Self-development how to succeed in life. Psychology of success. Parable about man

We all have enough limited quantity Time to do whatever you want. In order not to spend the energy in vain and faster to succeed and happiness, use these tips to help you improve things.

Inform something valuable

It doesn't matter what exactly you do and what are your life goals, you should be an important person. Those in whom people will need. The more you are valuable more money You can earn. In personal life it will help your growth and strengthen your relationship. The best way To gain value - to deal with what value you can offer people how it matches your beliefs and goals in life. Did you do yourself today better? How could you achieve this?

Do what you love

If you learn biographies successful people And you think about your personal experience, you will realize that the most successful representatives of humanity are engaged in what they like. Do not waste your life in vain, find what you like, and do this. Those who do not follow their dream, rarely achieve something significant. If you have not figured out yourself, try to make it as soon as possible.

Be unique

If you live just like someone else, you will not need to succeed. It is important to go beyond the familiar, only so you will notice. No matter if you dream about money, strong relationships or want to realize yourself, you must be unique person.

Start right now

There are many factors that can be the cause of success in your professional and personal life, but most importantly - start acting. Many people cannot fully reveal their potential, because they do not even try to do it. They are just getting ready, plan and wait, when a special moment comes. If all successful people waited until they were ready, they would not do anything. The situation is rarely comfortable for one hundred percent, you should be able to start and adapt along the way. What are you waiting for? What are you planning? What happens bad if you start right now? It's time for you to change your approach and forget about the former empty unrest.

Find a good teacher

People who manage to succeed are usually grateful to their teacher or a group of teachers who helped them achieve everything in life. The teacher already has the experience needed to implement your goal, it can help you choose the right direction and move it faster than you could alone. If you want to improve health, you need a competent trainer. If you want to get rich, learn from the one who has already accumulated a state. People rarely think about how important it is to find an adviser. But if you want to succeed, you need to change your point of view on this issue. If you have a teacher, you will be much easier in life. Just think in which area you would use support for an experienced person.

Get a group of support

The teacher will help you determine the right direction in life, with him you will analyze your previous actions and plan the future. A support group is those who will be nearby in the process of your travel to success. It may be your colleague or a group of output, where you can tell about your goals and discuss all the difficult situations arising in life. It is very important to know that someone is always ready to listen and help you cope with doubts and disorder, who will recall how much you have already managed to achieve. Do you have a support group?

Control your finance personally

The numbers of many frighten. Start talking about income and arrived, and people will immediately begin to worry. If you are also waiting, try to change the situation. Do not try to escape from money, you will only worse. If you dream of financial independence, you must control the situation yourself. If you have own business, for his success you will need to personally understand all his internal processes. If you do not understand anything about economic issues, you need to learn as soon as possible. It is not difficult if you do not limit yourself to the prejudice that you do not understand it. Do you know the cost of your business? What makes you doubt your own ability to handle the numbers?

Get help

It is important to know and understand all aspects of your personal and business life, but at all it is not necessary to independently fulfill all the tasks associated with them. If you will correctly arrange priorities, you will reveal your potential as much as possible. You can always learn something new and become competent, but you have only twenty-four hours a day, so much more efficiently learn to transmit some tasks to other people. The ability to delegate is a very valuable skill.

Learn sales

Many people are crying, thinking about trade. This work causes them to prejudice. In fact, it may prevent you from succeed. The ability to sell is the ability to convince anyone. If you want to make a date, you will be useful to such a skill. And if you pass the interview, you will be useful to such a skill. Understanding the relatives or colleagues, you use it. So, if you want to get a maximum of any sphere of your life, learn effective sales techniques. There are many successful coaches who can learn a lot.

Do not give up

Cases rarely go the way you planned them, there is always something that will distract you and hurts you on the way to success. The main thing is not to forget about perseverance, find courage to move forward even when everyone around is advised to surrender. You should not stubbornly adhere to a plan that does not work, just do not forget about the goal that you have always dreamed of. When everything goes wrong, I would like to remember that any successful person had to survive many failures - it is simply important then to continue moving forward. Never give up, no matter how hard you have it, and once you thank yourself for it. Believe in yourself, remember your goal and keep moving, even if each of your step is slow and small.

