The path to leadership in community service. Leadership in the social movement. Develop empathy

Leader and leader are two big differences. A boss of any level can be driven, passive, or simply not inspire people and be limited to bureaucratic management. The leader is another matter. In whatever society he appears, everyone immediately understands: he is in charge. If your actions inspire other people to do more and become better, then you are a leader.

Make it your goal to be a dynamic, charismatic person. Each of us can do this, but few do. Follow the example of the best.

Thus, John F. Kennedy was very painful as a child, but managed to overcome his physical weakness and become one of the most effective leaders in US history.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev also had a difficult childhood. He grew up in the harsh conditions of devastation and war, with difficulty received an education; later he was arrested, tortured, sent to Kolyma. But nothing prevented him from becoming the greatest Soviet leader, who organized an unprecedented scientific and technical breakthrough in history.

To become a leader, start with the little things. Listen to Dale Carnegie's course on public speaking. Look for books on the art of conversation and personal improvement. Communicate. You will have fun and build a lasting circle of friends and partners.

Turn on charisma

Renowned management expert Robin Sharma recommends in 200 Life Lessons never to complain so that you are known as a positive, strong, energetic and enthusiastic person. The one who complains is always cynical and looks for the negative in everything. Such a person scares people away and rarely succeeds.

Never complain to be known as a positive, strong, energetic and enthusiastic person

People who seek power for the sake of power itself experience first of all self-doubt. They want to show how important they are in this world, and therefore they try to subjugate and control other people only in order to raise their own self-esteem. They become leaders only to satisfy their own egos.

Concentrate on the positive. Be spiritually firm so that nothing can turn you off the intended path to success. Present what you want and believe in it firmly. This will definitely happen.

Flexibility is a key quality of brilliant entrepreneurs. They are never adamant or fixated on a single deed or action. They allow for the possibility of being wrong, as well as referring to alternative ways of achieving their goal. Your ability to react and adapt to life's circumstances is a measure of who you are and what you are likely to achieve.

Here's what sets a charismatic leader apart:

  • dedication to the cause;
  • the presence of a great desire, ambition;
  • persistent progress towards achieving goals;
  • willingness to complete any task and work hard to achieve it;
  • interest in other people, kindness;
  • sense of humor.

Show strength of character as well as resourcefulness in difficult situations.

Let you be known as the person who works the most.

Try to always take care of others. Don't be afraid to stand out by improving your personal and professional quality... Feel like a star that shines brightly, delighting other people.

Start with yourself

Let's remember Robin Sharma again. He considers it necessary to do two things you do not like every day. Keep it small, just get the job done. Over time, these responsibilities will no longer seem so burdensome, your strength of character will be strengthened, and with it your productivity will grow. This technique will help build character.

Sharma advises to be kind, attentive, polite, insightful. Be tough and masculine in time. This is a sign of a well-formed character and you will surely command respect.

It is very helpful to read books that tell you how to strengthen friendships. Be an attentive listener, show people real respect, and improve other interpersonal skills. To achieve real success, you need to understand that worldly wisdom and discernment are the most important traits that you need to cultivate in yourself.

Study personality psychology to determine who you are. Do not let yourself be used and be aware of what is happening around you.

Do not stoop to small gossip and intra-office squabbles, but understand that they really exist, and know what is happening behind your back. Every leader does this.

A leader is a person who leads people. Leadership begins with the ability to control yourself, primarily your thoughts and emotions. Before you command and lead other people, you need to learn how to manage yourself. This is the first and most important step in leadership. This is how you practice: you are both the manager and the executor. If you are able to manage so intelligently that the performer happily obeys, then you have been given the ability to manage a large number of people.

Energy Key

A leader is not a manipulator; a leader is a motivator. His actions are based on and aimed at creating and maintaining the well-being of others. Every person thinks about himself first. A leader is able to think about others because he does an excellent job of caring for himself and he still has the energy and strength to give them to those around him.

Therefore, a leader is, first of all, a person who perfectly manages his life. He has a lot of free energy, and it is due to a strong and stable energy that he is able to lead people.

