Secrets of motivation or how to motivate themselves. How to get rid of dependence

How many times in life each of us had to hear such words as motivation, dream, goal?
All this is quite close to the concepts, if we consider them in the "first approximation."
Of course, if you deepen in the meaning of each of these words, you can see quite serious differences between them.

So, let's start our brief excursion to this amazing world of self-development!

The concept of motivationFirst of all, it relies on some dissatisfaction with what is happening in our lives and applies this word to both a specific person and to a variety of people. The motivating factor can be anything - from the tragic death of a beloved hamster or dutiful in the bedroom of wallpapers before the bankruptcy of its own company, which ensured that yesterday seemed stable, income.

Agree, there are no unmotable actions! It is possible to say with solid confidence that each action is committed for achieving some kind of purpose. An example is at least a goal of a food store: you have ended or ends products, so soon you will have nothing to eat. Is this not a motivation to tear off her carefully stored from the sofa and go shopping?
In this specific example Hunger is nothing more than motivation, but to provide themselves with supplies for some time this is the purpose of the actions you do. So uncomply and with the help of this simplest example we got to next concept Our with you, dear reader, reasoning.

So what is the goal?

According to the all-knowing Wikipedia, the goal is:

1. The desired result (the subject of the desire); What you want to implement.
Well, everything is clear here. Products in the cabinets and refrigerators - the thing is quite well-desired by us.

2. The well-described desirable state that needs to be achieved.
This is already closer to what we will talk about.

3. Anticipating in consciousness the result of activity.
So! Fine! It is almost what we need to learn for yourself!

4. Place or object to which you want to move when moving any object.
Hmm, you will not argue with this either, although it does not apply to our question with you ... almost.

So, the goal is the desired resultdefinitely. This is a certain end point of movement, which, as you remember, began with motivation. You can build the simplest scheme:

Motivation \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003e Intention to generate \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003e Action \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003e Purpose

Intention This is also a very important component, but it is so imperceptibly, that this is what it can be told, only leading an example:

Suppose you want to eat an apple and standing near the refrigerator, you remembered that they put fruit from above. To take an apple you need to raise your hand and get it.

Here motivation is the desire to eat an apple purpose - condition when you eat it, and intent - That elusive moment, as a moment before you raise your hand to take the desired fruit.

But back to the goal. What it is - is understandable, but with which it is eating - not yet. The fact is that in order for absolutely all the goals that we put in front of ourselves, they have been achieved, they must be properly set. How to do it? In order to understand this we need a technique, which is called "Frame of Objective."
First What we must determine for themselves this is what we want in fact that the goal is a truly final result of our activities.

That is, if we want a "much money," then, most likely we will not get it, because money is not a "final station" of our route. If you need a lot of money to buy a car that likes, then the goal will not be money, but the car. We have the following wording: "I want to buy a car." But this is just the very beginning, because you need to feel your goal, really imagine that you already have what you want, so we correct the wording in accordance with the "true time" and we get: "I have a car."

Now it gets up specify the goal And in all the items to imagine this car, that is, what kind of car brand? And model? What color is it? It may be toned on the glasses or alloy wheels with a large diameter? So, we adjust again and get: "I have a silver-white Audi A5 Cabriolet with 20 inch discs." After that, our goal is already sufficient, for its exercise weight, if only because we clearly know what we want. But here's the problem! When we want it and what will we feel when you achieve your goal?

We select time. Here you will need to focus completely as far as possible, on your inner sensations and start to establish a temporary framework for yourself, that is, ask yourself a question: "What time will I have what I want?" Just call for yourself the amount of time and try to understand what you feel.

For instance:
-Taaaak, six months later.
-Yes what, squeezed (a)? Few!!!
-Well, then two years?
- Forgive, I can faster!
-No problem! Year and two months!
- This is the case, this is what you need!
After you have chosen the time, the most pleasant part begins:

Our dream, for this you need to imagine a wonderful summer day and you roll in this new car on the streets or motorway, the wind develops your hair ... What do you feel how you are yours new life with this machine? Having answered these questions, we get the final wording:

"After a year and two months, I have a silver-white Audi A5 Cabriolet with 20 inch discs, moving in which the streets of the night city, I feel like a real king of the road!"

Agree, in this wording there are motivacime and energy chargewho feeds you to move and do everything in the power to achieve your goal.

Now small, but not in its impact of the secret:

We need fix The goal, if you record every correctly formulated goal on paper, then you will definitely get them!

Well, perhaps, everything that can be said about the goals.

