on proposals can be divided into two categories: the "pushing" strategy and the "pull-up strategy". The species of "pushing" strategy include, for example, methods that increase the motivation of employees. Among them there are both soft methods and rigid (kind of pressure techniques).

Soft methods of stimulating activities include various kinds of propaganda campaigns and events. More new means may be various kinds of video materials. The strategy of "pull-ups" includes mainly methods of encouragement, in the overwhelming majority - cash remuneration. Other important elements of tightening strategies are verification and evaluation, instructions of the authorities, assistance in the practical implementation of proposals. Unlike the model schemes for consideration of the proposals of workers providing for a centralized check, Kaisen-transformation practices collecting and verifying proposals for their occurrence of their occurrence, which is very logical and healthy, as the head of the unit or master, better than others know the case, which are probably engaged in And they will give the most faithful assessment of their proposals. Consideration and assessment of proposals should be carried out quickly. If the worker as a result of the creative tension of the mind found the way to solve any problem, he wants to find out as soon as possible how much his decision is true. This state is caused by creative "itching". Therefore, suggestions with a small economic effect, which are usually more regarded primarily. Suggestions with a significant economic effect are considered longer, as they pass the expertise of specialists. Employees, acquainted with such a procedure for consideration, in rare cases complain about the delay.

As already mentioned above, strategic change management includes, first of all, managing business processes. The success formula is such: if you want to change the result, change the process. Due to the active development of a process approach, closely related to industrial chains, methods of improving processes appear. And the first object to which these methods are directed is the quality of the product or service provided. The PDCA cycle (Plan-DO-Check-ACT), or the Shujhat-Deming cycle underlying quality management, is aimed at continuous quality improvement. The processes of product design (services), processes of production, quality management processes, business processes of the enterprise, environmental processes may be the object of continuous improvement.

Improving production processes are achieved by :
 changes in technology (technical innovation), timely repair or replacement of equipment, changes in management methods (for example, the introduction of statistical methods of processes management), improving work techniques, an increase in technological discipline, reengineering, improvement infrastructure.

The basis of quality improvement is based from the Japanese approach to quality improvement. statistical methodsquality design, or "seven simple methods". These include: Pareto 80/20 method, causal charts (Ishikawa diagram ("fish bone"), affinity chart, scatter diagram) histograms, control cards, checklists.

One of the most effective methods (tools) quality is structuring the quality function(Quality Function Deployment - QFD).

This method was invented in Japan and was first applied in practice in 1966 at Matsushita Electric, where he was called "quality assurance". Japanese scientists J. Akao and S. Mizuno were added to the development of this method. In 1983, the structuring methodology (or deployment) of the quality function was first represented in the United States, and a few years later - and in Europe, in the 90s - in Russia (see publications Y. Adler).

Structuring the quality function is a systematized path of deploying the needs and wishes of the consumer through the structuring of the company's functions and operations. The purpose of the activity is to ensure the quality at each stage of the product life cycle corresponding to the expectations of the consumer. The manufacturer in the process of forming a "imaginary" quality must first have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe "quality profile" of the product being created.

"Quality profile" is a model proposed by N. Kano (Japan), which includes three components of the quality profile: the basic, desired and required (Fig. 8.1).

Basic quality profile- The combination of those parameters of the quality of the product, the presence of which the consumer considers mandatory, that is, "of course,". About these parameters, the consumer does not even consider it necessary to say the manufacturer. Examples of such parameters: passenger safety guarantees vehicle, tightness of packaging of liquid and gaseous media, error-free operations with accounts in a bank, etc. The manufacturer must remember that the basic performance indicators do not determine the value of the product in the eyes of the consumer.

Profile of required quality- This is a combination of quality indicators, which are technical and functional characteristics of products. They show how much the product matches what was conceived. It is these quality indicators that are usually advertised and guaranteed by the consumer. Examples of technical parameters: noise, fuel consumption by car, speed and memory of the computer, the effectiveness of drugs, etc. An example of the functional characteristics are, for example, the functions performed by the electronic device, the control function of the car, etc. Consumer satisfaction increases when the values \u200b\u200bof the quality parameters of the product offered to it are better than expected. Dissatisfaction appears when the required product quality indicators are worse than the level consumer (usually corresponding to the average level of the market).