By free energy we mean creative energy that a person uses for creativity. Most have enough energy only to maintain the existing standard of living, some even do not have enough energy, and then their bar goes down. And only a few have enough energy to create the future in addition to maintaining the existing level.

people who seek power for the sake of power itself feel insecure, they become leaders only to satisfy their own ego

How you deal with mistakes and difficulties is a key factor in leadership. The first and most important condition for dealing with mistakes should be a positive reaction. Accept mistakes and remember that leaders are people too, they have every right to make mistakes.

True leaders, on the other hand, are chosen by others. They do not strive for power, they just feel a strong personality that is able to take care of them, and unite around him. Leaders never spare their energy, because the more they give, the more they gain, the stronger they become.

Leaders have deep self-confidence. This confidence is the core of their life position and attitudes towards life and towards other people. Confidence gives them the ability to accept themselves as they are.

A person is able to effectively manage his life only in a calm state. It is impossible to shake someone who is confident in their future. This peace of mind allows you to think crystal clear and make the right decisions.

Do you need it?

Answer yourself honestly to the question: "Why do I want to become a leader?" Try to clarify this issue as clearly as possible. The more accurately you understand why you need to be a leader, the easier you will become.

For example, as a leader, I:

So, you've determined what you want to become a leader for. The reasons are clear and specific.

The next step is the willingness to act and become a leader. This is the intention.

Being ready to act means realizing that you can only become a leader by working hard. If the reasons are strong enough, you will find the strength to take action.

Being ready to act means doing the work that needs to be done. Regardless of the fact that you do not want or you are not in the mood.

To be ready to act means to take action. If you are ready to start tomorrow, you have failed. Tomorrow means never. There is no word tomorrow in the leader's vocabulary. There is only "now" in his lexicon.

Leadership expert John Maxwell is convinced that being ready for leadership means taking responsibility for your actions, for your own life and the lives of others who will be influenced by your actions.

Learn without mistakes

The desire to learn is the most important quality of a leader. You are able to develop in yourself any qualities that are necessary through training.

The saying is true: "Whoever has information controls the world." Look for necessary knowledge... Invest time and money in acquiring knowledge.

You probably want to be a leader in a certain area. You must study this area thoroughly, own all the information. Dedicate 1 hour to your education on weekdays and 2 hours on weekends. It can be both self-study and technical education in a specific field.

The starting point for leadership is the desire to learn. If you don't have one, or you think you already know everything, then, unfortunately, you will not become a leader.

Since the leader's role is good governance and coordination, it is very important to find a common language with people.

Leaders must be real team players. They are able to lead the team's game and be at the center of this game, instead of hiding behind backs and specifying who should do what.

An important quality of a leader is humility. He must take full responsibility for mistakes on himself and solve problems, and publicly praise other people for all successes, that is, act as if he was not involved in success, and this is all the merit of his team.

Mistakes must be met with courage, and everything must be done to avoid them in the future. True leaders know how to admit mistakes and draw conclusions from the current situation. In this case, errors play a positive role.

a leader should take full responsibility for mistakes on himself, and publicly praise other people for all successes, that is, act as if he is not involved in success, and this is all the merit of his team

Not a problem

Leadership development requires a specific, human-friendly environment.

Leadership is a matter of choice. A leader is a person who is able to take care of more than just himself. An effective leader achieves his goals by helping other people fulfill their desires. This is the philosophy of a leader. He realizes his goals indirectly.

Leaders always do more than anyone else. People can be great leaders in one area and not in another. This is normal.

Skills that are inherent in leaders, namely, the ability to make decisions, the ability to plan work, coordinate actions, work hard, responsibility, foresight and others can be applied in personal life.

You can be a leader without managing other people. For example, you can start a business on the Internet and you don't need other people to do it. It is enough to lead oneself.

Leadership is also essential in the family. It lies in understanding your children, your spouse. Even if you are doing the most mundane work, leadership is about doing it conscientiously.

Leadership is not the destination; leadership is the path. Leadership is hard work, first of all on oneself, it is the process of improving oneself and one's qualities.

Leaders have the ability to create positive images in their minds. They have instilled in themselves the ability that allows them to see all events objectively.