Stop! Not all. This is still a comparative article and it was never mentioned in it, what is a dream. So, now you can answer this question!

Dream this is what was in the initial formulation, now there is already a meaningful and strong goal.

"If you really want something, the whole universe will help you achieve this!"- P. Coelho ("Alchemist").

Do you have a bright dream? Are you so passionate about her that you do not notice the time? Is your life saturated and diverse? Do you live your dream and you are definitely happy? Answer yourself honestly, but would like?!

What is a dream? And why are so many successful people talk about her and live in harmony with them and their dream? How to learn your bright true dream. What are the signs to distinguish it from simple desire? In fact, it is very easy.

Dream - When the eyes burn, when you are full of strength and actively act. You have a real dream when you forget about Lena, excuses, doubts, fear. Do not interfere in some minor conflicts, you are so passionate about that they just do not notice how time flies.

A dream leads you along the way, not giving to get off from the selected road. She like a lighthouse shines and shines as a star, the same beautiful and global that it can be seen from any part of your life. The real Your dream motivates, inspires, gives energy, opportunities, resources. Amazingly you meet the "necessary" people and situations. You are absolutely sure of yourself, even when, it would seem, there is no objective reasonsBut this is an internal state - fullness, activity and confidence. A dream gives such a powerful faith in himself that then all the surrounding begin to believe in you, you become a leader, you go, you trust you, and you continue to inspire and move towards your dream.

The dream fills the meaning of all your life, you commit the fact that for others it would seem that it would be impossible, health is restored, the relationship with others improves, there is a living interest, the desire to live in joy, enjoying every minute, every breath and exhale, every day ...

You reach one goal at the other, leading you to a dream. After all, you know that the best thing is that there is in this world, once there was someone's dream. And you understand that you can too! And you are opening the ability to create. This is the most powerful internal motivation , desire, striving. A dream leads you forward to new tops, to new horizons, to new victories! Only having a bright motivating dream, life acquires saturated paints and meaning.

And now remember your dream? Do you have it now? And remember your childhood, how much interesting, plans, dreams unknown?! The world seemed so diverse, unique and amazing. What happened? It seems that the world has changed? Or maybe you? When did you dream last time? You have become an adult, smart, rational, can you continue yourself, and in the end, what?!

Gray everyday life. Work, house or what else is there?! "Well, so it should be"- You will say, finding another excuse ...

Tell me honestly, yourself, and are you happy?! From its framework and restrictions? From the closed and from the fact that you can not sincerely express your feelings? Do you have inspiration and buzz from life, from creation? From new open?

If you are satisfied and happy - wonderful. And if sometimes, maybe late at night, when everything around gets in silence, thoughts come to you, quiet almost sore, and what if you change everything?!

Your dream is always next to you, it's just worth paying your attention to it, stop, to stay alone with me. Or remember what they so wanted to have lighted you and inspired to action.

So allow yourself to dream !!!Allow yourself to be the person you want. Have the best thing that is in our amazing world! Create and create a new one. Enjoy life and live with a dream in the heart, easily reaching your goals!

Because you are capable of much greater and worthy of all the best in life!

Allow yourself the most ambitious, the brightest, most best of your dream, which will fill with meaning. After all A dream is the greatest strength, changing you and your life for the better!


Do you have a deal that should do, but it can't do it with him? You need go from thoughts to actionThis is difficult, but maybe. There is a solution that can help not only simplify changes, but also lift motivation. It - Woop., Methodology, developed by the results of the study of Gabriel Ottigen.

You want more, visit the gym, find new job Or diligently learn at school ... but this does not happen. And how to be, if you don't even take care? Woop can make act if you do not have a motivation to achieve long-term goals.

Yes, WOOP. This abbreviation is out of 4 steps to achieve any goal. The algorithm is based on the study of Gabriel Ottenn:

  1. W.iSH - desire.
  2. O.utcome - goal.
  3. O.bSTACLE - obstacle.
  4. P.lAN - plan.

Can a method with a stupid in the entire history of sociology name seriously work? Yes!
People speaking that they want to do more, and using the WOOP method, act much more efficiently:

The first step is to want. We all wonderfully cope with this item, but this is only part. In fact, if you wish incorrectly, then exacerbate the situation.
That's how to do it right.

1) Wish (but do not stop on this)

At the beginning, there are wishes. But if it's all - you really are in trouble.
A positive attitude is largely necessary, because the negative point of view increases the likelihood that we will throw things, or do not even proceed to it.