It seems that the whole world against me - then nothing works, I just find yourself in a dead end. For useless advice of friends and many "professional coaching" cause irritation. And before the eyes, like a red light, the question - how to achieve success in life?

What is success?

We understand that success is perceived differently. For one success, this is a high status in society, business, material superiority. For another, this is universal attention, interviews and outbreaks of cameras, photos on the cover of a glossy magazine. And someone is not interested in someone, a strong family, children - their criterion of a happy life.

In all cases, success is the achievement of a certain set goal and the state of satisfaction, happiness that a person from this is experiencing. After all, a person who did not make his desire did not achieve anything in life, can not be considered successful. Like a person who has reached the goal, but does not feel from this joy, but only constant tension and stress.

If you remember your personal victories, which, for sure, were in everyone's life, the achievement of the goal was accompanied by a sense of satisfaction, happiness, pride. That is what is the success, it is this and I want to feel.

Formula of achieving success

What is the most important thing in this matter how to succeed? The most important thing is to find its own goal and your own way, which will lead to the implementation of the dream, will reveal the natural potential.

We have from birth to all opportunities for development, movement forward, achieve success, but often we do not see them, because our desires, properties, our psyche is hidden from us. And we go on a false path, imitating other people's goals and desires. Living anyone's life, we cannot succeed, feel the taste of happiness.

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlana makes it possible to realize his true desires, understand yourself and others, figure out how the psyche of man is arranged. This knowledge opens the secret to us - the formula for achieving success for everyone.

In each of us, Nature laid a certain set of desires provided by talents and opportunities for their implementation, in other words - vector. He defines the predisposition of a person to a certain type of activity, the features of its character, motive behavior.
Around a lot of successful people with high status that have reached certain heights in a career successfully involved in business. Who are they? Pets of fate and fortune? No, these are just people with a skin vector. They are endowed with nature, dexterity, not only the flexible body, but also a flexible psyche. They are easily adapted to any atmosphere, endowed with logical thinking, ambitious, pragmatic, rational, quickly make a decision, possess natural alarm benefits.

Their values \u200b\u200bare property and social superiority. Disciplined, talented organizers, managers. The presence of all these talents and allows them to easily rise by career stairs, succeed in business, seek success. The tendency to the competition, the desire to be the first, dominate pushes a person with a skin vector to development, to achieving the goal, success.

Others are different - people with anal vector. Calm, slow and thorough, they are characteristic of doubt, they long and carefully study the problem before making any decision. Business is not their elements, they strive for stability, they are not able to instantly switch their attention from one question to another. The need to quickly take a responsible decision can enter into a stroop at a critical moment, bring to stress.

Perfectionists from nature, they are characteristic of qualitatively, painstakingly and stubbornly to bring to the end. The properties of the anal vector help their owner become successful, in demand in spheres, where such natural qualities are completely indispensable. Professionals of their case, possess analytical thinking, their natural role is the accumulation, generalization and transfer of knowledge, information to future generations. Such people often become excellent teachers, authoritative mentors, achieve success and high professionalism, as doctors, writers, scientists. The values \u200b\u200bof the anal vector are family, children, authority and respect in society.

It happens that by virtue of our circumstances natural properties They did not receive due development, or during the lifetime were susceptible to negative impact. So, if the owner of the skin vector in childhood was subjected to verbal or physical violence, humiliation, then it is formed a scenario for failure. A man with an anal vector who received psychological injury is inclined to pathological delay, which significantly affects the quality of life. System-vector psychology helps to cope with these "ailments". Through the understanding of the mechanism of occurrence, the awareness of the reasons, the consequences of the consequence.

Successful woman

Often you can hear the question - what will you advise, what actions need to be taken to achieve success for women?

Modern woman can realize himself in society on a par with a man. It feels joy and filling from the application of its properties in collective work. A woman can feel successful - not only by realizing himself in a profession or walking through the career staircase with seven-world steps. For example, for the owner of the anal and visual vectors, the achievement of success can mean a strong family, a beloved and loving husband, children, and the opportunity to selflessly take care of them. Recall the Heroine of Natalia Gundareva in the film "Once twenty years later," which is the question: "What did you achieve in life, as success?" "Smiling just answered:" I am mom. " And so much happiness and warmth was in her eyes.