Leaders don't use the word problem. This word creates a negative image that attracts other negative situations. They removed the word "problem" from their vocabulary. Instead, the word "situation" is used.

Leaders keep a close eye on the use of words that evoke negative images.

Think right

Leaders think like this.

They use only positive images, because they know that the mind perceives images, and they try to create a picture that is favorable for work. In a gloomy or anxious state, it is impossible to achieve effective work.

They understand the essence of the problem and try to present it objectively in such a way as to simplify. They smile. Try to smile and think bad things at the same time. You won't succeed. Either the smile will disappear, or the thoughts will change to positive ones. They may seem serious, but at heart they are not at all serious. Severity increases the importance and size of the problem. A smile, on the contrary, defuses the situation, as a result of which the situation is easier to resolve. Awareness of the importance of the question blocks thinking. The more important the task, the stronger the experience. In a state of experience, it is very difficult to adequately respond to tasks and solve them correctly. Leaders understand this and therefore try to reduce the severity of the problem for their subordinates.

Use volumetric images. They make big plans. Vivid images can motivate people much more.

Instead of wondering how long the path to the goal is, they focus on how much has already been covered. They know and try to show people how much work has already been done.

They see things in perspective, in the future. Every businessman who started his own business represents him in a period of full prosperity, and for this he works and is ready to overcome all difficulties. What we have now is just a transitional stage to the goal.

They have a positive attitude towards all the events taking place. They see all situations in a favorable light, even if the latter are not at all. Each situation carries the seed of the next victory. Our life is a sequence of choices. By reacting positively, you transform negative situations into positive ones.

Feel the spirit of great leaders. Learn from them, read their biographies and books. This is a powerful charge of energy. Examples will inspire and move you forward.

A leader is a person who has learned to turn dreams into reality.

Leaders choose a goal and devote themselves entirely to achieving that goal. They don't spray.

Pavel Verbnyak deputy Head of Direct Sales Department, Mosbytenergo Group

A true leader can instruct without title or authority. Start small: Take on more responsibilities during difficult projects. Help your colleagues. Volunteer to submit project updates. Suggest improvements. Instruct other employees.

Identify what your colleagues are having trouble with and help with them.


Be responsible for everything you do or don’t do. The leader takes responsibility and does not blame others for mistakes and bugs.

When an employee makes a mistake, one should not be indignant, but help him correct it and avoid it in the future. Excuses won't save anyone. If you are not doing something, discuss the deadline with the manager. Manage your project like your own business - don't be indifferent to it.

Relationships (politics)

Politics and relationships are one and the same. If you don't want to deal with company policy, consider whether you should aim for a leadership position at all.

Building strong relationships is one of the responsibilities of technical managers. Leaders carry out projects with the help of other people. Start chatting with others technical managers: they are your future partners.

Here's how you can do it: Give tech talks, run workshops, and mentor non-team developers.

Technical expertise

A technical manager should be primarily a programmer and have a lot of experience. Therefore, you just need to become the strongest developer on the team. A manager who cannot write code or understand technical details cannot participate in various discussions. Once you become a leader, you will need to constantly hone your skills.


Anyone, even the best developer on a team who is not a team player, does more harm than good. If you know your business well, you should help others reach your level.

Of course, hardly anyone will come up to you and ask you to become a mentor. But if you prove yourself as an expert, people will start turning to you for advice. By helping others, you will build strong relationships and earn respect.

Project management

Delivering projects on time is one of the key responsibilities of any manager. If, as a developer, you consistently miss deadlines and underestimate tasks, others will not be able to trust you. You need to be organized.

We all know that evaluating projects is very difficult. However, it cannot be said that this is impossible. Continuously discuss with your manager the progress or expectations of the project.


Learn to articulate your requirements clearly and concisely. Always work on your communication skills. Good manager must understand the project and then explain and sell it to the team. It is also important to motivate employees to work on it.

Chat with your manager

Lead your leader (and sometimes his leader). Communicate with him constantly and express your expectations. Managers don't like surprises, good or bad.

Build trust in your manager. Become the person he will turn to with difficult projects and complete them on time. Over time, you will be presented with more and more tasks.