But when a positive attitude turns into a fantasy, the situation is deteriorating very quickly. Yes, it is harmful to dream of success.

Again and again the results were unchanged. Positive fantasies, desires and dreams, cut off from the previous estimates based on previous experience, did not turn into motivation leading to more energetic and interesting life. They were transformed into something completely opposite.

Why? Derek Sivers explained this in his wonderful speech at the TED conference.

The emotional brain simply cannot distinguish fantasy from reality.

When you dream, the ancient parts of the mind believe that you have already achieved the goal. Therefore, motivation does not increase, but falls.

So: One of the reasons for low positive fantasies is that they do not create the energy necessary for the desire to embody the desired.

Sorry, the "Secret" fans are simply not working. Dreams turn positive thinking into ordinary attempts to give the desired for valid.

So if the method does not work, why do we still use it? Simply and clear: it raises the mood (as well as another snack or checking mail in 216 times in an hour, it seems significant).

Dreams of beautiful future seemed to protect against sadness on short term, but only roasted her later. They coincide with a short gap of pleasure, which was inevitably weathered and led to a growing depression.

Want to lose weight? Those who just wanted lost 11 kg less than estimated more negatively.
Want to meet the only one?

"The more students ... have entertained in pleasant sruses ... the less was the likelihood that they would establish relationships."

Are you trying to find a new job?

"The more often the students practiced positive dreams, the smaller success they achieved."

So, the desire can be very harmful in itself. What, according to the study, we miss?

2) define a specific goal

This part is simple. In the work of Ottenna, it is said that you need to take a desire and give it a form. Be specific.

So, if you want " more money"The expected goal may look like" get an increase in work. "

Dream to improve the balance of work and personal life? Your goal can be "lack of work on a weekend. Never".

So, your desire has become clear. And here it begins the most difficult. Need to move to the negative.

Ottenna calls it a "mental opposition." You need leisurely think about those tricks that can stand on the way to achieve the goal.

And now something really interesting: some people come so, and their motivation is growing. At the same time, others are stuck with its fall.

Does this mean that the technique is less productive? No, it says that she is amazing. Why?

People who have not felt the lift understood that their current goal was unrealized.

Mind oppression not only motivates people. It also helps to realize what purpose it is really worth striving.

When people looked at difficulties and understood that they had all the chances to overcome them ("I want to get a promotion"), the motivation grew.

And those who estimated obstacles and came to the conclusion about the unrealistic goals ("I want to become Prime Minister of Australia by Thursday"), noted a decrease in motivation.

The second losing confidence and did not waste time. Therefore, the results for both groups used mental opposition were positive.

And this is not just a high-brace science, all this corresponds to an ancient wisdom. Stoics spoke about this thousand years ago.

... We assume that it can go wrong that it will be wrong, in advance before the start of activity. Too many ambitious undertakings failed at preventive reasons. Too many people do not have a spare plan, refusing to admit that something can go at all as they want. Today, this technique not only helps general Directors to make deals. She saves life.

Dan Koil, expert on special knowledge, says it is the necessary part of the preparation of American special forces to any dangerous mission:

... They spend a whole morning to check every potential error or emergency that can happen during the mission. Any possible puncture is undergoing a thorough examination, and the corresponding reaction is attached to it: if the helicopter makes a forced landing, we will do A. If we are not thrown at the right point, we will do B. If we are in the minority, we will do V.

You looked into the eyes of difficulties. It remained only one step to what you want ...

4) work out the plan

Mind oppression is so effectively, for it allows you to combine desires and reality. This is a stress test for the lustful goal.

Subsidations to their desires leads to understanding how to act in reality.

Verdict: Forget about Napoleon Hill and listen to the Bob-Builder. Yes, this guy.

Napoleon Hill Said: "Think positively." Tell yourself that they are capable of it. For example, "I will have a million dollars." This is again "secret."

AND Bob builder Nothing declares. He asks children: "Can we build it?"

The difference seems small, but the questions are very effective. They make you really evaluate the problem:

Those who approach the tasks from the position of the Bob-Builder, based on the internal dialogue on questions, exceed that use a more traditional encading declarative conversation with them.

Doubts create plans. And the plans help to be more productive, conquer stress and even become happier.

The study of the "implementation of the design" showed that it should be created small "if -" dependencies to work with tricks.

For example: "If I'm on a diet and offer me dessert, then I will agree only to a cup of coffee."

The study demonstrated that the method helps even defeated addiction to the addicts to stand up and return to work:

... eight out of ten dependent, which applied "implementation of designs", sent a summary. Of the ten drug addicts who did not work out the preliminary plan, did not make one.