Only understanding himself, his natural desires will help a person to learn how to achieve success. A person who understood his nature, the psyche, realized the cause of his own failures, is able to find his place in life, to realize himself in his beloved business, to succeed, get from life what I dreamed of, feeling, finally, myself happy.

Success \u003d I + other people

No less important component of the formula of success is an understanding of the psyche of other people. Whatever purpose we put in front of ourselves, in whatever sphere they tried to succeed, we can not do without interaction with people around us - at home, on the street, in society, in the team.

We are arranged so that the events and people around us are perceived through our value system, through our understanding "what is good and what is bad." This brings us a lot of misunderstandings, stresses, disappointments. In order to avoid mistakes in the interaction, it is very important to understand the conference of the psyche of another person. Know what it thinks what I mean by what was said, why did this happen and what to wait for him in the future.

Knowledge that help understand not only yourself, your psyche, hidden from us, but also to understand the psyche of others, learn them better, to understand that you can get their thoughts and actions, you can get at the training "system-vector psychology" Y. Burlan.

All our natural properties are designed to implement among other people.

Sales B. professional activity - This is only one side of success. Man is happy and truly successful when implemented in all areas: in society, in personal and family relations. Knowledge that system-vector psychology gives skills, the ability to build the right relationship not only in the team, but also in the family. What allows you to create a strong support for your success, island of home comfort, mutual understanding and trusting relationships in the family. You will stop annoying the grumbling of your second half that slippers are not in place, you will understand that this is not a sign of the bore, but the natural thrust of anal person to cleanliness and order. You will understand why with the same upbringing, one of your child is such a fidget, why in his room the eternal mess, and the other, on the contrary, is slow, home, clean and accure.

Training "System-Vector Psychology" Yuri Burlan in details and details reveals a human psyche device. These knowledge help to understand themselves and others, change their thoughts, a way of thinking, to find a way to achieve their goals, change your life for the better, to feel her true taste is the taste of success and happiness.

"... Always hated property superiority and sabotized its success, and now I understand that I have no obstacles. Very important aspect for me - Being yourself as a successful person ... "

"... What is the happiness of the implementation? This is primarily an understanding who you are, what is your place in society and that you can give society.
That's when you realize this in the training is an explosion, flight, inspiration ... This is an impetus to action.
I returned to the way of activity from which he retired. I began to sing again. In a short period, adapted in many social groups.
Now I work as a soloist in the military orchestra leading in the republican and city palace of culture and finishing his studies in the profession of actress theater and cinema ... "

Free online lectures "System and Vector Psychology" Yuri Burlan will allow you to answer many questions.

The article is written using the materials of online trainings Yuri Burlan "System and Vector Psychology"

Often read

Useful habits - the foundation of wealth. They have a successful wealthy person differs from the loser. At the latter bad habits prevail. Think what bothers you? Awareness is the first step to change.

In his book, Tom Corley proposes to take a sheet of paper and divide it into two parts. In the left column, list your negative habits, and in the right, how they can be changed. For example, so.

Work on the observance of each item from the list on the right within 30 days (), and you will be surprised how your life will change.

2. Regularly put yourself

Successful people drive their goals. Before them there are always uncompressed vertices. They plan their day in detail.

If you also want to succeed, think about it. Place your goals for the day, week, month and. But the goal without a plan that the boat without wheezed. Develop an algorithm that will help you achieve the scheduled. Take responsibility for your actions and inaction.

3. Determine the root causes

If you know why you want to achieve wealth and success, then come to this faster. Set goals important. But even more importantly, why you chose this purpose. Why are you so important for success? Is this your deep inner need or perhaps the fear of disappointing parents? Why do you strive to earn a lot of money? Is your mission as the head of the family or is it imposed from the outside fashion? Think about it.

4. bring things to the end

The truth is old as the world: Do not postpone tomorrow what can be done today. Fears "What if it does not work?", "It's too difficult" and so on all. But successful people overcome them and bring important things to the end, whatever it cost.

Tom Corley says that wealthy people are on the machine. Only appeared the temptation to postpone something for later - there is a light bulb "Do it now!". Repeat these words, no matter how boring and difficult task.