Conflicts and crises

No matter how good your team is, there will be crises at work. Yes, you will want to minimize them. But more importantly, how you handle them. A person who begins to panic under pressure will not be able to become a leader in the eyes of others. The team and other managers want to see a calm person who has everything under control, even in the most nervous situations.


The leader must understand the "why" and also make sure that all employees understand the "why" they are working on a particular project. He should explain why the project is needed, why certain people are working on it, and how it contributes to achieving common goals. When a team has faith in what it is doing, it can be effective.


Don't wait for someone's permission to become a leader, take action now. Be an expert in your field and help others with projects. Work on your communication skills, build professional relationships with colleagues, manage your time wisely, and deliver projects on time. And don't forget to help people grow and develop.

The process of becoming a leader can be defined as follows: to lead is to understand where you are going. The main milestones on this path are personal responsibility, the ability to analyze one's actions and a sense of perspective.

When we talk about the main qualities of a leader, we often complicate things. Meanwhile, the principle of "Occam's razor" (a philosophical principle that can be formulated as follows: "Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily." Approx. ed.) is applicable to the field of leadership. In my opinion, the process of becoming a leader can be defined as follows: to lead is to understand where you are going. Accordingly, the process of becoming a leader should also be understood. The main milestones on this path are personal responsibility, the ability to analyze one's actions and a sense of perspective.

Personal responsibility

Anyone who wants to become a leader, first of all, must decide to achieve some goal, figuratively speaking - to go on a journey and carry others along with him. This decision is the turning point. You bind yourself with a personal obligation, give yourself the word to commit some socially significant act, maybe change some circumstances, help others, discover something new or just explore the unknown.

With regard to CIOs, we can talk about the decision to take over the leadership of a particularly complex project, to take control of the creation of an open source component for a corporate information system or organize support for the development of a new product to be put on the market. All these are serious projects for which there are no ready-made recipes. Having decided to achieve some goal and dragging others along with him, a person becomes a leader.

The road to leadership opened for me after I graduated from college. I was given a diploma in history - it was clear that it would be of little use - and I had no idea how to dispose of my future life. And so I met a man who told me that there was a problem in his organization and no one could solve it. I accepted the challenge, I put everything on the line. So I took the first step towards becoming a leader: I made a commitment to implement a project. And this step changed my self-esteem - I saw a potential leader in myself.

Later, I had to participate in the work of a group considering the prospects for creating a new enterprise. One fine day, our ideas took shape completely, and we wrote the name of the future company on a yellowed piece of paper torn from an old notebook. I remember how, looking at him, I made a decision for myself: even if I have to dig the earth with my hands, I will bring this matter to the end.

It doesn't matter what the problem is. It doesn't even matter if you personally become the project manager. Another thing is important. You are deliberately taking on a serious matter. You understand what the risks and possible benefits are. And you are aware that the responsibility for its outcome lies on your shoulders.

Introspection ability

The next step in becoming a leader is to tune in to understanding yourself. Learn to observe yourself and your relationships with other people as if from the outside. Find out what your strengths and weaknesses are. Watch in which direction your personality is evolving, determine what are the dangers along the way and what needs to be done in order to remove the obstacles that appear ahead. Pay attention to those moments when you find yourself at a crossroads, learn to do right choice and accept the consequences of your decisions. Keep track of what specific point you are at each moment and where this point is located on the path leading to your final goal.

Introspection training is now universally recognized as part of leadership development. To all relevant training courses classes on self-assessment or personal diagnostics are included. This is a good help. And yet, the true path to comprehending oneself begins with an analysis of experience and mastering reflection precisely in the process of activity.

As the results of research by psychologists show, many ordinary employees usually do not even think that they are performing their tasks not in the best way. Real leaders are a different matter. They understand which team members will be able to compensate for their shortcomings and in what situations they are most effective in showing their strengths... With this knowledge, leaders can determine in advance what situations should be avoided and what are the most important weaknesses, the consequences of which should be neutralized.

For example, nearly all CIO jobs are filled by IT staff. But the requirements for a person holding such a position are by no means limited to knowledge of the technical side of the matter. Anyone who does not know how to communicate with people and does not want to develop such a skill in himself is unlikely to be the head of an information service for a long time.

