How do binary clock work? Binary clock: how to configure and how to use

Binary watches still remain a very original accessory. With it, you can surprise your friends, become noticeable to others. However, in order to determine the time on this watch, it turns out a snag. Make it is not as simple as in the case of electronic or mechanical analogues, but for what then wearing binary clock, if you do not know how to use them? In fact, everything is not so difficult, as it seems. It is enough just to explore two ways to determine time.

First method

First, just take a look at the front side of the clock. Their display is characterized by the presence of three columns, each of which has two rows of LEDs. Accordingly, the first column is reserved under the clock, and the second is under minutes. The third indicates for seconds. The first row of lights shows tens, second - units. Each row has from two to four LEDs. The essence of binary hours is to demonstrate the degree of deuce. Thus, the lowest LED shows 2 to the degree 0, which can be taken per unit. The second shows 2 to the degree 1 \u003d 2, the third - 2 to the degree 2 \u003d four. They guessed that she shows the fourth light? Right! Two-degree twice, which is eight.

Watch Spidometr.

Thus, if one light caught fire on your binary clocks in the first row, then at the moment you can safely say that this unit. If none of the lights are lit in the next row, then the clock shows you zero. As a result, we make a simple conclusion that at the moment the clock is shown to us ten hours. Similarly, you can define minutes and seconds. But remember that another feature of binary clock is to display time in day mode, that is, they can demonstrate 15, 16, 17, etc. In this regard, they are similar to the electronic clock.

Now we will analyze the situation when several lights are lit in one column. Suppose you see that in the column in which the minutes are shown, two lights are burning at the same time. The lowest light can be taken per unit, and the one that above it is for a twice. Fold two values \u200b\u200band turn out three. In the second column (as in the case of the rest) there are two columns. A feature of the second column is the fact that values \u200b\u200bdouble. That is, first there is a unit, then a twice, then four. All because binary watches operate the degree of twos. As a result, if three lights are lit in the second column of the second column, it can be said that they reflect the seven (1 + 2 + 4) digit.
We recommend not to rush with the definition of seconds, because in everyday life we \u200b\u200bare not so often needed to follow them. You will learn to define seconds when the binary clock will become the same as simple as a mechanical and electronic time definition.

Intercrew ODM clock

Deciphering indicators for binary regime

Binary clock with binary mode is an order of magnitude harder in decoding indicators. There are only two rows in them, the first of which represents the clock, and the second one. By and large, you only need to fold the values \u200b\u200bthat show the "dial". For example, if the clock is displayed two and a unit in the top row, then it is now three hours. Accordingly, if you see a unit in the bottom row, eight and sixteen, then folding them, get twenty-five.

By practicing you can just a week to learn how to determine the time by binary o'clock, which will allow you to show your originality and surprise friends. Just be careful and do not hurry to call the time right away. It will only give you confidence.

Speedometer clock settings

How to set up touchscreen

The unique model of modern wrist sensing hours. While you touches the touch screen with your finger - the clock will demonstrate the time with blue LEDs and bright white. These are not binary clock - time on wrist sensory clock is displayed as on a standard dial.

The main remarkable difference is that the touch clock does not have arrows, and inform about the time with LED glow.

Overview of wrist sensory LED watches

The dial of wrist sensory clock is decorated very unique. On the dial depicted the silhouette of the crown of the tree, which divides it in half. On the one hand, Roman numbers are depicted in the style of ancient clock, and on the other texture of the cortex of the brain.

Such an execution of wrist sensory hours attracts the eyes of others.

Touch clocks own the LEDs of white and light blue color of the glow. When turned on, the LEDs alternately light up, forming catchy and intensive animation. Variants of such vapor animations (about 8), and they change with each inclusion.

The housing of the watches is made of stainless steel and has a lacquered coating. The surface of the housing

sensory clock is very smooth.

How to set up wrist touch clock

Customize wrist sensor clock easy enough. To enable the setup mode, it is necessary to push the clock sensor and not to release while the LED informing about the hour does not flip more often (approximately 3 times per second). To transform current hour you need to press the sensor.

One press \u003d one hour. At the end of how the desired hour is installed - again, push the sensor again and do not let go of the finger until the LEDs inform about minutes. For transformation min. Press the sensor. One press \u003d one 60 seconds.

At the end of how 60 seconds are configured - wait for the clock LEDs to go out and the settings will be saved.

Characteristics of wrist sensory LED watches:

Color: Silver and Dark

Screen: 60 LEDs

Turning on: Pressing on the screen;

Display: clock + 60 seconds;

Weight touch clock - 60 g

Large wrist size - 23 cm.