5. Make maximum and even a little more

Make somehow, if only quickly and just behind - the approach of losers. The wealthy people always make even a little more than they are required. If for this you have to stay at work - no problem! Attach more effort - easy!

Little remark. To surrender to work for all 200%, it should not just arrange. She should be hot loved. Therefore, find a case.

6. Work on relationships with people

Successful persons are by no means egocentricists. In focus their attention there are always other people. Some even specifically highlight days for meetings with friends and partners.

Networking can not be underestimated. Successful people are constantly expanding their network of contacts and provide familiar small gratuitous services.

The wider the circle of your dating, the more names and posts have to keep in your head. To not be confused, use special.

7. Speak less, listen more

"God gave a man two ear and one mouth so that he listened more and talked less," says folk wisdom. When you listen, you learn. Listen carefully what people say, it will repeat you more than once.

8. Find like-minded people

It is difficult to say how much the saying "Tell me who is your friend ...", but the environment affects a person is a fact. Want to become rich and successful? Try to make friendship with those who have already succeeded, or just find how your plans for life coincide. You will be able to share experiences and encourage each other in difficult moments.

9. Find a mentor

Not everything can be learned by books. Therefore, many successful people have mentors that they observe and with whom they are advised. The adopted experience of a person who has already held, you can progress twice as fast. In addition, communication with him disciplines you.

10. Save

The corns writes that successful people invest from 10 to 20% of their income. This is one of the effective ways to save. Other secrets richest people Planets for the increase in capital read.

11. Live for funds

It is not the one who earns a lot, but one who spends intelligently. Often a person himself puts himself in a financially difficult position when it starts to live by means. Does the expensive foreign car need a loan, if you live from salary before salary?

Arrange spending and do if you want to change your life.

12. Constantly Improve

Successful people are constantly working on themselves. They read a lot and all the time learn to new. But the main thing, they do not spend time on the fact that it does not bring them to the goal.

One of the most highly paid business coaches of America Brendon Berchard (Brendon Burchard) that we spend too much time on useless activity, as a result we feel a sharp time shortage. It's true. Time is too valuable. And spend it on the fact that it does not be fruit from the point of view of well-being (computer games, disputes in in social networks And so on), - a crime.

Self-improvement is like a needle with thread: the luggage of knowledge and skills stretching you forward. Work on yourself every day. It is not easy, but the wider the horizons, the more likely to be implemented.

13. Read daily

At least 30 minutes a day. Reading B. modern world - competitive advantage. The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more you will achieve.

Introduce reading in your daily routine of the day will help.

14. Constantly improve the qualifications

Progress is every day to become better in your business. Improve your professional skills daily and replenish your knowledge luggage. In the end you will be an expert. And they pay well, they respect them. So adhere to the resulting course until you reach success.

15. Arrange the "digital weekend"

Dedicate such days to yourself (any courses or perhaps a movie), walks (you can even go to a mini-trip) and communicating with loved ones (they may not be enough).

16. Watch for health

Rich and successful usually play sports and eat right. And lead healthy image Life for them is as natural as to take a shower in the morning. Everything is simple: physical activity and balanced nutrition give them energy to achieve business goals. Do you follow yourself?

17. Work out a sense of measure

Know the measure - it means to live in balance and harmony. Be moderate all: in work, food, physical activity, alcohol consumption, Internet surfing, and so on.

Harmonious people attract others. It is easier for them to find business partners, to persuade investors and advance through the career ladder.

18. Be an optimist

Remember the saying "The optimists turn the globe, and the pessimists run nearby and shout:" Where does this world roll ""? The world belongs to complete enthusiasm and energy optimists. These people are looking for (and find) good in the surrounding and see opportunities even in difficulties.

The information field is styled by a negative. Hello filter information and cut off what can knock you out from the rut. Instead, fill the tape in what will teach and develop you.

19. Manage your thoughts

Dominate your thinking and emotions - the lot of successful people, and not wizards.

Scrolling in the head negative scenarios, you are unlikely to succeed. Fears and doubts inevitably lead to collapse. Tell me "Stop" by caught yourself on bad thoughts. Successful people are constantly engaged in creating, and they simply have no time to cultivate negative.