Profile of desired quality- This is a group of quality parameters representing the consumer unexpected (hidden) values \u200b\u200bof the product offered to it, the presence of which he could only dream that the product remains competitive. Accounting in the proposed product of the desired quality parameters is a good indicator of the potential capabilities of the manufacturer and creates favorable conditions for the breakthrough to the market, further improve the product, advance of possible competitors. The feature of the desired quality parameters is that the consumer should not invent them itself, it does not require them, but it appreciates their presence. The desired product quality parameters must be unavailable to competitors if possible for a long time.

The manufacturer must remember that the quality profiles are very variable. . Today is the desired quality parameters, and tomorrow is the required. This manufacturer should be ready and work to continuously improve product quality.

Fig. 8.1. The degree of satisfaction of the mass consumer, depending on the profile of an imaginary product quality manufacturer

Technology method requires the joint participation of specialists from the marketing department and the design department, and therefore its implementation is possible both at the final stage of marketing research and at the initial stage of product design. The QFD method is expert, it uses specific table forms of data representation that called the "quality house" (Fig. 8.2).

Fig. 8.2. House of quality

The process of structuring the quality function is made up of several stages. We highlight the main (key):

· Refinement of consumer requirements (by surveys),

· Allocation of priority consumer requirements (by pair comparisons, evaluation of requirements for their weight with a total value of 100%),

· Translation of consumer requirements to the measured (mainly) product characteristics (answer to the question: "How to do?");

· Detection of tightness of communication (correlation) between the degree of satisfaction of consumer requirements and the size of the product characteristics (by correlation and regression analysis),

· Construction of the correlation coefficient profile (weighted average),

· Establishing tightness of communication (correlation) between the characteristics of the product (by pair comparisons with correlation coefficients 1, ½, 0, -1/2, -1).

· Building a company profile on commodity market (by benchmarking, focusing on the nearest competitors, the profile is built by the parameters of the key characteristics of the product),

· The choice of product quality parameters on the technical and economic possibilities of the Company (compromise between quality and cost by expert assessment),

· Determining the characteristics for the technical task for the design of the product (drafting a technical task for design, taking into account the identified and compared characteristics).

Structuring the quality function ends with the fact that all the tables above are folded into the "quality house".

A fully detailed quality feature includes four stages on which the "consumer's voice" is monitored (Fig. 8.3): Product Planning (Product Planning), Product Design (Process Planning), Production Design (Production Planning).

Fig. 8.3. Steps QFD.

Stage 1. Product Planning.At this stage, the requirements and wishes of the consumer with the help of the "House of Quality" are transformed into characteristics (quality parameters) of the product (product). The final result of the first stage should be the identification of the most important characteristics of the product corresponding to the expectations of the consumer and ensuring its competitiveness in the market.

Stage 2. Design of parts and component of the product.At this stage, the most important (critical) parts and components of the product are also identified using the "quality house". The results of the quality structure of the quality function at each stage must be accompanied by the operations providing feedback with the opinion of the consumer. At the same time, for the elements of the product, which are most critical to the requirements of the market, the project should provide for possible paths Improving their quality parameters and further relevant work, providing operational adjustment of product properties from the market reaction to its appearance.

Stage 3. Process Design.At this stage, the properties (quality parameters) of the product and its component are transformed into specific technological processes that ensure the manufacture of a product with specified properties. This QFD stage provides for the identification of the most important (critical) parameters of each operation and the choice of methods for their control. At this stage, the control system should be developed. technological process And there are ways to improve the process.

Stage 4. Design of production.At this stage, production instructions are being developed and the product quality control tools are selected. Instructions should provide for the possibility of improving the work of the controllers, depending on how much and how often control measurements should be carried out, as well as what measurement equipment is used.

"Quality House" is built at each stage QFD. At the same time, the characteristics of the object of a higher stage become the requirements of the lower stage. It is important, passing every time to a new design of the design, not to lose the quality (value) of the product embodulating the "consumer's voice."

Another method of improving the quality, mastered by Motorola (USA) in the 80s, was called " 6 SIGM" The method is based on calculating the variability of the technological system according to the CP \u003d T / 6σ formula, where CP is the process of process reproducibility index, T is the tolerance to the parameter, σ is the mean-square deviation of the distribution. The method led to the "Six Sigm" strategy. Strategy "Six Sigm" is based on the fact that there is a direct correlation between the number of product defects and the level of customer satisfaction. General indicator It serves the number of defects per unit of products made at all stages of its production.

In general, this strategy corresponds to the indicator 6σ, equal to the number of 3.4 defects per million products and 10% of the cost costs. The more SIGM, the worse the quality, already 3 sigms give 66807 defects per million products, which generates 20-30% of the costs of quality. This level is considered invalid. Middle level - 6210 defects per million products, quality cost level - 15-20%.