Let me explain what has been said with an example from my own life. I learned the art of analyzing my actions while working as a chief consultant for a firm. I had only minimal training under my belt, but I was tasked with organizing relationships with large groups of clients who knew much more about their business than I did. In addition, I had to keep up with my colleagues (the work was organized according to the brutal principle of "either promotion or dismissal"). Finally, I needed to set things up in such a way that clients would constantly feel the benefits of my work. So, I was in constant tension, the reaction to all my actions came instantly, and higher results were expected from me. In these conditions, I had no choice but to analyze the effectiveness of my work. Almost every night, I would open my notebook and jot down everything I had learned over the past day, as well as my thoughts on how to improve my work. Ultimately, the ability to analyze my capabilities and world-class quality standards changed my self.

Sense of perspective

If you have come to the decision to lead people and feel the makings of a leader, it means that it is time for you to take the third step towards becoming a leader: to develop a sense of perspective. This is also a choice, but a choice of a completely different property. This is not about what task to set for yourself, but about who - professionally and personally - you want to become. What place in this world would you like to take ultimately? What place do you occupy in it now and how can you become who you have planned? Developing your own path of development that will lead you to your goal is the final stage on the path of becoming a leader.

The idea of \u200b\u200bmy own goals was formed after decades of searching and several years of writing and reflection. I have passed a difficult path. I had no insight when everything suddenly becomes crystal clear, I did not hear voices pointing the right way. My inner tempters tried to push me astray, and my resolve went through many trials with false goals and mistakes. But on the other hand, all these circumstances helped me to clearly realize how I see my future life.

The beauty of this approach is that once you take the path of becoming a leader, you will never stop being a leader. You may be reputed to be a successful or unsuccessful worker in the minds of others, succeed or fail in this or that enterprise, but you will remain a leader, because your efforts to achieve your goal made you so. Theodore Roosevelt perfectly expressed this idea in the following words: “How much better it is to take on big things and experience moments of glory - although ups are followed by falls - than to be like those poor fellows who do not know great joys and great sufferings, for they live in gray twilight, where there are no victories or defeats. "

If, in the process of mastering your leadership skills, you can identify your own milestones and express your own thoughts, the quality of your leadership will rise to the next level.

Christopher Hoenig is director of strategy for the US General Accounting Office. Has experience business activities (was director general Exolve), consulting (McKinsey & Co.). Inventor. The book belongs to him The Problem Solving Journey: Your Guide for Making Decisions and Getting Results.

Christopher Hoenig. You Know Where You Want to Go. CIO, July 15, 2003.

Becoming a leader is much easier than you think. Take responsibility for what is happening to you, and you will see that everything is in your hands, and you are the full-fledged owner of your life! In order to become number one, you just need to decide to become the best and start doing what everyone does. successful people... Leadership can be learned.

If you are ready for a change, follow simple rules, develop the leadership qualities outlined here, and success will not be long in coming!


All leaders have a good imagination and started with a dream. What they achieved originally existed only in their imagination. Allow yourself to dream and make bold plans, discarding conventions and limitations. What you think about eventually becomes your reality.

Do what you love

Do only what you really love. This is the main secret financial well-being... When you do what you love, you do not get tired, but, on the contrary, constantly feel a surge of energy and inspiration. It fills your life with meaning and allows you to work more efficiently.

Plan carefully

An effective leader always plans his activities. Accurate goal setting and planning is what should be prioritized. Remember the 10/90 rule: 10% of the time spent planning before starting the task will save 90% of the time solving it.

Believe in yourself

The leader has no doubts. A person following his true goals is confident in the correctness of his choice and quickly makes decisions that allow him to move forward. Self-confidence will help you overcome fears and doubts. Build self-confidence by constantly reinforcing it with successful experiences of your own. If you can once achieve what you want, you can do it over and over again. Protect yourself from communicating with those who doubt your abilities. Remember that you cannot be hindered, you can only not be helped.

Act decisively

Successful people are determined and try more than the average person. Once you've made your decision, take action immediately. Action is the only way to overcome inner fear. Determination brings you closer to success, and the fear of mistakes blocks your development. "Success is on the other side of mistakes," said Thomas Watson, co-founder of International Business Machines (IBM).