20. Employe your fears

Be fear is normal. Each person is afraid of something or is experiencing something. Only losers allow their fears to lead them, and successful people over the alarms.

Write on a sheet of fears that prevent your success on the sheet and think how you can overcome them.

21. Do not lower your hands

Difficulties on the way to goal are inevitable. But, no matter how hard it is, it is impossible to lower your hands. In order not to give up on the way to its goal, even in the most difficult moments, there is at least.

Perhaps failures will make you adjust the course, but they should not stop the movement forward.

If you think about how to become a successful person in life, then this article is exactly for you.

In it, I tried to assemble the main components of success for any person. Performing uncomplicated rules, you can achieve the height of success in any case, which you want.

Success is the concept of contradictory and for each it means something. Someone wants to become the president of the oil company, someone famous artist, someone wants to travel freely, without being tied to one place, and someone wants to simply receive a consistent amount. Every month, and he will consider himself a successful person.

Probably, you will agree that in all cases a success is when a person has achieved that what he sought. But, to achieve a goal, maybe not everyone - for this you need to possess certain qualities.

The answer to the question of how to become a successful person in life, lies only in 25 ordinary councils.

These tips or, if you want, the rules that perfectly seized the most successful people of the planet

  1. If you have a specific goal - it means that your chances of success are great enough. And even if you have it, well, very big - nothing terrible; Break it into several parts and move to your goal in stages.
  1. Plan and analyze. Use any time to reflect on what is obtained and what to modest or change. And when it comes to concrete actions - you will know exactly where to start and what to do.
  1. Take yourself a rule - always bring the work started to the end. All successful and rich people always bring their actions to the result. There are temporary stops - there were some difficulties, or just laziness-mother overwhelmed, Motivation disappeared or something else - we are all living people, and this sometimes happens, and this is normal. But never give up in the middle of the way!

Sometimes, when, well, it's completely all against you (a strip of bad luck, or a little revalued its capabilities) - you can retreat for some time. It is better than breaking the wall of the forehead like a donkey.

  1. When you are moving towards your goal, there will be difficulties on the way, but you should not lower your hands at this moment. Difficulties make us stronger and temper our character. And if a clear goal is set, no one will stop you, no problems. And the difficulties you are defeated is the most valuable experience for new plans and tasks.
  1. Your mistakes. They will also arise on your way. One, the second third ... and the more they will be - the more your experience will be. Recognition does not come by itself. For triumph and laurels will have to pay, pay for their mistakes and failures. But you will find one successful solution from 100 attempts that will be the only true and raise you to the top of success.

Remember the famous words of Edison, when he was invented by a light bulb - he understood everything with each failure that everything approaches this one, but the only right solution.

  1. Whatever happens - do not give up despair. Only losers are able to despair, lose hope, and cease to believe in their strength. The lot of successful is to always be optimistic, looking at the future and not to blame themselves for what has gone wrong.
  1. Do not look at people around you like the perpetrators of your misses. In these missions you are guilty, and only you. And seek to blame on the side - this is a sign of bad tone. It is better to analyze your failures and errors, make the appropriate conclusions and become better.
  1. It happens that sometimes you have to start first. And even if it is the second, third and even one hundred and first your attempt - it will still not be with pure sheet. You already have experience, practice, results, you already know how to do it is definitely not necessary - and therefore, it will not work right from scratch. Just do not step on the same rake twice.
  1. Do not blame yourself for past mistakes. Do not be engaged in self-defense, because you will definitely not add confidence in your own power. Failure to analyze and correct. To draw conclusions about preventing them in the future, and in the present time to discuss success.
  1. Make all the work in stages. Do not chase immediately after all - you still will not become Julia Caesar. Scientists have proven that when there is a lot of tasks in front of the brain - it begins to slow down. It will be much better if you first make one thing, then another, and on the plan. In this case, success will be around the corner.
  1. Work every day, but in a strictly defined time. For example, if your goal is to make the coolest site on computer literacy, write every day at a certain time. Warn about it your relatives that you will work, for example, from 18.00 to 20.00, and let them do not bother you at this time. And in reality, so you work at this time. Only system steps will allow you to come to the finish line and achieve planned success.
  1. Do not be seen to start with draft. If you do immediately "on the Castovik" - causes you difficulties (for example, write the next chapter of your book), this does not mean that it is necessary to postpone the planned. Sketch at least a draft. And the next day you will have a good foundation, on the basis of which write "Belovik".