Strategy lean-made productiontoyota is aimed at combating loss of quality and activities that spends resources, but does not create any value. Lean Consists of five stages:

1) determination of value (end user);

2) The organization of the value of value creation is a set of all the actions that need to make sure that the product has passed three important management stages: solving the problem (design), information flow management (charts of orders and supplies), physical transformation (from raw materials to the finished product). It may be necessary outside the production;

3) organization of the movement of the product (methodology of the workplace 5 s);

4) the process of pulling the product (based on two methods: "Take time" (time interval between the release of 2 products) and "Kanban" (special cards with orders);

5) Perfection (increase in the speed of determining value, accelerate the flow and simplify the process of pulling, ensuring transparency).

TQM (Total Quality Management, Comprehensive Quality Management) -this is a general organizational approach to meet the needs of consumers and their expectations due to the involvement of all managers and employees in the process of using statistical methods for continuous improvement of organizational processes, as well as the quality of goods and services. TQM serves as a tool of change to the same extent as the remaining quality improvement methods, however, is formed at a higher level, being a strategic approach to improvement.

Main characteristics TQM:

1) Constant orientation on consumers who are the main quality appraisers.

2) systematic improvement in working on the use of quantitative methods.

3) orientation for process management, and not just end results.

4) Laying responsibility for product quality for all control levels.

5) involvement of employees in decision-making and the process of improving activities, the maximum use of their abilities and skills.

6) decision-making based on facts, and not opinions.

7) Decision making in terms of protection ambient and product safety.

8) Orientation for an effective reduction in costs.

9) Long period in the implementation of the TQM concept.

Benchmarking -a constant process of studying and evaluating goods, services and experiences of the production of the most serious competitors or those companies that are recognized leaders in their fields (R. Camp, the investigator of classical benchmarking).

"Benchmark" is a term used by the Ambonsemi for hundreds of years. The landmarks used the "benchmarks" - the initial marks to start counting the distances - as starting points of reference, the position of which was determined in advance, and then they used to determine the boundaries of the plots. As a reference to estimate the level of the product, the benchmarking was used since the beginning of the 1900s to find out how the competitor creates its products and how good this product is.

The concept of benchmarking originated in the late 50s, when Japanese specialists visited the US and Western European companies in order to study and subsequent use of their experience. For the first time, they examined not only the product, but also the process. In Japan, the concept of "benchmarking" correlates with the word " dantotsu."Meaning" effort, anxiety, the care of the best (leader) about becoming even better. "

The term "benchmarking" appeared for the first time in 1972 at the Institute of Strategic Planning Cambridge (USA).

The purposeful use of benchmarking began in 1979 in the corporation Xeroxwhich decided to follow the example IBM.comparing products american company With the products of your Japanese branch, which sold copiers at a price equivalent to the cost of their production in the United States. This case served as the impetus to create on Xerox.the first successful program of benchmarking aimed at reducing costs in its production process. Home merit company the fact that it has discovered that benchmarking can be carried out for organizations of any industry engaged in similar activities.

Undoubtedly, benchmarking has related roots with marketing, and it is better to say with marketing research: Capacity Study, Social Studies, Studying the best experience in organizing production and ways to increase productivity at the enterprises of their partners and competitors. This is the last function and there is a benchmarking feature.

Benchmarking is the process of comparing, designing and implementing. He includes:

· Comparison of the organization and its divisions with the best organizations, regardless of which industry or country they belong to

· Comparison of business processes, including production, with better similar processes in another industry or in all industries to achieve the highest value of the company,

· Comparison of products and services produced by the organization, with the products and services of its strongest competitors,

· Comparison of various types of equipment for the purpose of choosing best Equipment,

· Implement the selected best methods and techniques of work,

· Performance and exceeding customers and consumers.

Basic principles of benchmarking:

1. Relationship. Benchmarking is an activity based on mutual relationship, consent and data exchange, which provide a "winning" situation for both parties.

2. Analogy. Operational processes of partners should be similar. The analogy of processes and the establishment of the selection criteria for Benchmarking partners is the fact that the success of the activity depends on.

3. Measurement. Benchmarking is a comparison of the characteristics measured in several enterprises; The goal is to establish why there are differences in characteristics and how to achieve their best value. The most important is the definition of key characteristics of the process, which allows to improve the characteristics based on the study of the process.

4. Reliability. Benchmarking should be carried out on the basis of actual data, accurate analysis and study of the process, and not only on the basis of intuition.