Be truthful

Successful leadership is built on the trust of the people who work with you. An invariable component of professional integrity is honesty with yourself in everything. Never say anything unless you are sure it is true.

Own yourself

A person who cannot control himself cannot control others. The leader always maintains composure. Be tolerant and loyal to the people you work with. By taking the position of an observer and looking at the situation from the outside, you can always effectively cope with the emotions that have restrained you.

Work more

Successful people work hard, especially at the start of a business. The leader deliberately works more than he demands from his subordinates. Practice the 40+ formula: Work 40 hours a week to survive, and use the rest of the time to succeed. Every hour worked over the prescribed forty hours is your investment in the future.

Watch yourself

A leader respects himself and others. Neat appearance - this is one of the manifestations of respect for yourself and others. Subordinates will not respect you if you look untidy. Successful salespeople know that a good suit can increase sales by 20%.


Successful leadership requires a thorough knowledge of the business. Your life improves when you become better yourself. Make a decision to become the best in your business and improve, hone your skills and abilities every day.

Take responsibility

Responsibility is what separates the leader from the performer. The leader assumes responsibility for financial and other risks, as well as for the mistakes of his employees. Learn to take responsibility for what you and your team do.

Develop collaboration

A successful leader applies the principle of collaborative effort and develops the collaborative skills of his subordinates. Pledge successful management is the energy of concerted action. Effective leadership must be built on agreement, not submission alone. Respect for employees and attention to their questions will allow you to become the one who can lead people with you.

Active school occupation

"The path to leadership"

Purpose:Create conditions for the formation of the concepts of "leader", "leadership"

Identify leadership potential


- familiarizing children with the basis of leadership theory

- development of leadership skills, logical thinking, self-esteem of children

- the formation of relationships through group forms of work.

Good afternoon, guys and dear guests. I am glad to see you at our today's lesson of the “Path to Leadership” asset school.

Each of those present here is already to some extent a leader: in the classroom, in the children's association, in the student government bodies.

“How little has been lived and how much has been experienced,” says childish wisdom. I think you will agree with me. All our lives, each of us must learn something, “burn” himself and “ignite” others. I suggest that the motto of our meeting today is to take the words

F. Picabia "There is only one way to get people to follow you, and that is to move forward faster than they do."

Guys! Tell me, who is "LEADER"? What associations does this word evoke in you?

(Group discussion - 2 minutes)

Answers of children ………

A LEADER is a person who has high authority among friends, colleagues, comrades due to his personal qualitiesset it apart from other people.

Along with the definition of "LEADER" there is one more concept "LEADERSHIP".

"LEADERSHIP" is the ability to influence other people in such a way that they work to achieve the goals of the activity.

Jeff's Exercise "Do You Need to Be a Leader?"

After a given statement, the guys choose one of the possible answer options and come up to the plate with this answer. Answer options: "Yes", "No", "I do not know"

    It is prestigious to be a leader.

    A leader is the person who does all the work.

    Only a young person can be a leader.

    Girls have less leadership qualities.

    I am a leader.

Guys! A leader is characterized by the presence of organizational skills - such a combination of personality traits that allows a person to quickly, reliably and confidently organize people to do something. I suggest that you confer in groups and write down the qualities that a leader should have on a piece of paper.

(Group discussion - 2-3 minutes)


You know the business that needs to be organized


You know how to act assertively, energetically when solving tasks


You are creatively active, put forward ideas, suggestions


You are open to others, ready (you can and want) to communicate with people

Quick wits

You can get to the essence of the phenomena, you see their causes, effects, you know how to determine the main thing.


You show willpower, perseverance, you know how to bring things to an end.


You can control your feelings, your behavior in difficult situations.


You are hardy, able to endure hard work, not to get tired for a long time.


You know how to see, to note the remarkable in passing, to keep details in memory.


You are not dependent in decisions, you know how to find ways to solve tasks yourself, to take responsibility.


You are able to subordinate yourself to the necessary mode of work, to plan your activities.