  1. Learn to take care of your time. Consider how much time you have to communicate on the phone, in social. Networks, discussion of newspapers or some new television program? Discard all this, and you will release a lot of free time. Those who want to be successful will appreciate their own and someone else's time.
  1. Read more literature. This occupation is well developing our brain. Reading books makes richer our language, improves imagination and makes us better, from the point of view of human psychology. And this is definitely necessary to a successful person.
  1. If something is incomprehensible - ask. The wise leader is not the one that everything knows, but the one who recognizes his imperfection is not shy to ask and learn from a new one. Sometimes subordinates know more of their chief and can tell him a lot.
  1. Continue to learn and increase your skills. Only one school and the institute is not enough for this. In our information age, it is necessary to be very mobile and multidisciplinary. If you want to be successful - you need to think in many matters.

If you concentrate only on one thing - this is not enough, you need to be able to do and understand something else. On the Internet, the mass of interesting and useful courses and seminars, by completing which you will be profitable to differ from your competitors. Maybe even worth thinking about obtaining a scientific degree.

  1. If you felt that you wanted to relax - relax! Do not strain your brains. Sometimes (some short time) is just useful not to do anything. Stat up with your favorite park, go to an interesting movie, just listen to a pleasant melody. But do not get drunk - everything is good in moderation!

You are a living person and can't without rest.

  1. Pay attention to your nutrition. Analyze your daily diet - it must be balanced. Then you will not accumulate extra kilograms, and the brain will get the nutrients you need. You will be healthy - you will be healthy your mind - and therefore success is guaranteed!
  1. Movement is life! Do not forget about it, and be sure to pay physical exertion for at least 15-30 minutes of your time during the day. It may be, morning jog, exercise bike or just walking - what you like most. The main thing to remember that almost all successful people always show activity in this matter and pay their health enough attention. And give up bad habits!

  1. Do not neglect the help of your relatives and acquaintances. Share your plans and goals with them, ask them the question: what they want. It may happen that you will find yourself each other useful and the team will be formed. And the team to achieve the goals set is much easier.
  1. Think, do you bring moral satisfaction your job? If you make it only for money - very soon she can bother you. When you think only about money is not the most best motivation. Very other sensations bring feelings of need and utility for people what you do.
  1. Make your money to work for you. These are their main prerogatives. If you earn them only for the sake of accumulation - they will not bring you happiness. Do not fold them all under the ass - better let it in the case, and then they will bring you to your goal and make you successful.
  1. Always remember yourself and your family. All you do should have value and value. In pursuit of future profit And do not forget about the bottom of today, about that for whom you, in essence, all stuffed. Pay enough time and on your holiday, and stay with your family. Appreciate every moment of finding close.
  1. Down with bad habits! Alcohol, drug addiction and smoking still did not make anyone happy. These are not the best travelers on the way to success, believe me! Let a healthy lifestyle be the norm.
  1. Smile, smile and smile again! This is a powerful weapon against any adversity and misunderstandings. If your face will not go smile - people will reach to you. And you have a soul, it will be nice and good. And when the soul sings - success simply can not get around you by side!


The rules listed in this article were specifically written for those who do not yet know how to become a successful person in life, but it really wants to strive for it. I really want to wish you, dear reader, achieve everything you think.

Success and patience!

Your Tatyana Kemishis

All great and successful people differ in personality and reluctance to adapt to the standards imposed by society. They always oppose the established rules and established stereotypes, which is why in the eyes of many seems too eccentric. People who have achieved real victories know what it is like to conquer the top. Women's magazite site recommends guided by their advice if you wish to succeed in life and achieve your goals.