So, we dealt with the four aspects of WOOP. Now we generalize everything above and start using in your life?

"I can think and dream of another life, to decide what I want to plan, how I will make decisions and this is to achieve this, but it is very difficult to follow these decisions to the victorious end. At some point, the decision gives a failure. I post it For later, tomorrow or another and find the reasons that make my unwillingness to do something today. As a result, unfinished cases are accumulated, and I understand that once again failed and starting everything from the beginning. I'm very tired of of this. "

Motivation is a keyword for solving this issue. The word "motivation" itself implies that there is some kind of motive or the reason why we should do it. We decide to do something because full of enthusiasm and inspiration. But every other day, a week or a month, enthusiasm goes out, and therefore we do not complete our plans.
In order to complete the planned plans and cases, we must maintain their enthusiasm and inspiration.
Regarding how to maintain its motivation, a lot is written. But the essence of these tips is reduced to the fact that it is necessary to have clearly set, defined and recorded goals. And if this is really your goal, then you will continue to do what is needed to achieve it with inspiration and enthusiasm.
There are quite a lot of ways to implement it.

None of the factors affecting our lives have such a big potential strength as our ability to dream.

Specific dreams are the projection of the life we \u200b\u200bwant to behave. Therefore, when we allow our dreams to "pull" us, then they release creative energy, which can overcome all obstacles to the achievement of our goals. But to free up this energy, our dreams must be clearly defined.
An unclear future has a small attractive force. To really realize your dreams to really plans for the future attracted you, your dreams must be clear and clear.

Before I ask you to perform some exercises, I would like you to understand why you should write them down. Our thoughts are very strong. They define what is happening in our lives and what it turns out. The ability to concentrate your thoughts is to write them down. Writing is effective activities.
With writing something you take commitment and at the same time consolidate your words in your subconscious.

And now I suggest you perform the following exercises.
Relax to give your thoughts to your thoughts, and answer the following three questions. Please do not estimate what you write below. Just write what comes to your mind. No conditions. No restrictions. Give your thoughts freely pour on paper.

If I had not dodder to work to secure myself, then what I wanted most to do, to do only exactly what I love?

If I were given a million dollars, not taxable, the fact that I would be the first to do with them? (Do not, please, please answer the "paid your accounts" or "would return my debts." Naturally, you would do it. Forget about simple survival. We are talking about big money. I would like you to go and think that And in reality, you would like most of all.)

If I found out that I had to live six months, what would I do in the remaining time of my life? (We are talking about six months of complete health. No diseases or pain.)
The essence of those dreams that were in your childhood and which you in this exercise openly outlined is an indication of that life you lead, and on that personality you want to be. The essence of those dreams are the key to your true goal of life.

Dreams are an amazing thing. But one dreams are not enough. It is not enough to have a magnificent picture of the desired result. To raise a wonderful structure, you must have a detailed drawing, which indicates how to put the foundation, build support structures, etc. And for this you need goals.

Like a clearly defined dream, clear certain goals act like magnets. They attract you to themselves.

To understand how important goals are, look at the vast majority of those people who do not have any goals at all. Instead of planning your life, these lost people simply exist. Every day of their life is struggling for survival, preferring existence instead of real value. Not surprisingly, Toro said: "Most people live quiet despair."

Why do you need to do this job? Because, making it, you will make the first steps to create the way of life that you always dreamed about. So let's start.

Step 1. On the "Blanco of wild ideas" let your imagination get roaring and do not need to keep it, so let you go to what a steppe, and you put everything you want to do what you do or have. Approximate time - one hour. Suggestive questions:

Step 3. Answer the next five questions, and the affirmative answer must be given:

1. Is this really my goal?
2. Is it moral and fair towards each interested?
3. Does it bring me an achievement of this purpose to my main goal in life?
4. Is I able to emotionally to devote myself to start the process of achieving this goal and finish it?
5. Do I see myself reached this purpose?
Step 4. After considering each next purpose, ask yourself:

1. Does me achieve this goal more happy, more healthy, more successful, will it give me more friends, more sincere peace will make it more reliably protected, will my relationships in the family improve it?
2. And the most important thing: will the achievement of this goal contribute to a more balanced success in life?
Step 5. Share the remaining goals into three categories: short-term (less than one month); intermediate (from one month to one year); Long-term (year and more).

Below, I suggest you to answer questions that will help you avoid mistakes in the formulation of goals.