Objective assessment

You know how to note the shortcomings of those people who you like and the merits of those to whom you are

you are prejudiced.

Ability to obey

By demanding obedience from others, you yourself know how to obey.


You can objectively, impartially evaluate your work.

Most of the group respects you and your opinion.

Now, guys, write your last name on the pieces of paper. In one column, write down the qualities that you possess, and in the other - those that you would like to develop or acquire in yourself.

(Individual work 2-3 minutes)

Count the number of qualities recorded. If there are more than five of them, then you have leadership potential. And if there are more than ten, then your leadership qualities are well manifested.

Guys, you and I have determined who a LEADER is, what qualities he should have. Now we will find out what functions the leader performs. But we will do it a little unusual. Spring has come, which means that more often you want to smile, give each other smiles and flowers, well, at least one flower. I suggest not buying it, but making it yourself. The heart of our petal will be the word "Leader"

(I attach the core of the flower to a magnetic board)

And now we will attach petals to the core of our flower. Each petal carries a certain type of Leader's activity.

1 Petal "Leader inspires"

As a leader, you can inspire others to succeed and help channel energy.

The task.You have decided to organize, in your opinion, a very interesting business. But the guys don't really want to participate in this. Your task is to inspire the guys, encourage them to take action, and interest them.

(Time 2-3 minutes)

2 Petal "The Leader Involves Everyone in the Work"

Everyone wants to participate in decision-making, leaders choose best options... As a result, trust in each other grows, the right decisions are made.

The task.Teams are given a sheet of paper. Each member of the group, without consulting each other, should draw some element. You should end up with the big picture.

(The discussion of the results)

3 petal "Leader teaches cooperation"

The whole group monitors the actions and words of the leader. The leader's demeanor creates an atmosphere that encourages everyone to cooperate.

The task. You need to write a mini - story of words starting with one letter: "O", "B", "C"

Discussion of work results

4 petal "The Leader Achieves Results"

The task "Gypsy cart"

You need to build a gypsy cart, consisting of a cart, 1-2 horses, cart walls, wheels, a cab, passengers.

(Time 3 - 4 minutes)

Demonstration of "Gypsy carts"

After the demonstration of the cart, the children are told that the person who has become a cab driver is, as a rule, the leader in this group.

5 petal “A leader knows how to create good mood»

The task. Perform one verse of the song "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass"

Group 1 - like children in kindergarten,

Group 2 - as if you have hot porridge in your mouth

(Preparation time 2-3 minutes)

Performing songs

6 petal "The leader makes the right decisions"

Every leader must instantly find the right solutions, choose the best option.

The task. The ship is shipwrecked in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Due to broken navigation devices, you do not know where you are. Your property is a box of matches and several ten-ruble bills. Nearby uninhabited island. You can use an inflatable raft and bring your essentials with you. You need to choose from the general list of items those that would be most useful to you on a desert island. Write down what items you will take from the ship in the first, second, third…. etc. queue

Shaving mirror

Canister with water

Dry ration

Pacific map

Canister with oil and gas mixture


Bottle of rum


Fishing tackle

Swimming cushion

(Preparation time 3-5 minutes)

Discussion of the results of the work of the groups

7 petal "Leader compliments team members"

The task. "Let's compliment each other"

Groups need to compliment the other group. (The compliment should be related to the work in our today's school of the asset)

(Preparation time 1-2 minutes)

Guys! So our lesson has come to an end. Let's summarize: what new have you learned today? Did you want to strive to become a leader? What did you particularly like? What caused you trouble?

* Everyone has leadership abilities, but they are all developed to varying degrees, a skillful leader does not put pressure on authority, but raises the rest to his level.

* Don't grab onto everything at once. Let others realize their abilities.

* Everyone can become a leader in what he knows better than others.

* A leader can have many positive qualities, but the main ones are availability and friendliness.

If you are always ahead

In the mass of life, in the thick of things

And others are ready to lead -

So you are a LEADER by nature


At the end of the lesson, each child evaluates the lesson, choosing an emoticon of a certain mood

I liked everything, I learned (learned) a lot of new things.

- It was nice, but it could be better.

I didn't like it at all.


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