What can be done with benchmarking?

1. Help the organization to study on the experience of others. At the same time take note of what to learn from their mistakes is expensive pleasure.

2. Show organizations as it functions compared to the best competitors.

3. Determine the weak and strengths His organization.

4. Help the organization identify priorities in their activities to improve work.

5. Ensure the organizing plans of tested corrective actions.

Consider stages of developmentbenchmarking.

First Generation (first half of the 70s) - benchmarking product performance. This benchmarking was interpreted as reengineering, due to the fact that the introduction of new borrowed structures resembled the reengineering process. Purchase of competing products for comparing them with similar to the appointment of products of their company. Benchmarking focused on such product indicators as the price and quality, technical characteristics of goods and services, speed, reliability, etc. The main methods of benchmarking products were: study of the design features of the product, direct comparison of parameters, analysis of operational data. This process of testing a competing product is only a small part of today's benchmarking.

Second Generation (from the second half of the 70s and further) - benchmarking processes. In the literature, this generation is often called benchmarking competitive competitive competitors in their industry. Comparisonal analysis was already undergoing production processes, business processes (business), equipment, control systems, processes of working with consumers, passing bills, design and execution of orders, selection and personnel layout.

Third Generation (eighties) is a functionable benchmarking, a comparative analysis of competitors in other branches of activity. The priority value was given to testing processes. This is due to the fact that it was easier to find similar processes (but harder - objects). At the same time, many industries offered a large nomenclature of processes, which brought not only to borrow new processes, but also to meet the new principles of their functioning. At the same time, they began to pay attention to testing auxiliary processes serving basic production or business processes.

Fourth Generation (nineties) - strategic benchmarking, testing successful strategy̆ Competitors, as an important long-term competitive advantage. Strategic benchmarking is rarely limited to the framework of a certain industry. As a rule, he considers several industries in search of the most successful corporate strategies that allow the most efficient companies to flourish in their market segments. It is not surprising that many Japanese companies that are perfectly able to see long-term prospects are adherents of strategic benchmarking.

Fifthgeneration of benchmarking (present) - Global benchmarking, in which an affiliate benchmarking was published on the fore, when competitors realized that they would be easier to stay in the market when merging with other competitors against the rest.

Depending on the purpose of studying a competitor or tasks set before the management of a developing organization, apply different types (Types) benchmarking: internal, external competitive, external intra-industry, external interdimensional, external partner, individual, individual competitive, interactive, internal, intra-precessional, functional, global, strategic.

Consider the quality of an interactive benchmarking.

The European Quality Management Foundation (EFQM), developing approaches to business perfection, introduced an interactive benchmarking using Web resources. The data bank was created by the best business practices of leading organizations in the world. Access to the database is made through Internet-Service (Excellence One - www: // This is a training interactive open system that combines and systematizes the best tools and methods for improving the EFQM model. It helps members and customers of the European Fund for Quality Management to use a wide range of various benchmarking options, providing access to training techniques, cases, trainings, workshops, other information on key approaches and experience perfection.

Another example of global benchmarking is Internet-bRIR project (Benchmarking and Performance Improve Reseurce). Its toolkit allows you to identify the area of \u200b\u200bnecessary improvements and specify the object of reference comparison based on the classification scheme of the processes developed at the International Center for Benchmarking of the American Center for Performance and Quality (APQC).

The benchmarking process is simplified can be defined as a combination of the following. requirements:

· Decide what to be subjected to benchmarking,

· Determine the units for comparative analysis,

· Development of indicators that allow comparison

· Determine branches within the organization and external organizations for benchmarking, collect and analyze data on benchmarking,

· Determine the discrepancies between the levels of their subsystem and the level of the best similar subsystems,

· Develop action plans, goals and measurement procedures (evaluation),

· Justify the need for a benchmarking process.

There are two different approach To benchmarking: strategic and organizational. Most organizations need both approaches. For strategic The organization's approach is conducted by benchmarking to determine the strengths and weaknesses in a particular area or functional division. Organizational benchmarking is more focused on the study of simple operations or business processes, while not to be limited to testing only products.

The benchmarking process usually consists of several stages beginning with planning and ending with the introduction of the best practices in their organization. There is no single scheme for conducting a benchmarking process, each organization itself determines the sequence of work.

So, for example, an approach HD. Harrington includes:

internal benchmarking (assessment of its organization for those indicators for which competitors will be tested);

external benchmarking (open data search and conducting a primary competitor research (closed search).


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