1. Do you specifically specifically all these benefits as targets and recorded them on paper?
2. Did the benefits and benefits that you get?
3. Were obstacles that need to be overcome to achieve these goals?
4. Do you have the necessary skills, skills and knowledge that need to achieve them?
5. Are you indicated those persons and organizations that you have to work with?
6. Are you developed a specific action plan?
7. Are you registered where possible, the final date?
Feel free to ask a question. Ask yourself whether you can lose and from what will have to abandon the process of achieving this goal, to cost the final result - its actual achievement. As an example, after you have reduced your list of goals to those positions, which is definitely achieving
going to work, ask yourself questions:
Do me how to achieve this goal more happy, or will it give me only temporary pleasure?
Do me make reaches this goal more healthy?
Will I become as a result of achieving this goal more prosperous?
Will I achieve this goal of more reliable security? Will the achievement of this purpose improve my family relationships? Will I achieve this goal to get new friends?
Will I achieve this goal of peace of mind?
Finally, will I provide the achievement of the specified goal of a reasonable hope for the best future? "

You see that what you want is a powerful motivator only if this is worth this reason. You may find that some goals that you once considered important, no longer you just because you are not able to find a fairly thorough reason to strive for this. It's good.

The need for such a justification makes you reflect, clarify and revise your goals. It helps you plan your future.


Our growth is determined by two types of experience: the joy of victory and the pain of loss. And if you yourself aimed at the completion of any project, and instead you are afraid of the time, then find ways to compensate the losses because of your tape. We are responsible for both positive and negative behavior.

In addition, surround yourself by people who do not want to put up with your usual nonsense. Do not join a convenient company. Go to where expectations are great, where the need is the need for accomplishment. It is also part of your general strategy Achievements of wealth and happiness.

Why most people will not put their goals.

Because it is a job that requires a lot of time and reflection. Paradoxically, that when many people who persistently happen from day day at work, which they often do not like, asking to find time and plan their own future, they answer "I don't have time." They admit that their future will remain uncertain.

I know most people will not make clear plans, but you should not become part of this majority. You should not walk, crosant fingers, with a restless expression of the face in the hope that things will go better.

Regardless of whether you are aware or not, but you are right now one of the players in the game of life. And believe me if you have no goals you have to achieve, you will never play an exciting game. No one pays good money to watch the game in which no one leads in the account.

If you recorded your goals, it means that you have committed further growth, this means that your intentions are serious. Hope, not reinforced with clear planning, can actually cause you suffering. As stated in the Bible, "the old unfulfilled hope forces the soul."

So, become serious. Write your goals on paper. Your life will definitely change!

Motivation plays a huge role in achieving success on any field. Often it is prerequisite To obtain the desired result, it is expressed on a certain emotional lift that can stimulate a person to commit some kind of action.

How to form better motivation to success to become confident and successful in business and personal relationships? All psychologists are told in one voice - to start with themselves, changing the life stereotypes and tune in positive thinking.

Attitude towards yourself and to your life - the basis of achieving success

The truth is clear how the ship will call - so he will swim away. So, you need to stop complaining to your negative sides, noticing only negative qualities. Such complaints provoke the spread of destructive energy, take away vitality and lead to emptying.

To form a super motivation for success necessary:

  • stop to criticize yourself, but learn to love and proudly accept what is;
  • adequately react to what is happening, to make the right conclusions;
  • learn to make both short-term and long-term plans, track their achievement;
  • adopt the best from successful people, to be among them, imitate them and not lose hope for a successful future;
  • to engage in self-development, improve yourself, getting rid of fear and misunderstanding this world, comprehensively study.

A good motivational lever is to change a personal attitude to life, positively think and use the power of the word to improve the mood, visualizing the upcoming events, to prove useful affirmations every day ("Today is a wonderful day", "I will fulfill everything conceived", "Today I will become better than yesterday").

In each business, as in personal relationship, you need to be able to correctly set goals, work on them, strengthen and maximizely implement, using the rules of motivation for success in business and life.