10 advice of successful people

  1. Do not be afraid of failure. It is unlikely that someone like to lose. But no one is insured against defeats, for without them it is impossible to achieve what you really want to. For example, the famous American writer Stephen King, having received 30 failures from publishers and disappointed in their abilities, sent its first work in the trash can. Subsequently, thanks to his wife, he still graduated from the novel and took it to the publisher. As a result, in his first work, Stephen received almost half a million dollars. Thomas Edison, to whom the world is obliged to appear a light bulb, answered somehow a journalist's question about what it is like - a mistake of a thousand times in a row, "I did not make a mistake of a thousand times in a row. Just for the invention, the bulbs took thousands of steps. "
  2. Do what you love.The work that you hate is unlikely to succeed well - this is the law of the universe. According to the ancient thinker of Confucius, a person does not work if he is engaged in his loved business. And the truth, the occupation, which is easy and brings pleasure, loads you less and faster promotes in the professional sphere. Entrepreneur Steve Jobs, who is one of the chairmen of the Board of Directors apple companiesThis tells that when he turned 23 years old, his condition was more than a million dollars. In 24, he already had more than 10 million, and in 25 - more than 100 million. But for him, money is not important, since he never did anything for them.
  3. Think globally. American actor Jim Carrey, in childhood he has fallen such "charms" of life as washing public toilets and the inability to attend school, somehow said "if you refuse your dreams, then what will remain?". And the founder of CNN company Ted Turner from early childhood, he told himself that he wanted to become the Lord of the world. What is it, naive child fantasy or programming themselves to achieve success?
  4. Do not sit idle. The legend of the movie Bruce Lee said: "It is not enough to know, you need to apply knowledge in practice. It is not enough to wish to do. " Successful people are not waiting, sitting folded hands, until something happens. They themselves create what they need.
  5. Become a pioneer.Do not be afraid to think creatively and offer new ideas. We often remember that most of the successful people of the planet have reached heights, starting to think "not as everything". Beth Comstock, Director of Marketing of General Electric, advises: "Be where the world is just moving." IBM general director of Ginny Rothti, calling on "to be first and lonely".
  6. Believe in your strength.In order for the surrounding perceived you seriously and believed in your capabilities, you need, to start, find faith in yourself. The world opens to those who do not get tired of repeating the words "I want", "I can" and go ahead to the chosen goal. President of Yahoo! Marissa Mayer advises to risk and do what is not ready. In the worst case, the limit of your capabilities will be clear.
  7. Tune in to hard work. Easy ways to success does not happen. But the human laziness is unshakable and many wish glory and money here and now, without doing almost nothing. Russian entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov considers the work of the main secret of success. And the automotive industrialist Henry Ford expressed the point of view of this workahol, arguing that a person should be constantly at work and in no way. In the afternoon, she should take all his thoughts, and at night - to dream of him.
  8. Risk. Great and successful believe that achieving success is always accompanied by risk. Any movement up is in itself a lot of danger, and without it you just continue to stand still. British politician David Lloyd George once advised not to be afraid and take the first step, as it would not be able to cross the abyss by two small jumps. AND successful businessman And now the President of the United States Donald Trump called not to be limited to small, and by all means rushing to the top, strive to get gold, not bronze.
  9. Follow patience.Become restrained, and you will learn to manage yourself and your life. Many of the rich people who have made a career of people may not shack special talents. But they are much patient and purposeful than many. The site portal reminds that patience of a successful person should bother from iron, because in the process of activity, both ups and downs, both gifts of fate and problems. The popular American basketball player Michael Jordan teaches others on his example: "I threw past almost 10,000 times in my entire career. I was played without a small three hundred matches, and 26 times I missed when I was entrusted with a decisive throw. I never lowered my hands, although the failures accompanied me. And only so I achieved success. "
  10. Develop the qualities of the leader. Do not wait for life to give you a happy ticket, start heading it yourself. Develop organizational abilities and intelligence, learn responsibility and endurance - it is these qualities that are distinguished by these leaders. Maximilian Robespierre, French Revolutionary and a famous politician, allocated 2 traits of this leader: a constant movement forward and the ability to negotiate people.

Of course, among those who were held, it is possible to notice the so-called dumplings of fate, which found themselves in the right place and opening time, or having an influential patron at the back. But such options are rather an exception to the rules than the norm, and they are not so often found. The main mass of succeeding people make up those who, thanks to self-improvement, hard work and faith in their own strength, have achieved what they have. Is it an example of how to act?


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