Case material - steel with lacquered coating;


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Learn to read from the indicator of binary clock readings (if you already know how to do it, skip this step). Each subsequent discharge of a binary number has a "weight" twice as much more than the previous, for example, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. If the bits are arranged horizontally, the youngest of them will be on the right, and if vertically - at the bottom. To translate a binary number to decimal, sufficiently fold the values \u200b\u200bof the discharges among themselves. For example, the number 101011 is: 32 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 \u003d 43. Some binary hours, the display is not binary, but a binary-decimal. This is that the number in them first is divided into decimal numbers, and then into binary code of them separately. The same number 43 in the binary-decimal system will be recorded as follows: 0100 (0 + 4 + 0 + 0 \u003d 4) 0011 (0 + 0 + 2 + 1 \u003d 3).

The exact order of installation at binary current time depends on their model. All of them is impossible to cover in the framework of one article. Most often, the instrument has two buttons designated as SELECT and SET. The first one is designed to select (hours, minutes or seconds), and the second is for installation. Press the SELECT button, and the clock readings will flash. Set the SET key to display the testimony that will be cyclically changing from 0 to 12 or 24 at each time, and then reset again. When holding the register button, it will increase automatically. The speed of this process depends on the clock model. When the readings will approach the desired, release the button, and then install them with exactly short sequential presses.

Now press the SELECT button again. Now blink will begin to testify minutes. The difference here is only that they are changing from 0 to 59. By setting minutes, press SELECT again. Watches that are not able to indicate seconds will come out of the installation mode, and having such a function - will switch to the installation mode of seconds. Hearing the exact time signal on the radio, press SET, and the tests of seconds are reset. If they have prior to that exceed 31 seconds inclusive, at the same time the number in the meter will increase by one. Now return the clock to the operating mode by repeatedly pressing the SELECT button. Perhaps before this will also have to set the number and month in the same way, but it is unlikely, since in binary clock it is less common than in decimal.

It is much more convenient if instead of one SELECT button have two, next to which arrows are depicted in different directions. The arrow button pointing up or to the right is valid similar to the SET key. The same of them, the arrow on which is directed down or left, use to reduce the readings if you accidentally missed the necessary, or if so before the desired number you can get faster.

Desktop binary watches sometimes have the same logic of the work as the desktop decimal. To install them, press and hold the SET button. Then by the Hour button, set the clock counter readings, and the MINUTE button counter minutes. Only then release the SET key. Using the Alarm key instead, you can set the alarm time. To turn it on and disconnect it, use the Alarm ON / OFF switch.

Binary clocks, also called binary, are popular among information technology professionals. With this accessory, they emphasize their belonging to the profession of a programmer, a system administrator, a web designer. Similar to another clock without external synchronization, binary needs periodic configuration.


Learn to read from the indicator of binary clock readings (if you already know how to do it, skip this step). Each subsequent discharge of a binary number has a "weight" twice as much more than the previous, for example, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. If the bits are arranged horizontally, the youngest of them will be on the right, and if vertically - at the bottom. To translate a binary number to decimal, sufficiently fold the values \u200b\u200bof the discharges among themselves. For example, the number 101011 is decrypted: 32 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 1 \u003d 43. Some binary hours, the display is not binary, but a binary-decimal. This means that the number in them is first divided into decimal numbers, and then each of them is translated into binary code separately. The same number 43 in the binary-decimal system will be recorded as follows: 0100 (0 + 4 + 0 + 0 \u003d 4) 0011 (0 + 0 + 2 + 1 \u003d 3).

The exact order of installation on binary hours of the current time depends on their model. All of their varieties are impossible to cover within the framework of one article. Most often, the instrument has two buttons designated as SELECT and SET. The first of them is designed to select values \u200b\u200b(hours, minutes or seconds), and the second is to install their value. Press the SELECT button, and the clock readings will flash. Set the SET key to display the testimony that will be cyclically changing from 0 to 12 or 24 at each time, and then reset again. When you hold the button, the value of the register will increase automatically. The speed of this process depends on the clock model. When the readings will approach the desired, release the button, and then install them with exactly short sequential presses.

Now press the SELECT button again. Now blink will begin to testify minutes. The difference here is only that they are changing from 0 to 59. By setting minutes, press SELECT again. Watches that are not able to indicate seconds will come out of the installation mode, and having such a function - will switch to the installation mode of seconds. Hearing the exact time signal on the radio, press SET, and the tests of seconds are reset. If they have prior to that exceed 31 seconds inclusive, at the same time the number in the meter will increase by one. Now return the clock to the operating mode by repeatedly pressing the SELECT button. Perhaps before this will also have to put the same number and month, but it is unlikely, since the calendar in binary clock is less common than in decimal.