Motivating methods for activating the energy of the universe for success

  1. You do not need to compare yourself with another person who has achieved more than yours, has become more successful and more confident in himself. Such parallels kill motivation, lead to disappointment and emptying. It is important to focus on personal results, analyze what you have, make the right conclusions and choose new way To maximize the achievement of conceived.
  2. All complex tasks need to be studied to perform in the first half of the day, or at that time when you have maximum strength and energy. It improves self-confidence, frees time for everyday work. The greatest productivity of the human brain falls for a while - from 9 am to 15.00. On the evening clock, it is better to take less global tasks, and it is best to rest at all, and not overload yourself to tomorrow.
  3. One of the right methods to improve the motivation to success is to manage dreams and goals, because not always, what we want is to benefit. And therefore, you need to properly set the goals, so that they were the average degree of difficulty, because the brain does not produce too overestimated needs, and therefore all work, ultimately, simply fails to "0".
  4. The best motivation for success in life is a targeted representation of the final result today. What do you see who is aware of yourself in the future, what tasks put in front of me and what emotions do you feel? It is important to most realistically submit yourself to the director of the company (if this is your goal), a successful blogger, a copywriter with a huge client base, owner of Yutub channel and so on.
  5. Any business needs creative and emotional "feeding", and therefore you need to invent new business ideas, follow the latest innovations in the world, take into account the opinion of people, look for new opportunities for the development of success for every day, to undergo regular training and move only forward To meet the dream.

Habits on the way to success - development of motivation

To become successful, it is important to follow certain rules that will make life better, health - stronger, and business is prosperous. All successful people It is claimed that it is necessary to wake up before sunrise, to do the morning jog, breakfast vegetable food, fill the body with energy to perform the planned affairs.

The morning coffee break is best to start with useful affirmations that will become excellent motivators on the way to success. Looking in the mirror you need to vote famous quotes: "I am successful / wing, ready / in to perform the planned affairs, happy / ha and confident / th in yourself!"

The best motivation for success is to study, reading books that will enrich your world, provide necessary informationwhich will help further quickly adopt experience and more efficiently carry out the tasks.

Business, like any other matter or personal relationship - does not tolerate fuss, confusion, panic. Such a state can lead to destruction, depression, fear, worsening of well-being and so on.

It is important not to give up if the first time will be pursued by the failures who do not stumble, it does not know the true happiness from the result obtained. Professor Edison, before invented an eclectic light bulb, suffered 10,000 failures.

Yes, in each case there may be difficulties, our business - to find the strength in yourself and overcome them, find moral and material independence, to gain proper motivation Success and fear of failure.

It is important to have the courage in order to take responsibility for your future and the well-being of the family, find the strength to choose effective motivation Achievement and enjoy the result obtained.

Motivational ways to help change life

If there is not enough motivation for success, then it is necessary to revise the established stereotypes of representing yourself and its mission in life. What do you want most of all - power, money, health, family well-being or everything and immediately ...

You need to be afraid of both the negative power of thought and the lack of the motivational block, when you cannot firmly stand on your feet and perform the intended goals, and we have a "on the shoulders" of the other and demand an overestimated remuneration.

Losers think to become successful - you need to work more. And successful personalities - the more free time I have, the more strength to achieve the desired result.

The future millionaire looks at his dream and merges himself with her, puts goals and is reincarnated as much as possible to achieve the intended result. And the middle man thinks first if he can do it, and only then puts the goal. That is the striking difference of thinking on the initial path of personality.

Instead, the word "must" better use "decided", such words do not allow you to go beyond the scope of voluntary restriction, lead to revitalizing actions and change itself inside.

Effective quotes

The best way to motivate as a path to dizzying success is to become free in choosing yourself and your life. If you said "I want" and felt a tide of strength - you mean on the right track.

It is important to obey your voice, never be afraid to do what you can't know how, every day you need to do what I did not do yesterday and then the success will surely come. Many information rollers as a means to achieve the result motivate success, become excellent motivators in a difficult moment, learn to be strong and successful.

Each training includes motivational quotes that are able to turn the soul rest, and send the energy to the right path. Here is some of them:

  1. Motivation lasts long, and therefore you need to take care of her daily.
  2. You need to believe in success and halfway will be passed.
  3. Is there a passing wind in your sail? No, then take it for the oars.
  4. One victory does not lead to success.
  5. Sometimes not to get the desired - great luck.
  6. If you can imagine it, then you can achieve it.

Be able to motivate yourself at a certain point - the skills of millionaires, they know exactly what they want, what consequences will expect them and what to do to move forward, gaining strength and confidence.

It is important to undergo training, to diagnose the results obtained, look for its ways to be strong, purposeful and financially prosperous. Trust yourself and your inner instincts, learn to measure personal action progress, be wise and successful.

Do you have enough motivation to achieve success and avoid failure? What motivators do you choose, are satisfied with a personal result? Answer yourself to these questions and start life with pure sheet, correctly motivating yourself for success and financial well-being.


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