It is much more convenient if instead of one SELECT button have two, next to which arrows are depicted in different directions. The arrow button pointing up or to the right is valid similar to the SET key. The same of them, the arrow on which is directed down or left, use to reduce the readings if you accidentally missed the necessary, or if so before the desired number you can get faster.

Desktop binary watches sometimes have the same logic of the work as the desktop decimal. To install them, press and hold the SET button. Then by the Hour button, set the clock counter readings, and the MINUTE button counter minutes. Only then release the SET key. Using the Alarm key instead, you can set the alarm time. To turn it on and disconnect it, use the Alarm ON / OFF switch.

Tip 2: how to use binary clock and where to buy them

Binary clock - a new-fashioned device, although a little incomprehensible. They have no arrows, no dial, but many beautifully blinking light bulbs, as in films about cosmic adventures. Difficulty is only to recognize on these LEDs, how long is it. But it is still possible to find in them the definite logic. Every hour has its own coding system. On the example of the most popular of them, you can learn to the wisdom and other models.

As for the purchase of such hours, you can buy them both in ordinary stores and order on the manufacturer's website, which can do it even cheaper. However, remember that the clock is open. This affects the price. For example, Japanese or German models will cost you 5-8 thousand, and Chinese analogs can cost 300 rubles. But the quality of them is appropriate.

The Tokyoflash Kisai Broke watch on the outer circumference of the lights shows the clock, in the inner minute (one point \u003d 5 minutes). Line in the center - minutes to add to moments in the inner circle.

Tokyoflash Nekura SCRAMBLE watch has 12 diodes on the sides, 11 - in the middle (as well as in Kisai Broke is five minutes), and 4 "extra minutes" from above.

The One Samui Moon Binary to understand that during the time now, you need to fold the numbers that burn on the panel.

Model Tokyoflash Kisai Light Speed. Two tracks on the right - this is a clock, and on the left - minutes. But on the dial there is also a diamond: +1 and +2 minutes.

As a rule, binary hours follow these principles of time reading. The main thing is to travelers and get used to.

ATTENTION, only today!

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The idea of \u200b\u200busing the binary system for the presentation of time appeared with the occurrence of computing machines on electronic. Separate copies of homemade binary watches were often created by electronics lovers. However, binary watches were rarely used due to the lack of factory production and greater weight.

In 2008, the British company Anelace for the first time released binary wristwatches with the LED screen. This event found a rapid response among young people. Today, binary watches produce not only manufacturers of computer equipment, but also jewelry factories.

How to choose

There are models of binary clocks with a different number of "dials". On some you can replace the diode backlight. Binary watches can be divided into two large categories: with a backlit group and a key burning indicator. In the first you have to summarize the degrees of two, in the second - to translate binary number to decimal. The first way is preferable for people who want to attract attention, the second - programmers and people who wish to learn the time as soon as possible. For ease of use, you can buy binary clock with signed diodes (1, 2, 4, 8, etc.).

Where can one buy

Online stores have many favorable binary watch applications. At specialized trading services, you can choose exclusive models from different materials. Trading service EBay is the busiest e-commerce site in the world. On the Ebay website, the "Accessories" section presents thousands of options for binary watches. For their payment, PayPal electronic currency will be required.

How to use

To use binary hours in everyday life, it is necessary to quickly translate numbers and fold them with each other. Read the instructions for your clock, check what a number of diodes is responsible for the clock, which is per minute. If there are no instructions, try it to determine this experimentally - the minute scales will change rather than the clock. The total time consists of readings of the clock and minute scale. Suppose the first and fifth diode on the watch scraper is lit, and the minute is the third and fourth. It is that on the watchcase is displayed 2 to zero degree and 2 in the fourth, that is, 1 + 16 \u003d 17 hours. The amount of minutes: 2 in square plus 2 in Cuba: 12 minutes. Thus, the binary clock is shown 17:12.

The advantages of binary watch

Binary watches have a positive effect on mathematical abilities - after all, every time you need to know the time, you will have to perform simple arithmetic action. They also contribute to the development of programmer abilities - after all, the task of coding binary numbers fully refers to.

They attract attention, many people will admire your "arithmetic abilities." In addition, binary watches represent the design, carry a technological "style of the future". Wall-mounted (desktop) binary hours are capable of becoming part of your interior.


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